• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,770 Views, 1,594 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Heartless in Ponyville (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Heartless in Ponyville

Green to start music and red to stop music


Rainbow ran as if her life depended. She turned just for a second to find two of those shadow ponies closing in on her fast. It didn’t help matters that her wing was still smarting after falling on it so hard. I had to pick that that night to spend the night in a tree. All because I was too bucking lazy to go home! She would have kicked her on rump for being so stupid but there was no way she could stop for one second. “Whatever these things are, they are fast!”

She chanced a look back to find the shadow ponies slowly but surely edging their way closer. “Buck! I have to get out of here!” She turned just in time to watch herself slam into a tree. The mare groaned as she slowly slid down the truck of her demise, coming to rest at the base of the tree. Rainbow tenderly rubbed at her head, feeling a sizable knot form. “Ugh...Of course this happens...”

She turned her head to find the heartless creeping closer to her. She tried to stand, but fell back over against the tree.

“Ah...Darn it…” She closed her eyes, and hoped for a miracle.



Rainbow barely registered the fact that the creatures now had a face full of some type of pasty substance on their faces. She also was unable to comprehend the hoof that had pulled her up on her own hooves and was now semi-dragging her along. She was only able to regain her bearings when they had stopped a bit of a ways away from the heartless. She turned to find the one pony that she wouldn’t expect to be rescued by.


“That’s my name! Don’t wear it out!”

The pink party pony absentmindedly reached behind a tree and pulled out a comically oversized cannon that was in no way able to even look like it should have been able to fit behind there. She carefully aimed it at the monsters as she spoke.

“Hmm…Now that I think about it, I wonder if you really can wear out somepony’s name? If you can’t then why do ponies say such an odd saying?” She turned to Rainbow. “And if you can then why don’t more ponies put some sort of outreach program for the ponies that had their name worn out? I mean really, you think more would be known about those ponies. Can you imagine it? Ponies upon ponies whose name get worn out. What do you call them? Not by their name that’s for sure. I wonder if they would get another name similar to their first? That would be ok, right? I mean if you think about it, that would be ok. Oh! But what about my name? Not too many names for the word pink. At least none I can think of. I could be called a different color I suppose. OH OH OH! I want to be called Yellow! Yeah, Yellow sounds great! NO WAIT, ORANGE! But wait. Aren’t Applejack’s aunt and uncle named Orange? I guess I can’t be orange then. How about-“

“Pinkie! Heartless!!” Rainbow interrupted.

While Pinkie was busy ranting, the shadows had recovered from their pie-attack and were quickly closing the distance towards the duo. The party mare glanced the heartless’ way before smiling towards the rainbow maned pegasus.

“Whoops. Forgot about them.” She pressed the fuse down with her hoof as though it was a button, setting it off and releasing a stream of cake batter at the creatures. The heartless were blown away into the nearby river where they were swept downstream in its current.

Pinkie turned the cannon upright to look inside. “Whoops a second time. I put cake batter in my confetti cannon again. Huh. Go figure.”

Rainbow Dash’s eye twitched slightly before a smile formed upon her lips. She couldn’t help but laugh a little at the pink party mare. “Pinkie. You’re so random…”

Pinkie turned to her friend with a concerned expression. “Why didn’t you try to fly away, Dashie?”

Rainbow groaned as she pointed to her wing. “Fell out of a tree. Sprained my wing in the fall. It’ll be ok in a bit but won’t be able to use it for a while.”

Pinkie nodded, accepting her response. “Well, come on. We have to get to Ponyville. I’m still worried about everypony there.”

“You mean that those things are in Ponyville?!”

“Yep. Sora is getting his flank over there now as we speak. I know he’s supposed to be the hero of this story but heroes can always do with some extra support.”

Rainbow grinned. “Well of course, if he can’t handle things I’ll be there to show him up.” She took off, galloping at high speed. “Come on, Pinkie! Let’s show Spikey how real heroes get things done! No running away now!”

