• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 2,174 Views, 54 Comments

Perhaps Death - WritingSpirit

The Doctor finds himself stuck in prison, unable to remember anything he had experienced prior to his awakening. With the help of his diary, enchanted with magic, he tries to piece his life back together, not knowing what might await him at the end.

  • ...

Searching For A Friend...

1005 AC, First Fall, 19, 15:32:12

It all started with a question.

One simple question. One question that ricocheted through the hills and valleys of time and space through every able mind in the universe. It was the question that left a large scar across history and will no doubt leave its mark in the coming centuries as well. They say it was the first question, asked in the beginning and end of time. It seems impossible, but once you think about it, it's not.

It's not impossible.

It's just unlikely to the furthest extreme.

Now look where it has taken us to.

"I don't..." I found myself muttering. "I don't understand... but she said--"

"She said what you wanted to hear."

"No... it wasn't like that."

Twilight Sparkle was not a liar. That was the one clear thing that I imagined in my head. Yes, a keeper of many secrets and perhaps, to a certain extent, a paranoiac, but never a liar. She never said she would stop delving further into the question. She never said she would not bother looking for the answer to the world's oldest question without me. What I wanted to hear from her... it was never the answer. We all know it will never be what I really want to hear.

"She never took interest in it," I explained. "The question, I mean."

"And yet here it is, written in red in her own bedroom."

"If she had any interest, she never showed it."

"Or you overlooked it."

"If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have her with me in the first place!"

My slight outburst probably caught the attention of everypony outside the room, though no matter the intensity, Princess Celestia remained unfazed. No surprise, considering the fact that she had faced more threatening monstrosities and horrors in her long time as ruler of Equestria. I commend her resilience as much as I find it infuriating. To accuse me of overlooking the thoughts of my dear companion, however, harbors only spite.

"Your Highness, I would never see any harm go towards Twilight Sparkle," I justified, putting my hoof down. "I have sworn every nerve and fiber of my body to see she never gets herself into trouble. If she ever did, which I will admit she has gone through before, I will make sure she comes back here, to this very same room we're standing in, alive without a single cut or bruise."

"You seem to care a lot about her, Doctor," Princess Celestia remarked, narrowing her brows.

"You have no idea how much I really do, believe me."

The princess had this glint in her eyes when I said that, before her lips drew into a small grin. It didn't take a normal pony to fit two and two together at that point. I really didn't want her to find out about how affectionately close I was to Twilight, but all things discreet will soon be brought to light someday. Especially when the light comes from the sun itself.

"Alright, Doctor," she began, drawing my attention close. "I have a proposition to make. One that involves rescuing Twilight."

My ears perked up at that.

"I'm listening," I replied, leaning in close.

"This infamous question... where have you been, is one I've heard countless times before, yet this was the first time I've seen in the centuries I have ruled Equestria of somepony being abducted because of it." The frown that was already present on her suddenly grew darker, her gaze turned back to the four red words splattered on the wall before us. "At this point, we have no idea what happened to her. Should she be found, hopefully alive, you must bring her back here immediately. Once the rescue is done, I would have to discuss of her involvements with you. To know what she has been through in your travels."

"Why? What are you trying to do?"

"Protect her, of course. You've tried discretion on your end, now look where we are."

"Why her? I could tell you everything you wanted to hear from start to finish."

"Rule number one. The Doctor always lies."

Beaten at my own game, I suppose. What can one expect, for one like her to be well versed when it comes to intimidating yours truly. Now's not the time for petty disagreements, however. Twilight's life is possibly at risk; the longer we dally around, the bleaker our chances of rescuing her may be. Yes, I know my TARDIS can travel through time and space, but I'm just really worried at the moment. At this point, she could be anywhere.

"Alright," I heftily agreed, my mind forming a rough compromise. "Provided that whatever crimes that you believe were the results of our doing, she has no involvement whatsoever."

"A fair deal," the princess continued, before her expression darkened further. "However, should you discover that she poses, to a degree, a threat to Equestria in any sort of manner--"

"Wait, what do you mean, a threat?"

"At this moment, we have no idea who or what had abducted her, what they're planning to do with her and what their true motives were. I have seen ponies, some dear to me, disappear, only to come back with the intent to kill. What Twilight could do, especially with her capabilities... you and I both have no idea how powerful she can be."

