• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 16,572 Views, 674 Comments

In a Flash of Lightning - Onomonopia

A hero comes to Equestria to re-capture a villian, but the world is not what he expected.

  • ...

Storm of the Century

"Twilight! Twilight!"

Twilight groaned and opened her eyes at the call of her name. She looked up to find Spike standing over her with worry in his eyes.

"Spike? What's going...?" She tried to stand up, but her body was filled with pain and she collapsed back to the ground, causing Spike to panic again.

"Twilight, are you alright? You shouldn't be trying to stand," he advised her. She groaned again and lied back down, trying to ignore the pain coursing through her. Then she remembered what was going on.

"W-where's Billy?" she asked, starting to look around.

"Um, he's-"


Twilight and Spike both looked over towards where the four horses had been standing and witnessed the battled that was going on. Billy, or Captain Marvel, was battling with three of the four horses, not only holding them off, but actually beating them back. Death attacked him with a frontal attack so Plague could dive bomb him from above. Marvel blocked the scythe swing with his gauntlet, sending a shower of sparks everywhere. He looked up and raised his arm to catch the falling pony, wincing as Plague's body began to burn his skin. Plague let out a small chuckle only to be tossed back up into the air and grabbed by the tail. Marvel then swung Plague right into his brother, knocking them both back. Marvel didn't even have time to catch his breath as chains wrapped around his throat and pulled him to the ground. Famine the let the dog heads lose and they tried to bite into the hero, who grabbed both heads by the throat and managed to keep them back. Death and Plague began to attack from behind, forcing Marvel to take to the skies.

"We...need to help," Twilight panted, forcing herself back to her hooves despite the pain.

"Twilight, you are in no condition to help," Spike said while helping to support Twilight. Then he looked to Marvel who had Death in a chokehold with a smile. "Besides, I think he's got this." Twilight watched the battle with concerned, but also confused eyes. Billy and Captain Marvel were one in the same? If she had the strength to kick herself she would’ve. It was so obvious now that she knew. Captain Marvel looked like a grown up Billy, one had never been seen with the other; it was so obvious, why hadn't she seen it before? She looked down from the fight to her friends who were still lying unconscious on the ground next to what remained of some guards.

"Come on, we need to help the others," Twilight panted, working her way over to the others with Spike's help. While Twilight and Spike started tending to the others wounds, Captain Marvel continued his battle against the remaining three horses. Death had managed to escape him thanks to the aid of his eldest brother, but was still in bad shape. Plague had been flattened by a kick to the chest and was out of the fight. That just left Famine, who had managed to avoid nearly all of Marvels attacks.

"Give it up Famine, you can't win," Captain Marvel said with certainty, floating over his foes with his arms crossed. Thunder flashed behind him from the dark clouds, giving his words extra emphasis. Death looked to his elder brother with worry, hoping that he had a plan. Famine just simply smiled and began to spin his chains.

"Can't win? Marvel, I have been told that many times throughout my long life and you know what? I still win." His chains shot out towards Marvel who immediately put up his arms to block. But to his surprise, the chains shot right by him and grabbed onto War, who was still lying beaten on the ground. The dog heads howled and bit down into him. Famine closed his eyes and began to transfer his own energy into War, glowing with power as he did so. War roared in rage as his power shot past what it originally was and he sprung to his hooves, fully charged. Famine disconnected the chains and tossed them onto Plague next, repeating the process. Plagues body turned a deep green and acid began to pour from his wounds, giving him even greater corrosive ability. Finally, the chains bit down on Death and flooded him with power, changing him into a being that killed whatever he stood by, changing his weapon into one massive scythe.

"Now that my brothers are no longer pathetic, you'll find that they are more than a match for you," Famine said with a smile, despite being winded. The three roared in unison and charged Marvel with even greater speed. War leapt into the air above Marvel and swung his sword with incredible strength. Marvel reached up and caught the blade in-between his hands, the force of the swing combined with his own power cracking the ground in the process. Death slipped to the side of him and went for his exposed midsection with his scythe. Marvel countered by bringing War's blade down in front of the oncoming attack and blocking it. He then grabbed onto the end of the scythe and swung Death into War, tossing the two of them aways back. He slammed a foot into the ground and launched himself towards the two as they were standing back up, but he was intercepted by a wall of acid. He cried out and backed up as Plague reformed in front of the other two.