Pinkie giggled as she followed behind the pegasus. “Weren’t you running away from-?”



Applejack quickly traversed the distance to Fluttershy’s cottage. She prayed to Celestia on high that she could get there before…before...

She shuddered slightly. “I…I can’t think like that. Ah will get there. Ah will save mah friends!” She put an extra burst of speed into her stride. “Just gotta think positive. She had to have gotten away. She just had to…” Despite her trying to convince herself, thoughts of Fluttershy being visibly taken away into that black whatever that was still plagued her mind’s eye. “Oh Fluttershy…please be alright…”

Her hope was held high until she came within vicinity of Fluttershy’s Cottage, that’s when despair gave way, piercing her heart completely. The front door was completely off its hinges, laying to one side upon the ground broken and beaten.

“No…NonoNONONO!” She galloped as fast as she could to the doorway. “FLUTTERSHY!” Applejack burst into the house only to be met with silence. The early beams of the sun shined through the windows causing the disheartening sight of overturned tables and destroyed objects to make her cringe inwardly. She was too late. The heartless had been here.

“No…Fluttershy…Ah was…” She lowered her head and gritted her teeth. Even after the promise she had made to Sora that it was going to be okay. “Ah was too late…”

Applejack sat herself amidst the mess, lost in her world of despair, barely noticing the tap on her shoulder. Her ears would perk at the gentle and frightened voice behind her.

“Um…I’m sorry. If you’re too busy to talk then I’ll try again-“

“FLUTTERSHY!” Applejack got to her hooves and pulled the pegasus into a tight embrace. “Ah thought those things got to ya! Ah was so worried and…and…wait?” She pulled the mare away to look at her dead in the eyes. “Where did yal come from?”

“W-well…” Fluttershy looked back at her book case. “I was hiding when those things came into my house.”

Applejack stared at her, flabbergasted, “Wait? Ya knew they were coming?”

“Not exactly.”

The farm mare raised an eyebrow. “But you were already hiding?”

“Yes…me and my animal friends…”



Applejack embraced her friend once again. "Ya know what? Ah don't care. As long as you are safe and sound." She reared up one behind legs before marking her way toward the door. "Come on Shy. We need ta git ta Ponyville on the double."

The shy mare’s eyes widened. “W-What?! But why? Those things are still out there and...I-”

“There’s neither hide nor hair of them critters right now Flutters. They must have left when they couldn’t find ya.”

“B-but why do we need to go to Ponyville? Wouldn’t it be safer to stay here? Where it’s safe.”

“Think about it Shy. If those things were after ya’ll then what’s to stop ‘em from going after the rest of us? They already tried and nap be and Big Mac after all.”

Fluttershy pulled away from the country mare, shaking her head wildly. “E-even if that’s that case…what can I do? I’ll just get in everypony’s way.”

“That’s not true. We need ya there, Fluttershy.” When it didn’t look like the shy mare would budge, she decided to play her ace. “Sides, Sora might need all the support we can give em.”

Fluttershy’s ears perked up at the stallion’s name. “W-why do you say that? Did something happen to him?”


Applejack sat on her haunches. “See…Big Mac got hurt pretty badly when the creatures attacked the farm.” At the gasp Flutttershy gave, the farm-mare held up a hoof. “Don’t worry, it looked a lot worse than it was, and Sora was there to save us before anything bad really happened. The thing is though, he took full blame for the attack.”

“I-I’m sure it was nopony’s fault...Well maybe the heartless… But why would he blame himself?”

Applejack shook her head and sighed. “Ah don’t know. He just…flipped out. He blamed himself for being too weak. “

“Too weak? B-but the way he fought those monsters when I first met him…”

“Ah know. Ah seen em. He’s amazing. Ah never seen a pony fight that way before. Still, the way he talked down to himself...I would have never thought that a pony like him would feel that way about anything.”

