• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,806 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 9: New Equland Vandalism! (Edited)

Author's Note:

Wow, this took forever! But here's the chapter (In all it's unedited glory...) I'll fix that soon, but for now, enjoy.

Just to remind everyone, Applejack has taken to the physical aspects of Ki. She can't really fly or shot blasts.

Starlight is in the same boat as Twilight, being that she struggles with Ki because she is so magically gifted.

Pinkie's nonsense makes a little more sense since Ki can be explained. But she's still pretty random.

And Rarity is not a fan of physical activity beyond normal excise so she hasn't bothered to learn Ki energy.

[Abroad the Wind Breaker, Third Person POV.]

The crew members were making docking preparations as they came in for a landing. Trunks and the other’s were going their way down the ramp off the ship. Save for Rarity who had to make a last-minute wardrobe change before stepping into the country. The girls could barely contain their excitement about being in a nation besides Equestria. The view of the city was breathtaking.

“I can’t believe I’m standing in a different country,” Applejack said in amazement. “Feels like Equestria was all I ever knew, and I’m now stepping into the world for the first time,”

“I know right! We can see how other ponies laugh and plan parties. Oh, I wonder what their baked goods taste like?” Pinkie exclaimed as her muzzle started salivating.

"I wonder if I can factor this into my friendship lessons. It will be great to see how ponies from another country interact. I’m sure Twilight would like for me to catalog our experiences here,” Starlight said as she levitated a scroll and began writing notes. Trunks smile at their enthusiasm, but his attention shifted to the Spirit of Chaos who seemed to be mulling something over.

“Is there something wrong Discord?” Trunks asked.

“I feel as though I’m missing something important about New Equland,” Discord said.

“Discord, What did Ya do this time?!” Applejack said in a scolding tone.

“Well, I never. I merely said I’m having an off feeling yet here you are jumping to a conclusion already? You know Fluttershy would’ve given the benefit of the doubt,”

“For good reason. Everything you tend to forget comes back and bites in the keisters something fierce,”

“Puh-lease! Name one time!”

“Oh, oh! How about that one time with the plunder vines,” Pinkie brought up. Discord’s challenging face faded shortly after that reminder.

“Plunder vines?” Trunks asked.

“Twilight told me about them. They were these black tentacle-like vines with thorns covering them. They emerged from the Everfree forest. They threaten to cover all of Equestria, and they were immune to our magic, even Earth pony magic,” Starlight informed.

“Ok, but what does that have to do with Discord?” Trunks asked.

“Discord was the one who planted them back when Celestia and Luna ended his reign of chaos,” Applejack stated. Trunks raised a brow at Discord who harrumph in response.

“Well, it’s not like I did anything bad to this country...” Discord muttered.

“Whatever happens shouldn't matter as long as we hurry and secure the Dragonball,” Trunks said.

“Then let’s get Rarity and hurry back,” Starlight said.

“I’m here darlings,” Rarity called. out. She was now wearing a long sleeve black shirt and a red skirt. A matching Barret that sat on top of her head along with purple designing shoes. She had her mane styled down so that it appeared wavy from the front.

(Something like this, but in anthro form)

“Well, what do you think?” Rarity performed a little twirl for everyone. “Does it now say chic and elegance?”

Applejack snorted in response. “It tells me you're holding us up with your costume changes for no apparent reason,”

“Oh, trust me, darling...” Rarity said as she came down and hooked her arm with Trunks. The teenage Saiyan blushed at the contact. “...There’s plenty of reason. Besides, we are in the capital city of New Equland. Prance! You can’t expect me to go to such a refined city in just anything do you?” Applejack proceeded to roll her eyes at her prissy friend.

“Yes, yes. Flirt with your boy toy. Meanwhile, I’ll complete our mission and find our shiny orb,” Discord said as he pulled out a forked stick. He then threw it into the air and let it hit the ground. The stick had jostled against the floor before it settled. “There we are. The Dragonball is somewhere Northeast. It shouldn’t take--” Discord stopped talking as his eyes went wide.

“Um, Discord. Is there something wrong?” Starlight asked.

“I-I, um, I just remembered what it is I did here...” The other’s waited for him to continue, but Discord just continued to stand there frozen like the day he became imprisoned in stone.

“Would Ya like to share with the rest of us?” Applejack prompted.

“NO! I can’t be out in public like this!” The group became worried when Discord clutched his hands to his face while his eyes darted side to side.

“Discord. What do you mean? What did you do exactly?” Rarity asked.

“Are you a wanted criminal with a bounty on your head. Does the queen want you brought dead or alive?” Pinkie asked as she stood with a large net.

“THE QUEEN!!! I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HER! WHATEVER GAVE YOU THAT IDEA! I THINK I LEFT THE TOASTER RUNNING! HAVE TO GO, TA-TA!” Discord then grabs hold of empty air and proceeds to pull it apart, creating a large hole, and steps into it. The group stands there befuddled until Starlight speaks up.

“Discord come back! We need you to find the Dragonball!”

“I don’t know what just happen, but he left the stick,” Trunks said as he picked up said stick. “He stated that the Dragonball was northeast. Let’s just head in that direction, and hopefully, Discord will come back,”

“I just cannot fantom what his ties with the Queen are,” Rarity said.

“Probably nothing good if he ran off scared,” Applejack commented with a frown on her muzzle. The group all shrugged and began walking toward Northeast.

“Come guy and gals! We got a scavenger hunt to complete,” Pinkie said.

[Elite changelings POV.]

“The radar has picked up the orb. It is somewhere northeast of New Equland,”

“What should we do about the ponies that are also looking for the ball?”

“We watch them while in disguise. The boy cannot sense us that way,”

“Once we know where the ball rests, we shall claim it for our queen!”

“Yes, and we will make anyone pay for their impudence against the high queen,” With that said, each of the elite changelings morphed into different ponies to blend in. They calmly walked past the Wind Breaker crew members after allowing Trunks group to gain a good lead in front of them.

[Trunks Group.]

“You know, I knew that I would garner a lot of attention being a different species and essentially an alien in more ways than one. But I didn’t think it would be like this,” Trunks stated as he gestured the onlookers as their group continued on their path. Their eyes stayed fixated onto the Saiyan Teen, watching his every move.

“I’m sure that they’re just curious,” Starlight said. Their group passed by many civilians. All of whom stopped what they were doing to gawk at Trunks. The loud murmuring of the spectators constantly caused the girls ears to swivel. “This place is not Equestria or Ponyvile, so it’s safe to say that the ponies here are not used to random occurrences like a legitimate alien species suddenly dropping by for a visit,”

“You might be right about that, darling. Although I had expected a city as sophisticated as this one to know how rude it is to stare,” Rarity said with a small huff.

“Just as long as we can get to where we’re going without fuss. These ponies can gawk at us all they want,” Applejack said.

“Should we check the stick to see if anything changed?” Starlight asked. Pinkie, oddly enough, pulled the stick from her mane even though Trunks had it in his possession. With a cheerful smile, she tossed it into the air and let it the ground. The stick bounced off the field briefly, and this time it faced toward the north.