"See what I mean, Marvel? My brothers are more than a match for you," Famine said with a slight chuckle. Marvel didn't say anything in return, spending his time to formulate a strategy. The reason he was getting kicked around was because he was trying his best NOT to hurt his opponents too badly, trying to prevent them from being killed. But in their powered up state, he would have to use even more power and be even more careful in the process. He wiped the rest of the acid off his face and took up a fighting stance, waiting for their attack. Famine looked at him with a raised eyebrow, as if he could tell something was up. But before he could say anything, his brothers each roared and re-attacked Marvel.

Marvel didn't wait around this time. With the speed of Mercury he launched himself forward once again and intercepted War in mid jump and the two rocketed across the battlefield and into a building. War shook his head and raised his weapon above his head only to be punched in the jaw hard by Marvel. He let out a groan of pain while Marvel grabbed his legs and swung him at Famine, tossing the dazed pony at his brother. Just as Marvel had expected, Famine was too tired to get out of the way and vanished underneath the massive form of War.

"Brother!" Death and Plague both cried out, rushing to their brother’s side and tossing War off of him. Famine shakily got to his hooves and shook his head.

"I see that you are not all muscle, Marvel. Pity that that trick won't work a second time, though." As he said this, Plague resumed his acid like form and circled around his brother until he was shielded in a wall of acid. Death and War stood side by side, each drawing their weapons. Marvel again didn't wait for them to attack. He lifted both his fists into the air and slammed them down into the ground, shattering it and sending out a massive shockwave in all directions. War and Death were blown off their hooves by the force and knocked into the air, where they became prime targets for Marvel. He flew into the air after them, flying above them. He brought both his fists back and slammed them into both of the ponies, rocketing them back into the ground where they lay unmoving. He landed in front of them and walked past their craters, heading for Famine.

"So, any other surprise for me?" Captain Marvel asked with a smile, cracking his knuckles again. Plague let out a roar and rushed Marvel, launching himself into the air above Marvel and turning into a wall of acid. Marvel smirked as he did so and simple said,


Plague screamed in pain as the magical lightning bolt descended from the sky and pierced through him, missing Captain Marvel who dodged the strike. Plague's body reformed and landed on the ground in front of Marvel, who simply stepped over him and walked towards Famine, who could barely stand.

"And just like that you dispatch of my brothers. Impressive," Famine said with a sneer before tossing one of his chains at Marvel. Marvel simply sidestepped the attack and grabbed the chain. He yanked with incredible force and pulled Famine off his hooves, directly towards the Captain who reached out with his other arm and caught him by the throat.

"So...this is it?" Famine asked through wheezes as Marvel began to tighten his grip. "You're finally going to finish me off? I have to admit, I didn't think you had it in you, but I guess I was wrong. By all means...do it." Twilight and Spike, who had managed to help the other Elements wake up and had helped them to their hooves, turned back to the battle in time to find Marvel holding Famine by the throat, a look in his eyes that neither of them liked.

"H-he won't do it, right Twilight?" Spike asked with a nervous laugh, looking to Twilight with fear in his eyes. Twilight was still in shock to find that Billy was Marvel and could barely think straight at the moment, but looking into Billy's eyes told her that Famine was in deep waters.

"I don't know Spike, I just don't know," she said in a whisper as the others looked to the battle as well.

"He won't do it," Applebloom whispered to Spike, walking over to his side. "He's better than that."

"Twi, what's going on?" Applejack asked as she ran over to her friend, looking at the situation going on.

"We're waiting," Twilight said in a whisper.

"Fer what?"

"To see what will happen."

"He won't do it, will he?" Rarity asked in concern. Marvel was having the same thoughts at that exact moment. He could feel the fear coming off of Famine, knew that he was out of ideas. He thought back to when he had been in this situation with Erebus a few days ago. He had let him go in an act of mercy and Erebus had returned and destroyed a place that he had come to call home. He had spent his second chance and wasted it. Famine was even worse than Erebus and would return to exact his revenge, so why should Marvel let him go? Why should he spare him? Marvel began to tighten his grip around Famine's throat, causing the pony to begin to suffocate.

"So...what...will it be...hero?" Famine managed to spit out, despite having his throat nearly crushed. "Will you...finally do what...is needed and end me? Or...are you too weak?"

