• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 10: Having To Face Your Problems

Cozy looked over to the human girl and back to the gang, asking what was happening.

"This human version of Trixie said that Dr. Wonder sensed something powerful in between the multiverse, and when they checked it, they encountered this human with the hole in her chest. She knows Braver and her sister, saying she's searching for them. Then Dr. Wonder was..." AJ looked at Dr. Amazement with sadness, "eaten by a rainbow slime."

Cozy froze when she heard that, making everyone notice the reaction.

"You know who or what this is, don't you?" asked AJ.

Cozy turned away and said no, but Fluttershy spoke: "Discord told me, Cozy before he left years ago. You found out something about Braver, and you asked him to help you. He didn't tell me the rest, so what happened? What's going on? Why did you react to hearing about the rainbow slime?"

Cozy sighs, not believing she would admit this: "I was spying on Twilight two years ago and saw her and Dash talking about something."

Two years ago

Cozy snuck into the castle, wearing a black sneaking suit.

"Ok, I'm in the castle; where are you?" thought Cozy, wandering around the halls and using her invisibility until she found Braver walking out of her room and heading off somewhere, allowing Cozy to enter the room and start to search the room until she found what she was looking for. A magazine and smirking, seeing something circled. A figure set of an anime character.
"Yes! I found her birthday gift! Even Dawn doesn't know about this. Blockhead is a weeb but hides it from everyone." squealed Cozy, putting the magazine back and exiting the room, heading out of the castle by running down the hall, but she stopped as Braver came out of her parent's room. She walked by Cozy but stopped, sensing someone was there.

"Hello?" asked Braver.

Cozy held her breath, hoping not to be caught.

Braver shook her head, thinking it was her imagination, and walked off.

Cozy was about to run off, but she heard Twilight and Dash talking.
"Oh boy, she wasn't being subtle in asking for what she wanted for her birthday gift," commented Twilight, returning to reading her book.

"It's Braver. She's a bit on the dum-dum side and is a bit air-headed," laughed Dash, stretching and getting ready for bed.

Twilight laughed a bit and closed her book. "She's getting older, and we still don't know what kind of slime creature she is. Other than Prime Discord telling us she's a "Chaos" slime, I wonder what he meant by that. I couldn't find anything related to that. Not even in Star Swirl's journals."

Dash walked over to the door and closed it. She said, "Maybe we should ask our Discord?"

"I doubt he would tell us. He seems to be enjoying the fact that we have no clue about our child," said Twilight, annoyed by that.
Dash laughed as she shut the door entirely. She was leaving Cozy alone, smiling.

"This is a better gift than getting her that anime figure! I can find Braver's real family!" squealed Cozy in her thoughts, happy about her discovery, running down the hall and jumping out of the window.

(The next day, I headed here, looking for Discord, and I thought he wouldn't tell me, but...)

A map was tossed into Cozy's face, and she looked up, seeing a grinning Discord. "What's that for?"

"You want to know where you can find Braver parents, don't you?" Discord asked, making a chair appear and sitting down.
Cozy's eyes went wide, and she took the map and opened it. Seeing the map of Equestria and seeing every spot circled red made Cozy slowly look up, pissed off.

"Did you just make a map and circle everything just to prank me!?" growled Cozy, wanting to hit Discord.

"What!? Me? Prank? I would never!" laughed Discord, turning the map into a banana moon pie and eating it.

Cozy sighed and sat down. "I'm never going to get anything out of you, am I?"

Discord shrugged. "You have no idea."

"But you have some clue, don't you?" asked Cozy.

Discord smiled and said, "You are one smart cookie; I'll give you that. Yes, I know who she is."

"Tell me!" demanded Cozy, looking up at Discord, whose grin turned dark as he leaned in.

"You want to know? Are you sure? You might learn something about her." Cozy could tell Discord was not acting stupid, as he was giving off evil vibes. "Something that might change your point of view on her."
Cozy didn't let his vibes scare her and nodded, making Discord smirk and summoning a history of Equestria and a real map.

"Ok, I'll tell you."

back in the present

Cozy took out that same book and opened it.

"For some odd reason, all copies of this version of the book have been destroyed or outright lost. This book talks about the Chaos Wars."

"I never heard of that war," said Fluttershy. "Discord fought with Cosmos but never talked about a war."

Cozy flipped a few pages and started to explain the war. "Long ago, even before the first Princess of Equestria ruled, a draconequus kingdom was peaceful with a slime race. They lived in peace until the king came to them, asking for help, as a powerful evil was threatening his kingdom, creating a coup against him, and seeking help from them. Using their powerful magic, the slime invaded the kingdom but learned that the king lied about the evil but not the coup, as they learned that the king was the evil one and knew about a coup against him. Using a powerful magical item within his kingdom, he cursed the slime to lose control of their magic and become mad, becoming chaos slimes. The king sent them out, attacking other kingdoms. It wasn't long before some slimes returned from their madness and, with a few kingdoms, went to war against the evil king. The war was so great that the Draconequus kingdom was wiped away from the land. The remaining chaos slime went underground, not trusting anyone again. As the years went by, the world changed, and soon, the slime, the kingdom, and the war were forgotten, leaving only the book behind. This is the only history of the Chaos Slime. The history of the Braver race...but also Discord; ever wonder why there aren't any other "draconequus" around?"

Everyone looked shocked at the information but wondered why he never told them that.

"I asked him too, but he never answered me. We arrived at the location..."

Back in the past

Discord and Cozy step in front of a giant rock slide mountainside.

"This is where they are," said Discord, making the rocks fall, revealing a giant cave. "Last chance to turn back. I don't have time for this since I'm busy doing something else." Cozy was not backing down. "Good, follow me."

They entered the cave, and it wasn't long before they found the ruins of an underground city entire of old houses.

"Welcome to the last of the Chaos Slime cities. You won't find anyone here, so don't bother. They are all long dead." Discord snapped his finger, created a lawn chair, and sat down.

"...what? Why?"

Discord sighed, took out a popcorn box, and explained, "They went insane from their magic because of the king's curse on them. It's why they sealed themselves away from the world. Protecting the world from themselves. The last one was alive nine years ago, but Braver killed her."

Cozy grew angry, smacking the popcorn out of Discord's hands and yelling at him, "Don't you dare start lying and saying awful things about her! I know you don't like her, but saying she...' hurt' someone!?"

Discord sighs, getting the popcorn off of himself and tossing it into his mouth off-screen, standing up. "I'm telling the truth. She came to me, asking for the whereabouts of her race. Her race gives birth by passing on their memories to their child, and she was having visions of this place. I brought her here." explained Discord, snapping his fingers and recreating the past, showing Filly Braver walking with Discord and meeting a black slime creature near a broken fountain.

"Mom?" said Braver, crying and smiling.

Cozy didn't understand as the slime attacked Braver and turned into a warp-looking rainbow slime creature.

"See, she was the last surviving chaos slime and went mad years ago. Braver tried to make her return to her senses, but it was pointless. She was too far gone to be saved. So, she had to do something she swore she wouldn't do again."

The memory showed Braver becoming the same black slime creature and crying rainbow tears as she had to destroy this universal version of her mother by scattering her with one punch and stomping on the remains as her mother tried to reform. Cozy was shocked. As she watched this, she could see Braver smiling evilly as she kept repeating "BREAK."

"Braver?" asked Cozy softly.

"Yeah, Braver did that. She's a killer, after all. I don't blame her since it was her only way to end her suffering." said Discord, turning the memory off with a switch on the wall and sitting back down on his lawn chair, watching Cozy, who was trying to understand why, so Discord explained Braver's past, her being from another universe, becoming a weapon and clone of that universe Dash and Twilight, killing them and destroying her universe. "She's a monster, a being that should have died that day, but because of that Prime Fool, Twilight, Dash, and their other universe versions of themselves, she lived and became a living anomaly. You know why I hate her?"

Cozy looked over, wondering why, and Discord answered.

"She has changed this universe's timeline. See, in this universe, her mother was meant to be found by an evil alicorn cast out of Skyros and unleashed on the Equestria, creating a world-ending event and allowing this evil alicorn to steal all magic in the world. Twilight was meant to try to stop it, but she failed like in every other universe, leading to Twilight removing the magic from the whole world and even herself, feeling the guilt of failing everyone. But that wouldn't happen now; Sunny and the others wouldn't exist now. My future friends are gone. I'll be alone when Fluttershy dies. No one will come to me..."

"How did you know the timeline changed?" asked Cozy.

"Fate," answered Discord. "Everything is written in stone. Like how you three were meant to die."

That took me aback. Was she meant to die? She was meant "to die on that day?"

Discord laughed and got up, making the chair disappear, and he walked over to her, looking down at her. "Yes, that was your end in this universe because, like in every other universe and even in the prime universe, you and the others were never given a second chance. You weren't meant to have that chance. You are meant to be nothing but bad guys, being beaten by Twilight and the others. That's your fate!"

Cozy stepped away from Discord and felt sick hearing that.

"That's why I hate Braver. She changed the timeline and gave everyone a second chance by destroying Sunny's and others' lives and futures. So tell me, do you regret learning the truth? The cold, hard truth is that the creature you love is a monster. Learning your real fate? Tell me, Oh, 'Infinite Cozy'!" Discord asked, laughing crazy-like.