Fluttershy looked away, a gentle frown upon her features. "If you saw it too..." She turned back towards her friend. "I think...Sora isn’t telling us something. I don’t think it’s bad but…I don’t think it’s good either. At least, not good for him.”

"Ah think as much too." AJ agreed. “Which is why we need to help him. Ta show him that he has friends here.”

Fluttershy thought for a moment. She couldn’t fight, not like the rest, but she did want to help Sora out as much as she could. With silent resolve she made her way to an overturned dresser and opened one of the draws. She was happy to find that it was still intact.

“Fluttershy. What in the hay is that?”

The pegasus presented the object to the cowmare. “I-it’s a…well it’s fruit made out of cloth actually.”

“A fruit?”

Fluttershy nodded. “The Paopu fruit. Or its suppose to look like one. It’s really common where he comes from. He told me how it looks and also about how ponies give them to one another as a sign of being friends forever. Since we don’t have any here I thought that…That I could give him this instead.” Fluttershy cheeks turned a shade of red. “I wanted to let him know that I was there for him…”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. Never seen Shy so forward…still…She smiled. “I see. Well then say no more, Fluttershy. I’m sure that he would be happy for you to give him that. But how about ya do so after we make sure our friends are ok.”

Fluttershy nodded and smiled happily. The pair then departed from the cottage with both newfound hope and worry.


“Well…this isn’t good…”

The Doctor stared down at Ponyville from his perch on top of the hill as the blobs of darkness began to gather towards town hall. They all seemed to be waiting for something, and he had a pretty good idea of what it could have been.

He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. “Living shadows that are not part of the Vasta Narata…never encountered that before. Heh…that’s a new wrinkle. A bad new wrinkle but a new one none the less”

“Professor! I think that’s everypony!”

The stallion turned to find a gray pegasus breaking away from a crowd of frightened ponies. Her yellow mane bristled in the ominous wind as she focused one of her wayward eyes on the stallion. “I think we got them all before anypony was hurt.” She couldn’t help but release a sigh of relief. “Rose and making sure they are calming down. If we had not have warn everypony, then who knows what would have happened.”

The Doctor raised an eyebrow to the gray pegasus. “First off, I told you Miss Hooves, It’s the Doctor; secondly, I do hope you are right. I’m actually surprised at how well we were able to convince everyone that Ponyville was being attacked. I thought for sure they would have not believed me or in the worst case threw me out of town, or off a cliff. Can’t count how many times that almost happened. Course seeing living shadows coming out of the ground plays a big factor on being-“

“Twilight! Spike! Where are you!?”

Derpy and The Doctor turned to see a white unicorn with a swirly purple mane and tail frantically looking around in a panicked state.

“Has anypony seen Twilight and Spike?! I can’t find them anywhere!”

“Twilight…” The Doctor instantly ran to the white unicorn gaining her attention. “You there! Miss White Unicorn! Did you lose someone?”

“My friends!” She was practically in tears as she spoke. “I thought for sure that they were right behind me, but as soon as I got here I noticed that they were nowhere to be found. I can’t find them at all!”

Keeping a kindhearted expression he smiled warmly. “I’m sure they are fine. From what I hear Twilight is well able to take care of herself, after all.”

Before the unicorn could even respond she heard her name being called from afar. She turned to find a caramel stallion racing toward her. She cried “Sora!” and flung herself quite dramatically toward him. Though the stallion caught her in his hooves, both unicorn and pegasus tumbled to the ground.

“R-Rarity?! You’re alright!” Sora’s gaze turned to a crowd of ponies gathering around the scene. “You all are…But who...How?”

“That would be me. I’m the Doctor, thanks.” He held out a hoof to the stallion.

“I’m Sora.” He took the Doctor’s hoof on his own shaking it. “You’re the one that saved Pinkie as well, right?”

He thought for a moment before realization came upon him. “AH! You mean that really pink pony?” He then paused, “Of course her name is Pinkie...What do I expect from this world anymore?”