Some part of me didn't want to admit it. How can Twilight Sparkle, the sweet, innocent, bright young mare who I came to know and love, however unrequited it would seem, could bring about turmoil to her own nation? She wouldn't do that, would she? Though morbid as it may be, it can still happen. If it really does...

"I'll try my best," I answered hesitantly with a pinch of salt.

"Thank you," Princess Celestia said, giving me a courteous nod; a first from her in a long time. Believe me when I say that. "Now, to find Twilight Sparkle. Have you got any leads, Doctor?"

I answered with a shake of my head. Diplomacy isn't my strongest suit, when you ask me. In fact, playing those cards just felt a little awkward for my tastes. Even in a normal poker game, I don't exactly play by the rules. Like that one time, back in a casino in Las Pegasus, where I dealt my hand with an ounce of wit and trickery, all for exposing the owners' true identities as aliens. Got me in a hitch, that one, though one hitch was all that's needed to do the job. That's another story for another time, however.

"Not that I know of," I could only respond, feeling disappointingly helpless. "I tried tracing the anomalies and connecting them, but my device... from all the interference around it, it couldn't display the data it received, as if it came from some impossible or to the very least, extreme point of time."

"But we know when in time the question came from, don't we?"

"The beginning and the end, as old as time itself..." I muttered out, pondering. "But that didn't make sense. That shouldn't make sense. Its origins are contradictory. Nothing can exist at the beginning and the end of time. Nothing."

"Yet this question did," the princess rectified, herself sieving through her thoughts perhaps. "Doctor, have you ever ventured to the beginning of time? Or the end, for that matter?"

"The TARDIS, or any other similar machine... they don't have the capacity to calculate a fixed destination for either beginning or end in the dimensional plane of time."

"But can it travel there?"

"If I do travel to either beginning or end," I affirmed. "There's a great chance that I can't make the return trip."

No surprise there, really. Putting it into perspective, the beginning of time, whatever date it may be, is the singularity or core in which all time energy disseminates from. That very core produces time energy infinitely and exponentially, meaning all the time energy that gathers will be powerful enough to consume the TARDIS itself in less than a petasecond, bringing me along as we merge with the time stream in a state of what I call a paradoxical existence, meaning we exist and not exist at the same time. On the contrary, the end of time contains little to no time energy at all, meaning that the TARDIS's relative time will converge towards zero. Time would be moving so slowly for us that with one blink of an eye, perhaps eight million centuries would pass by and I wouldn't even notice. Anything that stays there will be in relative stasis: I would seem to be frozen in time, but in actual fact I'm moving too slowly for your eyes to capture it or for me to even move, for that matter.

Long story short, it's impossible to exist at those two points of time.

To travel there, however...

"What makes you think she's there?" I asked, a little curious. "In all the reaches of time, why do you think she's at either end of the spectrum?"

"It's all about the question," was the simple answer she gave. "A question that came from the beginning and the end... you've tried tracing the anomalies didn't you? With no luck, as you mentioned? What if there was a result? One so incomprehensible that the readings it received couldn't get through?"

That actually made a little sense. The distortion of time would be too immense for mere digits and equations. Everything was starting to click together, yet that didn't make the travelling part a whole lot easier. A little more tempting yes, but not easier.

"What if she's not there?" I asked. "What can we do then?"

"I don't know, Doctor," Princess Celestia admitted, glancing to the side. "I really don't."

With an uncertain destination in mind, both of us finally walked out of my companion's room. Whether it be agreement or compromise, I was a little relieved to have the princess on my side, even if it's for a little while. The thoughts of finding my companion lingered on even as I walked out of the door. It was then, during my cantering down the stairs, that Twilight Velvet came scampering up to me, her husband following behind.

"Turner!" she pleaded, almost tearing up. "Please bring my daughter back, okay?"

I nodded with a weak smile. "I will," my halfhearted reply followed.

A minute later, I was standing in front of my TARDIS, ready to enter with my head held high. The only thing I didn't actually expect was Princess Celestia following me all the way here by herself just for sending me off. At least, that's what she said when I asked her about it. Nevertheless, here I am, ready for what could probably become the most life-threatening journey I would ever go in my entire life with slim chances of returning. Perhaps this is what young ponies call do or die? Motivational as it can be, I'm a tad bit uneasy as much as it is.

