• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,418 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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Tea, Coffee, and Chrysalis

Tea, Coffee, and Chrysalis

When morning arrived, Queen Nymph felt full of energy right as she woke up. The sun was shining and she opened her window, relishing in the cool breeze and the gentle light. It was beautiful mornings such as this that sometimes made her wish her kingdom was never underground in the first place. She let out a bit of a song and as she expected, an interested bird landed on her hoof to join in, providing her with an early breakfast. After taking a bath, she retrieved one of her cloaks in the closet and she looked over herself in the mirror to ensure everything was perfect. As the day went by, she met with many more changelings working in the palace, some she even recognized from back home, and felt a little more comfortable being away from Bugartha. In order to spread the word around the palace, she told everyone she met about a special surprise coming up later that day.

All she needed to do was pass the time until then. Celestia was getting royal business done and Luna was asleep, so she had nopony to keep her company. She still needed to practice her teleportation so she could visit Ponyville in an instant, but Nymph did not feel like practicing such difficult magic. Because she was in a good mood, she knew exactly what she would do to occupy her time. From one of her luggage bags, the changeling pulled out her typewriter and set it in front of her, getting to work on her novel immediately.

“Come on, Glistening. After all we have been through, don’t you trust me?”

The muscular stallion turned away from her, unable to handle those pleading eyes Cicada liked to use on him. “This is much different than everything from before. We’re going to be walking straight into changeling territory and you will be having me in chains.”

“It’s the only way I can get you in without raising suspicion. How else are we going to look for the one who framed you?” The mare gracefully ran a hoof across Glistening’s back. Just feeling his stiff muscles made her feel aroused as she thought about another stiff area.

Unable to resist any longer, the pony gave in to her will. “Are you positive it will work? I’ve got a real bad feeling about this.”

Cicada, sensing his reluctance, gave him a reassuring hug. “You bet! Everything will be all better before you know it!”

Over time, she managed to complete her chapter and happily set it aside, eager to show off to Rarity later. Nymph glanced over at the clock and noticed that it was almost eleven. She couldn’t focus on writing anymore as she was too excited with how the day was going to go. Chrysalis would show up, everything would be normal, the ponies and changelings in the palace would be more welcoming to her, and over time, the rest of the nation would follow. No doubt even Celestia would be impressed by her intelligent plan and impressing her was something that always delighted the changeling.

Thinking about Celestia suddenly made Nymph snap back to reality. She had not spoken with her since the day before and there was something she needed to remedy at once. The queen quickly hurried out of her room after hiding her things and made her way to the throne room. Navigating the palace, she reached the double doors and found Celestia within, perched on her grand throne across the room. Nymph had to admit that the design of the room, covered with multiple stained glass windows and several banners hanging from above, was truly a sight to behold.

Celestia looked at her, smiling. “Good morning, Nymph. I hope you slept well.” She stood up and leapt from her throne, landing gracefully before Nymph with the help of her wings. “I was just on my way out. Would you care to join me on the way to the dining room?”

“I would be delighted.” Only because she was a changeling could Nymph sense Celestia’s small feelings of impatience and worry. Celestia obviously knew how she could read her emotions no matter how deeply she hid them, but perhaps chose to act calm only in front of her guards to keep them from getting worried. Nymph was hesitant, but she could not afford to wait. When they were alone in one of the halls, she said, “Celestia, there’s something I would like to say.” The alicorn did not reply, only looking at her in expectation. “I deeply apologize for keeping my plan from you this whole time and to suddenly tell you last minute.” Nymph stopped to watch for some sort of reaction, but Celestia’s expression had not changed. “I can understand why you’re furious, but what else could I have done?”

“You could have told me earlier.”

“But you would have stonewalled me just like the other times!”

“And you really believe that just dropping this entire plan of yours, one that could potentially endanger Chrysalis, on us would suddenly make it any better?” Nymph could not come up with a reply, nor could she break away from Celestia’s hard gaze. “I know you care a lot about her,” Celestia continued in a much gentler voice, “and that you miss her more than anything in the world. I know exactly how that feels. However, this is a delicate issue that requires careful coordination. How much thought have you exactly put into this?”

“Plenty!” Nymph was sure that she did, but the way Celestia looked at her made her doubt herself.

“I hope so. In any case, Chrysalis has chosen to go forward on your plan and this is the only reason I am allowing this visit.” Celestia, to Nymph’s surprise, then brought a wing around her and pulled her into a firm embrace. “Nymph, you and I are friends and I do not see a need for us to go behind each other’s backs. Promise me you will never pull this sort of stunt again.”

Wrapping her forelegs around her, Nymph said, “I promise.”

“Good. I believe it will be in our best interests to work together on this. Right now, let us hope Chrysalis can keep on her best behavior. She can still be quite a troublesome changeling.”

When they arrived at their destination, they both took a seat. The dining room was a long room with a very long wooden table in the center of it, covered with white table cloth. Today, only one end of the table was being used with Celestia sitting on one ending and the other two mares of royalty sitting on each side of her, but Luna was currently absent. The Night Princess should have been asleep at this hour, but she was desperate to be at Chrysalis’s side for such an important event. A servant placed down a tea cup on top of the small plate in front of Queen Nymph before filling it with a small amount of tea. She thanked him and remained seated, craving to get a small sip of her drink. However, she couldn’t afford to enact such uncouth behavior in front of Celestia or any of the other ponies. The many servants remained standing against the wall of the dining room, waiting for the rumored special guest of honor to take their seat right next to Nymph so they could serve them.

Minutes passed in complete silence. Nymph wondered why they were taking so much time, but she busied herself by using her magic to keep her tea hot. She could sense Celestia’s anxiety as well as the impatience and curiosity radiating from the ponies behind the princess, but Nymph herself was completely relaxed. Right as she finished heating her tea, she could hear the sounds of chains rattling from behind the doors on the other end of the room. “Splendid,” said Celestia. “She’s here at last.” The servants all turned their heads to the double doors opening up and when they were opened fully, they all let out a gasp.

