• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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“Fall back!” Luna shouted down from the sky. “Everyone, fall back NOW!”

Things weren’t going well. The flock had chased the two members of this “Team Flare” towards a rock formation just north of what appeared to be a sleepy and small human village. But they’d apparently been spotted by some patrol or tripped some alarm system, because before they had been able to get close more humans in what was apparently the Team Flare uniform had come running in from all directions. Flinging more balls into the air – red and white this time, not black – they had called out an array of Pokémon.

These Pokémon didn’t seem to be the dead-eyed, mindlessly aggressive slaves from before. They fought tactically and worked together. Two kinds, one little and green and the other taller with blue and yellow coloration, were able to unleash electrical discharges that apparently hurt her Spearow like dickens. They were already almost on numerical parity with her subordinates, and from on high she could see more humans were on the way.

“There are too many of them!” she called out, blasting one blue-yellow Pokémon with a Dark Pulse. “Fall back at once!”

Few of bird Pokémon needed encouraging. Vengeful they might be, but particularly courageous they were not. Faced with an enemy they could not overwhelm by sheer numbers or aggression, it was most likely only fear of the dark alicorn that prevented them from just bolting in all directions. At her word almost all of them broke contact, leaving only a few hot-headed or stubborn birds to find themselves being rapidly surrounded.

Snarling at their stupidity but unwilling to abandon them, Luna again called on the energies of the moon inside of her. Another white-pink sphere of energy took shape before her chest, then blasted down into the earth amidst a pack of enemy humans and Pokémon. Perhaps a score of them staggered and fell, but more importantly the impact kicked up an enormous cloud of dust and smoke.

“Up!” Luna shouted. “Fly straight up and follow my voice!”

It was a tense few seconds, even her eyes unable to pierce the shrouded battlefield, but the alicorn breathed a sigh of relief to see Fearow and Spearow rising from the dark cloud. Beckoning for them to follow her, the princess turned and began flying back the way they had come. Electrical discharges soon began crackling up after them, but were poorly aimed through the dust and smoke. Few did anything more than give the already battered birds a fright.

They flew in silence, overtaking the remainder of the leaderless flock quickly. It took just a few moments and a bit of screaming for Luna to reassert her leadership, and from there she led them in a direct retreat back the way they had come. They did not stop, nor touch ground again, until they were far out of sight of the human town and any major trail. Luna gave a signal with her wings, and dozens upon dozens of winged Pokémon descended into the massive forest as one.

Luna touched down on the ground itself, though most of her followers chose to roost amongst the trees instead. The princess’ gaze swept over them, and was relieved to see that despite many injuries, they hadn’t actually lost anyone. Apparently Team Flare was not making a habit of using these Dark Balls en masse in the open, or perhaps simply had a limited supply and had not issued them to their base’s defenders. In spite of that, she caught a number of hostile glances from members of the flock.

“What was the point of that?” one of the Fearow worked up the courage to say in between plucking blackened feathers from its chest. “We let them go, and we didn’t get anything except hurt.”

“Yeah, Manetric attacks really pack a punch!” another Pokémon agreed.

“We should have just taken care of the interlopers and gone back to foraging!” a different Fearow said. “Who cares what the rest of them do if they’re not in our territory?”

“Is that a challenge?” Luna asked in a flat voice.

That particular Pokémon seemed to pale a little bit and lowered its head deferentially, but she could still spot the resentment simmering in its eyes. Notably, it did not hasten to deny her accusation.

“Hearken to my words!” Luna raised one hoof, flaring her wings to make herself appear even larger. “Know that we act not just for the sake of justice and morality, but for the good of this flock as well! Or do you suppose that simply ignoring a growing pack of slavers will cause them to cease? No, leaving them be will only allow them to grow stronger as they plunder all those about them, until at last they come for you as well!”

“So we take care of anyone who shows up. Big deal.”

“Fool!” Luna spat. “If it were not for me five of your fellow would languish in miserable captivity yet. And how many more would have been taken, ere you were even aware that there was a threat? And how would you stand against your brethren they had taken alongside those we faced today?”

“Then we ought to fly away and find new foraging grounds,” still another bird piped up.

“Coward and more than coward,” she accused. “If not dealt with, a cancer will only grow until it eats the body alive.”

“What’s cancer?”

“And what does that have to do with anything?”

“Ugh…” Luna rubbed her temple again. “It means that if we do not deal with this problem, now, then it will only grow worse until it finds you and consumes you as well.” In truth she was not sure of how far this could go, but she had her suspicions. “And beyond that, morality demands we cannot let such a nest of evil stand.”

“And what are we supposed to do about it?”

“Yeah, even you couldn’t win us that battle back there!”

