• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 7,037 Views, 225 Comments

Two Legs or Four, There's Always More - David Silver

A human called Noah finds a dark cave for shelter during one of his hikes after a nasty fall. This turns out to just be the start of his adventure. Perhaps some non-pony viewpoints would help, or should he turn to his new family?

  • ...

10 - I'm a Bug?

I woke up that morning and stretched out before I rolled out of bed. Twilight had provided a comfortable one, but that didn't make facing myself in the bathroom any easier. There wasn't any rush pushing me along. There was no miracle cure waitng for me. It was me, and the creature looking back at me, that everyone claimed was me.

I raised a hoof and waved it slowly, and the creature waved it back, identical holes and all. I grunted with annoyance and climbed into the shower, getting it going. I'd discovered eating like I was starving was enough to survive and even change a little, so I did. Not because I had to, but because I didn't want to be a bug right that moment. I took the form of my tormentor, and soon Twilight's voice echoed through the shower, singing a delightfully human song she would never know. She had a nice voice, at least, and I was fuzzy instead of hard. Fuzzy was easier to deal with.

The fact that it creeped her out when she heard or saw herself was a little side benefit. It was her fault I wasn't already a human, she could suffer a few heebie jeebies along the way.

A soft knocking came from the door. "Hey, Noah? You in there?" It was Spike.

I turned off the faucet with a bit of green magic. Changelings could move things with their mind just like unicorns if they wanted to, and with practice, which I was getting. "It's either me, or Twilight's using Noah's shower like a very naughty unicorn."

"Oh, uh, right. You available?"

I grabbed a towel with a hoof, another skill I was practicing, and got to drying my purple body. "Come on in. Nothing you haven't already seen before."

I heard the door open, and Spike appeared at the door to the bathroom a moment later. "Hey, are you ready for the wedding?"

Wedding? "What wedding?" I hung the towel up and became my buggy self, feeling a bit drained for it. "What wedding would want a changeling at it?"

Spike produced an invitation from behind his back. "The one Twilight and, I repeat, 'All residents of the castle' are invited to, which includes you."

I scowled at him. "Who's even getting married?"

He shrugged. "Does it matter? Think of it this way. Free buffet."

"What?" I looked around for something fancy to wear, but Twilight hadn't been very impressed with my pleas for clothing. Changelings didn't need clothes, she insisted.

He waved over his shoulder. "Come on, it'll be fun. You hide out too often these days."

I raised a chitinous brow at him. "Maybe that's because I'm a damn..." I sank my head a little. "I don't want to be seen like this. I don't want to be like this."

He put a claw on my shoulder. "C'mon, is it really that bad?"


He held up three digits. "Name three things, specifically."

I sat on my haunches and glared at him. "Alright, I'm the hardest person in the room. I'm even less colorful than I was before, which I didn't think was possible, in the land of colorful cheer. And the last bit, I'm not human. I'm not me." I put my forehooves to my chest. "I wake up every morning to the reminder that I have the wrong number of legs, big fangs I wasn't born with and a thousand other little things."

Spike nodded slowly. "Alright, do I get a turn?" I shrugged, so he continued, "Cool. So you're the only changeling allowed in the whole town, that's pretty unique. Everyone who knows you is sympathetic, not scared or horrified. And! Twilight owes you big time. See, three good things." He put his claws on his hips. "Now come on! You need to see your friends and stop hiding."

"You never answered who was getting married." I wobbled a hoof. "Is it someone I even know?"

"Matilda and Cranky, the two donkies?"

I knew the two. They were both surprised to see a human, but they were polite enough about it... "Are they going to flip out having a changeling there? I don't want to crash their wedding."

Spike waved dismissively. "I promise, they'll be way too busy with the wedding to even notice you're there. Just be polite, show up, and maybe say hello to somepony you know. It'll be fun."

A thought hit me.. "What did you mean by a buffet before?"

"Well they are serving food and stuff. Most weddings do." He shrugged.

There was more to it, more.. It clicked. "Wait a second. There's going to be love energy pouring all over the place, to and from them."

Spike stroked a chin. "Huh, guess so. See, more reasons to go. Come on. You haven't had a real meal in forever."

I rose up to all fours. "Fine, but I'm not a monster. I'll take whatever comes my way, and not a shred more."

Spike smiled wide as a mile. "Great! I'm telling you, it'll be fun! You need to stop moping. I mean, sure, it sucks, but you'll get turned back once she's done, right? Life isn't over."

I followed after him as he led the way out of the tower. As we walked, I saw a huge... thing, part bear, part bee, doing battle with Twilight and her friends. The local ponies didn't seem worried. I tapped Spike's shoulder. "Shouldn't we help?"

"Nah, she has it under control."

Just like that, we went past their furious melee, bound for the wedding.

Author's Note:

You marked this finished! I'm calling you out, Mr. Author. You're off my christmas list!

Feh, I say. I celebrate Hearth's Warming anyway.

Comments ( 62 )

<chuckles> And thus our little cannon changeling is explained. <smirks> Nice work.

