• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 74: Counting rats

"To the left!" the hammer came down in a crushing blow, "Ha ha! Watch it twitch! Excellent strike master!"

Scar whirled through the rats like a storm, swinging his hammer at any rat he saw. Those that were lucky enough to duck their heads when the hammer came flying he simply buried his teeth into or stepped on. To his side Purple Haze was fighting wildly, ducking swipes from daggers while delivering bone-crushing kicks in all directions.

"I see one hiding under that table!" the hammer shouted in excitement. A moment later the hammer came down in a high swing, driving through wood and rat like they were made of cardboard, splinters showering the surroundings. "Beauty unfolds itself! See those splinters fly!" Tag's voice cackled manically.

One of the izelim jumped at the gnoll, flinging two throwing knifes in his direction. Scar barely felt them when they embedded themselves in one of his arms, but it managed to distract him enough to forget his hammer for a moment and punch the rat into the ground with angry fist. "Evil little rats with silly little knifes..." the gnoll grumbled as he picked up his hammer again.

Purple Haze ducked the lunge of two rats, delivering a crushing kick to the first rat's head while the other knife glanced off the plate on her chest. The two enemies circled one another carefully, the rat drawing a second knife and entering a slightly crouching position. The rat sneered at her, "Silly pony, think ya can take on the izelim? I'll show's you!" he jumped at her.

"Coming through!" a voice shouted from behind her.

Purple Haze barely managed to duck as the hammer flew above her head and hit the rat in mid-air with a sickening crunch. Its momentum reversed and strengthened tenfold, the rat's body shot through the air and slammed into a wall above the guard ponies.

One of the captive ponies gave a shriek of horror as the rat's mangled body fell to the ground next to her, but Berryshakes quickly dragged her along, "Keep on moving! We need to get you out of here!" she shot off a fire spell at a rat in front of her, turning it into a running candle. She checked on the other guards and captives, the evacuation was in full progress, "Keep the ponies safe! You there, guard our flank! Move!"

Somewhere to her side the hammer's voice could be heard laughing like a child as the burning rat ran in circles, "Look! It's the perfect match!"

Purple Haze saw a rat running towards Scar's back. Acting out of instinct she stretched her wings and shot off the ground towards it as it jumped. The two collided in mid-air and fell to the ground in a flailing knot, the rat coming out on top of her, knife in hands and pointed at her throat. Frantically she tried to pry it off herself, but ever so slowly, the knife drew closer. The rat gave her an evil grin before a huge black hand wrapped itself around its head.

Scar ripped the rat off Purple Haze and threw it into a wall with wild force, its head giving off a loud crack as it struck stone. Another rat made a lunge for his face, but was met by the gnoll's teeth instead. The fight went on, the hammer started to sing with joy.


Berryshakes made a quick check, "Everypony here? Good." she turned to the guard standing at the entrance to the tunnels, "Where are the reinforcements?"

"They haven't arrived yet, I'm afraid." the guard reported as he looked over the freed captives. They were covered in filth and looked exhausted. They had been able to free three ponies, all of them were close to tears and obviously traumatized from their days in captivity. Berryshakes didn't dare think of the fate of the other missing ponies.

She reached a decision, "Damn it, they need our help in there! Everypony form up, we're heading back in!"

"Yes, Sir!" the guards replied in unison, all of them eager to enter battle against the hated rats. The sight of the captive ponies and their tears had served to strengthen their will to fight.

She turned to the captives, "Wait here until more troops arrive, we'll be back soon." she walked to the entrance of the tunnels, the guards at her back, "Alright, let's go!"

They rushed in, running through the tunnels and following marks they had left on their way outside. As they neared the chamber again Berryshakes gave a loud shout, "For Equestria!"

"For Equestria!" the guards behind her shouted in unison as they thundered towards the chamber.


The moment they entered the chamber they came to a halt, mouths dropping at the sight before them. Berryshakes was the only one able to mouth what the others were probably thinking, "What the..."

The fight was over, unmoving rats were lying all over the chamber in small heaps. Only a few of them seemed to be alive, groaning in agony from broken bones and head concussions. In the middle of the chamber and in the center of destruction stood a growling gnoll and Purple Haze.

"Twenty rats you said?" Purple Haze nudged the lifeless body of a rat, checking if it was still a threat, "I count at least thirty." there was a cut on her cheek and a gash on one of her legs. Scratches and stains of blood ran over her chest plate and coat. Her mane was damp from sweat and she was breathing harder than normal.

"It also said maybe one or two more..." the gnoll grumbled as he pulled a knife from his paw, "Scar isn't that good with numbers." in addition to the two throwing knifes in his arm there was another one stuck in his thigh. One of his ears had a chip missing, blood occasionally dripping from the cleft. The fur around his muzzle was covered in blood.

"Just the more fun." the hammer commented happily as Scar leaned it on his shoulder, "Though I'm afraid I may have smeared my mustache a bit. Nasty business all that blood and brains. And that smell is simply ghastly, mind you." The gnoll gave an approving nod as he tried to wipe some of the blood from his mouth.

Finally realizing the presence of the shocked guards Purple Haze turned towards them with a smirk, "You're a bit late for the party, I'm afraid."

"Sorry, Marshall." Berryshakes somehow managed to reply as she surveyed the chamber.

"I take it all the captives are out and well?"

"Yes, Marshall."

"Alright, round up the wounded and secure them but be careful of concealed weapons. Once the reinforcements arrive they can take care of cleaning up this mess." Purple Haze said as she nearly slipped on a huge blood stain, "Have a look for any maps or letters, I'm sure we'll find some intel lying around here somewhere... Scar, what are you doing now?"

The gnoll was currently using rope to tie the body of a dead rat to a long piece of wood, "Scar is hungry." he replied with a small chuckle.

"I thought you didn't eat talking things?" Purple Haze replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Scar doesn't... also rats taste bad." he held the piece of wood in his hand, the rat dangling from the other end like a ball on a string, "But Scar does eat gators."

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