"I could crush you with a single twitch," Marvel whispered in a very low voice. "And after what you have done to these ponies you deserve no less. Why should I spare you?"

"Because all you...heroes are always merciful at heart...even when it gets others killed," Famine gasped out with an evil smile. "If I was you...I'd hurry and do it."

"You're right. If you were me you would kill your foe without any hesitation," Marvel agreed, hoisting Famine up to his eye level and looking into his eyes. "But you are not me and never will be. I may hate you, but I will not kill you."

"And that is your mistake!" Famine roared, letting his chains fly at War and Death, biting down into their beaten bodies. Marvel brought his left fist back to strike Famine, but before he could he found himself covered by a sphere of acid that cut off his air. He dropped Famine as he brought both hands to his face, trying to wrestle off Plague.

"Now you face our true power, hero!" Famine roared, closing his eyes and concentrating, beginning to draw power from his defeated brothers. War and Death both vanished in a flash of light, their energy traveling up the chains that had attached themselves to them and into Famine. Marvel finally ripped Plague off of his head and tossed him into the air, launching himself at Famine. He slammed into the pony...only to be knocked across the street by a powerful fore hoof to the face. Marvel crashed into the side of a building that came down around him from the impact, forcing him to dig himself out of the rubble, shaking his head. Famine shot another chain into Plague, absorbing his power into him as well. With the four brothers powers combined, Famine let out a roar to the heavens and began to float off the ground as a magical sphere of darkness enveloped him, obstructing him from view. The ground began to shake and buildings began to collapse from the magical sphere, which grew bigger with every second.

"What's happening?" Rainbow Dash yelled out over the destruction while trying to maintain her balance.

"It's over," Twilight said in a whisper. "They've gone into Apocalypse mode. Not even the Elements can stop them now. It is as the name implies...the end of our world." Her friends looked at her with fear filled eyes, not knowing what to do. If Twilight was giving up in the face of this creature, then what chance did they have? They all watched in terror as the dark sphere erupted with a blast that knocked all of their hooves with its might, reveling the terror within. The pony that stepped forward from the blast was one that seemed to be made of nightmares. It was as tall as the princesses, with a black and red coat that swirled like shadows, forming a different image of terror on it with each change. It had not one cutie Mark, but three, each representing the four that made it. Two bat like wings unfolded themselves and a gust of darkness flowed from them, causing all who felt its breeze to shiver. It opened its eyes, which were white, to look to its horn, a horn that was as bent and twisted as its personality. Its mane looked like black fire and burned anything that got too close to it. It looked down at itself and began to laugh, a laugh that caused even the farthest of ponies to shiver in fear.

"Twilight, how do we beat that?" Rarity asked in fear.

"We don't. The last time these four were defeated like this it was because the king and queen of Equestria gave their lives to weaken them and allow the Elements of Harmony to take effect. But they were two of the strongest ponies in history," Twilight said with tears in her eyes. "And without them, there is no stopping it. We lose."

"That is correct," it said in four voices, the voices of the four that now made it. The Elements looked on in horror as it fired a beam of four separate energies from its horn into Captain Marvel, who was still recovering. He held out his hands to intercept the blast, wincing as the blast connected and began to push him back. He planted both feet into the ground to try and stop the attack, but it wasn't enough. The blast soon over took him and he was pushed to the outskirts of the Everfree forest, where he then vanished in an explosion of pure white magic.

"Now then," it said, turning to the Elements. "I believe that we have some unfinished business." He walked over to them, the ground cracking under his hooves when he stepped down. He walked right up to Twilight, who shrunk under his gaze and power. He looked down at her and smiled. "I believe that this battle is over. You know that your precious Elements are no longer a threat to me and your greatest warrior has just been beaten. This fight is over. So either bow to me or die. Simple choice." The ponies looked to each other, not just for support, but also in hopes that one of them would come up with a plan to beat this monster. But as each second ticked by, their hopes fell even farther. That was until one pony spoke up.

"Ah won't bow to ya." All of the Elements turned in horror to the owner of the voice. Applebloom was standing defiant in front of the bringer of the end, not even batting an eye when he turned his gaze to her. "Ah'm not afraid of ya." Apocalypse looked at her with a curios gaze for only a second, before turning and walking over to her. Applejack ran over to try and put herself between the two, but Apocalypse used his magic to toss her out of the way.