There was no miracle cure waiitng for me

Matila - Matilda
striked a chin - stroked his chin
all four - all fours
he lead - he led
I don't know what sort of music Noah is into, so I'm going to imagine Twilight singing "Pressure" by Queen, until otherwise corrected. :derpytongue2:

Very happy to see this continuing. Even better(!), Noah has the good fortune to be out and about during what has to be my favorite episode of the last season. So much zaniness and characterization crammed into a single episode!

What could possibly go wrong? :trollestia:

LATE holiday specials? Awesomeness.:pinkiehappy:

6865988 Ugh, so many typos. Weddings breed them, I swear! Everyone's all running around all crazy, bugbears are attacking, and typos, all the typos...

6866008 - but they're delicious and provide me with sustenance!

6866013 So the rumors are true! Lunar ponies do like nibbling on parasites with their sharp teeth.

So our Kevin is just a Noah changling? :derpytongue2:

Oh boy. I bet having that bunch of foals react like they did is gonna do wonders for his mood...

6866049 - I can neigh-ther confirm nor deny that I am a typo munching lunar pegasus, but they are tasty.


I knew I would be vindicated in leaving this in my Incomplete bookshelf.

So, you're putting Noah in Kevin's place, eh?

6866418 This is hardly the first time I've pulled this.

Well, this is only the third story of yours I've read, and the first that had an end that wasn't really an end. (Fourth if you count Dark Undertale, which I don't.)

And thus, Noah becomes the Loneling, as named on Derpibooru.

There's some epic memes about Loneling there.

David, you might want to hit this one with the 'changeling' character tag, just sayin' :D

6891316 The most useless tag ever!

Kinda cool, if only a bit rushed. I'll read it.

This my friends, is what we like to call a Reverse Timeline Split.

You see, it started out as 100% non-canon, and gradually fit itself into the canon.

Well done good sir

Read this over the weekend, great work!

6983711 Glad you liked it! Any favored parts?

6983904 When he absorbs spike out of pure instinct. :moustache:

Strange, I don't remember finishing this. But it means there is not always more. Alas.

I really love this story. If only there was more. I mean, anything changelings is good with me.

It was me, and the creature looking back at me, that everyone claimed was me.
No that was you.

Spike produced an invitation from behind his back. "The one Twilight and, I repeat, 'All residents of the castle' are invited to, which includes you."
I scowled at him. "Who's even getting married?"

Oh I see where your going with this.

No, this is not like calling humans chimpanzees. Because humans are not chimpanzees, even if there are some similarities.

This is like calling humans apes, which we are.

Of course, both ape and bug are informal classifications, and different people will draw the line in different places, so there's some wiggle room in both cases (for instance, most people exclude humans from the "ape" category out of vanity).

I really like this. I'd love to see more, honestly, but I'm not sure what it would include. It's refreshing to see a Changeling transformation fic written and executed well. Those are few and far between. I read this whole thing in one sitting and didn't want to put it down.

7139724 Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It had a lot of great moments that I enjoyed writing just as much.

Short story, but I liked it.

The question remains: Sequel? Probably already been addressed somewhere, but not anywhere plainly obvious from this page.

7147696 Won't say no, but no plans on it currently.

Wonder if they'll ever address why there was a changeling at the wedding in the series. Probably not, as the whole episode seemed more of a fever dream intended to amuse bronies (not that I minded the fanservice), rather than something canon. Maybe it was like one half true (the wedding happened), one half dream insanity (Bearbee thing, random changeling in attendance, etc.). *Shrugs*

7147750 Well, my friend told me that the Changeling from the Donkeys' wedding has his own trading card. Apparently his name is Kevin and his card says something like 'I'm just here for the free food.' I believe the trading cards are also considered canon, so I think you have your answer. :rainbowlaugh:

7140099 All good things to hear. :pinkiehappy:

Huh, well, I hope it's elaborated on the show in the future.

While I have my own writing plans for Changelings, I'd still like to see them explored further in the show.

7149272 Oh, definitely! I really wish they had more Changeling involvement in the show. The Changelings have so much potential. You know what I mean, just look at all the Changeling fics on FimFiction! Sometimes I think the fandom surpasses the writers MAKING THE SHOW in some areas.

Oh yeah, Occasionally there are fics, or parts of fics, that show that some fans put a lot of thought into some elements, even throwaway stuff that the writers themselves probably just inserted for convenience.

7152260 *nods in agreement* I don't think I have anything more to say, but thanks for the back and forth. :twilightsmile:

7147725 question the queen is the mother of all workers in the hive?

7277280 what do you mean with Maybe?:trollestia:

7278112 Not terribly relevant to this story, no?

I'd like to see him "rescued" by Chrysalis.

7331895 oh man I could see that happening. that would end about as well as a fart in church.

Can i ask: why is it marked finished?

7442612 It's done. More is not being done with it.

7443230 i think i get it now. He is that one changeling at the wedding? Or am i just woefully ignorant of the mlp story?

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