• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 2,173 Views, 54 Comments

Perhaps Death - WritingSpirit

The Doctor finds himself stuck in prison, unable to remember anything he had experienced prior to his awakening. With the help of his diary, enchanted with magic, he tries to piece his life back together, not knowing what might await him at the end.

  • ...

The Bumbling Farmer Of High Horn Gulch

1024 AC, ? Month, ? Day, ? h/min/s


These migraines hurt more than they probably should...

Stupid, priggish unicorn magic...


Welcome back to the jail cell of the Doctor! A wonderful upcoming tourist attraction that will be swarmed by the millions of prisoners in the future, all of whom would come to admire the interior decorations and tell their friends: "Guess what! A Time Lord was here! Can you believe it? A Time Lord!" or something along the lines of their imperfect vocabulary. It is with great gratitude for me to announce that the attraction shall officially open the moment I take one step out of the cell door after serving my life sentence, which I can't say for sure, given that Time Lords and longevity go together like bread and margarine; I personally find butter to be a little overrated.

Sure, an average pony would be quite skeletal and, well, dead, once they wait for their taste of freedom, unless they do otherwise, whether it be inside or outside the boundaries of law. I, however, would just be a little aged. Maybe grow a beard. Huh... I think I'll look good with a beard. I might look great even. Perhaps I should grow one someday, probably style it up into a goatee. Mares dig a goatee. Goatees are cool.

What can I say? I'm liable to being an optimist, however nonsensical the suggestion may be.

All of that still doesn't change how I feel about prison.

"Good morning, Doctor."

Ah, the voice of the day.

"Paying me a visit, Princess Celestia?" I greeted her in turn, smirking. The alicorn stood with her pair of transposable guards, separated only by a wall of sturdy iron bars. She bore a simper with the warm tenderness of the sun, her amethyst eyes skimming merrily about my cage. I could almost hear the burst of laughter she had contained in her. It almost made me want to lash out at her, but I know I had to keep my cool. Who knows what sentence would be handed down if I didn't?

Think optimistic, Turner, think!

At least somepony got some enjoyment out of this.

Okay, that one was horrible. Forget I said that.

"I'm pleased to see you're awake," our princess spoke. "Well? Have the clouds cleared in the horizon yet, Turner?"

"If what you're trying to say is that I remembered some things about..." I stopped midway, fixating my wide-eyed gaze onto her. It took me a while to formulate the words in my mouth, before I managed a stammer. "You knew as well?"

"Ah, I see my sister let the slip first," she sighed. "That, I'll deal with later, I suppose... yes, we know of your alias, if I may call it that."

"How did you know?"

Two words was all she needed to send me reeling.

"Twilight Sparkle."

It was as if one of those Daleks stuffed their plunger-headed limbs (seriously, they look horrendous) down my throat and the air is being sucked upwards to clog my brain. I couldn't say or think about anything, just... Twilight Sparkle? My marefriend, the same one who swore to keep it behind the blinds... no Dalek or Cyberpony could force it from her, yet the Royal Sisters just... did it?

"What did you do to her?" I had to ask.

"Nothing. She volunteered to speak on your behalf."


"I can assure you, my dear Doctor, we did nothing to coerce her. She's perfectly fine and safe, unless you think of me lowly enough to bring any sort of harm to my most faithful student, which I would then find really insulting."

Denial clung firmly onto me, but those words gave me enough certainty to believe her. She can be quite a pain, as some of you may know, yet when it comes to those she endeared, she will, without fail, see that no harm comes to them. Much like how I treat my companions, you lot and your innate duty of making comparisons.

"May I see her then?" I asked. "You mention her being fine. Care to extend an invitation? Say her dear Doctor wants to see her."

"Why would I do that?"

"Why wouldn't you do that?" I had to inquire, receiving a frown in return. "What can a pony trapped in a jail cell do to her?"

"You're a Time Lord, Doctor, in case your memory failed to serve you," Princess Celestia shot her scathing reply. "Tell me, who are you to me?"


"Who are you," she paused, her scrutiny raging. "To me?"

I knew the answer when she asked me the first time. It was the answer that was wedged amid the nerves of my brain, albeit an answer I find undependable. Really, what did it matter now? I had hoped she would defer to another round of caustic remarks, yet she withstood my attempt. Resigning to my fate, I reluctantly pulled the imaginary rabbit out of my fez, which unfortunately also is imaginary.

