• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,432 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 93: Featherclaws

The aged griffon walked back and forth in the audience hall of Canterlot castle, constantly pacing around the pillars and lost in thought. It wasn't that he was impatient, no... far from it. His age and position within the ranks of the royal families of the griffons was proof of that fact.

Most of the griffons were naturally impatient, and eager to jump into battle to prove their courage and skills... and many of them paid a high price for their impatience. Lord Blackbeak and the other members of the royal families were different, they were strategists... patient and capable to set foolishness apart from bravery. If it weren't for their leadership, the griffon empire would constantly be at war.

The cause for Blackbeak's restlessness were the events of the last weeks, the discovery they had made within their own kingdom... and the information princess Celestia had sent them. If the information she had sent was truly correct, then there would be the need to take action as soon as possible. This was the reason of his visit, to find out more about the troubling set of recent events and find a path of action to take next.

"My lord..." one of his two bodyguards spoke up, "Is everything alright? You seem troubled."

Blackbeak looked up from his pacing with a tired sigh, "I am fine... just lost in my thoughts." he chuckled, "A habit old birds are vulnerable to taking, I am afraid."

"I don't even understand why the princess is making us wait..." his daughter commented with a sour voice as she stretched herself, "We should be back home and hunting those pesky little critters from their holes."

"Patience, Vayu. We need to find out what the princess knows of this threat other than what she wrote us." Vayu scoffed, "Also, I am eager to find out how the ponies managed to hunt down all of them."

"They probably had luck..." Vayu shrugged, "Seriously, can you imagine the ponies being hunters? It's simply ridiculous!"

Lord Blackbeak raised an eyebrow, "And that is exactly what I intend to find out. The ponies may not be hunters, but they still managed to find all of them within such a short time it baffles me. So quiet down and wait for princess Celestia to arrive... and mind your tongue when speaking to her, she may be kind and wise but she is still the deity of the sun." Vayu gave an undignified humph, "Besides, you should be thinking of finding a suitable male soon. It is unheard of for a griffon maiden of your rank to still be unwed at your age."

Vayu's face got defiant, "And what can I do about it when there's nothing but useless chickens in the royal families? Seriously, I could take down any of them with my arms tied behind my back!" she gave her father a triumphant smirk, "And until one of them actually finds the courage to challenge me to a real fight and beats me, I get to do what I want anyway. I want someone who actually knows how to fight, not a coward!"

Blackbeak gave her a disapproving look, "Learn some wisdom child, you'll be responsible for a country one day and that means you'll have to find the dignity to..." he was interrupted by voices coming through the doors of the audience chamber.

"Wait! Stop! You can't just barge in there like that! They are not expecting you!" Blackbeak was surprised to hear Celestia's voice talk in such a frantic tone.

"Is no problem. It knows of featherclaws, father told it all about them. Will greet them and talk... nice." a deep voice rumbled from behind the door and made the griffons feel slightly at unease. Blackbeak listened to the voice in wonder, 'It'? 'Featherclaws'? He deadpanned, it had been decades ago but he had heard that word before... but where?

"Let me talk to them first. I will introduce you to them once everyone is ready. Wait here, please." Celestia could be heard arguing with the other voice.

There was short grumble followed by something heavy flopping down on the floor, "Alright, it will wait outside."

"Thank you."

The griffons continued to watch in fascination as one of the doors was pushed opened quietly, princess Celestia stepped inside, and quickly closed the door behind her before turning to them. "Lord Blackbeak, it is a pleasure to see you again. Even more so in view of the recent events."

"Aye." Blackbeak replied with a smile, "There's nothing like a common threat to put old feuds aside. How are you these days, princess?"

"I am fine, thank you." Celestia answered with a kind voice before letting her gaze travel over Vayu, "It is a pleasure to see you as well, maiden Vayu."

Vayu had been captured by Celestia's appearance until now, her tall form and flowing mane simply fascinating for the young griffon. When Celestia addressed her, she simply nodded like a fool, "Thank you, princess." Blackbeak watched her with a grin, surprised that his daughter for once failed to supply a snappy comment.

Celestia turned back to Blackbeak, "Now... before we start, there is something I would like to explain." the griffons looked at her with expectation, "As you know by now, we have discovered that the Izelim have been active within our country. And sadly, as you had to find out as well, they are also active in the griffon empire."

"I know." Blackbeak frowned, "Although it was rather by chance that we stumbled upon them. It is hard to tell how many of them are still present within our lands, we have only been able to capture a few... and none of them alive, unfortunately."

Celestia nodded, "As I have informed you, we were luckily able to find all of them and were even able to gather some information about their intentions, and they seem very troubling indeed..."

"About that..." Vayu spoke up carefully, "How were you able to find them so easily? We have been searching for weeks now without even finding a hint to their whereabouts."

Celestia turned to her, "That is perhaps, the most important point of what I wish to tell you today... In these past weeks, we have had the assistance of a friend who has been tracking down the rats without rest, and very efficiently at that. Before we continue to discuss this matter, I would like you to meet him." her gaze traveled back to Blackbeak, "If you agree to this, of course."

Blackbeak nodded, "You mean the heavy-sounding fellow outside? I admit, I am very curious to see a pony capable of tracking down those pesky rats. Please, send him in."

Celestia gave him a small smile, "There is one thing you should be aware of though... he is not a pony."

Blackbeak raised an eyebrow, "He's not? Well, what is he then?"

"I believe you'll understand once you meet him..." she turned to the doors and called out, "Scar, please enter."

There was a shift from behind the doors, and slowly, they were pushed open. As the huge frame of Scar stepped into the audience chamber with heavy steps, all of the griffons' jaws present fell open in bewilderment... all except for Blackbeak's. Instead, Celestia was surprised beyond belief to see a huge grin appear on the old griffon's face, "I'll be damned!" he laughed as he looked up at Scar with excitement, "I never thought I'd get to see a gnoll again!"

The gnoll looked down at the griffons with his single, red eye and gave a short nod, "Featherclaws."

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