• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 16,572 Views, 674 Comments

In a Flash of Lightning - Onomonopia

A hero comes to Equestria to re-capture a villian, but the world is not what he expected.

  • ...

And Magic Makes it All Complete

Billy's eyes shot open and he sat up straight, his ears still ringing from the sound of the lightning and of the explosion that he had created to stop Doomsday. He had no idea that the Elements of Harmonies magic exploded when combined with magic lightning, but he hoped that his plan had worked. He noticed after looking around that he was back in a place that he hadn't been to in a while. He was in a complete white place, with no objects or other colors in there with him. He stood up and started to look around, waiting for someone to show up.

'Welcome, my young hero.' Billy smiled and turned around, the silver mare standing behind him with what looked like a smile under her hood. 'I have been expecting you.'

"And I figured you'd show up sooner or later," he said in return, looking around. "So, where am I?"

'Beyond," she said simply, holding out a leg to the nothingness around them. 'You are past the mortal plain.'

"So...I died?" he asked her. He looked down at what he hoped was the ground, letting it sink in. He had been willing to give his life, of course, but still...the fact that he had died was hard to comprehend. "Are all the others alright? Was Doomsday stopped?"

'Doomsday was indeed incapacitated and no longer poses a threat to the ponies of Equestria,' she confirmed, allowing him to sigh in relief. 'You saved them.'

"So, what happens now?" he asked her, taking another look around. "Shouldn't I be seeing my family or something like that if I'm dead?"

'Yes, if you were completely dead. However, ponies...or people, in your case, like you are quiet rare in Equestria. I have seen hundreds of worlds with thousands of possibilities and you are one of the few who defended the ponies with your life, even when all seemed lost. Because of your courage and dedication to good, I have decided to give you something that so few in your life have given you.'

"And what would that be? Because I've already got super powers."

'A second chance,' she replied, using magic to open a portal behind Billy. In it he saw the ruins of Canterlot and his friends all around the stone form of Doomsday, each of them crying or hanging their head. 'I have determined that you are indeed worthy of staying in Equestria, to protect these ponies. But that is a choice you must make for yourself.'

"What do mean?" he asked her in some confusion, wondering why she would think he'd want to die. "Why would I want to stay dead if I could go..." His words died in his mouth as he saw a massive gate appear in front of him with golden edges and divine light shining through it.

'If you choose to leave life behind, you will be re-united with your family,' she told him, waving her hoof and showing him an image he had longed for since he was little: his parents. He gazed upon their images with tears in his eyes, holding out his hand to reach for them. Then he stopped and looked back to the ponies that were all weeping for him and closed his eyes, trying to decide what to do. He then opened his eyes with a smile on his face and looked at the silver mare.

"Sorry, but I'm going to decide to go back," he told her, looking back at the image of his family and shaking his head. "I would love nothing more than to be with my mom and dad again, but they died years ago. I have a new family now, one that needs me more than anyone else. So send me back, I have somewhere to be." The silver mare nodded with a smile and closed the portal with his family.

'I knew that you would choose to stay with them, you have too pure a heart to abandon them. Just like the others,' she whispered to herself. 'Before you go Billy, just remember this, you may not have been the hero I wanted to save Equestria, but you proved to be even greater. Enjoy being with your friends, you have earned it.'

"That's great and all, but how do I get back?" he asked, looking around for another portal. "Is there a portal or what?"

'Come now Billy, you already know how to get back,' she teased, vanishing into the background. 'Home is just a word away. You'll be there in a flash of lightning.' Billy smiled at that, knowing what she was implying. He looked up to the sky with a smile on his face and spoke that single word.



Spike watched on as the ponies did their best to cope with the loss, feeling his heart ache as well. Celestia and Luna had placed Doomsday's statue under two layers of magic. While they didn't expect him to be able to bust out of the Element's prison, he had done enough in his short time there to warrant extra caution. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were both comforting Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, both of whom were bawling their eyes out. Applebloom sat off to the side, staring at the sky where the battle had finished. Applejack walked over to try and comfort her sister.