"You do not fear me?" he asked Applebloom in a neutral tone, to which she shook her head. "You realize that if you do not bow you will die."

"Ah won't die, because yer gonna lose," she replied with a confident smile, gasps arising from the other ponies.

"Oh? And how is that?" Apocalypse asked with a grin, getting his face close to hers. And to the surprise of everypony there, Applebloom put her face right into his.

"Because we got an angel on our side."


The moment those words left her mouth a blur of red slammed into the side of Apocalypse and tossed him across the ground. He barely had time to register what had happened when a fist slammed into the side of his head, followed up with a left to his jaw. Apocalypse staggered back and tried to concentrate magic into his horn, but a knee into his snout from Marvel cut off his train of thought, though he was able to teleport away before the combo could continue. He re-appeared behind Marvel and hit him in the back with a pulse of energy, knocking him across town. Apocalypse started to gather magic again, but had to throw up a barrier to protect himself from Marvel's second attack. While the two titans battled, Applejack got back to her hooves and ran to her sister to make sure she was alright.

"It's alright Applejack, ah'm fine," she answered once Applejack had asked. "Not even a scratch on me."

"What the hay were you thinking?!" Applejack shouted in sheer disbelief. "That there pony coulda hurt ya or worse! Yer lucky that Marvel showed up or ya would've been a goner!"

"Nuh uh, ah knew that Bi-Marvel would come to save me. He's a hero!" While Applejack scolded Applebloom on how dangerous her plan was and how it had made her worry, Twilight's gaze never wavered from the fighting and the destruction in front of her. Now that she knew that Billy and Marvel were one in the same, the fear for his life nearly engulfed her. She cursed herself for being so blind and for only being able to watch as one of the kindest beings she knew was forced to face the embodiment of the end. Meanwhile, Marvel found that while he was able to overpower Apocalypse, the pony had many tricks up its proverbial sleeve. Apocalypse tossed up a smokescreen in front of Marvel, halting another string of attacks that he had started.

"It's pointless to hide. You need to beat me to win!" Marvel called out through the smoke, flying above it to get a better view.

"Maybe eventually, but I don't need to defeat you first!" Marvel's heart dropped when he realized that the voice was coming right from where Twilight and the others were standing. Faster than an eye could follow, he zipped over to them like a lightning bolt. Apocalypse appeared right behind Twilight, War's blade lifted high. Twilight barely had time to turn around as he brought the blade down.


Twilight's eye widened as blood splattered her face. Marvel's bleeding body went flying past her and crashed into the ground at the hooves of the others. He had been fast enough to place himself between Twilight and the blade, yet not fast enough to bring his gauntlets up in time. He had a shallow cut across his chest that bled slightly, but still hurt. He staggered back to his feet and was immediately met with a blast of magic to the face, knocking him back down.

"You heroes are so predictable," Apocalypse said with a foul sneer, strutting over to the downed Marvel. "I knew that you wouldn't dare let any of these precious ponies get hurt, despite the risk to yourself." He positioned himself right in front of Marvel, who was on his hands and knees, and lifted the blade above his head.

"NO!" Twilight screamed and tried to throw herself at Apocalypse, who sighed in response and blasted her into a wall, where she slid down it dazed. He snickered and turned back to Marvel, who had managed to get back to his feet.

"Fool, you just don't know when to stay down." He roared and launched himself at Marvel, who watched him advance with calculating eyes. He waited until Apocalypse was right on top of him before falling onto his back and kicking with both feet, catching the pony in the gut. Apocalypse was launched into the air, legs flailing everywhere. He landed with a thud a few feet away from the other Elements, giving Marvel enough time to rush over to Twilight's side.

"Twilight, are you alright?" he asked with a wince, looking over her body for any wounds. She groaned and moved her head so she could look him in the face.

"Billy...you've got to run. You can't...beat this foe," she whispered, trying to get to her hooves, but he placed a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down.

"You need to rest, you're in far worse shape than any of the others," he muttered, looking at the bruises that were formed by broken bones. Her ribs were black and blue, meaning that maybe half were broken. She held her wings at odd angles and Billy hoped that they were only bruised. He felt rage pulse through his body towards Apocalypse, but first he helped her to lay her head on the ground and comforted her the best he could. The other ponies ran over to her side as Marvel stood back up and turned back to Apocalypse, who was also getting up. He went to step towards his foe, but Twilight grabbed his ankle and held him back.

