• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 16,562 Views, 674 Comments

In a Flash of Lightning - Onomonopia

A hero comes to Equestria to re-capture a villian, but the world is not what he expected.

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The Majesty of Canterlot

The pegasi ponies had decided that a single day of snow would be enough, so the tracks were all clear the next morning and all trains to Canterlot were ready to depart. Twilight, Billy and Spike would be heading up, accompanied by Applejack and her sister as well as Pinkie Pie, who wanted to learn all about what humans did for fun. So the group had bought their tickets and sat on the benches outside the station, waiting for their train to arrive. Billy had decided to show Pinkie the game of poker and found out immediately why she was the queen of any game.

"Hooray! Another royal flush! What do you have Billy?" she said with excitement, laying her cards down on the bench.

"Two pair," Billy said with a sigh, placing his cards down as well. "Well, that's seventeen straight losses for me and the fifth royal flush for you. How about we try something different?"

"Sure! What other games do you like?" she said excitedly.

"How about who can sit still the longest? Ah'm fairly certain ya can beat Pinkie at that," Applejack said with a chuckle.

"No he can't, I can sit perfectly still," Pinkie said and immediately froze like a statue. They all watched her for a minute, waiting to see if she would move.

"Is she still breathing?" Billy asked after a minute of motionlessness.

"Don't worry sugarcube. We determined long ago that Pinkie doesn't need to breath. She can survive on sheer happiness alone," Applejack said while rolling her eyes. Billy didn't know if she was joking or not, but while Pinkie didn't seem to be breathing, she looked perfectly fine. He shrugged and looked down the tracks, seeing the train heading towards them.

"AAAAAALLLLLLLLLL AAAAAAABBBBBBBOOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRRRRDDDDDDD!!" the conductor pony yelled out. The group got up as the train pulled into the station and got on, all except Pinkie, who still sat perfectly still on the bench. Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated Pinkie into the car with them. The conductor knew better than to question the laws of Pinkie, so he didn't ask questions.

"How long is she going to stay like that?" Spike asked as they took their seats, Pinkie being placed next to him.

"No idea," Twilight said with a shrug. "Billy, just tell her she wins. I'm afraid that she'll pass out if she doesn't start breathing soon."

"Sure. Hey Pinkie," Billy said, poking Pinkie in the shoulder. "You win. You didn't move longer than me. You can start berthing now." Pinkie exhaled and immediately inhaled deeply, panting hard.

"Wow, I can't believe hard it is not to move. I mean no motion, no talking, no nothing. I think I'd rather keep moving and talking all the time instead of never talking or moving. Could imagine how hard it be to never talk or move-"

"Bet ah can be quiet longer than ya," Applejack muttered with annoyance.

"You're on!" Pinkie yelled, taking a deep breath and holding perfectly still.

"Applejack," Twilight scolded while Applejack chuckled to herself. After another few minutes of trying to get Pinkie to move again, the group finally settled down as the train began to move. Billy looked excitedly out the window, watching as the trees all flew by the window.

"Wow, I've never been on an old fashion train ride before," he said excitedly, eyes wide with excitement. "This is a lot cooler than my trains back home."

"You have trains in your world?" Twilight asked, always ready to learn something new. "What are your trains like?"

"They speed along underground at pretty fast speeds, but their crowded," Billy said with a groan. "Pus the people on them are all jerks, so good luck trying to get a seat. So, what's Canterlot?"

"Oh, that's my home. It's the capital of Equestria," Twilight said with a smile, pointing out the window to the city that was coming into view.

"Wow this train moves fast," Billy said with some shock, watching as the sparks flew from the wheels from the speed they were going at.

"Yup, we'll reach Canterlot in no time." Twilight's prediction was correct and the group found themselves in Canterlot not much later. They all stepped off the train and Billy's jaw dropped. The city looked like something that he read in comic books. It was majestic, that was the only way he could describe it. White marble buildings, golden finishes to windows; it was one fancy place.