"Applebloom...are ya alright?" she asked. Applebloom didn't answer her, just simply continued to stare at the sky. "Applebloom...he's gone, ya have to accept it."

"He's not dead," she said with confidence, looking her sister in the eyes. Applejack looked into her sister’s eyes and saw that there were no tears, only a look of anger. "After everything that he's gone through, there's no way that he could die."

"Applebloom, we saw him blow up. Nopony, not even him, could survive that. It was the combined powers of the Elements and his own lightning. His own magic! If that didn't do it...where is he?"

"He'll be here, he just probably got lost," she said with a small smirk. "Or there was somepony off to save and he just hasn't come back yet." Applejack looked at her sister with a shake of her head, giving her a quick hug before walking over to the others.

"How is she?" Fluttershy asked.

"In denial. She thinks that Billy is still alive," Applejack said with a frown. "Ah'd like to believe it too...but we all know the truth."

"I still don't think he's dead," Twilight said in a whisper. "He's survived worse, not to mention he's a hero. He'll be here."

"Twilight, we know that you want him to be alive, but look at the facts. He was fighting Doomsday, a creature that almost killed all of us with him here. He could possible beat him and survive. You have to accept it, Billy's-"



All of the ponies shrieked and jumped back as a massive lightning bolt descended right in the center of them. They took cover behind some of the rubble and magic shields as the lightning storm continued. Most of them wondered what could be happening now. All except for Spike and Applebloom, who looked at the lightning with huge grins on their faces. When the lightning finally died down, everypony gasped at the figure they saw standing in the center of where the storm had just been. He had a red shirt with a yellow lightning bolt on it and a massive grin on his face.

"BILLY!" Twilight called out as she rushed towards him, bowling him over with a flying tackle hug and taking him to the ground. The other ponies responded in a similar way, crying out with joy and rushing towards him. The CMC were the next to tackle him and eventually everypony had a turn giving him a death hug. Twilight had to pry Pinkie off to keep her from crushing him with her hug. Finally, Spike and Applebloom were the only ones left who hadn't hugged or spoke to him.

"Glad to see you're alright," Spike said with a massive grin, holding out his fist so that Billy could bump it. "I was really worried about you for a while there. I didn't think that you'd make it back."

"Neither did I. I actually died for a few minutes there," Billy said with a grin, leaving the other ponies to look at him with curious faces. None of them decided to question it though and went back to hugging him.

"Ah wasn't worried in the least," Applebloom said, wiping away a tear. "Ah knew that ya make it back. Ah'd kill ya if ya somehow didn't come back."

"Glad to see that you were worried," Billy laughed, grabbing both her and Spike and giving them a hug. Spike hugged him back while Applebloom's face turned red, but she too returned the hug.

"How did you survive that?" Rarity asked, everypony gathering around to hear his tale. He wanted to answer them, but the silver mare had only revealed herself to him. That probably meant that she didn't want the others to know about her, at least not yet.

"Well, fortunately for me, the power of SH-...the word I use, I was able to survive the explosion, although I did get knocked into Wonderland for a while. But as you can see, I'm alright."

"That's all I needed to hear," Twilight said with a smile, hugging him once again. Billy sighed and looked over at the stone form of Doomsday, whose eyes seemed to be watching them despite still being in stone. Twilight followed his gaze and narrowed her eyes at Doomsday. "So, what should we do with him?"

"You should put him in your yard," Billy said with a weak laugh. "He'd make an interesting conversation piece." The ponies all chuckled at that and continued to hug him. Celestia let out a sigh of relief and started to raise the sun. As the golden rays struck the destroyed city, it pained her to see what had happened to her home. But as she looked down at the child that had helped them not only in their time of need, but also everyday he had been here, it made her feel a little bit better. Celestia walked over to the edge of the city, looking down on the new day. She knew that it was going to be a good one.