Sora turned to Rarity, not paying the least bit of attention to the Doctor mumble under his breath. “Where’s Twilight? Is she here too?”

Rarity shook her head. “I don’t know! She and Spike were right behind me, but then I lost them in the crowd.”

The Doctor shifted his gaze toward the town. “If my fears are grounded, and I find they often are…” He pulled a weird device from behind his tie and pointed it towards the mass of darkness that was converging on town hall. A loud whirl was produced for only a second before it stopped. He gazed at the device before turning to face Sora. “Yep! Just as I suspected. Those things are gathering towards some sort of power. If I had to guess, that might be her. She’s somewhere in there, most likely town hall.”

Sora stared at the merging darkness, his teeth gritting slightly. “If she’s there, then that’s where I’m going.”

Rarity stood beside him, a glare in her own eye. “If you’re going, then so am I!”

Sora was about to protest but then thought better of it. He didn’t want to put others in danger but the girls in this world were unusually stubborn. Actually, to be fair, so were Kairi and Sophie, and Yuffie and Paine, and Aritha, and the Queen and…well there was no shortage of strong willed girls he knew that would not think twice about defying his orders.

He sighed a defeated sigh as he turned to face the mare. “You don’t leave my side for a second. Okay?”

“But of course Darling.”


Sneaking around was never Sora’s forte. Still with Rarity in tow, he felt it was a necessary annoyance. Besides her knowledge of the town made it so much easier to move . The two ponies had little trouble navigating the streets of the infested Ponyville. The young stallion was surprised that they had only a few skirmishes here and there. Sora was most adamant in taking them out quickly while Rarity chose to hide a safe distance away, cheering her hero on. Everything was going quite smoothly.

That in itself, was something that really unnerved Sora a great deal.

One of the downsides of being a wielder of the Keyblade was that the weapon would act as a beacon and attract the Heartless, most of the time in droves. As to why the two ponies were not constantly being attacked was still a mystery to the him. The only time they seemed to attack was when the two ponies veered off away from Town Hall. It was almost like they were being led there.

He really wasn't pleased by that line of thinking.

“Sora…” The stallion turned to the white unicorn mare as she called his name. “I have to admit...I’m a little worried. Those creatures are just dreadful and...” She gulped. “Twilight is...here...somewhere. Do you think she is safe?”

Sora shook his head gravely. “I don’t know…” He put on a brave smile as he faced her. “But I promised to protect you girls no matter what…So even if she is in trouble right now, I’ll get her right out of trouble no problem.”

Rarity could only nod in agreement and press herself a little closer to him as they continued to trek their way to the center of town. The mare looked toward the stallion with a worried glance. She could see that he was on edge, maybe even more than her. His ears swiveled in all directions as his eyes darted from left to right, looking for the slightest of movement. Despite the situation they were in, she could not help but smile. He may be a bit childish at times but it seemed to her that when it really matters he could really be a force to be reckoned with. A real knight in shining armor as it were.

It wasn’t long before the two had made their way to the center of town, A very odd sight stopping them dead in their tracks.

A pony stood on top of town’s stage, cloaked in a tattered cape as black as midnight. Sora would have thought that it was a heartless if it went for their eyes being visible under the cloak. He could see a deep red peering straight at him with cold intensity.

The pony however was not what shocked them into a stupor.

Beside the cloaked figure was a purple bubble of energy floating just above the ground. And inside the field was something that made Sora’s heart nearly stop.

“I-Is that…Oh Celestia! Is that her heart!?”

Sora’s shock turned to rage, not even being able to answer her correctly. Inside the bubble was an unconscious Twilight, floating almost peacefully on her back. Above her was a pink crystal like heart floating just above her chest. Below her floating body was a terrified purple dragon pounding away at the wall inside the force field, tears flowing freely down his face.

