• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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Chapter 13: Dawn

There was nothing but whiteness as far as the eyes could see. Celestia stood up and wondered where she was; she did remember Cozy saying something about pocket dimensions. She turned and could see something in the distance.
"Is that?"

In the distance, a rainbow-haired figure waving at her, looking like a human girl dressed in blue, was visible. She walked towards it, but no matter how much she walked, she did not get any closer to the figure.


The girl is still waving at her.

"What's she doing?" she wondered, still walking towards it.

Celestia finally got closer and could see her better.

"Huh? Aren't you that human girl that Luna told me about? Braver sister, correct?"

The girl didn't answer, and Celestia noticed that the girl pointed ahead of them. She narrowed her eyes and saw something.
"Is that a house?"

Celestia turned to the girl, but she was gone. She looked everywhere, but the girl was gone like a ghost. She shrugged it off and walked towards the house, seeing nothing but the house in this white void. She realized she had never seen this type of house when she got closer. She walked up to the steps and knocked.

"Coming!" said a robotic voice, but to Celestia, it sounded very familiar. The door opened, and she saw no one there. "Down here." Celestia looked down and saw...

"Spike!?" shouted Celestia, seeing Spike as a baby dragon again but also made up of metal. "What happened to you?"

Spike scanned Celestia and searched his data banks, and he found a match for this creature.

"Ah, the former princess of Equestria, Celestia."

Celestia lowers herself to the metal baby dragon and pokes his nose, causing his eyes to get red and more significant, thanks to his nanomachines. Celestia backed away and apologized, causing robotic Spike to return to normal.

"Don't touch the nose, sweetheart. Come inside."

Metal Spike opened the door, letting her in, and Celestia stepped inside and looked around.

"Nice place."

Metal Spike closed the door and led her to the kitchen, sitting her down and offering her something to eat and drink, which she politely refused.

"So, what is this place? What's going on, and why are you a baby dragon again and made up of metal?"

Robotic Spike just smiled and pulled a chair, sitting down.

"This place is a haven for my creator, Twilah Finkelstein," answered Spike, showing a hologram image of Twilah. "She created me to protect his house and make a Spike since your Spike doesn't exist in her universe."

Celestia looked at the hologram, touching it back and forth like a child playing with a new toy.
"Twilah? Isn't that the human that came into our universe? Did she create this universe with magic?" asked Celestia, looking through the kitchen window and seeing the whiteness of the void. She could see the exact figure from last time. Before she could look closer, Spike answered her question.

"Yes, but also no. She combined magic with science and created a pocket universe. Now I have a question for you."
Celestia looked away from the window and at the Spike bot.

"Why and how are you here? My creator is still in your universe."

Celestia answered by retelling what happened to her and holding the record crystal, making Spike Bot understand everything now.

"I see, so my creator didn't create this universe but just somehow discovered it since magic spells can pinpoint this pocket universe." Spike looked up and noticed her sweating as they kept looking outside the window. "What's wrong?"

Celestia quickly turned to the bot and pointed to the outside. "Are there any other humans here?"

Spike shook his head and got up to open the door, showing the white void.
"This place has no life. Why do you ask?"

Celestia looked back to the window, seeing many figures of different shapes and creatures. All were looking at the house. Some were waving at her and dancing.
"Don't you see them?" asked Celestia, turning around and seeing the figures disappearing, one by one, into the void. Spike couldn't see what she was talking about. "Someone was waving at me from a distance, and I walked for hours before they showed me this place."

Spike quickly scanned the area around the house and found nothing. He then increased the scans, but still nothing.
"Are you sure you weren't seeing things? I couldn't find anything."

"I'm sure of it."

Spike was about to scan again, but the cure for his creator and others was done. He opened a screen and checked, frowning.
"This isn't good; the cure won't work. I need to report this to my creator. CODE RED! CODE RED!" shouted Spike, scaring Celestia as she poked a TV in the kitchen wall, changing the channels with her hooves.

"What's wrong?!"

Spike pulled up a screen, showing Twilah and her family's life signs becoming weaker like they were being hurt.
"She's in danger! Activating the teleporter, I'm going to save her!" said Spike, opening the gate to where Twilah was. "You can come if you want."

Celestia didn't have to think twice as she got in but stopped as she turned to the window and saw millions of figures waving or dancing at her. She started to feel scared but also very confused until a white-haired girl dressed in a white jacket appeared. She smacked the rainbow-haired figure, making the rest stop and scatter in different directions and with laughter. Spike didn't see this as he pushed Celestia toward the portal.

Before all the events started, Twilight and the Twilah family returned to the castle after enjoying their time at the beach. Braver and Blitz were laughing as they headed to Braver's room while the parents were hanging out in the throne room, talking about the day they had.

Dash couldn't stop laughing as she saw Dashie all red with a bad sunburn.
"It's not funny; you knew I would forget to put on the sunscreen, and you didn't remind me!" shouted Dashie, seeing Dash hiding her laughter.

Dash flew around her and smacked her burn spots. "I did, and you said, 'I don't need it, so don't blame me!" Dash sat next to Dashie and smiled.

"Well, at least we had fun, and the kids had fun," said Twilight, putting the stuff down and taking out the first aid kit to treat Dashie's burns. We should do this more often; shame, I'm too busy ruling over the kingdom."

Twilah sat down with her stuff as well and crossed her arms. "Working to make world-changing inventions also makes me too busy to hang with my family."

Twilight heard it and puffed at it. "I doubt your inventions are as important as being the ruler of Equestria."

Twilah retorts with a bit of anger behind it. "My inventing made the lives of others better. They are way more important and demanding than you and your precious rule of this country."

Twilight turned to her and was about to argue, but Dashie stopped her. "Come on, girls, no need to fight. We should relax and not stress ourselves over such small things. Right Twilah?" Dashie looked at Twilight, quickly correcting herself, "Besides, Twilight's job is more important; you shouldn't put your inventing job over her duties. Right?"

Twilah huffed and turned away. "Taking her side!? Wow, I can't believe you!?"

Twilight gave Twilah a big smug smile and turned to Dash. "Least my Dash also supports me, right Dash?" Twilight turned to Dash but looked worried. "Dash?"

"Sorry, Twi, but I'm on Twilah's side. Sure, your job is demanding and difficult, but from what Twilah showed me, her creations are improving things in her world. I think her job is way harder as the world is on her shoulders." Dash finished but could see the upset look on her wife's face. "Sorry."

Twilah turned to Twilight and gave her a smug look now.
"Well, well, it looks like your Dash supports me. What do you say about that?"

Twilight frowned and turned to Dashie, looking for comfort and help, but Dash noticed this, making her jealous. "Why are you looking at her? Even though my Wonderbolt captain job is demanding, I'm always there for you, Twilight."

Dashie laughed when she heard that, making Dash turn to her angrily and ask, What's so funny?
"I saw the Wonderbolts training in your memories; it's a school sports team. They're nothing like a real sports team. I don't see any real demands from it," answered Dashie, but she felt Dash's tail whipping her sunburn and asked what job she had. "I watch over little kids at the YMCA as a kid watcher. Those kids are a handful."

Dash started to laugh. "A kid watcher? That's like a babysitter. You watch over the kids as their parents have a few hours from their kids."

Dashie huffed, upset by her counterpart's comment.
"You only say that because your job is a school sports team! You fly around and show off, not much else!"

"Hey!" Dash flew in front of Dashie, who ran up to her, glaring at each other. "IF YOU HAD MY JOB, YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND!"

Both Dashes smack their heads together and push each other forward in anger, shouting and calling each other names. Twilight wanted them to stop fighting, but she heard Twilah agreeing with Dash, which upset her. "Really? I bet I was in your shoes; making things is easy. Your life is a breeze compared to my workload. It's like a walk in the park, while mine is like a run through the jungle!"

Twilah flubbed at this and became filled with rage. "You're comparing my life with yours? I think not. I can rule and fix this country's problems while you can't handle the pressure of doing my job."

"Oh, please! You can't handle the pressure of doing mine!" shouted Twilight, her eyes glowing and flowing towards Twilah, who was doing the same. Both clashed their horns, and sparks were flying as they stared down and talked smack about each other. Dash and Dashie stopped and watched as their wives argued and used their magic. Dashie ran and grabbed Twilight, and Dash did the same to Twilah, preventing them from using their magic.

"Both of you stop! We don't need you to blow up the castle! Besides, Twilah is right, Twilight, chill." Dash said, causing Twilah to stick her tongue out at Twilight and making her very angry. "I'm with you, Twilah. Twilight job is easier than your job."

"Thank you," said Twilah, smiling until she turned to Twilight and saw Dashie behind her. Dashie said Twilight's job was harder than hers again, making her upset even more, as Twilight stuck her tongue out as well.