"You sure you want me to do this Twilight," Billy asked Twilight, who nodded excitedly. A few weeks had passed since Doomsday was defeated and Equestria was still hurting from the after effects. Ponies had finally managed to repair Ponyville to its former glory, but Canterlot would take a month to be repaired, even with magic. Billy had been helping repair as much as he could as Captain Marvel, but today Twilight had called him back to the library for something important. "Alright, if you insist." Billy sat down at the desk and held the feather that Twilight had given him and began to write on the parchment there.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Over the past few weeks that I've been here I have learned not just a lot about friendship, but family and responsibility as well. I used to try to do everything by myself and fought all my battles on my own, keeping others distant because I wasn't just afraid of them getting hurt, but because I was afraid I'd get hurt in the process if I lost them. However, ever since I arrived here, the ponies of Equestria have come more and more into my life, whether I wanted them to or not. I've learned that I was actually weaker by myself than I was with others. That my friends make me stronger. Twilight, Spike and all my other friends give me strength. That friendship is the greatest magic.

"That look good enough for you?" Billy asked with a grin, tossing her the parchment. She caught it with her magic and looked it over, crossing out a few things while scribbling on it.

"Looks pretty good," she said with an approving nod. "Now we just need to go get Spike for him to send it," she said, opening the door and heading out.

"It would be faster if I just flew it there," he offered, following her outside. He waved hi to Doomsday as they passed his statue, smiling at the fact that Twilight had done as he had suggested and turned him into a lawn gnome, complete with a red, pointy hat. She told him that he kept the animals away at night.

"No, you've been working for nearly three days straight repairing Canterlot. You need to rest," Twilight ordered. Billy looked around at all the ponies as they walked through the streets. Almost all of them waved to him as he passed and he waved in return. It was weird. He remembered it was only a few weeks ago when he felt alienated from all the other ponies. But now they welcomed him with open arms. It was nice.

"Hey, isn't that Spike and Applebloom?" Twilight asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked into the distance and found that she was right, both Spike and Applebloom were running towards them. "They look upset, I wonder if something’s wrong? Spike, Applebloom, is something the matter?"

"A-alien!" Spike yelled out as he tried to catch his breath,

"In...the center of town!" Applebloom finished for him, panting equally as hard.

"An alien? What would an alien be-?"


Twilight and the others shielded their faces as Billy turned into Captain Marvel. He shot into the air and flew to the center of the town, Twilight flying behind him, levitating the two children behind her. The moment Marvel reached the center of the town, he came flying down to the ground and landed fist first, causing a shockwave and letting the alien know what it was up against. Twilight landed far behind him, waiting for the battle to ensue. Captain Marvel looked up from the ground towards the alien...who was sitting in a chair outside of a restaurant drinking tea. He smiled when he saw Marvel and floated to his feet.

"Hello Billy. It has certainly been awhile," it said to him. A massive smile spread on Marvel's face and he flew over to the alien and gave him a massive hug.

"J'onn!" Marvel said with a smile. "It has been way to long! I'm glad to see that you're alright. I heard the Watchtowers alarm go off right before I was teleported. What happened?"

"Only Luthor, but everything is under control now," J'onn said with a smile, phasing through Marvel's hug. "I am equally glad to see that you are alright. After the transported exploded, I had no idea what happened to you. My telepathy could not reach you and you were not answering your com."

"Uh, yeah. I may have forgotten to put that on," Marvel said with a shamefaced grin, placing his hand over his face. Spike and Applebloom walked over to them, with Twilight following close behind.

"You know him?" Applebloom asked him, looking at J'onn with a curious expression.

"Yep. He's a member of the Justice League, just like me," Marvel said with a grin. "So, what brings you to these parts?"

"Well, I came to see if you completed your mission...or if you were still alive," J'onn said with a smile. "Since you are alive, that means that your mission was a success. So...where is Doomsday?"

"We're using him as a lawn gnome," Marvel said with a massive grin, pointing towards the library. "He really keeps the birds away."

"You're using one of the most powerful and evil creature in existence as a lawn ornament?" J'onn asked with a smile on his face. "It is a fitting fate for him."