"Well, we've arrived a full thirty minutes before the princesses wanted, so any ideas on what to do to pass the time?" Twilight asked. Spike's hand immediately went up.

"How about we visit Donut Joe's? I promised him that I'd come visit the next time I was in town."

"I like donuts! Let's go!" Pinkie said with a huge grin, hopping off in the direction of the shop. Applejack sighed and trotted along after her, with Applebloom following closely at her hooves. Spike chased off after them, leaving Billy to walk with Twilight through the streets. He didn't need to look around to know that he was getting a number of looks. One of the things he had taken for granted was that the ponies of Ponyville had taken a liking to him for the most part rather quickly, despite him being different. But these ponies were different than the ones he knew. He could feel their eyes on him, so secretly judging him, others being more open.

"What is that thing?" one of the ponies muttered to her cohort from behind her hoof, just loud enough so that he could hear.

"Oh look, Twilight's brought another weird creature here," another said from behind his back. He turned to glare at them, but he couldn't tell who had said it among the crowds.

"Don't let them get to you, they always gossip about anything new in this city," Twilight said while wrapping a wing around him to help move him along. "Don't let their words bother you, you're a lot nicer than them." Billy wanted to take comfort in her words, but at that moment they turned a corner and found themselves looking at a large group of ponies standing in front of another pony who was preaching to them about something that caused Billy's stomach to knot.

"You have all heard about the recent destruction of Ponyville in the last few days, of all the attacks that have happened there. Many lives were lost and countless homes were destroyed. But despite all this death and destruction, our so called princesses and protectors were nowhere to be found! They abandoned the town to its own fate while they hid in their castle to protect themselves! They were not there for the ponies of Ponyville, where so many of our friends and families lived!" Billy could feel Twilight fuming next to him, incensed by what she was hearing. But what the pony in front of the crowd said next is what caused his stomach to sink.

"But one did rise up in our families and friends time of need, one who descended down in a bolt of lightning. Yes my friends, I am talking about the angel, who came down from on high to combat the evil forces and drive them back. He was always there for the ponies that the princesses left, there for the weak and wounded no matter the cost or the risk! And have you noticed that unlike the princesses, the foes he has beaten have not returned? That is because unlike the princesses, he does whatever it takes to defeat his foes, even if that means ending them. But I know what you are all thinking, the princesses love us, they would never abandon us. You are correct, they would never abandon YOU, but that is because you are all wealthy ponies, each able to contribute to the Equestrian wealth and in turn, their wealth. They will of course protect you. But for those on Ponyville and other small towns, they were not there, they do not care! They have grown greedy, only caring about what benefits them, not us. That is why we need a new leader to replace them! One who can summon lightning bolts from the sky, who can toss buildings with ease! One who destroys his foes in a single blast. We need a savior from on high to save us! We need a GOD!"

The crowd began to applaud in frenzy, all of them agreeing with what the pony was saying. Twilight looked at the group in a rage while Billy felt his body go cold. He didn't want this, didn't want these ponies to think that he was some sort of savior there to overthrow Celestia and Luna. Maybe if they were evil he would, but despite barely knowing them he found he rather liked them. Twilight went to step forward, but the preacher began to speak again.

"So I say this to you my brethren, we must follow the angels example. Destroy all evils, fight for our rights and to overthrow those who would DARE to oppress us! We must act now, while the divinity of heaven is on our side! Now is our time!" The preaching would've continued, but at that moment members of the guard showed up to arrest the preacher. He shouted something about how the princesses were taking away his right to speak and he bolted off down the streets, with a number of guards chasing him.

"Come on Billy, let's get moving," Twilight said with a scowl at the crowd, walking down the street. But Billy did not follow. He stayed standing in the same spot where he had been. Twilight stopped after a few feet and turned back to where he was standing.

"Billy? What's the matter?" she asked him as she walked to his side. He turned to her with scared eyes.

"This isn't what I wanted," he said in a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"I never wanted to be seen as an angel or some other form of divinity. I just wanted to help keep others safe from harm, not be turned into a...savior."