Sora swore out loud before summoning his keyblade. He prepared himself to rush forward but was stopped when the sound of a roar nearly caused him to tumble over. A massive spike-like appendage came crashing down towards himself and Rarity. The hero grabbed the white unicorn, jumping away just as the attacked. When the pair recovered, they found themselves face to face with a monster.

Plant-like in structure, the size of it matched that of town hall, maybe even a little bigger. The stem of the plant was plump, thick, and black; riddled with spikes of the purest red. Extending from the bottom of its body were four claw-like appendages it seemed to use as legs. Its head was round and big, attached to the body like that of a sunflower. Unlike a sunflower however, this creature had a gaping mouth and yellow slits that looked like eyes. From where the ends of its mouth were two deadly mandibles. Last but not least was a symbol of a frightening looking familiar symbol etched upon its chest, a mark Sora knew all too well.


“T-that’s a heartless?!” Rarity exclaimed pointing a hoof at the creature.

Sora got back to his hooves and leered at the cloaked pony. “What did you do to Twilight?!”

The mare gave a casual look besided her, a frown etching upon her face. “Well ya see that’s quite the question isn’t it. I only tried to steal her heart but…” She brought a hoof to tap the side of the shield. “When I did, this happened. Heh, I guess my charms don’t work on every pony huh?”

“S-steal her heart…?” Rarity choked as she slipped behind Sora.

“What? Can’t you hear with those fat ears of yours. Yes steal her heart. Not that hard to comprehend is it?” The mare shook her head slightly.

Sora stepped forward growling lightly. “Get away from her!”

A creepy smile could be seen from beneath the mask. "Aww. How cute. You think you’re in control.” Sitting on her haunches the mare clapped her hooves together twice causing the monster to rear back and release a deafening roar. It raised a spiked appendage, attempting to finish them in one blow. Its attempt was fruitless however as Sora had quickly wrapped a screaming Rarity under his foreleg and jumped a good twenty feet back, avoiding the strike yet again.

Quickly after releasing the mare from his grasp, Sora proceeded to summon his Keyblade, and charged straight towards the monsters. The heartless, for its part, lunged forward as well raising another leg to strike down upon him again, but was only met with nothing but dirt as Sora rolled to the side avoiding the crushing blow. Before it could recover, the stallion leapt high into the air attempting to slash at its face. That would prove to be a mistake however as the monster opened his gaping maw just as Sora neared. With a deafening snap, the Heartless closed its jaws around the caramel stallion.

Rarity screamed and averted her eyes as the monster bit down, not wanting to see the fate of her hero.

“What the…HOW THE HELL…!!?”

Upon hearing the voice of the cloaked mare, Rarity slowly brought her attention back to the battle. To both her surprise and delight she found Sora completely unharmed but struggling to hold the top and bottom of the heartless’s maw open with his fore and hind hooves. Rarity cheered the hero on with glee. The monster, on the other hand, did not take very well to being denied its quick victory. It started to thrash about, shaking its head wildly in an attempt to dislodge the pony. The stallion, however, held on strong, not allowing his strength to falter in the slightest.

The heartless, finding that its victory would not be so easy, reared its head as it faced a nearby building. Without hesitation, it launched itself towards it, nearly demolishing the house in one go, creating a cloud of dust and smoke in the process.

The monster, now dazed, lifted its head up to oversee its work. The side of the building was completely trashed, turned to a pile of debris. The heartless roared before facing Rarity, fully intent on making her its next victim.


The monster had just enough time to face the sky before a hard metal object came crashing down upon its head. Sora held the pose he had when he had thrown his Keyblade from the peak of his jump for a moment before he started to fall. Flapping his wings once, he directed his descent to come within a couple of feet of the heartless just as the monster toppled over onto the ground in a complete daze. Sora’s Keyblade came down soon after, landing point first beside its wielder as if it had a mind of its own.

Sora scraped at the ground with his hoof before lowering his head in a threatening manner. “Ok! time to take you out!” He quickly dislodged his blade, and shot forward, closing the distance between him and the slowly recovering heartless.

