• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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“Is it not obvious to you?” Luna said as she looked out over the assembled Electrike. “To all of you? Your homes, your lives, even your very minds are at risk here.”

“And how do we know you’re telling us the truth?” said one, the largest and apparent alpha of the small green Pokémon. “Because the way I’m hearing it, you want us to abandon our homes, subordinate ourselves to you, and throw ourselves into battle en-mas with humans.”

“I have presented you with the evidence,” the princess said.

“You showed us broken shards of human stuff,” Electrike cut her off. “And some Fearow told a sob story. We have only your word that any of it is true, or means what you say it means. Why should we trust any of you? You’re a total stranger, and the flock you travel with has encroached on our territory and stolen our food too many times to count.”

“Why would I be asking for your help if what I said was anything but the utmost truth?” Luna asked him. “If I wished to take your lands or food I could do it myself – ask my Fearow if that is not the case. I cannot even fit inside your burrows, and Spearow have no use for ground nests. And if I were lying to you to try and deceive you into service would it not swiftly become evident? I have every intent of taking the fight to these humans – this ‘Team Flare’ – without delay. Then you may see for yourself that what I say is true.”

“What sounds more likely?” the green Pokémon asked. “That humans, after living near the forests’ edge since before my grandfather was born, have suddenly decided instead of catching a few usually eager Pokémon every year to storm throughout the land and enslave everyone they can see? Or that some stranger, after brutalizing her way to the top of a pack of flying vermin, wants to expand her power by roping others in?”

“I am telling you that these humans are not the same humans that your people have long dealt with.” Luna frowned. “They are far more rapacious and infinitely more ruthless than the peaceful villagers whom you know.

“And I am not believing you,” he answered with a frown of its own. “I’ve seen no evidence that anything at all is amiss around here that you aren’t the cause of.”

At that exact moment, Luna’s ears perked up to the sound of crunching leaves, coming closer and moving fast. Electrike cocked its head at the princess when she cast her gaze to the side instead of responding. A frown creased her brow.

“Oh now what’s this?” the small Pokémon continued. “If you think some sort of act is going to con me into selling you my pack’s freedom then you can-”

The sentence remained unfinished, as right at that moment a bush rustled and then burst open as a different Electrike punched right through it. Darker in completion than the ones next to Luna, it took one look at the dark alicorn, bared its white fangs, and charged with an incoherent howl. The Electrike she had been talking to only looked irritated.

“I wasn’t born yesterday,” his said, sparks of electricity crackling through his green fur, “But all the same, intruders aren’t welcome!”

Electrike’s body flashed yellow as he unleashed a bolt of electricity at the newcomer. The other Pokémon never even stopped charging. Instead, it leapt into the air and unleashed a lightning bolt of its own. The two electrical attacks met in midair, but to call it a contest would have been an insult to the term. The darker Pokémon’s attack brushed aside that of Luna’s would-be ally in an instant. Electrike barely had time to look startled before his body was consumed in the attack. The pack alpha was flung back into the midst of his astonished fellows in a heap, body smoking and sparking.

The newcomer didn’t slow down for a second, continuing to charge the much larger alicorn without a moment’s hesitation. Luna flared her wings, placing herself between the stranger and the other Pokémon, but even as she did sparks were gathering about it again. A second lightning bolt rose to meet a beam of purple-black rings unleashed from the princess’ horn. This time there was a brief clash before Luna’s attack forced its way through, but by the time it struck the earth Electrike was no longer there.

The small green Pokémon darted forwards and leapt, mouth open and fangs exposed, straight for Luna’s throat. But she was already moving herself, hoof shining bright with a silvery energy. Face met hoof, and the dark Electrike went soaring through the air itself. It smashed into a nearby tree branch, snapping it off the trunk, then hit the ground with a dull thud. Electrike didn’t stop though, it shook its head and got to its feet almost instantly. Despite its visible injuries, it turned and snarled a second time.

A second blast from Luna’s horn put an end to that.

The princess let out a satisfied snort as her would-be assassin twitched limply on the ground, before turning back to the other Electrike. They were helping their still-smoking leader back to his feet, visibly distressed by the seemingly-effortless defeat of their oldest and strongest member. For his part, the alpha looked more shocked than pained.

“What w-was that?” he managed, staring at the darker Pokémon. “If there was one of my kind that strong… I would have known. Would have been challenged.”

“Scour the area from the skies,” Luna ordered the Spearow who were with her. “See if there are more of them, or any humans nearby. Perhaps we may be able to release this poor soul yet.”

“Huh?” Electrike asked.

“Were you paying no attention at all?” the alicorn asked. “I told you that these humans are using some manner of black magic on their technology or something of that manner. These ‘Dark Balls’ increase a Pokémon’s power but strip it of its will. Doubtless that creature is an unfortunate but otherwise ordinary member of your species. I doubt it would be more powerful than you in its natural state.”

“It looked like it was going after you,” he said.

“I have little doubt it was. Why it attacked alone is what befuddles me.” Luna frowned. “I can see little tactical value in such a reckless assault.”

“Maybe it was a scout of some kind?” Electrike guessed.

“From what I know of such unfortunates I doubt it. Still, perhaps it is best that we be cautious. Fall back from this position and regroup at the spring southeast of here. There are allies there already, tell them I dispatched you and you should be welcomed.”

“What about our dens?” one of the other Electrike said. “All our food is down there!”

“We don’t take orders from you!” a third added.

“Hold on,” the visibly-shaken alpha shook his head. “I think perhaps it would be best if we go along for now. Safety in numbers.” Electrike looked again at his downed fellow. “Imagine if a whole pack of those came through.”

“A wise choice,” Luna nodded. “I shall meet up with you there ‘ere the day is out, but first I shall make some observations of my own.”

Electrike looked at her and blinked.

“I must check for any danger, and perchance the humans that caught our unfortunate adversary there. If their vile devices are destroyed, the victim is freed from their grasp.”

“I see…” he nodded.

“I should certainly hope so.”

Fearow hurt. Everything hurt. His body throbbed with a continuous, low-key pulse of pain. His muscles alternated between aching and feeling like so many wet noodles – his energy was all but gone. But all of that was nothing but a sideshow, a nuisance, compared to the pain inside his mind.

It felt to the bird Pokémon as though something titanic and monstrous had physically pushed dozens of writhing tentacles straight through his skull and directly into his cranial matter. They had writhed inside of his cramped skull, crushing everything else beneath their weight before being suddenly and inexplicably torn right back out again. He could still feel the remnants of mental slime clinging to his system, disgusting flashes of vague memory and random emotion. He felt… violated.

Fearow couldn’t quite have said exactly how long he went on like that, floating half-consciously through a sea of pain and mental scarring. But, as with all things, eventually even that bizarre state slowly came to its inevitable end. One moment he hurt, and then the next the pain – the physical pain at least – was inexplicably gone. He still had no energy, but at long last began to feel more definitive sensory input.

His stomach growled at a sudden, overwhelming hunger. Part of Fearow to tried to tell himself that his head still hurt and he was tired, but his body stubbornly insisted that he hadn’t eaten anything for days. Fast metabolism and low stores of fat meant he wouldn’t last long without food, so primal instincts compelled him at the last crack a single, reluctant eye open. He squinted against the harsh daylight as the seconds ticked by and the world slowly swam into view.

It was then Fearow realized that he appeared to be staring right at a white version of Lady Luna.

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