Cozy felt the world crumble and felt her heartache and mind in pain as she felt sick.

"Oh, it looks like she's having a panic attack, dear readers. It looks like it was too much for her to handle."
Discord started to walk away but stopped as Cozy answered him.

"No, I don't regret it! She's no monster! Not anymore! She's alive because nothing is truly written in stone! She gave me and the others a second chance in life, and I won't forget that! She made us move forward!" yelled Cozy, standing up and glaring at Discord. "She's my friend, and I'll believe in her till the end!"

Discord was impressed and smirked.
"I don't care what you think about her because I know the real Braver!" Discord turned around. "Breaker. What will you do when 'Breaker' returns? Ending this universe as well? Will you kill her? Will you run? Or will you stay by her side?" asked Discord, leaving Cozy with those questions.

"Discord, was that why you left?" thought Fluttershy, hearing all that.

Everyone was taking this in, unsure what to think or do, as Spike, Fluttershy, and AJ couldn't believe Twilight would seal away magic—not just the whole world but also her magic.

"She wouldn't, right?" asked Fluttershy softly.

"We don't know what would have happened, but knowing her, she'll find a way to return it to the world. It's Twilight; she wouldn't give up that easy," said Spike.

"It's still shocking, though. Twilight sealing all magic because she failed to stop this evil Alicorn?" said AJ, taking her hat and looking at it.

"Yeah, but it was for the greater good. I'm sure Twilight would have done it if there wasn't another way," replied Fluttershy, tapping AJ's shoulder. "Right?"

AJ put back on her hat and looked over at her friends. "I don't know, but we're going to put a pin on this for now and stay focused on the main reason we're here." AJ turned to Cozy, picking up the bark image. "So, in one universe, this version of Dawn found a chaos slime, a version of Braver's mom, and used it for evil. Not surprising."

Cozy raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

AJ looked at her and said, "Cozy...Tempest is missing. After I warned her that I had a bad feeling about Dawn. I returned to her home last night, and a heavy sense of magic was used in the area as someone attacked her. Spike also told me Tirek is missing. I thi-" AJ was cut off as Cozy asked her one question.

"What kind of feeling?"

AJ looked away, thinking and answering, " Something was off about her. Like-"

"Like the way she looks and only cares about Braver? She has an obsession with her. I know." quickly said Cozy, looking down. "I know something was wrong with her when I first met her, but..." Cozy looked back at AJ and the others. "Braver asked us to be her friends with her, as Braver, being a blockhead, doesn't see that obsession but sees a lonely girl. We tried to share our friendship with her, but she didn't want it. We could sense there was something wrong with her."

AJ didn't know what to say, so Fluttershy spoke up. "We believe both Dawns are working together and up to something to do with your friends. That's why we called you here—to warn you. We tried to warn Chrysalis, but she's hard to find when she doesn't have a home and is always moving. We're going to warn Luna next."

Cozy took the bark back and put it back in her saddle bag. "Thanks for telling me."

AJ looked at Spike and Fluttershy, who joined her in worrying about Cozy's reaction: "Are you okay? I know this is sudden, and you grew up with Dawn."

"Yeah, I'm fine, I guess. It's just..." Cozy was silent before continuing, "Braver is going to be heartbroken... I better tell her."

Everyone in the room shouted "NO!" causing Cozy to be surprised.

Spike walked over. "I'm sorry, but no, please. I know this is hard, but we have no proof; we only guess, have weird feelings, or see her act strange. You know how Braver is like Twilight; she feels friendship can solve any problem, even those that can't be solved with it. We have to prove that Dawn is not only working with this evil version of herself but also with her obsession with Braver. I know you are worried for Braver's safety, but this is for her sake. If we tell her now, it'll crush and go against her alone. She also acts like Dash..."

"Not to mention, Twilight won't believe us since this is her student, and knowing Dash, she'll be on her side," said AJ.

Fluttershy spoke up. "I have an idea, but it may not work. I'll have to try to find Discord. He talked about seeing the future because of fate, so he might know what's happening OR going to happen. If anyone knows anything, it's him."

"Yeah, that might work, thanks," replied AJ, turning back to Cozy. "I'm sorry, but for the sake of Braver and Twilight, we have to keep this a secret."

Cozy sighed and nodded, agreeing. She said she would warn Luna and Chrysalis, but AJ stopped her, telling her, "Look, Cozy, I'm having that same feeling again. This time..." She looked over at Fluttershy, nodding, and back to Cozy. "I'm not the only one having that feeling. Be safe, okay?"

Cozy blinked. "Yeah, I'll keep my eyes open." She turned and left the house.

AJ turned and looked at Spike. "Keep a close eye on Twilight. I'm going to get the others in on this. I feel things are about to get bad, and I believe the elements are warning us."

"You mean-"

"Yes, the elements are sensing something dangerous. I wonder why Twilight and Dash aren't having this feeling?"

Dr. Amazement heard all this as she looked back at everyone on the couch. She dug her head into the couch, thinking about what she should do.

Meanwhile, in the sky, Cozy is heading to Luna and Celestia's old castle in Everfree Forest, where the two moved back after retiring and letting Twilight take over.

"Dawn, I knew something was wrong with you, but I won't let you hurt Braver." Cozy eyes went red. "NEVER!"

Back in New Ponyville, Braver was groaning as her mom kept bothering her as Twilight stepped through the hole in the wall.

"Honey, please!" said Twilight as Twilah also walked in. Both used their magic to fill up the wall, facing an annoyed Braver.

"Mom, please stop, okay? I keep telling you! You are wrong about what is going on," said Braver, annoyed.

Twilight tapped her hooves and looked at Twilah, who nodded at her, making Twilight breathe in and look back at Braver, who was picking books off the chart and putting them back as she was going to open the library.
"Sweetie, you have to face reality and see that Dawn doesn't love you the same way you do," said Twilight, trying to sound gentle.

Braver sighed, turned around, and faced her mother, who looked concerned.
"Look, I know you are trying to be helpful, but you and I have been having this discussion repeatedly, and I'm getting annoyed with you repeating yourself. Dawn loves me, and I love her. End of discussion."

Twilight walked up to her and put her hoof on her chest, making her look up at her. "Braver, you're just not thinking clearly. You can't even see someone else love you, not giving them a chance."

"Who?" asked Braver.

Twilah walked over. "I can't believe you haven't noticed. It's right in front of you, all the time."

Braver looked between them, confused. "Okay, what's going on?"

Twilight and Twilah looked at each other, worried, and Twilight spoke, "Well, um, we don't know how you'll take this, but I believe it's for the best. Um, how do I put this?"


Twilight sighed. "Braver, Cozy loves you."

Twilight and Twilah watched as Braver was about to say something but quickly froze and thought about it, seeing her getting nervous and melting a bit.

"No, we're friends..." said Braver weakly, not believing her.

Twilight sat beside her, putting her arm around her and holding her close. "Sweetie, Cozy has been showing you that she loves you a lot. Remember how she acted when you were on top of her? There must have been other times she acted strangely when you two were alone, right? Like, how would she get flustered or even cling to you?"
Twilah joined in, sitting on the other side of her. "Twilight told me that you two are almost always together, hanging out, like you're inseparable, just like with Dawn. How you feel for Dawn is the same way she feels about you."

"I have known her forever; we're friends, we're not-" Twilight and Twilah gave her a look as Braver realized, "I..." Braver touches her chest as she remembers how Cozy will act around her when they're alone; deep down, she loves it. Her wings started to dance again, but she quickly ripped them off this time and pushed her mom and Twilah away, screaming at herself, "NO! WHY!?"

"Sweetie?" asked Twilight, seeing her daughter walking in a circle.

"No! No, no, no! Why?! Why!? Why?! Why?! Why!?" screamed Braver, her voice breaking.

Twilight and Twilah rushed over and hugged her, holding her.
"Honey, calm down!" shouted Twilight as Braver pushed them away and turned, crying, covering her face, and shaking her body.

"WHY!? Why tell me this, Mom!? I love Dawn, but...telling me Cozy loves me?" She turned to her with rainbow tears in her eyes. "My heart is beating when I remember how Cozy has been acting weird around me sometimes. I love her too! But I love Dawn, so why!? Why can't I only love her? Why tell me now?"

"Braver, I know it's hard and shocking for you, but you must stop lying to yourself. Dawn doesn't love you the way you love her," explained Twilight, walking closer to her daughter.

Braver shook her head. "No, no, no! STOP SAYING SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT! I BROKE MY HEART, OKAY!? She told me she loved me, but I didn't know she cared about me! HAPPY NOW!? I MESS UP OUR FRIENDSHIP AND BECAME WHAT I NEVER WANTED TO BE, HURTING OTHERS AGAIN!" she cried harder.

Twilight was lost for words. She was wrong about Dawn not loving her daughter and saw the truth in her daughter's words, as she was hurting.

"Why couldn't you believe me? Why? You don't trust me, Mom!?" cried Braver, shaking.

"Sweetie, I do."


Twilight's eyes widened, and she looked away, realizing what Sunset warned her about.
"Sweetie... I'm so sorry. You're right. I should have trusted you, and I'm sorry," said Twilight, tears in her eyes, feeling terrible.