He was prepared for the snap of the monster’s jaws, easily jumping over the desperate attack. With his head raised high in the air the stallion yelled in between clenched teeth. “FIRE!”

He expected the creature to be burned alive in a blaze of glory.

He did not expect nothing to happen at all.

What the…?! My magic! It’s not…!!

He barely had time to ponder as he was delivered a swift kick in the face by the cloaked pony, sending him sprawling on the ground.

Rarity gasped as she ran to Sora’s side. “Sora!” She held the semiconscious stallion close to her. “Darling! Are you ok?”

The young stallion slowly, with her help, raised himself up to a sitting position, though his mind was not quite on her worried inquiries. “M-my magic…it’s not…”

Both Rarity and Sora tuned at the sound of the cloaked mare landing a few feet away from them, cracking with pure sadistic joy. “Well that was priceless! Down right, class A comedy act! I don’t know what you were doing but it seems that you failed miserably. Some would even say epicly.”

Rarity turned to glare at the cloaked pony. “No fair! You’re not supposed to interfere like that!”

“Oh please!” The cloaked pony spat. “You must be some sort of idiot to think that I would just let you make a fool of my heartlesses without some kind of recompense. This isn’t some fantasy novel you know.” The cloaked mare gave Sora a sideways glance. “And if this is all the keyblade can do then I don’t even have to worry about any of you any more.” She smiled as a wicked looking spear popped beside her, wrapped in a black aura. “Still…can’t have you running about and causing trouble so…” The spear shot forward in an attempt to impale both ponies.

Sora’s eyes winded as the attack came. Not because he would get hit, but because Rarity had moved before he could, wrapping her hooves around him to...Protect him.

R-Rarity...Stop...move...get away...I...

Just as it was about to strike something wrapped itself around the pair and jerked them backwards, causing the weapon to hit nothing but thin hair.

YEEE-HAAA! Looks like we made it just in time.” AJ expertly jerked the rope that held Rarity and Sora, untying the pair from its hold.

“Just as well, too. Seems our HERO already needs us to save him.” Rainbow quipped.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy ran to Rarity’s and Sora’s side. “Are you two alright?”

“Of course they are!” Pinkie cheered as she bounced in from seemingly nowhere. “Didn’t you see his slick moves out there? Well, at least until the end.”

“Girls!” Rarity cried with joy. “What are you doing here?”

Before any of them could answer, Fluttershy screamed as she pointed a hoof towards a massive fireball that was hurtling towards the group. Swift as the wind, Sora summoned his Keyblade once more and leapt toward the income mass of energy. His Keyblade deflected it, redirecting it toward the one who had summoned it. The heartless toppled over onto its back as soon as it was struck, damaging a building behind it.

“Damn it! How the hell are all of you here!?” The cloaked pony screamed, pointing a hoof at Sora and the girls. “All of you should have had your hearts taken from you!”

Applejack was about to retort with a witty remark but the sight of Twilight and Spike in the bubble instantly caught her attention. “Twi! What the hey?! What did ya do to her?!

“She’s trying to turn her into a heartless!” Sora called out before turning his attention back to the monster that was slowly rising. “We have to finish this now!” He dashed off towards the heartless.

“Oh no you don’t you little-?!” the cloaked pony began to race after him with her horn glowing a dark red. Before she could attack him however, one of her hindlegs was entrapped by AJ’s rope.

“You ain’t going anywhere missy! Tell us what ya did to Twilight right now!”

“Don’t interfere!” Screamed the cloaked pony. She wrapped the rope in a dark glow and began to drag AJ towards her.

“Woah nelly!” Applejack sat on her haunches, doing her best to stop the mare from pulling her, but it was to no avail, the cloaked unicorn’s magic being much stronger then the Earth pony’s strength. One could see a wicked smile under the darkness of her hood as she was about to pull the cowpony mare into her grasp.

“Got you now you little-!”


Pinkie stood on her hind legs as she balanced a pair of pies on each of her fore hooves. “Nopony hurts my friends!”