Every pair of eyes was on Chrysalis being escorted into the room by Princess Luna, holding magic chains that connected to the shackles on her legs. When Chrysalis was brought to the seat besides Nymph, Luna unlocked the shackles and freed her. “Is there any chance I could get this removed as well?” Chrysalis asked as she pointed to the ring placed over her horn.

“I’m sorry, but you know the rules,” Luna answered as she magically discarded the bindings. “Maybe if you continue your friendship lessons, we can discuss allowing you more freedom.”

“Should have known.” Chrysalis took a moment to look around the room, avoiding her gaze from meeting those of the servants. “Oh, how I’ve missed being in a castle. It certainly beats that little prison I’ve been living in. Speaking of castles, I have heard that young Twilight has one of her own now. Just from hearing of how it looks, I’ve been dying just to lay my eyes upon it.”

Nymph scooted closer to her. “That will have to wait for another time. For now, how about some tea and some quality time with your friends?”

“I would be delighted.” Each mare lifted up their cup to drink except for one.

“Is something the matter, Chrysalis?” asked Celestia.

Chrysalis picked up her cup and turned it upside down. “My cup is empty.”

“Is it? Accept my apologies. I will fix this at once.” Celestia turned toward one of the servants, who was a pink pegasus filly with a brown mane. “Would you kindly pour our guest a drink?” Every other servant stepped away from the maid holding the teapot. She violently trembled on the spot, unable to pull her eyes away from the big changeling staring at her. Nymph didn’t even need to use her senses to realize that this pony was already on the brink of cracking. “Please?”

The maid at last took a step forward with the teapot she carried in her wing loudly rattling. It took a bit of time before she stood right next to Chrysalis, leaning over the table. “I would only like a little,” Chrysalis requested politely. They could hear the pegasus’s intense breathing as she slowly tipped the teapot over the cup.

“I CAN’T DO THIS!” The maid threw the teapot into the air and dashed to the window. She jumped through the glass and flew off, screaming into the horizon.

Everypony stared in silence at the hole in the large window. “I…just asked for tea.” Chrysalis looked toward the other servants. “Was I out of line?”

The princesses and queen saw how the servants trembled and sweated as they looked at Chrysalis. Some changelings looked more surprised than anything, but everypony else looked like they were going to cry or pass out from fear. Defeated, Celestia said, “You are all excused.” The staff all hurriedly exited the room and closed the doors behind them, leaving the royals to themselves. “Accept my sincerest apologies, Chrysalis. I honestly believed they were better behaved and could handle such a simple visit.”

“It’s not your fault. Your ponies are notorious wimps.” Chrysalis took Nymph’s cup and poured some of her drink into hers. “So is that it? I was really hoping this would work, but after that little scene, I can’t imagine we’d want to continue this.”

Nymph took a sip of what was left of her tea to ease her mind. Just a simple tea visit caused hysteria in the palace, so she didn’t want to think of what would happen if Chrysalis was seen out in the city. However, she couldn’t call it off. She already expected there to be some problems and she had to press forward, or else there was no point to making any of these plans and all she would have accomplished was wasting time. If she failed now, Celestia would never give her another chance. “One pony overreacting is not a big deal, although it makes this tea visit pointless.” She set her teacup down. “Tia, we need to have Chrysalis be seen by the public.”

“Out in public? But this was already a disaster!” Luna exclaimed.

“I’m aware of that. Her reaction was rather extreme, and no doubt we will see similar ones outside.” Nymph glanced at her sister, who didn’t look entirely bothered with the situation. “Here is what I propose. We’ll need to go with some extra precautions like an escort, but really, it’s not just for her protection. It’s more to help calm the people by seeing her being watched constantly by armed guards and myself. If they see Chrysalis on a leash, in a manner of speaking, could they really view her as a threat?”

Celestia finished her tea and placed the cup back on the plate. “Very well.”

Luna stood up. “Then in that case, I’m going as well.”

“Luna, are you sure?” Chrysalis asked. “You’ve been up most of the night and I think you need to get your rest.”

“It’s not me I need to be worried about. Do you truly think I could be able to get a wink of sleep while constantly worrying about you?”

Chrysalis suddenly broke out into chuckling. “It’s rather funny you keep thinking that I am going to find myself in some sort of danger. You ponies are such worry warts.” She looked around and when she was sure they weren’t being watched by any lingering servant, she fluttered in front of Luna and pulled on her cheeks while the alicorn tried to hold her serious expression “But it’s so cute you’re always thinking about me.”

“You don’t think you will find yourself in any danger?” Celestia questioned as the changeling kept teasing Luna.

Chrysalis at last released the younger alicorn and returned to her seat. “Do you honestly think somepony is going to take me on? I have the reputation of defeating you in a single blow.” She held a smile, but quickly dropped it. “I didn’t mean it like that, but you get my point. Anyway, given all the trouble Ponyville and even Equestria endures, other than Twilight and her friends, what normal pony has stepped up to face a threat?”

“None I could think of,” answered Nymph.

“Exactly. Do you think some pony is all of a sudden going to go against me? They are going to have a tough time even putting a scratch on me.” Chrysalis patted her chest. “Royal changeling chitin is thick and with enough love, it becomes like armor. I can assure you that no harm will come to me.”

Nymph sipped more tea as she waited for Celestia to speak. While Luna was calm, although still on edge, Celestia still seemed indecisive. “Would there be anything we could do to help you consider letting Chrysalis outside?” Nymph asked.

After a moment, Celestia said, “I want you to take only changeling guards with you. I’m afraid my ponies will be too fearful or suspicious of Chrysalis to do their duty properly. Most likely changelings will warm up to her much quicker, so take this opportunity to sway them. If anything happens, come back here at once. I would come with you, but there is much for me to do. I had many meetings planned for today and I’m afraid I cannot cancel them all at the last minute.” She shot a glance to the queen, who felt herself shiver. “However, I am confident Luna will be more than enough to keep things under control.”