This went on for a good hour, and the four couldn't stop until Dash shouted at the top of her lungs.
"STOP IT!" screamed Dash, shocking everyone. "Enough, we're going in circles! I'm hitting the showers!" Dash flew off and entered the bathroom with a slam of the door.

Twilah nodded. "She's right; I'm heading to the guest room and putting the stuff away." She walked off but turned to Dashie and said, "Don't bother coming; you're in the dog house!" With a big huff, Twilah left.

Dashie sighs, looking at the ground. "Shit..."

Twilight sighed, realizing they were acting like little fillies. "I'm sorry about this. We're acting like little kids. There's another guest room you can use for tonight. I'll show you it. Come."
Dashie smiled and followed her to the room.

After putting away her stuff, Twilah looked for her watch. She remembered taking it off during their time at the beach, and she wanted to check on Spike and his process of the cure, but she couldn't find it.
"I hope I didn't leave it on the beach or something," thought Twilah, still going through her things, but she heard a voice behind her. She turned to see Dash in a bath towel and another towel on her head, drying her hair.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm tearing up the room a bit," Dash asked, drying her mane and flying into the room after closing the door. Twilah turned red and looked away.

"I'm fine; I'm just looking for something. You haven't seen my watch?"

Dash shook her head, hovering in place, and continued drying herself. "Nope. I haven't seen anything."

"Well, guess it somewhere. Hopefully, it turns up. Or we-" Twilah stopped and noticed that Dash's towel was falling off, exposing her naked body, freaking Twilah out and covering her eyes. "AHH!"

Dash became spook. "W-What?"

"YOUR NAKED!" pointed Twilah.

Dash down and looks back at her friend with a deadpan stare. "I'm always naked, you know that, right?"

Twilah couldn't answer and was red as a tomato until she heard a chuckle.
Dash put her towel back on. "You humans are odd and care so much about clothes and the naked body. You can open your eyes now."

Twilah peeked her eyes out, seeing her friend in a bath towel again and seeing her laughing a bit. "What's so funny? Are you laughing at me?"

Dash shakes her head and smiles. "You humans are so weird; it's like showing your naked bodies is a sin or something."

Twilah frowned and would counter that but couldn't, and Dash was right.

Dash couldn't understand why humans care so much about the naked body. She flew to the bed and sat on it, finally finishing drying her mane. She wanted to chat, but they heard a knock at the door. Twilah told whoever it was to enter, but there was no answer, so the knocking continued, upsetting Twilah.

"It's not funny! Stop and come in!" She shouted, but there was no response, and the knocking continued. Dash narrowed her eyes, believing it was Dashie or the twins. She flew to the door, opening...

Pink mist filled the room, making Dash and Twilah cough and covering their faces.
"What's going on?!" shouted Twilah, turning her head from side to side and not seeing anything except pink mist. Dash was coughing badly, trying to keep her balance, and holding onto the door. She looked at who was standing at the door; it was Chrysalis; her body was releasing this weird pink mist.

"Chrysalis?" said Dash before losing her balance and feeling warm. "This feeling..." Dash could feel her wings standing up and becoming stiff, her body shivering, and her legs weakening. "No, stop this!"

Twilah could feel warm as well, finally dropping to the bed and trying to hold herself up with her hands, feeling weak and breathing heavily. She could see a pair of dark blue hooves entering the room and hear faint laughter outside. Chrysalis entered the room and walked to a counter, releasing the mist. Twilah tried to move, but her face was bright red. She felt very odd like she was... "No! Stop this!" but Chrysalis didn't stop, only releasing more mist. Twilah tried to call out to Dash, hoping she could blow the smoke away, but she could see her looking at her, breathing hard, her wings standing up, and her face looking very red.

"D-Dash?" called Twilah, her voice weak and her heart beating fast. Dash didn't answer her; she was only staring at her. The laugh from outside grew louder, watching as the two were in the mist and feeling the effects, their eyes going lifeless. Finally, the door closed.

"Twilight..." said Dash, crawling to the bed, getting on it, and kissing Twilah. Twilah tried to get Dash off, but she started to see Dashie within Dash, making her kiss back.
While this was happening, Chrysalis looked on, releasing the mist and crying.

Blitz was on the bed in the Braver room, reading a book and looking over at her sister, who was cleaning her anime figures.

"Never thought I saw you being a weeb!" laughed Blitz, but Braver didn't understand the term, as it was a human-only thing, but she knew she was being made fun of. Blitz sighed and got up. "I'm getting a drink; what anything?" Braver didn't answer. "Hello? Braver, I said, I'm getting a drink; what do you want?"

"Nothing, I'm fine!" shouted Braver, but he still didn't look up at Blitz. Blitz rolled her eyes and headed out of the room, walking down the hallway and passing somebody hinting in darkness, who soon followed her.

Braver kept cleaning her figures but was still upset, but she heard a familiar voice from the doorway. She turned her in a 160 and smiled, seeing Dawn.
"DAWN!" shouted Braver, spinning her body around.

Dawn smirked, walking inside and giving off an evil vibe, but it quickly vanished as Braver Tackle hugged her and rubbed her cheek against her own, making her blush.

"B-Braver!?" she shouted, trying to push her off.

"What? Don't want me to touch you?" asks Braver, not letting her go.

"I-I do! It's just I was-" Dawn tried to say something, but Braver put a wing feather on her lips, silencing her and getting off her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't understand your love confession. I hurt you." Braver didn't want to meet her eye, but Dawn was shocked. Not knowing that Braver knew about love now and was looking for forgiveness, Dawn hugged her.

"I know. I should have explained it better to you. But I don't know what to say to make you understand at the time, and it's not your fault. You didn't know." Braver smiled as she heard that and hugged her back.

Braver leans back. "You forgive me, right?" Dawn smiled, nodding and nuzzling her forehead with Braver's cheek. "Good. Because I need to tell you something."

"Oh? What is it?" asked Dawn, both sitting on the bed now.

Braver blushed and tried to figure out how to start this without sounding dumb or weird.
"Remember how we first met?"

Dawn blushed and nodded. "How could I forget? It was ten years ago, and during that time, your mother held a Council of Friendship meeting..."

Ten years ago.

"DASH! HOLD HER!" shouted Twilight, stopping the pillar from falling. She could see Breaker being super hyper, excited to meet her mother's friends, as it had only been a month since she'd been living in this universe.

"I'M TRYING!" shouted Rainbow, trying to hold back her daughter, but it was hard, and even if she used her full strength, she wouldn't be able to stop her. She looked over her shoulder, seeing the maids looking worried and the building shaking as Breaker kept hopping like Pinkie. "TWI! I NEED HELP! SHE'S TOO STRO-," but before she could finish, Pinkie hopped in, seeing the little filly and how hyper she was, almost rivaling her.

"FINALLY! A WORTHY OPPONENT! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY! HYAH!" shouted Pinkie, leaping next to Breaker and hopping as fast.

"PINKIE! DON'T ENCOURAGE HER!" shouted Rainbow, seeing her daughter getting more hyper and the pillars falling, walls cracking, until Breaker finally tossed Dash off, sending her flying into space and landing in the AJ barn roof.

"HIHIHIHIHIHIHI!" shouted Breaker, hopping in front of Pinkie, her wings flapping and her mane becoming somewhat slime.

Pinkie was in her element and spoke, "HIIMPINKIE!WHOAREYOU?"


"HIBREAKERYOURESOCUUTE!" but Pinkie quickly stopped. "Wait, Mom?"

Breaker finally calmed down, and the castle stopped shaking with such fury, making Twilight stop using her magic and relaxing as she dropped to the floor. On the floor, she could see Spike hiding under the table and smiling.

"Is it over?" he asked, leaving his hiding place.

"Yeah. We can finally—" but she stopped, and her eyes widened. She saw the two playings and laughed again. "PINKIE NO!" Twilight put a shield around Breaker, but it did nothing as she quickly scattered it and started to hop again.

Dash finally returned and landed on the floor. "I'm Back. Ho-," but before she could finish, Breaker tackled, hugged her, and crashed through the wall, making a Dash-shaped hole.

"MOMMY!" she shouted, happy and giggling.

Rainbow didn't know what to do. This was the first time her daughter was this hyper. "Hey, sweetheart. You need to calm down, okay?"

"CALM?! WHAT'S THAT?!" She laughed, hugging her mom tighter.

"Oh dear..." said Twilight, flying out of the hole and seeing the two maids cleaning up the mess. Pinkie popped her head through the hole, gasping loudly.

