• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,806 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 2: Welcome Back! (Edited)

[The Lookout.]

Total silence was prevalent on top of the Lookout. The Z-fighters slowly came to grips with the new danger presenting itself. Each of our heroes seemed lost in their little worlds as they tried to make sense of everything. A week before, the Earth essentially implodes thanks to a void left by the Dragonballs. The same mystical orbs that continued to be a valuable asset are now the catalyst of imminent planetary destruction. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Goku spoke.

"There's no way around it. We have to leave the planet and retrieve the Dragonballs and Dende!" He said. This declaration seemed to have knocked the others back to reality.

"I agree with you, Goku, but that's not exactly an easy task," Piccolo said. "For one, we have no conceivable idea how far this planet is. We can't waste our time limit aimlessly wandering through space, hoping to get lucky. You said yourself that you went there by complete accident due to a cosmic anomaly. Another issue is that we would be leaving the Earth completely vulnerable to Cell. He could easily destroy the planet once he catches the wind of what's happening,"

"Well, uh, we could... Hmm?" Goku pauses as he went deep into thought. "I got it! I'll ask King Kai. I'm sure he knows where planet Equis!"

"Hey, that's an excellent idea. King Kai did say he oversees this quadrant of the universe," Krillin said.

"Ok, I have no idea what's going on," Trunks commented.

"King King is an old teacher of mine. It's his job to watch over the entire northern sector of the universe. I can usually contact him through telepathy. Let me give it a try," Goku stated as he closed his eyes and concentrated.

"Hmph, He doesn't sound all that impressive. His job is to watch a bunch of space dust. How praiseworthy," Vegeta sarcastically said.

"I wouldn't get so full of yourself since Goku slapped you around pretty good when you two first met, using my techniques I might add," Everyone save for Goku recoils at the disembodied voice.

"Wha-- Who's there?" Vegeta demanded.

"Don't bother looking around. I'm not there. I'm that little voice inside your head. We haven't spoken in a while," The sound of the voice chuckling began to irritate the Saiyan prince. "Hehe, sorry couldn't resist. Anyway, I've been listening in on your problem, and I may have the solution,"

"Great, anything you have will be a big help," Goku said.

"The Kai of the South Galaxy contacted me them moment you appeared on that planet. He certainly gave me an earful. Apparently, no one was allowed in that world. It's completely blacklisted,"

"What's the deal with that? I mean, is it illegal to travel to different galaxies?" Krillin asked.

"No, it's just for that particular planet. I tried to inquire further, but South Kai said that it's strictly South Galaxy business. And since I'm the North Kai, then there's nothing I can do. There is a lot of hush-hush operations surrounding that quadrant,"

"So you're saying we can't retrieve the Dragonballs or recuse Dende without causing a universal incident!" Trunks said.

"It seems that way. Don't worry, though; I'll get in contact with the South Kai and let him know of the situation. I'll contact you all in a few moments,"

"While King Kai does that, I'll try to solve the issue with our time frame," Piccolo stated.

"How are you going to do that, Piccolo?" Gohan asked. Piccolo smirks in response.

"Don't forget that the Lookout has many unique properties. Mr. Popo, follow me,"

"Of course, Piccolo," Mr. Popo said as the two walked inside.

"I guess all we can do now is wait," Gohan said.

[Planet Equis. Dragonlands, Ember's bed chambers, Third Person POV.]

Spike laid on the cushiest bed of all time. Even the mattress in his room at Castle Friendship paled in comparison. "I guess this is the perks of dating royalty..." He said. Ember's new dwelling stood at the heart of the Dragonlands. Ember felt a change would be appropriate for her reign as Dragon Lord. The castle was built from the surrounding stones and expertly crafted as per the Dragonlords specifications. Spike was lounging on his mate's bed for some time now after a terrible day of tutelage. Initially, along with Scootaloo, he was tasked with training the ponies of Equestria on how to access their Ki energy. However, Ember asked Spike if he could pass his knowledge amongst the dragons. Naturally, he agreed as long as he could pick who he deemed worthy of teaching. The progress had been slow, and the candidates were subpar at best.

"Another unsuccessful session?" A voice called out. Spike felt a sudden weight on his back. He craned his head to find his mate stripped of her armor and gently rubbing against his spines. "Your spines and scales feel so rigged like the roughest gemstone. You should relax more, my emerald flame,"

"Well, being a teacher isn't exactly easy. Especially since none of my students are capable of staying longer than a week," Spike sighed as Ember continued her ministrations. "Goku made this look so easy when I trained under him. So what am I doing wrong?"

