• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 2,173 Views, 54 Comments

Perhaps Death - WritingSpirit

The Doctor finds himself stuck in prison, unable to remember anything he had experienced prior to his awakening. With the help of his diary, enchanted with magic, he tries to piece his life back together, not knowing what might await him at the end.

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Cultivar Of The Unicorn

1024 AC, ? Month, ? Day, ? h/min/s




Somepony was there...


Asking me to wake up...


Wake up...


Wake up...


Wake up...


"Wake up."

"Wha--" I began with a shock, blinking with regards to the searing glare of the intense light. Squinting my eyes, I could make out the sun hanging in blue sky, obstructed only by two iron bars. My hooves shifted around, skimming through puddles of hay as I strained to stand up, my vision shooting straight to clarity once I realized who my visitor was.

Princess Celestia was there, standing right in my cell under the watch of a pair of her stone-faced guards. She wasn't smiling nor frowning, which was pretty the usual sight you'd see from her. What was more uncanny is the fact that I don't feel... threatened by her presence. Perhaps it was the need for companionship that softened my view of her, or it might be the desire to coax her for an answer. Whatever it was, it was relieving, at best.

"Good morning," she said, smiling. "I'm glad to see you had a good rest. Pardon if you minded my intrusion."

"No, not at all," I replied nonchalantly. "I had seen worse ways to trespass into one's personal space."

"Of course you did. You had, after all, seen things even beyond my eyes."

Sure, you must remind me that. I know it's fun and all to be a Time Lord, but there are certain rules to abide to when you're, well, me. One rule to let you guys know, despite all the sightseeing and hitching-others-for-a-ride thing that I'm accustomed to do, I am not a tourist guide. A tourist guide lets you watch the danger from the sidelines. I, on the other hoof, make sure you'll do a somersault before you dive into the action.

"If I may ask, Your Majesty," I began. "What brings you here? I don't believe you're the type to pay a visit."

"Just had to see if you were alright," she answered. "My sister was concerned of your well being. A little peculiar of her, to be concerned for somepony like the Doctor, of all ponies."

"She's concerned about me?"

Believe me, I would be lying if I said I was not surprised to hear that, but once you ponder about it, it makes a lot of sense. Princess Luna did visit me from time to time these days and even though I don't welcome her presence, she was quite hospitable in an alicorn sense. There was also the pieces of advice she gave me, which was pretty useful advice, if there is the right place to interpret them.

"Why would she be?" I asked, curious to know.

"Believe me, Doctor, she wasn't the only one."

"Who else?" I pressed on.



"Ponies you've met," she said with a sigh. "Ponies you've known, yet forgotten."

"Such as Twilight Sparkle?"

That was the knife in the heart, I suppose. It seems at some point of my adventure, she knows of my allegiance with Twilight Sparkle. Immediately after I said that, Princess Celestia gave me this unnerving stare of hers, her pale complexion darkening just a little, though little was enough. It would certainly be offensive, to know that your personal student was once in league with the Doctor.

"Where is she?" I questioned. "May I speak to her?"

"She's busy."

"With what?"


"What things?"

"Just things," the alicorn snapped. "Twilight has duties to tend to, Turner. You could say she has done quite a lot in your absence. If she could find the time, I'm sure she would come and visit you, but unfortunately that is quite not the case."

"With no offense to you, Your Majesty, but Twilight is still my friend," I replied. "I need to know why I'm imprisoned here and I insist that you bring her here so that we could have a talk, that's all. I know she's your personal student, but could I at least see her face?"

"What kind of friend forgets about those around him?"

Believe me, if I had a good reply, I would've rebutted her admittedly-rude answer. It wasn't my fault that I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, right? Aside from that, it was strange, to think that she prohibits me from seeing an old face, especially one I've known for a while now. At least I managed to remember that she was there as my companion! That was good enough, don't you think?

"All I can tell you is that she will come," the Princess assured after a moment of tense silence. "But I can't tell you when, nor I can tell you on what terms. The latter, perhaps, is for you to find out."

"How?" I asked, my head starting to spin. "How, Princess?"

The alicorn just smiled. Oh, how I hate that smile. Surely, it must be genetically inherited, considering Luna always, always uses that smile on me, almost as if on purpose. For the love of Celestia, I only needed one alicorn to do that in my lifetime, please.

"For Luna and I, we could not aid you," she answered. "On Twilight's end, however..."

The last thing I heard her say is exceptionally unbelievable.

"I believe she already did."


1005 AC, Third Summer, 15, 08:19:17


Tomorrow has come.


Ah yes, tomorrow... always expecting it.