“What we are supposed to do is gather allies,” the princess answered. “We will not be the only ones affected nor the only ones under threat. We must find the others, be they Pokémon or humans, and coordinate ourselves. If we have not the numbers to do it our own, we must simply find more.”

There were uneasy looks at that proclamation. Spearow and it evolution were not a species well-inclined towards others, and the feeling was largely mutual. The flock had gained many enemies over the years.

“I think she’s right,” came another voice from the crowd. Luna recognized the same Fearow that had been trapped by a Dark Ball not long ago. “Those things they’re using… they’re not normal human stuff. I don’t… I don’t really remember much about what I did when they got me, but…” it looked down. “I remember it was seeing through my own eyes in some kinda nightmare. I didn’t know what was going on or even who I was, just that I had to obey and destroy. Destroy… everything.” Fearow looked up again. “That isn’t right. That isn’t how it’s supposed to be. We gotta do something.”

There were whispering and muted chattering throughout the flock. Some expressed a vague agreement, some thought the downcast Fearow looked weak and ripe for overthrow.

“As dictator,” Luna declared loudly, “I have already made the final decision, unless one of you wishes to challenge me.”

Despite the lingering ill-will, none spoke up to do so.

“Then it is settled. We seek new alliances. But we will not be the only ones on the move.” Luna pointed to a Fearow that had remained quiet so far. “You. I want you to take a few of our nimbler flyers and return to the area of the humans’ base. Do not approach it closely, give plenty of ground if they approach. I wish you to observe their movements. See what they do, and send a messenger back to me if any major or unusual deployment are in evidence.”

“Shouldn’t we attack them? You know, pick them off one by one if they get too separated? The flock got hurt.”

“No. Strategy before vengeance. Observation only, do you understand?”


“After working so hard, it feels nice just to take a moment to relax,” James said as reclined on the forest floor.

“I have to agree,” Celestia said, fanning her wings wide to catch as much of the glorious golden sunshine as she possibly could. “Even though it can’t last, a small break always does wonders for morale.”

The sunshine felt more than just pleasant on the alicorn’s fur, it felt invigorating. The star’s energy flowed through her, and at that moment she felt almost as if she could take on Lysandre and the rest of Team Flare simultaneously. Plus, it did wonders for that irritating stiff spot on her neck.

“Say, Meowth,” Celestia’s ears flicked up at the sound of Jessie’s voice from across the forest clearing. “Do you really think she’s telling the truth?”

“About what? Bein’ some fancy princess-type from anudda world?”

“What else?”

“Does it matta? I think she thinks she is, and she wants ta help out. Da boss is countin’ on us, why make a big deal outta it?”

“Because the question of whether your teammate is obscenely rich or just delusional makes a load of difference last time I checked.”

“Really? ‘Cause I can think a’ two delusional idiots on dis team already, but ya don’t hear me complainin’,” Meowth answered. “Dat much.”

A moment passed.


Celestia stifled a giggle.

“Hey,” Twilight said as she came down from on high. “Pikachu?”

“Did you see anything?” the little electric Pokémon asked from his position atop Ash’s shoulder.

“No,” Twilight shook her head with a glum expression. “And neither has Fletchinder.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Pikachu’s face fell. “But we’re not giving up. Team Rocket couldn’t have gone far on foot, and if they’re in their balloon we’ll spot them!” he clenched his tiny fist. “They won’t get away with your teacher.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” the alicorn nodded. “But I had actually had a thought I wanted to run by you.”

“What is it?”

“Is Ash, you know, good at training Pokémon?”

“Of course he is!” Pikachu frowned. “Why would you even have to ask that?”

“Well, I uh… was just thinking of what happens when we actually find Team Rocket,” Twilight answered delicately. “Because it’s obvious they’re extremely skilled and dangerous fighters to begin with.”

“Are you still on about that? They’re idiots who’ve literally been beaten up by children.”

“No idiots could ever hope to force Princess Celestia to serve evil,” Twilight shook her head vehemently. “So it’s obvious that they’re far more cunning and skilled than they led you to believe. But anyway, what I was thinking was they must be extremely dangerous to begin with. And, assuming I can’t break whatever hold they have on the princess before they can force her to attack, we’re going to be in for an extremely tough fight.”

“I admit she packs a punch,” Pikachu said, thinking back to Laverre and rubbing his head.

“So we’ll need every edge we can get, and that includes me. But I really haven’t done much fighting in this form. I’ve read a lot about it, and had myself analyzed by Professor Oak, but I haven’t actually practiced much. So… maybe if we don’t find Team Rocket today, you and Ash could train with me tonight?”

“Sure, we’d be happy to help.”

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