• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,135 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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17 - Start Episode 5: Titanic Training

Prickle slammed face-first into the earthen wall, making a dent in it. Not because she was hurled so violently, but because it was soft. She pulled herself free and shook herself out. "Lucky."

Bon Bon smirked at her pupil. "You really think so?"

"No..." Prickle looked sheepish a moment before she bounced in place. "I'll get you this time."

She hurled herself at Bon Bon eagerly. The training sessions were hard, and hurt sometimes, but they were a time she could cut loose and be what she was without reservation. She didn't have to hold her punches or walk on eggshells. Bon Bon knew how to fight her and handle her and Prickle adored every moment of it.

They had arrived in that little dug out bunker and Bon Bon had declared it to be their training grounds. "It's out of the way, the walls and ground are relatively soft packed. The biggest threat we have is being buried alive, and I have a feeling you wouldn't be stuck for long if that did happen."

She was a harsh teacher, but always attentive. She told Prickle exactly how she foiled each attack. Sure, being told was not the same as learning, but Prickle felt she was getting closer to success with every attack.

"One thing," Bon Bon said as she circled Prickle. "In a real fight, there are no rules. You win, or the other guy does, and the one that wants to win, will find a way. The same goes between us. There are no rules. Beat me."

"No rules..." Prickle glanced around for something to give her an edge just before a hoof came at her and slapped her across the snout.

"Think faster," Bon Bon cautioned. "Your enemy won't give you time to size up the field in the middle of a fight."

Prickle smiled, confidence blooming. "Alright, no more thinking." She jumped powerfully over the next swing at her and slammed her right forehoof into the ceiling above. "Catch!" She came down across the room as the roof began to collapse with a roar of falling earth.

Bon Bon said something quite unfitting for the presence of a young mare as she tried to scramble out of the way of the collapse, only to have it catch her at the hips and knock her down.

Prickle trotted up and put a hoof on Bon Bon's momentarily stunned head. "I win."

Bon Bon looked mighty sore a moment before it melted away into gales of laughter. "You did. Oh, you did." She pulled herself free of the dirt and began to shake herself free of the debris. "Now you get to help me fix our training area, but good job."

Their work was long and hard, until a soft knocking came from above.

Bon Bon squinted at the hatch that led to freedom. Her voice changed completely as she called, "who is it?"

"O-oh," came the muffled reply. "I thought my little porcupine was here? I brought lunch."

Bon Bon swatted Prickle. "You told your mom?" Prickle looked sheepish. Bon Bon sighed and put a hoof between her eyes. "Go on, you earned lunch."

With a renewed smile, Prickle shot up the ladder and vanished above-ground. Junebug was waiting there with a smile. "There you are." She reached out and began brushing dust and dirt off Prickle. "Having fun?"

"Yes, mom." Prickle bobbed her head quickly. "What did you make?" Her nose danced, but she mostly smelled dirt and earth instead of any food that had been brought for her. Whatever it was, she was sure it'd be good.

"I asked around for food that was good for growing foals and weightlifters and that mister Biceps pointed me on the right path." She produced a small wrapped package. "Enjoy."

Prickle wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. It obviously wasn't going to be one of her favorites. She did accept the package though, to not be rude. "Thanks!" She wasn't sure how thankful she was. "I'll see you later, alright."

Junebug leaned in and kissed Prickle between her dirty ears. "When you're done, come home and get a good shower in. You'll need it."

Prickle gave her mother a careful hug as she promised to do just that, then scurried back underground where Bon Bon was seated and eating her own snack.

"What's that?" Prickle asked, pointing as she held her mother's gift in her teeth.

Bon Bon gave a soft hmm. "This? Just a sandwich Lyra made before I left." She sank her teeth into it. "Nothing fancy, but Lyra doesn't do fancy food. Still nice."

Prickle nodded slowly. "Yeah..." She liked her mother's sandwiches. So what did she get instead? She put the package down and quickly unwrapped its bright red and white checkerboard fabric to reveal a thermos and a little ceramic container that held something that smelled of cheese and herbs. It wasn't bad smelling, just new.

Bon Bon seemed to notice the hesitation. "Not the usual?" Prickle shook her head. "Your mother really cares about you. It's nice... I wish I could tell mine about what I do."

"What do you do?" Prickle nibbled at her chewy food and quickly decided it was in fact not only not bad, but actually kinda good.

Bon Bon smirked at that and gave Prickle a prod on the shoulder. "You haven't earned that, my student. Thank you, by the way."