She did say she would think this over last night...


Hey there, chaps! A rather fine day today! Bright and sunny, clear skies all around to charm up the obtuse Canterlot districts. Fine day, and usually that means something good will happen, but I profess, it might be a trap. A fully-functioning, versatile trap to disillusion me to believe in the faith of Her Majesty Princess Celestia. Think about it: a glorious sun that bathed me more in its bright optimism than its intense heat, the lack of nonsense being splattered out by this Canterlotian social monstrosity and that one prismatic booth of technicolor lollipops, each for only five bits!! Celestia, I love those lollipops.

But enough of that. My focus lies beyond this city, for today shall be a day of change. Oh, nothing about climates or economics or that pish-posh whatnot, but something of a smaller scale yet never any less trivial. It is today where fate decides to toy with my life once more, which... may be a good thing. I mean, depends on its mood. For now, all I could do was wait at the last place we've met: in one of Canterlot's more prestigious parks. She would be here any second, I told myself, trying to calm down. No pressure.


I whirled around, smiling softly and nervously at Twilight Sparkle approaching me, her face stale of emotions. Alright, perhaps not as stale as you think; if I could think of a word for her expression, it would be uncertainty. Her eyes were darting around, as if looking for an escape route from this conversation, but she and I both know there will never be such a privilege for both of us. The only solution is to settle it with a talk, but there is one thing I could think of to ease the tension between us. My right hooves slid back as I gave a bow, which basically made her eyes go wide. She hissed something along the lines of 'get up and stop humiliating yourself', but I don't care. I have to do this right, no matter how many darn ponies would laugh at me.

"Twilight Sparkle," I began affectionately with her name. "Throughout my travels in every corner of time and space, I've seen the most amazing things, but never had I seen anything more captivating before I laid my eyes on you for the first time. Every time I bring you along my travels, you were quick-witted and agile... you know what to do when times are dire and I admire you for that."

"Turner... I'm..."

"Twilight Sparkle," I continued. "Twilight Sparkle... Twilight Sparkle... you were wonderful. Just wonderful."

"I'm not leaving you, Turner."

Silence struck me senseless like a steel mace. Did she just say what I think she said? Oh, if anypony can come here and pinch me, I would gladly appreciate it. Wait... I need time to compose myself... breathe in, Turner.... breathe out... in... out... oh, for Celestia's sake, I can't believe this is happening... I'm certainly losing my touch...

"Y-You're not?" I asked, just to confirm.

Twilight shook her head, trotting just a little closer to me.

"I've thought long and hard about this, to be honest. I know that whatever you said to me yesterday... you meant it. I knew you were telling the truth about it. Sometimes, I always had the feeling that you... you l-liked me and... and I always thought it was just my imagination but... when you confessed... I... I don't know..."

"It's okay if you don't return my feelings, Twilight."

Her waning glance shot back right up to me once I said that. There I go again with my runny mouth. See, this is what happens to a pony when they are isolated for too long. One minute, they'll start talking to themselves and slowly, it becomes so loud and so instinctive that you can't chase the words back down your throat. Best to finish up what you started from there on out.

"I know that harboring a crush on you... might not mean anything," I said, trying my best. "But you're truly special to me. You were the one thing I look forward to everyday. If you want to stay as friends then... then so be it. You can still be my companion. No more, no less."

"And if I don't want to?"

What did she say?
No... no, it couldn't be!
Or... could it?


"You don't want to be my companion anymore?"

My breath tensed up, held taut like a knotted rope as I await her answer. Imagine my arse-faced relief when Twilight shook her head no. Imagine my arse-faced surprise also when I realized, from her nervous, flitting glance to her tomato-red blush dashing on her cheeks, what she actually meant.

"M-Maybe it's because y-you're my only friend, but..." Twilight stuttered. "Turner. I... I-I really wouldn't... mind having you as my... um..."



"You really want to try this?"

"Yes. Well, no, but yes, but... I don't know..."

Honestly, if she stared at the mirror, I believe she would realize how bad of an idea like how I perceived it to be. I myself wouldn't mind if she became my marefriend (a dream come true, I suppose) but I would certainly mind if we found out, in the end, that we weren't exactly meant for each other, which would mean it was all for naught. You know how big of a disappointment it would be? To the both of us? How could we still travel together then? What are we gonna do, sit down in the TARDIS and waste our days playing Monopony?

I know most of you would be asking: just get her for a date already! Mind you, it would be better if we went to spend a night together, but Twilight... she didn't have feelings for me that are as strong as mine for hers. I could see it from that reluctance in her eyes; she's doing this only to be able to continue traveling with me in my TARDIS. To be that desperate... a common anxiety shared by most of my companions.