The cloaked pony roared with anger. “GAAAHH! STOP GETTING IN MY WAY!!” She readied her magic to fire at the pink pony but was caught off guard when something hard rammed into her side, causing the mare to crash into a nearby building. Rainbow Dash landed where the evil mare had once been, huffing in triumph.

“And stay down ya jerk.”


Sora did not want to leave them, but with the threat of the heartless still looming over them all he had little to no choice. He needed to finish it off and he needed to do it now. There was no telling how long Twilight’s heart would be safe inside the bubble, providing if it wasn’t already too late now.

The stallion took to the air, using his wings to direct himself above the struggling heartless. He grasped the Keyblade tight in his jaw, just as he started to free-fall downward attempting to stab the heartless within its crest. The monster, seeing this, began to charge up another ball of energy from its maw. The stallion made no move to steer out of the way or block however. Instead, he aimed straight for gathering energy, and threw his weapon with all of his might. It connected with the ball, causing the reaction Sora wanted. The ball exploded in on itself, wrapping the heartless in a dark light. When it cleared, all that was left was a disfigured mess of a monster.

Time to finish this!!” He shot downward, summoning his Keyblade back into his maw. With one more mighty flap of his wings, the boy descended onto the monster, his blade striking the crest of the heartless, causing it to shine like the brightest sun, blinding everypony present. When the light subsided, Fluttershy was the first to open her eyes. What she saw; what every pony saw, would forever be burned into their memories for days to come.

Sora had landed back onto the ground, standing strong as particles of light began to dissipate into the sky. Almost directly above him was the most beautiful crystalized heart anypony could have ever seen slowly rose to the sky above, the shimmering gem a testament to the strength of the one that had freed it. All eyes turned to the heart watching it ascend into the sky before disappearing completely.

Sora released a breath of relief before looking around frantically. “Hey! Where’s that robed pony!?”

Rainbow too had been transfixed by the sight of the heart that she had forgotten all about the strange unicorn. The Cyan mare flew to where she had last seen her, but as soon as she got there, there was no sign of the cloaked pony whatsoever. “What the hay?! But she was just right here!”

Applejack stomped the ground in frustration. “Shoot! She must’ve escaped when we weren’t looking!”

Pinkie Pie was already racing toward Twilight and Spike. “We can worry about her later! We need to help Twilight!”

All ponies instantly forgot about their escaped enemy and followed after Pinkie Pie. As they reached the magenta bubble, they could see Spike holding on to Twilight’s hoof. He was no longer crying but worry still seemed to plague his features. Rainbow shook her head before reeling on Sora.

“W-what’s gonna happen to her?” She asked in a frantic voice.

Sora shook his head. “I...Don’t know. I’ve never seen this before.”

Fluttershy was the next to speak. “…Can you save her?”

His ears folded back against his head. “I…Don’t know…”

“You don’t know…you don’t know…” She grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt as she pulled him it to her. “YOU DON’T KNOW?! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BUCKING HERO! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT US!!”

The tears in the mare's eyes caused Sora’s own to widen by degrees.

My fault...

Applejack forcibly pulled the mare off of the stallion and held her the angry mare back. “Rainbow! Yelling at him ain’t gonna solve anything! Besides, ya’ll are being unfair!”

Sora shook his head. “…But she’s right…I...I am supposed to protect you…I’m supposed to protect all of you…” He turned to face the magenta sphere that held Twilight and her heart. “I…I wasn’t there to protect her. This is my fault…”

Fluttershy stepped up beside him as tears started to form in her eyes. “Sora…”

“What can we do? How can we help her?” Rarity herself was close to tears as she looked on helplessly.

“I…I don’t know…” His ears perked up before turning to look towards the mares. “MY KEYBLADE!”

“What about your Keyblade, darling?” Rarity asked wiping her eyes

He began to jump up and down in place as he spoke excitedly. “My Keyblade, any Keyblade, has the ability to unlock anything. Not just doors but chest and cabinets; gateways and…and they can unlock hearts.”