"Well then," I said with a shrug, turning to the princess. "Fortune springs eternal, I guess."

"An eternity may not be enough for this situation."

"Yeah, probably."

Both of us chuckled lightly, despite it not being a laughing matter. This was serious. If logic has its way, it would mean oblivion for me. The odds are all stacked against us, looming and ready to topple with a single tap. To gamble it all on a hunch was beyond my own principles; breaking time would also mean breaking the laws of time.

"Off I go then," I announced solemnly to the princess, stepping into the TARDIS before turning back. "Just one more thing: what am I to you now?"


"What am I to you now? A friend, an acquaintance--"

"A stranger," was the audacious reply, the grin on her face serving to irk me even more. "I once viewed you as an enemy, but now... I would consider wiping the slate clean for you to start again. So yes, a stranger. A new face, and I know you have a way with those, if I am not mistaken. Having new faces, I mean."

"Alright," I said with a quiet breath of satisfaction. "A stranger it is then."

With all things said and done, I finally shut the TARDIS doors, literally left to my own devices. If it were anywhere else, I'd already be merrily hopping about with the jolliest smile a jolly Time Lord could ever provide, but really, to a non-existent point of time? I was sitting on the couch of the TARDIS, contemplating on this decision for a long time. Death could be waiting right before I even step out of the ship. Some part of me was afraid. Imagine me, being afraid. Preposterous, the Doctor having any semblance of fear, I hear some cry. I've seen death, yes. Faced it a lot of times, with moments of me wading along its shores before, but never have I experienced it in its truest, rawest form. I have my reincarnation stages to thank for that.

What was it like, the beginning of time, or the end perhaps? What would Twilight be seeing if she were actually there? What was she saying? What would she say when I get there? What can I do to help her then? All these questions surging through my brain, no answers to replace them. All because I couldn't bring myself to go there. Not only from how impossible it was, but from what awaits me at the other side.

Would Twilight Sparkle be friend or foe?

Would she even recognize me?

I don't know how long I sat on that couch, flipping through all these questions. Questions... they can have a big impact on your lives and I'm not talking about the oldest question or something like that. I'm talking about how simple questions, ones like "What are you doing tomorrow?" or "Can you help me?" or even something as insignificant as "Who are you?"... they bring ponies together. Ponies like you and me. We all ask questions, don't we. That's when the thrill of the answer comes. The journey that follows.

The adventure.

What's the Doctor without a good ol' adventure?

Discarding the last of my hesitation in one single breath, I hopped up to the controls, wired up my Anomaly Tracer to the TARDIS fibers and slowly pulled down the lever. Immediately, the familiar sound of whirring filled my ears, a sound of hope that has echoed to as far as the universe would be. Where the question goes, I will go. I'm the answer to that question.

All of my new-found confidence was shattered when a giant fizz came from the core, then a loud pop that sent me whirling down the steps. Sparks were flying from all ends as I struggled to regain my balance, clutching tight on the railing. Gritting my teeth, horror gripped me amid the blaring of red alarms and the screeching of steel against steel. The TARDIS was screaming in protest, trying as much as it could to escape. Already, fires start to erupt from the circuitry, though just as I lunged to extinguish it, I was thrown back against the wall by a loud lurch from the sides, the impact leaving me dazed.

"For Twilight!" I yelled, trying to stand up. "For Twi--"

That was the last thing I recalled saying, before I was tossed about yet again, my vision struck into black.


0 ∧ ∞


I'm... I'm alive...
I-I can't believe it...
I made it... I made it alive...


Picture this.

No really, picture this.

The TARDIS: torn apart, a giant scar tearing down its corners with the frame of it twisting outwards. All the controls, switches and levers were ripped off from the circuit board, with large wires hanging down from the ceiling, spewing out a flood of sparks with a croaked fizz. The center of it had been completely shattered, the energy capsuled within dissolving into naught. It was as if a creature burst forth from the confines of my ship, breaking free from its cage with an intensity beyond measure. All of this was what I saw when I came to. You can imagine how horrified I was then.

