• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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A Rare Debut

Kingdom hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

A Rare Debut

Canterlot Castle

Sora was the first to notice a few ponies staring at both himself and his new fillyfriend, his gaze catching the quick looks and his ears noticing the hushed whispers as he passed by Canterlot’s servants and guards alike. He was never really one to care about such things, the gossip of others being the least of his concerns, though he could see Fluttershy was absolutely a wreck at receiving so much attention all at once, even if it was her idea to have Sora wrap his wing around the mare as they walked.

"Hey, Fluttershy, you alright?” The stallion spoke as he moved to lean over towards her, whispering into her ear. “I know it was your idea and all but…well…maybe we should walk normally?"

Despite her being given an out, she quickly shook her head in response. “N-No…please. I-I don’t mind it. I-I can handle it.” the flustered, timid mare took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she pushed herself further against the stallion’s side. “It's fine…really. How else I’m I going to make it up to you for being such a…a…dummy before.”

“A…Dummy?” The stallion asked, raising an eyebrow at the mare.

“With…you know…asking you to stay away from me.” She clarified. “Because of what happened back in Trottingham…I mean I know we are…um…well…dating now, but I still feel like…well…I owe you for the time we were apart…all because I was…well…um…a dummy….”

Sora couldn’t help but chuckle softly at that. "Shy, I don’t think you are a dummy at all," his voice was warm as he spoke, kind. "And there's nothing to make up for. We both needed space back then. It gave us time to think about things." He lifted his wing from around the mare, freeing her from her grasp. "I may suck at a lot of things but making my friends feel uncomfortable isn’t one of them.”

“You don’t suck, Sora.” The shy mare countered, looking up towards him. “You can do so many things nopony can…all while being the most caring stallion I know…”

The keyblade Wielder’s cheeks flushed bright red at her compliment, a bashful smile tugging at his lips. He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, unable to meet her gaze. “Haha…That can’t be true. Honestly I feel like I’m just getting by on other’s kindness.”

Fluttershy, despite herself, pressed against the stallion’s side. "You always do more than your best, Sora. Even you have to see that by now,"

“I…I guess so.” He frowned. “I mean…I still screw things up and OW~” Sora looked towards his side, seeing the mare pull back from his wing she nipped. “ What was that for?”

"Don’t say things like that…," the mare spoke, frowning softly. "I told you before. Don’t do that. Don’t say you are a screw up or useless or anything else like that.” She walked in front of him before turning, puffing her cheeks out at the stallion. “You’re amazing and kind and wonderful and I won’t have anypony talk like you aren’t…not even yourself…understood buster?”

Sora leaned back slightly, surprised by the sudden assertiveness from the typically shy Fluttershy. Seeing that she was waiting for an answer, he nodded quickly, saluting the mare with a raised hoof to his head. “U-Understood!”

Her anger subsiding, the mare quickly went back into a meek kind of mode, her cheeks blushing brightly at her own actions. “I…I’m sorry…”

The stallion couldn’t the shake of his head, unable to comprehend the mare’s moodswings. "Hey, there’s nothing to be sorry for, Shy. I mean…you were just standing up for me…even if it was against myself.” He chuckled softly. “Sorry for making you worry…”

The shy mare shook her head gently. “It's fine Sora. Just remember that we’re here for you. That…I’m here for you now.”

A bright blush once again creeped on the stallion's face, turning his cheeks a rosy pink once again, “Yeah…haha. Thanks Flutters.”

A smile graced the mare’s lips as she looked downwards, kicking softly at the ground before she spoke, “Its…well…It's the least I can do for my coltfriend”

“Oh my Stars!”

The pair jump at the sudden exclamation from beside them, the two quickly turning their heads towards the source of the gasp, finding Rarity standing there with her hooves pressed to her cheeks, her bright baby blues sparkling like they were lit aflamed. Without hesitation, the white mare ran their way, looking between both mare and stallion with a smile so wide, Sora was afraid it would have overtaken the whole of her face if it had gotten any wider.

“You two!" The fashionista exclaimed. "Did I just hear that right? Are you two finally…” She paused for dramatic effect, “Dating?"

With the word being said out loud by someone other than the two of them, neither could stop the twin blushes that appeared upon their cheeks. Sora looked away as he scratched the back of his head, leaving the yellow mare to answer for the both of them.

"I…um…Yes, Rarity," she admitted softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sora and I... we're together now."

The fashionista let out a delighted squeal, her eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. "Oh, my dears, I am positively overjoyed!" she exclaimed, clasping her hooves together in excitement. "I knew you two would finally bury the hatchet as the saying goes!"

Sora smiled sheepishly, unable to stop the butterflies in his belly from kicking up a happy storm. "Yeah, thanks, it's... it's still sinking in for us, to be honest," he admitted, his voice tinged with warmth. “We kinda wanted to…ya know…test the waters. Just hang out…Nothing big, you know?”

"Oh, but it is a big deal, darling!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Love is always a big deal, no matter how it begins. And I couldn't be happier for the two of you!" She gasped. “Oh! You have to tell me where you plan on taking her for your first date! I bet it’s somewhere romantic!”

“Oh…well…” Sora rubbed the back of his head. “I mean…It's kinda too late and stuff for all of that?” He smiled awkwardly at the mare. “We were just thinking that we would hang you guys till we went to bed as our first date…”

Rarity's expression shifted from excitement to disbelief as she stared at the keyblade wielder. She blinked once, then twice, and then one more time before finally giving him a deadpan stare.

"Sora," she said slowly, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Please tell me you're kidding."

The stallion rubbed the back of his head, looking away from the mare. "Um, well... not exactly," he admitted sheepishly, his voice betraying him with a squeak.

Fluttershy, sensing Rarity’s incoming storm, spoke up softly, slipping between her friend and the stallion. "Oh…um…We just thought it would be nice to s-spend time with our friends first, thats all Rarity," she explained, her voice gentle but hesitant.

The white mare’s expression softened at her friend's words, though she never lost the frown. "Honestly, you two," she muttered, her tone holding a hint of exasperation. "Hanging out with friends? No, no, no! That won’t do at all. I shan’t allow you to sully the sanctity of such a special occasion with just…ugh…hanging out with friends.” She turned away from the couple raising her hoof into the air dramatically, "No, my dears, that simply won't do. A first date is a momentous occasion, one that deserves to be celebrated in style!"

“Maybe…we should take this conversation somewhere less crowded?” Sora suggested, as he looked around himself, finding that a small crowd had decided to form around the trio. “Kinda becoming the center of attention here.”

Rarity blinked, her dramatic demeanor momentarily faltering as she glanced around at the curious onlookers. A delicate pink tint crept into her cheeks as she realized just how much of a spectacle they were making. Clearing her throat, she nodded quickly in agreement with Sora's suggestion.

"Oh, yes, of course, darling," she replied, regaining her composure. "Let's continue this discussion somewhere more... private." With a graceful flick of her mane, she gestured for them to follow her. "My room should provide ample space for our conversation."

Sora and Fluttershy exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement, grateful for the chance to escape the prying eyes of Canterlot's residents. Following behind Rarity, they made their way through red carpeted halls of the castle, Fluttershy pressing softly against the stallion all the way.


It didn’t take long before the trio had made their way to Rarity’s room, the white mare closing the door as soon as they entered. “There…alone at last, darlings.” Turning back towards the couple, the fashionista offered an apologetic smile to the both of them. “And…ahem…I’m terribly sorry about that…You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for the two of you to finally get together and…well…I rather did lose my composure.”

The sole stallion scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "No worries, Rares. No harm no fowl right," he said with a chuckle. Besides, I didn’t mind it myself, but I didn’t want to make Fluttershy feel more uncomfortable than she already was.”

Rarity nodded understandingly, her expression softening with sympathy as she turned her gaze towards Fluttershy. "Indeed, darling. I apologize for the commotion. I should have been more mindful of your comfort," she said sincerely, her voice gentle.

"It's okay, Rarity.” The timid mare spoke with a kind smile. “I…um…It wasn’t all your fault. I mean, I did have Sora wrap his wing around me as we walked the halls first so ponies were already looking at us. You didn’t do anything…”

“Is that so?” The fashionista couldn’t stop the smirk that formed on her lips, casting her buttle yellow fright a sideways gaze, “Quite the bold move I must admit…hehe…It seems Rainbow Dash was rather right about you after all.”

Yellow ears perked at the Rarity’s words, her curiosity piqued. "Huh? Rainbow Dash said something about me?" she asked timidly, her gaze flickering between Rarity and Sora.

The unicorn’s smirk softened into a gentle smile as she shook her head. "Oh, it's nothing, darling. Just a little inside joke between the two of us, is all," she replied cryptically, her tone light despite that. "But enough about our prismatic maned friend. What's important is the present, and the fact that you and Sora are finally together." She pulled her yellow friend into a hug, squeezing her softly. “I’m so proud of you my little Fluttershy! You have to tell me all about it.” Pulling away, the white mare poked the timid one’s chestt. “You shall not withhold a single detail, is that clear?”

"I…well…I mean…" Fluttershy stuttered timidly before turning towards Sora, hesitating ever so slightly before speaking. "That is…if it's okay with Sora…I don’t want to step on anypony’s hooves after all…It wouldn’t be fair."

“Well I mean…It's not like I have anything to hide. About it.” The stallion answered with a wave of his hoof, “Though you shouldn’t have to ask about something like that, Shy. I trust you after all." He smiled brightly as he placed both hooves behind his head. “Though…at least try and make me sound a little cool, kay?”

The Fashionista beamed at their exchange, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, how positively adorable!" She clasped her hooves together before pulling the timid mare into a gentle hug once again. "You two are simply going to be the sweetest couple already, I can just tell! Now then," She turned toward Sora. “I know you two have just gotten together and everything and I’m sure you two want to catch up but that will have to wait till tomorrow. Tonight, mind you, is a girls night so I’m afraid I’m going to have to steal her for the rest of the day.”

The stallion tilted his head before, shrugging. "No problems, Rares. Besides, like I said before, it's getting kind of late. I really should turn in for the night. Was kinda fighting sleep the whole time, ya know." He turned towards Fluttershy, offering her a gentle nod. "Night, Fluttershy. Uh…See you tomorrow then?”

The timid mare nodded, returning Sora's smile with a shy one of her own. "Y-Yes…Tomorrow then…”

“Cool…ah…haha…Later.” The stallion gave one last warm smile before turning towards the door. Before he could, however, he felt a soft yellow body gently push against him, nuzzling his neck gently. He blushed brightly as he looked down at the shy mare looking up at him with a soft, affectionate gaze. Her eyes glimmering softly under the soft light of the room. “I..ah…W-what was that for?”

She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper when she finally did. "I...um...it's just a good night charm," she murmured softly, “To help you sleep…and to have good dreams…Was…that not okay?”

“NO! I mean Yes…I mean…it's fine. I didn’t mind it at all so…its really fine.” The stallion answered her. “A-anyway. Night…again…later.” Finally turning away to walk out, The stallion glanced back at the shy mare, his blush returning ten fold before he gave her an awkward way. Leaving the room he closed the door. As it did, Fluttershy turned towards her unicorn friend, and quickly squeaked softly at the look Rarity was giving her, her wings quickly shielding her blushing red face full of embarrassment.

“I…ah…” The shy mare tried to speak but Rarity held up a hoof to stop her, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Oh, darling, there's no need to be embarrassed," she said reassuringly. "You were just being your sweet self, and Sora seemed quite taken by it, I must say." She smirked. “Though…Its just like I said before, Rainbow Dash was right about you being a little minx.”

“I…I’m not!” The timid mare whined, her cheeks flushed an even deeper red at Rarity's teasing. "I-I was just trying to...um...be nice…we are…d-dating after all now," she stammered, before her eyes widened by degrees at what she had just said. “We…are…we're dating?" a slow and slightly dopy smile formed on the yellow mare's face. "W-We're dating Rarity...I'm...I’m dating Sora."

The white mare chuckled at Fluttershy’s flustered reaction, a knowing look in her eyes as she watched her friend process the realization. “Yes, darling, you are indeed dating Sora,” she confirmed with a warm smile. “Congratulations, by the way.” She leaned a little closer, her eyes twinkling softly, “How does it feel? How do you feel?”

The timid mare could feel the heat of her face reach the tip of her ears at her friend’s probing question. Despite her clear embarrassment of the conversation the fashionista could see her yellow friend’s eyes twinkled with excitement and a smile tugging at the corners of the yellow mare’s lips as she spoke. “Oh, Rarity, I-I feel…” she hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words to convey the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. “I feel happy...and nervous...and excited all at once. I-It's like a fluttering of butterflies in my stomach.” Pausing, she shook her head softly, her gaze drifting towards the closed door where Sora had just left. “But most of all, I feel grateful...grateful that he is giving me a chance. A chance I don’t deserve…but…a chance I’ve been dreaming off...”

"Oh, my dear, Fluttershy," The white unicorn couldn’t stop the joy in her voice as her heart swelled with pride. "You deserve all the happiness in Equestria, and if Sora is the one who can bring that to you, then I couldn't be happier for you, darling.” She reached out to pat Fluttershy's hoof gently, “And never say you don’t deserve happiness Fluttershy. You are the kindest and most caring pony I know. If anyone deserves it, its you…now then.” The mare gave a devious smirk as she pulled the timid mare into a tight sideways hug. “Now, be a good girl and tell me all about what happened. Leave not one detail. Do you understand?”



Sora closed the door to his room before allowing his back to hit the door behind him. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep sigh, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within him as reality finally dawned on the stallion.

“I…Have a girlfriend. A fillyfriend…I…Must be dreaming…” Running a hoof through his mane, Sora let out a soft chuckle, his mind replaying the tender moments he shared with Fluttershy earlier. Her shy gestures, the warmth of her nuzzle against his neck, and the affection in her eyes had left an indelible mark on his heart.

"I really do have a girlfriend," he murmured to himself, the words sinking in slowly. Slowly but surely, he began to softly laugh to himself, unable to fully believe it, no matter how much it seemed so far-fetched. It was like a dream. A wild dream where he turned into a pony and got a pony girlfriend. And she was cute too. Cuter than all the other mares and he had to admit there were a lot of cute mares. Maybe it was just the situation but he couldn’t help but think that Fluttershy was cuter by a mile and a half.

He blushed at his thoughts, looking around as if about to be admonished by someone for having them. Seeing no one, as he thought, he stood back up before making his way towards his bed. Slipping out of his clothes, he folded them in a neat pile by his bed before slipping within it, allowing the sheets to overtake him. All the while, his thoughts were on the shy timid mare.

One that was now his fillyfriend…his girlfriend.

He could worry about everything else later. His inability to turn human. Thoughts of saving Equestria. Grogar. He knew he should feel bad about it. Ponies are in trouble after all. He had a duty to protect them. Still, all of his thoughts were replaced with one simple thought.

“I…Have a fillyfriend.”

Author's Note:

Okay so this was actually suppose to be part of the last chapter but with the way I write sometimes I forgot to add it. SO here it is as its own piece. Might put them together later

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