• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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You Shove Off

From a distance, Tweak could be seen nuzzling his wife. He squatted down low before his farmhouse to have a word or two with Roque and Nexx, who were both doing their best not to look teary-eyed. Lucky Strike stood nearby, smiling, and when it was his turn to share some words with his brother, he bore a constant expression of pride.

"I've only known him for a few days," Crimson muttered. He and Rainbow Dash stood besides the hull of Roarke's manaship, glistening in the Aurum sunset. "And yet, I feel so indebted and responsible at the same time." The stallion gulped. "If this adventure somehow kills him, I think I'll feel as bad if not worse than when I lost Eagle Eye and Phoenix."

Rainbow Dash's eyes darted towards him. "You still give a crap about Phoenix?"

"I'm not proud of what he and Zenith did," Crimson muttered. His gaze fell to the farmland before them. "But... I'm also not proud of how things came about for them to feel like they had to do what they did." He sighed. "I should have been less stubborn... more receptive to their concerns. I had a responsibility to get them home, and look what became of it..."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Sometimes, dude, you just can't make up for how stubborn ponies can be." She glanced at the manaship behind them. "Whether they're going out of their way to help ya or harm ya."

"I seem to have a lot of stubborn ponies in my life," Crimson said.

"Yeah, well, the longer you live and the more places you go, the more you'll find ponies who wanna be your friend and do awesome things for you."

Crimson squinted quizzically at her. "And what about the droves of strangers who want to kill you?"

"Yeah, well, hate is like an inside-out version of love."

"Oh really..."

"Totally! So, like, the more ponies hate you, the more it means you must be doing something right... er... s-somewhere!"

"Heheh..." Crimson patted Rainbow with a metal limb, unwittingly knocking her off balance. "You're an honest, brave soul, Rainbow. You could use a bit of help in the logic department, but I love you all the same."

Rainbow winced, rubbing her armored shoulder. "I'm not gonna argue with a pony with that much muscle."

"You should see my family back in Franzington," Crimson said with a smile. "Between myself and my siblings and my cousins, we could all lift a battlecruiser on our backs."

"If I needed to take the Steel Wing as a souvenir to the edge of the world, then I just might call you guys up."

At last, Tweak trotted up. "Well..." He said breathily. "That was nifty."

"You've said all you've needed to say, friend?" Crimson asked.

"Yup. Let's get the hell out of here," Tweak muttered. He trotted up into the manaship where Imre and Roarke could be seen packing in the last of their equipment. "Quick, before I change my mind about certain chaos and near suicide."

"You said you were doing it because of honor," Crimson said, climbing after him.

"Yes, well, honor needs to get out more... see some sunlight. Come on, let's friggin' go already."

Roarke's nostrils flared as she pivoted her lensed eyes towards Rainbow Dash. "Is he going to be like this the entire trip?"

"You're asking the wrong pony." She stepped into the manaship and stood in place as the door closed slowly behind her. "Just get him to do push-ups the whole way and I'm sure his tongue will go limp."

"Among other things," Imre grunted.

"The heck does that mean?!" Tweak grumbled.

Crimson's laughter was the last thing to be heard, and then the vessel sealed up tight. Several crystal ponies waved from below as the glistening airship lifted up into the sky, pivoted north, and rocketed into the clouds. The noise from its burning thrusters echoed across the nearby canyon. On the other side, a dozen figures squatted, their shadowed limbs clad in thick strips of armor.

"They're leaving... they're actually leaving..."

"What a motley crew of creeps. What do they actually hope to accomplish?"

"If they're heading north, then that'll take them deeper into the womb of Ledo."

"It must be a ruse... something to throw us off..."

"Well, High Blade? What do you make of it?"

One pony in particular stood on an outcropping, her thick limbs blotting out the immediate sunlight. With a deep, grumbling breath, Terra turned and frowned at the metal mares below her. "It matters little where the runt is taking her new friends. They're out of range of the Searo-forsaken farm. We can finally take them down."

"I don't get it, Terra," another mare said, her face scrunched up in thought. "Why don't we just level this land full of weaklings to the ground in retribution for Searo's Hold?!"

"Because we can't!" Terra snarled, marching through the tight group. "You've seen what the crystal ponies can do en masse. They'll reduce us to shambling idiots and pick us off, one by one. It would be utter stupidity to attack any place within Aurum."

"Oh yeah?" The mare leaned forward, growling. "Or perhaps you are too cowardly to strike!"

Before any of the fellow warriors could gasp, Terra spun about, erected a pulse cannon from her shoulder, and shot it into the belligerent pony's face.

With a sickening pop, the mare's body evaporated, leading a smoking husk of armor that fell down, dribbling loose meat like a steamed crab shell.

The other mares stumbled back, wincing.

Terra spat, "Or perhaps you are too dead to piss me off again!" She looked up at the remaining warriors. "If you wish to be a coward, to be an idiot, to be a runt..." She pointed at the smoking armor. "Then join her... or else join any of the weak-minded secessionists who are carving Searo's Hold up like moldy cheese!" She stamped her hooves down. "But you mares have decided to join me! And I will restore our honor! And the first step..." She pointed towards the northern horizon. "...is to hunt down that traitor, Roarke, and drag her back to our halls by her entrails. Only then will we restore the glory that's been stripped from our Goddess' legacy. Do you understand me?!"

The mares all grunted in obedience.

"Very well then..." Terra spun about and marched towards one of three manaships hidden in the forest. "We take to the air. And then, when Roarke least expects it... we take her head." Her helmet closed around her meaty face. "And then the hearts of her puny companions..."

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