“In that case, I will have to make my own preparations.” Luna took flight and barged through the kitchen doors. “Stand aside! This is an emergency!” What followed was a loud clatter of pots, pans, dishes, and running water erupting from the other room. The three who remained behind only stared at the door in silence. “Beast! You will finally bend to my will for this is my hour of need! Submit or be destroyed!”

Nymph slowly got up from her chair as Luna’s roars continued.. “I...better go get some guards assembled. Come along, Chrysalis.” She took her sister’s foreleg and hurried out of the room.

Once they were gone, Celestia ran into the kitchen. “Luna! Perhaps you should let me handle this before the kitchen goes up in flames! Again!”

Out on the streets of Canterlot was an unusual sight that had every head turning. Surrounded by a circle comprised of armored changeling guards, were three royal figures. With time, the streets became less crowded as most likely word of Chrysalis’s appearance had spread faster than expected. Things were not entirely bad as changeling citizens were not running for the hills, rather expressing different reactions upon laying eyes on them. They had lived under Chrysalis’s rule, so not only did they see the other side of Chrysalis, which was a ruler who did whatever it took to keep her people happy, but some of them had supported her plan for conquest back then, so they were not entirely bothered, although they kept their distance.

What also followed would be the second strangest sight seen that day. Princess Luna magically carried a gigantic blue coffee mug with the words “The real star of the night sky” printed on the side. She gulped down some of her brew before looking around, keeping an ever watchful eye. One of the guards was forced to carry the dented and beaten coffee maker on his back that was powered by a portable magic generator. Nymph felt bad for how ridiculous he looked carrying it, but she couldn’t help but crack a smile every time she looked at him.

The queen took in the Canterlot air, feeling sudden vigor. “Isn’t this city just wonderful?” She hovered into the air and faced her company. “We stand within Equestria’s crown jewel, no doubt the most harmonious city in the whole kingdom.”

“I recall Applejack and Spike telling me there’s a bunch of stuck up jerks here,” commented Chrysalis. “And isn’t Ponyville more harmonious since that is where all the Elements of Harmony live?”

“I’ve spent so much time here from my numerous visits that I feel that I know these people as if they were my own subjects,” Nymph continued, ignoring her sister entirely. “It may take a little time, but I am completely confident that these ponies will happily make the effort to get to know you, Chrysalis.” Excited, she motioned a foreleg behind her. “Go and show the people them the new you!

“What people?”

Nymph cocked her head before turning around. The hustling and bustling street was now as bare as a wasteland, save for one changeling who stood far away while sipping on his drink. When he finished, he left the area, leaving the street truly deserted. “Perhaps it’s important to note that this is the very same city Chrysalis attacked,” Luna said, stepping forward to get beside her.

“B-but I...they!” Dropping on the ground, Nymph ran ahead a short distance. There was not a single living soul in sight, but her senses allowed her to feel the many expressions of fear all around her from within the buildings. “I don’t get it! Chrysalis is under the watch of heavily armed guards and an alicorn! How are they still afraid!?” Running a hoof down her face, she turned around. “Okay, not a great start, but we must be persistent. Let’s just keep going on our way and hope things turn around.” She clapped her hooves and her guards moved forward with their captive in tow.

Chrysalis poked one of the guards in front of her, who chose to ignore her. “I love the design of this armor. It feels smooth and yet thick. Looks rather intimidating as well.”

“I had my top changelings design it,” Nymph stated with pride. “I can’t entirely agree on the color, but it should prove useful when the time comes that my brave soldiers must defend their home. Of course, we can only hope such a time never comes.”

“Perhaps I could get a set made for me?”

“And what need would you have for armor?” asked Nymph. “No doubt ponies would find such an appearance very frightening. Besides, we live in a time of peace and prosperity.”

“Until the next maniac attempts to conquer Equestria. When that happens,” Chrysalis pounded her hooves together, “I want to get my hooves dirty. I feel eager for battle sometimes.”

“There are plenty of ponies who can handle it,” Luna said before chugging down more coffee. When her cup was empty, she threw it in the coffee maker and prepared another round. “Why don’t you worry about something else until then? Right now, what would you like to do in the city while you are here?”

Chrysalis stopped walking, prompting everyone else to do the same. “You do have a good point. It’s been so long since I’ve stepped outside, so no doubt I need to acquire something worthwhile.” Some guards stared at her, trying to fathom what the former queen would possibly try to do when given the chance, while others remained vigilant. “I want a hat.”

All of the guards brought their full attention to Chrysalis as well as some civilians going by. “A…a hat?” repeated one of the mare guards. “You want a hat?”

“Absolutely. Haven’t you noticed how naked I am?” Chrysalis waved a hoof over herself to emphasize her point. “I would at least like something to replace the crown I once had. I think I will find some solace in a cute little hat as my head feels rather bare.”

“If that is your wish, then I shall take us somewhere to accommodate your needs,” said Luna, smiling. The princess took them to a hat store she knew about and when they arrived, the guards broke the circle to allow them entry. The store wasn’t too big, containing only a few shelves with a colorful assortment of headwear as well as some racks on the walls. When the bell over the door rung, the yellow earth pony stallion looked up from the cash register, gasping. The customers then noticed who arrived and acted accordingly, bringing the building into complete silence. “Greetings! We are here to purchase a hat!”

“Sorry, but we’re closed!” the cashier blurted out as he backed against the wall.

Nymph walked further in without giving him a look. “Too bad. Royal business.” She slowly walked to one of the shelves and once she and Chrysalis were clear of the doorway, every customer rushed out of the door. Nymph stood beside her as she tried to think of something to pick out while Luna browsed on her own. She could sense the fear erupting from the owner as he watched Chrysalis take her time. The queen picked up a beanie with a propeller on top and stuck it on top of her sister’s head. “There! It looks perfect on you. Don’t you agree, Luna?”