"I suppose the method of accessing one's Ki requires a special kind of patience that most dragons don't possess,"

"Yeah, no kidding. Every Drake and drakina I've trained wanted the power so they could rule over others. Those were the ones I rejected immediately. And even when I gave some of them a chance, they would quit when they grew impatient. But you never had that problem,"

Ember paused as she lifted her left hand, and a light blue orb of Ki appeared above her palm. She smirks as the sphere dissipates, and goes back to rubbing his Spikes spines. "I never said I was like most dragons. Remember when Garble tried to study under you~."

"Don't remind me..." Spike grumbled.

"Oh come on, we both know that it was funny when he demanded that you teach him,"

"And I responded by knocking him all the way to Fire-Cano Island. You know I thought I was free of him after the tournament,"

"Be thankful you don't have to put up with reworking our political system from the ground up. Dragons can be stubborn creatures even when said stubbornness is holding us back. But surely you had more luck in training the ponies?"

"Only most of our friends. The royal guards are too set in their ways, and they don't take Scootaloo and me seriously since they were younger than they are," Ember stops her messaging again and taps Spikes' shoulder. She gets up as he turns around and straddles his waist. Spike took the time to admire her curvaceous form. He found it funny that a dragon's bits and pieces aren't on display unless they're in an aroused state. Ember leans down and pecks his lips. Spike wholeheartedly returned the gesture.

"If they cannot see your value, then they are not worth your time. Now, what do you say we spend some quality time~,"

"Just as long as your dad doesn't peak in on us again," This earned him a light slap against his chest.

[Castle Friendship.]

"Ok, Twilight, you just have to relax. Now focus on drawing you out, Ki," Scootaloo instructed. She was wearing a Wonderbolt jacket covering her red tank top with black and white track shorts. The alicorn of friendship, Princess Twilight, sat adjacent to her in a meditative stance. Ever since Goku left, Twilight has taken every opportunity she could to learn Ki energy. She also brought several magic suppressor rings to shut off her magic and make harnessing her Ki easier. She cupped her hands together and stared intently at the space between them. "That's it. I can feel your Ki surfacing," Twilight stuck her tongue out the corner of her mouth as sweat went down her brow. For a few seconds, nothing happened, but then a small yellow orb appeared in her palms. And thanks to the suppressor she was wearing, Twilight knew it wasn't magic.

"I did it? I DID IT!!!" Twilight exclaimed. However, in her excitement, her Ki shot out of her hand and out the window. A small explosion sounded off near the Ponyville market. And the distinct noise of panic made itself known. "...Oops..." She said sheepishly.

"Well, destruction and small-scale panic aside, You finally brought out your Ki energy,"

"I know, but I still have ways to go. Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are further along than I am,"

"Not by a much. Applejack can't fly. Fluttershy only uses her Ki to for healing purposes. Rarity didn't like the physical requirements, saying that 'A lady such as herself simply can't go around engaging in such brutish activities'" Both ponies chuckled at this. "Rainbow has trouble sensing Ki energy. And I'm beginning to believe it was a mistake teaching Pinkie..."

"But out of all of us, Pinkie has a better handle on it,"

"Yeah, but last week Pinkie prank Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity by dyeing their manes brown while they slept all in the same night, at the same time,"

A cold shiver ran down Twilight's spine. Pinkie could already perform fantastic feats on her own. Now that she can harness her Ki energy, she's even more unpredictable. "Oh dear, well, what about the Princesses?"

"They were interested in learning how to sense Ki energy. They are always so busy with running the country and all. That's all they had time to learn, " Scootaloo looked at the sun's position and let out a groan. "Great, I have to go to Canterlot and train the guards,"

Twilight arched a brow at this. "What's the matter? Are they still looking down on you?"

"Yes, but it's worse now since Spike is in the Dragonlands. I think they're just jealous that Spike's been the E.A.T champion four years running and me; the junior division for three years!"

"Speaking of the tournament, why didn't you participate this year?"

"It was getting too easy, and Goku always said that compacity is a martial artist worse enemy," Scootaloo lets out a forlorn sigh at the mention of her mentor's name. "I miss him, you know,"

"I know. Goku certainly made life interesting, and he's helped others as well," Scootaloo shifted her wings in response to that. "You know, Discord is still kicking himself for missing him," The mare giggled as they remembered Discord expression when they informed him.

