• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,134 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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23 - Mind vs Matter

It began.

She conjured a flyswatter of sparkling energy and tried to get rid of Prickle like an insect. Prickle dove out of the way as dust and debris was kicked up from where it landed and bounced up into the sky. The swatter followed after her unerringly, its wielder smiling confidently. "You're like a flea, Tiny Titan. Trying to hop away from danger?"

Prickle spun in mid-air and brought her hooves down just as the swatter came for her. Magic exploded brilliantly and she was sent flying, but the swatter was gone, and the Mauler looked stunned a moment, eyes wide with shock. "You... think that... will stop me?" She said as she recovered.

Prickle had to recover herself, coming to her senses as she flew through the air. She got her hooves into position and smashed into the ground roughly before she launched herself back at her enemy. It was time to attack.

The Mauler picked herself up from where she had staggered and darted up away from the ground, glowing brightly as she came to meet Prickle directly. Great gripping hands came from the ether at her sides, reaching forward to grab her opponent.

Prickle could see them. She saw them and she smiled. As the first hand reached for her, she dove around it, just the lash out with her powerful hind legs. The hand spasmed in a shower of sparks, but the Mauler wasn't as surprised. She let go of the control of it, avoiding the shock and bringing the other in quickly to snatch Prickle right out of the air.

Even as the first faded away in a shower of magic, the Mauler brought the pinned Prickle close. "Not so tough now, are we?"

Prickle scowled at her enemy. "You didn't win yet."

"I didn't?" asked the Mauler. "You sure look pinned to me."

"Nope," said Prickle with a smile. "You brought me too close." She thrust all four of her hooves out in different directions violently. The hand unfurled from her, falling apart as if it were made of torn cloth. Even as gravity begin to pull her down, she threw a quick punch at her enemy.

The Mauler's eyes went wide as a shield was brought to bear against the incoming hoof. They impacted with a thunderous bang and a blinding flash that had the onlookers gasping with amazement.

Prickle fell to the ground, hooves ready to absorb the impact. The Mauler soared away and down, blown clear by the impact and clearly knocked dizzy a moment.

She recovered before she could strike the earth and the glow returned to her, slowing her descent and putting her upright just before she landed. If one hadn't seen how she had been sent there, they might have thought she had intended the landing. "You're tougher than you look." She shook herself out. "But I will not be bested by some little filly!"

Bon Bon stood up from the crowd of watchers. "She's no 'little filly!'" she called in yet a new voice. "She's Tiny Titan, and she's gonna clean your clock!"

Prickle giggled a little at what sounded like a funny threat to her. Deciding against her power bounces, she instead focused on pushing the world away to the side instead of down. She ran for the Mauler speedily enough to hear the wind rushing by her.

The Mauler abandoned her original idea of simply grabbing her small opponent. She lowered her horn and began firing a barrage of magical bolts as if she were an emplaced machine gun, spraying the entire area around Prickle.

Prickle only had to be hit by one to learn she didn't want to be hit by any others. Even as she hissed in pain, she began to swat at them. She reared up and kept running on her hind legs as her forelegs beat at each bolt that came close to her. With a strike of a powerful hoof, they were destroyed, turning to so much magic ash.

As Prickle drew uncomfortably close, the Mauler's teeth were exposed in a grimace of fear that turned cocky at the last moment. Prickle's mighty punch impacted nothing but air as the Mauler blinked out of existence and appeared behind the charging little hero.

Prickle tried to catch herself, her momentum all wrong with the lack of her target. The Mauler didn't let her. Even as the crowd booed wildly, she shoved Prickle from behind and sent her crashing to the ground in a plume of dust. "Nice try, but simple brute force isn't going to work on me, Titan."

Prickle rolled onto her belly and bounced up to her hooves almost instantly, glaring at the Mauler. "That's cheating!"

"Cheating?" The Mauler lifted into the air a few inches. "In a fight, there is no such thing. You win or you lose, and the winner gets to decide if they 'cheated' or not."

Prickle trembled with fury. "So if I just break that horn of yours off, that's fair."

All the unicorns that watched winced at once at the very idea of it.

The Mauler wasn't confident enough to not join them. "This is a spar, Tiny Titan. No need to dismember each other."

"Oh... right." Prickle went red under her suit. She had gotten carried away. She sat down, peering at her foe. "So how am I supposed to stop you from doing that?"

The Mauler blinked at Prickle. "Are you asking me?"


She laughed. "You are a funny one. Well, since you ask so nicely, you could try to tire me out, but I'm doing the same to you. It would be an endurance match."

