• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,134 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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11 - Hospital Mates

Prickle opened her eyes with a soft groan, only to start up as she realized she was not in her usual bed, or anywhere she normally would visit.

She was in the hospital. What had put her there filtered through her mind and her eyes snapped down to where she had met the bugbear's claws. There were bandages covering the spot, but her suit was still on, despite all the odds in her head telling her it shouldn't be.

What was going on?

She started to rise from the bed, only to hear a soft gasp from the next bed over. Its curtain wrenched to the side, revealing her roommate to be Silver Spoon. "You're awake!"

Prickle toppled over with surprise, flopping onto the soft bedding. Pain ran through her. She was still hurt. Not terribly, she decided, but hurt enough to not want to go flopping around. "Hello..."

Silver Spoon smiled from her bed, a gentle smile. "Nurse Redheart said you'd come... after you beat up that nasty bugbear. Did you do it?"

Prickle sat up on her haunches, facing Silver Spoon. She gave a single firm nod. "Me and Rainbow Dash, I mean, Rainbow Dash and I did. She was amazing!"

Silver spoon leaned forward, or tried, but it seemed she was still hurt as well. She had bandages along her barrel, but, like Prickle, seemed far from critically put down. "You were more amazing... Like... I'm glad you're here."

Prickle felt confused heat build in her cheeks. Hearing kind words from one half of the terrible duo that once had tormented her was a disorienting achievement. "I... just did what I thought I had to do..."

Silver Spoon nodded softly. "That's what makes you... a real hero." She patted her bed lightly. "Can you come closer?"

Prickle tilted her head a little before she looked around. She didn't see any adults to chastise her, so she hopped down carefully and made a slow walk to Silver's side. "Are you alright?"

"Yes... thanks to you." Once Prickle was close enough, Silver darted in despite the obvious pain such an action brought her and planted a kiss right on the end of Prickle's snout. "I owe you everything. I thought I was... gone. There was fire everywhere. I couldn't even see anymore. I kept calling for help... Then... Then..." Tears were welling in her eyes as she told the story. "I laid down. I was ready to just die..."

Prickle cringed at the image of it. "Nopony deserves to be... cooked."

"Deserve it or not, like... I was going to." A smile touched her lips. "Then you came, my angel through the flames. You didn't let anything stand in your way. I heard wood exploding all around me, then the heat went away... Then I was here, in the hospital." She reached a hoof to Prickle's cheek and slowly felt across it. "I owe you everything..."

Prickle felt her insides growing warm. "N-no you don't."

Silver just giggles, more of a titter really. "I knew you'd say that. You're a hero, a real hero." She let out a little sigh. "If I could get up, I would give you the biggest hug. They said your name was Tiny Titan?"

Prickle started. Silver Spoon didn't know her real name?!

"You remind me of somepony." Silver gazed at Prickle through half-closed eyes. "You have her eyes. She's a nice pony too, but she'd never have the courage to do what you did."

Prickle's tension only grew worse. Was Silver Spoon talking about her, to her? "Oh, um... Well she's probably doing the best she can..."

"Yeah... We used to make fun of her, for being different." She reached out a hoof again and rested it right on the bridge of Prickle's snout. "Sometimes difference can be amazing..."

Prickle was flailing internally. There were a thousand things she wanted to say, but none of them wanted to form an orderly line to get out of her. "Are you... alright?"

"Thanks to you." Silver sat up a precious inch, though her face showed the pain of the motion. "They actually said I should be alright in about a week. How do you feel, my angel of the flames?"

Prickle's ears went down and back. That title was just a bit too much. "T-Tiny Titan will do," she assured with a nervous smile. "I'm glad you're alright... For... I... I thought I hurt you, when I was trying to help you."

Silver frowned a little. "If you didn't help me, I wouldn't be here to hurt." She seemed to think back to that time. "The door flew past me when you kicked it... I think it might have bonked me on the way past. I felt even more dizzy, but here I am. I'm alright." She bopped Prickle on the nose. "You saved me. That's, like, the bottom line."

A soft knock came from the door just an instant before a nurse poked her nose in. Redheart smiled as she came closer. "I see you two found each other. I hope you're getting along?" There wasn't much actual question or doubt there. "Tiny Titan?"

Prickle snapped to attention, which hurt and she winced. "Y-yes?"

"Take it easy. You're still hurt. Thankfully not too badly. You two should get out around the same time." She moved over Prickle and reached, snatching up the filly by her costumed scruff and carrying her to her bed without too much effort. She was still a filly. Without resisting, she was not that heavy to move around. "We're going to have to give you a bath later, and launder your suit, but, until then, your secret's safe with us." She put up a hoof in a 'shh' motion once Prickle was set down. "And I don't want to hear anypony is pressuring our patients."

Prickle felt a tension drifting away. They did know. They were just being kind about it. She gave a warm smile to Redheart. "Thank you."

"Thank us?" Redheart ran a hoof gently across the top of Prickle's head. "Little hero, we heard all about your daring deeds from Rainbow Dash. She was quite insistent on going over the blow by blow with us. That was very brave, and foolish, as brave things often are. Ponyville owes you a debt of thanks."

Silver tittered softly. "Guess I owe you two thanks."