"A stranger."

"A stranger," Princess Celestia repeated my answer, giving herself a moment of thought. "I see... then you remembered what happened to Twilight, didn't you?"

"Her abduction, yes."

"And what was the cause of it?"

"Another Time Lord, presumably."

"Wrong," came the first word of her verbal onslaught, her irises a pair of blades chaffing down my trembling neck. "There was only one Time Lord responsible for that. The Time Lord who took her on some adventure just because he vied for her affections. The Time Lord that allowed her to be captured because he believed she wouldn't seek for any sort of trouble. The Time Lord that exposed a young, bright mare to the traumas in all of space and time, yet disillusioned her into believing that they were all mere adventures."

"They were adventures," I defended myself."You make it sound as if I plot to dispatch her."

"Such a perception is yours alone."

"Do enlighten me. What then, does Your Highness perceive?"

"My perception is mine and mine alone. It is, after all, the least of your worries."

"Always with the secrets, Princess Celestia?" I chided.

"Yes. Much like that queer Time Lord I have in my dungeon cell."

Bested by the alicorns once again. Well, when you've lived beyond a couple of centuries, you'd tend to learn more things than most, one of them being witty comebacks. That wasn't one of her best attempts, if I were a judge. Believe me, the world had stopped for the alicorn's quipping a few times before. Rife with controversy back in the day, that alicorn.

"What do you want?" I rasped. Knowing her, she have better things to do than being in this criminal sinkhole.

"Nothing in particular," she answered. "Really, Turner, you must have lived long enough to know that not everything has a purpose."

"Perhaps it's a matter of cultural differences."

"Perhaps, though I wish we could cast them aside. Start over once again."

"Why?" I asked, skeptical. "You would never offer me such a deal. Why bother doing it now?"

"Because you're in prison and you have nothing more to lose," she answered. I was about to let out how inconsiderate of a big willy she was before she held her hoof up, stopping me before I had the chance to begin. "Also, because the last time we struck such a deal of starting over, we fared better than either of us had ever expected, which is why I would like the chance to start over. I know you would like that, Doctor, with your penchant of new faces and all. So, what do you say to starting over? To being strangers once more?"

It was strange, hearing it coming out of Princess Celestia's mouth again. Different variation of words, yet the meaning of it resonated with me as it did back then. Do keep in mind, she wasn't asking for my friendship; I'd be her friend instead of a stranger. She was calling for a truce, a halt to any further misgivings, should there come any. Of course, being the sappy, goody two-horseshoes of a Time Lord I was, I did what I knew best.

"Hello there," I made the first move, putting up a smile as I stuck out my hoof through the barriers of my prison. "I'm the Doctor. And you are?"

"Princess Celestia, current ruler of Equestria."

Acknowledging me with her trademark grin, she formally shook my hoof. Here we were, two strangers separated only by a wall of iron bars, greeting for the first time in our own mutual and beneficial accord. Truth be told, it was quite a refreshing start for me, knowing the princess and I could see eye to eye on certain matters. By that, I do mean my imprisonment. As a matter of fact, I was just about to gear up to asking myself about taking an early leave before she turned away.

"I really wish we could get to know each other better, but I have urgent matters to attend to," she said with a hint of mischief. "I hope you don't mind, do you?"

I had to hold myself back from ripping my mane off. Really, what good would it do for a stallion to be bald at this day and age? Absolutely nothing, I can tell you. Plus, it'll just make my head look as small as my bowties, which is not bad of a size. For a bowtie, anyway.

"N-No! Of course not! Certainly won't mind at all!" I scantily muttered, mustering up half of a sardonic smile. "I'm sure I can bide my time in this hospitable, not-so-unsettling luxury room of mine."

"Of course, of course!" she waved it off, laughing to herself, or was it directed at me? "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go now. Oh, and for the sake of formality, one more thing..."

One more flash of her cheeky grin made me pale and woozy. Actually, it was the effects of my diary kicking in again, but I just wanted to put that in there. Princess Celestia was a veteran of teasing yours truly, so it's only fair if I do the same, even if it's just writing my thoughts down in pieces of paper that not many could bear witness to. Can't go any lower than rock bottom, right?