Twilah covered her mouth, realizing she had caused this mess. She pushed Twilight to say something to her daughter, which ended up like this.

"I should have listened to Sunset; she's right," thought Twilah. "I need to fix this!" Twilah teleported away, leaving Twilight and Braver alone.

Outside the castle and its Buckball court, Dashie and Blitz were having a free-for-all match against each other.
Dashie dribbled the ball while dodging Dash's fast attack and Blitz's tail and dunking it into the basket.
"Yes, score another point for Dashie!" cheered Dashie, smiling and giving a thumbs up to herself.

"Score? You keep using your hands! When you are meant to use your feet, It's called Buckball for a reason. And how many times do I need to tell you not to use your hands?" stated Dash, glaring at Dashie.

"Well, excuse me, Miss, I know it all." teased Dashie, smiling and walking close to Dash. "Didn't we agree on a freestyle on this? Besides, this Buckball is just like basketball."

"Basketball, huh?" asked Dash, smiling and crossing her arms.

"Yeah, it's a game humans play," explained Dashie.

"Hmm, interesting. How do you play that? Maybe Twilight and I can try it out," interested Dash.

"Sure, it's fun; I can teach you." smiled Dashie, happy.

Blitz walked to the bench, picked up her towel, and wiped her sweat away. She enjoyed the sport while also hanging out with her mom and Dash. She stopped as she sensed something and saw her mom teleporting in front of her.
"Mom? What's up? Where's Twi and Braver? Did the session go well?" asked Blitz, tilting her head and walking close to her.

"Um yeah, I...I need your help," said Twilah, looking away.

"Help? With what?"

Dash and Dashie noticed her and walked over to her.

After Twilah explained everything, she could see all three faces palming.

"Twilah, what the heck!?" asked Dashie, not believing what her future wife did.

"Twilight!" shouted Dash, kicking the Buckyball as she couldn't believe what her wife did.

"Mom, I love you, but FUCK!" yelled Blitz, slamming her towel on the ground. "You shouldn't be butting into their lives and trying to fix something that isn't your business. You know better than this."

"Blitz, I know, and I'm sorry," apologized Twilah sadly.

"Look, Twilight and Braver can figure this out themselves. Don't get involved; leave them alone," explained Blitz.

"Alright..." said Twilah.

"But what can we do to help them?" asked Dashie, worried.

"Nothing; there is nothing we can do, as it's their problem," quickly said Blitz.

Dash flew over to her and said, "Nah, we have to do something now, or Twilight will make it worse."

"I know, which is why we aren't going to do anything," stated Blitz.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" asked Dash, glaring at her.

"Means we won't do anything. You have to trust her to make things right. Not trusting someone is what led to this mess. We're not going to do anything, okay?" asked Blitz, seriously.

Dash crossed her arms in disagreement. "Sorry, kid, but I know my wife, and she will make things worse. We need to fix this. Right, Dashie and Twilah?" asked Dash, smiling.

Blitz could see her parents agreeing with Dash, which made her sigh loudly as she watched the grown-ups make a plan.

Twilight and Braver haven't moved from their spots, and Braver has finally calmed down. She was looking away from her mom, still mad at her. Twilight didn't know what to say and was upset with herself for doing something stupid and not listening to her daughter. She looked up and called out to her.
"Braver... I'm so sorry. I never should have done that. Please forgive me," Twilight apologized, walking over to her.


Twilight stopped and was upset that Braver hadn't even looked at her. She couldn't bear her daughter hating her.
"Braver, please, I'm sorry," cried Twilight, tears falling from her face.


"Braver, I love you; I always have and always will. I just wanted to be there for you because I keep failing you in doing that. I don't know what else to say or do,.." cried Twilight, but her daughter repeated nothing. "I'm a horrible mother; I know that. You can hate me, yell at me, or even slap me; don't ignore me. That hurts more than anything else in the world."

With a sad look, Braver finally turned to her and spoke, "Mom, I can't hate you. I love you too." She teleported behind her and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her.

Twilight couldn't believe it; her daughter wasn't mad at her. "You aren't mad?"

Braver hugged her tighter, making her cough. "No, I'm still mad as hell! But..." Braver's arm went soft, freeing Twilight from the tight grip. "I understand why you did it. You are always there for me and never gave up on me."

"So... can you forgive me?" asked Twilight, seeing her daughter let go and sit in front of her.

"Yes, but trust me from now on, okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

Before they could hug again, Twilah returned with the others.

"We came as fast as we could!" shouted Dash, landing next to her wife.

"Is everything okay?" asked Dashie, walking over with her family.

"Yes," said Twilight and Braver, but both were cut off as Dash put her hooves in their mouths.

"Braver, I know you're fighting with Mom, but to help you two get along again, how about we have a family day out to..." Dash pulled her hooves out of their mouths and put on sunglasses. "To the beach!"

Twilight and Braver's eyes widen.

"It's been a while, but..." Twilight turned to her daughter, worrying about the sunscreen problem.

"I'm okay with this, Mom; just get the right sunscreen, okay?" smiled Braver.

"Of course, sweetheart," nodded Twilight, smiling.

"Great! Beach, beach, beach, beach!" chanted Dash, flying in a circle.

Dashie, Blitz, and Twilah looked at each other, smiling.

Later in the day, Twilight teleported everyone to the beach near Fillydelphia, which had a sandy beach, clear waters, and a shining sun. Twilight summoned the changing rooms, allowing Blitz and her family to change while they set up beach chairs and umbrellas.

Dash could see Twilight and Braver talking and laughing, wondering if the trip was helping.
"Glad the two are getting along again. I knew a family trip to the beach would be the best," smiled Dash, watching them getting along.

Meanwhile, Blitz and the others step out of the stalls, wearing swimsuits.

"Man, when was the last time we were at a beach as a family?" asked Dashie, holding Twilah's hand while Blitz was ahead of them.

"It's been a few years, I believe," said Twilah, looking at her.
Dashie watched as Blitz hurried over to Braver, who was amazed by Blitz's swimsuit.

"What's wrong, my love?" asked Twilah.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just happy for Blitz and Braver. They are great sisters. I'm glad they could meet each other again, but..."

Twilah could see the frown on her face, knowing why she had it. This won't last, as they need to return home, and the twins won't be able to see each other again.

"How about this? I will talk to the girls, and we will try our best to make a portal for us to visit them, okay?" smiled Twilah, kissing her forehead.

Dashie held her hand tighter. "You shouldn't give them hope, Twilah. What if you can't? Then what? How do we tell them they can't visit or talk to each other anymore? It will break their hearts."

"Dashie, we will figure something out. I promise, no matter what."

Dashie's grip went soft. "I know you are the smartest person in our universe, even here. I'm lucky to have you."

Twilah leaned her forehead against hers, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment, but it was only a moment as Twilah stepped back and let go of her hand.

"I better hang out with Dash."

Dashie watched her walk away, hating how the stupid universe was trying to make them love their counterparts, and the only way to delay it was to hang out with each other. Dashie kept watching as she could see Dash talking to Twilah, becoming upset, and flying away with her.

"Well, let's do this then."

Dashie joined Twilight and their daughters as Twilight took out the sunscreen, but this time, the one that wouldn't hurt Braver.

"Here, honey, I ensured this one wouldn't hurt you. I can do your front if you like," said Twilight, holding out the bottle.

"Uh, can I do it myself, Mom? I'm a big girl now, you know?"

Twilight frowns a bit. "Oh, well, okay. Here honey. Make sure to cover everything, especially your horn."

"Okay, Mom."

Braver took the bottle and started rubbing it on her legs and arms. Dashie turned to Twi, still noticing her being upset. After Braver got the sunscreen on herself, she took her sister to the water. As they watched, Dashie finally asked her something that's been on her mind for a while.
"So, is she still upset you didn't trust her?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, she forgave me before you guys came. I need to start trusting in her more; she's not a little filly anymore. She's 16, not 6."

Dashie turned her body to Twilight and said, "So, that's the problem, huh?"

Twilight sighed, realizing Dashie had figured it out. "Yeah, it's not that I don't want her to grow up and become her own pony, but she's growing up so fast. It feels like she was learning to fly yesterday, and now she's flying far away from me."

Dashie turned back to their kids, watching Blitz get red as Braver kept pulling her swimsuit, as she didn't understand why she was wearing one. "I know. Blitz is growing up so fast. She's 16 as well, but unlike you guys, we only had her for five years. I wish we were older when all that stuff happened ten years ago. We would have had more time with her." Dashie faces Twilight, looking sad at her. "But that's life; we can't go back and change it, but we can still have time with our daughters, even though they are growing up and wanting to explore the world."

Twilight looked at Dashie, seeing the tears forming in her eyes. "Oh, Dash, you don't have to hold back. You can cry. I know I am."

"N-no. No crying. If I cry, the girls will start asking questions, and we can't have that."

Dashie turned her gaze away from her, wiping her eyes, but she felt Twi hugging her from behind. Dashie tensed up but soon relaxed as Twilight rested her head on her shoulder.