"DASH! YOU HAD A KID! Why didn't you tell us? OR EVEN ME! I NEED TO MAKE A BABY SHOW-" Twilight zipped Pinkie's mouth with magic while Dash stood up, holding her daughter.

"Pinkie, she's not my daughter."

"WHAT!?" cried Breaker, starting to cry and melting into a puddle of slime, making Dash freak out.

"NO SWEETIE! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" cried Rainbow, dropping her daughter, who turned into a puddle and quickly slithering away, crying. "TWI! What do I do?"

Twilight didn't have time to answer, as Breaker was already gone. Pinkie unzips her mouth.
"What the hay!? Did she turn into a puddle of slime?"

"We can talk about that later. For now, we have to find her. Spike, can you stay and tell the others when they arrive that we might need help?"

Spike saluted and quickly ran off. Twilight and Dash flew away while Pinkie hopped behind them.
"So, what's going on?" asked Pinkie, hopping between the two.

Twilight and Dash looked at each other and did a rock paper scissor shot. Dash won, and Twilight started to explain while looking for Breaker around the castle.

"Remember the Rainbow Comet a month ago? It wasn't a comet but a floating piece of another universe that could travel between the multiverse. It dropped these shards, and Dash and I met another version of us, humans, as their race is called. While we were away, trying to remember each other's names and faces, other versions of us started appearing in the crater where the shards landed. They learn about the comet being alive and fighting it, and soon we learn that another version of us is trying to take over our new fused bodies because-" Twilight stopped as Pinkie covered her mouth.

"Wait, I sped-read it on Fimfic; I'm all caught up! Breaker went to live with you two, right?" said Pinkie, making Twilight and Dash look at her weirdly but quickly don't question it, as it's Pinkie.

Dash nodded. "Yeah, we told her about you girls, and she's super excited to meet you, so she became hyper like that. She misunderstood what I meant." She lowered her head. "She's my daughter. I don't care I didn't have her; I feel like she's a part of me." Twilight smiled and rubbed her friend's back, understanding her feelings.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get her!" shouted Pinkie, smiling.

The three kept looking but were unaware that Breaker had found her way outside the castle grounds and was hiding under a bench in the outside garden, crying.

"They hate me..." she whimpered, slowly returning to her pony form. "I knew they didn't want me."
Breaker was crying but stopped as she saw someone teleporting in the outside garden.

"Starlight, you didn't have to come," said Sunburst, putting his daughter down.

"But I wanted to. We need to..." Starlight whispered into his ear, "Keep the act up. I don't want anyone to know she's not my kid."

Sunburst sighed, not liking this but going along with it, as he loved Starlight and wanted Dawn to have a mother figure. "I'll go ahead; wait here for a bit. Sweetie, Dad will be right back, okay?"

Dawn just sat there, looking at nothing. "Kay, dad. I'll just be...here."

Sunburst entered the castle, and Starlight stood near Dawn. She didn't know what to do since she never really interacted with kids other than those back at the school of friendship.
"Hey, are you alright?"


"Is it alright if I sit here?"


Starlight started to freak out as Dawn kept looking ahead at nothing like she was broken or something. "Okay, let's start simple. How are you, honey?"


Starlight was panicking inside, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Hey, do you know who I am?"

Dawn finally turned and just said, "Mommy?"

Starlight felt sickened by hearing that. She hated this idea but went along because she loved Sunburst and wanted to be with him, even if he came with a package.
"Yeah, that's right. How are you doing, sweetie?"


"Can you say something else besides 'nothing'?"


Starlight sighed, seeing that this was getting her nowhere. She put her hooves on her face, trying to think of how to make Dawn seem normal around her and others.

Dawn looked at her 'mom' and reached out, wanting her to hold her as she felt cold and lonely. Starlight didn't notice, still thinking of ways to make her normal. Dawn kept asking for her love, but she kept being ignored by her.
Finally, she couldn't hold back anymore and said, "I love you, mommy."

"I love you too," said Starlight, still thinking and with no true love behind it. Dawn finally hugged her leg, and Starlight felt someone hugging her. She finally noticed and just looked at her.


Starlight felt sick again when she heard, "Don't call me mommy!"

"Why, Mommy?" asked Dawn, trying to understand.

"Because you're not my daughter!" shouted Starlight, not caring anymore. She didn't want to be called mommy by someone else's child who wasn't hers, so she stood up and walked away.

Dawn reached out for her. "Mommy!" she said, but Starlight slapped her hoof away, giving her a disgusting look, and walked away, leaving her all alone. Dawn stared ahead, then at her hoof with a red mark on it, and finally broke down, crying and holding herself, shivering.
"Why do they always leave me?" she thought, wishing she didn't exist. She remembered her so-called friends feeling creepy about her and leaving her alone, and finally, her mother did the same thing.

Breaker heard the conversation between them all, but she didn't understand any of it. She just saw a lonely girl crying. She saw flashes of her twin within Dawn, making herself cry. She believed this girl was her friend and couldn't bear to see her hurt, so she ran over and hugged her, making Dawn stop crying and look up.
"Hi. I'm Breaker!" she said, smiling and hugging her super hard. This made Dawn turn purple, and she started tapping Breaker's head, telling her to let go.

Dawn was surprised to see a pony hugging her. Her father was trying to get her to sleep the last time that happened. "Who are you?"

"Breaker!" repeated Breaker, not letting go and rubbing her cheek against Dawn's.

"Can you please let me go!?"

"No!" said Breaker, holding on and rubbing her cheeks still, but Dawn tried to get free, so she poked her horn into Breaker's eyes, making her scream in pain and telling her to go.
Dawn just looked at Breaker, who was rubbing her hurt eye, trying to understand this weird Alicorn. "Are you, my friend?"

Breaker looked up, her eye still hurting. "Yeah!" she shouted, giving a huge smile that made Dawn tip her head to the side.

"...why? I'm weird, and no one likes me. Not even my mommy." Dawn curls up as a ball. "I make ponies hate me. So, it's okay if you hate me. Some even hurt me for fun."

Breaker, look at her, trying to understand, "I don't hate you, and why would ponies want to hurt you?"

"I'm a weirdo who is creepy and gross. I should disappear forever. It will be the best thing for everyone." Dawn looked up at the sky, wanting to vanish forever and never return.

"You don't have to disappear."

Dawn turned to her new friend and looked at her as Breaker stood tall, like a hero ready to save her. Dawn turned over on her back, trying to understand her.

"I'll make time for you! No matter what! No matter the day, month, or year! You can always count on me! Rainboom Breaker!" Breaker hops around Dawn, making the ground shake. "You'll always have me in your corner, no matter what happens, because that's what good friends do. Keep going, Dawn; you'll find those who will always be there for you and be called 'friends.'" Breaker stopped in front of her, looking down at her and smiling. "I will do everything in my power to help you get better. I will always be there to support you. That's what a good friend does," whispered Breaker, bopping Dawn's nose, which made her blush a bit. "I'll always believe that you will find your path again, that you will finally be happy again, and that no matter what, you will always have help, maybe not from me but from others. others who love you the same as I do!" Dawn made an embarrassed smile, something she had never done before, and held her cheeks, trying to understand this weird feeling she was having: "I will always be there for you, always supporting you, always putting you first, and caring about you, even if it means I'll get hurt. I love you, Dawn. Keep running! Fly!" Dawn felt something as she heard that, turning upright and feeling her face getting warmer. "Showing me your feelings and the suffering you went through. I want to protect you; I won't ever let you down. You're the best of all of us, Dawn. You're on your way. Just...just keep going. Just keep running." Breaker put her hoof under Dawn's chin, making her blush even more. "You remind me of the rainbow comet light; the comet is you, always moving forward, and the rainbow tail is the friends you'll make—friends who will support you, love you, and care about you. You're the best of all of us. You're on your way to do great things. Just keep going while wearing that jacket." Dawn was confused, as she didn't have a jacket, but she watched Breaker pull a copy of her jacket somehow. It seemed to be magic to Dawn, and Breaker put it on her, becoming pink rather than purple. "Because I'll always be with you. I will always support you," said Breaker, holding Dawn's hooves and speaking again. "When I walk at night, I will look up at the night sky and always see you, like a rainbow comet flying across the night sky. You are my symbol of our love, our love being real."

"L-Love!?" thought Dawn, and her mind started to fill up with images of Breaker and her loving each other. To the point, she began to act like an actual filly with emotions. She hugged Breaker, not understanding the love, but wanted to make her happy, making her only true friend happy, and maybe even love her back. She didn't need anyone else in her life; she only needed Breaker and making her happy. "I love you!"

Breaker smiled, holding her up, spinning her around, and laughing. This also made Dawn laugh, her eyes sparking a bit like her spark was lit.