Prickle suddenly remembered something. "Is Carrot Top alright?" She asked with wide eyes. "That mean bugbear was attacking her."

"She was more shocked than hurt." Redheart gave a gentle nod. "She's already home, cleaning up the mess the bugbear left behind, thanks to you." The smile turned to a frown. "That came out wrong. Thanks to you she can go home. You didn't make that monster make a mess." She pulled up the cover over Prickle to her head. "If you're feeling up for it, I'm going to get you both some food." Neither filly denied the idea, and off she went at a leisurely trot.

When the door closed behind Redheart, Silver Spoon looked to Prickle. "So, are you going to tell me?" She smiled, full of hope. "I'm your biggest fan. I can keep a secret, promise. Like, forever and ever!"

Prickle's left ear twitched back. The more ponies knew, the less secret it was. What good was a secret identity that half the town knew? Besides... It was Silver Spoon... If she knew, there was no way Diamond Tiara wouldn't learn, and then... And then... Prickle took a shuddering breath. "Tiny Titan is my name."

Silver sighed softly. "Well... You're not tiny, not in my book." She reached out to point at Prickle. "You're anything but small."

Redheart returned, pushing a tray, handle in her mouth. "Here we are. An extra hearty meal for an extra hearty hero."

Rather than being jealous, Silver giggled and looked delighted as a larger plate was set out for Prickle. She accepted her own plate with a demure nod.

Prickle took it less gracefully, smiling nervously and sitting up to pull the plate closer and give it all a sniff. It wasn't as good at her mother's cooking, but what could be? It smelled nice enough, and her belly reminded her that she was quite hungry. She was soon gobbling up the food just about as quickly as she could get it into her snout.

Silver watched the somewhat messy devouring with wide eyes. "You really are... hearty." She nudged her own plate a little. "I want to go home..."

Prickle paused her meal to look at Silver, food dripping from her snout. "O-oh, me too. Oh..." She cringed. "Oh no..."

"What's wrong?" Silver tilted her head at Prickle.

"My mother doesn't even know where I am! She's going to be so upset, then mad, then upset again." Prickle clopped her hooves to either side of her head. "I'm the worst daughter ever!" Then it struck her. If her mother came, her identity would be plain to all. It wasn't like her mother had any other foals she could be.

Acting, rather than thinking, Prickle pushed her plate away, then slid out of bed, aches and pains be darned. "Gotta go!"


Silver's cry went unheard as Prickle shoved a window open, backed up a step, then leaped right through the avenue to freedom.

That's when Prickle discovered she was on the second floor of the hospital. She squealed as she fell the unexpected distance, but managed to get her legs in proper position to cushion most of the fall in a dynamic, and painful, thud. Ponies turned to the sounds she had made.

"Isn't that the filly that fought the bugbear?" asked one.

"It's Tiny Titan!" proclaimed another.

A crowd was rapidly forming to greet the community's newest hero, but Prickle was in no mood for adoration of any kind. "I have to go!" She squeaked, then she left it all behind with a powerful bound. She didn't dare go straight home. Somepony could spy which way she was going. She went across town and landed in an alley where she peeled off her suit as quickly as she could, balled it up and let out a sigh of relief. She was Prickle Berry again. Tiny Titan could just relax.

She walked home from there, at least until she ran into a familiar mare who gave a dramatic gasp. "Darling! Whatever happened to you?"

It was Rarity. Prickle smiled up at her. "You're back?"

"I am, and I must say it's just in time." Her horn glowed and snatched the balled up outfit from Prickle. "You simply must be more careful, dear." Her eyes wandered past the outfit to Prickle's bandages. "What did happen? Were you getting into trouble, little filly?"

"She was busy kicking flank!" proclaimed a suddenly-present Rainbow Dash.

Prickle went red. That was another pony that knew. She was terrible at being a superhero. "Don't tell ponies!"

"Yeah yeah." Rainbow rolled a hoof. "She already knows. She's holding your costume."

Rarity nodded uncertainly, then paused. "Wait, is this the filly that you mentioned was fighting that horrible bugbear?!" She put a hoof to her snout. A couch slid in from clear across town, then she fainted onto it. "She's such a small and innocent thing! I had no idea I would be encouraging quite this level of drama."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Yeah, drama. You wouldn't know a thing about that, huh Rarity?"

Rarity shot her a dirty look, then sat up. "Well, I'm going to fix this outfit right up. You--" She pointed at Prickle. "--should go home and let your mother know you're alright. Honestly, she's probably a nervous wreck."

Rainbow flew at Prickle suddenly, plucking her up and flying off with her. "I figure you deserve one ride at least," she explained as they went. "Good job, kid. That finishing move, oh wow. We gotta do that again! It was super awesome!"

Prickle gingerly hopped free of Rainbow once they were back on the ground. "Thank you for the ride, but, please, remember... I'm Prickle Berry unless I have the suit on."

"Right." Rainbow snapped a sharp salute. "Then I'll just have to look forward to spotting the up and coming Tiny Titan on her patrols, huh?" She snickered as she rose to fly off. "Spike is gonna be soooo jealous."

Prickle turned away from Rainbow and faced her house, and the mother within. With a deep breath, she approached the door.

Author's Note:

Prickle has a #1 fan! And has to face her mother.

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