My precious ship was the least of my worries, as I found out after sitting there, basking in my shock. When I finally stepped out of the steel cadaver, I found myself in the middle of a monochromatic field. I was in a white, empty place, like in a completely white room with the ceiling and walls far beyond reach. Even the ground, if one should even call if a ground, felt like nothing I had ever felt before. It felt like static electricity, only more soothing and a little less jolting. Every step I make, I could feel it ripple and fizzle around my hooves, almost as if protesting at my presence. I glanced around, the lack of a horizon concerning me. This is it, I finally came to the conclusion.

"I made it..."


The voice, however frail it sounded, was too familiar for me to ignore, though as I turned around to face its owner, all I could spare as a response was my look of complete awe. Sitting on a minimalist throne borne of the white ground and adorned with a white crown perched around her horn was her. The mare we were looking for, albeit a little bit different. She was as tall as, if not taller, than Princess Celestia. When she stood up, wearing her look of intense scrutiny, she dwarfed me in size already. Everything about her was wrong somehow. I don't know if it was the cold glaze over her pupils or her slender hooves or the faded streaks in her tremendously long mane. It was the mare I was looking for, yet not the same one that I remembered.

"Twilight..." I called her name, wanting to be entirely sure. There was an acknowledgement from her, coming in the form of a slight flinch, her eyes snapping shut. All I saw was a single tear leaking from her left eye as she turned away, trying in vain to hide it. I stepped forward, wanting to help, only to freeze in my tracks the moment she whirled back with her piercing glare, her trembling lips parting to ask:

"Where have you been?"

It struck me.
The oldest question in the universe...
Asked by none other than Twilight Sparkle.


"It was you..." I blurted out in my daze. "You were the one that asked the question... the one that started it all..."

A deep chuckle erupted from Twilight.

"It's stupid, isn't it?" she cried grimly, fresh tears still lingering in her eyes. "I brought us here... I was the one responsible for this entire mess... the whole time I was alone here, waiting for you to come and save me, waiting for you to arrive... all the years flew by and eventually I knew it was me. I knew I would ask that question to you should you arrive and you did..."


"I'm sorry, Turner... I-I'm sorry I ruined everything..."

"You didn't ruin everything yet, Twilight," I reaffirmed, stopping her choked sobs before she could even begin. "We just have to fix the TARDIS and I can bring you back. Princess Celestia and your parents are waiting for you back at your house when I left. All of them are waiting. If we can go back there--"

"Y-You don't understand..."

Twilight restrained her sobs, tears still streaming down her face. Swallowing her guilt, she looked down to me, all hope seemingly drained from her figure. I watch as the throne behind her ebbing away while a round table started emerging from the whiteness below, placing itself in between us. A yelp of surprise escaped my mouth as I find myself comfortably seated on a lounge chair, my former companion settling into her own right across.

"Turner..." she began. "Do you know what I am?"

I just gave a blank stare.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You're still a unicorn, aren't you?"

Perhaps that word struck the wrong chord, as Twilight let out a dreary giggle that erupted into a loud, harrowing fit of laughter that brought tears to her face. Stunned as I was, all I could do was watch in silence, gripped by fear and discomfort. She was but a mere shell of her former self, the ingenuity and modesty that she had once possessed was lost.

"I'm still a unicorn!" she exclaimed derisively before laughing once more, leaning back in her white chair. "You think! You think... you think I'm just some ordinary mare, don't you? You're wrong, Turner. They did this to me, changed me into some kind of... I don't know what I am... they made me..."

"What do you mean?"

"In the beginning, there was nothing... all it took was a single spark and the entire universe came to be..."

"I don't understand, Twilight. I really don't."

The frown that she gave me only unnerved me more. Her horn started lighting up, the aura surrounding it a strange white color instead of the usual purple I've been seeing. Suddenly, I felt the white space giving away, my breath caught in my throat as the entire world of white started to shift about, moving at such a speed that I couldn't even tell. A while later, I had to shut my eyes when all four sides gave the most intense glare I'd rather not bear witness to, judging from the heat it was giving off that had been searing through my body.

A moment later, after working through my reluctance to open my eyes, I was graced with a sight that, if you told me it had emerged from the white void I was in, I would be the most skeptical of the skeptics. We were now sitting in the middle of a vast field of unripe corn, with clouds rowing up in the cerulean sky and a cool breeze bending the tall plants to a side, all in the warm embrace of the bright sun. I found myself standing on my lounge chair, now made of birch, captivated at the sudden change in scenery, before noticing Twilight Sparkle smirking at me.