Rainbow scoffed slightly. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Don’t you see? Not only can it unlock but it can lock as well…” He dropped to his hunches. “It’s…A long shot. And I don’t know if I can even do it. I’ve only ever did something like this one time before. And that wasn’t with my own keyblade.”

“That sounds mighty dangerous, sugarcube.” Applejack voiced.

“I know. I know. I’m not even sure my Keyblade can do it… but…I have to try!”

Fluttershy gripped his hoof as he started to trot toward the sphere. “Sora…what if something goes wrong…What if…”

Sora smiled gently towards her. “If something goes wrong…Then I’ll do everything in my power to make it go right.”

Fluttershy could tell that he was just trying to cover up his apprehension, but it put a smile on her face all the same. “Ok…Oh.” She turned to AJ. “Applejack, do you…?”

“Right here sugarcube.” The farm-mare lifted her hat and pulled out the plush star that Fluttershy had made. She placed the star into Fluttershy outstretched hoof and smiled lightly.

“Here…”Fluttershy said with a blush. “I…I don’t know if this is what it looks like but…I made you this.” She placed the work of art into Sora’s own hoof.

“It’s…a paopu charm…” It was rather simple. A five point start with each tip having the fur colors of each of her friends. In the middle however was two colors. One of Caramel and the other a butter yellow.

“I…I stayed up all night working on it. Thinking of you...and all of my friends. I just...its not much and I don't know if it will help but. You have to bring Twilight back. I know you can do it.”

Sora smiled softly at the mare before pocketing the good luck charm. “Right! I’m gonna bring Twilight back no matter what! Just watch!”

Summoning his Keyblade, the stallion geared himself up for a task he felt he was not ready for, but one he needed to do, one he had no choice but to accomplish. The Keyblade of Hearts his blade isn’t; but a Keyblade connected to hearts it is.

“Here goes nothing.” Sora pointed his blade at the bubble, the tip of the key brimming with energy before shoting out towards Twilight. As it did, the brightest light anypony could see began to surround the group, blinding all in in pure white.


I…it's too much…I can’t fight it…

Twilight seeped further and further into the darkness. The oddly cooling effect it gave her as she sunk deeper and deeper into it felt relaxing. She had struggled at first, doing her best to fight against it but slowly, surely, she would sink to the inky feeling it gave her.

Tears slowly fell down her face as she closed her eyes.

What can I do? I…I just can’t fight it any longer…Spike…Princess…Everypony…I…I’m sorry…

She sunk deep into the despair of darkness sinking into its ebony waves, until…


A voice. She could hear a voice. Where did it come from?


The voice. It was calling her name. Who was it?

Twilight grab my hand!

Their hand? They wanted her to grab their hand. Twilight reached out with her hoof as a oddly shaped figure slowly came into view. It was obscured by the light he had behind it but she could make out an elongated body, a body not like a pony at all…in fact she had never seen anything like it in all of her life. She felt it’s “hand” wrap around her hoof, holding it tight. Her eyes adjusted for only a moment to catch sky blue eyes staring down upon her own. Eyes she had sworn she had seen before.

“Twilight...” The figure said. She could feel herself being slowly pulled out of the darkness, the figure wrapping his forelimbs around her frame when she was fully free of the dark pool that had threatened to overtake her. As her head slumped into the figures chest, her eyes began to slowly close as fatigued enveloped her. She could see a small starlike object made of felt clutched within its grasp as he held her. It was something she had never seen before in her life, and yet...the warmth of it was something she would never forget.

Light washed over both her and her savior’s forms cutting off any coherent sounds she had tried to produce. One last thought, however, crossed the deep reaches of her mind. One last thought that only produced more questions than anything else she had learned in her short time with a certain stallion. His heart felt so familiar. Strange. Alien. Warmth. Fear...Hope?


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