"I know. Want to go see him?" Marvel asked with a grin. J'onn nodded and the two of them flew over to where Twilight kept Doomsday, with Twilight and the other two flying after them.

"I have to admit, that is pretty funny," J'onn said with a smirk when he saw Doomsday frozen in stone. "This will make it a lot easier to return him home." J'onn used his telepathy to pick the stone form of Doomsday up and floated him over. He then pressed a finger to his ear and said that he was ready. There was a loud explosion and a tear in space appeared, followed by a swirling vortex.

"Wow, haven't seen a boom tube in a long time," Marvel said with a whistle. J'onn floated over to the portal and then turned back, holding out a hand to Marvel.

"Billy, it is time to go."

"What!? Yer leaving?" Applebloom yelled as both she and Spike ran up to him.

"Well, yeah. My whole mission was to bring in Doomsday and I've accomplished that," he said softly, not looking at either of them. "It's time for me to go."

"No, ya can't!" Applebloom yelled, wrapping herself around one of his legs. "Ah won't let ya go!"

"Me neither!" Spike yelled as well, wrapping himself around Billy's other leg. "You've only been here a few weeks. There's so much more you have to see! Nightmare Night! Winter Wrap Up! You can't go."

"I'm sorry guys," Marvel said softly, gently pulling the both of them off of him and putting them on the ground. "But I have to go. My world...it needs me. If I'm not there to fight evils such as Black Adam, the whole world could be destroyed. Please, you guys have to understand," he said softly, looking to Twilight for support. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she nodded, showing him that she understood. Spike and Applebloom both started to cry again and wrapped themselves around his legs, begging for him not to go. While they were trying to persuade them, J'onn had been reading their minds the entire time and was smiling to himself at what he had found. There was...happiness in Billy's mind, a happiness that J'onn had never seen there before. Billy hadn't just found out more about himself like he had predicted, he had found a home and a family. This was where he belonged now.

"I have read your minds and noticed that this place seems to be constantly under attack," J'onn said to them, turning their attention towards him. "The Justice Leagues job is to protect all beings and worlds, not just our own. But it seems that you ponies do not have someone capable of protecting you from very dangerous threats. But we might have someone who could stay and protect you," he said with a grin, smiling at Marvel.

"You want me to stay here?" Marvel asked in disbelief. "But...what about the League? What about Black Adam?"

"If there is ever a need to call you in, we will. But you have clearly found what you were looking for here," J'onn said, motioning to the ponies and dragon behind him. "So will you stay?" Marvel looked behind him at Spike and Applebloom, both of whom were nodding their heads vigorously. He smiled at them and then looked behind them to Twilight, who simply had a smile on her face.

"I don't know...they can be a pain to live with some times," he said, putting his hand on his chin and started to think. Then he smiled at the ponies. "Sure, I'll stay." Applebloom and Spike both cheered and tackled Captain Marvel. Twilight et a tear run down her face and walked over, smiling up at him as well. J'onn watched all this with a smile before turning into the boom tube with Doomsday.

"I am happy for, Billy. Looks like you found your family after all." J'onn turned and took Doomsday with him, leaving the four alone to celebrate. Marvel watched as the tube closed, smiling to himself as he did so.


Six months later.

The birds were chirping and the bees were buzzing on a warm spring morning as a dragon and human boy came bursting out of tree house, running for their lives from an enraged alicorn, who had found all her books rearranged in no particular order all over her home. As she chased them through the town’s streets, the boy noticed how much better everything had become. The buildings had all been repaired, the town had received funding to improve upon its defenses and the ponies had gone back to their normal lives. All of the ponies waved as they ran by, some of them telling to run faster or that she was gaining on them. He was about to comment to the dragon about how nice things had become when both him and Spike were flipped upside down and lifted into the air by Twilight, who caught up them huffing.

"Alright boys, now that I've caught you, we're going to go home and the two of you are going to fix what you did to my library. Are we clear?" she said in a dangerous tone with a small giggle.

