• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Promises to Keep

Kera was frowning, hugging her legs to her chest as she sat upon the precipice of the plateau.

Belle sat down beside her, her lips pursed in concern. After a few seconds, she spoke above the happy sobs of the reuniting families behind her. "Kera. Kera, darling... what are you doing here all alone?"

"Pffft... What does it look like I'm doing?" the tattooed filly grunted. Her brow hardened even more while her nostrils flared. She didn't give Belle the benefit of a solid glance. "I'm always alone. I only got used to it for a reason."

Belle blinked. She turned and looked back at the enraptured Xonans. She held her breath, clenched her eyes shut, and gulped. "Kera..." She reopened her moist eyes, staring straight at the foal. "They have to still be alive. They're... they're back in Lerris..."


"They have to be!" Bellesmith smiled, though it was a fragile thing. "I just know it—"

"Pfft! What do you know?" Kera flashed her a snarling frown. "I mean really! You and your broken horn and your stupid Rainbow Dash and your stupid Eljunbyro..."

Belle looked hurt. "Kera..."

"You're older. You have friends. It's all okay for you." Kera sighed, hugging her limbs tighter. "Fine. Whatever. I don't want what you have anyways."

"You can't give up hope, Kera. We'll find them yet. I promise you..."

"Hmmph... Shoulda left me to starve off of grasshoppers in the street of that dumbflank city..."

"Oh, Kera..."

The filly sniffled, rubbing a forelimb across her hard, frowning features. "Shoulda just left me on my own. I was fine on my own. Even in Lerris when... when..."

"How did they die, Kera?"

The filly's face blanched, her eyes instantly wet, like she was staring into a basin of fire.

Belle stared at her quietly.

Kera let out a whimpering noise... then a second. "They... they fought Nightshade's ponies when they came to take me away. They attacked them... with angry words and farm tools." She sniffled. "They thought they were brave." She frowned again as a tear trickled down her cheek. "They were stupid. Only adopted me for two years, and they th-thought I was something worth fighting for. Friggin' idiots. Friggin'... dead as brick idiots..."

"Kera..." Belle exhaled, brushing a hoof through her mane. "Darling..."

"Stop calling me th-that!" Kera's voice cracked as she stood up and shouted at Belle. "You're just as bad as them! You think you're brave, but you're just stupid! What are you gonna do with that book, huh, Belle?! What are you going to do with me?! You're just going to die like the rest of the idiots!"

Belle stood up as well. "I'm not going to die on you, Kera."

"Oh yeah?! Why not?!"

"Because I love you!" Belle said, stifling her own sobs as she frowned back at the pony. "And, by the Spark, I'm not about to give up on you! You deserve better than to be angry and afraid all your life!"

"I'm not afraid! I'm... I'm..." Kera glanced at the other children, and something inside her broke. She began hyperventilating, teetering precariously close to the canyon's edge.

Belle caught her, sweeping her up in a dear hug.

Kera hiccuped on a sob, burying her face in Belle's golden coat. "Why d-do I trust you? You're totally g-gonna die on me! I'm so stupid... so stupid in believing..."

"Shhhh..." Belle stroked her bushy mane and nuzzled her dearly. "It's okay to be scared. I'm scared too, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying life, and enjoying the chance I have at giving you something that you deserve."

Kera sobbed, clenching her eyes shut as she clutched Belle's coat tighter. "Please... don't die on me. Promise me that you won't, ya stupid... stupid mare..."

Belle smiled, a tear running down her cheek. "I promise. I'll do everything in my power not to leave you alone ever again. Do you hear me?"

Kera whimpered, shaking her head. "I... I-I don't know if I can even believe you. I don't know if I can even believe anything anymore..."

"I was there once before, Kera," Belle said. "And then something came into my life... that changed everything."

Kera sniffled and murmured, "Rainbow Dash?"

Belle giggled. She caressed the foal as she said, "A spark, Kera. And everything else afterwards was just..." She gazed up towards the golden sky, squinting at a flickering object. "...magical."

Kera took a deep breath. Her shivers ceased in time for her to lean back and gaze at the concern plastered across the mare's face. "Belle?" She wiped her cheek, sniffled, and asked, "What is it?"

"I..." Belle's chestnut eyes narrowed as the object grew nearer. "I-I think we've been followed."

"Incoming!" Phoenix shouted, picking up his rifle and dashing across the plateau as the Xonan families around him chattered in bilingual panic. "Bogey incoming from the northeast! Everypony get down!"

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