"Hehe, yeah, his face was frozen in shock for a whole week!" The two could still hear Discord cry of self-loathing for missing such a prime chaotic event. "Pinkie still hosting the anniversary party tonight?"

"Yes, she is. Be sure to come back from Canterlot around 8 pm and try not to put any more guards in the medical wing,"

Scootaloo scoffed at this and stood up. "Maybe if they weren't such wusses that they wouldn't break so easily. They don't even attempt to us the gravity chamber you built in the training hall,"

"Well, I don't think they like the prospect of being crushed as you and Spike do. It still baffles me how you two can withstand that much pressure,"

"Pfft. It's not like 50 times normal gravity is something to brag about,"

"The room is set to go up to 100. That is already half, and you can move without any hindrance," Twilight said with a deadpan expression. Scootaloo waved her hand dismissively at this.

"I better get going. Just keeping working on your control," With Twilight's session concluded, Scootaloo flew outside and made her way to Canterlot. However, Scootaloo noticed the skies becoming darker until it resembled the night sky. "Whoa, what's going on?"

[The Badlands.]

The Badlands. A place located far beyond the Equestrian border near the west. The Badlands is not for the faint of heart. Most of the Vegetation has died off, leaving behind rotted out trees and dried dirt patches. Water is almost nonexistent, and any that can find is undrinkable. The wildlife has long since abandoned this barren wasteland. Only the fierce and mighty can prosper in this harsh environment. It has made the perfect home for a particular changeling queen that was making her grand return. Up in the skies, a tiny glint of light shined brightly. It burned with intensity as it came closer to the ground. The heavens themselves turned black as if to herald its arrival. A moment later, the light impacted the ground, and a grand explosion rock the Badlands.

The violent quaking finally settled, and two silhouettes appeared in the dust. One of them laid motionless on the ground. While the other slowly stood up from a kneeling position. The mare took a prolonged intake of air through the nostrils and exhaled out the mouth. A soft chuckle escaped from Chrysalis' lips before she threw her head back and burst out in cackling laughter. She could hardly believe it. The Dragon had brought her back to Equis. The changeling queen was finally free from all the hardships of her otherworldly adventures. No more evil space tyrants. No more genocidal androids, and best of all.

"No more Son Goku or his merry band of meathead, do-gooding, buffoons," She said with a triumphant smirk. But before she could celebrate further, another impact sounded off directly behind her. Chrysalis' smile grew wider as she turned to allow to see the imposing presence of Shenron. The Eternal Dragon shifted it's head side to side as he took in his new surroundings. He let out a small grumble before he spoke.


Chrysalis quirked an eyebrow at this statement. "What sort of effect?"

"THAT IS AN INQUIRY FOR ANOTHER TIME! I HAVE GRANTED YOUR WISH AND BROUGHT BOTH YOU AND DENDE TO YOUR HOMEWORLD! I MUST NOW TAKE MY LEAVE, FAREWELL!" Shenron said as his eyes glowed bright red. His form soon became engulfed in golden light before it broke apart into seven orbs. The spheres ascended into the air before stopping momentarily.

Chrysalis knew what was about to happen next. The Dragonballs were going to scatter across the globe as they always have done. While she did possess the dragon radar, which would make locating the balls an easy task, Chrysalis decided to ease her burden and leaped high into the air. She stretched her arm out and opened her palm. At that moment, the seven Dragonballs shot out in different directions. However, one of the Dragonballs landed squarely in Chrysalis awaiting grasp. She floated down gently as she eyed her prize. But the changeling queen found herself baffled at sight. The six-star Dragonball had not turned into stone. The glow the orb usually emitted was vacant, but she could still feel a dim power coming from it. Curiosity overwhelmed her at that moment, and she knew of only one being that held the answers. Fortunately, that person was already under her thrall.

Chrysalis then turns around to the small Namekian child, lying unconscious before her. "It looks like you and I will have a very lengthy discussion when you reawaken. But rest, for now, I shall take us to my humble little abode. I'm sure you will just love it!" Chrysalis said in a chilling tone. She levitated Dende off the ground and took flight. An evil glint shone in her slitted emerald irises. Soon she will everything she could ever dream of and more.


Spike and Ember were currently engaged in a furious make-out session after their latest romp. Ember pulls back with Spike's tongue held captative in her mouth. Spike sends her a pleading look, but Ember smirks and shakes her head. She dives back in and locks lips with him again. This intimate moment was the status quo for the two dragons as the years went by. When Torch found out about their union, he demanded that Spike proves his worthiness by searing him a healthy grandchild. In dragon culture, once two dragons become bonded by the promise flame, they must gain approval from their clan's elder members.