"Yes Ma'am," they both said at once. Twilight smiled and dropped the both of them, turning around and starting to head back to the house. Billy and Spike started to talk about what they were going to do next time when Spike burped up a scroll of parchment. Twilight grabbed it and quickly read it with a frown.

"They need you," she said to Billy. He nodded and closed his eyes as Twilight started up the teleportation spell. when he opened them again, he found himself on a balcony overlooking Canterlot. it too had recovered well in the past few months, all sighs of the damage gone. But his current attention was focused on the two princesses that stood there waiting for him.

"Hello, Billy," Luna said with a smile.

"What's up? Why'd you guys call?" he asked, looking around for any sign of trouble.

"There is a report of some kind of strange creature attacking a town in the east. We thought we should call you in," Celestia explained. Billy nodded and started to walk back into the building.

"So, how's everything going?" he asked them as he turned around and crouched down.

"The ponies are trusting us again, but that was only after we stopped that Ursa Minor attack," Luna said with a sigh.

"That's good to hear, but like you said, there are ponies that need me. So," he sprinted towards the edge of the balcony and jumped onto the ledge, pushing himself off and jumping over to the streets below. As soon as he began to fall, he let a smile cross his face as he said,



On top of a hill that sat on a bleak and deserted wasteland stood a tall tower, a bleak beacon in a sea of barren land. The tower was greyish in color and had no windows, nor any entrances. The tower had one chamber, that was on the highest floor, that within it sat six pedestals, each of which stood under a broken window. For years these pedestals remained empty, until now.


A massive bolt of lightning came down and struck one of the pedestals, causing years’ worth of dust to be blasted off in an instant. Once the dust had cleared, a new object could be seen sitting on top of the pedestal. It was a golden crown, with gems and jewels in it that nopony had ever seen. and in the center of the crown was a single golden lightning bolt, that made the crown hum with electricity. Nopony saw this, for the land had been deserted years ago, except for a single mare, who sat in the center with her silver eyes, watching as the crown appeared.

'The first one has been found and by a worthy candidate as well.' She vanished into the air, leaving the crown alone in the room, a room that was in a tower in a deserted wasteland. But her voice still echoed over the room. ‘But I still do not know if the others will be so willing to help.’

Author's Note:

And that's all folks! Hoped all of you enjoyed the story and thanks to all who read it. I'll get straight to what you all want to know and whose going to be the star in the next story. But I'm not going to tell you anything, Haha! Oh, are all of you anrgy? I can see it, you're all so angry that you're turning green and look like you want to smash me. Maybe you'll have the chance, but we'll save that for the next story. Until then, onomonopia...AWAY!

Comments ( 155 )

I vote for Flash(Barry Allen) to be the next hero:rainbowkiss:

Angry, green, and fond of smashing things?

...Is it Ant-man?

You have seen through my ruse. All of my stories are now ruined! RRRRUUUUIIINNNEEEDDDD!:raritycry:

Lemme guess. Elements of Heroism? :unsuresweetie: If so awesome!!!!!!! :rainbowkiss:

Will we like him when he's angry?

I vote for Green Lantern or wonder woman or last but not least Superman

Superman is 80% done.

Booster Gold

I actually have three suggestions for the hero of your next Story.

1. Superman. Why? There are few stories involving him in equestria. Also, it would be funny to see Celestia attack him and just make him stronger while he just stood trying to explain that he means the ponies no harm. For a Superman crossover, you don't really need a villian, just Clark needing something to remind him why fights (Superman maybe super, but, even he has doubts about why he fights sometimes). Plus you had Batman bond with Scootaloo, and Marvel with AppleBloom (and Spike), so Why not have Superman band in some way with Sweetiebelle. (you need to do a breather fic since this one was a little heavy on the morals)

2. Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner). Two reasons: 1. Discord versus Kyle would technically be a Chaos versus Oder match. and 2. The villian for this story could be an equestrian version of Parallax or Oblivion and Major Force (the real Major Force, not an equestrian knock off). (Hal or Guy wouldn't really work in a Chaos vs Order themed fic. they'd make it a Chaos vs Chaos match. And john is just to much of a straight for a world

3. The Flash (Barry, Jay and Wally because the flash is known to cross demensions all the time, so why noT the first 3 Flashes). Because I think Rainbow would drop a massive load when she find out she ain't the fastest in Equestria anymore. Villian would be Professer Zoom.