The alicorn turned to them, snickering when she caught sight of Chrysalis. “Oh, Chrysie are you trying to relive your youth?”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and placed the hat back on the shelf. “I am not that old. Well, at least compared to you, grandma.” Nymph felt a sudden chill as a burst of bitterness emanated from Luna, almost as much as when she first paid the royal sisters a visit. Chrysalis must have felt this as well and would be expecting consequences at the end of the day, but she didn’t show it on her face. Chrysalis moved onto the more expensive merchandise and took a flashy looking silver tiara. “What do you think? Too girly?”

“It clashes with your colors,” answered Nymph.

“Cadance already has an obsession with those things, so I think you should leave it alone,” Luna replied with a smirk. Chrysalis put it down and suddenly felt a hat set on her head. “How about this?” asked the princess as Nymph tried to figure out what exactly it was. “You may not be a queen, but Captain Chrysalis has a nice ring to it.”

The older changeling looked over herself on one of the mirrors hanging from the walls. “A changeling pirate? That’s a new one.” Chrysalis turned her head both ways, taking in her new look at every angle. “I kinda like it.”

“Cute, but you don’t have a ship,” teased Nymph after remembering what pirates were. “Or a crew.”

“Maybe so, but I do have an uncontrollable desire for a large amount of booty.” The pirate’s hat was immediately removed from her head magically as Luna stomped away. Nymph and Chrysalis couldn’t stop themselves from giggling.

Chrysalis reached down to one of the lower shelves and picked up a fedora. “How about-”

No,” answered Luna and Nymph sternly.

"You two are no fun.”

Some minutes passed by as they kept looking at separate hats, each cracking a joke or two about most of them. It was clearly not helping her plan in any way, but Nymph felt at ease watching her sister have some fun. As Chrysalis looked over a top hat, Nymph leaned against her, prompting the older changeling to freeze. “Nymph, what are you doing?”

“Nothing,” she answered playfully before nuzzling her. She looked up to see Chrysalis worriedly checking behind her. “What’s the matter? Are you afraid of public displays of affection?”

Nymph’s ear was against her sister’s torso, hearing and feeling the thumping of Chrysalis’s heart. “What do you think!? The guards are staring! Why are you being so lovey all of a sudden?”

“Because I love you and I miss you more than anything.” She tenderly rubbed her face against Chrysalis’s smooth chitin. If she could feel her sister’s emotions, she would no doubt be drowning in embarrassment. “Remember how we always did this back then, even with Mother? I don’t see why you’re so conscious about it now.”

The former queen managed to calm herself down, but the blush on her face was still visible. “That was a different time. I’m not as much of a touchy feely changeling anymore.”

Nymph at last pulled back and booped Chrysalis on the nose. “Is that right? I think Luna would disagree,” she finished in a whisper.

“I do that to embarrass her just because I like seeing the cute face she makes.”

“Fine. Have it your way.” Pouting, Nymph split up from her to browse on her own. The store remained rather silent with the guards standing by the door, clearly already bored with the visit, and Luna happily trying on hats for herself as more coffee was being made.

As Nymph studied some foreign headwear, the door from the other side of the store opened up. “Uh...is the store open? I notice there’s a lot of guards here, but I need to pick up an order.”

Chrysalis, who finally found something she wanted, whipped her head around, something that neither Luna or Nymph expected. She peeked over the shelves to see the stallion who had entered near the counter. “My, my, my. What a pleasant surprise.”

The pink pegasus became motionless as the cashier slowly hid behind the counter. He then turned around and looked directly up at her. “C-C-C-C-Chrysalis!? Here!?”

“Oh don’t mind me. I am just doing a bit of shopping,” she said in a way a predator would speak to their prey before going for the kill. Nymph had a bad feeling of what she was about to do, but her curiosity won out of her conflicting emotions, so she stood there to watch what would unfold. It seemed Luna had the same outcome as she stood there, biting her lip. “But enough about me. How have you been, Lovey Dovey?”

They watched as the pony fell onto the floor, shrinking before their eyes. “How do you know about me!?”

Chrysalis grinned wickedly as she leaned in closer to him. Nymph noticed one of the guards readying his spear, so she held up a hoof in front of him. “Don’t you recognize me? It’s good old Penny Pincher, your faithful employee.”

“Wait, you were Penny Pincher!?” exclaimed Luna.

Chrysalis immediately turned to the alicorn. “How do you-”

The pegasus had found a new emotion to overcome his fear: rage. He leapt up from his spot and tackled Chrysalis. Despite being an above average sized stallion, his strength was no match for hers and her skin was too tough for him to do any real damage. The guards rushed into action to pry off Lovey Dovey from the laughing mare. “You witch! You almost ruined me with that stunt of yours! I swear to Celestia I will have my revenge if it’s the last thing I do!”

“Great catching up with you!” Chrysalis called as he was carried out of sight. When he was gone, she broke out into laughter. “Now that is even more satisfying than last time. I should have done that months ago!”

“Chrysalis, what was that about?” questioned Nymph. “Who was he?”

“Her old boss from her job as a waitress.” They turned to see Luna walk up to the older changeling, looking far less than friendly. “You were really Penny Pincher all along.” Luna roughly poked Chrysalis in the chest. “You have got a lot of explaining to do.”

“Apparently so.” Chrysalis placed the hat on the counter and the cashier quickly rang her up. Her hoof automatically reached for where he saddlebag would have been and was surprised when she found the spot to be bare. “Oh dear. I forgot that I don’t have any money.”

“Is that what you said when you bailed from your hotel bill?” Luna deadpanned.

Chrysalis turned to her, losing her pride as the glare wore her down. For the first time in a long time, Nymph saw complete fear in Chrysalis’s eyes and she herself couldn’t help but feel the same. “You know about that?”

“You didn’t read about it in the news? It was a huge story of how one mare posing as an heiress fooled an entire hotel and skipped on her bill while disappearing altogether. It was also the last lead I had on you before your trail went cold. A mare living it up in a fancy hotel without paying for anything and not attracting any attention for so long had your name written all over it, but I was never sure until now.”