"I know Billy," Twilight said gently, wrapping a wing around his shoulder. "Ponies like this pop up every once in a while after a tragic event, blaming the princesses and looking for somepony new to take over. You just happened to be who they wanted to do it this time."

"But it isn't right. Celestia and Luna have been doing all they can for Equestria," he said with a sigh while turning to Twilight. "Haven't they?" Twilight bit her lip, not sure what to say.

"Billy...the princesses have been very busy of late. Many things have come up that needed their utmost attention. Remember all those destroyed villages? Well, it's happened again. They've been working night and day for days, even during each other’s shifts. They do care, but they can't be everywhere at once."

"But that won't stop ponies like him from using their absences as an excuse to tear them down," Billy muttered with a sad sigh. "Or to be there to stop the dark forces that attacked Ponyville."

"Maybe not, but luckily we had you there to pick up the slack," Twilight said with a smile. "If you hadn't been here to fight with us, I believe that Equestria would have fallen to the four horses and the others that have attacked us. Don't listen to what others have to say about you, you're a hero and nothing can change that."

"But what if I should be more?" he asked her, looking down at his hands as if they'd provide some kind of answer. "What if I should use my power to bring down those who don't care. What if for the sake of other I should become...a divine." Twilight's face fell, not liking the direction this conversation was heading.

"Billy, Spike told me that the reason you were given your power was because you had the purest heart in your world, more than anypony else. You were chosen because you would do what was right with those powers. You would serve others...not rule them. That's just not you."

"But what if it's the only way to protect others...to protect you?" he asked in a whisper, remembering how she had almost died just a few days ago. Twilight didn't know how to answer that one, but she was saved from answering when they reached to donut shop.

"Come on, let me get you something to cheer you up. My treat," she offered with a grin, holding open the door for him. He walked inside the shop, looking around at the shop. Pinkie and the others were seated at one both, Pinkie and Applejack in some sort of donut eating contest, with Pinkie clearly destroying her orange friend. Twilight walked Billy over to the counter where a tan pony stood behind the counter, giving Billy a look as he approached.

"Twilight, please keep your pets on a leash," he told Twilight as she also approached the counter. Billy scowled at the pony who backed up a little why Twilight tried to explain things.

"He's not my pet, he's my friend," Twilight said with an eye roll. "And more importantly to you, he's also a customer, so I expect you to be more polite to him."

"Y-yes princess, what can I get for you two?" he asked with a nervous smile. Twilight looked at the menu for a minute while Billy stood lost in thought. He couldn't get what that pony had been saying out of his head. Had he really had that much of an impact on the ponies? Why would they choose to follow him and not their leaders who had protected them for hundreds of years? But had he been right about Billy? Was he really a savior from on high who struck down his enemies, who could bring about a new peace? He just didn't know.

"Billy? You in there?" Twilight asked as she looked into his face. He shook his head and snapped himself back into reality.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Twilight, I was just daydreaming," he said with a weak smile. Twilight frowned and looked at him with uncertainty.

"Remember what I said earlier, just ignore what those ponies were saying about you. You're not a ruler, you're a hero." Twilight handed him his food and went to sit down with her friends. Billy followed her, putting the matter out of his mind temporarily. He sat down with the others and started to eat, his mind slowly going back to what he had heard earlier.


Unbeknownst to the ponies eating in the restaurant, a dark shadow was watching them from the window, its dark appearance making it invisible to their eyes. It watched them all, but its main focus was on Billy and the down cast face he had, drinking it all in gloriously. And then it descended back into the shadows, moving along at incredible speeds through the city, past all the guards and magical enchantments, out past the city limits and to the north. It sped along, traversing hills and gorges that would take days to cross on hoof in a matter of minutes, until it finally arrived at the ancient temple where the greatest evils had once been held. Once inside, the shadow burst from the ground, quickly retaking its original shape as Sombra.