"North off the starboard bow," Pinkie said. As the group changed their path, the elite changelings were not far behind them.

"They changed their course,"

"The radar confirms that the Dragonball is in that direction. Why are we following them if we have a more accurate means of achieving our goal?"

"You are right, brother. We should just claim the queen prize before they ever get the chance,"

"Belay that action my elite guard," The familiar voice of their Queen telepathically speaking to them instantly caught the changelings attention.

"Our queen, what would you have us do?"

"I want to make things harder for our friends. My little escapade in the Minotaur Kingdom will take effect soon enough. And I thought to myself 'Why should the minotaurs be the only ones to express their grievances to Equestria?' I want some of you to pose as the Saiyan. The citizens must be very cautious of him right now. Let's give them a reason for said caution~" Chrysalis said with an undertone of psychotic glee.

"It shall be as you command," Chrysalis cut the link as five of the Changelings morphed into perfect copies of Trunks.

"So what is it we should do?"

"Spread out to different areas and cause as much bedlam as possible. Destroy some property, antagonize the ponies. Any crimes the boy is seen doing will hinder them and benefit us," The five copies quickly spread out and took off to different parts of the city. The other five continued on their way at a hastened pace, deciding to procure the Dragonball now, and headed to its location.

[Museum of Unique Sundries.]

The Equestrians and Saiyan stood in front of a large building structure. It took up to thirty feet while standing ten meters high. From the outside, one could see the various depictions on the stain glass windows. A statue of Queen Cream Puff sat in front of the building. The slick marble structure shone brightly in the sunlight. As well as the gold material used for the queens royal regalia. The statue was holding a small chest that was slightly open while its face wore a quizzical expression.

"It looks like the guidance stick brought us to this museum," Pinkie said.

Starlight barely suppressed the urge to groan. "Please stop calling it that. But how did the Dragonball wound up in a museum of all places?"

"It might've been sold here by a trader who happened upon it. It might be part of an exhibit," Trunks deduced.

"You're right about that partner. Look at this here sign," Applejack said.

"Hmm... "New addition; Orb of light on display for a limited time only," It sounds like a delightful little tourist attraction. But why is it only for a limited time?" Rarity asked.

"It could be that somepony paid a lot of bits to get their hands on something so out of this world," Pinkie giggled at her little joke, but her reasoning wasn't far off.

"We better get inside," Trunks said. The group barely took a few steps into the museum before they found a large crowd gathered at the entrance hall. Loud chatter echoed within the hallway as a cream toned, white-maned stallion in a smart suit walked in front of the patrons. He clapped his hands several times to gain their attention.

"Good day, good day, good day! It is wonderful to see so many purveyors with a keen eye for history and rare artifacts. I am Special Trinket. I shall have the honor of leading you through this tour today. You all are in luck. At the end of our tour is a brand new and glorious exhibit; The mysterious Orb of Light,"

"Excuse me, sir," Trunks called out. All the ponies turned towards him and immediately blanched at the sight of the Saiyan Teen. Trunks paid it no mind, but the girls winced at the reaction. "I would like to know more about the new exhibit," However, Trunks request went unanswered as everyone continued to gawk at him. The silence was almost palpable before the crowd of ponies began murmuring amongst one another.

"What manner of creature is that?"

"He looks odd. Did somepony go and shave a minotaur bare of its fur?"

"How can he see with those tiny eyes?"

"Is he part of the exhibit?"

The murmuring began to pick up in volume and gradually shifted into some less than pleasant terminologies.

"Why they'd let some furless freak show in here?"

"He looks like he belongs in a zoo. In fact, somepony should call them to check for runaways,"

"I bet those mares keep as an exotic pet,"

The girls were sandbagged by what they were hearing. These comments were something they'd expect from the nobility in Canterlot. Pinkie's mane lost its puffy volume and straightened out. Rarity frowned and shot a glare at any looking her way. Starlight glared while shaking her head in disappointment. Applejack clenched her fist so hard that the cracking sound echoed throughout the area. Trunks, however, ignored the comments thrown his way. He came here with the other's to complete a mission. A few slanderous words were not going to be enough to dissuade him. Unique Trinket realized that tensions were flaring and decided to intervene.

"I can see we have an eager patron in our midst. But fret not good sir, everything will be revealed during our tour. Let's get started shall we?" With that said, the museum tour began. However, five of the tourist made sure to give Trunks group a wide berth.

"The tour is starting. Are the five of you in position?"

[Stud Chester Bar.]

"I am standing in front of a bar right now. But won't it be suspicious that the boy is stirring trouble in five different locations at the same time?"

"It will not matter. The crowd in the museum regarded the boys' presence with great vehemence. If any more of the citizens complain about his actions, then the authorities will have to detain him. And by the time they figure out what truly happen, we'll have the Dragonball for our queen!"

"Understood. I'm stepping inside now," 'Trunks' proceed to step inside the bar. Immediately upon entering the establishment, the smell of hard liquor hit his nostrils. The bar itself was full of customers, some engaging in idle chit-chat, while others were simply drinking their troubles away. The bartender sat in front of counter casually wiping off a glass as 'Trunks' approaches him.

Without breaking away from his task, the stallion spoke up. "Pick your ailment,"

"What's the strongest drink you can give me. I want to celebrate and give a special toast to my queen," 'Trunks' said. This request was all an act before he sprang his move. Changeling can only get intoxicated from emotions, not drinkable substances.

"A marefriend huh? Well, I can set you up with the knob Wacker, but that's going to be..." The bartender finally decided to look up from the drinking glass and get a good look at his latest patron. To say that he was stunned was a gross understatement. "Uh, son, I don't know what in the hay you are but are you even old enough to drink?"

"Of course I am. What? Can't you tell by looking at me?"

"As I said, I have no clue what you are or how old? I already have the fuzz biting at my tail dock for a little mishap involving some prepubescent punk trying to score beer. So I'm going to need some ID, or there's going to be problems,"

"Oh, you're going to have a problem alright..." 'Trunks' mutter softly before he looked around the bar. He saw a group of burly looking earth ponies sitting near the back away from prying eyes. He then proceeded to stroll over to them. The other bar-goers finally noticed the extremely different creature in their midst. Some of them even did a spit take as 'Trunks' walked by their table. The mock Saiyan teen stopped in front of the earth ponies who were currently taking in the boy's features. After a few moments of gazing at each other, one of the earth ponies spoke up.

"What do you want you, limey blighter?" 'Trunks' said nothing as he shot the one who addressed him a smirk. Suddenly, his hand shot out to the mug the pony was drinking from and poured its contents all over the burly ponies face. The earth ponies two compadres quickly shot up to their hooves while the other customers fell silent. The now drenched earth pony glared at the boy before speaking. "Seems like we got a funny character 'here, boys. Let's show him our brand of humor!"

