• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Darkness is Never Far... (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

by steel soul

Darkness is Never Far...

Green to start music and Red to stop music

Darkness is never Far...

Ponyville: Sugar Cube Corner

"Hello and welcome to Sugar Cube-GASP-Ohmygosh! Twilight! And Spike too." Pinkie Pie bounced up and down behind confectionary counter as she spied two of her bestest, best friends in the world make their way into the establishment. "It's been sooooooooooooo long since I've seen the two of you."

Said dragon and unicorn both looking at each other with raised eyebrows before looking back at their rather eccentric, pink friend, Twilight, putting their thoughts into words for both of them. "Pinkie. We saw each other yesterday. You gave us a cupcake each. Remember?"

"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight." Pinkie mused as she shook her head as if disappointed with the unicorn for some unseen failing on her part. "I always miss my friends when they are out of my sight. For an egghead, you sure are a silly pony." She giggled playfully.

Said egghead rolled her eyes playfully at the remark, repeating under her breath that Pinkie is Just being Pinkie a few times before giving her friend a smile. "Well, in any case, One; Its good to see you too. Two; we came to get some food-"

"And get out of that stuffy library." Spike added.

"...Indeed." the librarian agreed with a nod though she did make a mental note to the pay Spike back for that little remark about her Library. "But mostly the food part. The two of us hadn't had time to eat breakfast and we are famished."

"Well you came to the right place! And at the right time!" the puffy pink pony announced as she placed a tray of muffins onto the counter. "Blueberry bonanza muffins! A new recipe from yours truly. Fresh from the fire and ready to be devoured. On the house because you two are my bestest best friends."

Twilight giggled as she took two muffins from off the tray, biting into the bread without hesitation while passing the other one over to Spike. "Oh Pinkie. These are so good. I don't know how you do but your treats are always amazing."

"The secret ingredient is love...For baking!" Pinkie declared in a dramatic fashion. "I decided I wanted to try out some new stuff for when the others get back from dealing with those bad ol' heartless."

"I'm sure they will love it Pinkie." Twilight said with an amused smile.

"I know I sure do." Spike agreed as he stuffed the rest of his muffin in his maw, gulping it down without remorse. "Got any more?"

"Sure do! Help yourself Spiky." the pink party pony pulled a tray from behind the counter. "So how's it going with the whole thing with the elements anyway Twi?"

The lavender mare sighed softly at the question, her brow furrowing slightly. "It's... Going to say the least. I do, however, think that harmonic energies within the elements of laugher and honest were able to absorb the light within Sora's keyblade. I'm still doing more test on them to make sure that everything is benign. Don't want the magical frequency to backlash on you two if you ever used them."

Pinkie Gasped. "Wait! are you telling me that the same magic that powers Sora's keyblade are in my element?! Does that mean I get to get a cool Keyblade and go all, " She swiped her hoof to the left. 'Swish!'' And then to the right. "'Chop!'" The pink mare had pulled a silly looking hat from her mane, tipping it so that only one side of her face was shown. "And then ill go 'Nothing personnell kid.'"

"What! No...Maybe...Why did you say personal like that?" Twilight asked slightly thrown off skew.

Pinkie smiled as she shrugged. "Just felt right."

"I'm totally using that."

Twilight playfully smacked the back of the dragon's head with her tail. "No. Bad dragon." Spike stuck his tongue out at her as she turned back to address the pink one. "Sorry Pinkie. I don't have all the answers yet."

"That's not a nnnoooooooooo~." Pinkie teased.

"And it's not a yes so don't get your hopes up." Twilight told the mare.

"Oh dear. Twilight and Spike. It's good to see you again."

Twilight's head turned towards the opening of the kitchen doorway, spotting a rather cute, plump, Pink and blue earth pony mare smiling warmly at her.

"Good morning Mrs. Cake/Hey Mrs. C." Spike and Twilight greeted in unison, the latter tossing another muffin into his mouth soon after.

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she spotted the rather large box sitting on top of her neither, doing her best to stop two small baby foals from playing with it. Being the kind mare that she was, Twilight used her magic to levitate the box from its preciouses position.

Mrs. Cake gasped softly as she looked between the now floating box and to Twilight, a smile forming on her face. "Thank you kindly Twilight. With Mr. Cake away, all we had was Pinkie and myself to watch the shop, and these two cute little trouble makers." shaking her hips slightly as she motioned towards the two foals in her saddle bags.

"It's no trouble at all Mrs. Cake." Twilight waved with a hoof, happy to help. "Where do you want me to put it?"

"Actually, I was on my way to deliver it to Sweet Apple Acres. With Applejack away so many times the past few days I was asked to fill in as a backup baker for her Reunion this week."

"Oh? Well if that's the case then why don't me and Spike deliver it for you," Twilight suggested. "We were on our way over there anyway so It wouldn't even be out of our way."

The mother baker gave the librarian a look of uncertainty before smiling. "That...That would just be wonderful dear. Thank you."

"Anytime Mrs. C." Spike exclaimed cheerfully.

The purple mare gave the dragon a dubious look. "Why are you answering? You won't even be carrying it."

"Hey!" Spike spoke in mock indignation. "I'm going out of my way to keep you company ya know. It's a long walk to Sweet Apple Acres."

"A long walk that will mostly be spent with you on my back."

"Tomato, Potato." Spike turned and leaned his back against Twilight's neck, getting into a comfortable position. "Better get going. Don't want to keep the Apples waiting after all."

With a roll of her eyes, and after bidding her friend goodbye, Twilight and Spike left with their package in tow.


Ponyville: Sweet Apple Acres

Deep within the Sweet Apple Acres apple fields would sit a lone pink tree house, nestled snugly within the tree that held it. Within, Scootaloo would bang a makeshift gavel, clearing her throat importantly, tossing her gaze to the only other two occupants within. "Alright girls. I know that we have been here and there and pretty much everywhere the past few day. Celestia knows even I had my fill of fun for the year, but now its time to get back to business. right?"

"Yep!/Ah guess so..."

Scootaloo nodded "I know we have been putting it off for a while. But its time for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get back into action."

"Sure is!/uh-hun..."

"Now." Scootaloo smacked the paper behind her that held a varying assortment of odds and ends drawn upon it. "Now! Since its my turn to choose this week I decided something that pops into the cool factor. Like Extreme Cloud Diving!"

A white hoof shot up into the air.

"Yes. Member Sweetie Belle has something to say?"

Said filly nodded. "Twilight won't let us use her cloud walking spell again after our last cloud related adventure."

"Oh yeah..." Scootaloo tapped her chin. "Wonder if they got all that jam out of them by now..."

A deep sigh pulled the orange filly out of her thoughts, her eyebrow raising slightly at the culprit. "You have something to add, Member Applebloom?"

Said filly's gaze shifted over to her pegasus friend. "Huh? Oh. No. Not really. Just thinking."

"About your coltfriend?" Sweetie Belle teased as she poked Applebloom's cheek.

"Of course it's about Sora." Scootaloo added, her tone playful as well. "She's been distracted ever since he left."

The apple filly blushed deeply as she looked away frowning, though she did not deny the question. "I'm just worried about him ya know. After what happened last time ah don't see how he can just...just...Do it again like nothing is wrong."

The other fillies lowered their heads, thoughts of their experiences back in the Crystal Empire in their minds.

"Well...I mean..." Scootaloo began, trying her best to find the words she needed. What could a filly like her say though. She hated the fact that Sora got hurt so badly like that too. If it had been Rainbow Dash in his position, she didn't even know how she would handle it. She was amazed that Applebloom was holding herself up well to know.

The pegasus sighed heavily. "It does kinda suck that we can't help Sora like the others can. If we had keyblades of our own, I'm pretty sure that no pony would be able to stand up team Scootaloo."

"Wait a moment." Sweetie Belle squeaked, "How come we have to be called that stupid name?"

"Well duh. Because I'm the leader of the group." Scoots smirked. "I mean I am the fastest of us. And Rainbow Dash always says the fastest always wins. And it not stupid! You....Stupid!"

"Not if it was a slowest race. The last one to cross the finish line would be the winner then. And Who would follow you!?"

"Everypony would follow me! And why the heck would anyone want to be in a slowest race?! That's like, the anteeth...anti...ta..."


"You dictionary!"

"How can you call me a dictionary when you were trying to say it first!"

"Because you said it better!"

"What does that even mean!?"

Seeing that her two friends were quite busy with their latest arguments, Applebloom decided that now was a good time to get some air. Making her way down the treehouse the little filly would allow herself to sit upon the soft grass under the shade of a nearby tree, her gaze watching the wind shift between the apple trees.

“Stupid heartless...ah can’t even invite Sora to the family runion…'' The little mare grumbled softly. Even if she had just heard about it today, something like that would have been the perfect place to tell Sora everything just like she planned. The two of them walking though the apple trees, the filly leaning against him for comfort. No pony else to get in the way. It would have been a perfect day in her eyes.

The yellow filly released another deep seeded sigh. “I just hope ya doing fine...wherever ya are.”

Author's Note:

Short Chapter for now. Testing the waters is all.

I had put this in the beginning way back in chapter 1 when I re edited that part but Ill also put it here. Okay so Its me, Steel Soul (AKA larrykitty) here with a random update. Yes, I am working of KHoH once again. yay me. Been reading it over and over seeing what I can change here and there and was like "Well...lets start with the beginning." A bit of this and that here and I have the same, yet different, story I'm working on. Won't do anything major, just small story beats.

I am looking for an editor if anyone is interested.

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