• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 13,316 Views, 2,320 Comments

Gazing to the Ocean of the Sky - David Silver

She can swim far and wide across the waters of Equestria, but it's not enough. There are places above those waters, places she plans to reach. Where biology failed her, her mind would succeed. Equestria better be ready, because she plans to visit!

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47 - Watcha Doin'?

In the hole of their digging, the three seaponies worked together to slowly disassemble the mighty water pump. After a near catastrophe before they managed to get the water tank detached without an explosion or burst, they were practically buried in a pile of pipes as Cherry and Berry went over what went to what.

“Watcha doing?” a young, male inquisitive voice called down into the hole from the edge. A pair of coltish heads looked down at them curiously, eyes wide even by foal standards. Blue mane topped the brownish-orangish furred head of the young unicorn.

Indigo looked up to meet the fellow st-- er, colt's eyes. "Oh, um, hi there." He stood up amidst the pipes, carefully avoiding stepping on any of them. "Nothing bad…" Maybe what they shouldn't be doing, but nothing bad!

The second colt, a pudgy blue unicorn with brown mane nodded to Indigo. “Great! Snails an’ I are always up for nothing bad. Can we join you?”

Indigo tilted his head at the two. "Oh uh." He didn't know the infamous duo, least of all so far removed as Appleloosa. "S-sure, but be careful. We can't break anything." He actually made to climb out of the hole.

Cherry gave a sudden cry of celebration. "Look, right here!" She pointed to some point of the massively complex machine.

Berry nodded in grave agreement. "Very astute, just as I would expect from a rival of mine, now, I see how I would fix it. How would you go about it, hmm?"

“A very good question, eh?” the taller unicorn said slowly as he slid his way down toward the bottom of the hole to join them, looking over the machinery thoughtfully.

Bonk, Indigo collided with a hoof on the way up and was sent skidding down into the pile of pipes, his escape ruined. "Oh, uh…" That was a popular saying for him just then. "Well I guess that works. Do you know anything about machine?"

“Machines? Do we ever!” the stouter unicorn asked. “But uh, what are you three up to with this one?” His cutie mark displayed a machine, a pair of handled blades attached together. His friend’s image of a snail was less encouraging.

Cherry pointed at the machine. "This is a water machine, for making water spray over the dry coral so apples can grow big and wet." She licked over her lips with obvious appreciation for the art of apples. "But I think the regulator is clogged, and the way it's made up, it'll clog itself not long after it's turned on each time… It'll never flow strong enough."

Indigo noticed the machine mark and smiled brightly. "Oh, Cherry, Berry, look! He's a machine pony too!"

“Yep, yep, I can see that,” Snips confirmed. “So what we need is a bigger one so more water can go through, right?”

Berry tilted her head. "I considered that very solution." She sounded impressed.

Cherry thrust a hoof up. "But what if it's that big on purpose? We can't rule that out. The clog isn't right, for sure, but the size?"

“I’m sure they just didn’t have a bigger one handy at the time,” Snails backed up his buddy with a small grin.

“Can you make a new one?” Snips asked, looking at the seaponies curiously, particularly eyeing their shiny legs.

Berry nodded at Snips. "He's full of good ideas. Hey, you two know if they have a, hm, what was it.. A smithy? We'll get a new one made."

Cherry's snout wrinkled with worry. "That'll take too long." Not like they didn't ask permission to do what they were doing or anything…

“Oh? Is this a rush job, wink wink?” Snips inquired, making the gesture as he spoke it aloud. “Why didn’t you say so?”

“We can work fast,” Snails claimed slowly.

Indigo glanced between the two new ponies. What luck that they happened by! "That's really nice of you."

Cherry was more utilitarian, gently working off the trouble piece and hoofing it right over to Snips. "Here you are. If you can make one that doesn't clog up so easily, that'd be good."

Berry held up her hooves together. "A liiiitle bigger won't hurt."

A more savvy pony might find the two colts’ giggling a bit ominous as they trotted away with the piece to work on it out of sight.

Indigo watched them go, even helping them out of the hole before he slid down to rejoin his friends. "We are blessed by the waves today."

Cherry nodded. "Now we just have to wait." She crossed her hooves and soon all three of them were waiting impatiently for the fixed or replacement piece.

True to their word, the unicorns returned in under an hour, amazing by smithing standards. Their new and improved regulator seemed remarkably like the old one but a bit bigger and lacking anything non-metal. “Here you go, this should do the trick just fine,” Snips assured as he floated it down to the sea ponies.

Cherry spun it around on her hoof, it looked… alright. So in it went. She screwed it in tight and got right to placing the other parts where they belonged. "They'll be so happy when it works the way it should, all tuned up and ready to go!"