"W-What did you do?"

"What they wanted me to do."

I gave another look around again. Somehow, it feels like I've been here. A hint of deja vu in the air, aside from the strong smell of corn and dirt. It was tickling my brain cells, yet I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. "Where are we?" I had to ask.

"You don't remember?"

"I've been to too many places like this," I answered. "Asking me to name one out of the millions of millions of places to explore--"

"It's at the tip of your tongue, isn't it?"

I didn't want to admit it. At least not to the mare smiling smugly at me. "Believe me, if I know this place, I would've mentioned it," I lied. "I've seen supernovas and black holes. I've seen planets made of only diamond and water. I've seen sights and wonders most would not be able to see. All these wonders in the universe and you expect me to remember a field of maize--"

"...typical maize plant. So... where are we?"

"Well, we have fields of corn, a particularly southern feel of air and cider..."

Two voices. Different voices, yet eerily familiar. My eyes widened at the sight of a pair of young ponies emerging from the field, frazzled and a little disgruntled with a few mud stains here and there, for it was none other than Twilight and I that came into our view. They don't seem to notice us as they trudged around, having ignored the fact that we're literally sitting before them.

"Impossible..." I gasped, watching my younger self explaining to the other Twilight. "This was during the crash landing... the one we made after escaping those Cyberponies..."


"I don't understand..." I muttered, at a loss for words. "What... W-What did they do to you?"

The Twilight I'm talking to... strange, isn't it? How I made her sound like some sort of alien species? If you ask me personally, I'd say she actually is a total alien to me compared to when she was my companion. There was that quirk, that spark of life, those genuine flames of intellect and curiosity, a brilliant, blazing pair that lights up my world every time I see it. Now, with all that washed away, there's just... nothing. She was an alien to me, not because of who she is, but who she had become.

Anyways, she looked away, grimacing to herself, perhaps even contemplating on whether to disclose whatever sensitive information she had hidden under lock and key. Whatever she did then didn't matter as she turned to me and started speaking, which only halted me in a moment of disbelief.

"They call themselves the Order of the Triskelion, a group of ponies that claim they possess a strange power bestowed to them by a foreigner that visited from the stars. Their origins trace back even before the birth of Equestria, when the three pony nations were still at odds with each other. Somehow, be it Earth pony, pegasi or unicorn, all of them gathered in the Order for one purpose." Twilight visibly shuddered as she continued to speak: "That morning, when they... took me away... I don't know what they did, but they did something to me with some sort of magic. It's... I don't understand how, but it's magic that I have never seen before. I don't know how long I was in there... just that when I came out, I became what they called the Creator."

"The what?"

"The Creator... the maker, the monster, the god... in the beginning, there was nothing. All it took was a single spark and the entire universe came to be... I'm that spark, Turner. I created and control this new universe to my pleasure... I could do anything to it, make it a better place for all of us to live in... and yet... and yet..."

"Yet what?" I asked cautiously, being legitimately more afraid. "What is it?"

"I can't. Somehow, I just... can't... something's stopping me... still is... all I could do was watch this universe over and over. Repeat... repeat... in the beginning, there was nothing, all it took was a single spark and the entire universe came to be, only to be consumed after an eternity, repeat. In the beginning, there was nothing--"


"What? Oh... I did it again..." she muttered, snapping out of that disturbing reverie. "All I could do was make what I can from memory. I learned enough Equestrian history to know most of the past, I have my memories in Canterlot and with you in your travels, but after that... there was nothing. It all stopped there. Every time, it stops... then it starts all over again... repeat... repeating..."

The realization of what I'm in the middle of dawned on me. Beginnings, ends, eternities, repeat... this was a time loop! Yes, like that one back in Stalliongrad! Only this one was at a much grander, literally universal scale. Time itself is a loop; a circle that reverts itself each time. As time flows to an end, the spark restarts it. Again and again, the universe goes through this loop, unaware that it has happened many times before with no way of changing it... the rules of time had been bent to the extreme because of the spark.

Twilight Sparkle.

This Order she was abducted by... in some strange, maniacal and senseless way, they found a way to rule the world. Creating an omnipotent being from my companion was what one would call unorthodox, yet it all boils down to one question.