“I didn’t realize I attracted so much attention, especially from you.” Chrysalis batted her eyelashes, but they had no effect on the princess. “Okay, fine. I shouldn’t have done that, despite my desperate situation. I promise I will pay them back for…how much was it again?”

“I think I or your sister is going to have to pick up that tab. Just hope that they don’t charge interest.” Luna sighed dejectedly and shook her head. “I can’t believe you never told me about this. Is there anything else you would like to tell me before I find out myself? Remember what we said about secrets.”

It was if the alicorn kicked her right in the gut. Chrysalis looked ready to pass out, sweating and struggling to breathe. “I may have not entirely paid for my first home in an honest manner,” she answered in almost a whisper. Luna grew a massive frown. The queen could already feel herself quivering from just the sight of the look Luna was giving, so she couldn’t imagine how Chrysalis could remain standing with the stare directed at her. “H-hey, it was a long time ago and besides, you ponies sure love friendship and redemption, right?” The princess stepped closer, looking up at the taller changeling. “R-right?”

“We are going to talk about this later.” Luna threw down some bits on the counter and placed the orange sunhat on Chrysalis’s head before storming out the door.

The siblings gave each other nervous glances before Chrysalis followed her outside. Nymph was about to leave as well, but she turned back to the poor pony behind the counter. “My sister really isn’t a bad changeling. She just has trouble...adapting.” The pony just stared back at her nervously, not saying a single word. Nymph slowly turned away from him before hurrying out the door.

She found them standing near the guards, with Luna looking less intense and Chrysalis having her ears pinned against her head. When she stood beside them, Luna clapped her hooves, prompting the guards to begin walking. “It looks cute on you, Chrysie,” complemented Nymph.

“Thanks.” Chrysalis adjusted her hat slightly. ”It’s not much, but it makes me feel better about my situation.”

“We need to focus on the matter at hoof,” spoke Luna sternly. “Rather than waste our time with frivolous tasks, Chrysalis should go and greet the people like she was supposed to.”

“Princess, I don’t think we’re equipped to handle a riot,” spoke one of the guards. “She has already enraged one pony, so we’re worried there will be more.”

“Calm yourself. No such thing will occur. More likely they will turn the other way and move far, far away upon seeing Chrysalis.”

“Princess, if you don’t mind me asking, are you sure this is wise?” asked another changeling. “Canterlot is surely in a state of unrest already. Perhaps Chrysalis should have been in disguise if she wished to spend time outside her prison.”

Nymph, taking charge, placed a hoof on their shoulder. “I appreciate your concern, but I have already thought this over and I assure you that nothing will get out of hoof. But since you all have such concerns, I suppose it is only fair I tell you the truth. What we are actually doing today is testing the waters.”

“For what exactly?”

“Her future appearances.” Nymph walked over to her sister’s side. “You may not believe it, but Chrysalis has done more than enough to earn her freedom, but must remain in her prison as long as the people fear her. It will be only a matter of time before she’s back by my side in Bugartha.”

Even with the helmets over their faces, they could read the worry they wore. “Tell me,” Chrysalis said suddenly, “do any of you wish that I were to remain locked up? After all I have done for you, you wish to see me suffer more?” None of the guards responded, averting their eyes or whistling innocently. “It must feel so nice to live freely while the queen who was forced to make the difficult decisions for her entire kind is left to rot.”

“Shame on all of you.” The tone of Nymph’s voice was enough to generate looks of guilt on all the changelings. “You all act like Chrysalis went rogue and did the invasion completely by herself when I know some of you partook in it, with pleasure even.” She expected some sort of excuse, but they had remained quiet. The thought of continuing her rant crossed her mind, but she was certain her point was made clear and none of them would be forgetting it soon. “Okay, let’s get back to business. Luna, any thoughts on what we should do next?”

The princess gulped down the last of her drink. “Well, when I went to my first Nightmare Night celebration, the people were also terrified by me, but when I interacted with them and had some fun, they lightened up and enjoyed my company.” Luna gave a glance to her marefriend. “Perhaps Chrysalis should meet with the people while leaving her ever so lovely attitude behind.”

“Lovely is the right word for it,” Chrysalis replied, only for Luna to grumble in return. “Any suggestions on how I should approach somepony?”

“Just greet them in a friendly manner,” Nymph answered encouragingly. “No doubt they will warm up to you.” She looked around the area, taking note of the current problem. Word of Chrysalis’s arrival must have spread a lot faster than she thought as they were the only ones on the street. “Although, we actually need to find somepony first. Give me a moment.” Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and concentrated. Nymph opened her eyes and pointed to the street corner. “Around the corner on the right is a pony. They seem calm, so this could be the perfect opportunity for us.” At the corner, they poked their heads out to see an orange unicorn stallion with a red mane looking through the windows of one of the shops, unaware of any of them. “He’s all yours, Chrysie.”

Nodding, Chrysalis casually approached the unsuspecting pony. Nymph could hardly contain herself, finally being able to see a pony act normally around her sister. Chrysalis stood near him and cleared her throat to grab his attention. The pony realized he was being addressed to and turned, only to gasp upon seeing her. “Greetings, pony. Do you like my hat?” The stallion screamed and galloped down the street at incredible speed. Chrysalis remained bewildered as everyone else came to her. “Was I being too pushy?”

“Chrysalis, take this seriously,” spoke Luna, clearly disappointed from the results. “You of all people should understand how important this is.”

“I am trying to, but everypony keeps panicking just from seeing me. What would you have me do instead? Should I dress up like a clown to look less threatening?”

“I’m pretty sure that would have entirely the opposite effect,” answered Nymph, who couldn’t help but smile. She wasn’t sure if the actual sight of that would be funny, tragic, or terrifying, but she supposed she would never find out. “What if I greeted somepony first and then have Chrysalis come in after speaking with them for a bit? You know, ease them into it? Perhaps that would make them feel safer when they see her.”