Breaker hugged and stroked her mane, "I'm not the only one with the right to be sad. You are also allowed to be sad, angry, and scared. You have every right to be alive, like me! You're not weird! It's like Mommy always told me and my sister! We're not her! We're not her past; we're our future! So, you have a right to live and become whoever you want, just as much as I do. You're not me, but you are you! So, shut up about all this disappearing stuff! I LOVE YOU, DAWN!" She leaned back and gave her a big, warm smile.

Dawn's spark lit up more, almost becoming a sun. She finally smiled for the first time, a genuine smile too. She started to cry, finally giving a natural smile and hugging her new friend, crying tears of joy, and finally being happy for the first time.

"I love you too. This warm feeling is like I found my reason to rise like the morning sun. Thank you," whispered Dawn, nuzzling Breaker's face, not seeing her cutie mark appear.

"I know. You're going to be okay." Breaker held Dawn in her arms, making her feel safe, protected, and loved. "You're my friend, my family, my Dawn."

Dash, Twilight, and Pinkie met Sunburst and soon found Starlight. They headed to the outside garden, wanting to see Dawn and maybe Breaker would be there. They all stopped and smiled at the scene they saw in front of them.

"You can't touch me!" teased Breaker, running from Dawn, who was laughing and smiling.

However, Starlight wasn't smiling. She was shocked to see Dawn like that, even more so when she noticed her father and ran up to him, telling him about Breaker. She was acting like a real filly, something she'd never done.

"She's delighted," said Twilight, smiling.

"Who?" asked Pinkie, smiling.

"both of them," Dash answered, her arms around Twilight and smiling, watching Dawn talk up a storm.

Starlight started to smile, almost like she was proud of her. "My daughter...is happy, made a friend..." She turned to Breaker and smiled. "Thank you," she mouthed, making Dawn happy, knowing Dawn was finally pleased. It also finally makes her realize her love for her daughter.

Breaker noticed Starlight waving at her, so she waved back.

"Dad took us back home, as we couldn't stay long. I still treasure that meeting we had!" blushed Dawn, holding her chest.

Braver, on the other hoof, was pure red, and as she remembered all that now and saying love to her so quickly back then, it made her cringe inside. She didn't hate it; she didn't want to think about her stupid younger self.
"Yeah, you're welcome," said Braver, not looking at her and not noticing Dawn's blush and how she was smiling—a big, warm smile.

"I'm so happy that I'm friends with you." Dawn leaned over and kissed Braver on the lips, shocking her, but she leaned against her, her wing over her, making sure she was warm and cozy. She showed her love by kissing her back.

Braver leans back, breaking the kiss. "Hey, can I ask you something?" she asked, making Dawn nod. What happened to that pink jacket I gave you? I never saw you wear that again."

Dawn blushed and rubbed her cheeks. "It's very special to me, so I decided to save it, to save it for when the time is right." Dawn let go and summoned the jacket, which was sealed in an airtight bag so it would never get dirty, and just like she thought, it had magic as it increased in size to match her body over the years. "I'm saving this for when I want to marry you." Braver went red and turned away, hiding her embarrassment and blush.

"But it's going to waste! I created it for you to wear, you know! Let me see how I look in it! It looks cool," said Braver, realizing the jacket looked awesome.

"No, it's for our wedding."

"I'll let you wear my jacket." Dawn blinks, quickly rips the bag off, and trades jackets.
Dawn watched as Braver put on the pink jacket, smiling.

"I need to check this out in the bathroom! I'll be right back!" shouted Braver, already running down the hall, not noticing Cozy leaning against a pillar, shedding a tear.

Dawn sat on the bed, holding Braver's jacket. She looked at the doorway, not seeing Braver or anyone coming near. She quickly placed the jacket on her face and fell backward into the bed, smelling it and rubbing her face.

"It smells just like her!" whispered Dawn, enjoying the jacket.

Dawn didn't notice her counterpart floating on the bed, smirking at the cute sight until she made herself known.
"Yeah, we're the same. Having a smelling kink." laughs Rainbow Dawn, making Dawn stop and blush bright red.

"Don't be silly; I don't have a smelling kink! I like the smell!"

Rainbow Dawn smiles hard. "Really? From what I see, your nose is in her jacket, even right now."

Dawn's voice is silenced as the jacket is on her face. "So, what?! It's a cute smell, that's all!"

Rainbow Dawn smiled, laying on her side, and grabbed her pony version, messing up her mane. "I said the same thing when 'she' caught me that day. Helpful Tip: Do it at home and not on her bed when she can walk on you as your mas-" Dawn rammed her hoof into Rainbow's mouth, stopping her from finishing that sentence.


Rainbow Dawn pulled the hoof away and looked up at the ceiling, her body slowly fading to normal rather than being covered in darkness.

"I wonder if she still has the same kink?" said Rainbow, causing Dawn to stop sniffing and yelling what she meant. "I wonder if she has a thing for big butts like 'her.'" Rainbow stood from the bed and smiled. "When we first met, I was a troublemaker at high school, beating anyone up who looked at me wrong. One day, she joined my school and came to me out of the blue. I thought she wanted to fight, so I led her behind the school to fight her, but she quickly tripped, and her face landed on my butt. She said it was an accident, but I remember her rubbing her face on my butt, saying this big airbag saved her life! Perv!"

Dawn looked up at Rainbow and saw her blushing and smiling, making her happy. She was talking to a big sister about their love life.

"We became close friends, but she never said why she went up to me in the first place. So, I never knew why." Rainbow looked down and smiled at Dawn. "Soon, I fell in love with her, and we started dating...until..." Dawn watched as the darkness covered Rainbow once more. "Never mind that; hurry being a perv, and let's get started." She disappeared, leaving Dawn alone.

Dawn smiled evilly, putting the jacket on the bed and waiting for Braver to return—until she noticed a mirror in the room, making her sigh, as Braver is truly a blockhead and never notices these things. Dawn looked around and stood in front of the mirror, posing and checking her butt out, realizing her rear was pretty big, like a peach.

"Do I have a nice butt? It would be weird if she does have a big butt kink," said Dawn out loud.

"You know we're still here, right?" said Rainbow Dawn, hiding her laughter.

Dawn kicked the mirror and coughed but quickly realized something. "We?"

In the hall, Cozy shouted, "I think she's talking about me, Ms. Sniffer." Cozy laughed, causing Dawn to hide under the covers, not believing what had happened.

Rainbow Dawn appeared as a black ghost and sighed, "At least she wasn't caught doing 'that,' unlike me."

Meanwhile, Blitz finally reached the kitchen and groaned about how long it took.
"Man, I should use the maid service!" said Blitz, looking around the kitchen.

The kitchen was huge, with a fridge the size of a house and long countertops. She walked over and got a glass, but she froze as she realized something.

"Wait, speaking of the maids, where is the staff?" She looked around the empty kitchen. For a few days, staff was always on hand, cleaning or making night meals for the princess or themselves.

"I don't know; the staff left days ago for a reason." said a voice, causing Blitz to jump and turn, seeing Tempest sitting on the table, eating an apple.

"What are you doing here?!" shouted Blitz, trying to calm her heart.

"Eating apples and enjoying a good view," said Tempest, biting the apple, making Blitz confused by that statement, but before she asked her what she meant, she suddenly felt frail, like her magic was being sucked out of her. She quickly remembers this feeling. She turned around and saw Tirek draining her magic.

"T-Tirek!" shouted Blitz, falling to her knees and holding her chest.

"Hello, little girl. It's been a while since I've drained powerful magic, such power. I missed this feeling." said Tirek, walking closer to her.

Blitz tried to stand up, but she was too weak. Tirek smiled as he walked over and pulled her up by her hair. Blitz couldn't do anything. He got closer to her face and smirked, then slammed her into the floor, knocking her out. Tempest hops off the table and leads Tirek out of the kitchen as he drags Blitz away.

Twilight sweated as she and Dashie looked inside the other guest room, which was filled with storage stuff. She remembered this was where she put all that stuff from the normal storage unit, which was being used as the Braver therapy room.
"Sorry," whispered Twilight, looking all embarrassed.

Dashie looked at the pile of junk and sighed, turning away. "Maybe Twilah will let me sleep on the floor if I beg hard enough." Dashie walked off while Twilight closed the door and hurried to her side.

"Maybe if I apologized about how I treated her, she'll forgive you," said Twilight, sighing.

Dashie laughed and said it was fine that they had fought like this before when they didn't agree on something. It's normal for couples to fight.

Twilight looked down and thought of all the fights she had with Dash; some were for stupid reasons, like making a joke or disagreeing on something.