"Why did they do it?"

"It was an order from the foreigner," Twilight elaborated, shirking. "That order alone became the sole purpose for the Triskelion. Ever since then, they strove to fulfill the sole demand of the foreigner... an order that could change the world... that's why they changed me. To achieve that goal... and... they did..."

"What was it?" I questioned. I could see it straining to come out at one moment, yet it all collapsed inward when she clenched her eyes shut and turned away. Being the ignorant Time Lord I was, I stepped forward and, to the surprise of Twilight and also myself, forcefully grabbed her by the chin to face me. Those purple pupils, the ones that once mesmerized me, shrunk into a glare, though it didn't matter at that point. "I'll ask this one last time: what was the order?"

"I can't, Turner!"

"Say it to me now, Twilight!"

"It's not right!! I don't want to hurt--!!"

"SAY IT!!"


I nearly tripped, Twilight having wrestled out of her grip with a immense burst of magic pushing me backwards. Her eyes were teary with anger, an accusative hoof pointed at me as she continued her tirade. Shock gripped me at that point, my mind still reeling from the sudden blow of information.

"Why do you think they chose me instead of some other random pony?! she cried amid her miserable sobs. "It's because they knew that if I'm in trouble, you'd come looking for me! Don't you understand?! It was a trap!! They wanted you to come here!! They wanted you to find me because they know you would have no chance of going back!!"

"S-So..." I stammered, cold sweat dripping down my forehead. "I... I w-was... I was the--"

"The target! And you had to be the stupid, arrogant colt that you are to come all this way just for me!! You could be saving lives, saving planets out there!! You could've made the universe much more peaceful!! But NO!! NO, YOU DECIDED IT WAS A GREAT IDEA TO TRAVEL HERE, EVEN THOUGH YOU KNEW THE CONSEQUENCES OF DOING SO!!"

Cheeks puffing red, veins popping out from her skin, eyes stinging from the tears... when you include the obvious difference in height, this was the scariest moment I've had with Twilight Sparkle. I didn't know what to settle for, being at a loss for words... everything she said made sense... everything she said was true... yet somehow...


Twilight Sparkle slammed a hoof onto the floor, the maize field we were standing in now shattering back into white. She was down to her knees, screaming and crying to herself. Her desperate, plaintive sobs echoed throughout the nothingness we were in; the dying cry of the universe, of voices screeching out in unison as the final straw. All of it amounts to nothing but a bleak shadow of regret and sorrow. Nothing, just like the world we were living in. I am now in that world, stuck here with its creator, perhaps forever.

A quiet gasp shot out of her mouth when I stepped forward, knelt down and hugged her tight. What? However omniscient she may be, she's still a young mare, lost and alone, bereft of the freedom that was once given to her. She was frozen for a moment, before letting loose the last of all her loud sobs into my chest, leaving me to hush her gently.

"Don't say that about yourself," I whispered into her ear. "Yes, I made a really big mistake of coming here. Yes, I was selfish and only thought of myself. Yes, I could be off saving a thousand planets instead of coming here, but do you know why I'm really here? I came here to save you, Twilight, not because you needed saving, but because you're important. Your parents, your brother, Princess Celestia, me... you're important. So don't you dare say that you're not important, because to many others, you are. Remember that, Twilight."

Twilight whimpered in my embrace, shivering slightly. I don't know how long we stayed there, me hugging Twilight like that. All that matters is that she started to calm down, her frantic breathing slowing with a few trembles here and there. A moment of tranquil silence befell upon the void, before she started mumbling:

"I... I-I'm... T-T-Turner?"


"Don't leave me..." she whimpered. "Please stay here... d-don't leave me..."

As if I have a choice, I would've said in other circumstances. Instead, I wore a warm smile as she looked up at me pleadingly, clutching her hoof tight as I gave her a promise that shall last beyond the end of time.

"I won't."

I don't know how long I stayed there.
Stuck at the end of the world.
But it doesn't matter anymore.
What matters is that Twilight's happy.
If Twilight's happy, then I'm happy


Author's Note:

Alright! Two down, one to go!

The next chapter will technically write this arc off and bring us into the next phase of the Doctor's diary. There will be familiar faces, both in the past and the present, so be on the careful lookout to see what comes next!