• Published 11th Jun 2015
  • 17,646 Views, 3,634 Comments

Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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Jessie, James, and Meowth waited with baited breath as their quarry approached. Far below the under-construction office building the trio were hiding in, a man sporting the unmistakable uniform of Team Flare turned a corner off the main road and began meandering slowly down a back alleyway. It was difficult to tell exactly where he was looking between the darkness of night and his sunglasses, but it evidently wasn’t up.

“Pumpkaboo,” Jessie whispered, “Leech Seed.”

The ghostly pumpkin-shaped Pokemon floating over her head opened its mouth and spat out a handful of tiny seeds. They shot downwards swiftly and silently, giving the target no warning. When they were almost on him, the seeds exploded into a massive tangle of green vines that wrapped themselves around the Team Flare man. He barely had the chance to let out a surprised, muffled grunt before the seeds did their true work and began sucking his energy. Pumpkaboo glowed softly as she received it, and within a few seconds the man below toppled over, unconscious.

“Good work, Pumpkaboo,” Jessie smiled, holding up a Poke Ball. “Now return and get some rest. I want you in tiptop shape in there if anything happens.”

“Boo,” Pumpkaboo nodded briefly before disappearing.

“Alright James,” Jessie continued after putting the ball away, “since that was a guy it looks like you’ll get to play dress-up first.”

“I’m on it.” James stood up. “Just make sure you have the hair care ready when I drag him back up here.”

“Got ‘em right here!” Meowth held up some orange dye and extra-strength hair gel.

“And I’ll stay on lookout,” Jessie declared. “Look out Team Flare, here we come!”

A few minutes and another mugging later, a man and a woman in Team Flare uniforms walked into Lysandre Café, ignoring the “Closed” sign on the door. The well-dressed girl behind the counter looked up from her magazine, took a quick look around the empty café, and then scowled.

“You’re back late,” she said. “Your rounds ended half an hour ago, where were you?”

“Well you see…” began the man.

“We found this adorable stray!” The woman cut him off, holding up a dirty-looking Meowth. “It came right up to us so hungry and smelly and wanting to play, and we simply lost track of time.”

“Meowth,” the cat Pokemon glared briefly at her.

“Never much liked cats,” the woman behind the counter eyed it distastefully. “But if you’re going to keep the thing at least get around to catching it. You know Mable is allergic. Keep it in a ball if you have to have it.”

Meowth glared at her too.

“Well we do need to report back in,” the man scratched the back of his head, “but there’s just one isty-bitsy problem with that. We… well…” he shrugged.

“Ugh…” the counter woman rubbed her forehead. “You mean to tell me that you morons forgot the passcode, again?”

“Y-Yes, that’s exactly what my partner here is saying!” the woman exclaimed, just a little hastily. “So if you’d just be a doll and let us in we’ll be happy to get out of your hair.”

“Why is that all the new hires are dumber and dumber?” The woman grumbled as she walked out from behind the café’s counter. “I swear a single-digit IQ must be a new job requirement or something.”

The woman walked over to s seemingly innocuous section of wall next to one of several bookcases, then pushed with one hand. A small, square section of the wall went backwards, then easily slid up to reveal a keypad. Still mumbling under her breath, she punched in a series of numbers in quick succession before rounding on the trio.

“For the fourth time this month, the passcode is 52468!” She sighed, then hit the enter key. “Try not to forget it this time, or I might just decide to throw you buffoons out of the café altogether.”

The two offered a salute as the closest bookshelf slid to the side, revealing a metal double door behind. This too slid open after a moment, exposing a long staircase descending deep into blackness.

“Well go on,” the counter girl said, hands on hips. “Aliana is going to be furious that you’ve messed up her schedule again, I’m not going to be a part of whatever tongue-lashing she decides to give you.”

The man and woman looked at each other, nodded, and then walked down through the open portal without a further word.

“Well, we’re in,” Jessie whispered, as the double doors sealed shut behind them.

“That was easier than expected.” James added. “All we had to do was walk in the door!”

“Well don’t get too cocky just yet,” Meowth, struggling to keep pace with all four legs, said. “We’re in da front door but we still gotta long ways ta go.”

“Right,” the two humans nodded.

The stairs led down, down, down further into the blackness. The lighting was minimal, the sunglasses both Jessie and James wore made it worse. It was slow going and these stairs clearly reached under even the Lumiose subway system. By the time they finally reached a wider, better-lit area almost a full minute had passed.

Jessie, James, and Meowth maintained carefully neutral expressions as they walked directly into Team Flare’s secret underground laboratory. They were alone, trapped far beneath the surface, surrounded by hundreds of enemies, in a place where no one could hear them cry for help. Each of them could feel just a faint sheen of sweat on their faces, and it wasn’t just from the substandard air conditioning.

“There you are!”

The trio froze in their tracks.

“What have you idiots been up to this time?”

Slowly but surely, they turned around to face their accuser. Standing there, gloved hand on hip with lips pursed irritably, was a woman in a red dress with a tutu-like skirt and short red hair. A metallic visor concealed her eyes, with twin horizontal stripes of red light running across the length of her face taking their place. Despite this, her distaste was obvious.

“We have a schedule for a reason. Do you people not understand the concept of that? Do you fail to grasp why efficiency in ours operations is important?” she looked down at Meowth. “And are you bringing a stray into our base?”

“No ma’am!” James said. “We-”

“We’re just trying to decide who gets to catch it is all!” Jessie finished for him.

“I see,” she crinkled her nose. “Be sure to figure it out before Mable comes back from Geosenge Town or she’ll make you regret leaving that scruffy thing in the open. Now, report! Any suspicious activity spotted?”

“Ma’am no ma’am!” both shouted with a salute.

“Keeping in mind that it’s coming from you, I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Now,” she pressed two fingers up against her temple, “what to do with the pair of you? I did warn you that the next time you screwed up I’d have to make an example of you.”

The trio swallowed.

“So… I hope you enjoyed your last fresh air for a long time,” she continued. “Because all of you will be spending the next month down hear where I can keep an eye on you. You’ll be eating, sleeping, bathing, and working full time in the lab. And speaking of working, I’m assigning you both to full-time janitor duties for Xerosic. Maybe you can think about just how you can do better. Now report there and begin cleaning on the double!”

“Yes ma’am!”

There was a moment’s pause as the trio stood there, unmoving.

“Um, where is that again?”

Their “superior” facepalmed, then pointed at the wall directly beside them.

“There’s a map right there.”

A few moments and a discrete picture later, Team Rocket walked down the halls of Team Flare’s lab, eyes hidden behind sunglasses yet watching carefully. They passed a handful of scientists in white lab coats, but for the most part all the people they saw were more Team Flare grunts wearing identical suits and hairstyles, along with orange sunglasses. At this time of night, few were doing more than walking to the designated sleeping rooms or chatting in the cafeteria.

“How do these freaks tell each other apart?” Jessie whispered as they passed yet another seemingly-identical woman in an orange suit. “Between the clothes, hair, and makeup I can’t make out one from the other.”

“Well, I have noticed that exactly no one has addressed us by name,” James noted. “Maybe they can’t?”

“Then how is anything supposed to get done?” Jessie complained. “How does anyone even know who’s clothes are whose? I didn’t see a name tag inside this thing.”

“Quiet you two,” Meowth hissed, still having difficulty keeping up while walking on four legs. “Dere it is.” He pointed. “Da base’s main computer system. Let’s quit yappin’ and get on with da job!”


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