Luna rubbed a hoof under her chin. “I suppose that would be a good idea. We just need to find another citizen.” Using her sense for emotions, Nymph led them to the other side of the block to locate another pony, this time a white earth pony mare watering flowers placed outside her store, which was a flower shop. She went over her plan with Chrysalis and once they had it all rehearsed, Nymph walked alone to the mare. “Hello, good citizen!”

The mare was caught off guard, backing away from her sudden greeter. “Queen Nymph! What a pleasure it is to meet you.” She bowed her head. “I’m sorry for acting like that. You just surprised me.”

“Please forgive me. I do have a habit of dropping in on ponies like that. Perhaps I still haven’t completely let go of my deceptive upbringing.” She let out a friendly chuckle and was joined by the pony. It was a good start, so now Nymph just needed to get through the hard part. “I was merely going out for the day with my good company, but I seem to have been separated from them. Have you perchance seen them?”

“I haven’t paid too much attention to the ponies around here, but I will do everything I can to help you. Could you describe them?”

“Oh, that’s easy. I was with my sister, Chrysalis.”

Nymph could already feel her plan falling apart as the mare acted as if she had seen a ghost. “C-C-C-C-C-C-Chrysalis is here!? Right now!?”

“Yes, she is. I have been escorting her for the free day she had requested.” The mare trembled and hyperventilated, ready to faint at any given moment. Gently, Nymph placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t be alarmed. She’s harmless and is a lot nicer in person. Don’t think about her from the invasion. You just have to get to know her. Chrysie has been doing her absolute best to redeem herself, feeling guilty for what had transpired last year. After all, if Discord can change his ways, then surely my sister can. Don’t you agree?”

The amount of fear she felt from the pony diminished, but a good portion of it lingered within her. “Y-yes. You make a good point, Your Highness. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for her and let her know that you came by.”

“You have my thanks.” Nymph placed a hoof on the side of her mouth and called, “Chrysalis! Where are you?”

“Nymph?” The mares looked up, seeing Chrysalis looking down from the top of the building. The older changeling flew down onto the sidewalk next to them. “Sorry about that. I was just-” Nymph’s heart jumped when a scream erupted right next to her, which could have been easily heard throughout the deserted streets of Canterlot. “Young pony, what-” The unicorn gave her no time to finish her sentence as she sprayed Chrysalis in the face with her hose, an act that truly shocked Nymph. “Hey! What do you-” The mare sprayed her again. “Could you-” Chrysalis was once more cut off by water. “Nymph, do something like arrest her!”

“That may be a problem,” Nymph answered timidly. “This isn’t breaking any laws like assault or anything. She’s merely spraying you with a hose. It’s kind of a gray area like how a child kicks the back of your seat in a theater. It’s annoying, but not against Equestrian law.”

“What a load of-” The mare, who for some reason had not already gone running off and had chosen to stay put, blasted her with more water. Nymph could see in her eyes that Chrysalis’s patience had finally ran out and before she could react, the former queen swiped the hose out of the mare’s hoof and sprayed her back. “Not so fun when somepony does it to you, is it!?” The poor pony screamed as she bolted inside the shop, locking the doors and pulling the curtains. Chrysalis tossed aside the hose and looked at her sister, soaked and irritated. “This has been going so great, hasn’t it?”

They stared at each other in silence before Luna came with the guards. Chrysalis walked to one of the buildings and sat against the wall, staring at sky above her. Her body became dry in an instant from Luna’s magic and the alicorn sat beside her. “Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t your fault.”

“That’s exactly the problem. I’m doing everything right, but nothing is working.”

Nymph stood next to her sorrowful sister, not daring to sit on the dirt and whatever else coated the sidewalk. “I know you are having doubts about this, but we have to keep trying. It’s the only chance we have of getting you home.” She reached under Chrysalis’s chin and turned her head toward her. “Can you keep going?”

Sighing, Chrysalis nodded. “I’ll do it for you, Nymph. After all, it can’t get that much worse, right?”

“We need to come up with a new strategy,” addressed Luna, magically fetching her mug with a fresh brew awaiting her. “Here’s what I propose. Let’s stop taking the slow approach and just fly around, greeting any pony or changeling we can find. If we can find one, just one, person who will take the time to talk to Chrysalis, I will call that a win.” She downed her entire drink before slamming her mug back onto the coffee maker, causing the poor guard to stagger. “I was never one for taking things slowly, so let’s just keep going until we find someone. We are not calling it a day until we find one, single person!”

“Pardon me, sir. Do you-”

“Holy manure! Run for your lives! She’s going to end us all!”

“Ma’am, I was wondering-”

“Run, children! Run as fast as you can! Somepony call the guards!”

“Excuse me, I-”

“Urgh! My heart!”

“Oh my Celestia! This pony is having a heart attack! Somepony call the paramedics!”

“Hello, Miss. Nice day we-”

“You’re the rotten queen who tried to trick my son into marrying her! I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE!”

“Oh, this is awkward. I should-”


“Sorry to have disturbed you.”


Hastily looking around, Nymph’s eyes caught a changeling ducking into an alleyway. “You there!” She flew into the passage in between the buildings, finding her target scurrying away. However, he was not fast enough to escape her magic and his hooves dragged across the ground as she brought him to her. “Greetings, my lovely subject! I have delightful news for you! You will have the honor of personally meeting my sister, Chrysalis! Aren’t you enthralled!?”

“Please let me go!” He dragged himself away, but was pulled back. “I can’t be associated with her!”

“Nonsense!” She walked out the alley, putting great effort to pull her victim with her. “Stop being such a coward. Equestria is all about friendship and love, so you are going to show some to my sister, even if it takes all day!” The guards watched in horror as their queen slowly brought the civilian out, finally prying him off the ground. She trotted happily to Chrysalis, holding up the changeling in her green aura. “There! Now you two can-”


Nymph leaned around the flailing prisoner to look at Chrysalis. “What?”