Those are just my opinions, but hey, they could work if you know the characters well enough.

Superman is almost done, a green lantern has been chosen and i'm researching the flash and a ton of his history.

I really love this story. I would give a full review, but I'm busy this weekend so when I get back yes.

Do Ambush Bug! :pinkiehappy:

2690071 Wiki link
I learned about him from "Batman TBATB" and when I looked him up he turned out to be quite the strange fellow.

I want to see a Doctor Fate or Booster Gold crossover.

Only DC Universe? Because a Cable story would be fantastic.

Nope, the next story is the big green rage machine.


There have been a couple of those, Theyve all fizzled out. Good luck!

I've noticed that. why do all the superhero stories never seem to get finished? I have three I'm watching and there all on hiatus or take months to get a new chapter. Is it just life getting in the way or another reason?:rainbowhuh:

Ooooh, this is starting to look like a series!!! :D


The only one that has anywhere near regular updates is the Wolverine one, but even then... sparse.

I think most superhero pony stories don't do as well as this one, and authors get disheartened. I did one rhat was completed -- but it was a one-shot, and almost a comedy piece, so...:unsuresweetie:

I suggest do something on Green Arrow. It would be interesting to see how they would cope with a human (duh) that is rich since the mane 6 only interaction or knowledge of a rich guy was Blue Blood. And it would be interesting to see how they react to his origin on how he came to be and how he uses arrows to fight crime and not magic.

If it who i think it is HELL TO THE FUCKIN YEA!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

2692504 This is supposedly pre-merger though, which means that he should.

I'd put the fact that he doesn't remember that Doomsday can't kill him (or maybe he does, after all, he's only ever said Doomsday will wipe the floor with him, not that he'll kill him) down to the fact that even with all his powers, there's still a childs mind in there and Doomsday killed the one other person probably stronger than him, and walked away from it.

Regardless of all that, I'm still stuck on the fact that Doomsday was being transported somewhere on planet. I was sure that after the fight with Superman he was strapped to an asteroid and flung into space. And when he got back to Earth he was sent to the end of the universe. Did I miss a Doomsday return somewhere (entirely likely considering I don't follow comics too closely).

Note: I stopped reading this at chapter 28, so I don't know how this ends. Got sick of the story retreading the same damn thing over and over, when it didn't make sense the first goddamn time.

How about a female protagonist instead like Wonder Woman or Raven? I mean for the story after introducing Hulk.

There will be two stories with female leads.

Nice! I got to see this story through to the end. It wasn't as great as A Dark Knight, in my opinion, but I developed a newfound respect for Marvel/Shazam, plus the fact that the daily updates gave me more reasons to look forward to the next day. Looking forward to seeing either the Superman or Hulk story!

Is this linked to the dark Knight in equestria too? Like will he even be mentioned?

2703933 I ask because if this is just another "clean slate" where no one like him has come to equestria and everyone interacts with him the same exxact way as Batman then I dun see a point in beginning to read =/

I don't want to spoil too much, but there will be...connections.

2704587 Ah so that means batman has already left his mark and is still remembered and even visits?

If you mean in the context of his universe, he is remembered. At first the idea was just to throw different heroes into Equestria and see how the ponies got along with them. While some stories might still be like that, I have another goal in mind. But I no say.

2704869 Ah so in this story batman never existed or is remembered?

Not sure what you mean. The Batman universe still exists, but this is another...alternate reality if you will. Most of the stories will be, but like I said there will be a connection.

Ah so in this story batman never existed or is remembered?

It was said earlier that these stories would happen in multiple alternate realities that will apparently clash (in some way) in the future.

