• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 13,316 Views, 2,320 Comments

Gazing to the Ocean of the Sky - David Silver

She can swim far and wide across the waters of Equestria, but it's not enough. There are places above those waters, places she plans to reach. Where biology failed her, her mind would succeed. Equestria better be ready, because she plans to visit!

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18 - Darling, You're an Absolute Mess!

Cherry emerged from the kitchen. She was dry, yet sticky. She was tired, yet excited. She was filthy... She had no counterpoint to that. She was caked with the various parts of baked goods and walked along in concert of flesh legs and mechanical ones as her thick dolphin tail swayed behind her. She looked forward to returning to her room, but not before she took a bath and got clean. She wasn't going to get the water of her room all gunked up!

"Darling!" Cherry looked up at the voice to see a white unicorn, that's the horny kind of pony, gaping at her. "You're just as enchanting as they say, but it's all hidden under grime and filth. That Pinkie... Come with me!" She reached for Cherry and grabbed her. "This is nothing a quick trip to the spa won't fix!"

"Um, spa?"

The strange pony raised a brow. "Twilight said you were from a different place than us, and I imagine that's quite true, but you've never heard of a spa?"

Cherry shook her head a little. "Are you a friend of Twilight's?"

"I most certainly am." She nodded. "Oh look at me, being so rude. I'm Rarity." She placed a hoof at her chest. "And if I'm not mistaken, you are Cerulean, otherwise known as Chéri. An absolute pleasure to meet you dear. Now, come along. We have a date with some very nice ponies that'll get you nice and clean and more relaxed than you've ever felt before."

Cherry tilted her head at the slightly off pronouncing of her name, but the mare seemed nice, and a friend of Twilight's could likely be trusted. "Alright, but I can dry swim just fine, look." She walked along after Rarity with a smile.

Rarity raised an ear. "Have you learned how to trot yet? That must be awfully slow."

Cherry blinked at that. "Trot? Is that another swimming form?"

Rarity flashed a bright smile. "That's one way to look at it. Watch my legs." She began to trot in place, moving her legs in pairs of front left and back right and front right and back left. "This way is much faster than walking. Can your legs do that? I understand not all of them are, ahem, au naturel."

Cherry beamed at being shown another swimming form. "That looks graceful. Can I see you doing it in practice?" Her eyes were glued to Rarity as she did slow circles around Cherry that slowly picked up in speed. Trotting seemed flexible, capable of moving slowly or quickly easily. However... "My metal legs don't exactly match that form. I'm going to have to play with them until I get them working right." She resumed her walking gait after Rarity. "I'll do that after you show me this 'spa' place."

Rarity gladly led the curious new pony to her favorite place to be, beside her own boutique. "This reminds me, darling. We simply must get you sized. Making an outfit for such a unique shape would be a fitting challenge."

Cherry raised a brow as she stepped up to the building. "Most of the ponies in this town don't wear extra things." She reached up and tapped her hat. "I wear this to keep the sun from being too bright in my eyes, and that's about all I wear usually."

Rarity tapped at Cherry's belt. "Well there are these legs, you're wearing those, to say nothing of those lovely jewels you have in your mane." She raised a hoof to brush the bright red baubles. "Those truly are delightful. Where did you get them from?"

"My mother got them for me..." Cherry glanced around. "I hope she's alright."

Rarity's expression softened. "You poor thing! Is this the first time you've been away from home? I'd give you a hug, but you're still a mess, dear. Let's get that taken care of." Her horn glowed softly as the door swung open with the same colored light. "Aloe, Lotus? I have a new client for you two and you'll simply die when you see her!"

A bright blue dry pony emerged with a little smile that turned into obvious amazement. "Oh! Is that the sea pony that lives with Princess Twilight? We're ever so sorry for all that fuss when you first arrived." She dipped low. "Your first time is on us, as an apology. Come, you look like you've had quite the day. We'll ease that tension out of you and make you sparkle like the sea you come from."

A soft pink pony emerged. They were both earth ponies with no horns or wings. "Lotus, who ar--" She trailed off on seeing Cherry. "Oh my!"

Rarity advanced, gesturing for Cherry to follow her. "We're here to be pampered. Let's get her cleaned up and de-stressed the way I know only you two can manage. Do you have a space available?"

Lotus, the blue one, gestured at the pink one. "I'll handle Rarity, you can treat the sea pony."

The pink one looked Cherry over curiously. "I'll do my best, but I confess, I don't know the muscle groups of sea ponies, so I'll take this nice and slow, and I'll want you to tell me if anything feels uncomfortable. I imagine most of your tension is in that gorgeous tail of yours." She guided Cherry into the back towards a pool of water that seemed oddly warm even from a small distance. The air was slightly less dry.

Cherry took a soft breath of the refreshingly damp air before stepping closer to the tub. "Get in, right? Why's it so warm?"

The pink one shook her head. "Go ahead and take off those legs of yours. You won't need to move while you're in my care, promise." She gave a gentle smile. "Aloe will take care of everything."