"You're...injured," Twilight coughed out, trying to pull herself back up again. He gently removed her hoof and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, this is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to him." He turned back to Apocalypse and launched himself towards him, arms outstretched so he could catch the pony. Apocalypse smiled and vanished in a dark flash, reappearing above Captain Marvel and landed on his back. Marvel growled and tried to shake him off, but the pony used magic to hold on as he blasted Marvel in the back multiple times. Marvel went down and crashed into the ground, Apocalypse landing beside him and slamming a hoof into his head. Marvel's vision began to blur as repeated hoof shots sent blood running down his face. His natural magic armor was beginning to fail him; he needed to do something now. Marvel spun on the ground and caught the next hoof strike in his hands, twisting his hands and snapping the bone as he did so.

"GRAH!" Apocalypse yelled and hobbled back, giving Marvel the chance he needed to get back up. Apocalypse turned around in time to watch the captain slam into his chest and drive him into the side of one of the few houses still standing. Marvel continued his charge, shattering the side of the building and drive Apocalypse through it, continuing the charge through out through the other side of the house. He then grabbed his legs and flew into the air, lifting Apocalypse over his head. He threw Apocalypse down towards the ground, but the pony teleported away and reappeared behind Marvel. Marvel turned his head to see a huge beam of darkness slam into his back and propel him into the ground, cracking the earth beneath him as a constant beam of dark magic pounded into his back. He struggled to push up against the beam, the gash in his chest weakening him slightly. Apocalypse poured all of his strength into his attack and finally Marvel's arms gave out and he collapsed on the ground.

"No..." Twilight whispered as Marvel laid on the ground defeated, with Apocalypse landing on top of him and slamming a hoof into his head. As Apocalypse began to laugh, he directed his gaze to the Elements of Harmony, who were barely able to stand up on their own hooves.

"I ask again, did you foals really think you could defeat me?" he asked with a deep grin, applying even more pressure on Marvel's head. The ponies all growled at him, but he continued to crush Marvel's head. "Your magic has failed, your friendship has failed; and even your great hero has failed," he said with a sneer, smacking his hoof on the side of Marvel's head.

"STOP IT!" Applebloom cried out while trying to run to Marvel's side, but Applejack put a hoof out to stop her.

"And the best part is Twilight didn't even tell you of my final power," he continued with a very evil smile. All the ponies looked to Twilight, who hung her head slightly. "Now my dear, what was my final power again?"

"You're...immortal," she said with a defeated sigh, looking to Marvel's bleeding body with tears in her eyes. "You can't be killed in this form." The ponies all let out a collective gasp as the words sunk in.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Friends don't keep secrets from each other!" Pinkie said dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, but I knew that if I told you, you would all have given up. I didn't think anypony would get hurt," she whispered looking over to Marvel.

"So, I assume you all know what comes next?" Apocalypse asked with a smile, magic flooding his horn. Applejack stepped in front of her sister with the most courageous face she could muster. Twilight did the same with Spike, wrapping her wing around him to protect him better. Apocalypse began to let the power flow, but he stopped in shock when he felt a hand grab his hoof.

"Is it true?" Apocalypse looked down at the battered form of Marvel, who held on to his hoof with an iron grip. "Are you truly immortal?" Apocalypse chuckled to himself.

"Why yes, I am." Then something happened that none of the ponies or the evil horse were expecting. A sound came from Marvel's beaten body, a sound that very few make when they are beaten. He was laughing. And it wasn't a small chuckle, but a roaring laugh, a laugh that was even deeper than the dark ponies and echoed even further. Twilight and the others looked at him in concern while Apocalypse looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" he demanded, going to stomp on his head again. But this time, Marvel not only caught the foot, but tossed Apocalypse across the street with a shrug, sending him hurtling into a building. He shook his head and looked up at Captain Marvel, who was now standing and laughing.

"Why am I laughing? I'm laughing because you're immortal now," he said with another chuckle, raising a hand to wipe away a tear from his eye. Then his face changed, a smile as dark as Apocalypse's spread across it. He rolled his shoulders back and cracked them, doing the same with his knuckles a moment later. The wound on his chest healed up as a vein of lightning ran down it and his suit repaired itself as well. Apocalypse looked at him in terror as he finished cracking his bones. "I'm laughing because I no longer have to hold back."