Enough digressing. Look at her, smiling at me like that. I wanted to say something, but the nausea crept up to me faster than I could open my mouth. The last I see of her was her golden-gilded hooves trotting off and her ethereal mane wisping away. The last I hear of her was, of course, another nonchalant remark, one meant to fan the flames rather than quell it.

Oh, the things she could do sometimes...

"I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay in Equestria."


1008 AC, Third Spring, 23, 10:41:11


"Turner, wait!"

"What do you mean wait?! Last I hear, you're not the kind that waits for anything!"

"It was just that one time with the alien fairy pixie migration cycle! You said it happens only once every century!"

"I also said they give out poisonous particles from their wings, but you ran up to them anyway!"

Before any of you begin judging, I just want to clear up the fact that we're not having an argument. Okay, technically, it was half an argument, but it's not an argument, per se. Yes, we were shouting at the top of our lungs, if only because all the ponies around Canterlot were very loud chatterers when it comes to preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration. Listen to those ducks, quacking all their prissy dresses off about decorations and statues and trimming hedges. Never had I heard so many ponies being excited over the decorative treatment of cube-shaped shrubs! We have more things to worry about than cube-shaped shrubs!

I was galloping down the boulevard, leaving my marefriend and companion, Twilight Sparkle, chasing up to me. We've been together for two years now, which will turn to three in the coming months. Can't believe how fast time flies, really, even when I complained how mundane it was for me to just stay put all the time. Really, how do ponies do it? Going with the natural flow of their lifespan before kicking the bucket? It's slow! It's boring! It's... life? I'm rather bad at life stuff.

Ask Twilight. Oh, she'll rant all about it in her upcoming thesis.

"Turner, slow — hah! — down — whew!"

That probably struck my sensibilities straight, as I cantered to a halt, holding back a snicker as Twilight Sparkle, once the most beautiful mare in the world, dragged her hooves while looking like a sweaty mess. Oh, who am I kidding, she still is the most beautiful mare in the world. Not even the revered ruler of Equestria can hold her sun to that title.

"I've — heh! — never seen you — thuh! — this excited — gah! — b-before!" she panted.

"I'm sorry, where have you been for the past two years of my life?" I exclaimed, feigning shock. "Blimey, all my moments of excitement that you bore witness to and you've concluded this was the one?"


"This? Me galloping down Canterlot? How about when we visited the Fifth Carremian Belt? Those glowing asteroids must be more exciting than this, eh? Or when we fought off pirates on flying turtles in the planet of Pilferous Exemplar? That one was the highlight of that month, wasn't it?"

"They were close contenders, but statistically, you're 0.614% more excited right now than those two trips combined. You even picked out a new bowtie for this!"

Love how you fizzled my flame there, Twilight. Yes, as you might have known (aside from me wearing a new red bowtie with white polka-dots) that along with the excitement, joy and laughter that ensued from our relationship, there were also the times where Twilight Sparkle famously held the plaque for being a serial killer of my mood. I dare say as much as she lights up my life brilliantly, she made equal effort to put that light out.

"Come on, you should be as excited as I am!" I declared. "After all, it isn't everyday we see an old friend of ours."

"You mean an old friend of yours," she gravely revised my statement. "You're forgetting who you're talking to here."

"Twilight Sparkle."

My hooves swiftly found her cheeks, a snicker leaving me when she pouted at me through her bulging lips. Being with her for two years was enough for me to know which button does what, though I find that playfully irking her was the most rewarding.

"Chin up," I crooned. Her blushing made me continue. "You have me, a friend. Sure, not a pony friend, but still a friend, not to mention that alien is also your coltfriend. Really, who else on Equestria has a pony plus Time Lord for a friend?"

"You're... different," she mumbled, though her voice faltered suddenly. "Not in a bad way! I-I mean, I— well, um... you're from another planet, that's what I mean. Yes, you're a great friend, the best I could ask for, but... this might sound selfish again, but I just wish I could find a friend in another pony."

"You did, don't you remember?"

"Ponies from my time period," Twilight rephrased, becoming sullen. Seems she still doesn't take Amaryllis's death well. "That's the thing, Turner. I could connect with an alien or a pony from the past and future, but not the stallion or mare that walks the same streets as I do. Not my neighbours, not my classmates... it's stupid, isn't it?"

