• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 7: The white and the wild

Scar wasn't quite sure what to think of the colorful pony. She seemed genuinely friendly but at the same time there was something in her behavior that greatly unnerved him.

"I don't know Dash, I had hoped to introduce him to the other ponies a bit more... slowly." Twilight was not sure what to think of Dash's idea. She was for some reason insisting on leading the gnoll through town to meet the ponies of Ponyville.

"Relax, Twilight! As long as he's with me he'll be fine! He'll be back before you know it!"

Twilight looked around the library, "Well, Spike and me still need to clean up..., but I'm not sure captain Purple Haze would be happy if he just left without her..."

Dash interrupted her, "Purple Haze is here? Why didn't you say so! The two of us go way back! She won't mind at all!"

Twilight was dubious, "You really know her?"

"Of course! The two of us went to flight school together! It'll be fine!"

Twilight turned to the gnoll, "I think it would be okay if Dash is there to accompany you. The decision is really yours..." Scar was almost certain now the colorful one had different plans for him, "... or you could stay and answer some questions while we clean up." he felt his heart skip a beat.

Whatever the colorful one had planned it could not possibly be worse than the alternative, "Scar goes meet ponies."

"GREAT! See you later Twilight!" she grabbed one of his paws and started to drag the gnoll outside.


The ponies who were already up and out at this early hour weren't quite sure what they were seeing. Rainbow Dash was dragging some huge beast through Ponyville, all the time telling everypony that she had the situation under complete control. The beast itself only nodded whenever Dash pointed out some store or building and gave a quick explanation as she hurriedly dragged him on. The ponies weren't particularly scared but they still kept a respectful distance.

Scar had been dragged around half of Ponyville before he decided to find out what the colorful one was scheming. He simply stopped walking and just stood there as the little pony tried to pull him on. "Hey, why'd you stop? We're almost theWHOAA!"

He held up his paw, the little pony hanging on to it as he brought her up close. "Why we go so fast? Where is little pony taking Scar?"

She grinned at him, "We're going to meet a friend of mine, she's going to be super excited to meet you! That's why we need to hurry. We don't want to keep her waiting!" she started pulling again.

He sighed, she was obviously hiding something. "Pony sure other pony will be happy to meet Scar?"

She grinned back at him, "Trust me. She is going to go completely nuts!"

"Scar is not sure if good idea. What if pony don't like meeting Scar?"

Dash was still trying to pull him on, "Don't worry, she's really friendly. Dude, how much do you weigh?"

He tilted his head, "What is colorful pony doing?"

"I'm trying to get you to move!" she tried pushing, he didn't budge.

"Silly pony, gnoll no move if it does not want to move. Now why we go so fast?"

"Uhhh..." she desperately tried to come up with something, "Because..., because she still needs to go somewhere today and we need to catch her before she's gone?" He did not believe her a single word. Then again, the alternative was going back to the talking one. He shrugged one last time and continued to follow the colorful one as she flew ahead.


Back at the library Twilight had almost completed cleaning up when Purple Haze came down the stairs, "That was the best sleep I've had for days! Twilight, you wouldn't happen to have any..." she stopped in mid-sentence to look at the pile of blankets, "Where is Scar?"

"Rainbow Dash is showing him around Ponyville."

Purple Haze blinked, "Repeat that."

"Dash took him out to meet the ponies of Ponyville."

Purple Haze wasn't sure she was hearing correctly, "Are you telling me that of all possible ponies Rainbow Dash is currently walking a gnoll through Ponyville?"

Twilight cringed, "Put it that way and it does sound a bit awkward. But she assured me she knew you and that you would be okay with it."

Purple Haze was grinding her teeth by now, "Oh I know her. And no, I am most definitely not okay with it. I'm going to go put on my stuff. Quickly, who in Ponyville would react the worst to a gnoll before her doorstep?"


They had arrived at some kind of store as far as Scar was able to understand. The colorful one had knocked and flown up to the roof while he had stood in front of the door. "Coooming!" a feminine voice almost sang. The door was opened by a white pony, "How can I be of assistance?" she sang at him with closed eyes and her head held up high. She smelled strongly of berries and something he could not decipher but his nose did not enjoy it. She was smelling far too intense for his liking. There was a moment of silence before she finally opened her eyes, and just as the colorful one had predicted, she went completely nuts.


Rainbow Dash was having the time of her life. She had expected Rarity to run around screaming in fear but this was far better. The moment Rarity had lied eyes upon the gnoll's rags she had thrown a fit and started using her magic to pull him inside her boutique. The gnoll had responded rather well considering the circumstances. He currently had his jaws locked around the wooden door frame and was holding on for his dear life. "Let go of my door you brute! I simply can not allow any creature to run around so badly dressed! It is an insult to anyponies eyes!"

"Pnnny leshh i go frst!" he somehow grumbled through the wood between his teeth.

But Rarity was unrelenting, "Not before you let me do something about those awful rags!" The fight had been going for over ten minutes now and Rainbow was laughing so hard she was on the verge of crying.

The was a sudden gust of wind as four hooves set down next to the struggling gnoll, "In the name of princess Celestia and Luna! Put down that gnoll! And Rainbow Dash, get your flank down here before I pull you off of that roof!"

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