“Release him at once, Nymph! He’s terrified out of his mind!” Reluctantly, Nymph released him and he ran away as fast his legs could take him. Chrysalis placed a hoof on her forehead, sighing. “This is going nowhere. We have accomplished nothing today except perhaps sending many ponies and even changelings into therapy. We have been out for over three hours and not a single person wants anything to do with me.” She then pointed at the guards, who struggled to stand. “They haven’t eaten in who knows how long and have been lugging around that heavy armor the whole time in the sun. They need to rest as well as everypony who has been living through the day in terror.”

Nymph quickly ran up to her. “But we can’t give up! If we don’t do anything, you will never be free to go home! I just want to at least find one reasonable pony who can take the time out of their lives to get to know you rather than freak out!”

“And forcing me upon them is being counterproductive! How many more ponies must we traumatize before you are satisfied!?”

Unable to find a proper answer, Nymph turned to Luna. “Please talk some sense into her!” At this moment, both she and Chrysalis noticed something was off with the alicorn. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses and lying on top of two guards, one of which was trying their best to keep Luna’s head up. “Luna, what are you doing!? Why are you riding on your guards in such a manner!?”

“We can explain!” one of the guards exclaimed. “You see, Princess Luna has a nasty leg injury from a monster attack many days ago and-”

Nymph raised a hoof. “Is that drool?” She walked right over to Luna and pulled off her sunglasses. She had noticed Luna was slowing down, but it seemed not even an alicorn could escape the need for sleep. No doubt Celestia would be less than thrilled if she found out Luna was sleeping while on protective duty and rather deal with that, she said, “I guess we don’t have a choice now. We can’t be carrying a sleeping princess around in public.”

Chrysalis stood beside her, smiling slightly as Luna snored quietly. “I should have known this would happen at some point. I think some rest will help her calm down from learning about my previous...incidents. We better get her into bed before anypony sees us.”

With her magical green flame, Nymph warped them back to the palace near Luna’s bedroom. “Place her in bed while I take Chrysalis to Celestia and promise to never speak of this to anypony.”

“And tuck her in nicely!” ordered Chrysalis. The guards lifted the large pony into her room as they walked away. “Lulu sleeps like an angel.”

Chrysalis was smiling as they headed to the throne room, unlike Nymph. Celestia would no doubt try to pull the plug on her plan upon learning how much of a failure today was, but Nymph hoped was sure she could talk her out of it. The older changeling noticed the look on her face and lightly nudged her. “I know it didn’t go as you planned, but I still appreciate the effort, Nymphie.”

They arrived at the throne room and found Celestia speaking with several ponies standing below her throne as she was signing some sort of document. It was only a moment before everypony in the room set their eyes upon them, bringing about whispers and murmurs. The princess got onto her hooves and said, “Excuse me for a moment.” Casually walking down the steps, she approached the two changelings and led them out of the room before closing the doors. “How did it go?”

“Some ponies were...less than accepting of her arrival…”

“Most of the time consisted of ponies screaming and running away.” Nymph stared intensely at Chrysalis. “She was going to find out eventually. I just want the worst out of the way.”

Celestia looked to be neither surprised nor concerned. “That is unfortunate. What about changelings?”

“Nowhere as bad, but they clearly didn’t want to be in the same area as her.” Chrysalis opened her mouth, but Nymph shook her head.

Celestia nodded and looked around. “And where is Luna?”

“Sleeping,” Chrysalis answered. “She said she was feeling exhausted and we decided to return.”

Nymph worried watched the alicorn pace around, deep in thought. “Celestia, please understand. Today was merely a setback. I think that tomorrow-”

“Tomorrow is too soon,” Celestia interrupted. “Right now, I think it would be best if we let the public calm themselves. The ponies in the palace are already nervous just from knowing that Chrysalis is here. I don’t have time today, but I will need to assess the situation for myself tomorrow.”

“But Celestia…”

“It was a good try, Nymph. I’m sure you did your best.” Nymph’s eyes pointed toward the floor and she said nothing more. “I will take Chrysalis back and you two can see each other again later.”

Chrysalis brought a hoof under her sister’s chin and raised her head. “Thank you for the lovely day, Nymph. I truly enjoyed our time together.” She and Nymph came together for a hug. “Don’t let it get to you. I came across failure frequently in my own plan.”

“I’ll keep trying just for you.” They separated and Chrysalis waved goodbye right before disappearing along with Celestia. Now alone, Nymph warped herself to her bedroom. She closed the window curtains and flopped on the bed, pulling the covers over her head.

“It’s satisfying to watch you struggle so hard, only to fail at everything you do. It’s what you rightfully deserve, after all. What amazing feat have you done that makes you believe that you deserve to be queen more than I?”

“Just shut up.”

Sleep was not easy for the royal changeling to find that night, for her mind was constantly telling her that her idea was a failure from the start. All her hopes were thrown into the dirt and stomped on the first day. She had expected trouble, but it was much worse than she had anticipated. Not even a year since the invasion had eased their minds about the former queen, still acting as if it all transpired recently. It was already clear Celestia wanted to stop things from getting worse, meaning all her planning was for nothing. Nymph’s last thoughts before entering the dream realm was what her mother would have done if she was presented with this situation.

When morning struck, Nymph woke up and looked toward her bedroom door. As she requested, the newspaper was left rolled up on the floor. Nothing but bad thoughts rang in her head as she stared at it and she almost considered leaving it alone. However, queens took on difficult tasks like this all the time, no matter how much unpleasantness awaited. She took it with her magic and opened it up, looking at the front page.

Chrysalis Unleashes Terror in Canterlot!

Yesterday in Equestria’s capital, the fair people were greatly disturbed by the former queen’s unannounced presence. Onlookers watched in horror as the mad ruler was allowed to freely walk their streets with the princess’s guards protecting her. But who is here to protect us from her? Not content with merely showing her face to the people, she was allowed under Princess Luna’s and Queen Nymph’s watch to go shopping, where she entered a store and left ponies running out, damaging an innocent bystander’s business.