"Wha-?" Faster than any being in the land could register Marvel closed the distance between the two faster than a bolt of lightning and slammed his fist into the ponies jaw, shattering ever bone in his jaw and shattering the ground and buildings beneath around them, rocketing the dark one skyward. Marvel launched himself past the ascending pony and positioned himself in his path, clenching both fists together and raising them over his head, ready for the strike. When Apocalypse was a few inches from him, he swung down with all his might, smiling as he heard the bones splinter under his force. The impact was so loud and powerful that the other ponies had to hold their ears and brace themselves so the shockwave wouldn't blow them away. Apocalypse smashed into the ground with twice the force that he had been launched with, pulverizing the ground underneath of him and forming a massive crater. A hoof shakily rose from the edge of the crater and Apocalypse began to pull himself out of the crater, breathing heavily and blood running down the side of his head. A shadow fell over him and he looked up into the smiling face of Marvel.

"How?" he asked weakly, beginning to grip his heart. "You weren't this strong a moment ago! What happened?" Marvel began to laugh again, the laugh sending chills down the pony's spin. Marvel bent down and grabbed the horse by the throat and lifted him to eye level.

"Why? Because I was holding back. Holding back so that I didn't kill anyone," he said with a smile. "But you're immortal now, you can't die. So now," he began with an even bigger smile, looking up to the massive thunderstorm above them. "I can fight at full power." Marvel swung his right fist back to wind up for a punch, the force of him just drawing his arm back cutting a gorge into the ground. He let out a roar and swung the fist into the jaw of Apocalypse, powderizing the bones in his jaw and launching him back into the sky with another massive shockwave. He smiled as he watched the pony fly into the air, sticking out both hands and closing his eyes. Twin lightning bolts descended and struck his hands, charging his fists with the power of storms. He crouched down and placed a fist on the ground, the very earth trembling beneath his fist. Then with one swift motion he launched himself into the sky and into the thunderstorm where he had launched the pony, breaking through the cloud cover into the eye of the storm. He found the pony floating there, just now reaching the zenith of his earlier punch. Marvel flew up to him and delivered a earth breaking right the his face, knocking out any teeth that were left along with some blood. He followed up with an electric left hook to the other side, collapsing the skull of the pony. He lifted his right arm over the pony, another lightning bolt striking his hand and supercharging his whole arm. Marvel then brought his elbow down into Apocalypse back, obliterating the bones there. Apocalypse began to fall, not even aware of the pain, but Marvel caught his leg and lifted the body over his head.

"SHAZAM!" The lightning that followed collided with the broken body in his hand, currents flooding through it. Marvel then grabbed onto the leg with his other hand and began to spin the electrified body around him, building more and more speed with each rotation. With the combined electricity in his body and the speed at which he was being swung around, Apocalypse formed an electric ring in the center of the clouds, it light being able to be seen by ponies for miles. The very clouds themselves began to swirl with the captain as he spun his foe around him, gathering up momentum. Marvel swung the pony over his head, tensing all his muscles as he went for the final blow.

"You called down the thunder," Marvel said with a smile, throwing Apocalypse down with all his might. Marvel knew that Ponyville couldn't take any more hits, so he decided to toss the pony to the outskirts of town. As he watched the pony descend towards the ground like a golden meteor, he finished his phrase with a small chuckle.

"Now get ready for the boom."


Apocalypse hit the ground with such a force that the electricity was forced from his body and shot off in every direction. The whole planet shook from the force of the impact, toppling buildings and trees across the globe. The crater that was formed from the impact would put meteor impacts to shame. It was nearly the size of Ponyville and was nearly two hundred yards deep. And at the bottom of the crater laid a very broken and very beaten Apocalypse, most of his bones now dust and his insides pulverized, with only his immortal nature keeping him alive. Marvel floated down from the center of the now clearing storm and landed right in front of his beaten foe, placing a foot on his head with a smile.

"Good thing that you're immortal, isn't it? Or that might have hurt." Apocalypse went to raise a hoof, body his body gave out and he collapsed to the ground. Marvel crossed his arms and looked up to the parting clouds with a smile on his face, trying to keep the giddiness inside of him. The town was mostly standing, the villain beaten and most of all, all the ponies were safe.

He had won.