"Twilight, don't. Ponies and creatures—even our daughters might—"

"I don't care; let them watch. Dash, I want you to know that I love you and am glad we got married. I'm glad that we had a child together. Even though she isn't ours biologically, she is ours, and I wouldn't change a thing."

Dashie realized what was going on. She quickly tried to tell her to remember who she truly loved, but Twilight kissed her very softly. Dashie closed her eyes, allowing the kiss—the first kiss they had felt so good, but kissing again felt better. Dashie wanted more, but Twilight broke it as they heard their daughters calling out to them. They could see Braver was not fazed by what happened, but Blitz looked upset and hurt. That's when Twilight quickly realized what she did—touching her wedding necklace, repeating what Dashie asked her to do, and remembering Dash. Meanwhile, Dashie stood up, telling the girls she could explain, but Blitz ran off while Braver followed her. Dashie dropped back down, holding her head in her hands.

"Oh god, she thinks I cheated on Twilah! We have to tell them the truth now."

Twilight turned to her, still rubbing her necklace. "Dash-I mean, Dashie, calm down; everything will be alright. But yes, we should tell them now, or more misunderstandings will happen again."

Before they could stand up, someone with a dark blue head got between them, wearing sunglasses and their mane up in a ponytail. They both realized who it was as they yelled out, "Luna!?"

Luna removed her sunglasses, smirking, "Hello, old and new friends."

"What are you doing here? Are you here with Celestia!?" asked Twilight, looking for the former teacher but not seeing her anywhere.

Luna did a snort laugh as she forced her way to sit between the two, putting an arm around both of them, which is easy to do since Luna is a tall alicorn now. "My, my, you two seem tense; have something happened, or did I interrupt something?"

Twilight and Dashie turned red, making Luna smirk harder, and she put her glasses back on.

"Sis!?" shouted Braver, trying to catch up with Blitz, who was still running but wasn't as fast. "What's wrong!?"
Blitz stopped, panting and huffing. Braver came beside her, asking again, "Blitz, what's wrong?"

Blitz looked at her, and her eyes began to water up. "What's wrong!? WHAT'S WRONG!? WE SAW OUR MOMS KISSING!?"

"Yeah, so?"

Blitz looked dumbfounded at her sister. "So!?"

Braver tips her head. "Yeah, what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal!? Our moms are kissing, and you don't see a problem!?"


Blitz shook her head and walked back and forth, trying to understand, and finally stopping in front with her hands out, "WHY!?"

Braver held her hands with her hooves. "Because mom is still loving mom. Even if it's not the same Dash, it's still Dash. There's nothing wrong with that. It's still their love, no matter what."

Blitz pulled away, shaking her head, not understanding, and started pacing again. "How can you be so okay with this!? Don't you get it!? It's cheating! My mom isn't Dash!"

"But she is!"

Blitz stops in front of her. "NO, SHE ISN'T!"

"Yes, she is!" yelled Braver, getting annoyed.





Blitz pushed her: "Stop calling my parents your mom; they're my mothers, not yours!"

Braver looked hurt by that, which Blitz saw, but she turned away from her. "Go away, I hate you."

"You don't mean that, sis."

Blitz stomped her feet on the sand, turning back to her. "Yes, I do! LIKE HOW YOU BELIEVED MY REAL MOTHERS WERE YOUR MOMS! They didn't even know who you were! ONLY THE FAKES YOU CREATED LOVED YOU! NOT THE REAL ONES!"

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" screamed Braver, with rainbow tears.


Braver stomps her hoof in the sand, causing a powerful quake. "NO, IT'S NOT!"

Blitz was breathing hard, her face turning red, her heart pounding fast, and her vision going blurry because of tears as she faced away from her. She yelled, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! IF OUR PARENTS ARE TOGETHER, MY MOM IS CHEATING, AND YOUR DASH WILL BE HURT BY THIS! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT EVEN A PONY LIKE ME! GET LOST!"


Blitz was going to yell at her, but the words stuck in her throat. Her heart was beating fast and hard, and she could hear her blood pumping. She turned to her, shocking Braver, as she could see rainbow tears in her sister's eyes. She raised her hand and made a fist.

"...What!?" said Braver, as she could feel her cheek hurting as her little sister punched her, sending her flying away, with sand blasting across the beach. The powerful winds blew back ponies and creatures. Blitz cried hard, screaming in anger and sadness and holding her chest, feeling the pain on her cheek. She could feel her heart beating, and she quickly ran off, looking for her mom and Dash. She wanted to tell them what Twilight and Dashie had done.

Back with Dashie and Twilight, they took Luna somewhere private and explained what was happening.

"I see; two of the same person can't coexist in the same universe, or they will fuse as one. While this cure is being made, you four are trying to delay it by hanging with other lovers and remembering who you loved, correct?" asked Luna.

"Yep, that's about right," answered Twilight.

"And the girls saw you two making out, correct?" asked Luna again.

"They did, and I don't know how to explain this to Blitz," Dashie said, looking shameful.

Luna nodded her head and stood up. "I will talk and tell the girls to come here, and we can discuss this."

"Thank you," said Twilight, hugging her.

Before Luna could see anything, all three could see the beach blasted with a powerful gust of wind, blowing the sand and someone crashing into the open fields. All three could tell it was a pony, and Twilight's ears perked up.

They ran over to her, with Dashie and Twilight looking worried. Luna knew Braver was fine; she had seen her friend take the worst hits and always looked fine. But Luna became worried, seeing her friend look hurt as Dashie and Twi sat her up.

"Braver, are you okay? What happened?" asked Twilight in her motherly voice.

"Braver?" asked Dashie, also in a motherly voice.

Braver slowly got up, rubbing her cheek. She was hurt and sad. She turned to them, crying, "Blitz, hit me?"

Blitz was looking for her mom and Dash until she spotted them under a dock. She could see Dash showing off by scooping up calms with her tail, tossing them high in the air, and catching them.

"Tada, did you see that? Pretty awesome, Twilah? I'm the master at finding calms." Dash said in a cocky voice, pounding her chest.

"Yes, I did; you're the greatest and masterful at finding the biggest and perfect calms. You're amazing," Twilah replied, pretending to be impressed by her.

"Well, I am so cool and amazing!" laughed Dash, not hearing the sarcasm in Twilah's voice.

"Mom, mom!" cried Blitz, running over to them but freezing in shock, seeing Dash pushing Twilah against the wooden pillar of the dock and making out with her, holding her by her hips and lifting her, pressing their bodies together. Blitz was going to scream. She wanted to get angry and yell at her mom and Dash, calling them cheaters, but she could see someone next to her, making her jump. She recognized the white body and long white horn. "Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis didn't reply, watching the two with her arms crossed and not saying anything.
Blitz looked back, she could see them letting go and freaking out. She didn't understand what was going on.

"I sense forceful love here," said Chrysalis.

Blitz looked at her, then back at her mom and Dash. She shook her head, not understanding, and she tried to call out to her mom, but Chrysalis picked her up before she could, carrying her towards them. She struggled but couldn't break free.
"Chrysalis, put me down right now!" demanded Blitz, struggling.

"Hush now, loud child!" said Chrysalis, walking up to the two.

"Mom, mom!" called out Blitz, still struggling.

Dash and Twilah turned around, shocked to see Blitz and Chrysalis. Dash was confused about how Chrysalis was here, and Twilah wondered why she was holding Blitz.

Chrysalis set her down and faced the two, mad. "Who's forcing this 'love' on you? It's not real love, you two. This isn't your love; you know that, right?"

"Chrysalis, please don't."

"Don't what, Dash? You and Twilah aren't in love. It would help if you were stronger than this. Why are you allowing this to happen? Not only that." She turned to Twilah and said, "Your daughter here saw everything. So, you're okay with this cheating?"
Dash looked away, feeling shameful, and Twilah lowered her head.

Blitz was looking at the two, seeing their shameful looks. "Why? Why are you cheating?" Twilah tried to say something, but Blitz yelled, "SHUT UP! Why are all four of you acting like this? IS THIS SOME SICK KINK YOU GUYS HAVE OR SOMETHING!?"

"Calm down, loud child," said Chrysalis, putting her hoof on Blitz's shoulder.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" screamed Blitz, pushing Chrysalis's hoof away.

Twilah steps forward. "Blitz, we can explain."

"YOU TWO ARE CHEATING! YOU CAN'T EX-" Blitz was about to yell at her again, but something in her mind clicked, and she turned to Chrysalis. "Wait, force love?"

Chrysalis looked at her and said, "Yes, I could sense some weird magic coming from here, but it's nothing like I've ever seen. It's almost like it's coming from the universe or something." Chrysalis could see Blitz's face palming. "What's wrong?"

Blitz stepped back, thinking. She turned to the two with an understanding look. "We need to get back home, don't we?"
Twilah and Dash could see that Blitz knew what was happening and nodded—making her sigh.

"Care to explain?" asked Chrysalis, confused about what was happening.

"She hit me!?" shouted Braver, in anger and shaking the dirt and sand off her body.

"Why!?" asked Dashie, mad that her daughter hit her sister like this. "Did you two fight?"

Braver explained everything, causing Twilight and Dash to look at each other, realizing they had to explain to Blitz what was happening, but they could feel an earthquake and turn back to Braver, stomping away in her slime form.
"SHE HIT ME!? HER BIG SISTER! I'll show her how a REAL punch is!" yelled Braver, heading off back to the beach.

"Braver!" yelled Twilight, chasing after her and trying to get her under control, but Luna landed in front of Braver, her chest out.

Braver stopped and looked up at Luna with anger still in her eyes. "Luna?"

"Friend Braver, I do not care if you're mad; you're not hitting anyone. Even your sister."

"But, Luna, she-"

"You will not, I repeat, will not hit your sister, no matter what she does. Calm yourself. Your little sister saw something that upset her; you need to realize that and you made it worse. Let her be. As a little sister myself, you have no idea how hurt and betrayed we feel."

Braver lowered her head, looking away. "...okay."
Braver sat down, and Twilight sat next to her. Twilight told her what was happening with her and the others, finally understanding but also upset, which Dashie noticed and asked her why.
"Cuz, Blitz said mean things to me, which I understand why she said it, but it still hurts."

Luna sat in front of her friend with a warm smile. "Friend Braver, I know the betrayal's pain; it hurts, but you can't let it take over. Your sister may have said mean things to you; I'm sure she's very sorry about that, just as I was when I fought against my older sister. We all do, say, and do things we don't mean. Remember what you said to me all those many moons ago? You have to let go. Let go of your hate, let go of your pain, and let go of your sorrow. Move forward. You can't forget but can't let those feelings consume you. Your sister will come around. We're here for you."
Braver eyes went wide, and tears ran down her face. "Thank you, Luna!" Braver hugged her.
Luna blushed, hugging her back, while Dashie and Twilight looked on. Dashie turned to Twi, asking her how these two became friends.

Five years ago

A few years ago, we were on a camping trip in Everfree Forest and arrived in Celestia and Luna's old castle, as they had restored it and were living in it again. The trip was mostly a field trip for Dawn, as she's my student now, but Braver tagged along with us. Even though I said no, she wanted to spend time with Dawn like always. I couldn't say no to her.
As we were settling into the castle, I went over to the balcony with the girls and looked over the forest.

"This is Everfree Forest, girls."

"Cool," said Breaker, looking over the railing.

"So, is this a normal camping trip, or is this a special thing?" asked Dawn, standing next to Twilight.

"It's a normal camping trip; I just wanted to show you something before returning home. Think of it as a quick history lesson, right, Celestia?"

"That's correct, Twilight."

They turned around, seeing Celestia coming towards the group. Twilight was almost half the size of her teacher, who had a big smile as she saw Dawn.

"Seeing you with your student reminds me of the old days, Twilight. How have you been, dear?"

"I'm doing great, Celestia."

Celestia and Twilight talked, leaving Dawn and Breaker alone. Both took the time to look around and spot a figure walking down the stairs. It was Luna, but she looked tired as if she hadn't slept in days.

"Are you okay?" asked Dawn.

Luna stopped and looked at the two with a yawn. "Ah, good day. You must be the new Princess Twilight Sparkle student. My name is Luna."

"Nice to meet you; I'm Luster Dawn." bowed the student, not wanting to mess up meeting a former princess.

Luna walked over and stood in front of her. "A pleasure."

"Are you alright?" asked Breaker.

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm fine. I'm just tired, is all." Luna said again and realized who this was: "Breaker, correct? Princess Twilight adopted a daughter. I can sense the powerful magic inside of you."

Breaker steps back, a little worried. "You can?"

"Yes, even after many moons, I'm still the strongest. No offense to Twilight or my big sister; they are very strong and powerful alicorns, but my powers come from the darkness of the night. Twilight's powers are the spark of friendship magic, while Celestia's is solar magic. While I have power over the night sky and the moon, I can still sense the strongest of magic from you... Yours very unique, but yet, it feels familiar somehow." Luna yawned and could see the young alicorn looking scared. "Or maybe I'm just sleepy and rambling. Forgive me. I'll let you two get back to your lesson or whatever the reason you are here. I have something to do." Luna walked away.

"Are you okay?" asked Dawn, concerned about Breaker, as she saw her nervous.

"Yes, I just didn't think she would feel my magic, and..." she looked at her hooves. "Seeing her again..."

Dawn tips her head. "Again? I thought this was the first time meeting her, no?"

Breaker realized what she said. "No, you're right. I guess I'm just tired too. Let's go join the others."


The two walked over to Twilight and Celestia, asking why they stopped here for the camping trip, as Twilight was excited about bringing Dawn here. Celestia led the group to a room while Breaker stopped and looked back, seeing Luna walking up the stairs and disappearing.

"Hey, Breaker!" shouted Dawn.

"Coming, sorry."

Dawn and Breaker follow the adults, arriving in a very old-looking room with many destroyed stained glass windows and broken pillars. At the far end of the room is a circle platform, the only part of the castle with overgrown plants.

"Why is this place so overgrown and in ruins?" asked Dawn, looking around the room.

Celestia and Twilight went to the platform and turned to the girls, smiling as Twilight explained this room. "This is where it all started, where I found my spark." Twilight could hear the girls repeating that word, not understanding it. "Yes, my spark. The spark of my friends, the spark that helped me defeat Nightmare Moon, the spark that changed my life, and the spark I hope you can find one day, my dear student; you need to open up to others and learn about friendship, as it's a big part of life."

Dawn turned to Breaker. "But I already have a great friend! She's my spark, teacher! Breaker is my spark! I don't need any more friends. I only need her!"

Twilight and Celestia looked at each other, thinking this wasn't working, while Breaker's eyes went wide, and she had a big smile.

"Thank you, Dawn!"

"No problem!" smiled Dawn back.

Celestia and Twilight sighed.
"While yes, Breaker is your friend, as she's the first pony that you have ever become friends with, there's more than just her. I've watched you these past years and haven't seen you make any friends. All you have is her. If anything happened to her, how would you react?" asked Twilight.

Dawn lowered her head, looking sad.

"What my dear Twilight is trying to say is that she just wants you to open up and make friends. She wants the best for you. Do not become alone if something happens to Breaker. That's the worst feeling in the world. You have a family; you have a great friend and teacher. Make new friends and see what the world has to offer." explained Celestia.

Twilight nodded. "She's right. Make new friends and find that spark. The spark that resides in the hearts of us all."

"And where is that spark located?" asked Dawn.

Twilight put a hoof on her heart and smiled, "In your heart. In everyone's heart. You have to search for it and let it guide you. Don't fear the unknown, the new, or the future."

"But..." Dawn looked back at Breaker, blushing. "It already had! It led me to Breaker, my one and only friend! I don't need anyone else. Just her!" replied Dawn, walking away and standing beside her friend, Breaker.

Twilight sighed, rubbed her forehead, and approached the young unicorn while Celestia stepped back. Twilight lowered her head and was at eye level with her student.

"You have to try and make friends, Dawn. You have to try and open your heart."

"I did! I did open my heart! To Breaker, and she's all I need!"

"Then why are you upset now?"

Dawn turned away, not wanting to answer.

"My dear little Dawn, you can't always have one friend. One friend isn't enough. You must open your heart, let the world in, and make friends. Breaker won't be here forever."

"Hey, don't worry, I won't ever leave your side, Dawn." Breaker said, hugging Dawn, "I'll always be here!"
Dawn nodded and hugged Twilight back more, while Twilight looked upset, knowing bringing her daughter along on this camping trip wasn't a good idea. Therefore, Breaker and Dawn are too close and will do anything for each other.

"Let's put a pin on this and try again another time without my sweet daughter being here," replied Twilight, walking over to her daughter and nuzzling her. Celestia walked over.

"I agree, another time. Now, who's hungry? I bet it's way past dinner time. Let's eat, shall we?" smiled Celestia.
Dawn and Breaker followed Celestia out of the room while Twilight looked back at the platform, remembering the past, and then left.

It was midnight, and Luna was looking up at the cloudy night sky, yawning as she hadn't gotten enough sleep and couldn't go to sleep. She left the balcony and went back into her messy bedroom, which had books, maps, and her bed covered in blankets. She lay on her bed and sighed, trying to get to sleep, but she sensed something. She sat up and looked around, sensing it was close by. She got out of bed and out of the room. She looked down the hall and could feel it coming from the guest bedroom. She walked over and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Luna opened the door and saw Twilight sitting up and rubbing her eyes, still half asleep. "Twilight?"

"Hm? Luna?"

"What are you doing up at this late hour? It's midnight."

"I could say the same to you."


Twilight returned, laying down and snuggling with her daughter, Breaker, but the two could see Breaker moving around and talking in her sleep.

"Is she okay?" asked Luna, walking over to them.

"Yeah, She's just having a bad nightmare."

"Ah, yes. Happens to the best of us. Is this the first time she has had a nightmare like this?"

"No, she has them now and then," replied Twilight, frowning.

Luna put a hoof on the sleeping pony and then could sense something different.

"Her magic is powerful. Almost like my own, my sister, and even yours. You said she's from another universe, correct?"

"Yeah. Dash and I and other versions of ourselves saved her and her twin. She's a clone of Dash and me. She was...sorry, I can't say more; it's not my place to tell others about her past. That's for her to explain to others," explained Twilight, nuzzling her daughter, trying to calm her down.

"Fascinating. Maybe that's why it's so powerful and different."

Twilight and Luna looked at the sleeping Breaker, who was now crying and saying no in her sleep. Luna took a deep breath, using her magic, and put a sleeping spell on the young pony. She calmed down, stopped talking, and stopped moving. Luna smiled, thinking it was over, but Twilight shook her head as Breaker started moving again and having the nightmare again. Luna is surprised by this.

"This must be a powerful nightmare! I must go into her nightmare to comfort her; even though I'm not a princess anymore, I still must help ponies with their nightmares and dreams."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, Luna. But please be careful."

"Of course. I know her magic is strong, and I will not underestimate her. I will be back. Goodnight, friend Twilight."

"Goodnight, Luna."

Luna walked over to the other side of the bed and lay next to Breaker, nuzzling her before closing her eyes. She fell into a deep sleep, entering Breaker's mind, and was in a dream world, but something was off.

"What? This isn't her nightmare, can it be?"Luna asked herself, finding herself in a garden with a large tree. She could see the garden enclosed by brick walls and part of the house. Luna walked over to the tree, touching it, and noticed a glass door to her left. She walked to it and slid open the door, stepping inside.

"Hello? Breaker, are you in here?" Luna walked around the living room, seeing pictures on the wall. She stopped and looked at them.

"Who is this?"

She could see a young Dash and Twilight, both wearing outfits, but someone was in the middle—it wasn't Breaker at all, but an alicorn she had never seen before. She looked away from the photos and saw that the living room floor had children's drawings and toys. The drawings were Dash, Twilight, and Breaker, but there were also two strange drawings of creatures resembling Dash and Twilight. She could also see drawings of Rainbow Dash again, but much younger and with a black color in her rainbow mane. She also noticed the same alicorn in the photo but in the drawings with Breaker and the younger Dash. She was about to pick it up but sensed someone looking at her from the stairs. She looked at the stairs,

seeing someone hiding under a rainbow blanket and running off.

"Breaker!?" called out Luna, chasing after the pony and upstairs. She got to the second floor and saw three doors. Two of them had drawings on them. The alicorn and Dash on them. The third door had a pure black pony, which looked like Breaker. She sensed something again, looking behind herself and seeing no one. She turned back and could see the pony again, still hiding under the rainbow blanket. "Breaker?" called out Luna, but the pony opened the door with Breaker drawing on it and disappeared into it as it shut closed. Luna walked over to the door and opened it but was blasted by a blinding light.

Luna found herself in a castle that looked destroyed and covered in black slime. She could sense Breaker, but also something else. It wasn't a good feeling. It felt evil and twisted. Luna gulped and walked forward, stepping over the destruction.

"Hello?" Luna called out, but her voice echoed in the empty castle. Luna could see the throne room was destroyed, seeing the throne on the ground and covered in black slime.

"Breaker!?" called out Luna once more.

"Who are you!?" said a voice from behind her.

Luna turned around and saw the rainbow blanket covering the pony and hiding behind a pillar.
"It's okay; I'm a friend of your parents. I'm here to help. Are you okay, Breaker?"
The pony just stared at Luna while walking out from behind the pillar.

"Can you tell me your name?" asked the pony.

"Yes, it's Luna."

The pony took a step back. Shaking with fear, Luna took notice.

"Why are you afraid?"

"It's... it's nothing. Sorry."

"Don't be. You can trust me, Breaker."

"I'm not her."

"Huh?" she said in confusion.

"I'm not her. I'm not Breaker. I'm 'me'!"

"But...that doesn't make sense. If you're not Breaker, who are you?"

The pony hurried over to her, looking up at her. Luna could sense the same powerful magic Breaker had, but it was different. It was almost like it was in harmony and balance.

"Help her!"

"What? What are you talking about? Who needs help?"


Luna stood there, confused.

"She's hurting herself again!"

Luna's eyes widened as she heard, "Where is she?"
The pony pointed behind Luna, who turned to find Breaker on the ruined throne, crying as two twisted slime dismembered the floating skull heads of Celestia and herself, covering the area with their slime and speaking evil things to her.

"Bring us the night! Eat everyone! Bring us the night! Everyone will die by the night!"

Breaker was crying and shaking her head.

"Kill the weapon! Save the kingdom of days! Kill the magical bioweapon!"

Breaker shook her head, screaming.

"She's in pain! Stop it! Don't hurt her!" cried out the other pony.

"What is going on here!? I don't understand. Breaker, who are these twisted versions of me and my sister? What is this?"
The two twisted sisters turn and look at Luna, who takes a step back, feeling her body freeze in fear. She looked into their eyes, seeing their dark and soulless eyes. Soon, the screams of ponies and creatures could be heard outside the castle. The castle walls fell apart, revealing all life absorbed into the black slime. Luna could see it all—all creatures screaming in pain as the slime ate them, becoming bones and, soon, nothing.

"Bring the night! End the weapon life!" chanted the slime sisters, which slowly became one and became a copy of Breaker, a slime version.

"No! NO! Noooooooo!" cried out Breaker, who punched at the copy, hitting it and causing it to explode. As the smoke cleared, Luna and Breaker's eyes went wide, seeing a completely burned-charred Rainbow Dash dragging her left leg and her wings burning to a crisp. One of the eyes melted away.

"Sweet pea...why?" said Rainbow Dash, frowning as she collapsed. Dead.

"NO!" screamed Breaker as the black slime covered her, turning her back into her slime form.

Luna could see the blanket-covered pony standing next to her; even though Luna couldn't see the face, she could see rainbow tears falling from the pony's face. She turned back to Breaker with tears in her eyes. She has seen many nightmares, but never like this. She could sense that this wasn't a dream but a memory—a powerful, painful memory. She stepped forward, calling out to her.

"Breaker, it's okay. It wasn't your fault."

Breaker just sat there, not saying anything.

"You know it wasn't your fault. It was all their fault. The twisted version of Celestia and I."

Breaker raised her head. "YOU KNOW NOTHING! NOT THE TRUTH!"

Luna could feel the powerful scream, almost blowing her off her hooves. She shut her eyes and gathered all her magic within her. Her eyes opened, glowing, as she used her royal Canterlot voice.

Breaker narrowed her eyes in anger.


Suddenly, Breaker was in front of Luna, with her pure white eyes, her white halo, and the five rainbow halos behind her back, screaming at her, "BECAUSE THEIR WORDS ARE TRUE! MY UNIVERSE, MY MOTHERS, ALL LIFE, ALL STARS! I BROKE THEM ALL! I'M BREAKER OF ALL THINGS! A MONSTER, A WEAPON! I DON'T DESERVE ANY LOVE! I DESERVE DEATH!"

Breaker closed her eyes, crying, and her slime shot out. Luna stood there, feeling the slime blow past her, not affecting her. She smiled and walked over to Breaker, using her hoof to wipe the rainbow tears from her eyes. She cast a memory spell, a spell that she hopes will work.

"Sweetie." called out Twilight and Dash.

Breaker turned to them, stunned at seeing them. "Mommy and Mama?"

Twilight and Dash walked over, but they weren't alone; soon, other versions of themselves appeared, all standing there, smiling.
Luna could see another version of Twilight, wearing a red sundress, and Dash, wearing an old, worn-out blue jacket. Standing between the two was a filly, Rainbow Dash, but the one she saw in the drawings. "Sis! You big dummy!" said the filly.
All of them gathered around Breaker.
"We're all here, Breaker."

Breaker started to cry as she heard the speeches they all gave five years ago once more. The dream world started to be filled with blinding lights as Breaker started to wake up. Luna smiled, but she could see the blanket-covered pony waving at her. Soon, Twilight and Dash, who were wearing clothing, walked over to her and waved as well. She could hear their voices.
"Thank you for helping, my dear Breaker!"

"Thank you for helping our sweet pea!"

"Thank you for helping my big s-" But Luna's voice was cut off as she returned to the guest bedroom.

"Luna, you did it," softly said Twilight, as she could see her daughter waking up but nuzzling her mother's side and falling back to sleep peacefully now, with no signs of tears or crying. There were no signs of having a nightmare.
Luna smiled, watching her sleep, and soon the whole room was filled with snores. Twilight held her daughter close and fell asleep soon after, snoring quietly. Luna quietly stood up and exited the room, proud that she could help.

It was the afternoon, and Breaker was peeking into the room where Twilight and Celestia showed them. She was asked to stay out of the room while they spoke to Dawn and tried to get through to her about having more than one friend. She could hear yelling, mostly from Dawn.


"You have one; it's a good start," said Celestia, sitting down and watching Twilight, looking more worried.

"I don't need more! I ONLY NEED BREAKER!"

"You're being selfish, you know!" Twilight said, feeling done with this back-and-forth.


"You heard me. You only want Breaker as your friend, which is good, but she won't stop making friends with anyone."

"So!? It doesn't mean I should do the same!"

"It does! What happens if she can't be around you when her friends need her?"

"But...she...ugh!" Dawn faced away from them, stomping one hoof.

Twilight sat beside her, putting her hoof on her shoulder. "You can't expect her to be around you all the time. You'll have to learn to share her with her friends and make new friends."