"How about we do this," I began with a mutter, trying to phrase my thoughts. "We won't be in a relationship."


"You and I would still continue our travels as friends. We'll travel once again as Time Lord and companion for a month and see what happens from there on out. If the month's up or you are uncertain about me during the length of the trip, just give me the word and I'll take you back home, safe and sound without nopony harming you. If, however, you do have actual feelings for me, we can start this over back from the top."

"But if I fall for you..." Twilight began, though her humiliation just clicked her voice shut.

I tried not to chuckle. Yes, we will always face such a situation in our common lives. Yes, even the majestic Twilight Sparkle would fall prey to it, and she's really the most unique unicorn I've ever seen. She stands out among the rest, I believe, from the batch. The pick of the lot. Unicorns, I dare say, are the dullest of the herd. Nitty about magic, picky on fashion, always on the go like fleas hitching a ride on the backs of canines and let's not forget their inane research into the wonders of life revolving around -- no offense to the Princess -- the bloody sun. It was as if they were weeds cultivated since times of old and evolved into, well, dumber, more extravagant breeds. The cultivar of the unicorn, nurtured by the one and only Princess Celestia, who probably doesn't give a tick to the world. Whew, look at that colorful language! Any more and I'll convert into an atheist!

Equestria-- no, the world, is darn lucky such a unicorn like Twilight Sparkle exists.

"If you do," I mused thoughtfully. "Let's put it in basic terms: I'll try my best. Do we have a deal then?"

"Uh... okay..."


A skip in my step and I'm finally strutting off confidently towards my TARDIS, even though Twilight's... just... meekly following behind and would probably lose sight of me in the next minute or so... great, Turner. Aren't you a good friend to leave a mare like her behind?

"Welcome back to the TARDIS!" I exclaimed once we finally reached that blue box. "So, as an apology, I believe it's time that you chose the place we've ought to go."


"Yeah, really!" I retorted, the both of us stepping into my trusty ship. "We could go to the Garden of Galaxies, where they store actual galaxies in these small test tubes to be put on display! Or we could go to the planet Xarthes where the largest statue collection in the world exists. Or perhaps we could go to Canterlot. The galaxy of Canterlot, I mean, where each planet is named 'Canterlot' followed by an assigned number! Imagine that, all the Canterlots in the world! But the most interesting of them all is Canterlot Ninety-Eight--"

"Actually!" Twilight interrupted, hoof raised. "I was thinking of this place. A place you and I know."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Trust me, you may not like it," she professed. "But I wanted to make sure of something. I wanted to see if it was what I actually think I saw."

There was that doubt in her eyes again. Rare to see Twilight being doubtful before even beginning to travel. She must've known whatever horrors that we will encounter the moment we land and step one hoof out of the TARDIS door, but whatever it was, it shouldn't necessarily be bad, right? Right?

"Alright then," I said after a moment of false thought, waiting for her to insert the dates before I finally pulled down the switch. Wow, hear that lovely baby whirr~! Honestly, I just want to rev up the engines already! My hooves always has that knack of aching if I never did so! Whatever the destination! But, for the sake of a civil mind, there is one curious thing I would like to ask.

"Is it personal to you?"


"Our destination, I mean," I asked again. "Is it personal to you?"

Twilight nodded somberly, biting her lip. "It's very personal," she affirmed.

"For both you and me."


1000 AC, First Summer, 11, 20:53:06

"Why are we here?"

"Just come along, Turner."

"No, really," I began, starting to frown. "Why are we here? We could've gone to the farthest ends of the universe and possibly see some amazing sights that will never reach the eye of ponykind, and you decided that we should come here?"

Twilight gave a silent nod. She seemed a little afraid of my temper, I believe, but it's understandable. Really, we just settled an argument a minute ago; the fact that I could probably burst out at her again would terrify us both at this moment. At this point, I could've just left her back in Canterlot and storm off, but come on, she just wants to confirm something! It's just the matter of what it was!

We're now creeping up the rickety steps of the Canterlot Center for Foster Children, or the orphanage, if you lot desire a simpler term to call it. Trust me, I have no bloody idea why we are here, but the fact that it was about something personal that only my companion and I share simply boggles my mind! At this point, I don't even know her name yet! How could I even share something personal with her?

"Turner," she whispered, watching warily as some of the orphanage children scuttle past by us. Just to mention, I placed a barrier around us so that we would not be spotted; the same trick I did when I watched my younger self sleeping amid the conversation of Mrs. Hearthfire and her friend. As much as we can't be seen from the outside, we can't be heard also. Best form of third-pony observation, if you ask me. "Where's your room?"