"I just love it when a plan comes together," he said with a chuckle, walking over to his work bench, using some of the materials that he had taken from the city to begin work on the next stage of his plans. "I must admit I'm glad I stole some of that foal Erebus powers when I had the chance. It makes getting in and out of that city so much easier."

'And despite the great evils being beaten, you continue to think you can win?' Star-Swirls voiced asked, echoing throughout the chamber. 'And you call Erebus the foal.'

"Shut up, old horse," Sombra growled at the voice. "My plan is full proof. That little stunt I put on earlier will begin to turn the citizens against the princesses and cause panic. Not only that, but I also noticed that the angels mortal form was in the crowd and he seemed to be taking a few of my words to heart. He will be in a state of confusion for a few days, his own personal conflicts will destroy him."

'You always had a manipulative tongue,' Star-Swirl said with rage, remembering an own incident with Sombra back when he was alive.

"And with all the information that you gave me on magical lightning, I now have a full proof plan to destroy not only the ponies, but to deal with the angel as well. Heh, I cannot wait for the looks on their foalish faces when I finally destroy them."

'Do you really think that with your knowledge of lightning that you have enough power to kill the angel? He is far superior to you in every way. When you attack Canterlot, he will be there to stop you.' Much to Star-Swirl's horror, Sombra turned to him with an evil grin on his face.

"Oh I'm counting on it. In fact, the whole plan revolves around him being there to stop me. You can say that...I can't take Canterlot without him." Sombra's smile grew even wider as he saw Star-Swirls face fall as he realized what Sombra was planning. Sombra turned to the exit with a chuckle, transforming back into the shadows.

"Now if you excuse me, it is time for my months of planning to become a reality," Sombra said with an evil chuckle and turned himself back into shadows. "I'll let you know how things go...if I even bother to come back." Sombra let out one last laugh as he vanished from the room, leaving the spirit of a former protector of Equestria to fear for the lives of all who felt Sombra's wrath.


"Ah told ya we shouldn't have let Pinkie eat all those triple sugar bombs," Applejack said with a sigh as she and the others watched Pinkie bounce all over the city. She had eaten three of Donut Joe's sugar bomb donuts and she was on a massive sugar rush. The group was heading in the direction of the palace, where they were going to meet with the princesses for a serious discussion about the recent events as of late. While they walked, Billy was still thinking about what he had heard that pony say in the streets. He was a hero, that he was certain of, but could he be more? Would he be able to save everyone if he became a higher power? No, he wasn't a god...but at the same time, he was. Captain Marvel was literally a mix of the most powerful gods and titans, so that technically made him a god himself. Should he embrace that side of him...or fear it?

"Billy, we're here." Twilight's words snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked up at the most incredibly palace he had seen in his life. The golden gates, the marble castle; it looked like something out of a fairy tale. The two guards at the gates nodded to Twilight and the other Elements and let them through, but crossed their spears when he tried to enter.

"No pets allowed," they both said at once. Billy had half a mind to transform right there and beat them both senseless, but Twilight intervened before he could do anything.

"He's not a pet, he's my friend. Now let him pass." The guards did as instructed and Billy was allowed to enter the palace. Twilight led him and the others through the golden doors and into the interior of the palace. It was just as grand on the inside as it was on the outside, filled with beautiful paintings and priceless artifacts. But just like in the city, Billy was always aware of the ponies that were staring at him like he was some kind of freak. He could hear them whispering to themselves and snickering at him. He hated it when other treated him like a freak, just like those at the orphanage or those who were supposed to adopt him. One day he might...

"Billy, eyes forward." Billy looked up to realize that they had entered the main chamber in the castle. He looked up and the massive doors and swallowed nervously. The twin guards standing there opened the massive doors and allowed the group to step inside. The hall room was massive, looking like the throne room one would expect from royalty. But none of the impressive decorations or fancy art could even compare with the twin princesses who sat on their thrones with smiles on their faces. Celestia was the first to speak.

"Welcome my friends. We have a lot to talk about."