On top of this, a witness came forward with the shocking revelation that Chrysalis admitted to being Penny Pincher, the notorious mare known for disappearing without a trace after using lies to damage another business that she worked for and skipped out on a massive hotel bill. Rumors arose that Penny was really Chrysalis all along, but only now were these confirmed to be true. This begs the question of now that Chrysalis has admitted to her misdeed, will Celestial Suites receive compensation? There is also the question of where she went since that day and how many more businesses she has harmed with her trickery?

Celestia has stated that Chrysalis has been returned to her current prison in an undisclosed location, but how long until she is let out again? There has already been confirmation that the banished queen has been undergoing reformation to win trust from the princesses. Do the princesses truly believe that the terror known as Chrysalis, the changeling who assaulted Celestia and enacted years of cruelty on her own sister, can turn a new leaf? Or does Chrysalis have them under her control?

“GAAAH!” Nymph disappeared in a flash of fire, reappearing in Celestia’s chambers where the alicorn was putting on her attire in front of a mirror. “Have you seen the newspaper this morning!?”

“And good morning to you too, Nymph,” Celestia replied in a friendly manner.

The changeling held up the newspaper right in front of her. “This is all lies and biased views! This is going to damage Chrysalis’s reputation even further, which I didn’t think was possible until today!” She threw it against the wall and it thudded onto the floor. “How can you allow this schlock to be printed!? This is hurting all of my progress!” She paused for a few seconds. “Well, all the progress I’m going to make eventually!”

“Well it is their right to freedom of the press, so I’m afraid it’s out of my hooves. I could go after them if they actually lied, but they can bend the truth a bit without it technically being a lie.”

Nymph’s jaw dropped from how casually the alicorn answered her and the impact was made worse by how she continued preparing for her day, acting as if nothing was wrong. “B-b-but you’re the princess! They should take your word as law! Go over there and demand they rewrite this article this instant!”

Celestia turned to her, showing her concern, and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Nymph, calm down. You’re overreacting.” Reluctantly, Nymph took Celestia’s word, steadied her breathing, and let out a deep exhale. “I know this article is troubling, but we weren’t expecting things to go smoothly in the first place. Besides, it isn’t as if this can damage the readers’ view of her any further. We just have to accept that this is how Equestria views Chrysalis. It’s not good, but it is what it is. One day is not going to change anything.”

An argument nearly made its way past her lips, but Nymph withheld it. There was no point anymore. She laid on the bed as Celestia continued getting ready for the day. It would be only a moment until Celestia told her that her idea was done with and how disappointed she was. She could already feel the sting of her words before they were even said. How could she even look Celestia in the eye? The only thing she could hope for was that Chrysalis would be happy and safe for the many years she would stuck away from home.

“So what is the next step?”

Nymph’s head shot up. “N-next step? I thought you didn’t want to do this.”

“It’s true I had my doubts about this, but after giving it some thought, I think that this plan of yours is worth pursuing.” Celestia sat on the bed next to her, looking sullen. “Yesterday, Chrysalis and I had a talk and it occurred to me that I had not entirely been fair to you. Chrysalis is your sister, but I have taken charge over her and may have been rather overprotective. I don’t think Chrysalis will find herself in danger, but I’m more concerned about public panic such as yesterday. However, this is a risk I will have to take.” She stood up and walked over to her dresser, looking at one of the picture frames. “Luna was easy. No pony here could be afraid of a little filly and we all knew she was cleansed. I did force her out of her room to interact with others, which did help ease them into accepting another princess.”

Standing up, Nymph walk to Celestia to look at the picture. It showed Celestia nuzzling her much smaller sister, recently after being purified, while Luna looked furious and embarrassed toward whoever was taking the picture. “And what of Chrysalis?”

Turning to her, Celestia said, “Despite how it looks, I think we can call this a good first step. Chrysalis is now on the mind of everypony in Equestria just like what you wanted. The ponies may be afraid, but with enough time and effort, opinions will change gradually and Chrysalis can return to living as herself. I hope that yesterday has helped you understand that this will prove to be a daunting task.” She placed a hoof on the queen’s shoulder. “You are a young and brilliant ruler, Nymph, and I suspect you overcome this task with flying colors.”

Nymph couldn’t help but blush. To hear Celestia praise her in such a manner was a little too much for her. The warm sensation suddenly went away when she realized the way the princess was staring at her, expecting an answer and curious as to why she had remained silent. “Uh, right! Okay, with the public stirred up right now, perhaps we should give it some time before we bring Chrysalis out again. Maybe we can announce it this time so people feel more prepared and not caught off guard. And perhaps somewhere other than Canterlot.”

“That sounds like a perfect idea.” Celestia then placed on her own crown, completing her appearance. “Perhaps Ponyville would be more forward to the idea of a visit given they already put up with Discord. It certainly does carry a very different atmosphere to that of Canterlot.”

“Yes! That’s a brilliant idea! Maybe if we give her something like a friendship test from Princess Twilight, the people will be convinced that Chrysalis is trying to redeem herself and be more open to her!”

“I doubt they will be so welcoming to the idea so suddenly, but it’s a start.” Celestia patted her back. “Trust me, a lot of such things take a great deal of patience. You just need to be calm and allow things to unfold naturally.” She then walked over to her door. “Day court will be starting soon, so I must be going.”

“Allow me to join you after breakfast. I’m sure there are many who will wish to speak with me after Chrysalis’s appearance.”

“Very well. I’ll see you soon.”

Nodding, Nymph warped out of Celestia’s room and back into hers. She couldn’t help but to bounce in place, similar to how she had seen Pinkie done so many times. Perhaps she had thought too far ahead and needed to just step back. Chrysalis also faced immense struggles during the start of her stay in Ponyville, but she emerged triumphant, although under different circumstances that what she had initially aimed for. Nymph would just take it easy and with the help of her friends, this would be done with in no time.