"Oi, stop it," I yapped, squeezing her cheeks a little harder. "Twilight Sparkle, there would never be a pony that wouldn't want to be friends with you, I guarantee it. You're the kindest, most sincere, most intelligent, most beautiful mare in mind, body and soul. Remember that, Twilight, or do you need a kiss to help out with that?"

"Alright, alright, now stop talking like that! Everypony's looking at us!"

The two of us laughed, though mine abruptly came to a halt when I spotted a familiar face in the hustle and bustle of Canterlot. Undoubtedly lost, significantly from his shifty gazes, sweaty composure and the tearing map in his teeth. This was the pony's first time in a strange place; a world familiar to Twilight and I, a world so different to him.

Lost as he may be, he was also gandering in awe. All of this was so new to him, I'm sure. In fact, he seemed more lost in his sights and sounds instead. Right now, he should be wondering how tall the buildings were compared to back home, or how intricately and needlessly decorated the roads were, or how fashionable and uptight the ponies around him were. Seriously, the latter applies to the general population of Canterlot, which only makes me wonder why I'm still here in the first place.

Nevertheless, he was what they call a country bumpkin, a simple-minded pony who cared more about the fruits of his harvest, the sweat dripping from his shoulder blades and the ticks between the clefts of his hooves more than statues, lampposts and hedges. Okay, sure, I might be generalizing him as some bumbling farmer just because he's not from around here, but that's just what he was.

The bumbling farmer of High Horn Gulch.

In other words, a friend.

"Turner? What's wrong?"

"Found him."

"Found who?" Twilight asked, following my gaze. The spark in her eyes returned, her jaw becoming slack. "Turner? Turner, isn't that... it can't be—!"

Look who's the excited one now?

All I did was grin, widening when my marefriend giggled with glee, galloping down the boulevard and past the stares of curious ponies towards the bumbling, forgetful stallion that technically only just met us a day ago. Well, I did tell him to come to Canterlot before we left for home all those years ago, remember?

I could only chuckle when the two of them started blabbering excitedly away, before Twilight insistedly waving me over. Seeing her smile like that made me a little proud. Mind you, it's not the same pride that I felt after having a chance to show off the tricks up my sleeves. This one was a more genuine pride that told me: you did a fantastic job, Turner. A fantastic job.

"See Twilight?" I said only for myself to hear.

"Who says you can't find a friend?"


1008 AC, Third Spring, 23, 10:41:11


"So when Turner told me to come up here in half an hour, I just had to, you know? Thought he had something for me up here, maybe some sort of gift from another planet or something. I'd never thought I would see you guys again."

"Me neither," Twilight Sparkle echoed his sentiments, sipping from a cup of tea like her mentor would. The three of us were seated in one of the nearby delis, to which Twilight and I gave Caramel a walkthrough of the three years we were gone over a plate of hay sandwiches. He was mesmerized, from what I could see; listening to our intergalactic travels and temporal adventures, who wouldn't be? Twilight did most of the talking, really. I, on the other hoof, am currently leaning back into my ornate chair, laughing at every little moment her account of our travels had beckoned to me. "I mean, for us it's been, what, three years already? It's kinda freaky when you think about it, 'cause for you, you've only just seen us yesterday."

"Yeah, I'm kinda trying to figure it out myself," Caramel responded, scratching his head. "I mean, look at you guys! It's almost like you guys just... grew up all of the sudden. Might be my memory being a little off, but I think Turner here was a little bit shorter—"


"—and Twilight, I think your mane back then was pretty much all over the place."

"Well, we did crash land into a corn field," Twilight gave her excuse, pondering over that fateful day three years ago, which was yesterday. Complicating, I know. Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey thing. "Don't know if that relates to Turner's height, however."

"Very funny, Twi," I grumbled as the two of them chuckled. If you must know, I'm rather used to ponies and other sentient intelligent beings who poked me about my height. I have the dignity to admit that, yes, I'm actually short in comparison to my other regenerations. Not that that's the problem, really. Yes, I'm shorter, but I have saved as much lives as the other Doctors did, if not even more! Seriously, which Doctor can say that they saved the Cerebral Nepenthe from a few greedy treasure hunters on the inverted planet of Buitenkern while wearing both a fez and a bow tie? Really, that should be on a plaque, gilded with the sleekest gold plates!