They finally arrived at the room and knocked but heard no reply. Dashie knocked again, calling out Twilah's name, but the door slowly opened. Twilah never said anything or was at the door, so Dashie opened the door and entered with Twilight. For some reason, the room was completely dark, like the night sky.
"Why is it so dark in here?" asks Twilight, not sure what's going on.

"Twilah, are you in here?" asks Dashie, walking further into the dark room, her hand on the wall. She follows the wall, hoping to find a candle to light it, but the two hear the door slam behind them. Soon, the room is filled with light, and both their eyes go wide, seeing the scene on the bed.

"T-Twilah..." whispered Dashie, seeing Dash on top of Twilah, who was in her underwear, and both kissing.

Twilight screamed at Dash to remember who she loved, but Dash said, "I don't love you, Twilight, not anymore." Dash pulled away from her lips and smirked, licking her own, making her jealous.

"W-What?" whispered Twilight, tears filling her eyes, realizing her wife had betrayed her.

"She's the one I love; she treats me better, and she's more sexy than you'll ever be," Dash said, looking down and up at her wife and spitting at her.

Dashie ran to the bed and shouted, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!? TO ME!?" but she suddenly felt odd, falling to her knees and coughing as she noticed the pink mist. Twilight saw the fog and tried to cover her mouth using magic, but she felt someone else's magic blocking hers. She turned and noticed where the mist was coming from.
"Chrysalis!?" thought Twilight, seeing the former queen blasting out the pink mist from her body, but she also saw someone else next to her; it was Luna, using her magic to jam Twilight's magic.
"L-Luna? What's going on? Why are you helping Chrysalis!?" yelled Twilight, watching her friend blast out more pink mist.
Luna said nothing; she was only watching and jamming Twilight magic. Twilight grew mad, but she suddenly felt someone turning her around and kissing her; it was Dashie. Twilight's mind went blank as she breathed in the pink mist; her body went limp, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She moaned and drooled, loving how Dashie always kissed, kissing her back and pushing her to the floor, completely lost in the lust.

"Twilight..." whispered Dashie, feeling her take off her clothes while kissing her.

"Dashie..." whispered Twilight, leaning back and seeing her in her underwear and her anthro form now and leaning back in, kissing her even more.

Like Chrysalis, Luna started to cry at the sight of them, forcing this scene to be made.

Dawn led Braver down a hallway, not saying a word, while Braver was wondering where they were going. She wanted to confess to her, but she asked her to follow her.
"Ummm, Dawn, where are we going?" asks Braver, trying to look at her face, but darkness is covering it.

"Don't worry, I'll show you something interesting," Dawn said, stopping in front of the guest bedroom.

Braver knew this bedroom and asked why they were there. But she quickly blushed red as she heard a noise coming from it, sounding like someone was moaning.
"What's going on in there?" whispered Braver, trying to listen more and walking to the door, pushing it open.
She looked in and was shocked at the scene: Her mothers and Blitz's parents were making out with each other. She stepped back in horror, but Dawn kicked open the door, smirking at the sight.

"Teacher, what are you doing? You're Kissing Blitz's mom like that. The same goes for you, Dash, kissing Twilah; what's going on?" Dawn asks, smiling at them.

Twilight said nothing, ignoring her while still kissing Dashie. Dawn turned to Braver, who shouted at her mother to say something.
"They won't listen; I'm sorry," said Dawn, looking at her.

"What do you mean!?" shouted Braver, walking closer to them.

Dawn said nothing, only smiling at the scene before her. She was watching her teacher make out and ignoring Braver's pleas to stop. She took out a recording crystal and showed it to Braver. She watched Twi appear, kissing Dashie in the barn and saying awful things about Braver.

"Mom?" whispered Braver, turning to her, but Twilight's eyes went lifeless as Dawn was controlling her right now.

Twilight turned to her and smiled at her like she always did, but it...felt wrong, "It's all true, sweetie. I wish you were dead. I hate having you. You're a monster for a daughter. You are a failure, a monster, and a demon child. You're a monster that will destroy everything, like before. You are in my way of loving Dashie. I want to be happy and do anything to get that happiness. You're not needed anymore and will never be needed. I wish we never-" Twilight started to shake, crying as she fought against this mind control but couldn't "-save you. All the trouble you gave me has always been a pain. The heartache. The worry. The fear. You should've just died that day, falling to fate..." said Twilight, turning away from her.
Braver couldn't believe this was happening, hearing her mother say all these awful things. She didn't know what to think or what to feel.

Dawn released Twilight and held Braver's hoof. "See, she never loved you. She hated you; she even said she wished you were dead. Your mom will never love you, never..." whispered Dawn, kissing her cheek while hugging her, while Braver was in shock, not moving. "Family love isn't real; your family is a lie. Everything you thought was a lie, a fake," said Dawn, looking into her eyes as Twilight was now kissing Dashie but crying.
Braver couldn't watch this anymore and turned to the door, seeing Cozy sitting on top of Blitz's body while all her friends were looking at her.

"BLITZ!" shouted Braver, running to her but being punched away by Cozy. She stood back up and screamed at her, asking what she was doing.
Cozy and the others started to laugh at her stupid question. Tempest stepped forward and blasted her with firework magic, speaking, "We were never your friends, Braver. You never had a home or a place here. You don't belong; we used you to eliminate Twilight and the elements. Your Fate can't be changed!"

Braver was on the ground, covering her ears as Tirek walked over, grabbed her head, and looked down at her. "You're just a monster, pretending something it's not. You have no family or place. No one needs you. Your Fate is just meant to destroy and kill."
Braver screamed at him, punched him, and cried, but he ate Blitz's magic, which made him able to tank the hits.
"You're nothing but a monster. You will always be a monster." Tirek said, tossing her over to Luna, who grabbed her with her magic.

"Give in to your darkness, monster Braver. Submit to your Fate. Become the monster everyone fears. The monster you are. No matter how much you deny it, the darkness is inside you, and you will never escape it!" said Luna, holding her close to her, while Cozy only looked on, smiling, but in truth, she was filled with beyond rage.

Braver covered her ears, and her pony form started to turn back into its slime form: "I'M NOT A MONSTER!" Braver screamed but was slammed into the floor. Luna unleashed memories from her dreams, showing her killing Nightfall and Sky. She destroyed her own universe and attacked the group that saved her.
"You can't run from it. Face the truth, monster!" said Luna, holding her.

Braver tried to fight back, but her body was hurting. Her head was in great pain as if her whole body were being pulled apart. She was screaming in pain and sadness. She saw Chrysalis hoof and looked up at her with rainbow tears in her eyes.

"No one can ever love you. Everyone will only see you as a monster. Nothing will change. Nothing will be different. No one needs you. Everyone is better without you. That's your fate!" said Chrysalis, smiling, while putting her hoof on Braver's head, putting pressure on it.

Braver screamed as she was in so much pain, with tears in her eyes and screaming, "Someone! Please help me!"
She heard laughter around her and saw even her parents laughing at her, holding their new lovers and saying how useless she was, while Dawn's horn and eyes glowed with dark rainbow light.

"No one will come for you. You're not needed nor wanted!" whispered Chrysalis, stomping her hoof down on poor Braver's head. "You won't be saved! Give in to your fate! DIE OR BECOME A MONSTER THAT EVERYONE FEARS AND HATES!" shouted Chrysalis, kicking her to the wall and laying there hurt.

Braver cried out for 'them' as her body finally turned back into its proper form, her Chaos Slime body, her eyes white, her halo appearing, and the five rainbow halos behind her back.

"RAIN! TERRA! FLASH! WANDA! BERRY! DR. WONDER! FLARE! AAIRA AND LIL STAR! EIRIKA AND AERO! LAYLA! BOLT THE PEGASUS! HEAT THE ALICORN!" cried out Braver, wanting the wonderful group of people who saved her to save her once more as she looked for them, seeing their faces in her mind and remembering them. But she suddenly saw them all before her, thanks to Dawn and her walking out of the group: Nightfall and Sky. "...mothers..."
They said nothing but looked down at her, and they and the rest of the group gave her a disgusted look and walked away into the darkness, leaving her all alone.

Dawn walked over and lowered her head. "See, your friends and even your saviors never cared about you. They were lying to you. Like I always tried to warn you about." Dawn Nuzzle Braver "You only need me, and only me. No one else." said Dawn, as her body glowed with a rainbow aura.

"N-No, no..." whispered Braver, not believing her, but Dawn stepped back as Cozy got off Blitz and walked over. "Braver, god, you're so weak. Here, I thought you were so strong."

"Cozy, n-no, no, not you..." whispered Braver, bleeding rainbows from her eyes and mouth.