The other two earth ponies proceeded to flank 'Trunks' while others joined in. Undeterred, 'Trunks' let out a confident chuckle. "I hope you can deliver a good punchline because I know I can..." With tensions set to overload, the bartender could only grimace at the inevitable damage to his bar in the very near future.

[Trotter's Community Park.]

'Trunks' hovered in the air as he surveyed the scene below. Ponies of all kind was engaging, relaxing activities such as having a picnic or playing with a pet. Other's were jogging through the park as a workout routine. All around him, ponies were having a wonderful time. "I suppose it's time to break up this lovely scenery," A Ki blast formed in his hand as he spied his first target. The picnic basket that a family of four were enjoying. The explosion shot out of his hand and made a beeline for the wooden container. One of the foals caught sight of something approaching them.

"Hey, Mummy, what's that shiny ball?"

"What do you mean--" The mare was caught off as the projectile connected with the picnic basket. The family shrieked in terror from the sudden surprise. All the activity stopped as the smoke cleared to reveal the family covered in dirt and grime as well as various food bits from their basket. The foals began crying while the parents tried to find the culprit. 'Trunks' smirked as he eyed the jogger. He flickered in front of the stallion, causing him to jump back in fright, and grab hold of him.

"Hey! Let me go!!!"

"Relax. I just thought you could use a little refreshment to cool you off," 'Trunks' then hoisted the stallion up and flung right into the lake. However, before 'Trunks' could rejoice on the latest bout of tyranny, 'Trunks' felt movement through the air. He frowns and snatches the offending object from the sky. It was a squeaky ball.

"Oi. Why don't Ya bugger off you furless quim!" Several ponies stood a few feet away from him. Each of them held an object, ready to deal out mob justice to their assailant.

'Trunks' cracked his knuckles and slowly advanced on the crowd. "You certainly have a mouth you. I guess it falls to me to teach you some manners,"

[Back at the museum.]

The tour went on as planned, but the jocular comments to Trunks were beginning to wear on the Equestrians nerves. The girls would try and focus on the display while keeping an eye out for the Dragonball. Their patience was dwindling with each passing second. It also did not help that five group of ponies seem intent on rallying Trunks up by making an obscure remark each time Trinket talked about an exhibit. The girls were especially put off by Special Trinkets inability to reign in the rude comments. The only thing that stopped them from lashing out was Trunks himself.

"If I so much as hear one more monkey comment, I'm not going to be held responsible for what I do to these varmints!" Applejack seethed.

"I really must learn to see the rumors I hear about extravagant countries and its citizenry. These ponies make the nobles at Canterlot pleasant company," Rarity said in disgust.

"The tour is almost over," Starlight reminded as she glared at the five group of hecklers. "But say the word, and I'll take a page from Trixie's book and turn them into teacups!" Starlight hissed.

"Are you alright Trunks?" Pinkie asked.

Trunks broke away from the latest exhibit to address Pinkie. "Believe it or not, comments like--"

*Cough* Freak *Cough*

"--those hardly affect me when I compare it to the hardships of my time. It's kinda funny to see that people behaved like this,"

"As long as you are fine, darling," Rarity said.

"Now we get to the piece de resistance of our tour," Special announced. The group was lead into a large room that looked pretty plain. However, there in the center of the room was the prize our heroes sought after; the Dragonball. It rested on a podium with a lavishing red pillow underneath it. "Behold... The Orb of Light!"

[Whiny Stable Guard post.]

Secure Reigns has found himself in a crippling funk. The stallion was fresh out of the academy and looking to add some excitement in his life. "What better way to find excitement than join her majesty's royal guard force..." He said. But his short tenure as a guard was anything but fulfilling. From mundane paperwork filing to rudimentary tickets, all hopes of seeing action in his career plummeted with each passing second. Now here he was; operating the x-ray machine and scanning everyone that came into the station. The most boring post for a newbie like him. He had his muzzle in the magazine as someone walked through the scanner. With a groan, he got up as the scanner picked up a trace of metal and went off. He kept his eyes on the wand as he performed his task.

"Sorry about that. I guess I got something on me,"

"Would you please remove all metallic objects you may be carrying; keys, loose bits and--" It was at this moment that Secure reigns decided to make eye contact with the pony, or rather 'person,' seeking entry. As he took in 'Trunks' bizarre features, only one sentence went through his mind. "Holy Shi-- Argh!?!" Faster than he could react, 'Trunks's fist shot out and sent the newbie guard crashing into the other room. All the other's were instantly alerted to their unconscious coworker.

'Trunks' walked inside with a Ki blast at the ready. He fired multiple blasts throughout the station. Each of them destroying many appliances and the building structure. Some of the law enforcers tried to respond only met a blast to the torso for the trouble. Soon the station was litter with the sound of groaning from the incapacitated guard ponies. 'Trunks' smirked at his handiwork and turned to leave. "Get off your flanks and do some guard work," He said as he took off.

[Back at the Museum.]

The group of ponies gazed upon the Seven Star Dragonball with awe, having never seen anything like it before. They marveled at how a faint glow and hum radiated from the orb. Trunks and the other's were getting slightly antsy. Their objective was in sight, but they could not act just yet. Meanwhile, Special Trinket continued to narrate on how the ball came into the museum's possession.

"It was quite amazing actually. The museum owner, Sprocket Collector, came in with this orb shortly after the skies turned dark. He claimed that it fell from a golden light. He could only describe it as otherworldly," No one notices our heroes shift about uncomfortably at that. "He said that "This orb is a beauty we must share to all of us!" He's very dramatic like that,"

"Why is it only here for a limited time?" Trunks asked. Many regarded his question with disgust.

"..Yes, well, the Queen has always been a purveyor of our fine museum. And she saw the light clear as anypony else. Once she has got wind of our new exhibit, she quickly ordered the orb to be added to her collection. Her guards will pick it up later today before the museum closes,"

"If only they could escort a certain monkey to the zoo as well!" Someone commented as the other guest laughed.

Rarity finally had enough. "Urgh! All of you are nothing but brutish miscreants. You all judge Trunks, who is a fine young man, based solely on his looks? You're all truly contemptible!"

"Please! He's just some overgrown ape!"

"And you're just a shallow, ugly, waste of a pony, but you don't hear us announcing it," Starlight stated. "Sorry, I believe I just did," This rebuttal caused the crowd to sneer at our heroes.

"Trunks had a hard life, and it will take more than some mean words from you jerks to make him feel bad!" Pinkie added.

"Not to mention he's a better pony than Y'all could ever be without even trying!" Applejack joined in.

"Ha! Look at these mare's defending their pet," One of the stallions said as he walked up to Rarity. "A mare like you shouldn't waste her time with barn animals,"

Rarity immediately went to smack the offending stallion, but to her surprise, the stud caught her wrist. Trunks eyes narrowed slightly. Not only at the stallions actions, but at how the way he grabbed Rarity's hand. 'His hand almost flickered to catch Rarity. There's something more to this guy..." He thought. However, Trunks put those thoughts down as he saw Rarity begin to wince. Instantly, he flickers to her side and grabs hold of the stallions hand. The sudden movement of Trunks frightened everyone; expect four other stallions and the Equestrians. The horse releases Rarity and stares down Trunks.

"Got something to say ape!" The stallion seemed undeterred by Trunks sudden appearance and grabs onto his tank top.

"Yeah, Back! Off!" Trunks applied enough pressure to the stallions hand to show him that he's not to taken lightly. The pony, in turn, grips Trunks clothes tighter. Before a brawl could break out, Trinket spoke up.

"Now see here, this is a fine public establishment, not a street brawling vendor if you want to butt heads like uncivilized savages then take it to the local bar!"

Both Trunks and the stallion let each other go at the same time. The stallion smirk at the teen and walks out with four different's following behind him. Trunks glare at the group as the girls come up behind him. "Something's not right about that group," He said without looking at them. Our heroes then proceeded to exit.

"I know, they were mostly the ones making those remarks about you. But that shouldn't matter now. We need a plan to get the Dragonball," Starlight said.

"Not to worry, I've got the perfect plan," Pinkie said as she pulled out blueprints to the museum.

"Pinkie, where did you--" Trunks began to ask before three sets of hands covered his mouth. Applejack, Rarity, and Starlight all shook their heads very slowly. Trunks nodded in understanding and let Pinkie go on.

"Right. So we only have a few hours before the museum closes. According to these blueprints, there will be guards stationed at the entrance hall of the Orb of a Light wing. Trunks, you're up first. You have to create a distraction to lure them out. There an uninhabited room southwest of the building. A nice Ki blast should do nicely,"

"Uh, Pinkie, I can't go around destroying--"

"Next, while the guards rush outside, Starlight will teleport us down the corridor from the main. Special Trinket will be making his way outside to make sure the Dragonball is unharmed. It will be up to Rarity to distract him,"

"Forgive me darling, but won't it seem suspicious that I show up right after an explosion. That would implicate me in the theft," Rarity argued.

"Hmm, you're right. That's why Starlight will teleport us before the explosion and put a quiet spell around Special Trinket's office. Then you'll keep Trinket there using your powers of seduction!" Pinkie said with a wiggle of her eyebrows

Rarity features went aghast. "I beg your pardon--"

"Phase 3, Starlight, Applejack and I will head for the Dragonball. Applejack will stand guard at the entrance while Starlight will work her magic to reveal the hidden laser grid,"

"Why would there be laser?" Starlight asked.

"Shh, finally, using my amazing acrobatic skills, I slip past the laser grid and swap out the Dragonball with this regular baseball," The group looks at Pinkie with a bemused expression.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that plan of yours won't work," Applejack said.

"Aw, why not?" Applejack merely points to a chariot arriving in front of the museum. Special Trinket quickly ran out with the Dragonball in tow as a regal looking pony steps out of the chariot. They engage in small conversation before Special Trinket handed him the Seven Star Dragonball. The regal pony presents a small chest of bits and gems as compensation. Then the regal pony goes back into the chariot and drives away. Pinkie's face fell as she saw this. "Well, I'm out of ideas,"

"Now we going to have a harder time retrieving it. But at least we know where it will be this time," Trunks said.

"Maybe now's a good a time as any to speak with the queen," Applejack said.

"I don't see a way around this one. We'll have to fall back to our original plan and claim we're here on a friendship mission from the princesses," Starlight said.

"I suggest we get something to eat before we do. I'm feeling peckish. And~ It just so happens that a lovely little diner not far from here," Rarity said.

[A few hours later.]

Our heroes were casually having lunch in the diner that Rarity recommended. However, unbeknownst to our heroes, the same five group of ponies stood on a rooftop adjacent from the dinner. They silently observed our heroes as five different thumbs went off behind them. They turned around to see five copies of the Saiyan Teen. Each of them bore satisfied smiles on their faces.

"You all completed your objectives?"

"Yes we I have. I went to the library as Trunks and tip over the back shelves. They all fell like dominos,"

"And I vandalized a barnyard market store. They'll be cleaning produce off the ceiling for weeks to come,"

"Hey! The boy is looking this way! Morph to another disguise!" The copies did as they instructed and quickly changed into different ponies. They watched the diner window with trepidation as Trunks tried to scan the outside. Starlight asked him what was wrong, but their voices came across as muffled from the outside. Trunks turned back to the group, and the changelings sighed in relief.

"It's time to remove the Saiyan from the picture. Notify the guard ponies. Tell them that the furless menace is eating at a diner," The changelings nodded and flew off to the nearest station. Enough time has so that everyone was aware of Trunks misdeeds. Acquiring the Dragonball from the Queens possession will be child play. And by the time they realized what genuinely happen, they would have already left for the hive.

[Inside the Diner.]

"Trunks, darling, are you sure everything is alright? Why were you staring so intently out the window?" Rarity asked.

"I dunno. I thought I caught a glimpse of something out there. But I guess it was nothing," Trunks replied.

"We should finish up and meet with the queen. Call it a gut feeling, but I want to skedaddle before that issue at the museum happens again," Applejack said.

"Yeah, those ponies didn't know what they were talking about at all! it's a good thing these ponies are way nicer," Pinkie said as she waved at the diner workers who in turn waved back, albeit, a little hesitantly.

"To be honest, the ponies here have been rather off-put around us," Starlight brought up.

"Well, they at least know how to keep their complaints to themselves," Rarity said.

"I think better leave now. The last thing we need is someone calling the authorities on us," Trunks said. The girls all nod in agreement. They left some bits for the food and walked out the diner doors. However, what was greeting them was a mob of angry citizens as well as the local guard.

"Look! There's that scoundrel!"

"He's the blighter that wrecked my bar!"

"He terrorized the community park!"

"He destroyed-- MY CABBAGES!!!"

"W-what!? What's going on?" Trunks asked in complete bafflement.


"I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! WHAT DID I DO?!" Trunks shout over the sea of angry voices.


"WAIT! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Pinkie hollered.




"I hate to say this everypony, but they ain't lying. I don't know how or why, but the law ponies are speaking the truth!" Applejack confirmed.

"But I can't be in multiple places at once; I don't know that technique, unless..." Trunks trailed off as his eyes went wide. "...Unless someone can change their form and frame me!"

*GASP* "Chrysalis!!!"

"...Yeah-- we got played. I can't fight these guys. And she's no doubt making her way to the Dragonball as we speak!"

"What do we do?" Starlight asked. The mob of ponies was growing more unstable as time progress.

"The only thing I can do is surrender to the guards. You girls have to warn the queen and get the Dragonball before she can!" The girls begrudgingly agreed to his request as Trunks moved to the front of the mob.

Trunks got on his knee's and placed his hands behind his head. The guards were hesitant to move in. For all they knew, this could be a ploy to lure them into a false sense of security. Tentatively, the guard captain approached Trunks with handcuffs and an inhibitor ring. Trunks and the captain stared each other down for what seemed like eons until the pony finally worked up the nerve to subdue the young Saiyan. The cuffs secured Trunks wrist. And the inhibitor ring rested on his finger. Although the ring was pointless, Trunks decided that it was best to make everyone feel comfortable about his capture.

The crowd immediately began to cheer now that the menace that plagued them is no longer a threat. Praise of gratitude swipes through the streets as Trunks entered a chariot. The scene before the girls was unbearable. Trunks were every bit a hero as they ever seen. Here he was, being treated like a common thug, while others enjoyed it. As much as they wanted to help their friend, they could not afford the distraction. Chrysalis has made her move, and they needed to act now. The girls all nodded to each other and went their way to the Queen. Hopefully, they can complete their mission and prove their friend's innocence.

[Elite Changelings POV.]

The changelings watched the scene below with rapt attention. Their plan has gone off without a hitch. And Trunks was being taken into custody thanks to their exploits.

"Trunks is now out of the way!"

"Let us proceed to the castle,"

"We'll get there before the Equestrians now that the boy can't stop us!"

"For the glory of our queen!" With that said. The changelings no longer had any need to restrain themselves and made a beeline for the palace of Cream Puff. As they took to the skies, none of the insectoid beings notice a pair of yellow and red eyes on the wall behind them as they flew off. A talon and a lion's paw popped out of the stone wall. The two appendages grabbed at the crevice that connected the wall and the roof and pulled it upwards. Discord steps out of the newly made entrance with a frown on his face.

"Uh! I was hoping not to get involved here. The last thing I want to do is speak with her," He said as the chariot hold Trunks sped off. "But those lousy bugs made a mess of things. Time to visit an old-- Acquaintance," He said with a shudder as snapped his talon claw and disappeared from the roof. In a flash, Discord found himself standing before a mahogany door with a golden handle for a knob. He took a deep breath and turned the knob. He stepped inside a lavishing room; similar to the ones found in Canterlot. Discord looked around the room and saw the one pony he hoped never to meet again. She was sitting in front of a dresser with a pink bathrobe while brushing her mane.

"Hello Cream Puff," He said, startling the mare. Cream Puff spun around and tossed the pointed end of her bush at the intruder. There was a sickening piercing sound followed by a thud. Cream Puff slowly got up and examine the form writhing in pain on her floor. Her eyes slammed opened when the light hit Discords face. "A-amour...? W-why? I-I thought we had something-- *GASP* --special..." His hand reached out for her, slightly trembling before it went still. Discord's eyes glazed over and rolled into his skull. Panic filled Cream Puffs being as she knelt down to the fallen chaos spirit.

"Oh! My darling chimera. What have I done? I will not let you depart without knowing the taste of your lips once more," Cream Puff closed her eyes and slowly made for Discords lips. The old chaos bringer quickly shot up and pushed her away.

"Urgh! Cooties!" Discord said as he summoned a bar of soap to scrub his mouth. Cream Puff sport a cute pout.

"I have not been in your company for what seems like ages, and this is how you respond to my affections? Dizzy, I'm hurt,"

"Puh-lease. As if a black-hearted temptress like you could feel emotions,"

"Better than a cranky old conglomeration of body parts. Are you sure you even have a heart?"

"Of course I do. My best friend Fluttershy tells me I have a wonderful heart,"

"Who is this Fluttershy? I thought you told me that chaos could not be tied down!"

Discord sighed at her reaction. This conversation was what Discord wanted to avoid. "Listen to me, Cream Puff. This visit is purely professional. A friend of mine has gotten into trouble in your kingdom, and I need a pardon from you to bail him out. I know you must have questions, but I am short on time. There are forces at work that are giving me the shivers. So just do as I ask, and we can get on with our merry little lives,"


"Done? Just like that?"


"No hidden agendas? No bargaining or anything of the sort?"

"I don't recall you being this jaded. I will do this favor for you. No questions asked," Cream Puff got up from the floor and went back to her dresser. She pulled out a clean sheet of paper along with a quill and ink. "Who am I making this out too?"

"His name is Trunks," Cream Puff arches a brow at the name whereas Discord merely shrugs. The letter is written out and stamped with a royal seal. Discord looks the letter over and nods gratefully.

"Everything is in order. Thank you ever so much Cream Puff," Discord turned to leave, but Cream Puff pulls him into a hug and purrs suggestively at him.

"I'm sure your friend can wait a while in processing while we catch up on old times. Sadly I do not have our favorite champagne at the moment. But we can make do without it~."

Discord snaps his finger and teleports out of her grasp. "Sorry, this can't wait. And before I forget, make sure you keep a close eye on any new treasure you may have gotten recently. You may be having company shortly. Ta-ta," And with that said, Discord teleports out of the room.

The girls were quickly making their way to the palace as fast as their legs could carry them. When all of a sudden, Pinkie's eyes went wide as she felt a sudden surge of energy. "Girls! We got to hurry. I feel like ten ponies moving to the place fast!"

"Ten? Does Chrysalis have more ponies helping her?" Starlight asked.

"How can that be?" Rarity asked.

"She might've gotten to the changelings. It doesn't surprise me none that she managed to sink her mitts into them again," Applejack figured.

"Oh, of course! She would try and re-establish herself as the changeling ruler. Not to mention this is how she framed Trunks," Starlight said.

"Everypony grab onto me," Pinkie ordered. A deep scowl was donning her muzzle. The girls huddled up while Pinkie closed her eyes in concentration.

"Uh, Pinkie? What the hay are you--" A popping sound cut Applejack off, and the next thing the girls knew was that they were standing in a beautifully designed room. Applejack took in her surroundings before she turned to her grinning pink friend.

"What? It was just the instant transmission technique that Goku showed us,"

"...I think this may be the only time where Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie makes sense,"

"I know right,"

"Never mind Pinkies antics for now. Look at this magnificent room. It's fit for a princess!" Rarity exclaimed.

"A queen to be more precise," A voice corrected. The girls whipped their heads around to find Cream Puff with arm arms crossed against her chest. She tapped her hoof against the floor as she stared at the Equestrians with a bemused expression. "So, whom do I owe this uninvited visit to my private room?"

"Yes, this room most certainly befits the specifications of a queen," Rarity said sheepishly. "Oh, forgive us, your majesty. But we're on a mission of the utmost importance!"

"Would this mission pertain to Discord visiting me? Or perhaps my acquisition of the Orb of Light?" The girls all paled at this.

"Dagnabit Discord...!" Applejack hissed.

"Queen Cream Puff, I realize that you may have a strained relationship with Discord, but we desperately need that orb for a friendship mission!" Starlight pleaded.

"A friendship mission? I will remind you that this is not Equestria. We hold different standards here. Now I have several different ponies breaking into my palace for an important mission, yet nopony notified me in advance? I'm afraid you girls are going to have to explain in exact detail as to why I should comply!" Cream Puff stated.

"I know you want the truth your majesty, but we simply don't have the time. Some ornery varmints are heading this way. They're going to cause a heap of trouble if we don't get the Dragonball out of here!"

"Dragonball? Is that what it's called? Who are these intruders that seek steal the Dragonball?"

The girls looked between one another as they debated about revealing more information. "You see, Chrysalis has returned--"

"--Chrysalis? The same Chrysalis that Celestia herself slew? I am in no mood for jokes," The girls could tell that her patience was running low.

"I know how this sounds, but--"


Loud crash silenced the room as ten insectoid beings came swarming in Cream Puffs bedroom. The girls formed a defensive wall in front of Cream Puff. The elite changelings glared down the ponies as one of them went to speak. "Surrender the Dragonball!"

[Whiny Stable Guard Station.]

Trunks let out an exasperated sigh as he sat in a small room with a single light fixture above his head. Two ponies sat in the room with him. One was a heavy-set earth pony stallion with a gray bread, and the other was a female unicorn with glasses. The earth pony had a large vein protruding from his forehead as he tried to extract information from the Saiyan Teen.

"Not such a big shot now, are you? You little punk,"


"You see this badge?" The stallion gestured to the badge on his uniform. "It means I'm the law around here. And what that means is that I don't allow upstart little punks like you just walk into my town and wreck the place! Now, where is your little gang hiding?"

"I don't have a gang, sir,"

"Oh really? Then why do I have reports of a pony fitting your description terrorizing the good citizens of this fine city,"

"Don't you think it's odd that I attacked different locations at the same time?"

"Perhaps he is right, sir," The unicorn spoke up.

"Please. Having a gang of monkey quintuplets in is not unheard of Lieutenant!"

"That's specist, sir!" Trunks stated.

"Criminals don't get any rights once they break the law. Didn't they teach you that on the planet of the apes?" The guard said.

"The Earth has very high standards regarding the law," Trunks said.

"Oh really? And where is this 'Earth' located?"

"In the North Galaxy,"

"They speak Equish on Earth?"

"I believe the word you're looking for is 'English,'"

The earth pony interrogator then stood up and slammed his palms against the table. "EQUISH, MOTHER BUCKER, DO THEY SPEAK IT?"

"CAPTAIN!!!" The Lieutenant cried out.

"I'm beginning to wonder if you understand it," Trunks snarked. Before the captain could respond, Discord appeared in the room wearing a blue suit with a white shirt and pink tie.

"Hold It! Any further questioning against my client will result in immediate repercussions!"

"W-what? Who are you?" The captain demanded.

"Ace Attorney! And I'm here to take this young lad,"

"On whose authority!?"

"Why, the highest in all the land according to this pardon," Discord hand the letter to the lieutenant who quickly read it over.

"It's legit, sir. Here's the queen signature with the royal seal to top it off,"

"Now let's get out of here," Discord said.

"I couldn't agree more," Trunks said. He stood up and quickly broke the cuffs. He slid the suppressor ring off and proceeded to walk out the door with Discord. The captain and lieutenant stood stock still; entirely sandbagged by the events.

"How does it feel to be a free man again,"

"I wouldn't exactly say that considering I just got a free pass. How did you get that pardon? We thought you left,"

"How you wound me Trunks? I would never abandon my friends on this noble mission. As for the pardon, I simply called in favor,"

"From the queen of Equland?" Trunks shot Discord an incredulous look before the spirit of chaos groaned.

"Alright fine! We were an item once. There, happy? Instead of judging me, we should be helping the others. Those changelings are probably there by now,"

"What!? Then let's go!" Trunks quickly shot off into the skies and headed for the palace.

"Wow, thanks for helping me Discord'" 'Oh no problem, my young angsty friend,' What does it take to get some appreciation around here," Discord grumble as he followed behind Trunks.

[Back at the Palace.]

"Surrender the Dragonball now!" The Changeling ordered. The ponies watched the group of Changelings warily as they tried to come up with a strategy. However, Queen Cream Puff had some words to share.

"You lot are courageous trying to sneak a peek on the most powerful mare of this country. I cannot say I admire your forwardness,"

"We severe a more powerful leader than you! Relinquish the orb! We will not ask again!"

"So Chrysalis is alive..." Cream Puff muttered. "Yes, well, I have grown quite attach to the Orb of Light so that you will be getting nothing from me!" Just then a small squadron of twenty guards rushed into the room and outnumbered the invaders.

"Queen Cream Puff, please stand back! We'll handle this!" The guards all slowly advance on the Changelings who in turn watched them with disinterest. "ATTACK!" The guards lunged forward as the changelings responded in kind. The fighting commenced, but it quickly became apparent that the insectoid intruder's vastly overpowered Cream Puffs defenders. Seeing this, Cream Puff grabs hold of Rarity's hand.

"All of you come with me now!" She ordered, the girls wasted no time and followed the queen as she went out of the room. With a huff, she slammed the door shut and continued down the hall.

"Your majesty, where are we going?" Starlight asked.

"To my treasury! Does the Dragonball grant the user some untold power?"

"Well, in a sense, but you must gather all seven to utilize their power," Rarity answered.

Cream Puff stopped dead in her tracks. "There is more than one?" Rarity grimaced as she realized her slip. Cream Puffs eyes dangerously narrowed as she turned around and picked up her pace. The girls exchanged uneasy looks while continuing on their path. More guards ran past them to expel the intruders. Cream Puff spared them a glance as she kept moving through her palace. "Will they continue to attack if the orb is gone?"

"I reckon they'll come after us once we got it. That ball is the only reason they're here," Applejack figured. Cream Puff elected to stay silent as they finally stood in front of the Treasury. She opened the doors and went inside. The rested on a similar podium much like it did in the museum. Cream Puff grabbed it and went back to the girls.

"Here it is, girls," Cream Puff said as she presented the Dragonball. Rarity went to grab it, but Cream Puff pulled away instead. "Let Celestia know that in light of today's events; I will be seeking an audience with the Sun Princess. I have been lied too and attacked in my own country because of her secrecy. That is an insult a queen will not stand for in any shape or form!" The girls nodded in agreement. Things have gotten far too out of hand, and the queen is now paying for it. Starlight grabs the ball, but as she did, a Ki blast flew past them and into the treasury. Starlight barely managed to shield everyone from the explosion.

"We'll be taking that Dragonball now!" The changeling said while holding a battered and unconscious guard by the throat. He threw to the side, causing Cram Puff to scowl, and stepped in front of the group. "If these guards are your only defense then this will be quick and painful!"

Applejack snort and walked forward with Pinkie joining her side. "If Y'all looking for a tussle than we'll be happy to oblige,"

"Yeah! We have a special way of dealing with party crashers!" Pinkie said with a confident smirk.

The changelings all chuckled before one held up his palm and fired another blast at the group. However, to their surprise, Applejack caught in her palm. The attack struggled against her grip, causing her to wince before it stopped altogether slightly. She then reared her arm back and tossed the energy back at the changelings. Another changeling quickly swatted it to the side, resulting in the wall beside them to explode. Dust and debris filled the hallway until the changelings produced a shockwave that blew it all away. However, their eyes widened in shock when their gaze fell onto a certain pink pony. She wore a manic smile while the insectoids stared down the barrel of Pinkie's trademark party cannon.

"You want to party? Then let's Par-Tay!!!" Pinkie's hand glowed as she slams her hand on the button. Ki powered confetti blasted out of the cannon and contacted with their attackers. The explosion shook the castle. This action left an even enormous hole in the structure than the last attack.

"I'm sorry, but I thought the reason I gave you the Dragonball was to prevent further destruction!!!" Cream Puff shrieked.

"She's right! I'll teleport us back to the ship. Thank you for your help Cream Puff," Starlight said as her horn lit up. The girls vanished in a flash of light just as the changelings recovered. They looked around to find that the girls and the Dragonball were no longer there. Cream Puff gazes back at them with an irritated and contemptible expression.

One of the Changelings pulled out the Dragonball radar and activated it. "They've returned to their ship! After them!" The changelings ignited their aura and shot out of the castle. Queen Cream Puff watched them fly off before turning back to the destruction her visitors have left in their wake.

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" A voice called out. Cream Puff let out an exasperated sigh as she turned to the portly stallion running towards her. "Are you alright? What happen? Why--"

Cream Puff silenced him with a wave of her hand. "Steward. I want you to assist the damage we've taken! Notify me of any guard casualties and prepare transport to Equestria as soon as you are able! I will have words with the Sun Princess!"

"At once, your majesty" Cream Puff began to walk away until Steward calls out for her again. "My queen! You must look at this!"

With another sigh, Cream Puff turns around. "What is it now, Steward? I--" She trailed off as she saw all her guards were up and about with no injuries what's so ever. The extensive damage was also completely repaired. "But how?" She asked. But then a champagne bottle appeared in her hands with a note attached to it. It read--

A token of my appreciation. Sorry for the mess.

Signed Dizzy.

"Hmph! Cantankerous old crone~" She muttered sweetly.

[Trunks POV.]

I didn't have any more time to spare. I felt several Ki signatures in the direction of the palace. The girls were fighting off whoever set me up. I was about to gun when I felt the girl Ki energy disappear and reappear behind me. "Good. They're back at the ship. Which means I can deal with all of now!" I said as I turned around to find the local vandals. This fight was my first encounter with a changeling undisguised. To be honest, they looked like a picture a seven-year-old would hang up on the fridge. "So you must be with Chrysalis?"

"The Saiyan is free!?"

"That's right! Now, where is she!?"

The changelings chuckled at me demanded. They channeled their magic in morphed to what I assume was Chrysalis's changeling form. It was a stark contrast to the light blue chitin these guys had. "Why I'm right here, Trunks~," They spoke in unison. "You are a fool if you believe you can stop our queen. Let alone us!"

"How about we find out!"

I charged forward as the changeling reverted into their original forms. I reared my right arm back and thrust my fist into my first target. The Changeling manages to block while one of them attacked from behind. I threw my leg back and scored a hit in his stomach. The changeling in front tried to throw a roundhouse to my midsection. But I grabbed hold of his leg and spun him into his comrade. Unfortunately, this allowed the other's to dogpile on me. They forced into the ground, and four of them held my arms and legs. The other six remained in the air, hovering right above me. They pooled their power together and created a giant ball of Ki. My eyes widened in shock at their intentions.

"Are you insane!? You'll wipe out your comrades!"

"The only one that will die is you, Saiyan!" The massive ball of destruction came barreling towards us. And right before it struck, I felt the other changelings let me go. The blast engulfed me in a brilliant explosion as everything turned white.

"The Saiyan is gone. Now let's reclaim the Dragonball!"

"I wouldn't be in such a hurry if I was you!" The changelings gasp in shock as they turned their attention back to me. That blast was pretty intense, but it was nothing my Super Saiyan form couldn't handle. My body radiated power as my golden aura flared brightly. The changelings said nothing as they landed on the ground. They seem to study me for a moment before slowly surrounding me. I prepared to attack, but then the insectoids did something unexpected. They morphed into the forms of Earth's defenders. Specifically, there was two of each copy. Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Master Roshi. Two of them even had the gall to transform into my mother. What was more shocking was the fact that I saw them take their fighting stances.

"We're done playing around!" 'Tien' told me.

"Your demise is at hand!" 'Mater Roshi' said.

"At the hands of your friends no less!" 'Krillin' stated.

"We know all the techniques of your companions!" 'Yamcha' informed me.

"So be a good boy Trunks and make this easy for mommy~," My 'mother' said. I narrowed my eyes at that. And decided to take out the mimicry of my mother first!

[The Windbreaker Third person POV.]

The girls reappeared on the deck of the Windbreaker. Their sudden appearance frightened everyone aboard as the girls reoriented themselves. "Urgh! Long distance Teleporting always frazzles my coiffure!" Rarity said as she adjusts her hair.

"Whew-nelly! Those Ki blasts sting something fierce," Applejack said as she waved her hand back and forth. "Thanks for the backup Pinks,"

"You're welcome," Pinkie chirped.

"But what about Trunks? We never told the queen what happened!" Rarity reminded.

"All taken care of my prissy friend," Discord said. The other's saw him lounging on a fold-up chair.

"Discord! Where did you go?" Starlight asked.

"Well excuse me for dealing with some personal issues,"

"What did you mean by you taking care of it?" Rarity asked.

"Simple. I called in a favor and bailed Trunks out. It's an interesting story. Perhaps I'll share it with Fluttershy?" Discord said.

"Then where the hay is he know?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, he's busy fighting those changelings we met at the castle," Pinkie said nonchalantly as an explosion went off in the distance.

"We have to help him!" Rarity exclaimed.

"I'll go back and bring him here. Have the ship ready to go by then! Take the Dragonball for safekeeping," Starlight said as she handed Rarity the ball and vanished in a flash.

Trunks found that dealing with his mother doppelganger was met with some difficulty. Mostly due to the fact of how surprisingly agile they were. However, his mother lacked any martial arts skill what so ever. Thus, making it easier to contend with them. He sent a shockwave that knocked them off balance. 'Krillin' drove in with a high kick to the temple that proved ineffective to the mighty Super Saiyan. But he wasn't alone as the other 'Krillin' backed him up. They launched a flurry of rapid strikes, but Trunks was able to defend against them with ease. The 'Master Roshi's' came up next as they clasped their hands together.

"Kamehame-HA!" Trunks eyes slammed opened as the two beams came his way. He stuck both his hands out while the two 'Krillin's' jumped back to safety. The twin attacks met against Trunks' hand and struggled for supremacy. In the end, Trunks won out and sent both of the attacks into the air.

"They can copy their moves as well? This situation just got harder," He thought. Trunks felt a presence behind him and saw both of the 'Yamcha's' moving in. One held his left wrist with his right hand. And the other was poised in a strange stance.

"Wolf Fang Fist!" He called out as he blitzes the young Saiyan with movements resembling a wolf. Although Trunks is vastly stronger than the real Yamcha, he never fought against him. Therefore, he was hard pressed to dodge the assault. The other 'Yamcha' focused his Ki into his palm until a small orb of energy manifested.

"Spirit Ball Attack!" He said as he thrust the orb toward the two fighters. Trunks lands a right cross that sends the fake Yamcha flying. He turns just in time to dodge the attack. However, 'Yamcha' commanded the attack to return to its target through a series of hand gestures. As Trunks was busy dodging, the two Tien's hovered above his position. They had their hands forming a triangle while all six of their eyes focused on Trunks.

"Kikouhou!" They called out. A wall of Ki energy rained down on Trunks who was still evading the Spirit Ball. The Super Saiyan Teen glances up at the oncoming attack as an idea formed in his head. He dodges yet again, but, as the offense passed him, Trunks kicks Yamcha's attack into Tiens, result in the tremendous explosion thus far. It was so grand that no one noticed Starlight teleporting onto the battlefield.

The light pink unicorn mare let out a shriek at the display of power. "Trunks, we have to leave!" She yelled, but the roar of the explosion muffled out her pleas. One of the Master Roshi's sensed Starlight's Ki and contacted his brothers telepathically.

"Brothers, one of the ponies have returned for the boy!"

"Then we can use her to our advantage!"

"I know just the technique," The fake Master Roshi slowly crept up to the unsuspecting unicorn as the explosion finally died down. He rubbed his palms together and gathered his Ki. "Time to scream little Mare. Lightning Flash Surprise Attack!" A stream of green electricity shot out of his hand. The attack collided with Starlight who hollered out in agony.

"AAAAAAAH!!!" Starlight screamed in perhaps the worst pain she ever felt.

Her screams notified Trunks as he saw Starlight suspended in the air by the attack. "NO! LET HER GO!!!" He roared. However, Trunks dropped his guard which allowed the fake Krillin's to flicker in front of him.

"Light's out! Solar Flare!" The entire area became engulfed in a blinding flash of light. Trunks found himself defenseless as he took the full brunt of the Solar Flare. During the attack, 'Master Roshi' canceled his technique and morphed into Starlight. The other copy had Starlight away as the Solar Flare dissipated. Trunks braced himself for the worst. It was the perfect chance to take him down. But the attack never came. He slowly opened his eyes to see the copies converging on Starlight on ground level. Trunks placed himself between the clones and Starlight.

"Starlight, why are you here?" Trunks asked.

"I came back to get you. We have the Dragonball and the ship's ready to leave. I can teleport us out of here," She replied.

"That's no good. These guys can teleport too. They'll just dog us every step of the way. Go back and leave if you have too, but I'm ending this now!" If Trunks had turned around, he would've seen the malicious smirk coming for Starlight.

"That's too bad Trunks.." She said as gently places her hand on his lower back.

Trunks look back to see Starlight smiling at him oddly. "Huh? What are you--" Whatever Trunks was about to say was cut short as 'Starlight' blasted a hole right through the Saiyan Teen. Shock and betrayal displayed on Trunks his face as he fell face first to the ground. Pain riddled his body, and his breathing became heavy. His Super Saiyan powers left him shortly afterward. He slowly turned his gaze upwards towards a wickedly grinning Starlight. "W-why...?" He asked. He got his answer in the form of Bulma carrying the real and knocked out Starlight. This time Trunks looked nonplussed. "T-that's impossible! I-I felt her Ki behind me! You c-can't..."

"Yes boy. We can mimic Ki energy signatures! It's a good thing this little filly came back for you. Otherwise, we would be hard-pressed to attain the Dragonball from your party," 'Bulma' said as she threw Starlight next to Trunks. She then morphed into her while another retook the form of Trunks. All the Changelings chuckle before they teleported away. Leaving an unconscious unicorn and a mortal wounded Saiyan on their own.

[Back at the Windbreaker.]

"Well, the fireworks stopped. I'd say Trunks took care of our changeling problem," Discord said with a yawn.

"Then why haven't they returned?" Rarity asked. She occupied her time by pacing a hole in the deck.

"Oh hey, here they come now!" Pinkie exclaimed. Sure enough, both Trunks and Starlight appeared on the deck.

"Well, there handsome. You're a sight for sore eyes," The captain stated.

'Trunks' rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "It's good to be back honestly,"

"It's a good thing I came along when I did. Those changelings were nothing to sneeze at," 'Starlight' said.

"That means we can head home. I'm plum famished after all this treasure hunting," Applejack said.

"Yeah! I got to plan a 'Succeeded in the Scavenger Hunt' party when we get back!" Pinkie said.

"Speaking of which, where is the Dragonball?" 'Trunks' asked.

"It's right here darling," Rarity said as she presented the seven-star ball. Trunks walked up and practically snatched the orb from Rarity's hands. Rarity huffed in response. "Well, that was certainly uncouth!"

'Trunks' and 'Starlight' menacingly chuckled which earned concerned looks from the others. "I'm sorry. It's just that after all the effort we put into acquiring this orb for our queen..." 'Trunks' began.

"...We never thought that you would just hand it to us personally," And 'Starlight' finished. Discord had an exclamation point appear over his head at their phrasing. But he was too slow to react as 'Starlight' flicked to his position and backhanded him of the airship. 'Trunks' fired a Ki blast at the elements, forcing them to evade, as panic erupted in the docking bay. The two dropped their disguises and teleported away.

Applejack was the first to recover. "Those no good tricksters bamboozled us!"

"B-but where are Trunks and Starlight!?" Rarity asked with fear in her tone.

Pinkie closed her eyes and focused on finding her friends. She then popped out of existence and popped back in with her friends in tow. She gently laid them down as Rarity and Applejack rushed to their side. "Somepony do something! Trunks' is hurt real bad!!!" Pinkie cried. Discord teleported back on the ship with an ice bag over his left eye.

"When I get my claw on them -- *OW* -- I'm afraid my magic can't simply restore him back to full strength thanks to his resistance to it. He'll have to settle for a low-level healing spell," He said as he frowned at Trunks wounded state. "I must say that you are quite durable though!" With a snap of his talon, Discords magic went to work. Starlight regained consciousness and Trunks had a soft yellow glow over his form.

Rarity took his hand and gently caressed it as Trunks tried to speak. "What is it darling?"

"They can-- They can m-mimic..." The simple task of speaking proved too much. Trunks blacked out from his injuries, leaving his friends confused on what to do next.

[Elite Changeling POV.]

Flying through the skyline, Chrysalis's elite warriors made their way back to the hive castle. "Our queen, we bring important news." They said telepathically.

"What is it my Elite?" Chrysalis answered.

"We have dealt a decisive blow against your enemies and attained the Dragonball in our possession!"

"Excellent work. Truly splendid! Soon we shall have the world groveling at our hooves. Return at once!"

"By your will, we obey!"

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