Aloe supported Cherry as she slipped free of her belt and nudged it out of the way before easily helping Cherry into the tub. She was surprisingly strong, but Twilight mentioned earth ponies were usually strong for their size.

When Cherry touched the water, she jumped with surprise. The water was even warmer once she touched it! It was like swimming close to an underwater volcano. With Aloe's gentle whispers and calm grip, she slowly allowed herself to be submerged in the hot water. Despite her reservations, it began loosening her grime quickly, and her muscles did relax. She sank a little deeper, but Aloe never let her escape her gentle and caring touch.

Aloe started rubbing Cherry's furry body, cleaning her and working the flesh and muscle beneath with exploring hooves. "I meant it. I've never had the pleasure of working on a sea pony before, but I'm very excited to have this opportunity. You just relax, but if you feel any discomfort or pain, you tell me. You won't hurt my feelings."

Cherry suddenly dipped into the water, letting her head submerge completely. The act was so fast, her hat floated on the surface as she looked around beneath the surface. She tried gulping some of the water and came back up, coughing and sticking out her tongue. "This water tastes funny!"

Aloe blinked softly. "The water is made for safe and relaxing soaking and relaxing, not drinking. Cherry was your name, correct?" Cherry nodded. "Good. Cherry, just relax for me. Do you need a drink of water?"

"Please?" Cherry gave a timid smile, still trying to get used to the idea that there would be water she shouldn't drink, as if water served many other purposes other than living in, drinking... all that stuff.

Aloe didn't keep Cherry long and soon had a tall and cool glass of something mildly sweet with a little hollow stick in it that let her sip from it while she laid back and enjoyed the attention.

Besides her mother, she had never had another pony clean her like that. There was something inherently personal about it and she found herself blushing faintly, but Aloe kept it professional. She obviously cared, but never made it felt like she was trying to be more personal. "Alright, you're clean, but that lovely mane of yours deserves a proper shampooing, and there are so many other ways to relax you, inside and out. Are you ready?"

Cherry gave a gentle smile. This was fun, if new and mildly disconcerting. "Yes, please. Are you sure this is alright? I have some dry shells." She dug out some bits and showed them to Aloe, but the spa pony gently nudged them away.

"If you really like how it goes, at the end, you can give me some of those to say you really thought it was great, but we already promised today is free, so you owe nothing up front." Aloe nuzzled under one of Cherry's legs and hefted her up carefully, using her own hooves to support Aloe's body. "Besides, I get to pamper a real mer-pony. I never thought this would happen..." She sounded almost giggly at the idea. She carried Cherry to a table with strange bumps and even a hole. "Now I'm going to place you down here. You'll look through the hole, and it'll let me access most of your lovely body. Simply relax and enjoy."

Cherry tried her best to help as she was set down, but dry swimming was tough work, especially without her extra hooves. There had to be some way to dry swim on two hooves, but she didn't know that trick. After a little wrestling, she was laying flat on the table, belly down. She couldn't see anything but the floor, but she could hear and feel Aloe above her, gently exploring her body.

"Alright, I'm going to assume you work the same, especially in your upper body, then we'll both discover how this tail of yours works." Aloe pressed her hooves to tense muscles and began kneading and working. Cherry melted, not literally, but she became a quivering pile of sea pony under Aloe's careful ministrations. She was moved several times, but she could hardly care and barely noticed the time going by at all.

By the time grasp of time returned to her, she was propped up in a chair. Her face and eyes were covered, so she couldn't see. But she could hear another pony.

"Ah, isn't the spa wonderful, darling?" Ah ha, it was Rarity. "You certainly seemed to enjoy yourself. You were practically asleep when Aloe brought you in."

"By the seas, yes!" Cherry sat up a little, consciousness returning to her all the faster. "She made me relaxed in places I didn't even know I had muscles in."

"You're welcome," came Aloe's gentle voice. "I'm going to do your hooves now, if that's alright?"

"My hooves?" Cherry tilted her head, unseeing. "What's wrong with my hooves?"

"Nothing at all my dear, but I can make them even lovelier while working the tension free of them."

Her hooves were tense? The very idea felt foreign to Cherry until Aloe's hooves trapped one of her own and began gently massaging. Oh yes, there was some tension there. Cherry sank into the chair with a little sigh.

Cherry and Rarity emerged from the spa some time later, both shining and new, internally and externally. Cherry looked down at her hooves and their bright red tips that matched her mane jewelry. "Is this really normal?"

Rarity waved at Cherry. "Oh don't be silly. I mean, not all ponies put on some hoof-polish, but it is perfectly normal, and perfectly delightful, darling. You look great! Now come along." She gently pointed Cherry towards her own boutique. "We're not done."

Cherry blinked with wide eyes. "There's more? I don't think I could relax any harder without falling apart." Her fins undulated carefully, directing her hind legs and getting herself into motion. "What else is left?"

Author's Note:

Cherry has learned the bliss of Aloe and Lotus' spa.

Is it wrong that I'm a bit jealous?

At least the typos didn't interfere with the luxuriating.

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