Rather than fight for acceptance. The pair is asked to give birth to a hatchling. That hatchling is then judged to ensure the Dragons have produced a worthy heir to uphold their respective bloodlines. If the hatchling is inadequate, then the pair is shunned by both of their families, and the offspring is left alone to fend for itself once it is capable of thinking for itself. Ember hated that aspect of dragon culture and vowed to change it. While Spike felt mortified, but the prospect of offspring intrigued both of them. But not per dragon culture, they wanted a family of their own.

Before either of them could start up for a second round, both of their eyes shot open. "...Did you feel that?" Spike asked.

Ember was silent as she looked out the window. "I'm not sure. Maybe it's nothing,"

"No look, the skies turned dark. In fact, it's pitch black outside,"

"Perhaps it's the Lunar princess?"

"Setting the sun at 3 in the afternoon? Unless it's a Nightmare, then I highly doubt Princess Luna did this,"

"Then what do you suppose--" Whatever Ember was going to say will never be heard as her voice died in her throat. The feeling she felt before suddenly grew in intensity. There was no mistaking it. What she was feeling was a massive power level. She turns to Spike, who was trembling slightly. "Spike..." She croaked out.

Spike didn't answer. He couldn't. He was too busy staring off into the distance where a pillar of light shot up into the air. "We need to go. Whatever this is, we're sensing it can't be good," He finally said. With a reluctant nod, Ember and Spike got off their bed and proceeded to get dressed. Ember donned her golden armor. And Spike wore his orange and blue gi. The two flew out the window and toward the disturbance. But before they could get a few feet away from the castle, a light shot past them with incredible speed.

"What in Tartarus was that," Ember asked.

"I don't know, but it came from that pillar of light,"

"And whatever that was, it landed on Fire-canoe island. We should proceed with caution," And with that, the two dragons altered their course and headed to the island in the hopes of solving this mystery.

[Canterlot Castle.]

"What does this mean, Princess Celestia?" A guard asked. The solar alicorn, Princess Celestia, had just concluded court for the day. However, a guard had come crashing through the doors. He alerted her of the strange phenomenon. And now, she stood outside the castle as they stared into the black sky. As she continued to watch, the sun princess could not help but wonder if the reemergence of Nightmare Moon was the cause. Thus, she ordered a pair of the solar guard to 'inform' Princess Luna of the happens taking place on instinct. Of course, she immediately regretted it and chastised herself for briefly losing faith in her little sister. Still, she hoped her sister would have some insight.

"Has my sister been informed of what's happening?" She asked.

"Yes, I have, sister," A familiar voice said. Celestia turns around to find her sister landing next to her. "While there is a small part of me that likes this sentiment. I can confirm that Nightmare Moon is not the cause of this. Other powers are at work here,"

Off in the distance, the ponies gathered around spotted a small orange dot rapidly approaching them. The royal sisters instantly identified the Ki signature as a particular purple mane filly came into view. "Princesses, look at the sky!" Scootaloo cried out.

"We know my little pony," Celestia stated.

"No, I mean, check out that light!" Scootaloo said as she pointed to the light source. The ponies watched in awe as the illumination
split up and out off in seven different directions.

Celestia and Luna gave each other a glance as the light show in the sky faded away, "Luna, send word to Cadence and Shining Armor. I will do the same for Twilight and the rest of the elements. We need to make preparations for whatever the future holds,"

"At once, sister, but let us hope it is not as dire as it seems," Luna replied.

[Earth, The Lookout.]

After several minutes of waiting, King Kai finally our heroes again. "Greetings, everyone. I hope you weren't waiting long,"

"Not at all, King Kai. So what's the score?" Goku asked

"It took a lot of convincing, but thankfully I manage to get South Kai to hand over the planets coordinance,"

"That's amazing," Krillin said excitedly.

"But here's the catch; you have to take a ship to that planet,"

"Um, wouldn't it be faster if I just used instant transmission to take us there?" Goku stated.

"No can do; for you to do that, you'll first have to teleport to the South Kai's planet. The problem is that whenever someone visits a Kai, they must catalog it. And South Kai was obvious that he wants this operation expunged from the record,"

"Just what is going on with this planet?" Trunks asked.

"I don't know, but we should head over to your mother's place and used her ship," Goku said.

"But wait, what about the time limit?" Gohan reminded.

"I have the answer to that..." Everyone whipped their heads around to find Piccolo rejoining the group.

"Whadda means, and where's Mr. Popo?" Krillin asked.

"As you all know and have experienced, the Time Chamber allows you to get a year's worth of training in one day. Mr. Popo is currently inside the Time Chamber. What we're going to do is extend the time dilation outside of the Time Chamber. Thus, slowing down the flow of time around the entire planet. No one won't notice the difference, not even Cell, and we will be free to leave the planet," Piccolo informed.

"Impressive. Coincidently, Planet Equis time flows that same as the Earth's. Slowing down Earth's time will put the two worlds out of sync," King Kai praised.

"Mr. Popo will activate the chamber once we set off to planet Equis," Piccolo said.

"Alright, first, I'll gather up everyone, and then we'll head over to Bulma's," Goku said.

"Yes, let's all crammed together in a ship for a cosmic road trip. I can hardly wait," Vegeta jabbed as he flared his aura. "If we're done wasting time here, I'll be at the woman's gravity room," And with that said, the Saiyan prince flew off.

"I'll head there with him. We'll see you when you've gathered everyone," Trunks said as he flew off as well. Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo all grabbed ahold of Goku as he put two fingers on his forehead. The group then flickered off the Lookout.

[Capsule Cooperation.]

It did not take long to bring everyone to Capsule cooperation. Tien, Yamcha, and Master Roshi were already waiting at Kame's House. The group was now discussing their plans within Dr. Brief's laboratory. After Goku finished explaining the situation to the others. Everyone was shocked.

"I-I can't believe it..." Tien said.

"I know... Why is it all the hot babes are evil nowadays?" Yamcha commented.

"Yes, because that is the number one concern we all have right now," Bulma chided before she let out a sigh. She was wearing a white lab coat and blue jeans. "I don't understand it. How did she make it here to Earth?"

"I think she somehow managed to hide on my ship. As a changeling, she can morph into different objects and people. She must've blended with my ship. Then once we got to Namek, she posed as a Namekian," Goku said.

"Now that you mention it, Gohan brought a Namekian child to the ship with Piccolo," Bulma said thoughtfully.

"Ah! That's right!" Gohan exclaimed.

"And once Porunga sent everyone on Namek to Earth, she disguised herself as a human," Piccolo summarized.

"And you were foolish enough to allow her to deceive you. What you couldn't tell who she was by her energy?" Vegeta mocked.

"It's not that simple. I wasn't able to sense any Ki signatures from any of the changelings once they transform into something else," Goku said.

"That might pose a problem," Piccolo said morbidly.

"What I don't get is why would she help us if she was evil?" Krillin asked.

"Isn't that obvious? She wanted the Dragonballs and had to get close to us to do that. That's why she fought alongside us this long. It was all a ploy to lure us into a false sense of security," Trunks said.

"This is all my fault. I was the one that took Crystal as my student and taught her martial arts. I also told her all about the Dragonballs. I made her stronger and doomed the Earth," Master Roshi said in a solemn tone.

"Hey, she tricked all of us. We have to worry about now is getting to Equis and retrieving the Dragonballs," Bulma said.

"Well, if you're all done sulking, I'd say we make preparations for liftoff," Dr. Briefs said as he came into the room. However, he wasn't alone. A more substantial man was following behind him. He has icy blue eyes, a red/orange mohawk, and gold hoop earrings. His clothing consists of a dark undersuit, with a lime green vest, green boots, and green handcuffs. A small Red Ribbon Army logo is sewn to his jacket's right side, indicating his creator's affiliation. However, Bulma and Dr. Briefs replaced it with a capsule corp logo. Everyone was instantly on alert at the sight of their former adversary, Android 16.

"What's that thing doing here!?" Yamcha demanded.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there. Android 16 is with us now. But the poor man was heavily damaged after a confrontation with Perfect Cell. So Bulma and I repaired him," Dr. Briefs explained.

"He wanted to join you at the Cell Games. But now he wants to join us in our Journey," Bulma said.

"How can we trust him when he was created to kill Goku? He stabs us in the back just like Crystal-- Chrysalis did," Yamcha argued. Bulma and Dr. Briefs winced at the accusation. They did not fully trust the android either.

"There is no reason to doubt your accusation. Dr. Gero created me for the singular purpose of destroying Son Goku," Android 16 stated as he fixed his gaze on Goku. "I cannot say that I have entirely abandoned that directive. However, I have my reasoning for wanting to help you save the Earth. I propose that we set our differences aside and work together in this endeavor," 16 then walked up to Goku and held out his hand. Goku walked up to him and accepted the offer. They stared into each other's eyes for some time before breaking off. Goku smirks at him, satisfied that they have a new ally.

"Alright then, it's all settled. Now, if you all will please follow me," Dr. Briefs said as he led the group out of the building and into the front yard. He then took a case out of his breast pocket and took out a capsule. Dr. Briefs pressed the button on top and threw it to the ground. Moments later, a poof of smoke and a massive circular ship stood at the entrance. "Behold. The Capsule Corporation Spacecraft No. 4!"

"Number 4? What happened to the second and third one?" Trunks asked.

"Well, Planet Namek blew with the ship still on it," Dr. said as he looked toward Goku. "And after a training mishap," He paused again as he stared at Vegeta. "I had to rebuild the old girl. Thankfully, I have kept my notes from the last time Goku visited Equis and made the necessary modifications for your voyage. Since Bulma is going with you, she will handle the piloting. I even left a surprise inside for our equine compatriots. However, I won't be able to stay in contact with everything slowing down on Earth. Godspeed to you all and tell Princess Twilight I said greetings," After He had finished explaining, everyone got on board the ship. Bulma pressed a button on the console, and several chairs and a baby seat rose from the floor. Bulma carefully placed the sleeping baby Trunks down while the others took their positions.

"Are you sure you want to come along, mom?"

"Are you kidding? Your mom is practically a pioneer in space travel. Plus, there is no way I would miss out on another chance to visit an alien world," Bulma said with excitement. Trunks smiled and took his seat. Bulma sat in the captain's chair and began the flight sequence. "Ok, stabilizers are set. Flight controls fully operational. Starting countdown 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH!"

The ship roared to life as it began its ascent into the skies. The landing gear retracted inside, and the vessel hovered just a few feet above the Capsule Corporation building. Suddenly, a white aura covered the ship and propelled it high into the air. Dr. Brief watches on with a smirk on his face as the spacecraft broke through the outer atmosphere. Gohan flew to one of the windows to see the Earth right below. He couldn't help but watch it with a child-like wonder. Piccolo, who was sitting in a meditative stance, briefly smirks at his friend before contacting Mr. Popo.

"It's time, Mr. Popo. Begin the process," He said telepathically.

"Right away, Piccolo," Mr. Popo responded. He was standing by the Time Chamber's open door and slid back a panel on the wall. A button revealed itself as he presses his palm down on it. The large hourglass on the side pulsed a bright green light that was followed by a translucent wave. The wave traveled outside the chamber doors and expanded beyond the Lookout. Soon, the entire planet became encompassed by a green dome that blended in with the ozone layer.

"Looks like we're good on the Earth's end," Goku said.

"That's good. I'm setting in the coordinates. Now I will activate the Chrono particle generator. At our current velocity, we will enter slip-space and appear right in front of Equis," Bulma informed as she typed in the procedure on the console. The white aura around the ship shifted into an orange hue. The vessel gained more speed as space around it started to distort. Electricity crackled violently before the spacecraft itself flickered out of phase. Traveling through hyperspace was an entirely new experience for the Z-fighters. Yamcha, Tien, Master Roshi, Gohan, and Goku all peered intently at the primary monitor. They marveled at the visual spectrum before them as they continued.

"This is incredible..." Tien said.

"You said it," Yamcha agreed.

"Beauty like this is a rare occurrence. Make sure you remember for the rest of your days," Master Roshi added.

Vegeta sat in his chair with his arms folded and eyes closed. He spared a glance at the sight before him and huffs. "I've seen better," He muttered. Piccolo did the same but kept his thought to himself.

"We're coming up on the planet. Now exiting slip-space," Bulma said. The ship rumble as it came out of hyperspace. There, just along the spacecraft's pathway, was Planet Equis.

"Whoa, check it out. It looks exactly like the Earth but brighter," Krillin said.

"I wonder where exactly Dende and the Dragonballs ended up?" Gohan asked.

"We're about to find out..." Trunks said as the ship began reentry.

[Castle Friendship, conference room.]

The royal sister's had for an emergency council meeting after the strange event earlier in the day. The Elements of Harmony, the Royal sisters, Discord, Starlight Glimmer were all present. The CMC was allowed to attend since they were already present within the castle and for Scootaloo's insight.

"So, what's the deal with the sky earlier?" Rainbow asked.

"It certainly was strange, darlings. It was so dark out that I thought it was midnight," Rarity said.

"As of right now, we do not know the cause of such a phenomenon," Luna said.

"I could make an educated guess..." Discord said as he pulled off the skin from his face to reveal the visage of Nightmare Moon. If looks could kill, Luna would have tried for 100 counts of murder from the death glare she sent Discord.

"Insolent cur! How can the Nightmare return when I am here before you!"

"I never said it was you, dear woona~" He teased as he pulls his face again to reveal another darkly toned mare that strongly resembled Rarity. This action caused the posh unicorn to huff in indignation.

"Discord enough! It is too soon to tell if another Nightmare has risen. What's more, is that the sun and the moon remained under our control. Neither my sister and nor Rarity is responsible," Celestia stated.

"Truth be told. I thought I felt something when the sky got all black," Applejack said.

"I did feel an enormous influx of magic," Twilight said.

"Not only that, but there was a tremendous amount of Ki energy too," Scootaloo added her input.

"The source of this disturbance originated near the Badlands. I had already informed King Thorax to be aware of anything suspicious. We will begin our investigation once Cadence and Shining Armor arrive," Celestia said.

"Oh, um, what about Spike?" Fluttershy asked.

"He is still in the Dragonlands, but I'm sure he's aware. It'd be impossible to miss what happened," Starlight said.

"I, for one, am excited about the latest turn of events. Such glorious chaos at play, and I get to enjoy it without any blame," The draconequus said with glee. Before anyone could chastise Discord for the inappropriate antics, Pinkie began to suffer violent body spasms.

"Whooooa... Now that was a real doozy. Hmm, it was more like a doozy I felt before, but it came back with friends and-- *GASP* --NO Way!" Pinkie exclaimed. However, no one could question her as she zipped out the meeting, leaving behind an outline of herself.

"She is so random," Rainbow said as she turned to her sister. However, Scootaloo said nothing as she jaw hung open. "Scoots?"

"G-gg..." She muttered softly. Everyone was beginning to grow concerned.

"What is wrong, my little..." Celestia began to say before she trailed off. She turned to her sister, who had the same look of shock on her features.

"Sister, could it be?" Luna asked.

"It might very well be the case, Luna."

"Ok, now I'm confused," Discord said as he took his scalp off his head and scratched his exposed brain.

"G-gg- GOKU!!!" Scootaloo screamed out while everyone recoiled. Scootaloo immediately flew out the window.

"WHAT!?!?" The girls shouted and ran outside as well, leaving Discord in the conference room alone with a bewildered expression.

"Who?" He asked to no one in particular. He snapped his fingers and appeared outside with the group. There, his jaw dropped at sight. Pinkie Pie had a pair of signal cones and a whistle. She was attempting to flag down a bright light that was coming closer by the second. Scootaloo hovered next to her. She was eagerly shaking her fist up and down in anticipation.

"Is it Goku?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's gotta be! Look at how excited Scootaloo is right now," Applebloom said. Finally, the light in the sky slowed down as it hovered behind the castle. The light dispersed, and a circular ship appeared in its place. It exposed its landing gear and settled on the ground. The commotion had caught the curious eyes of the town's inhabitants. Among them were a pair of fillies that quickly joined the CMC. But before the Princesses could order them back, the door unhinged and slowly folded out to the ground. Everyone waited with bated breath as they heard footsteps echo out from inside the ship. But, to their bafflement, the being they were expecting was not the one who emerged.

A spiky-head man wearing blue and white attire stepped out and made his way down the stairs. He had his arms crossed against his chest while his eyes remained shut. He reached the bottom of the stairs and lifted his head to view the landscape. What he saw took him by surprise. Vegeta was ill-prepared for this. He knew he was meeting an alien species, but he had no idea they would be from a little girl's children's book.

"W-what the--" His words seemed to be the standard theme of those around him. Amidst the pastel, technicolor equine bipeds, Vegeta spotted a being that will somehow, in some way, make him regret coming to this planet. He began to hear general murmurs throughout the crowd.

"Who is that?"

"He's not Goku..."

"Maybe they're friends?"

"I don't know who he is, but those muscles are amazing~."

That comment caused a shiver to go up Vegeta's spine. He instantly felt flush at the amorous advances. But he also felt a pair of eyes bearing holes in the back of his head. The ponies were shocked to see a female of the same species go down the ramp carrying a small foal in her arms. They could also see the glare she was sent to the man who grumbled in response. The baby began to stir from its rest and open its tiny eyes. The child stared at the equine beings in awe as they stared back. He started to make grab gestures toward the utterly adorable crowd.

"Aww, look at the little foal,"

"Is that what their females look like?"

"I love her mane, but that outfit is atrocious. I simply cannot let this stand!"

Bulma had mixed feelings about the crowd. She wasn't fond of the marshmallow purple maned pony at the moment. Nor was she happy about them hitting on her husband. However, she liked the reaction they gave baby Trunks, and she would be lying to her inner 8-year-old about being on this planet. Future Trunks came down next. Followed by Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Master Roshi. Their reception also brought mixed results.

"How many stallions does she have with her!?"

"I don't know some of them to look weird,"

"Why is that one so short?"

"Why does the other one have three eyes?"

"Why are three of them bald!?"

"The one with gray hair is cute~,"

"And check out the scars on the one in the orange. I bet he's a real bronco~,"

"Why bring the old geezer?"

Several things happen at that moment. Krillin, Tien, and Master Roshi all slagged that shoulders in a grimace at the comments they received. Trunks felt himself blushing up a storm and shying away. Yamcha had a coy smirk and straightened up his hair. More footsteps came from inside the ship. This time, the ponies took a step back at the big man walking down the stairs. He looked at them all with a neutral, stoic demeanor and seemed somewhat disinterested. They were about to start judging him when a sparrow bird flew around him. This action caught Android 16's attention, and he held out his finger. The bird landed on his appendage, and he smiled gently at it.

"Whoa, he's a big one, huh?"

"I wouldn't want to mess with him,"

"Look at the way he is caring for that sparrow. I guess he's a gentle giant,"

Piccolo finally emerged next. His eyes widened as many others did the same once they saw him. He knew out of everyone that he would get the most appraisal for his appearance. And true to form, the inhabitants did not disappoint him in the slightest.

"What the hay is that!?"

"He kinda looks like a slug,"

"Poor dear looks ill. Quick! Somepony go get Doctor Heartthrob!!!"

"An entirely new race!? Ooh, I can't wait to study him!!!"

Piccolo grumbled, much like Vegeta did earlier, and stood in line with the others. The ponies had reasoned that no one else would come out and slowly started approaching these new visitors. Once again, they heard the sound of footsteps. They gazed at the metal ship's doorway to find a boy with spiky blond hair and bluish green eyes coming down. He was the same size as any other Colt in Ponyville. Gohan features widened with curiosity at the masses in front of him. But his eyes landed on a group of fillies whose pupils sparkled the longer they stared at him.

"W-who is he?"

"He looks pretty nifty. He's wearing the same close as the slug guy,"

"I like his eyes,"

"I like his mane!!!"

Gohan tilted his head, drowned in embarrassment. He was undoubtedly glad his mother did not come with them. He would never live this moment down. However, his head snapped back up as he turned back to the doorframe. "Hey dad, hurry and meet everyone. I bet they'll be glad to see you," Everyone was confused by this proclamation. That is until they heard an unmistakable voice.

"Right behind ya, Gohan," The hushed whispers and chatter all ceased at that the sound of that very familiar voice. They turned their collective gazes at the doorway once more to find a man wearing that brilliant orange and blue gi. A small smirk adorned his face as he instantly spotted most of the friends he's gained here.

"Sister, is that who I believe it is?"

"Indeed so, sister. But what happened to his mane?"

The fillies could barely contain their excitement as they jumped in place. "IT'S HIM. IT'S HIM IT'S HIM!!!"

"Well, I'll be an apple dipped in caramel. Welcome back, partner!"


"Oh, I wish Spiky-Wickey was here for this,"

"So this is one that came here before. This little group is sure to spread oodles of chaos!"

"We gonna have the best Welcome back to Ponyville party EVER!!!"

"I'm sure your visit is more than just a friendly hello,"

"It will be great to go over my Ki development with you,"

Goku smiled down at all his friends as he gave them a salute. Despite the dire circumstances that brought him back to Equis. It was indeed a fantastic reunion. "Hey, everyone. It's good for you all again. Plus, I brought my friend as promised,"

Author's Note:

Goku and his friends have finally touch downed on Planet Equis. Old friends and acquaintances are overjoyed to see their favorite Saiyan friend make a grand return. However, what does Goku's return mean for planet Equis? Does it tie in with the black sky event? And what dastardly deeds are Chrysalis planning? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP: WORLD TOUR!

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