• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 13,316 Views, 2,320 Comments

Gazing to the Ocean of the Sky - David Silver

She can swim far and wide across the waters of Equestria, but it's not enough. There are places above those waters, places she plans to reach. Where biology failed her, her mind would succeed. Equestria better be ready, because she plans to visit!

  • ...

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36 - End Episode, The Tsunami of Prophecy

They found the engineer up on the docks, where he was apparently controlling his metal pony at a distance. He kept eyeing Berry suspiciously, but that faded as they began going over details. He was pleasantly surprised at the mechanical aptitude of both the sea mechanics. "The modifications you made are quite ingenious, even if they were made without my permission."

Cherry had the dignity to blush at that, even as Berry rolled her eyes.

Soon he knew how to make a proper seapony 'dry swimming' belt. "That's walking aid," corrected the technician, not that any of the three minded him much when it came to terminology. "Are you still staying with Princess Twilight?"

Indie nodded firmly. "Oh, yes, though she's out there right now." He pointed out into the water. "I hope she's alright..."

As if conjured from the depths, Twilight and Fluttershy appeared in the waters with a soft splash from below. They paddled for the dry beach, clearly returned to being quadrupedal and chatting with one another animatedly and with big smiles. Had it gone well?

Berry leaned over the side of the dock a little. "Who's that?"

Cherry giggled a little. "That's Princess Twilight, you know, the one who's house you're staying in."

"Oh. I suppose we should go say hello." Berry began walking down along the dock to meet the two dry ponies coming ashore.

All three met her as she came up on land. Both the dry ponies shook water from their fur. The yellow one, Fluttershy, let out a sigh of relief. "That was quite a journey..."

Twilight nodded. "But we did it!" Her eyes scanned over the beach, easily spotting the new sea pony stallion, not to mention Berry. "You've been... busy as well?"

Cherry waved to Berry. "Say hello to Sea Berry, but she goes by Berry."

Twilight offered a hoof. "A pleasure to meet you. I'm Twilight."

Berry met the hoof with a clop. "Nice to meet you. You are?" She looked at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy suddenly froze until Twilight nudged her. "Oh, yes. I'm Fluttershy..."

Indie suddenly flopped forward. "Fluttershy! I've been waiting to meet you!"

Twilight blinked. "Why is that stallion over there using your wheels instead of you? Did he take them?"

Indie shook his head. "We gave them. The girls are going to make me some real dry swimmers. Fluttershy, how did your trip go?"

Fluttershy seemed surprised that somepony would focus on her so intently. "Um, it went... well? Nice to meet you, Indie."

Indie propped himself up on his forelegs. "Did you talk with the fish?"

"... Yes?" She tilted her head a little.

Indie squeed with joy. "We can both speak with creatures from all oceans! I'm a fish speaker as well, but I've been talking to dry fish, um, what were they called?"

"Squirrels," provided Cherry.


Fluttershy brightened a little. "Aw, squirrels are so cute!"

"They are!" Indie tried to clop and ended up flopped in the sand. "We should talk." He pushed himself up again. "Later, when I have my dry swimmers."

Cherry's attention was more on Twilight. "How did your trip go? Did you fi--"

"We sure did!" Twilight smiled so wide it squeaked. "She agreed to come meet with Princess Celestia and was quite reasonable, once we found her."

Cherry tilted her head. "Oh, they're a her?"

Berry blinked at the two. "Really? You don't know?"

Cherry looked over to Berry. "What?"

Berry put a hoof to her face. "Your mom is the Master of the Waves, that's why I didn't want to say that stupid promise. Swearing on your rival's mom feels weird."

Cherry and Indigo's jaw dropped together. Twilight joined in placing her hoof to her face. "That would have saved quite a bit of ordeal, and explains her oddly-specific request." She pointed at Cherry. "She said that you're to be kept safe and happy."

She rolled her eyes at that. "Mom... How was she?!"

Twilight gave a gentle smile. "She was alright. She loved hearing about some of the things you've been up to. Come on, let's get back to Ponyville."

Berry pointed up to the dock with the dry and horny pony engineer. "When she comes, she should talk to him about getting a dry swimmer. He'll be making them for all the sea ponies that want to visit."

Twilight blinked up at him before shaking her head. "You've all been busy. That's fantastic! This is exactly the sort of thing I think Celestia was hoping to see." She stepped away from the ocean. "But, if you don't mind, I'm exhausted." Her horn began to glow as she hefted Indigo into the air. "Is he making Indigo's new legs?"

Cherry looked to Berry, then they both dashed out into the water a moment, returning with sand-encrusted metal forelegs. "Ta da!"

Twilight shook her head. "Well..." She glanced between Cherry and Berry, taking in their mechanical marks. "Are you two friends?"

"Rivals," corrected Berry. "But for sweet little Indie, we'll be working together."

Cherry rolled her eyes. "She's also helping with my train."

They began moving for the station as Twilight tilted her head faintly. "You got a toy train?"

Cherry reared up and threw her forelegs wide. "Think bigger!"

Twilight swallowed nervously. "I... I'm sure it's lovely..."

Fluttershy walked along the floating Indigo. "So... you talked with squirrels?"

"Oh yes! They're very excitable, but they had a lot to say. They lost their house."

"Oh no!" Fluttershy brought up a hoof in dismay. "What'd they do?"

"We found them a new tree." Indigo nodded. "Now they're all happy."

Fluttershy smiled at that. "It wasn't too close to other squirrel families, I hope?"

"Oh no no! They were very insistent about that." Indie made a few vague gestures. "We had to swim far and long, but we found a tree with plenty of food and not many squirrels around. They should be happy now."

"What a relief." Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief. "Have you met many other animals?"

"I heard you have a dry fish called a 'bear' for a friend? May I meet them?" Indigo smiled brightly.

Berry suddenly went red as she realized another mare was getting attention from Indigo. Her battle had just gotten more complicated...

Author's Note:

That's it! End of chapter, end of story, unless someone else wants to commission it forward.

I hope you all enjoyed this wet adventure with me! It was fun writing it, and I loved every character in it.

I hope you'll come with me on my next journey of typos.

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