Alright, now that I have time. Let me start by saying this is, in fact, the best Captain Marvel fanfic out there. Granted there aren't many, but that's besides the point. This story is one of the better superhero stories out there, not as good as Mare of Steel or your Batman one, but still awesome.

Let's start with what's good about this fic. First off, Billy Batson is in the right character and you do portray him nicely. He's a kid who wants to do good, willing to do good, but still young and confused on how he should be good. Should he follow the examples of Superman and the Mane 6, or should he be willing to use all his power to strike evil regardless of consequences. Plus the fact that he does feel a lot alone, not just because he's got these incredible powers and has no family, but because even compared to his fellow leagues he's a still fresh in the superhero world and younger then all of them.

His relationship with the mane cast is also well done. Twilight is a very good mother figure, strong, loving, and stern in her believes. Yet she has a soft spot for Billy who earns his way into her heart and loves him like a son. Spike is like the brother he never had as the two do actually have very good similarities, not to mention there was a layer of trust behind them with him knowing his secret identity. The wisdom in Spike was interesting, though at times he seemed a bit too wise for his own age. Apple Bloom was... kind of not a big deal for me. I actually thought Scootaloo might have been the better choice in terms of likeness. I mean, I like how Apple Bloom didn't get along with Billy but then grew to like him, but there was no special outgoing that made it any different if Scootaloo was a replacement.

Sombra and his villains were very well done, each was very threatening process. The four horsemen I like, bu the main star was Sombra. He is Black Adam in so many ways I never thought of it like that before. The guy was always scheme and planning and he even managed to get The Power of The Word. And the only reason he lost was because Billy was more experienced with the powers. His speech about Order and Freedom was a very interesting point to his character cause he made it sound like under his rule things were peaceful and he generally believed it was the right way to rule.

Doomsday was a pretty good choice as the DC villain in this fanfic. He's the opposite of all life and hope which is what Equestria stands for and all he cares about is destruction. Not to mention he gets stronger every time, giving even the Princesses no hope in beating him. Captain Marvel is the closest to being Superman so it makes sense why you picked him.

The theme of killing or not was a topic I already covered, so I won't go into that one. Nevertheless I'm glad you brought it up.

However there are a few negatives in this fanfic. For one thing, I felt the pacing and breaks between the fights wasn't long or meaningful enough as it was for your Batman fic. It seemed rushed at times. There were also times when it seemed like you were forcing dialogue or themes at us and it kind of turned me away. And finally, Twilight's stuck up attitude about "The Angel" at first was just annoying and kind of snobbish. I know Twilight is firm in her believes, but there comes a time when even she has to acknowledge that she needs help.

Overall, was a great fic and I really can't wait to know what your next DC crossover is going to be.

Thank you for the kind words. For me the hardest thing to do is this fic (and the next two) was give a sense of doom and dread, because Marvel is a powerhouse. Doomsday was the first choice because of his history and power, but If I had Marvel fight Doomsday right off the bat it would be a short story hence the reason for Sombra and his minions. I really like Sombra because since he had so little character in the show (he's evil and likes to laugh) pretty much anything can be done with him and it won't be out of character. Again with the power thing, when writing for Batman I could do more time between fights because he's a human, he can't transform into an all powerful being with a word. For him, just getting out of the city was a battle. Applebloom was a late addition and since I had already done Scootaloo (And Sweetie will be in an upcoming one) I felt that she deserved some love. And the next story is Hulk, but the next DC is the man of steel himself.

2705306 What I meant was if it took place in the same universe but you just answered it's alternate, thank you.

2705429 Thank you that sounds interesting! =D

When? Ooooooooooooh, I am so nervicited!:pinkiehappy:

2788031 might read this in the morning. also the description..it should be 6 letters right?

The letter a counts only once:pinkiecrazy:

This is really quite a nice story, but I'm wondering about thos silver mare... Whenever she appears I get the impression she's somewhat like this lady below:

Would you agree?

Thats 6 letters...

Yeah but the name eluded me that day when I wrote that

2828592 Seriously. The closest equivalent to an angel in pony terms you could get is pegasis. And those are kind of common.

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