• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 7,046 Views, 225 Comments

Two Legs or Four, There's Always More - David Silver

A human called Noah finds a dark cave for shelter during one of his hikes after a nasty fall. This turns out to just be the start of his adventure. Perhaps some non-pony viewpoints would help, or should he turn to his new family?

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1 - Welcome to the Hive

I climbed up the sheer rock face, putting one hand on top of the other. The ponies had highly recommended it as a great place to get some fresh air and work out while admiring nature, and without much in the way of natural predators. If ponies could enjoy it, I was certain I could.

How did they even climb with hooves anyway? No matter, I had fingers, wondrous things, and they hooked into nooks and crannies, bringing me where I wanted to go, so long as I was slow and careful about it. Perhaps I hadn't been quite careful enough, for my hand fell right through the next rock I tried to grab. I was sent falling with a skid of small stones and debris, sliding right into a ravine and landing beside a small cave hole.

I swore with annoyance and moved to stand up, only for my left leg to give its own howl of agony. Did I break it? I wasn't sure, but it hurt a lot and I sank back down to my ass and hoped it would go away on its own. As if summoned by the very tides of fate, it began to rain on my already ruined parade. This is what I got for going outside of town, where the weather wasn't as strictly controlled!

Seeking to escape from the rain, I half-crawled into the cave I had landed beside. I fished out a lighter and flicked it a few times until its little flame shot up. I used to use it for cigs, but I lost the habit a few months after learning to live in ponyland. Whatever they used in their cigs wasn't the same, and I didn't need another addiction in my life. I kept the lighter anyway, and times like that, I was glad.

With the fire, I could see the cave wasn't very large, maybe twenty feet, with some lumpy formations of rocks strewn about. I moved to park myself on one of those lumps, just to find out there was something else there. Behind some of those rocks was the remains of some creature, perhaps black once, but time had dulled its carapace. It was some kind of insect? It had the faint remnant of wings jutting out of it, a horn, and fangs. Yep, definitely some kind of bug.

I wondered if it was the previous occupant of the cave, or some other climber that had the luck to fall down in here and waited to die... like I might? I frowned at the thought. My leg didn't hurt that bad. One night's rest and I should be able to climb back out, or so I convinced myself.

But there was still that matter of sharing space with a body of all things. I reached a foot out to nudge the thing, hoping to be rid of it, not that a little nudge was very likely to do it, but I wasn't thinking at 100% at the time. I shrieked like a little girl when it fell back, then laughed at how pathetic that had been. "A body flops and I get surprised..."

I rubbed behind my head, mussing up my red hair before I leaned forward again, considering the dead bug. I could just ignore it? Yuck, no... I got up to my feet very carefully, hobbling around it. With my good leg, and a hand supporting myself against the wall, I gave the body a much more firm kick towards the mouth of the cave, but instead of it flying, it suddenly grabbed on. I felt a pinch and a sharp pain and I yelped for real. I hurriedly reached for it, which meant my hand wasn't holding me up, and down I went in a pile of limbs and agony.

Whatever it was crawled up along me even as I tried to recover from the stabbing pain of putting weight on my leg, but there wasn't time to be worried about that! "Get off me!" I swatted at the thing, trying to brush it off, but it wasn't having it. The thing was flowing over me, encasing me in a bug suit uncomfortably quickly. The touch of my hands was enough to get its hooves to stick to me and ran up my arms in a fitful surge. Wait, hooves?

What kind of pony looked like an insect? Forget that! What kind of dead pony gobbled up humans in a damn cave?!

I pushed up to my hands and knees, but it wasn't my hands and knees. My rapidly forming shell wouldn't let me stand the old-fashioned way, still forming, squeezing, and spreading. The mask of the thing flopped down over my head and I thrashed around, trying to dislodge it in vain. Everything was colored blue, seeing through its eyes, but the blue was fading away as new scents tickled at me.

I felt a sudden flicking at my back and had to look over my shoulder to see tattered wings giving fitful twitches, and I could feel them. New pain came, and I flopped to the ground as I felt like someone was burning holes right through me. I lifted up an arm, or was that a leg? And saw it was true! A hole fell out of me and became so much ash, and other smooth round spots were falling free of me by the moment. Was I dying? I prayed to every god I could think of that I wasn't already dead and waited for the pain to end, one way or another.

It did fade, and I wasn't dead, or so I was pretty sure. I could weakly wag one hoof, then the next. I was... alive? I was different. I could see those hooves taunting me, and my snout poking out of my face. I wasn't just a pony, I was some kind of bug pony...

With a slow roll, I got up to my hooves. My leg, for all the pain I had suffered, wasn't screaming in agony anymore. One free healing for the low low price of my humanity... Great...

I looked out of the cave and saw it was still coming down in buckets. The ponies in town would surely know what the heck happened, and maybe how to fix me. I'd go to their smartest one, the purple one, Twilight Sparkle. She knew lots about everything. She'd know what I was, and what to do about it. I sat down and felt around, finding my lighter, and the shredded remains of my clothes and sighed. "Tomorrow, when it stops raining..."

Should I have panicked more? Man! You think I wasn't?! I was clinging to that hope. She had to know. I was going to be fixed. I just had to keep my head on straight, buggy or not.

Author's Note:

Welcome to chapter 1~ I'll be using one or more ideas from the blog post about one shots, but it isn't a one shot. What's up with that? It's also first person.

Like? See buggy typos? Let me know!

Hate? Still let me know! I love hearing from people.