"So here I am," Caramel announced breathily. "Called here by the Doctor to Canterlot and we are having hay sandwiches."

"Yes we are," I nonchalantly replied, smirking. "Nothing quite like a simple meal of hay sandwiches."

"Turner, we both know there's more than that."

"Patience, Twilight. I'll get to that eventually."

I can whole-heartedly affirm that to be true. Yes, I'll get right to it soon enough, but there were a few things I want to know first. Call me curious all you want, but Caramel, the bumbling farmer of High Horn Gulch... he's an interesting fellow. Not to the extent that Twilight was, but still, an interesting fellow.

"Now then, Caramel," I began. "There's something I would want to know of you. Nothing alarming or extraordinary, just to hear out an opinion of sorts."

"Umm... okay?"

"Don't worry, Caramel," Twilight added. "Turner won't ask anything too personal. Right Turner?"

"Eh... well, it really depends on certain aspects—"


"Just like Twilight said, nothing personal!" I blabbered. "Well then, Caramel. Have you ever wondered what's beyond Equestria?"

"Beyond Equestria?"

"Yes, beyond High Horn Gulch. Beyond Canterlot. Beyond the realm of you ponies, or the world even. Have you ever had the feeling that there's something out there, somewhere in the stars, just waiting for you to discover it? Something that destiny had prepared for you and you only?"

"I... well," Caramel stumbled in his words. "To be honest, I never really thought about that. I mean, I've always been working on the farm and all but I never... well... I'd probably be lucky. Really lucky."

"Lucky you say?" I shuffled to the edge of my seat, my interest piqued at that choice of a word.

"Yeah! I mean, it's not everyday somepony like me gets to explore the world, or even step out his own farmhouse to the big city just to meet some friends. Life on the farm's kinda boiled down to just ploughing, harvesting and milking the cows, which usually takes up the entire day. By the time you're done, you wouldn't have time to do anything else." Caramel paused only to chug down the remainder of his tea as if it would drown away his laments, before continuing: "Don't get me wrong, I do have friends and family on the farm that can get my mind off just farming. Just that... when it comes to travelling, I only did that to sell some goods at the markets in High Horn. Think I've only gotten as far as Appleloosa and Ponyville before today. If there was really something out there just for me and only for me... it means that one day I'll be going out there, wouldn't I? I'll be going further than I have been, than anypony had ever been. Why wouldn't I be lucky?"

"Well, Twilight?" I said, turning to her. "What do you think?"

"What do I think? You're the Doctor here, not me."

The ever amazing Twilight Sparkle think that her opinions don't matter, it seems.

"Ah. Yes. That I am, and the Doctor has a request to make."

There was something about Caramel. Something about the farmer from High Horn Gulch. Yes, before any of you fret about me repeating that, I did realize that I said this for the umpteenth time already, but it had been bugging me for a moment. By that, I meant there was this feeling nagging at the back of my head and in both hearts every time I met him. It was faint when we met him three years ago (or yesterday, depends on how you look at it) but right now, it was stronger than ever.

It was some sort of hunch, that's what it was. One that doesn't come often. Few companions that had been with me in the past gave me that feeling and they had all gone to do great things. I didn't have it when I bumped into Twilight Sparkle by chance all those years ago and looked how she turned out. For Caramel of all ponies to give me that just seemed a little beyond my imagination, which is strange and highly unlikely.

All the more reason I want to figure it out.

"Caramel, where would you like to go?"

Almost instantly, Caramel sputtered on his tea, hacking loudly and gasping his breath while Twilight held back her giggles and handed him a napkin. I smiled with pursed lips, watching him coughing the last of his ordeal away, disbelief wreaking havoc in his eyes. It took another minute for him to settle down and wipe off the remaining stains of his napkin, before he quickly gathered the lost pieces of his composure.

"W-What now?" he croaked.

"All of time and space. Everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was. Where do you want to start?"

"I— what?" he stared at me, in a bigger loss than he was when he first arrived. "What? But I— what, wh— but I... huh?!"

That was it for Twilight Sparkle, who burst out in laughter, almost knocking her tea cup over. I had to stifle a little chuckle as well, looking at the absolute shock my would-be companion was displaying. Understandable, considering that the Doctor that hadn't met Caramel would be giving me the same look if he were here now.