Cozy giggled as she walked around her. "Yes, me. I was playing you the whole time. I mean, how can someone like me become friends with you? I was only using you! To get stronger myself so I could beat you. I don't want to be your friend! I hate you! I only want to see you suffer!" spoke Cozy, her eyes glowing pure red, laughing.

Braver was shaking, coughing rainbow slime, and tried to reach out for her, whispering her name, but Cozy kicked it away and pulled her slime mane towards her face, smirking. Dawn and her counterpart could feel it. Braver was going to scatter; she just needed that one push.


"Oh, Braver, my dear Braver." Cozy put her hoof on her cheek, rubbing it. "So stupid and blinded by the truth. You might be strong, but you are so weak. You can't do anything without me." Cozy leans closer and shocks Dawn and Braver herself. She kissed her and leaned back, smiling. "It's why I love you! Someone has to watch your back! And it's going to be me because I love you! So get up already! Are you done crying!? Believing this fucking shit!?"

Braver didn't know what to say while Cozy kept yelling at her.
"You aren't a fucking monster; you're not a bad creature. You are strong and beautiful. You are powerful and stupid! You are worth saving, loving, becoming friends with, giving a second chance, and having a place here! You have a home and a family! Screw fate; nothing is written in stone! You'll break it anyway, you big loveable klutz!" Cozy yelled at her, while Dawn finally snapped out of the shock and was filled with rage as she was tricked by Cozy again.

"COZY!" screamed Dawn, charging at her. But Cozy punched her so hard that she went flying through the castle wall. Rainbow Dawn caught her, and both fell to the city below.

"I always wanted to do that!" said Cozy, laughing, while walking over to Braver and helping her up. "Come on, get up! Be your normal stupid self!"

Cozy watched as Braver returned to normal, and everyone in the room was free from the mind control.

"W-Where am I?" asks Blitz, waking up and looking at the others and around the room, but seeing everyone freaking and crying.

"TWILAH!" screamed Dash, jumping off of her bright red, as Twilah was almost naked. Twilight quickly got off Dashie and looked for her daughter. She grabbed her and said she wasn't the one saying that stuff. Soon, the others joined in and said the same thing.

"You didn't? Who did then?" asked Braver, hugging them.

Cozy pulled her away from them. "Dawn, she's evil. She sees you as an object, something to have, and nothing else. She's been trying to destroy your friendship with us and your family since your sister and her parents came here."

Braver shook her head. "No! That's a lie! Dawn isn't like that! She would never!"

Cozy punched her, shocking everyone. "Look what she did!" she said, pulling her away from everyone and making her look at them and at Blitz and Blitz's parents. "TO EVERYONE!"

Braver looked at them all, seeing Chrysalis looking ashamed and shaking with guilt, but Luna held her, telling her it wasn't her fault; she was being controlled. Tirek helped Blitz but couldn't return her magical energy, as it was gone from his system. Tempest put her hood up and faced away from her looking glaze, as she was ashamed of what she did to Braver. Finally, she and Blitz's parents looked at each other and looked away; she could feel the shame, pain, and sadness radiating from them.

"Braver! You have to believe me!" shouted Cozy, holding her hoof hard, which caused Braver to look at her. "I know you take all after that stupid Twilight, but friendship or talking won't save her this time. We need action. Please, Braver. Help me."

Braver touch Cozy hoof "Help how?"

Cozy closed her eyes and hoped she would agree with her. "...in destroying Dawn. Sealing her away will be stupid; she's too dangerous."

Braver gasped and looked at her. "Destroy? What are you talking about!? NO! I CAN SAVE HER! SHE'S LONELY! I have to try and save her! I-I LOVE HER!"

Cozy pulled her close. "So you choose her over us!? After she hurt your sister!? YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!? DON'T BE YOU RIGHT NOW!"

Braver pushed her back. "I...I have, too! Please understand! Dawn will be alone and become a monster worse than me if I don't. I have to try and save her. I have, too. She needs someone by her side!"

Cozy shook her head. "Then you'll doom us all. I'll do—" Suddenly, everyone could hear a loud noise coming from the city. They all hurried over to the hole and saw a golden light tearing through the city's foundation.
"Oh no! It's Dawn!" shouted Cozy.

"She's going to destroy the city by sliding it to the land below!" shouted Blitz.

Suddenly, the golden light appeared before them: Rainbow Dawn, holding a hurt Dawn. She smiled at them as she spoke, "You won't change this outcome! You can't change Fate! I'll destroy you all, making Braver and Blitz become 'her' again! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE OUR RAINBOW COMET LIGHT! I'M RAINBOW SUN DAWN! I'LL RESTART THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE!" She put her hand over Dawn and healed her while also giving her a boost in power. Dawn could see the pink jacket that Braver had given her now on her, and her horn was shining bright like the sun. "Plan B. Destroy them."

Dawn smirked and nodded, hovering out of her arms and watching Rainbow Dawn fly to the ground and lift the castle. Soon, the city started to slide down the mountain.

Twilight and Dash held their chests in pain like something was warning them that they were going to die...

"No, please..." whispered Twilight as tears came down her face.

Rainbow Dash held Twilight close to her. When she looked up, she saw Dawn looking down at them. "We'll stop you!"

Dawn just laughed. "It's a little late for that." The horn started to gather rainbow energy, becoming a swirling sphere.
Twilah suddenly saw her watch and tried to grab it, but Dawn slammed into the room, destroying it and sending the watch falling to the city below as it started to glow red.

The smoke cleared, revealing Cozy in her cursed form and pushing Dawn back.
"DARN YOU, COZY! ALWAYS GETTING IN MY WAY!" shouted Dawn, pushing back with great force.

Cozy pushed back and made her barrier.

"Cozy..." muttered Braver, trying to stand.

"Don't you dare hurt her or my friends!" screamed Cozy, sending herself and Dawn through the ceiling and disappearing.

Soon, the upper part of the castle started to shake with their fighting.
Blitz stood up and looked down at the city and back up, seeing Dawn and Cozy blasting out of a wall and shooting lasers at each other before crashing back into the castle. She turned to everyone and said, "This castle will not last much longer! We need to get out!"

Tirek stood up as he protected everyone else from the charge attack that Dawn did. "Dawn had made us gather all the castle guards and staff in one place. We can't leave them behind!"

Twilah nodded. "He's right! We need to save everyone first before leaving." She walked over to her daughter, looked at the city, and started to examine it in her mind. "Blitz, you have to stop the sliding of the city. Go to the center and try pushing it back up. Braver and Tirek, you need to he—" Suddenly, Dawn slams Cozy in front of them with her energy charge.

Dawn turned and saw Tirek charging at her, but she tackled him away through the wall while Cozy stood up and followed them through the hole they made.

"Mom, I can do it on my own! There's no time! Everyone's going to die down there!" shouted Blitz, getting her mother's attention.

Twilah looked around the room and saw everyone was injured from the blast just now or didn't have the strength to help Blitz. Braver looked through the hole, wanting to help Cozy and Tirek. She turned to Dashie, who nodded at her. "Alright, go, honey! Be careful!"

Blitz gave her a thumbs up and jumped out of the castle, turning into her anthro form. She soared towards the city, going under it and slamming her hands on the rocks, pushing the city back into place, which she was doing. But she suddenly felt weak again, thanks to Tirek draining her, and her body was still recovering. She felt the city sliding back down.

"No! PUSH HARDER, DAMN IT!" shouted Blitz, trying harder, but she couldn't, and soon the city started sliding down faster. "No, no, no, no! NO!"

In the crumbling city, Spike ran with Rarity in his arms, trying to find where that rainbow streak went, thinking it was Rainbow Dash, but Rarity told him to stop. She said her chest was telling her to head left, which he did. Soon, they were in a park.

"Why are we here!?" shouted Spike.

"Something tells me to be here, darling," replied Rarity, looking around the park.

Spike looked at her confusedly and soon saw something glowing red. "Rarity! Look!" They could see a red watch-looking object, and soon, a portal opened from it. Stepping out was Celestia, a small baby version of him but looking like a robot.

"...what?" whispered Spike, seeing his robotic self scanning the area.

Celestia noticed the two and asked them what was going on, which they explained quickly.
"With so much crumbing across the city, it can't be saved. We need to start evacuation and send the civilians safely!" replied Celestia, turning her head to the night sky and seeing the castle in the air and slowly being destroyed by the fighting within it.

Robotic Spike was done scanning, then turned to the group. "The scan is complete. I can save everyone here by sending them to my creator's pocket dimension."

"That's impossible!" replies Rarity, turning to everyone. " Right? What's a pocket dimension?" But robotic Spike just smiles at her.

"Nothing is impossible with nanomachines, son!"

"...son?" whispered Rarity, all confused but gasping as the robotic Spike fell apart and became an endless sea of robotic-looking nanites, and they all started to go in search of the citizens of the city.

