• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Bellesmith was a heaving wreck by the time she collapsed inside the concrete niche. She slumped up against a gray wall, her haggard face lost in the shadows as she stared wide-eyed into nothingness.

Behind her, Kera—no less frantic—telekinetically shut the enclosure, blocking the entrance to her hiding place. A gust of hot air blew in from the bright world beyond the granite slite above them. She exhaled heavily, as if throwing loose the weight of the world through her lungs, and trotted slowly about to face the older mare.

"So long as we don't show our faces for a while, we'll be okay here. Trust me. I've waited out worst crap before." After saying that, the filly immediately winced. "Erm... well, maybe not crap this bad. But it can't be that terrible, right? I mean... we've got plenty of grasshoppers!" She smiled jubilantly.

Belle did not so much as look at her. The mare slid down to her knees, practically curling up in the far corner.

Kera blinked. She did not frown and she did not scowl; a worried fidget ran through her body as she shuffled towards the adult's side. "We... uhm... we could maybe try looking for clues about your friend elsewhere, y'know. I mean... you got enough from the dreamworld to go on for a while, right? That was the whole point in going to that place, wasn't it?"

Belle bit her lip.

Nervously, Kera lowered her hood, shaking loose her bushy green mane. "Bellesmith... come on... say something. I don't care if it's stupid or dainty. You're freaking me out with this silence and stuff."

"I... I saw a world..." Belle eventually murmured. "A world older than our own... a world built by many creatures for many creatures. I felt so small... so tiny... and she... she corrupted it... she attacked me with thoughts that weren't hers..." Weathering a wretching expression, Belle clutched her belly and whispered, "So much horror... and pain." She gulped. "What is she wanting to accomplish? What can she do with the world's flame when it's not hers? I'm so powerless. So very powerless... and now Phoenix... Phoenix..."

Kera's brow furrowed. She courageously attempted smiling as she said, "Look, hey... I think it's no secret that the dude wasn't exactly trying to stay alive forever."

Belle winced.

Kera rolled her eyes, smacking herself in the head. After a while, she sighed and said, "Come on, Belle. We're alive. You got us out of that place and you did so in the most badflank way possible! Shouldn't we—like—run with that?"

"It never fails, Kera," Belle murmured, looking at her own hooves as if they were emaciated gold stalks. "I... I see so much good that needs to be done, but when I try to do them... when I-I try to be as strong as Rainbow Dash..." She gulped. "I fail. I fail, and I-I lose ponies I care for..."

Kera snorted, stifling a giggle as she trotted to Belle's side. "Well, I'm still around. What am I, glue?"

Belle broke into a smile. She pivoted around, gazing lovingly at the filly. She caressed the petite pony's chin with a hoof, but halfway through the gesture her smile faded. "I can't put you through any more of this, Kera..."

"Huh?" Kera gripped the mare's forelimb. "What do you mean, Belle?"

"It's so dangerous as it is..." Belle gasped as she heard sirens in the distance, as well as the distant marching of ponies' hooves in the streets of Blue Nova. Her lips quivered. "I... I need to do this alone."

"Do what alone?"

"I don't know. Anything. Everything. I meant to do my search on my own... and look what's happened." She rubbed a hoof over her face. "I'm not strong enough to protect anypony. How c-can I even protect myself?" A final breath whimpered out of her. "Pilate... m-my beloved..."

Kera's green eyes rounded. After a few seconds she held her breath, leaned in, and nuzzled the mare closely. "I'll protect you, Belle. Does that sound okay?"

Belle shuddered. She looked over at her. A delicate smile crossed her face.

"Hmmm?" Kera smiled back up at the mare. "I'll keep you safe. I promise."

"Yeah..." Belle stroked a hoof over the child's mane. "Yeah, okay..." She tried smiling, but her face collapsed... as did the rest of her body. She buckled over, and her only recourse was to sweep Kera in a gentle hug.

The scampy street urchin didn't protest, and that's what finally dissolved the moment. Belle wept quietly, holding Kera close... holding somepony... anypony close, as the two of them rocked gently in the sanctum of that dark, dark place, away from all the noise and mayhem of Ledomare.

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