"Twelfth door down the right hallway."

It seems that was our destination, although I have completely at loss as to why she would need to confirm something personal there. I could see why it might be personal to me, considering that it was my bedroom that we were heading to. Nevertheless, at least she would get to see ten-year-old me lounging about underneath a blanket while throwing wooden blocks at the great heap of what I once called the 'Pillow Dalek'. Oh, the joys of childhood.

A creak of the door later and there I was. That little lad, busy humming some sort of tune to himself with eyes fixed onto the ceiling. I swore I saw Twilight starting to smile at the other me, but being right behind her, I wasn't too sure. Is this what she wanted to see? My former self? Does she want to see this just to humiliate me? Well, there goes my charming dignity.

"I wasn't the Princess's faithful student yet," Twilight began suddenly. "At this time, I think I'm still eager about the entrance exam to get into the school."

"Uh-huh. And?"

"Well..." she continued, biting her lip. "That basically means I... haven't moved yet."

Immediately after she said that, my younger self started to hop from the bed, the both of us watching him totter off towards the window with his two front hooves perched onto the ledge, his eyes sparkling at the window across. Yes, the exact one thirty-four feet across from this room! I nearly dropped my jaw in realization when the silhouette of filly Twilight appeared behind the drawn blinds, dancing with her doll once again like I had seen it all before. She couldn't have...... could she?

The Twilight Sparkle beside me gave me a smug grin, yet she still showed a dash of red across her cheeks. Both of us just glanced about every nook and cranny in the room, trying to muster up a sentence, though I emerged as the first of us to speak or, more accurately, stammer.

"Y-You knew I was watching...?"


"For how long...?"

"I-I don't really know, actually," she admitted. "But at this point, it has been for a while now..."

"For a while now? Y-You could've made a complaint or something if you knew I was watching! Heck, you could just sue me and toss me off into the clink! Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I... I liked it."

I could hardly believe it! She liked it? What pony in the right mind on the whole of Equestria would like to be stalked by a peeping tom? Every mare would've screamed at me if I watched their private lives through a four-sided hole thirty-four feet across from them! Sure, it might be eighty feet on some occasions, but who cares? I knew now that I was committing an offense back then, yet she made no effort to tell her parents about it?

"You liked it?" I asked again, just to make sure.

"I don't know..." she said with a sigh. "Back then, I never had any friends, only family and a ton of books. When I know that somepony was interested in me after ten years of having no friends, I thought it would be fun to... you know, try to get to know him better. Only problem is, I just... I don't know how to talk to somepony else..."

"So I just thought I'll just keep him interested," my companion continued. "I saw him watching every night, which made me a little happy even though it was weird. That is, until Princess Celestia decided to tutor me and we had to move to the upper districts. After that, I didn't know what to do. So many ponies around and... and still I don't have anypony to call a friend. Some of them tried to talk to me but... I was so... so... you know... then I bumped into you. Your face... it just struck me as familiar, even though I never met you before. When you told me you were from the orphanage, I knew then that it was you. I knew that you were the colt watching me every night. And when you told me about your... feelings for me, I knew why."

"You knew all this time..."

"I'm sorry if I kept this a secret."

"It's okay," I assured her. "It was all in the past, after all. I'm a different pony now."

"Yet you still love me."

"Because you're different from others, Twilight. You are the one true friend that I only have, yet the one true friend that I solely need. You are a wonderful mare, Twilight. Don't you know that?"

"Alright, alright, I get it," she griped, blushing heavily. "Y-You don't have to keep reminding me, y-you know..."

"So would you agree to this? The part of us being together for a month?"

Silence. It was tense as it was serene, watching the love of my life ponder over the life-changing decision she has to make. She knows that there is no doubt a chance that she may become my marefriend at some point of our travels, yet she also knows that we might become mortal enemies. She is dab smack right in the middle and it only takes a small push with the tip of the hoof to teeter to either side.

"And if we say we will never see each other again?" she asked, slightly worried about her future. About our future.

"Depends if we mean it."

Another minute of silence, before she finally said it.


"Okay then! That settles that," I exclaimed happily. "Just a reminder: if we ever, say, become an item, can you at least promise me that you won't do any sort of... intense research about our relationship? It really kills the mood."

Twilight just giggled quietly, covering her mouth. "Anything you say, Turner," she said, smiling warmly.

"Anything you say..."

Author's Note:

Consider this chapter a Christmas present! :twilightsmile:
Hope you guys liked it!

:pinkiehappy: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! :pinkiehappy: