• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,806 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 14: Reminiscing. Part 2. (Edited)

Author's Note:

The Mecha Frieza arc took longer than I expected, and I did not want to exceed 10,000 words so soon. So this will be broken up again. The next chapter will finish off the android saga. Then we enter the cell saga. After that, I've got a Halloween themed chapter in the works. It might be late, but it will be a good one, promise. Enjoy.

[Planet Earth - 5 years ago - Third Person POV.]

It was a peaceful day in front of the Kame house. The sun was brightly shining as it reflected off the water surface. A fresh breeze sweep through the tiny island as two figures stood on the sandy beach. One was an elder man in a yellow and red Hawaiian shirt with white shorts and flip-flops. He was currently sunbathing and appeared to be sleeping. In reality, he was keeping a close eye on the other member on the beach. A beautiful young woman with the fairest of tan skin and lush swamp green hair. She was wearing a modified version of an orange and blue Gi where the first layer showed off her midriff, and she wore a long sleeve blue undershirt with a green slash and matching wristbands. She practices several different martial art forms and strikes.

"Ha!!!" The woman yelled as she launches kicks at lightning fast speeds. She alternate to throwing several jabs as she leaped in the air. She channels her Ki into her hands and launches multiple orbs in the air-space. At her command, some of the spheres try and strike her. The woman expertly dodges them as they came from every direction.

"Excellent Crystalline!"

"I know. My girlfriend is pretty amazing, huh Master Roshi," Master Roshi turns his attention to a young man approaching him. He wore a white long sleeve shirt with blue jean pants.

"She is quite the marvel Yamcha. Hard to believe she's come this far in just two years under my tutelage,"

"I'll tell you what's hard to believe," A new voice called out. The two men turned to find a bald man with a white button shirt and pants hanging off the window seal from the inside of Kame house. "How in the wide world did you land a chick like that?"

"I think you forget the smooth tongue of the desert wolf bandit, Krillin!" Both men rolled their eyes while Yamcha gushed. "We met at a bar one day shortly after I came back to life. We got to talking, and I put my suave charms to work. She was impressed, and we spent the night in the heat of lovemaking passion~. We've been going out ever since then," Yamcha said as h sent both men a cheeky smile.

"Uh huh, and I guess it didn't take much to take her on as your student, did it Master Roshi?" Krillin asked.

"Why of course! The moment I saw her I knew she had great potential!." Master Roshi stated.

"As an underwear model," Krillin softly muttered.

"Hey, just cause she has a rocking bod, doesn't mean that's all there is to her. She's kind, compassionate, and she is a great martial artist!" Yamcha defended.

"So Bulma just got tossed to the wayside, huh?"

Yamcha paused as his features went golem. "Well, we've been having trouble reconnect since I got back. Then Vegeta came into the picture. I've seen the way she looks at him you know. How the heck can I compete with a prince!? Not to mention he is the reason I died in the first place!"

"Actually. That was a Saibamen that Nappa planted. Technically speaking, Vegeta never killed any of us," Krillin reminded.

"And if you're worried about losing out to Vegeta then how do you know she won't dump you for him?" A new voice said. Everyone looked up a floating, blue and gray cat.

"Simple Puur, I looked into her eyes, and that told me everything I needed to know. She's loyal to a fault!"

"Speaking of Bulma, how did she take the news?" Master Roshi asked.

"It was-- Pretty good..." The looks of skepticism were strong from Krillin, Master Roshi, and Puur. "Ok! It was awkward. She wasn't expecting me coming to her doorstep with such a ringer. But despite the jealousy, she agreed to lend Crystal that mechanical arm prototype. She said she was finishing an upgraded version pretty soon. Now if you all will excuse me for a moment. I got a special lady friend to woo,"

Yamcha gave them all the thumbs up as he walked over to Crystalline. However, said women were still in the middle of her training session. After dodging the energy orbs for some time, Crystal began swatting them in every direction. One such course was right in front of Yamcha. The blast detonates right in front of him as it blew up the sand. The other's shouted in worry as Crystalline lands on the ground. The smoke clears away to reveal Yamcha covered head to toe in soot. He weakly chuckled as he fell on the sandy floor. Crystalline saw this and instantly appeared at his side.

"My dearest love! I'm sorry. I didn't notice you approaching!" Crystalline exclaimed.

"*cough cough* That's fine babe. I was just too distracted by your beauty to pay attention. But, hey, it will take more than a stray blast to keep me down,"

"Oh~ You're a sweetheart beloved. I am grateful to have you~," She said as they stared each other in the eyes and leaned in closer.

"Wait! Wait! That's enough!!!!"

Ember shouted as she shot a glare at Yamcha who was telling the story. "You mean to say to us that You and Chrysalis were in a relationship!?" She asked dubiously.

Yamcha opens one eye as he looks back at the Dragonlord. The ship occupants fix him gazes of varying degrees as he was making out with an imaginary woman. All the fillies giggled to themselves while the Z warriors arch an eyebrow. He straightens up his posture as he coughs into his hand. "Yeah... Crystalline and Me were quite the power couple back on Earth,"

"More like you were the puppet and she was the master," Bulma corrected.

"Crystalline wore the pants when you were together," Master Roshi noted.

"It was unnerving how easily she could string you along," Tien added.

"I'm afraid they are right, Yamcha. Chrysalis was just using you to supply her with your love," Cadence said sympathetically.

"Which also means you were the key to get closer to everyone else here," Shining Armor deducted.

Yamcha had a look that screamed hurt and betrayal. "B-but... Uh--"

"Hey, if it's any consolation, you can boast that you dated a hot alien for a time," Tien joked.

"That explains how she got close to Y'all. But how the hay she learned martial arts," Applebloom asked.

Krillin shot Master Roshi a knowing stare. "Let's just say Yamcha wasn't taken in by her charms," Master Roshi expertly turned his attention to the window as all eyes fell on him.

"It would seem Chrysalis hasn't lost her touch. She is still a vile temptress sinking her feminine wiles into unsuspecting stallions," Rarity said dramatically.

"Ah, Rares, don't you do the same?" Applejack pointed out. Rarity looked aghast by that suggestion while Sweetie Belle giggles.

"There is a clear difference darling. I am one of high moral standing, and she is rotten to the core. I am offended you would imply such a thing!"

"Ok, we get it! Chrysalis is a whorse! Can we get back to the story now?" Rainbow said impatiently, ignoring the disapproving glares of her peers.

"Uh, right... And what happened when Yamcha got hit..." Krillin began.

"Oh, Yamcha, it's you. Can't you see I'm training right now? What do you want?" Crystalline said, sounding very irritated.

Yamcha coughed up a bit of smoke as he spoke. "H-hey babe... Just wanted to check up on you!"

"Oh... That is sweet, and I suppose I should ask if you are alright,"

"Yeah - *cough* - no worries here babe. You know I can handle anything you can dish out,"

A seductive smile spread across Crystalline's face as she walks over to the prone form of Yamcha. The man in question was mesmerized by the sultry sway of her hips. Crystal got on her hands and knees as she crawled over his body until they were face to face. Yamcha was blushing furiously as gently hovers her lips over his ear. "Is that so~. Maybe after my training session, we can see how durable you are in private. But then again, why wait till then~,"

Yamcha sputtered out a response as he stared into Crystalline's lovely green pupils. "W-w-w-what about the others...?"

Crystalline glanced over toward the other three occupants on the beach. They stared back at her with rapt attention, all three of them with massive blushes, waiting for the scene to play. Crystal shifted back to Yamcha, never losing her flirtatious gaze. "Let them watch~," Yamcha gulped as she leaned in closer. Her luscious lip puckered up while they slowly made their way to Yamcha's lips. However, both of their eyes shot open as they looked at the sky. Turning back to the others, Krillin, and Master Roshi shared the same expression of horror.

"Do you all feel that...?" Crystalline asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 'I-It feels like-- NO! It can't be true!!!'

"Yes... Although, I'm having a hard time grasping it. It's like there's an enormous pressure bearing down on us." Master Roshi stated. "Any ideas Krillin?"

"..." Was all Krillin said as his mouth opened and closed.

"Krillin? Hey buddy, are you alright?" Yamcha said as Crystalline got off of him. Krillin's face was pale as if all the color drained from his being. "Krillin quit kidding around. You're scaring Puur!" The cat in question was looking at her friends with a nervous expression. Without a word, Krillin rushed back into the house where he got to the phone.

He punched in the correct number sequence and waited as the phone rang. "Come on, come on, Pick Up!" Moments later, someone answered.


"Chi Chi! Is Gohan there right now!?"

"Krillin? It's good to hear from you. Are you alright? You sound--"

"--Chi Chi put Gohan on the phone right now!!!!"

"Now you wait just a minute! You can't just call up and tell me to interrupt Gohan's studies!" Krillin groaned as he wipes his head. The others had already entered the house and were listening in on the conversation.

"Chi Chi listen, this is urgent!!!" There was a long silence on Chi Chi's end before she let out a sigh.

"Gohan!" They heard the rapid thuds of feet drawing closer before the sound of panting.

"I'm here! Is that Krillin? Let talk to him!!!" He said as he took the phone. "Krillin, are you sensing that power!? You know what this means right!?"

Krillin swallowed down a lemon in his throat as he spoke the next words he'd never thought to utter again. "Yeah... Frieza's back!" Everyone stiffened at the mention of that name. However, if anyone bothered to look at Crystalline at that moment, They would've noticed the violent trembling of her body. Thankfully, she got it under control.

"Frieza...?" Crystal said in a whisper that the others mistook for confusion.

Yamcha places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it, babe. We've dealt with him before. We can do it again. I hope..."

Crystalline had to bite back a snide remark. 'Goku dealt with him, you spineless moron! But, evidently, he failed in that regard!'

"...So what's the plan?" Gohan asked over the phone.

"As much as I hate to say this, we need to confront him. No doubt, Piccolo, and the others already sensed him too. Gear up and we'll meet up with him," Krillin said.

"Right! I'll see you there!" Gohan said as he hung up.

Krillin slams the phone down in frustration. "I don't get it! Goku defeated him! How is he still a threat to us!?"

"Perhaps Goku spared him. Given your descriptions of him - 'And what I have seen for myself' - I would not put it past him to show mercy," Crystalline stated.

"And now he's back to settle the score!" Yamcha said grimly.

"Regardless, the Earth is in grave peril! It needs its defenders now more than ever! Go forth my students and combat this threat!" Master Roshi ordered.

Crystalline shot the old master a deadpan stare. "And what will you be doing? Sitting on the sidelines while we face oblivion?"

Master Roshi chuckled at this. "This fight is a youngsters game. I have every confidence that my students will be victorious," With that said, Master Roshi took a magazine from the coffee table and headed upstairs.

"Urgh! Let's just go..."

"Hold for a moment. Sir Goku, We thought you defeated Frieza," Luna asked. Everyone turned to Goku for answers.

"That's something I would like to know as well. You saw what kind of monster Frieza was and the atrocities he committed on Namek. Your little act of mercy nearly got us killed!" Piccolo said, his tone held a hint of repulsion in it.

Goku sighs as he responded. "I was hoping Frieza learned his lesson after our battle. I guess I was just fooling myself. Besides, my act of mercy worked on you and Vegeta didn't?" Goku said with a cheeky grin.

Piccolo returned the gesture. "Well... two out of three isn't that bad,"

"More like one point five as far as Vegeta is concerned," Spike jibbed. This joke got a chuckle out of everyone.

"So that big meanie pants Frieza came back for round two," Pinkie said, throwing a few jabs.

"But you sent him packing again, right Goku?" Scootaloo said excitedly.

"Actually. I was the one who handled Frieza that time," F.Trunks said.

"You should've seen him. He made Frieza look like an amateur," Tien stated.

Soaring through the sky, Krillin, Yamcha, and Crystalline were moving to the rendezvous point with Piccolo. The trio met with Gohan along the way as they converse. "How much further till we reach this Piccolo?" Crystalline asked.

"Just a few more minutes now," Gohan replied.

"I'm not feeling good about this guys..." Yamcha said softly.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Crystalline asked.

"I mean, I already died once, to a damn plant man no less. Now we're facing something that gave Goku so much trouble. I just don't think I can hack it. But worse of all, you're involved in this mess now, and I'm afraid of losing you..."

Crystalline smiles sweetly at her boyfriend. "I appreciate that so much my love," She said as her face went became stoic. "But the power we're feeling cannot be ignored. If we do nothing, then Frieza will just hunt us down!" Yamcha turned away as Crystalline became lost in her thoughts. 'There will be nowhere to hide from this monster. But I am not as helpless as I was two years ago!' The group continued on their path until they landed in the rocky plains. Piccolo stood atop a hill with his back facing as his white cape flutters in the wind.

"Hey, there Mr. Piccolo!" Gohan greeted.

Piccolo turns around to reply only to pause once his eyes landed on Crystalline. They eyes met, and they proceeded to study one another. Members of the opposite gender never entice the Namekian. His species had no females, and they reproduce asexually. Therefore, he never felt any attraction to Earth women, but even he had to admit that the woman in front of him had a certain allure. But for some reason, despite having just met Master Roshi's new student, the Namekian warrior couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity he got from her. After what felt like an eternity, Piccolo spoke.

"It's good that you're all here," He said as he turned to the woman. "You're new,"

"Charmed to meet you as well," Crystalline replied flatly. Piccolo narrows his eyes slightly before turning away.

"So is it just, uh, us?" Yamcha asked.

"Not quite, although I must condemn you for your services," A familiar voice called out. Everyone turned and was shocked to find Vegeta staring at them with a smirk on his face. However, his presence was not the cause of their bewilderment. The spiky-haired Saiyan prince was wearing a bright pink shirt that clashed with his bright yellow jean pants. "We were in need of a few meat shields. The added protection will be of great use," Vegeta turned his body to the left, and everyone could make out the word 'BADMAN' in all capital bold letters.

Crystalline stared blankly at the Prince's choice of clothing for a few more moments before she burst into laughter. "O-o-oh my goodness! Ah-Hahahaha!!!!"

Vegeta snarled and glare at Crystalline. "What do you think you're laughing at!?"

*GASP* "No way!!! Men in pink how bizarre!!!" Pinkie exclaim while the rest of her friends stared at the Z warriors in disbelief.

"I'm with Pinkie on this one. Ain't no way a gruff Saiyan stallion like him would be caught dead wearing those clothes," Applejack stated.

*Ahem* Bulma cleared her throat to gain everyone's attention as he held a photograph in her hand. "It just so happens I have proof of the illicit wardrobe as worn be our favorite Prince. I took this picture when I was washing his armor. I picked out the clothes myself," The Equestrians and two dragons share a glance before the lunged to the picture. True to Bulma's word, Vegeta was indeed wearing a pink shirt and yellow pants. The sight was enough to force all the Equestrians present into a boisterous bout of chortling. Even the Princesses of the Sun and Moon failed to keep their composure.

"That's-that's too much!" Cadence said. Flurry Heart giggled as she floated above everyone to get a better view.

"Welp, there goes his image," Shining Armor commented.

"My sides hurt, haha!!!" Spike roared in laughter.

"P-please give us copies of this!!!" Ember added.

"You needn't say anything else!" Discord announced. With a snap of his talon claw, several copies of the photo were made and handed out to everyone in the room.

"Awww~, he looks kinda cute," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, he looks like a big softy," Applebloom said.

"I just want to cuddle with him," Silver Spoon said.

"I'm showing this off in school," Diamond Tiara stated with a dark glee in her eyes.

"Best. Prank. Ever!" Rainbow added, clutching her stomach as she rolled on the floor with Pinkie and Scootaloo.

"It is most amusing to see Vegeta embrace his feminine side. Wouldn't you agree to this, sister?" Luna said with a laugh.

"Indeed it is Luna," Celestia said as she laughs behind her hand.

"O-oh my..." Fluttershy squeaked, feeling embarrassed for Vegeta.

"Now, now everypony. Let's not mock the dear prince. After all, it is a very bold fashion statement. I could see the practicality of such garments. Why in a thousand years, I'm sure this will be the new trend!" Rarity proclaimed with her styled joke. Everyone's laugh began anew.

"Nice one Bulma! But I think Vegeta might be a little tick if found out about that picture," Goku said.

"Meh, what Vegeta doesn't know won't hurt," Bulma replied nonchalantly.

Back in the Everfree Forest, Vegeta was overlooking a valley below the cliffside where he stood. However, the tranquility was disturbed when he felt his ears were burning. He turned toward Ponyville were the others were residing. The prince found himself becoming irritated for some reason. Vegeta was half inclined to head back before he dismissed the matter. "Hmph, waste of my time,"

"Anyway, back to the story,"

"You better shut your mouth woman if you know what's good for you!" Vegeta threatened at the cackling Crystalline.

"Or what mister "BADMAN?" You'll hurt little old me~." Vegeta snarled as he approaches Crystal. Yamcha boldly steps in his path and put up his guard. Vegeta paid this no mind and continued.

The situation was becoming tense that is until Gohan spoke up. "Ah, look it's Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu!" The two fighters in question landed as they discarded their traveling gear.

"Hey everyone. It's good to see you all again," Chiaotzu greeted.

"Yes, it's quite the reunion. It's great to see old faces," Tien said before he turns to Crystalline. A warm blush formed on his face as the woman winks at him. However, that quickly faded away when he saw the Saiyan prince. "Vegeta!" He said with contempt. "I didn't know you'd be here!!!"

Vegeta stops his advance and smirks at the three-eyed man. "Hmph! Is that ok?"

"As a matter of fact. It isn't!!! How can you stomach him Yamcha?"

"Ha! Loser!!!"

"What you'd say?"

"Easy now boys. No need to get into a tiff. It's a tense situation, but we're all friends here aren't we?" Crystalline said.

"Tsk," Was all Vegeta said.

"Yeah, we should save all for Frieza!" Yamcha reminded.

"That might be the only worthwhile thing you said since you got here," Piccolo stated.

"Um... Excuse me miss, but who are you?" Chiaotzu asked.

Crystalline walks up to the little man and gently caresses his cheek. "My name is Crystalline, you cute little treat," Chiaotzu found his pale white face shifting red.

"I-it's nice to meet you ma'am but why are you here?" Tien asked while his blush intensified.

"Why, I am here to support my boyfriend in this endeavor," The two new arrivals looked over to Yamcha who smiled smugly at them. Their jaws hit the ground, but before they could question this claim, the roar of an engine sounded off. One of Capsule Corporation passenger plane land next to our heroes. A woman with a blue poofy afro steps out of it. She was wearing a red dress with an orange vest and boots.

"Bulma!? What are you doing here?" Krillin asked.

"Great. Now we have two useless women here," Vegeta snarked.

Ignoring Vegeta's comment, Bulma spoke. "Isn't that obvious? I came to see this Frieza guy in action!" Bulma said as she scanned everyone. Her eyes fell on Crystalline who sent her a smirk. A beat of sweat dripped down her head as she puts on her best fake smile. "Crystal. It has been ages. How Ya been?"

"As you can see..." She said as she drapes her form around Yamcha. "...We've been fine~,"

"...Wonderful..." Although the smile was still present on Bulma's face, Crystal can feel the jealousy burning off of her.

"HEADS UP EVERYONE! FRIEZA'S SHIP IS LANDING!!!" Piccolo shouts. The clouds parted as a massive spaceship, alien in design, descended from the sky. It came to a stop just a few feet away from our heroes position where it stationed itself. "We got no time to waste. However, we need to keep a low profile so conceal your power level, understand?"

"By the way, Bulma, do you have my replace arm yet? I think I'm going to need it," Crystalline said. Bulma nods and pulls out a capsule. She presses the button and throws it to the ground. A metallic arm appeared from a poof of smoke. Bulma picks it up and presents it to Crystalline. "Oh~. It's so slick and streamlined,"

(The arm only goes up to Crystalline's forearm, not her shoulder.)

"That's right. This little beauty is the new Capsule Corporation Cybernetic Ampendage limb version two point zero. This model is far more comfortable and specified to your body's physiology. So it won't feel like a hunk of metal weighing you down," Bulma proceeded to remove Crystalline old limb in favor for the new one. Moments later, the new appendage morphed into the same color as her skin. "There some added features I put in that will assist you in combat. Such as a hidden blade, laser fingertips, etc. You're gripping strength exceeds that of a normal human being, so you'll be able to crush anything like its tissue paper,"

Crystalline smirked at her cybernetic arm. "Thank you, Bulma. This arm will be a great help,"

"No problem. I have to thank you for testing out the prototype for us. Capsule Corp wanted to showcase these prosthetic limbs to the general public. We believe they will be beneficial for those that lost their original appendages like amputees and army veterans--"

"Enough! I'd rather Frieza's scouter not detect us because of your excessive jabbering!" Vegeta shouted. "Besides, all this girlish accessory talk is annoying the Namek,"

"If you're all done down there, we got a situation. Frieza army has come in full force, and there's someone else with him," Piccolo stated. Everyone looked over to the ship to see a mass of bodies standing before two figures. Everyone instantly recognized Frieza. Although, he was drastically different from his appearance on Namek. Seventy percent of his body was sporting metal augmentations. With only his right arm remaining untouched. But it was the being standing next to Frieza that gave the Z warriors pause. He was wearing the standard armor the Z fighters have seen before while a long navy blue cape hanged off the shoulder guards.

"I don't believe it..." Vegeta uttered in shock. "It's King Cold!!!"

"Who is King Cold?" Crystalline asked.

"Frieza's father!" Everyone gasps at that bit of information. A beat of sweat fell from Vegeta forehead. "I should've Frieza would bring him along!"

"Unbelievable! He's only in his second form, and he's still so much stronger than Frieza!!!" Gohan observed.

"Whoa! so Frieza came back as a robot!?" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"That's a common misconception. The technical term would be a 'cyborg.' Here, I took their picture. But I can't say I like 'Mecha Frieza's,' design. It looks like they just slap a bunch of parts together." Bulma said as she showed everyone a picture of Frieza and King Cold.

The Equestrians and two dragons recoiled at the image in the photo. "Their eyes look so cold and soulless..." Celestia stated.

"...Indeed sister. None of the villains we faced can ever hope to look so vile. Not even Nightmare Moon. We should count our blessings that we never faced such an evil!" Luna said.

"Our villains are tame compared to them!" Shining Armor said.

"I don't see it. If this Frieza and King Cold ever came to this planet, then we could handle them," Ember said.

"Pride comes before the fall," F.Trunks said. "I learned the hard way that you should never underestimate your opponent," He said before his stoic features morphed into a smile smirk. "A lesson I was all too happy to share with Frieza and his goon squad,"

"Wow, but how did you know Frieza was going to be there Trunks?" Pinkie asked as everyone gave the Young Saiyan their attention.

"I knew from a journal my mother kept that Frieza would return to the Earth. Thus I timed my arrival from the future for that moment in history. I made sure to give him a warm welcome..."

"Honestly Frieza, I don't see why we couldn't destroy this planet from space. I've seen better dirtballs in Coolers quadrant," King Cold spoke in a bored tone.

"Now, father, I realize this is tedious. But, for my revenge to be complete, I want to destroy everything that filthy monkey loves personally. Instead of the welcoming faces of his friends, he will come home to the ravaged remains of this world! Soldiers form up!" Frieza's men stood at attention and awaited orders. "I want you to decimate this planet. Start with the nearest form of life you can find!"

"Yes, sir!"

Frieza men took to the air, but, they never got far. Several of the soldiers fell hard to the ground with a dull thud. The sight of their dead comrades unnerved Frieza's men greatly. A lone figure walks up to Frieza's forces with his hand clutching his sword. Frieza and Cold regarded the new arrival with little interest.

"And who are you?" King Cold asked.

"The name's Trunks and I'm cutting your visit short Frieza."

"Oh. It seems my distinguished reputation proceeds me," Frieza said with a mock bow.

"Yeah, I read up all about you from the history books. And I gotta say, I'm not impressed," Frieza shot Trunks a glare as he continued. "After I'm done with you though, you'll be nothing but history!"

"Hmph, funny kid, but the jokes over. Now run along before you get hurt,"

"The only joke here is you if you believe your getting past me,"

Frieza growled in annoyance at Trunks persistence. "Very well kid, your funeral. Captain! Dispose of this pest!"

"At once Lord Frieza. Let's see what we're dealing with..." The henchmen said as he activated the scouter. "Ha! he's only got a power level of five," He adjusts the setting on a laser gauntlet, and aimed it at Trunks. "Nice knowing kid!" He fires a blast directed at Trunks head, but the young man deflects it with little effort. The soldiers became confused. How could such a weakling fend off one of their attacks? Frieza saw that trunks still wasn't dead and issued more orders.

"Don't just stand there like fools. Attack all at once and finish this already!" His forces did just that and charged forward. Trunks expression remains unchanged as he reaches for his sword. In a blink of an eye, Trunks pulls out his blade and attacks. His strikes were so fast that all anyone could see where the light reflecting off his slashes. He takes a knee as he slowly sheathes his sword again. The sword hit the sheath and Frieza's men all fell dead on the ground. When it was all said and done, only one soldier remained. He cowered in fear as the udder portion of his armor fell to pieces. He backs away from Trunks just for Frieza to pierce his body from behind. He tosses him aside and glares at the young man.

With a disappointed sigh, Frieza spoke again. "Good help is so hard to find these days. I told you we should screen check the recruits father,"

"I'll make a note of son. Now, what should we do with our friend here? He turned out to be quite capable. What a surprise," King Cold stated.

"Urgh! I truly can't be bothered with dealing with young upstarts," Frieza said.

Far away from the battlefield, the Z warrior watches on in disbelief. "Unreal. This guy just took out all of Frieza's men by himself!" Yamcha exclaimed.

"He is interesting. Where did he come from I wonder?" Crystalline asked.

"But now he's up against Frieza and his father! Should we jump in and help?" Gohan asked.

"Hmm, let's see how this plays out first. There's something off about this whole situation. But if the kid looks like he's in trouble then we'll jump in to save him," Piccolo said.

"Here's some free advice for the both of you; Know your enemy! You've already made some big assumptions about me, and that's going to cost you dearly!" Trunks warned.

"Why you insolent brat! You better mind that tongue of yours if you know what's good for you,"

"Why don't you just destroy him now?" King Cold asked. "We haven't got all day,"

"Honestly father, try to have some patience. Is it wrong that I want to savor this?" Frieza asked.

"He's right though. You don't have all day, more like five minutes," Trunks said.

"Oh, what a shame," Frieza chuckled. "And here I've made reservations for a special guest,"

"If you're talking about your dinner date with Goku, then I'm sorry to say I'm canceling it!"

"What's a Goku?" King Cold asked.

"Come now, father. I realized that you're bored, but Goku is the reason we're here! And I see you're in cahoots with that worthless Saiyan!"

"I've only known him by reputation, but he's left quite the impact. Which brings me to my next point, only one of us will be meeting Goku today," Trunks said in an ominous tone.

"It would seem we can agree on something after all. I was just about to make such a suggestion,"

"Stow the talk, Frieza! It's time to get down to business and show you what you're facing. For you see, you're about to fight a real Super Saiyan..." Trunks shot Frieza a sly smile as he pauses. "And I'm not talking Goku!"

Both Frieza and Cold jerked back at that proclamation. Trunks smirk widen at their perplexed expression. Frieza began to laugh. "Goodness! It has been quite some since I had a good laugh. You crack me up, kid!"

Trunks said nothing as dirt and debris began to float in the air. The area quake around as cracks spread out from Trunks feet. The young Saiyan's clothes and hair fluttered under the rising force of his power. The corpses around Trunks floated in the air as he released a mighty bellow.


Crystalline eyes shot open, as did the rest of the Z warriors, as they felt trunks power from their hiding spot. 'This boy is a Saiyan!!! And not just an ordinary one. He's just like Goku!!!' She thought.

"Whoa! I guess the fighting just shifted into a higher gear!" Yamcha stated.

"Guys look, that kids hair turned blonde! He's a Super Saiyan like my dad!!!" Gohan revealed.

"Impossible! There are no other Saiyans left!!!" Vegeta denied.

"Tell him that!" Piccolo countered.

"Whoa, you're a Super Saiyan too!?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Can you transform now?" Silver Spoon asked.

Trunks chuckle at her excitement. "That's right. Pretty much all of us can transform now. But forgive me if I can't show you. I don't want to wreck the ship,"

"A wise decision," Celestia said. Thankful that there won't be another incident like when Vegeta transformed.

"Ha! I bet Frieza wasn't expecting another Super Saiyan!" Spike cheered.

"You grow up to be such a strong warrior. Yes, you do~. Yes, you do~," cadence cooed to Baby Trunks who response with baby babble.

"You should've seen his face. I think the fight Goku might've traumatized him,"

"I-it c-can't b-be!!!" Frieza stuttered out as he trembles in place. "It's those eyes...! They have the same eyes!!!" Frieza takes a few steps back as Trunks purple-gray-ish hair settles to a brilliant golden hue. The young Saiyans sharp greenish-blue eyes bored into Frieza's very soul.

King Cold notices his son retreat and gazes back at trunks with renewed intrigue. "So this is a Super Saiyan..."

Satisfied with Frieza reaction, Trunks let out a snide comment. "Is it something I said?" Frieza gritted his teeth and thrust his hand out. A furious Ki blast launches from his hand and detonates on Trunks position. Everyone on the cliffside shielded themselves from the explosion.

"Alright, that's it! I'm helping the new guy!" Krillin stated as he tried to take flight only for Crystalline to grab his foot. "Hey! What gives?"

"Are you trying to give us away? This boy may be fighting Frieza, but we are still unsure of his intentions. So wait here!" She said as she let Krillin go.

"But we--"

"For once I agree with the woman. Until I know what we're dealing with, I prefer to remain unnoticed! So unless I tell you otherwise, you stay put!!!" Vegeta commanded. Krillin shrank away.

The battle recommenced as Trunks stood unharmed by Frieza's attack. The tyrant fires another blast that Trunks manages to push Trunks back. However, the young warrior deflects the beam as it scatters across the field. Fed up with the resistance Trunks was giving him, Frieza flew into the air and gathered energy into his fingertip. A giant ball of Ki appeared above Frieza's head. The frost demon's intent was clear; he was going to annihilate Trunks and everything else along with him. The massive ball of death descended on the Saiyan warrior and engulfed Trunks form. Frieza land by his father assured of his victory. But, yet again, trunks proves his mettle by lifting Frieza's attack out of the newly form crater.

"Excuse me but did you lose this?" Trunks said confidently. Frieza shot another beam from his finger into the ball of Ki in Trunks hand. The attack explodes on top of him, creating an enormous crater in the process. This time, Trunks was nowhere in sight.

"Well done son. It only took you four tries to destroy that little boy," King Cold said with a teasing laughter,

"I was just warming up father! Really!" Frieza complained.

"Haha, of course, son, of course!"

"There's no way he could've survived that!" Tien said ruefully.

"Now what? He was our best chance against Frieza!" Yamcha cried out.

Crystalline was the only one not panicking as she kept her attention on the faraway cliff above Frieza and King Cold. Piccolo saw this and questions her. "What is it? What do you see?"

"The boy lives! He's right there above those two," Everyone followed her gaze to see Trunks alive and well. However, they also saw him level his arms in front of him before he moves them so fast that they become blurs. Trunks then connect his hands with his index fingers and thumbs.

"HEY FRIEZA!!!" He shouted, gaining the two tyrants attention. "Burning Attack!!!" He launches a bright yellow sphere toward his adversaries. King Cold and Frieza dodge accordingly. Unfortunately for them, they played right into Trunks hand.

"Grr... Wait till I get my hands on--" Frieza began, but he trailed off when he heard a startling war cry from Trunks high above him. His brave sword at the ready as Frieza froze in place, his face locked in fear and terror, at his imminent demise. "YAH!!!" Trunks brought his blade down on Frieza. Time seemed to have stopped as they floated in the air. But then, Frieza's body split in two.

"FRIEZAAAAA!!! A-AH!!!" King Cold wailed in horror and disbelief. But Trunks wasn't done just yet. With lightning-fast speeds, Trunks cut Frieza into many pieces of flesh and metal. He curled his fingers as he brought his hand up, pulled it down while flattening his palm, then thrust it forward as a blast erupted. The monster that was once known as Frieza was now a pile of ashes. The Z warriors found themselves stupified by what has transpired. The greatest threat to the Earth was gone, and only one remained.

"Holy cow...!" Chiaotzu said in a whisper.

"H-he did it...!" Tien said, equally as shocked.

"H-he beat Frieza! effortlessly!!! But, who is he!?" Vegeta asked.

"Woo Hoo! Way to go kid!" Yamcha cheered but was immediately reprimanded by Crystalline.

"Be quiet you fool!"

"...Sorry babe..."

King Cold and Trunks landed on top of a cliff. The king regarded Trunks with great caution. Trunks remained focused as he waited for Cold to make any move. "Super Saiyan... I'm impressed. To encounter a fighter of your caliber is a rare occurrence indeed. But it does present quite an opportunity. You see, I can appreciate a great talent such as yours. My eyes are not blinded by pride like my sons were. Join me and take Frieza's place at my side as the supreme ruler of the universe!"

At this offer, Trunks responded accordingly. "Not a chance!"

"Now don't be too hasty. Imagine: this world and any other world will be the merest of bobbles in your collection. Playthings for your amusement, subject to your every whim," Trunks silence was all the response King Cod needed to know. "No? Then please allow me the courtesy of examining your sword. A weapon of such apparent quality practically begs to be admired. You have nothing to fear from me,"

Trunks smirked as he unsheathes his sword. King Cold flinches with uncertainty at this action. "You want to see my sword? Here, catch!" Trunks then toss his blade over to Cold who catches the hilt. He begins to look the blade over, admiring its slick appearance and sturdiness. The smile King Cold only grew wider as he inspects the weapon.

'What are they doing? Why would he surrender his sword?' Crystalline pondered.

"Hmm~. Yes! An elegant weapon indeed. One of superb craftsmanship. I fancy a guess that this sword is the primary reason you bested Frieza. Am I right?"

"A plausible theory,"

"Oh, it is more than just a theory...!" King cold voice grew a certain edge to it. "I believe that it is a fact. That without this sword, you are Nothing!!!" King Cold darted forward as he brung the blade down on Trunks. However, to his surprise, Trunks held his ground and caught the edge with his hand. Struggle as he might, King Cold could not free the sword from the young Saiyans grasps.

"Didn't anyone tell you that it's not the weapon that makes the man..." Trunks flared his aura and began to push King Cold back. He places his hand on King Cold's lower torso as the tyrant started to panic.

"Wait! You filthy little Saiyan--" Trunks fires a beam that blew a hole right through King Cold. The Z warriors gasped out in surprise as King Cold slams into a rock plateau and slide down the column. A trail of blood stained the surface of the rock as he groans in pain. Looking back at Trunks, King Cold felt his mortality catching up with him. He tried to barter his way out of his approaching demise. "W-wait...! You can't - Please! - I'm defenseless! Surely you see that it was my son that was vile, not I. I-I can turn over a new leaf, leave and never come back, just please spare me--" Another blast shot of Trunks hand and collide against King Cold. His body exploded from the detonation, leaving behind his charred remains. Trunks whip around and fire another blast at the ship, destroying it instantly. He sheathes his brave sword and returns to his base form.

"This boy is ruthless!" Crystalline said. 'But considering his opponents, I can't say I am too upset.'

"First Frieza, and now that guy. Oh man, I hope he's on our side!" Krillin said nervously.

"Not to mention that he didn't even break a sweat!" Tien said.

"Well he has to be, why else would he even fight Frieza?" Bulma asked.

"Perhaps to rid himself of the competition...!" Vegeta said.

Trunks finally turn his attention to the Z warriors. "Hey there! I'm going to meet Goku over here. You all can come along if you like," With that said, Trunks flew off in another direction. Hesitantly, the Z fighter followed suit.

The confines of the Capsule Corp ship was once again silent. Many of the ponies were green in the muzzle after Trunks finished his tale about Frieza and King old's defeat. "You all seem ill. Do you require medical aid?' 16 asked.

"No - *stomach gurgle* - we're fine... I think!" Cadence said. The fillies were each holding onto Gohan for support.

"Was that truly the only way to resolve things?" Twilight asked as her features went downcast. She hated the idea of ending someone's life for any reason.

"You will find that some beings are incapable of changing Twilight. We must not judge our friends on the nature of how they handle their issues," Celestia said in a comforting tone.

"It's rough Twily. But sometimes you just don't have tools like the Elements of Harmony or Rainbow Power. Sometimes you have to do whatever you can to protect all you hold dear," Shining said as he gave F.Trunks a nod in understanding. F.Trunks sent one back.

"Force is the only language monsters like Frieza understands. Frieza and his father made their choices and met their end because of it," Ember snorted.

"We get that much, but--" Rainbow trailed off.

"It just feels wrong to hurt somepony like that..." Fluttershy said meekly.

"We know you a good person Trunks. We're just not used to these-- Topics," Starlight offered.

Goku smiles at Twilight and the girls. "I'm glad that there is a place in the universe that doesn't have to resort to such extremes. Respecting life and showing mercy is not a weakness. It takes great strength to exercise them. I'm proud of you all," The girls all blushed at the praise.

"Yes, feelings. Choices based on morality. Blah, blah, blah. What's next?" Discord said. Many frowned at his attitude while other snickered.

"After that, we waited for Goku ship to arrive. I couldn't give out any information since I was from the future. And Chrysalis was persistent," F.Trunks said.

Trunks fidgeted as he found himself under the suspicious stares of the Z fighters. Everyone's gazes bored into him with varying degrees. Vegeta's was the most dubious of the lot. Although, his mother warned him that his father was a complicated man to get close too. However, he felt even worse when his mother and this new mother was sending him unsavory looks. The green haired woman sat close to him, fixing him an enticing smile, as she tried to coax more information out of him.

"So 'Trunks' can you tell me where you came from at all? I had no idea there was such a mighty warrior like yourself. Where were you hiding, hmm?"

"L-like I said, ma'am. I can't say..." Trunks did his best to hid his blush. He was also having trouble remembering this woman. His mother never mentioned she knew someone this beautiful like her in the future.

"Are you sure? I won't tell anyone~,"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Crystalline pouted as she leaned in closer.

"I can be very persuasive when I set my mind to it. If you don't do this the easy way, then we could always do this the fun way~,"

"Look, here comes dad!!!" Gohan exclaimed. A ship, much like the Saiyan space pods, crashes into the Earth. The Z warriors quickly made their way to the crash site. The door of the ship opens up, and a familiar face steps out. "DAD!!!" Gohan rushed up and hugged his long-lost father. Goku returned the hug as he greeted everyone.

"Hey everyone. It's been a while huh?"

"You bet buddy," Krillin said happily.

"Where have you been all this time?" Yamcha asked.

"More importantly, where did you get that ridiculous outfit?" Vegeta asked.

"Oh, this little number? It's the latest style on Yarjarat. But at least it's better than pink," Goku countered, Vegeta growls in response.

"You seem to wear it well enough," Crystalline spoke up. Goku stared at the woman in confusion before Yamcha spoke.

"Oh yeah, Goku, I would like you to meet my new girlfriend; Crystalline,"

"New girlfriend? So does that mean you and Bulma called it quits?" Goku said bluntly, causing Crystal to laugh.

"You could say that," Crystalline said.

Before things could go further off tangent, Trunks spoke. "Hey there Goku. It's nice to meet you in person finally. The name's Trunks,"

"Hey there Trunks,"

"This kid says he knows you Goku, but he hasn't told us anything beyond his name," Bulma said.

"That's weird. We just met," Goku said in confusion.

"That isn't the only thing that's weird! Here's what I want to know; how are you a Saiyan when there is only two of us left. Three if you count Kakarot's multi-ethnic son," Vegeta stated. Trunks found himself reluctant to answer.

"I know this is confusing, but I'll gladly answer your questions. However, it has to be you and you alone Goku," The other's spoke out in outrage about that until Goku placated them.

"Easy guys. I'll hear him out," the two moved a certain distance away from the group as they conversate. "By the way, thanks for handling Frieza,"

"Sure. Trust me; it was my pleasure. Now for the reason why I'm here. But first, can you turn into a Super Saiyan?"

"Huh? Yeah sure. At first, it happens spontaneously, but now I can control at will,'

"Then can you transform now?"

"I don't see why not... HA!!!" instantly, a golden aura burst from Goku's being as his hair turn blonde, and his eyes shifted to greenish blue. The others were taken aback by the sudden transformation.

"W-Whoa!" Chiaotzu said in awe.

"You said it..." Tien said, equally awe-inspired

"Haha, that's my dad," Gohan exclaimed, Vegeta gritted his teeth in frustration.

"Even from here I can still feel that immense pressure..." Crystalline muttered softly to herself.

"Welp, how's this?" Goku asked.

"Amazing! I forgot what it feels like from the outside perspective," Trunks prises.

"So what happens now, friend?"

"Now we'll both be Super Saiyans..." Trunks transformed next, shocking everyone including Goku."

"Oh man, hardcore!!!" Yamcha stated.

"Look at them, they're on fire," Krillin said in amazement. Vegeta' anger began to rise. Here was two Saiyans that both are mocking him with the one thing he has yet to achieve. Crystalline saw this and decided to poke some fun.

"Is there something bothering you Vegeta? You seem tense,"

"Quiet!!!" Vegeta replied curtly.

"I mean you can transform yourself can't you?"

"I said silence woman!!!"

Crystalline kept quiet but shot the prince one last grin. Goku and Trunks stood before one another with their Super Saiyan form blazing. Goku was shocked at the similarities. "...We're the same!"

Trunks expression turned serious as he reached for his sword. "Let's find out..." He pulls out his blade and rushes Goku. He swung his weapon down but stops short as Goku refused to move. "Why didn't try to dodge it?"

"I knew you wouldn't follow through after I searched your feelings,"

"Fair enough. But this time I'm coming at you with everything I have," Goku merely nods as he focused his power to his index finger. Trunks took this as confirmation and attacked Goku with a flurry of sword strikes. Goku defended against all of them, using his appendage to block the blade. Trunks finally relent and go back to his original position. Goku powers down and puts his finger away.

"So what's the verdict?"

Trunks powers down as well as he tosses his sword into the air. "No doubt about it. You're great. No, you're awesome!" The young man tilts his body and catches his sword in his sheath. "I'm sorry for all the secrecy, but I had to be sure, and I need your word that you won't repeat what I'm about to tell you,"

"No problem, but can you finally tell me what's up?"

"What I'm about is going to sound strange, But Vegeta is right. There are no more Saiyans besides you, Gohan, and himself. I get my Saiyan blood from him..."

"Wait... That means that--"

"Yes, Vegeta is my father. I come from fifteen years into the future!" As Goku snaps back from the news, Piccolo and Crystallin do the same. Unbeknownst to the group, Crystalline used her magic to amplify her hearing. "Two years from now on an island southwest of Metro-west two androids will appear May 18, 20XX at 10:38 a.m. They are monster Goku. That's the only description that fits them. They wage a campaign to wipe out all human life on the planet. No could stop them. All of Earth's mightiest heroes perished at their hands. They hunted everyone down one by one until it was just me and Gohan left,"

'That's - horrifying...' Crystalline taught as she listened.

"No way, where did they come from?"

"Do you remember the Red Ribbon Army?"

"Yes, I defeated them!"

"Yeah, well, their leader; Dr. Gero never forgot about that. He spent the last twenty years creating those things all for the sake of revenge. When he succeeded, the first thing his diabolical creation did was take his life,"

"You said they killed everyone in the future. Does that include me as well?"

"No. You died before. A few month from now, you will contract a new stead of a deadly heart disease. It took us all by surprise,"

"Darn it. I can't believe I die before I even get a chance to fight them," In the distance, Crystalline frowns as she heard that.

'He's going to die from heart disease and his biggest concern is fighting killer androids?' Crystalline thought as she sent a deadpan look in Goku;s direction.

"Even after hearing about how dangerous the androids are, you still want to fight them?"

"Well yeah."

"You are something else," Trunks then reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny vial of liquid. "Here, this is the cure for the heart virus. There's no treatment for it, but in the future, pretty much have it licked,"

"Neat, and it's grape favored,"

"I realize I shouldn't be doing this, messing with the timeline could have serious consequences. But I believe some events in history should change," Trunks smiled as he looks at Goku with renewed hope. "I'm glad I got to meet you Goku. Talking with has given new hope for the future. Together we can stop the androids and end Dr. Gero's twisted legacy!"

"You count on me. With this medicine, we just might have a fighting chance. Oh, and one last thing. If Vegeta's your father then who's your mother?"

"My mom? You know her quite well. In fact, she's standing with the others," Trunks said as he pointed to Bulma.

Goku instantly fell and shouted out by accident. "Bwahaha! Bulma's your mother?!?!?!"

"WHAT!?" Crystalline exclaimed as well. Everyone turned to her as a result. She sheepishly smiled as she thought of an excuse. "--Do you think they're talking about?"

"Who knows?" Piccolo said with narrowed eyes. Trunks bid Goku farewell as Goku returned to the group. "Did you have a nice chat with your friend from the future?"

Goku grimaces as he went to respond. "Piccolo--"

"Relax, I won't say anything to threaten the boy, but that doesn't mean we should die because we didn't know to commit to our training!" Piccolo then began to regale everything Trunks said about the future threat to the Earth. All the while Crystalline bit her index finger hard enough to draw blood.

'Who knew this world would turn to be worse then Equis!!! I have to make sure I survive!'

"So Dr. Gero spent all that time to build androids for the sole purpose of killing Goku!?" Cadence asked as everyone nodded. "That's disgusting! How can on pony hate another that much?"

"The Red Ribbon Army was a global terror a few years back. They were the largest, technologically advanced, and ruthless army in recent memory," Bulma said.

"We had multiple run-ins with when we were looking for the Dragonballs," Yamcha said. The Equestrians didn't know how to respond to that. How do you fight an army whose presence spanned across the world?!

"And Y'all beat them varmints when you were a little colt?" Applebloom asked.

"A lot of innocents were being hurt. I took it upon myself to stop them!" Goku said.

"Thus, their defeat gave rise to a new terror, carrying on the will of a madman," Luna spat.

"Honestly, what a rank amateur the good doctor was. Twenty years? Puh. Real vengeance is timeless," Discord stated. "But this does open the floodgates of new questions. Tell us 16; do you still want to kill Son Goku?" Everyone back away from the giant android. Some of the room occupants even tensed up and prepare for a fight. Specifically Spike, Trunks, and Scootaloo.

"It has always been my primary directive to ensure Son Goku's demise," 16 spoke honestly. Fluttershy was the only one brave enough to approach the android much to her friends chargin.

"Is that what you want to do 16?"

"Recent circumstances have changed. The threat upon the Earth has made that directive moot. Killing Son Goku now would be inefficient and pointless,"

"Yeah! Because Goku would kick your tin can!" Rainbow shouted.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy said indignantly.

"That summation is accurate. Son Goku's strength far exceeds my current capabilities,"

"Look, everyone, 16 had plenty of chances to kill me, and he hasn't yet. He took up the fight against Cell. And that alone means we can trust him," Goku said as he extended his hand to 16 with a smile on his face. 16 stared down in Goku's eyes for a few painful seconds before he took the gesture and shook his hand.

"I can't tell if this situation you have here is very wise or very stupid," Ember groaned out. Spike wraps his tail around hers in a comforting gesture.

"You can never tell when Goku's is concerned," Bulma joke. Fluttershy took 16's hand and led him away quietly.

"I know you don't want to say it. But I believe you've changed. Nopony that cares for the animals as you do can be heartless, Especially the birds," With a warm hug, Fluttershy returns to her friends, unaware of the smile that graced 16's features.

"Well darlings, I am interested about the warning and the two androids poised to harm. How did you combat them?" Rarity asked.

"We all met up on the designated day a few minutes before the time the androids were supposed to strike. However, there were some unforeseen factors we couldn't account for at the time," Piccolo eluded.

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