Endurance? Maybe. Prickle approached, trotting lightly. "Or I could just punch you."

"If you think you can," taunted the Mauler confidently. "Show me what you have."

Prickle made a swing, but she had no confidence it would land. It didn't, but she slammed that hoof down and bucked out her hind legs. That didn't hit either. She looked around a moment before a hoof reached down and tapped her on the head. "Looking for me?"

Prickle scurried out from underneath the Mauler.

"Clever, but not clever enough," she taunted.

Prickle scowled at her tricky enemy. "You give up on fighting back?"

"I wouldn't say that..." She lowered her horn at Prickle. "Say cheese!" She let loose a new bolt of magic. It looked different, not that Prickle cared what it was exactly. She bounced to the side, bounced off the ground where she landed and came soaring at the Mauler with an angry cry.

But the Mauler wasn't there. She came down on Prickle's back, driving her into the ground with a yelp of surprise and pain. "Is that better?"

Prickle twisted quickly, too quickly. A flying hoof caught the Mauler and knocked her to the earth roughly. Prickle bounced up to her hooves, huffing angrily. "Stay still!" she shouted as if she could command the Mauler.

The Mauler was back on her own footing. "Nice, but you haven't even come close, and I won't let you." She stood tall. "No more close quarters dancing for you, Tiny Titan."

"You're still touching me." Prickle raised a hoof high then slammed it down into the ground. The earth bulged dangerously and flowed away from her in all directions in a mighty shockwave. The Mauler was not expecting that and got out little more than a surprised yelp before she was tossed right back to the ground in a rough heap.

Before she could rise, Prickle was on her, slamming a hoof down beside her head. "You lose!"

The Mauler vanished. She called out from a good distance above. "Lose? We've barely begun!" She laughed as she hovered there. "I can see you coming from up here, Tiny Titan. Give up. You tried."

Prickle would not have it. If it worked in the ground, why not the air? She sat on her haunches, brought up her forehooves and drove them together with all her might. Her own bones protested the act when they crashed, but it was the world itself that screamed in pain. A tremendous bang exploded outwards from the impact site.

The onlookers barely had time to duck behind trees and rocks as it washed over them.

The Mauler had no such time. She was too close. It came too fast. Her magic winked out as she was forced to ride with the wave, being torn apart by the powerful wave of sound and force.

She came crashing to the ground several yards away, smoke rising from her battered form. Prickle stood up and winced. Her legs hurt, but not too much to hobble closer to her downed enemy. "I... win..." She put a hoof on the Mauler's barrel. "Are you alright?"

The mauler's suit had been damaged in the violent wave, revealing a pink snout. That snout was laughing painfully. "You... you got me." She climbed to her hooves slowly, in clear discomfort. "You win..."

Prickle couldn't feel her aches for a moment, a huge smile overtaking her features. "You were tough," she complimented.

The onlookers came rushing on them. Among them, Nurse Redheart had a small first-aid kit on hoof. "Are either of you hurt?"

The others were busy cheering and stomping wildly. Prickle flopped onto her haunches. "My legs hurt, but I think they're alright."

The Mauler sat up the same way, barrel heaving to regain her breath. "My ego took the biggest beating today."

Bon Bon pointed at the Mauler. "Alright, who are you?"

She winced. "Professional etiquette!" She blinked away, hovering back in the air. "Don't be rude. I said Prickle could ask, but we'll save that for later." With one more pop, she was gone.

Prickle was in a happy place. Her fans cheered and hugged her tired form. If she had been more coherent, she would have been more embarrassed about the attention, but she was tired and achey and the hugs actually seemed kind of nice. At least until the kiss.

Her attention went into sharp focus when she felt it, lips to lips. She was being smooched!

Silver drew back with a smile. "My hero..."

Prickle went red enough to be faintly seen through her suit. "Silver!" she blurted in almost a spit. "No! Stop! No!"

"No?" Silver looked baffled at the idea.

"No kisses." Prickle tapped a hoof on the ground and winced, any pressure on her forelegs was cause for pain. "We're friends, not friend friends. Only mom gets to give me kisses like that."

Sweetie Belle whispered to her friends, "They really were kissing!"

Scootaloo shrugged. "She just shot her down. Guess they're not special someponies."

Redheart was more focused on Prickle. "You should come with me. Let's have a good look inside those legs and make sure everything's alright. If it's just a bruise, I'll send you home with a note."

Bon Bon nodded. "This isn't something you should just assume is alright. Redheart will take care of you. Good job though."

Author's Note:

Action scenes. They make me nervous every time. How'd I do?

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