Dawn slapped her hoof away and glared at her. "I don't want to!" Dawn walked away and sat behind a pillar.
Twilight groans as she isn't happy to see her student like this. She turned to Celestia, asking if she was like this when Celestia was teaching her.
Celestia laughed, saying she was just as stubborn as Dawn, but instead of focusing on one friend, it was about focusing on her studies. Twilight cringes as she remembers her old self, making her former teacher laugh harder. Breaker shut the door and felt sad; she had always wanted to be at Dawn's side, but she had to be with her new friends. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a loud banging noise upstairs. She quickly went upstairs and could listen to the banging noise coming from Luna's bedroom. She slowly opened the door, peeked inside, and found Luna sitting on the floor, repeatedly hitting her head on the wall and looking like a zombie.

"You can do this, Luna. Just sleep," mumbled Luna as she kept hitting her head on the wall.

Breaker ran over and held her head, stopping her from hitting her head on the wall.

"Are you okay?" asked Breaker, worried.

"Oh, hi, young Breaker," smiled Luna, walking to her bed. "It's just that I'm having a hard time sleeping. I don't know what's wrong."

"Have you tried counting sheep?" asked Breaker, sitting on her bed.

"I do and fall asleep momentarily, only to be awoken by something. Like my body is trying to stop me from sleeping," said Luna, laying her head on her pillow.

"Do you mind if I try to help?" asked Breaker, walking over and placing her hoof on her head.
Luna quickly recognized this magic; it was her magic power. Before she could say anything, the spell put her to sleep, and she stayed asleep. Breaker could see darkness slowly taking over Luna's body. She felt fear as she believed it was her slime, but she could see it was something else: something dark, a powerful dark energy.

"I'll find out what is bothering you and stop it," stated Breaker, putting her head on Luna's.

Breaker opened her eyes and found herself on an orb statue covered in overgrown vines and plants. She looked around and saw no one in the ruined room. She jumped off, saw lights coming from a tower, and hurried over to the window, seeing her reflection.

She looked like Luna but also like Twilight. Her mane was a light purple and dark black slime. Before she could question it, she saw someone behind her in the reflection of the glass. She turned and saw a unicorn wearing a rainbow-colored blanket over her body. She waved at her to follow her. Breaker followed her, wondering who she was.
She walked up the stairs with the blanket pony and saw an open door. They could see Twilight and her friends facing off against Nightmare Moon.

Twilight steps forward. "You think you can destroy the elements of harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here!" Twilight pointed to the others, explaining why they're the elements of harmony, while the gray scattered pieces of the harmony stones floated around them.

"You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" sneered Nightmare Moon, looking ready to charge at them.

"That's where you're wrong. You see, the spark did work." Twilight turned to her friends and said, "A different kind of spark. I felt it when I realized how happy I was to hear and see you and how much I cared about you. The spark ignited when I realized that you are all my friends." Twilight turned to Nightmare with a severe look and continued with her speech. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the..." Breaker was too focused on her mother's speech and the sixth element appearing; she didn't see the glowing aura around the blanket pony. "The spark that resides in the hearts of us all creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!"
Suddenly, Breaker and the blanket pony could see the elements becoming necklaces and the aspect of magic becoming the element tiara. Twilight and friends were firing off a rainbow beam of light, blasting Nightmare Moon and turning her back to normal.

The blanket pony walked over to Breaker, putting her hoof on her shoulder. "Your mommy is right; magic comes from the heart."

Breaker looked at the pony and felt something odd within her heart. She closed her eyes, and within the darkness, she could see color ghosts. She quickly opened them as she heard Celestia's voice and saw her appearing next to her mom.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it."

"But... you told me it was all an old pony tale."

"I told you you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew you had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now, if only another will as well. Princess Luna!"

The blanket pony stood there and looked at the scene, smiling and feeling the spark Twilight was beaming with. While Celestia walked over to a young Luna,

"It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. It's time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

Luna cried as she hugged her sister. "I am so sorry! I have always longed to hear you say those words. I'm so glad to see you, big sister!"

Dash and Twilight step forward, shouting, "Sister!?" but Dash pulls back, blushing, causing Breaker and Blanket Pony to smile hard at the cute scene.

Celestia stood there, looking down at her. "I've missed you, too." Celestia lowered her head and nuzzled her sister but quickly pushed her to the ground. "I missed you so much. Now we can end your life and finally destroy Nightmare Moon."

Luna quickly stood up, backing away. "What?"

Celestia laughed. "You're a villain. You must die for your crimes."

Luna looked hurt as her eyes widened. Breaker quickly felt the blanket pony pulling her tail, making her turn to her, and saw her pointing above Celestia. They could see a shadow alicorn with its glowing horn.

"A villain that can't be saved!" Celestia shot a blast at her sister, and Luna blocked it with her magic shield, crying.

"No, you're wrong!" shouted Luna, trying to run, but Twilight and the others blasted her with their elements, laughing evilly.

"See, you can't save villains. They must die," stated Twilight, firing off her magic and destroying Luna's shield.

Luna stood there, looking like her world was destroyed. "No, you're...this isn't how things are meant to go!"

The blanket pony turned to Breaker and asked, "Are you ready?"

Breaker nodded, and the blanket pony started to glow, making Breaker's chest glow as well.

"How else was this meant to go? You are evil!" shouted Dash, firing off a blast of rainbow lightning, striking Luna.


"You should have listened to your sister, Luna. Villains are villains and must be destroyed," stated Applejack, firing a blast of rainbow beam.


"Villains are the worst! They're all selfish and cruel!" stated Rarity, shooting her as well.

"Stop. I'm not a villain!" cried Luna, getting hit by their elemental magic and falling to the ground.

"I don't like bullies, and villains are bullies," Pinkie said, throwing rainbow cupcakes and hitting Luna as the rest of the group and the shadow alicorn looked confused.

Fluttershy fired her element, saying, "We can't let villains live, or else they'll kill others."

Luna lay on the ground, crying and trying to stand. She cried out, "I'm not a villain!"

The shadow alicorn landed behind the mind-broken Luna, slowly creeping her shadow into her.

"No, please stop!" cried out Luna, seeing her sister and friends attacking her.

"We're heroes, and heroes have to stop villains. No second chances!" said Twilight, and her friends fired off another powerful rainbow beam, but it was deflected by the blanket pony while Breaker landed in front of Luna, glaring at the shadow Alicorn, who glared back. Soon, Breaker's chest blasted out six-colored ghostly ponies, landing next to the blanket pony. They took form, making Breaker turn back and see Sky and Nightfall,

but the others looked like her aunts, wearing outfits and different mane styles. The blanket pony turned around and smiled with a small blush.

"Save her. Save her from the darkness within her heart. Finally, I am pulling the darkness into the light and burning it away for good. We believe in you!"

Before anyone could react, the blanket pony turned into a rainbow ghostly spirit and blasted the evil versions of Twilight and others away, leaving just Breaker, Luna, and the Shadow Alicorn alone. Breaker nodded and returned, glaring down at the alicorn.

"I know who you are! My mother told me about you in her stories. You are Nightmare Moon! The dark half of Princess Luna! You should have been destroyed, but you are back again, and now you are trying to retake control!" shouted Breaker, stomping the ground, just like Twilight did in facing Nightmare.

"What can you do, brat? You're nothing but a pathetic pony!" laughed Nightmare Moon, firing a dark beam at her.
Breaker held out her hooves and caught the beam, slowly absorbing it, shocking Nightmare Moon and making her realize something. "Wait, why do you look like 'her'!?" demanded Nightmare, pointing towards the young Luna, who was watching the fight.

Breaker's purple eyes went pure white, making her smile evil like, "I'M BREAKER! I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO A WEAK PATHETIC ALICORN LIKE YOU!" Breaker clutches her hoof, leaps towards Nightmare, and punches her, sending the shadow into the pillar and making it collapse on her.

"Young Breaker?" asked Luna, shakingly standing and using her magic to support herself but failing as she fell back onto the ground.

Breaker turned around and smiled softly, her eyes returning to normal. She walked over and placed her hoof on her, making Luna look up at her. "You have to let that go. You can't keep living with regret. If you do, you'll never move forward..." said Breaker, looking sad.

"I can't... I just can't," cried Luna, her tears falling and looking away. "The nightmare will always be there. The pain I created and caused is always there. My sister and my friends should have destroyed me! Even though I'm free, the pain still hurts. No matter how much I face it, I can't let it go."

Breaker looked down at her hooves, closing her eyes. "I was like that for a very long time, thinking of the past and letting my regrets, shame, and guilt eat me up. I didn't want to let go because I'd have nothing if I did. I'd be empty. But I'm not, not anymore."

"What changed?" asked Luna, looking up at her.

"I became whole again. I'll make you whole again," said Breaker, lifting young Luna. "You have to let go. Let go of your hate, let go of your pain, and let go of your sorrow. Move forward. You can't forget but can't let those feelings consume you. Don't make a hole inside of you. Embrace what's in your heart." Breaker places Luna's hoofs on her chest, smiling. "You have the same problem that I do. You hate yourself; you think you're a monster and that you're worthless after you hurt the people you care about. That's not true. You are a good pony, a beautiful mare, and a kind soul. You didn't have a choice; you had no control. Don't let that destroy you; don't let your guilt destroy you."