"But I... why me?" I finally managed to pick out from his incomprehensible banter. "Why... why this pony?"

"Because you're special. You don't know it, but I've been around many ponies." Too many ponies lately, if I may add. Any more and I could be cataloging the entire equine population, for all we know. "You were meant for something big, Caramel. Something beyond farming. Your destiny is out there in the stars, waiting for you to snatch it for yourself. Right now, I'm giving you the opportunity to catch that star. Don't you want that, Caramel?"

"Also because Turner can finally show off again," Twilight cheekily added.

"Yes, that too, but never mind that," I retorted, rolling my eyes at the giggling mare. "So what do you say, Caramel? How does a trip to Manehatten 52 sound? Or maybe we can go to the Ballistic Asteroid Belt? I know the one who owns the asteroids and the shooting range there. Perhaps I could get him to let you try a few shots with his railguns. Or maybe—"

"But I have the farm to take care off! My father— good golly, Pops would be so mad at me if he knew I skipped out of High Horn! I can't just leave it all behind and just run away—"

"Time machine!" Twilight and I simultaneously snapped, stopping his protests.

"R-Right... still... this is kinda sudden..." Caramel stammered, his emotions all over the place. "I... won't I hold you back? Like, how I'm always forgetting everything and... y'all don't mind that, don't you?"

A slip of the accent there; ignorance is bliss, Turner.

"I wouldn't," Twilight Sparkle pointed out. "Besides, Turner's the one who gets us all into trouble most of the time, really."

What a marefriend I have.

"And you, Turner?" Caramel asked. "You... you really don't mind?"

"I wouldn't be inviting you if I did," I remarked sternly, before cutting off the somber mood with a smile. "If I must be honest, Twilight and I would be glad to have you around."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The look of complete awe was glazed over by one of overwhelming glee. Caramel was teetering at the edge of his seat, barely containing his excitement as Twilight added to the ever-exponentially-expanding-encyclopedia of things to do when you have a TARDIS, a group of companions and a bundle of courage. All the suggestions must be flooding his head now, which only surprised me with how he managed to contain himself when he finally picked our destination.

"So, I'll see you guys outside High Horn Gulch tomorrow, I guess?" he said after the lengthy discussion.

"Before you can even say fish fingers and custard," I declared confidently. "Now, be off, Caramel, before you forget about collecting the eggs again."

"Wouldn't dream of it!"

I watched wistfully as Caramel galloped back to the way he came from. Away from Canterlot and back to the quiet town of High Horn Gulch. There you have it, the bumbling, forgetful farmer of High Horn Gulch, the latest addition to this merry band of mad ponies in a box, right alongside the Doctor and the prodigy who was once the goddess of her own universe. A strange band of ponies, even if we were truly mad.

"You could've told me, you know?"

I turned, finding myself face to face with a pouting Twilight Sparkle. Seems I have pressed one of those buttons that would make her a rather irksome mare. Judging from what I was seeing, I consider her well-irked.

"I wanted to surprise you," I said, smirking. "You didn't like it?"

Twilight muttered something underneath her breath.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing," she waved it off dismissively. "To be honest, it was a great surprise."

With a giggle, Twilight Sparkle gave me a quick peck on the lips, before we nuzzled our snouts together, which means it was my turn to pout. Yes, I know it's been almost three years, but I still can't get the hang of it, being all touchy and whatnot. The concept of young love is fairly new to me, mostly because I'm not that young to begin with. Then again, we all have our firsts.

I have my first experience in young love.

Twilight has her first experience with friendship.

Soon, Caramel will have his first experience on an adventure beyond his wildest dreams.

That's important, taking the first step, that. The first step out of the TARDIS, the first step into something important, the first step into being involved, to do things you wouldn't normally do. It feels so dangerous and exciting, taking that first step, but you don't need a mad pony in a blue box to tell you how much that first step will matter.

For beyond that first step, something great will await you.

"It was, wasn't it?" I chuckled.

A great surprise.

Author's Note:

After an extended break from writing off the first arc, the Doctor is back! This time with our new, bumbling companion, Caramel!

The next chapters will follow the vein of The Maretryoshka Missile Conspiracy and The House of Dancing Candles, in which we have an adventure or two. I've already prepared the plot of the next adventure you're about to see, so do brace yourselves!

Great to be back! :pinkiehappy: