• Published 25th Feb 2014
  • 3,221 Views, 41 Comments

One bad egg - KarmaSentinal

Celestia, Luna and Philomena are reunited with an old friend turned adversary.

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Into the Winter Storm (Edits Pending)

“It’s so cold.”

“Stating the obvious isn’t going to make it any better.”

“Well, I don’t see you doing anything to better the situation bat face!”

“Hey! Only my mom can call me that pea brain!”

“ You trying to be a big batty by starting something? Because we all know who i..”


The cabin fell silent as every set of eyes fell onto the lone mare desperately trying to warm not only herself but the Sun’s pet. Her young yellowed eyes had dulled over the past five years of rocky, but faithful service to the crown. They lingered on the accused stallions who acted on instinct and froze to avoid being notice, but when her body shifted trying to stand did the pair withdraw into their stiff blankets.

A subtle glance at the others quickly dissipated what tension had stormed and soon the train cabin returned to its uncomfortably silent ride into the desolate tundras of nowhere. She hated.. no, loathe the very thought of acting in such a manner especially in front of her very own troop. Being in command made certain things easier but to dawn an entirely new persona for her job made things unpleasant. Her entire kind functioned on lying to others while acting their part to get by and for her to hate such a tactic only to make it her life’s work was the very definition of hypocrisy.

What kind of being would say one thing but mean another? Disgusting.

So whenever Resilient Star was given leave from her duties did Solar Night come to play. Multiple personas were a must for their kind to scrape by but having too many diluted a pony. One of these days when her work was finished, and the secret no longer was need Solar Night vowed there would be no more false faces, or secrets ever again. Just her and the one pony that would willing prefer..

"This.” she whispered.


Looking down into the minute opening of the her thin blanket the mare could make out the dull, and shivering body of her newest charge: Philomena the Phoenix. Her bright and fiery colors have been sought after by many an eye and have been carved into some of the most famous literary works ponykind has ever read, but here, out of their element the colors have cooled considerably. Here the pair were freezing, possibly to death in the middle of nowhere on a train leading to edges of any known civilization. Of course, the Princess Luna had informed them of their destination, but to many in Equestria this ‘empire’ was simply too convenient of an excuse; a lost pony civilization suddenly popping up in otherwise worthless, but still contested land just seemed too sudden.

So here came her group of Dissimo, all thirty-five of them whisked away in the early dawn of night to fight a threat that had suddenly reared its ugly head just added to an already growing compound of problems and wasted resources. Who would protect the citizens of Canterlot and other cities if her soldiers weren’t there to do it?

Certainly not their solar counterparts, that’s for damn sure.


“It’s ok Philomena. We’re almost there and soon we’ll be out of this forsaken weather.”

She tucked her head back into the stiff blanket in her some vain attempt to keep their body heat from escaping. The act provided little success. The shivering bird roosted in her embrace cooed her gratitude but it left her running her tongue over her teeth, trying to rid herself of the bad taste. Another example she was perfect for this job, lying and deception if it meant results were made and here she was still using these skills keeping the bird nested next to her for warmth. If only she believed her own words, then maybe she could get a little sleep.

Yet, even as the brutality of this snowstorm assaulted the rustic supply car she found herself traveling in, Solar Night managed the rare feat of finding some measure of peace. She allowed this nipping feeling of weariness to finally dominate and soon the harsh conditions blended into a foggy haze that felt more like an icebox. In this blurred sensation, the bat pony felt her conscious suddenly smothered in a plethora of burdens and regrets not her own; a mix bag that left Solar Night feeling privileged and at the same time unworthy to experience.

Including her, all thirty-five hybrids found themselves in this limited community seeking companionship for the unknowns this journey was to bring and the emotional support they’ll need to see it through till the end. Here Solar Night, commander of Night Watch Dissimo and unofficial spokespony for their race found herself shying from physical contact until she pleaded forgiveness for her earlier rudeness.

To her surprise and and great happiness, the mare felt their comforting embrace and the calmness wash over her. Each pony made their intentions and feelings clear as they came to the support of their burden leader; even the two arguing ponies gave forgiveness and in exchanged ask for it in return, to which it was instantly granted. This weather was relentless and the power it held over their group was too much.

Even with Luna’s spell wrapped around the train cars to prevent these kind of conditions,the weather was simply brutal even by northern standards. Several pairs of yellow eyes fell onto the the door leading to rear cars of the train as the rare hoofsteps echoed through their car. A few of the Dissimo, raised their heads curiously before lowering them once more to keep what little warmth they had to themselves. Solar Night watched as her sovereign materialized from the shadows of the dimly lit door, noting intently as a few stray shadows melded into the midst of her breaths.

Luna’s soft eyes hopped from soldier to soldier, noting how each either clung to another for warmth or simply made due with what little article of clothing they had. It pained the princess knowing what little she offered did nothing to ease their plight, but then again the blizzard was unnatural. It acted alive, full of hate and anger to anything with warm blood in its veins. By all means, Luna could practically hear the wind hissing in her ears!

“Pray tell, do you feel it to?” The shivering mare tilted her head just enough to see the alicorn from her peripheral vision. Her wings constricted even tighter around her frame and the cold phoenix to compensate for the exposed opening, Princess Luna said nothing.

“I had my concerns but to claim a storm is unnatural is stretching it princess, the chill is rather ambiguous though. On one hoof it matches the ideal concept of what a frozen tundra should be, but on the other hoof it feels more accustomed to an angry lover.” Solar Night allowed herself a brief moment to study the princess’s reaction, watching how her muzzle flicker between disappointment and stonewall uncertainty.

Luna’s horn glowed for a second to patch a small crack that had appeared along the roof’s seams before turning back to the conversation. “ It seems this air is hungrier than the Gryphos’ Sea of Worms, I fear at this rate we may walk the rest of the way.”

“Please be joking your highness.”

“We would never joke of such a matter, in fact it coincides with what I asked you just a moment ago. This.” Luna carefully extended her wings in the cramped car, giving a silent apology to the ponies around her. “ All of this air, this is nothing but magic- all around us and its unnatural Solar Night. I can not place what it is but I feel a presence in the air and that is more than enough to worry us greatly. If I can feel the magic from this distance than I fear our strike force will likely not be enough.”

Luna’s little declaration caused the hanging heads to snap upwards violently, every set of eyes judging the alicorns open emotions for deception but sadly they found none. Most of the freezing ponies sported the classic mouth slightly ajar pose, their eyes wide with the devastating knowledge of the reality that in all aspects they were likely doomed.

The young, but coming of age leader said not a word as the princess and her locked eyes; one looking for signs of fables and jest, while the other just waited. Their neighbors wisely gave them the space needed for this, falling into their own groups to discuss what now ate at their mind. The princess and Solar appearing in brief facets of conversations before wisely shutting up to let their superiors speak.

“So..so what’s our purpose than princess? If the lands are as you say than shouldn't we have prepared more than throwing the entire Dissimo on a train to the middle of nowhere? ” the knight asked. If these last four years of hardship and constant deception meant anything to the young leader, than it was to always ask the questions nopony wants to ask.. even if it meant challenging your boss’s authority.

On reflex, Luna took a step back as a way observe the entirety of the scene; a necessary step, or so her friend Twilight had explained when experiencing any situation unfamiliar to yourself. The princess had taken this advice to heart and so far it had served her well.

“What do you mean Solar?" Luna asked as if the answer was the most obvious in the world. When her golden eyes failed to show the recognition she had wanted was when the alicorn allowed her facade to slip. If this mare, regardless of her age had yet to grasp even the most basic logic of leadership etiquette, than perhaps it was too soon to bestow the rank of Captain upon her.

She was going to exchange some words with Mr. Morning Dusk.

"Our mission is one of the utmost importance and requires our immediate response. While our brief speech before our departure held no actual details, it was all we had at hoof. The Crystal Empire or Grand Crystal City as it was known has fallen silent and we are being deployed to find out why. "

"Which I understand is very important but why the Night Watch, especially the Dissimo? Don't we have an entire branch or at least some sort of special company for this sort of task?"

"In our time we did- at least one company for potentially every terrain. During our absence, it seems our sister neglected such training in favor of a single, multipurpose guard." Luna ceased talking quickly as she questioned if too much was said.

Solar watched as the princess tried to speak but held her tongue each time. While this little act caught their neighbor's interests, Solar's focus was on the faint trail of magic surrounding her muzzle. Was this just apart of the abnormal weather affecting them or perhaps the cause of Luna's tongue tied conundrum? Eventually the princess, with a firm smacking of her mouth managed to rid herself of the magic and strangely proceeded where she left off in their discussion.

"Sadly, after our banishment and because of Equestria's lack of warfare, this single type of guard has drastically declined to the point of being almost nothing but for show. Because of this and the changeling attack several years back, the need for a more combat capable guard has risen dramatically which led to the re-establishment of the Night Watch and in turn the Dissimo."

You didn’t have to read many adventure/ dramas to see where this was going.

“But even with the creation of a separate and more active guard, there was still the inability to act when needed which the answer came surprisingly to us one day. When I encountered my first night pony and the discovery of their.. unique history and capabilities.” the princess explained.

So that’s it than.

"The Dissimo, and the recruitment of every bat pony willing and able.. we’re not just another auxiliary, but we are the specialty squad.” Solar Night finished for the princess.

Luna nodded, happy that the young captain was beginning to see the bigger picture, but this victory was short lived when the princess finally noticed her companion's tensed stance. Her usual unprofessional slouched posture and demure attitude were absent, and found in their place were the threatening embers Luna knew all too well. Embers that if left to seed and burn could not only spread amongst this little group but would forever shatter everypony’s opinion of her and whatever future ambitions she might have.

Even as the alicorn stood in this deathly chill, Luna could feel lingering warmth of defiance and that was enough to be on alert. The rebellious mare spoke.

"What happens if we are unsuccessful or need the rescuing instead? Who would Celestia send?."

"Nopony. We are to be the first and last line if needed; After three days, the elements would be summoned, the guard rallied and our allies warned of potential conflict. That is why we are here to make sure nothing goes awry, and contain the matter before it spreads too far. We have permission to take whatever action is required to see this mission come to completion, and if that requires some sacrifice than it will be done.”


All talking and even the howling blizzard ceased just to observe this very moment.

It had happened so fast that save for the two mares, the rest of the unit had missed it until they heard the impact of a pony thrown against the car wall.

Besides the freezing cold marathoning along her entire back, Solar Night felt a crushing but familiar pressure gripping her neck. Panic and fear were her company while she flailed desperately against the princess’ magic; It was a blur but a clear enough memory for Solar Night to regret and pray her actions wouldn't get herself killed.

She could do nothing but gasp for air as the Mare of the Moon choked it from her very lungs; her brother's and sister's cries of fear and shock permeated the mind, as they tried their best to comfort and collect themselves against this transgression.

Princess Luna had leaned in until she was almost muzzling the insubordinate hybrid, her pupils notably absent as wisps of magic vented into the car. The alicorn said nothing at first as she held the pose to make this next declaration very clear.

“We will proceed as planned, with or without you. Their lives, even if they listen to you are mine to command and lead as we feel is necessary, so don’t fret about the if’s. Their lives are my responsibility and my burden alone Solar Night.” The color of Luna’s eyes returned slightly as the magic loosened its hold, letting Solar Night drop to the floor. With her position as commander reaffirmed, the alicorn calmly retreated from the down mare and to the car's northern exit as her magic encompassed the frozen handle...

" Whether the pony is a saint or a bastard, you will respect the rank. If you ever so much as daydream of attacking us again…” the alicorn left the threat unsaid as she whipped the door opened and disappeared into the all consuming blizzard.

The ferocious lashing of the outside storm picked up once more, violently rattling their flimsy cardboard construct on wheels. Solar Night straightened her back upright against the iced wall, struggling to expel as much of the bone chilling terror Luna had imparted onto her. Huddled at the other end was the rest of the car’s occupants; gathered together not only to create warmth but put as much distance between themselves and the door their princess departed from.

Solar Night shakily lifted a hoof to her sore neck and absentmindedly began stroking it to check for possible broken bones. There wasn’t any. Her gaze never left the open car door just in case Luna came back deciding her threat wasn’t enough, and nervously pushed herself off the cold wall and into the open freezing air. Each hoof step lingered longer than the last but that was only because each step brought her closer to the exposed opening.. the unknown darkness that housed who knew what within its depths. A few words of encouragement flashed in her mind and suddenly Solar Night found herself gripping the open door and with a little effort managed to close it once more.

A few hoof claps welcomed themselves into her folded ears, and numerous thoughts of longing and other feelings clung to her as she turned around to the sight of her soldiers… her family opening their huddle just enough to squeeze one more into the mass. A most welcomed gesture; one that continued being her crutch.. her anchor to the understanding she wasn’t and couldn’t be alone.

Reinforcing this notion came from a mixture of vocalizations and link sharing thoughts of all fellow guards present and even a kind few from the other cars.

“Thanks batties.” Solar Night whispered through the link, earning her many chirps in response.

She relished this moment before amidst protests(mostly from herself) pulling away from the familial support. There wasn’t any real reason she needed to go, and her frilled ears pinned back in shame at being that batty ruining such a moment, but still as Captain she had undeniable duties to attend to.

She back peddled from the group, almost dragging two still clung to her before they took the hint and let go. The young mare gave them a half smile, only exposing one of her fangs before hurriedly fawning over her armor to readjust it. Minus the few scraps hiding just under her batish wings, the armor itself was still fairly new and Solar wasn’t about to detract from its polished look.

“Sorry, but duty calls.” Solar Night dejectedly remarked.

She finished straightening out her not too used armor and looked up to find every pair of amber globes in the train car creeping out of the darkness just to watch her. One step back. Two steps back. Solar halted when several questions and complaints hit her mind at once. Defensively, she almost shouted through the link but held her tongue when somepony reminded her of the title she bore: Captain of the Colony.

A title when used outside of this small group was no more than words strung together like a foal’s art project, but a title that meant everything to them. A banner of words that represented not only her job position but the importance she garnered from the little Colony. It’s moments like these Solar Night would put a hoof to her forehead and wished she had something nice to drink.

“Alright, who's first?” she asked over the link, with her back to the door.

There was a howling silence as nopony spoke but the angry snow flurries assaulting their cold car. Most only stared at their leader waiting for the pony next to them to make the first move, and unfortunately they waited too long. Just like an unwanted summons, a familiar voice from the back of the crowd ushering for their attention before asking the mood breaking question.

“Can you give Captain Obvious over here a cease and desist on being stupid?”

“THAT’S IT LODOSS!” Another voice declared before the playground brawl from before resumed in earnest.

Those nearest the pair wasted no time taking action to halt this foalish fighting. Solar Night shook her already hurting head before giving up; the rest of herd was divided, half watching the five ponies locked in ‘combat’ while the other half sulked as their still distraught leader opened the car’s door. Onced the whirlwind of frost forced its way in was the moment the quiet stillness came back. The ones nearest quickly turned their backs to shield not only their muzzles from the crippling sting but their fellow guards as well.

Solar tucked her head into her shoulder to lessen the impact of her whipping mane, but it did little good. A minuet chirp flicked her numb ears forcing the mare to look back into the car, namely the roof. Huddled in a corner on the luggage railing, feathers desperately puffed out to stay warm was her fellow companion and stowaway. The phoenix was looking straight at those amber tealed eyes trying to convey a message without the use of speech. Luckily, it wasn’t hard to guess given it was the one thing everypony on this train sought.

“Come on Phil.” Solar called as she opened the starched scarf just enough for the bird to wurm her way in.

Like an owl at night Philomena was airborne, and before Solar’s eyes registered it the phoenix was already latched onto the scarf. The suddenly weight pulled her down to the floor but trained reflexes kicked in the mare found her legs, bring herself back up as the bird created enough space to press against her barrel finishing this off by poking her head out of the hole. Solar looked down at the giant bulge in her scarf, and even snorted at how Philomena puffed her neck feathers out seal the hole.

“You really shouldn’t be here… than again none of us should be as well.”

The phoenix made no effort to acknowledge the comment which was fine for the guard mare. Grabbing the inside part of the door, Solar Night pulled the flimsy excuse of a door shut as she did her imitation of her princess and disappeared into the unrelenting storm.

Author's Note:

There's no excuse for the HUGE delay but I can say the urge to write is back. I've pre planned the next 5 or so chapters with chapter 6 partial typed and chapter 7 being flashed out. I hope to have these two chapters both typed, edited(some what) and released by the end of April.

See you then!

Edit: I'm postponing chapters 6 & 7 for the time being so that I can start a full story edit. On top of this I've also started outlining and writing several more chapters that will cover Victoria's displacement and her early years in Equestria leading up to the present timeline.

Note 7/14/17: Going to be resuming chapter writing very soon, and focus on this story until its finished. Personal goal is the end of the year, giving me next year to write and post Victoria's origin story.

Comments ( 3 )

Is this story dead?


Hello Glad, the story isn't dead and I actually have the next 3 chapters (1 finished, 2 partially) written. The problem other than focusing on life is that I'm going over the current chapters(slowly) to tidy them up a bit; on top of that I've been thinking real hard on Victoria's backstory to the point of even writing an outline and two chapters.

The reason for this is when the story is finally finished, I want to make a prequel story about how she came to Equestria and the series of events that made her into the 'villain' she is today. To get a comment on this story honestly surprised me since I assumed most of this story's readers had forgotten about it, given me further reason to take my time on it. If you're really waiting on this to update, than I could shift focus from my other stories and put a little more time into One Bad Egg.

Thanks. I was gonna ask if you were gonna give some more information on how Victoria and Luna met. Also I'm glad to actually get a response. A lot of authors don't seem to care to respond to questions. So I've started being very blunt and to the point lately. I'm curious about Victoria when she was with Luna. Was she a carbon copy opposite of Philomena or something else? I have a bunch of questions about a few other things as well. Thanks again for responding. I look forward to the next few chapters.

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