Prickle blinked at her. "For what?" She undid the top of the thermos and sniffed at it. Ugh, it was like... she didn't know. It smelled odd.

Bon Bon reached out and took the thermos away to sniff it herself. "Oh, wow, a real muscle builder drink." She set it to the side. "I don't think you need that. Just keep eating well, and keep them in use, and you'll be fine. Most of the 'bulking' stuff is only good if you want to look like Biceps, exactly like him. All muscle, no grace. That's not your look."

Prickle was in no hurry to try what was in the thermos anyway, and happily polished that casserole-like dish, leaving the container sparkling clean by the time she was done. "What are you thankful for?"

Bon Bon lifted her shoulders. "If you had come and got me while Rainbow was there, that would have been... awkward. I'm glad you didn't."

Prickle went warm and red quickly. "I... forgot."

Bon Bon tapped her on the nose lightly. "Wisdom is knowing when to accept thanks as given."

"Sorry!" squeaked the young hero as she got to putting her things away to take home later. "Rainbow Dash doesn't know?"

"She doesn't." Bon Bon pat Prickle on the shoulder. "You're already closer than she might ever be. Let's let the food settle before we resume. In the meanwhile, we can go over some of the things we've learned."

"One thing." Prickle bounced to her hooves. "Lyra knows, right?"

Bon Bon let out a long and low sigh as a smile spread over her snout. "If you pressure her, then we're officially not friends, ever."

Prickle went pale. "No! I wouldn't ever! I was just curious, honest."

"Curiosity is a two-edged sword, be careful with it." Bon Bon rose to her own hooves and stretched out. "I had to tell her, the last time the Bugbear came through the town. She's been very responsible about it since. You'll make her very sad if you make her break her promises, and I know you could, if you wanted."

Prickle backed up, bumping into the wall tail-first. "I wouldn't! Lyra's a good pony. I would never hurt her."

"Good, keep that in mind." Bon Bon gestured to the center of the room. "Now let's get back to work. Next time, there might be another hero there to back you up."


"Rainbow Dash? If she doesn't qualify, I'm not sure how many other ponies do." Bon Bon walked to where she wanted to resume. "Equestria is kept safe by a number of such heroes. Most of them act locally, but some, like Miss Dash, cover a wider area. Ponies are so used to it, we don't even bat an eye these days. How often do you see a news article about what Princess Twilight and her friends have saved us from recently?"

Prickle didn't read the newspaper often, and said as much as she rubbed her cheek sheepishly. "Should I?"

"Yes," replied Bon Bon without hesitation. "Your new profession requires it. You need to know what's going on. If a monster is seen coming, you should be one of the first to know about it. If some villain busted out of jail or Tartarus or anywhere else, you should be ready." She lashed out a hoof at Prickle.

Prickle squeaked in surprise, but brought up a hoof just in time to throw it to the side. Her strength was such that she deflected all of Bon Bon, sending her into a spin before she could right herself.

Bon Bon laughed it off and the training resumed.

By the time Bon Bon called it, Prickle was sore in countless places, panting and ragged, but there was a smile on her face. The ache was a good ache. Her body felt... used, in all the right ways. "Thank you, Bon Bon. Thank you so much for teaching me." She dipped her head low, ears spread to the sides. "See you next week?"

"Next week," agreed Bon Bon with a smile. "That doesn't mean you get to spend the time between just sitting around. You keep training. Just remember most other ponies aren't ready for this kind of roughhousing, so be careful around your other friends." She reached out and gently ruffled the top of Prickle's head. "By the way, you may want to look into getting that suit armored."

"Wha?" Prickle looked quite perplexed.

Bon Bon shrugged. "Rarity knows her way around clothing options. Ask her to work in something tougher between the layers of fabric. I know it's more than one thick, and I know she can do it if she wants to. It'll slow you down a little, but I think you need some durability. You have all this strength, but your body's just as delicate as anypony else."

Prickle felt ready to argue that. She got hurt, sure, but she wasn't a wimp! Still, if her teacher said so... "I'll ask Miss Rarity next time I see her."

"Great. Take care of yourself." Bon Bon ascended the ladder and was gone.

Prickle clambered up and out to find Bon Bon had managed to scurry away without a trace. There were still things to learn... She began trotting for home.

As she went, her mind buzzed with what she had learned. Her thoughts drifted back to that other hero that had come looking for her. She would have to face them, eventually. But it was not that day.

It had been a productive day.

Author's Note:

Training montage!

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