Berry gave a hoof in the reassembly project, grabbing pipes and turning them against the others as she put them together. "And they never have to even know we were here." Oops! "Not that we're not, um, allowed… here…"

“Oh, gotcha, none of us was ever here,” Snips confirmed. “See you around!” With that he and his companion took their leave, enjoying the head start of being at the top of the hole.

It took some time before the others emerged. With the tank re-attached and all the pipes in place, the machine was as ready as ever it would be for the moment. They didn't flee right away but got to burying the hole they had made in hurried shoves. When their work had been reduced to a mild pile of loose earth, they let out a communal sigh.

They hadn't been caught. Surely nothing but good things had been accomplished that day.

Applejack sat up in bed and pressed a hoof to her skull. Despite the quiet in the room, it felt like her brain wanted to escape her body. She took slow breaths, controlling her nausea and getting her hooves to the ground before she started looking around. The pitcher of room-temperature water was soon dealt with. "Thanks 'Cous.."

Her voice was cracked and broken and she winced on hearing it. What was she thinking overdoing it on alcohol like that? On an empty stomach? On a warm day? It's like she was trying to get herself drunk.

Well… drunk she managed. At least she remembered the events leading up to it. She had kept the bottle away from all of them. All… "Where are they?" She looked around and peeked under the bed as if they might be there. They were nowhere to be seen. "That can't be good…" She didn't see Braeburn either, so maybe they were with him? That wouldn't be so bad… Except… She grimaced a little bit, remembering the last time he was trusted to look after somepony.

"Brae?" Calling for him did no favors for her headache. She gave up on it and approached the door. She counted to three before allowing the full bearing of the sun to gaze upon her. It was like Celestia herself disapproved of her shoddy behavior and was pounding it into her head. "Sorry…"

Not that the sunbeams cared, but she felt a tiny bit better for saying it. She closed the door behind herself and squinted around the town. Where would Braeburn be… She had a good idea where to ask and she mosied towards the sheriff's office at a sedate pace.

Applejack perked up as a voice called to her across the street. A female family member came trotting towards her. "Landsake girl, you look like you rode alon' the underside of the train to get here. You alright?"

She smiled a little. "Been better, but ah'll be alright. Have ya seen Braeburn or a trio of sea ponies?"

"You mean the critters with fishes for back ends?"

"That's the one." Applejack was in no mood to argue specifics. "You seen 'em?"

"They were playin' some kinda game earlier." She pointed across the street. "Half the town saw them skulkin' along, gigglin' and pretendin' to be all sneaky like."

Applejack applied her hoof to her forehead before realizing that the motion was an orchestra of discomfort. "Ugh, which way'd they git to?"

She pointed the way. "That way, towards the orchard. Why?"

"Hopefully nuthin', but ah'm just playin' it safe. Ah'd best get moseying on. You take care, alright?"

She tipped a hat she wasn't wearing. "Sure thing, cousin. You best take care of yourself better than you have been or Ah'll tell granny about it."

That was no idle threat, and Applejack quirked a smile. "Ah promise it won't happen again." She trotted away from her kin, as much as to get some more quiet as she was eager to put her eyes on the missing sea ponies and be sure nothing bad had happened while she was passed out.

As she staggered down the road, a face that brought hope to her came into view. There was Braeburn! She aimed for him with a tired smile. "Hey, cous'! Where are the sea ponies?"

He perked an ear at her before turning a bit red. "Ah left them with you."

Applejack blinked softly. "When? While ah was asleep?"

"W-well, yeah kin--"

"And you thought that was a good idea?" Applejack felt her headache growing more intense and held her skull as if to compress it against the bulging it felt like it was trying to do. "Look, fine, where are they now?" She silently made a note that Braeburn was about the worst foalsitter Equestria would know, only to realize it was her fault he had the choice at all. "And don't let me touch a drop of cider." Ugh, she was normally much better with alcohol. One time! Why'd it have to be while she was in charge of a bunch of young ponies?

"W-well, Ah..." He saw two colts happening past and took a chance. "Say, have ya seen any of three sea ponies 'round here? Kinda hard ta miss."

"Nope," both replied with eerie synchronicity.

"We sure haven't seen them."

"Uhh, nope. They didn't do a thing near that funny stick in the ground."

Applejack raised a brow at the two, then looked at Braeburn. "Kindly tell me this 'stick in the ground' ain't nothing important ah should be worried fer?"

Too late. Braeburn was galloping away towards the orchard to see what had been done to his precious new machine.

That he saw nothing obvious as he got closer did nothing to ease his worries even a little. He wasn't blind, and could see someone had been... digging? "Shoot... Ah done told them t' leave it alone..."

Author's Note:

This chapter was partially done with Istaran, who played Snips and Snails in the first half of the chapter. Thanks!

That means I get to blame all the typos on him, yay!

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