• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 7,048 Views, 225 Comments

Two Legs or Four, There's Always More - David Silver

A human called Noah finds a dark cave for shelter during one of his hikes after a nasty fall. This turns out to just be the start of his adventure. Perhaps some non-pony viewpoints would help, or should he turn to his new family?

  • ...

6 - He Hungers

Just outside their clubhouse, I encountered the most vicious of opponents. Stairs. I took a slow step down, just to pitch forward and tumble down to the bottom in a sudden forced movement of discomfort and pain. The world had grown again. I was back to being a black bug, not a red stallion.

Being the big stallion felt safer than the bug and I tried to flip back into it, just to feel a painful rumbling in my gut. I was hungry, enough to distract from picturing ponies. Maybe being ponies took energy? Heck, maybe big ponies was more than smaller ponies, for all I knew.

I gathered myself up to my hooves and looked down at my hooves as I began to get the two-leg gait back down, trying to trot like Spike showed me, but I didn't get far before an angry voice called out, "Git off mah farm, ya damn bug!" I looked over to see an orange pony charging with fury in her eyes.

Well shoot... I figured obeying her wishes was likely the healthiest option and turned my trot away from her and her farm. I hadn't even noticed I was in a farm before, but I could see rows on rows of apple trees. More of an orchard, really, but none of that helped much in the current pursuit of getting away.

I was a bit faster, but just as ungainly, tripping every few steps as I fell into a good panic on the way. My lackluster performance seemed to be noticed by the orange pony, who slowed down a little with a tilted head. "What in tarnation? Why aren't ya flyin' away, ya hole-ridden emotional mosquito?"

That was a fine question, come to think. I looked over my shoulder at my wings and started buzzing them. "Sorry, still new at this. What do you mean emotional?"

She shook her head slowly. "Ya serious?"

I stopped and nodded at her, turning around to face her. "I don't mean to cause any trouble. I'm just trying to get to Twilight's for help."

She cocked a brow at me with a look of clear distrust. "Uh huh. And just who said that was a good idea? She don't like you varmints none more than I do. And who said you could stop?!" She made a shooing motion at me. "Get off mah farm."

I felt my ears go down. "I'm tired and hungry, sorry. I've been running around all day."

Confusion played across her features as she frowned delicately. "So, what, ya wanted an apple? We got a stand for that. If'n ya came for a drink, ain't gonna fool none of us inta that, so git!"

I had no idea what I would be fooling them into, besides not kicking me out or attacking me. "I wasn't a changeling yesterday. Do you remember Noah, the human?"

"Sure, hard not to notice when one of them move in t'town. What about the fella?"

I sat down and pointed at myself with a hoof. "Me! That's me."

She rolled a hoof. "Noah ain't no bug. Twilight checked when he moved into town."

I shrugged softly. "So take me to her. She'll figure it out, right? Or zap me, either way."

She let out a slow sigh. "Alright, look. If yer tellin' the truth, mah name's Applejack, but AJ's fine. I ain't had much good out of changelings, so you're on thin ice, buster."

I couldn't help but smile. Thin ice was already a huge step up from 'get off my lawn!'. I'd take what I could get. "Thank you. Uh, about that apple... That sounds pretty good right now actually."

That brow went right back up. "I didn't know changelings even liked apples." She kicked a tree with one leg, an idle tap, and an apple fell right on her hat, balanced like it was nothing. She approached at an easy trot and set it in front of me. "Now yer gonna come right with me. I--"

"Applejack!" We both turned towards the new voice to see Spike hurrying down the path with a petulant looking Apple Bloom trailing behind. "Don't hurt him!"

He rushed right up, just to double over, panting for breath. "Don't... hurt him..."

Applejack set a hoof on his shoulder. "Take it easy there, Spike. Ah ain't hurtin' him. Hay, reckon I ain't done much more than scared him a tad."

I nodded a little at that and reached for the apple, just to sort of knock it over. How do you grab things with hooves?! I began kicking it around until I managed to trap it between both forehooves and lift it up slowly.

Spike pointed back at Apple Bloom. "She pretended to be him and separated us."

Apple Bloom pouted. "It was just fer fun..."

Applejack slowly shook her head. "How did mah sister pretend to be a bug?"

I managed a bite and crunched it down. It was delicious, but not filling. I needed more. "I was pretending to be her, because all of the girls asked me to."

Applejack put a hoof on Apple Bloom's withers, pulling her forward. "Well, someone ain't getting dessert fer a few days."


"Spike, I trust you have this in claw?"

Spike gave a sharp salute. "On it." He turned to me, watching me make short work of the apple. "Huh, really hungry huh?"

I hadn't left anything of it, even the core. "I still am. I'm glad to see you again, Spike." I stood up. "Did you talk to Twilight yet?"

He shook his head. "The moment I got close to the castle, Apple Bloom fessed up and we got to walking here. This was the first place they would have taken you. They didn't hurt you or anything, did they?"

I waved a hoof, and stayed upright for a change. "They were harmless, mostly. I'm fine, just starved."

Spike tapped at his chin with the end of a claw. "I could be misremembering, but Chrysalis said they eat love, last I checked."

"Eat... love?" I frowned, wings buzzing a little. "How do you eat an abstract emotion?!"

Spike shrugged. "Search me, but that's what she said, and she's the queen of all changelings, so I'd think she knows."

I sat down with a grunt, my belly still rumbling. "We need to start at the, you know, start. Tell me how changelings work. I'd vote for heading to Twilight, but It's getting worse and the apple didn't help."

Spike glanced around a moment. "Alright, so here's how I heard it..."

Author's Note:

Why didn't that corpse come with an instructional manual? I thought that was required by law...

Instead all we get is typos.