Nightmare Moon stood up from the rubble and growled, "What's happening?" She could feel her power fading and looked down, seeing her shadow fading away.

Luna turned to Nightmare, but Breaker still smiled and pushed her head towards her. "Aaira and Little Star taught me that. They're right. If I hadn't let go of my feelings, my sorrow, and my guilt, I wouldn't be here. I would have kept it, falling into the darkness and dying, forever being broken. But I had to accept it. Take those few steps to acceptance. Don't let your feelings eat you up. Don't let them make a hole in your heart."

Nightmare could feel the darkness fading from Luna's heart. Looking up, her eyes widen, screaming out to them, "A hole can't ever be filled; it can only grow and swallow everything! YOU WON'T GET RID OF ME, YOU FOOLISH MARES!"

Breaker closed her eyes and opened them, seeing young Luna return to being her older self. She helped her up. "Face her and finally end the nightmare. For real this time."

Luna stared at the fading shadow, walking over and stopping before it. "You...you are my fear. You're the one I created from my guilt, my pain, and my sorrow."


"My sorrow is the cause of you. My fears and hatred are the cause of you."


"My sadness, my regrets, and my guilt. All of them created you and made you my nightmare."


"But not anymore... I'm n-no longer-" Luna couldn't finish her sentence, tears falling down her cheek, making Nightmare Moon smirk.

"You're still a monster! You can't deny it. Your friends and family will never accept or forgive you!" shouted Nightmare, her shadow form returning and trying to take over Luna's body again.

"She's right! I'm scared; I'm not brave enough to beat her..." said Luna, her tears falling and closing her eyes, becoming her younger self again.

Breaker quickly rushed over and flew in front of her. "I know, you're not the only one." Luna opened her eyes and looked at her. "I was scared, and I was weak, as I..." Breaker held back her tears and emotions and spoke again. "I saw my mothers die in front of me and then almost lose my little sister. I couldn't be brave without them. So I cried and became weak. But then Berry and Tank reminded me that I needed to be brave, not for myself but for others. And I was. I became brave and helped my friend face her demons." Luna watched as Breaker held her head. "I'm not fast like my sister; I'm not smart like my mom and without my powers. I'm just a normal...pony. So, how could I keep fighting and not be scared?" Breaker leans back with a smile. "Simple: I did it for the ones I love. It would be best if you did the same. Don't be brave for yourself; be brave for your big sister and friends. Show them that you are brave and will continue to fight." Breaker said as she started to cry.

"I can't... I'm a coward and weak," whispered Luna, lowering her head. "I can't beat her. I can't be brave. Not even for her."

Nightmare laughed, "That's right. You are weak. You can't even face me. You're a pathetic and weak mare!"

Breaker raised Luna's head with her hooves. "You are not weak or a coward. You are strong and brave, just like your big sister, Celestia. Keep fighting. Show her how brave you are."

Luna had tears in her eyes. "I want to see my big sister!"

Breaker smiled, giving her a big hug.

"You'll see her soon. She's waiting for you. Just stand up and be brave!" cheered Breaker, letting her go and seeing her back to normal once more, filled with determination.

Nightmare growled, trying to take over Luna's body, but she was stopped as Luna raised her head high and shouted, "NOOOO! I'M NOT GOING TO BE SCARED ANYMORE! YOU'RE NOT THE ONE CONTROLLING ME! I'M GOING TO BE BRAVE FOR CELESTIA AND MY FRIENDS!"

"NO, STOP THIS!" begged Nightmare, seeing Luna remove the shadow from her body.

Luna stomps towards her, with her eyes glowing. "You're not going to stop me ever again! THIS TIME, I'LL SETTLE IT! THIS TIME, I'LL DEFEAT YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!"

"I'M NOT DONE YET! YOU'RE MINE, I'M THE ONE WHO OWN YOU!" screamed the fading Nightmare Moon as Luna and her were face to face now.

"I'M NOT YOUR THING! You're not in control of me! I'm a NEW me! YOU'RE THE OLD ME, THE ONE WHO DESTROYED EVERYTHING THAT MATTERED TO ME, AND NOW, I'M GOING TO END YOU!" Luna and her shadow clashed, creating a blinding light.

Nightmare and Luna were fighting each other, struggling to win. Breaker watched, and soon, the blanket pony reappeared with Celestia, Twilight, and her friends—not only them but all the ponies and creatures Luna made friends with in her life—cheering her on.

"The spark! What a beautiful light that shines upon this world!" smiled the blanket pony, appearing next to Breaker.

"The spark...?" repeated Breaker, looking at her.

"Yes, the spark. The one Twilight had, and the one Princess Luna has now! The spark of friendship, love, and bravery. It's the greatest power in the world!"

"The Spark..." Breaker repeated, looking at Luna and smiling, seeing the shadow and the darkness within Luna fading away and a beautiful light coming from her. "Yeah, the spark."

Luna was crying as the shadow faded away from her. Nightmare was screaming as she faded away, trying to keep her hold on her, but Luna held Nightmare. "It's okay. I'm not going to be afraid of you anymore. I'm not a monster. I'm not going to run away anymore. I'm not going to give up anymore. I'm not going to turn away from others anymore. I'm going to face my fear, my sadness, and my pain. I won't ever forget you, but I won't and can't let those feelings consume me. I won't allow you to make a hole inside of me again. I'll embrace what's in my heart. I'll be strong and brave for them! My friends and sister! I will show everyone I can be a brave, beautiful, and kind pony."

Nightmare Moon is crying. "I don't want to die! I won't become a memory!"

Luna hugged her tightly. "Yes, you will. You're not me. You're the darkness in me, but you won't ever make a hole inside me again. I'll make it whole and be who I'm meant to be."

Nightmare cried, slowly fading away.

"I'll stay here by your side as you die. I'll never leave you," promised Luna, tears falling down her cheek. Her shadow self hugged her back, finally disappearing and gone for good. Luna looked up at the night sky, seeing the moon fully out and beaming happily.

Breaker was happy for her but also felt the world fading. Soon, the blanket pony said, "I'm sorry, Breaker. I wish you'd remember me, but you won't. Not even Luna will remember seeing me."

"Huh? Why not?" asked Breaker, turning to her and seeing she was fading away.

"Because I'm just a memory. It's just like Nightmare Moon. I'll always be here for you and Blitz." The pony put her hoof out, revealing her violet fur and touching Breaker's chest. "I'll gladly live in this prison. Because saving you two is more important than my freedom."

Breaker was confused, but she tried to hold her. The world went black, leaving the blanket pony alone, but she had a smug smile on her face.

"She...tried to hold me..." she said, hugging herself and crying.

Breaker's eyes slowly opened, and her vision was still blurry. She could hear talking as she lay on something soft—her mother's chest. Twilight smiled and nuzzled her, and soon, Dawn joined in. Luna woke up and saw Celestia holding her softly, smiling.

"Sister?" whispered Luna, seeing the moon was up, and her room was in ruin like there was a fight.

"Thanks, Skyros. You're alright!" exclaimed Celestia, hugging her and crying, happy she was back and okay.

"What happened?" asked Breaker. Twilight explained that Luna unleashed powerful magic and was becoming Nightmare Moon. Still, Breaker held on to her, telling her the same speech that Berry and Aaira told her, saving Luna and returning her to normal.

Celestia held her little sister tighter. "You are brave! I'm so proud of you, Luna."

Twilight held Braver tighter as well, happy she was safe. "I'm so proud of you, my sweet daughter."
Twilight held her daughter even closer as Dawn cried and was happy that her friend was okay and safe.

Luna asked her sister to let her go, as she needed to say something to Breaker, which Twilight allowed. Luna walked over and spoke to her: "I can't thank you enough, kind Breaker. Thank you for helping me. I hope I can call you...friend Breaker, if you wish to be friends?"

Breaker smiled, giving her a big hug and saying yes, and Luna smiled back. Everyone was happy, but Dawn wasn't, as she wasn't pleased that someone was taking her best friend away again.

Twilight blinks,

and she sees Berry hovering and Aaira sitting on the bed with Breaker, as she is smiling. She blinks again, and they are gone.
"...Berry? Aaira? Just like before, what does this mean?" thought Twilight as she watched.

"And that's how Braver befriended Luna. I have no idea what happened in the dream world, but Braver pilled Luna back, and this time, for good," explained Twilight, facing Dashie.

"Braver is something, huh? It's just like Blitz, too. Those two are truly something. Our girls are the best." Dashie smiled, watching Braver and Luna talking still, but they suddenly heard Blitz calling out to her sister. They could also see Chrysalis, Twilah, and Dash behind her.

"Sis?" asked Blitz, who was in her pony form.

"Yeah, Blitz?" asked Braver, hurrying over to her, facing each other down.

Everyone could hear them whispering something, and before anyone knew it, Braver punched Blitz in the face, sending her flying into the ocean.

"BRAVER!?" shouted everyone in shock and confusion.

end of chapter 10

Author's Note:

this chapter was meant to have chrysalis flashback but felt the chapter was dragging on if i did that.
also, the beach was meant to be a lake. the same lake from the show but realize it wouldn't work.

also big luna fan. hope this chapter came out right for any luna fans.
also also, nearing the end of the first arc.

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