Everyone was surprised, while some screamed or tried running, until they all started to glow when covered by them and floating, and the robot swarm was pulling everyone into the portal they created.

Spike looked around and asked himself, "How long will it take to save everyone?"

Robotic Spike replied to him through the swarm with his voice, "A minute."

Celestia used her magic and lifted Spike and Rarity to the sky, watching the last remaining nanites disappear into the portal and seeing the city crash into the valley below. Canterlot is gone.

"My boutique..." whispered Rarity, making Spike hold her close, but they all could see a rainbow comet blasting out of the ruins and flying across the destroyed city, looking for any survivors.

"Is that Rainbow Dash!?" shouted Celestia.

"No," said Rarity, her horn glowing super bright, stopping the rainbow light movements and rushing towards them, revealing its Blitz. "It's Braver sister!" Rarity lit up her horn, making it so bright that Blitz saw it and flew towards them.

Blitz looked at them, quickly asking if they could help her search for ponies and other creatures in the wreckage. They calmed her down, explained what happened, and let out a sigh of relief. But that quick relief ended as they all saw the castle blowing up in a bright rainbow blast, sending them flying.

When Blitz jumped out of the castle, everyone turned to Braver, seeing her watching the fight between Cozy and Tirek against Dawn. Twilight and Dash walked up to her.

"Sweetie, what are you thinking?" asked Twilight, putting her hoof on her shoulder and making her turn to her.

"We can save her because sealing her away is stupid! Even more so, with the idea of destroying her! She deserves better. I know I can get through to her! Please tell me I'm right, mom! Please!" begged Braver, shocking Twilight and everyone, but before anyone could say anything, the castle started shaking again and falling apart, making everyone remember the castle staff. Everyone left and entered the room that Dawn ordered Braver's friend to put them in—leaving Braver and her parents alone.

"Sweetie, I don't know. In the past, my friends and I would seal them away and not..." Twilight got cut off as Braver finished her sentence. "And not give them a chance!? WHY!? I DON'T GET THAT!?" shouted Braver in anger and pain, making Dash walk up and hug her.

"We were young and, most of the time, up against the wall, having no options. You showed us anyone deserves a second chance, even three or more." Dash replied, rubbing her back and hugging her tight, not letting go of her. "To move forward...even if you trip along the way..."

"So you'll let me talk to her!?" asked Braver, hugging her mom.

Dash let her go and sighed. Twilight put her arm around Dash, smiling with sadness. They looked at each other and back at her.
"Braver, my sweet, brave little girl, you aren't us. You are your future. We won't stop you. This is your battle," Dash replied, making Twilight and her hold her, making her cry.

"My darling baby girl, you have something in you; it's a spark. I know you can save her! Be brave and be you. Remember what your mother told you about the symbol on your jacket? You'll break through any wall to save anyone you love." Twilight started crying as she nuzzled her.

"My battle...my spark..." whispered Braver as they hugged. They heard a loud thud, which made them turn their heads and see the castle falling apart; time was running out.

Dash and Twilight pushed her to the hole and smiled as they said in unison, "Now go, break through that wall she created. Sweet pea, we believe in you."

"I won't fail! I'll bring her home!" shouted Braver, leaping through the hole with a trail of dark ink behind her.

Both her moms nodded and headed to the rest of their friends. They found them in the indoor garden, and most of the staff was rushing in. Dashie and Twilah were dressed again and noticed their friends entering the room.

"Is this everyone?" asked Twilight, landing. The staff and guards rushed to her, asking if she was okay, as they were scared of what was going on.

"Yes, everyone is here. We need to go, Princess Twilight!" shouted Tempest; she and her friends used a shield to protect the room from the falling debris.

"Everyone, please, stay close and don't get separated!" replied Twilight, using her magic and creating a large bubble around them, allowing her to teleport them all safely. But suddenly, Tirek came crashing through the wall, getting and scattering her bubble and lying in front of them. Dawn exited the hole, pulling a hurt Cozy by her ponytail, smiling evilly as she tossed her on top of him. Both slowly looked at her with anger.

"Where do you think you are going, teacher? I have a lesson for you and the others. It's called you are GOING TO DIE! Braver is mine! MINE! NOT YOURS! NEVER YOURS!" shouted Dawn, her eyes glowing a dark rainbow and her hair glowing golden and becoming undone, her long mane flowing in the wind.

"Oh boy, she lost it..." whispered Dash to Twilight.

"Coco for coco puffs!" added Dashie, making Twilight sigh in agreement.

Twilight steps forward, her chest out, and says in her royal Canterlot voice, "Luster, Dawn! What has gotten into you? This is not like you. We are your friends, and I'm your teacher, and we will always support you. You are so gifted and have such a great heart; please stop this now."

Dawn crossed her arms. She couldn't believe her teacher was really trying to talk her out of it, like she was being controlled by a great evil or something.

"Really? Still doing the whole "this isn't you" speech!? That doesn't work! I don't want to hear it! I'm going to destroy everyone here! THIS IS FOR HER! SHE NEEDS TO SEE SHE DOESN'T NEED YOU ALL!" Dawn rushed towards them, but a black ink trail burst through the ground and held her back. It was Braver. "BRAVER!?"

"Dawn! Stop! Please, this isn't like you! Don't hurt my family and friends!" she shouted, pulling her back and trying to reason with her, only for Dawn to push her away with a blast of energy and rush towards her.

"Family!? FRIENDS!? They are no good for you! Only I'm good for you! ME!" Dawn rushed towards her, grabbing her throat and dragging her across the grassy landscape. "I LOVE YOU! I don't see that! You only need me! ONLY ME! NO ONE ELSE! NOT EVEN YOUR REAL PARENTS! I BEEN MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR YOU, N'T!?"

"You are...but Dawn...I..." replied Braver, her neck getting choked out.

Dawn kept choking her harder, but Dash came rushing towards her. Dawn sensed her coming and grabbed her with her magic. She then started to slowly pull Dash's wings apart, causing her to scream.

"RAINBOW DASH!" shouted Twilight as she and the others rushed to help her. But they saw Braver becoming her slime form and covering Dawn Horn with slime, stopping the magic, freeing her mother, tossing Dash back to the others, and looking at Dawn with rage.

"DON'T HURT MY MOM! I'M A MOMMY GIRL!" Braver shouted in her royal Canterlot voice, pushing her off. "DAWN, STOP THIS NOW! WE CAN TALK THIS OUT!"

Dawn stood back up and walked up to her, now face-to-face.

"Talking...will never solve anything, Braver," she said. This is the only way to save you from them. I have to destroy them! BREAK YOU! SCATTER YOU! SO YOU CAN ONLY LOVE ME!" Dawn raised her hoof and slammed it into the ground, creating a shock wave that caused Braver to fall back and the room to crumble. Dawn started to glow, and Rainbow appeared behind her like a stand.
Both Dawn's spoke as one: "FINAL HARMONY RAINBOOM!"

Twilight, Dash, Dashie, and Twilah froze in fear when they heard those words. Twilight tried to create a shield around Dawn, but Braver beat them. She became a natural slime, completely covered Dawn, and looked at her friends and family.

"NOT ALLOWING THAT MAGIC IN THIS UNIVERSE! NO ONE GOING TO DIE TO IT!" shouted Braver, pushing them all into her second bubble and tossing them away from her and the magical bomb she was covering containing the full blast as it went off. Still, she could feel it leaking out; it won't be full power, but she senses it is powerful nevertheless...

"BRAVER!" shouted everyone as they soared away from the castle, seeing the rainbow blast go off, sending them toward Ponyville...along with another bubble.

AJ and the others were heading towards the air balloon, but they saw the city crashing into the valley and in ruins. Soon, they saw the rainbow blast, and everyone in town flew.

Fluttershy finished her message, saw the blast, and hurried her way to Ponyville, where she saw two black bubbles landing.

Blitz woke up and realized she was in a bubble shield with Spike and Rarity. They all stood up and saw Celestia on the ground, breathing hard. It took all magic to keep the shield up, but it faded as they were still in the air. Blitz grabbed her as the shield vanished, while Spike held Rarity as his wings came out. They all saw two smoking craters in Ponyville and flew toward the town.

Braver's bubble slime shield fell apart, releasing her friends, family, and castle staff into the crater. Soon, the town folks gathered and helped them out.

"TWILIGHT! DASH!" shouted AJ, Pinkie, and the rest of their friends.

"Girls!?" shouted Fluttershy as she landed beside them, hugging them as she was glad they were safe.

"MOM!" shouted Blitz as she landed and set Celestia down, as Luna rushed to her.

"BLITZ!" shouted her parents as they hugged her.

"GIRLS!" shouted Rarity as Spike and she landed with the others. "What's going on!? Spike was explaining something about Dawn, but my chest hurt."

Before anyone could answer her, they all had the same pain again, falling to the ground. Everyone else came to their aid and asked what was wrong.

Twilight held her chest, looked towards the other crater, and realized what this feeling was.
"It's a warning!" Twilight shouted as everyone looked towards her, "This might be the end of our universe!"

Everyone could see the night sky becoming yellow as the morning sun started to appear on its own, but it wasn't the sun. It was the sun with a black core, and its dark light covered the whole land. Soon, the slime bubble in the second crater fell apart and formed into Braver, who looked hurt as both Dawns caught her.

"This is the final dawn you will ever see!" shouted both Dawns.

Rainbow Dawn lowered Braver to Dawn, who kissed her, and she turned to everyone. Everyone is here, even her parents.

"Dawn..." whispered Starlight, shocked at what her daughter had become.

"Hello, failure of a mom. I'm back."

"Dawn, don't do this! Please! There must be another way!" cried Twilight. As the yellow light came closer, it shone across the land, and black water started filling the area where the light touched.

"Another way? HAHA! You're so funny! There's no other way; this is the only way, and once I'm done, we can be together forever...right, Braver?" Dawn said as she kissed Braver again, and soon, they glowed a bright rainbow. She leaned back and stabbed Braver in the chest with her hoof, slowly pulling out her gray crack core, causing her to scream in pain.
"THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" shouted Dawn as she finally ripped her Element of Harmony core out and sent her and Rainbow Dawn's magic into it. She was overloading it and pushing it back into her chest.

"NOOOOOOO!" shouted everyone as Twilight and Dash flew to her but were pushed back by a rainbow force field.
Braver was shaking. Her eyes rolled back, and rainbow slime poured out of her eyes, mouth, and ears. The dark water almost touched the barrier, and the yellow light was inches away. Soon, darkness could be seen in the distance.

"BRAVER!" cried everyone.

Braver slowly stopped shaking and looked at Dawn.
"My darling, sweet Braver. Become my sun. My Dawn, no, my supernova, and wipe clean everything and everyone, leaving only us. It's fate." Dawn hugged her one last time.

Braver looked down at her core, seeing it pulsing and becoming unstable. She knew this was the end.

"NO!" shouted Twilight and Dash, pushing through the barrier, but their chests started to go crazy, and soon, their elements appeared somehow, along with the girls and their elements. They could see Element of Magic Tiara creating a hologram of younger Twilight and speaking to them.

"Use us! Destroy this evil, or all is doom!"

"What about my daughter!?" shouted Twilight, facing her younger self.

The hologram of Twilight shook her head. "She can't be saved. She must be destroyed, or our universe is doomed. There isn't a way; I'm sorry."

Dash took off her necklace and threw it on the ground, refusing to believe that.
"NO! FUCK THIS! I'M NOT KILLING MY DAUGHTER!" shouted Dash. Soon, the rest of the girls joined in, tossing their necklaces in front of the hologram Twilight.

Twilight took off her tiara and dropped it. "I saved my daughter; I'm not going to end her. I refuse."

The elements shook her head and disappeared into the tiara—twilight stepped forward with the girls and everyone else.

"There has to be a way!" they all shouted.

Braver started to cry, seeing everyone and hearing them. She felt Dawn let go of her and step towards them, laughing at them.

"You are such fools. Do you think you can stop this? You can't; this is fate! All of you are going to die! Then Braver and I will be finally together and alone!"

The black water finally reached the town, and everyone could see the multiverse tree in the distance. Braver looked at it and tried to think of something. She wasn't bright like her mother, but she needed to think—and think she did. Thanks to Twilah and her knowledge of space, as they talked about stuff during their time together, she started thinking about the sun and how it goes supernova. She thought of theories about the sun and black holes.
"If I use the element's magical energy against itself, I can create a mini black hole in the core, collapsing the core, and..." thought Braver, closing her eyes. Her form started to change, which everyone noticed, even Dawn.

"Braver? What are you doing?" she asked, sensing the energy coming off her.

"The only way I can save everyone is Dawn, as you said, becoming a sun after it dies," replied Braver as she felt Rainbow Dawn letting her go by tossing her away and frowning at her.

"Smart...very smart."

Dawn looked at her and wanted an answer, but she just stared at Braver while others were calling to Braver, asking what she was doing. Braver turned to her as her body started to twist and turn, increasing in size, turning bright orange, and returning to normal.

"Moms, thank you for loving me as your child, even though I wasn't a perfect daughter. Thank you for giving me the life I never had."

Twilight and Dash could feel something was wrong like Braver was saying her final goodbyes. Twilight and Twilah's eyes went wide, realizing what she was doing.

"NO! BRAVER, DON'T!" shouted Twilight, trying to grab her but couldn't; as the black water started to rise and touch, it burned her and anything it touched.

Dash turned to Twilight. "What is she doing!? Twi!?"

"She's going to destroy her core...by using the overloading magic inside of her core against itself. It will..." Twilah took over as Twilight couldn't finish. "It will create a small black hole. Destroying her core and the magic before it has a chance to go supernova—like after a dead star—she will self-destruct herself to save us all."

Everyone was silent and couldn't believe this.

"Braver, please don't. We love you; we need you!" cried Twilight, begging her to stop.

Dash flew towards her, but she created a wall against her and them.
"Mommy, you're my hero, which is why I always look up to you the most. I love you! I'm glad I'm a mommy girl for you!" said Braver, as rainbow tears flowed from her eyes. They started to boil, and heat began to build in her body.

"Braver, no!" cried Dash, trying to break through.

Dawn turned to Rainbow Dawn, asking her to do something. Rainbow Dawn turned to her and just smiled.

"WHY!? SHE'S GOING TO KILL HERSELF! She won't come back from this!" shouted Dawn, crying.

Rainbow Dawn frowns. "If she doesn't survive, she's not 'her.' 'She' goes against fate and always comes out on top, like she always has. If she fails here, then it's not 'her.' Simple."

Dawn stomps her hooves. "NO! This isn't the plan! YOU NEED TO!" Her throat grabbed Dawn as Rainbow held it tight.

"Don't worry, we'll look for her together. The real 'her,' not this fake!" Rainbow Dawn started to twitch, her head twisting around, and her chest started to ooze rainbow slime, which began to form behind her. "LET'S BE TOGETHER AND LOOK FOR OUR REAL COMET LIGHT LIKE FATE WANTS US TO DO!"

Everyone watched in horror as the Rainbow Slime Monster appeared behind Rainbow Dawn,

roaring and looking down at the Dawns. Braver tried to move, but her body was still breaking down. She and the others could only watch as the darkness of Rainbow Dawn started to fade, and she began crying as she turned to the monster.
"Please don't do this. I don't want this."

The slime monster clamped down on them, eating them and slowly absorbing them back into her chest. She slowly stood up, still looking the same, but her forehead started to pulse, her skin pushing forward, and a horn burst out. She opened her eyes, feeling her horn.

"So eating another version of me makes me more powerful? I can find' her' if I keep eating other versions of myself! She'll come after me! To stop this cruel fate!" She turned to Blitz, who was pounding the barrier that Braver had but was looking at her now. "You have a Dawn too, right? I'll eat her as well."

Blitz released her magical energy, screaming at her, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH LUCY!"

Rainbow laughed, turning around but freezing as everyone else saw it. Everything had prism effects, pushing back the tide of black water and the evil rays of the black core sun, and walking out of it was...

"...what?" whispered Rainbow Dawn, staring at another version of herself but much older.

Ultimately, she looks like her without looking evil.

She wore her black gloves, stood firm as she glared at her evil self, and shouted at the others, "I'm keeping my promise to my daughter. I'll hold her off! You can save Braver!" She turned to Twilight and said, "THE SPELL! USE IT ON HER!" She faced her evil version and punched the ground, creating a black forcefield that no one could see.

"I'll eat you too! I don't know how you got here, but you'll fall here too!" said Rainbow Dawn, walking closer to her other version, cracking her knuckles.

"Please, I'm not going to make my daughter cry again. I'm not dying here; I promise my kid that! I WON'T FALL TO YOUR FATE!" shouted Dawn, raising her fist and swinging as the barrier covered their battle.

"Spell...?" asked Twilight, trying to understand what she meant until it hit her. "GIRLS! USE THE ELEMENTS!"
Twilight put on her tiara and hurried over to her daughter. "Sweetie! Lower your shield! We can save you!"

"H-How?" asked Braver, feeling her body burning and melting.

Twilight smiled with warmth. "Becoming like me."

end of chapter 13

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