• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,418 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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The Moon Illuminates the Path

The Moon Illuminates the Path

“Are there any more?” Nymph asked while boredly skimming through the various forms in front of her.

“That’s it for today,” Mantis replied, crammed against the other changelings on the council as they were all trying to remain in their queen’s field of view within the crystal ball. “Cleora also wanted me to inform you that she she will send test data results that should arrive in a few days.”

“Splendid. Court will start again at the same time tomorrow. You are dismissed.”

“Wait!” Nymph blinked as Locust shoved the other changelings away to get into her view. “Now that things with Chrysalis have gone south and with the changelings feeling...less than welcome in Equestria, we thought maybe you should consider coming back to your kingdom! We would love to have you-”

The crystal ball fizzled out and Nymph stored it away. Taking advice from Cadance, she took a deep breath with her hoof against her chest and then stretched it out as she exhaled. Work for her had become far more demanding ever since the visit to the Crystal Empire with letters and changelings bombarding her on a daily basis for nearly a week. Most of her days consisted of answering to her subjects’ concerns about their pony neighbors as tension rose and she would try to reassure them the best she could. When in court with Celestia, ponies tended to look up at the queen with fear and suspicion, reminding her of before when her kind was allowed in Equestria. At least her friends in Ponyville were doing a good job keeping things under control there.

Chrysalis was feeling better for the most part, but Nymph could sense something was off about her. Her older sister didn’t seem too excited about working on their garden or willing to share interesting details about her day. Chrysalis was simply going through the motions and tried to hide it, although not very well. In return, Nymph pretended to not notice anything wrong with her. Not even Luna could bring her special changeling back to her full self and it was weighing down on the alicorn. Luna was getting distracted from her dream duties and losing sleep, sometimes becoming more irritable whenever she was awake.

On the bright side, her friends were still determined to help Chrysalis. Twilight had been speaking to other officials and some civilians about her, no matter how uncomfortable it made them. Rarity once more brought it up in conversation with customers, now being more forward with her opinion. Rainbow Dash was trying to win over her coltfriend Soarin on the idea, hoping to get the Wonderbolts on her side because of their celebrity status. Applejack was also starting small by only bringing Chrysalis up with her family, no matter how awkward it made dinners. Fluttershy, as timid she may be, would sometimes walk through Ponyville wearing a pin on her saddlebag that read “Forgive Chrysalis”. Pinkie, of course, broke into songs about her with each reaching various degrees of success.

Reluctantly, Nymph brought her paperwork before her and began reading. Budgets, taxes, laws, and all the other fun things for a queen to do. No doubt fairy tales left out busy work that royals did on a regular basis to appeal to children more. Who would want to grow up to be a princess like Celestia just so they could read the economic status of the various cities and create tax plans? No doubt Twilight was the luckiest princess in Equestria as she spent most of day reading or being with her friends.

Perhaps second luckiest was more correct given the recent news.

The queen vetoed another tax proposal when a knock came to her door. She didn’t even have the energy to answer, spending all she had on her task. Her guest entered regardless and stood on the opposite side of the desk. “Have you even left this room today?” asked Princess Celestia, checking on her yet again.

“Just for breakfast.”

“That’s all!? You are working yourself to death, Nymph! I’m sure that all of this can wait until tomorrow. You need to go out and get something to eat before you keel over. We’re both getting very worried about you and your constant isolation.”

Putting another bill aside, Nymph huffed. “Celestia. I appreciate your concern, but I am fine. I will get some lunch soon enough, but until then, I need to focus on my work. My kingdom, as boring as I claim it to be, cannot run itself and requires my constant care to function. On top of this, my changelings are in dire need of my comfort. Surely you of all ponies understand this.”

The alicorn said no more as Nymph skimmed through another letter. Despite the silence, it was hard to focus with her company just standing there. Nymph was about to make known her protest, but the princess spoke first. “Nymph, I’m not Celestia.”

Halting, she at last looked up and her eyes met with Luna’s. The changeling turned around to the window and pulled back the curtain, finding the moon well in view. Nymph slowly faced Luna, suddenly sheepish. “Perhaps I could call it a night.” She stood and stretched her legs, grunting. Luna followed as she exited the room and headed toward the dining room. “Did I miss dinner?”

“I’m afraid so. It’s almost seven.”

“What? Why didn’t you fetch me!?”

“I assumed you had one of the servants bring you meals. You are in worse condition than we thought.”

Nymph cursed under her breath. “Fine. I will simply find something myself out in town.” She turned around, but Luna held out her wing to block her path.

“Before you do that, there’s a reason I came to you. Someone is here to visit you.”

The wing proved to be ineffective as Nymph walked around it. “Have them schedule an appointment.”

With a sigh, Luna said, “I hope you don’t act like that toward all your friends.”

Nymph’s head rotated fully to look back at Luna. “Oh? Who is it?” Luna only answered by walking ahead and the changeling cantered to catch up with her.

They went straight into Celestia’s room and found the elder sister lying on her bed along with her guest. “Queen Nymph,” greeted Celestia. “It’s nice to see you out of your room. I was starting to become worried.”

Nymph barely heard her as she was more focused on the visitor. “Thorax?”

“H-hello, Nymph,” he stammered while laying on top of a small yellow pillow next to Celestia. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything. Are you busy? Should I come back later?”

Nymph shook her head. “Not at all. What brings you here?”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Thorax got off the pillow. “I asked Spike to send you a letter and Celestia thought it would be better if I came in person. You’re not still upset about what happened, are you?”

The mere mention of the incident immediately placed her in a sour mood and she harrumphed. “I’m doing just fine.” Her stomach roared for all to hear. “Except for the fact I have to get my own dinner tonight.”

Thorax’s ears and wings dropped. “Oh. Sorry to bother you.” He slowly turned around and headed for Celestia. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Not so fast.” Celestia used her wing to gently push Thorax toward Nymph. “Why don’t you take him with you? I believe his company would be preferable to dining alone. Maybe you can also show him around Canterlot for his little book.”

Looking down at the nervous changeling, Nymph felt reluctant to bring him as she wanted some alone time with her thoughts. However, she had not seen him since that day in the empire and he did come all this way for her sake. “I suppose. Come along, Thorax.” She opened the bedroom window and took off toward the city with Thorax trying to keep up with her.

It was not a long flight, but in her mood, it felt like an eternity for Nymph. They landed at one of the busiest streets of Canterlot and their appearance did not go unnoticed. Every head turned toward them and she did not make any visible reaction to them. She merely put on a straight face and strolled down the sidewalk, not even bothering to make eye contact with anyone. Feelings of surprise and some traces of fear surrounded her, which was no different from how it felt when she joined Celestia for court this past few days. It reminded her of her first few visits to the city and it was not a feeling she missed in the slightest. She found one restaurant that looked to not be very busy and entered with Thorax behind her, who barely made a peep since they departed.

Upon entering the dimly lit building, the stallion by the podium gasped. “Q-Queen Nymph! We...weren’t expecting royalty tonight! Are you here to dine?”

“Yes. My friend and I would like a table where the two of us can be alone.”

The pony slowly moved away from the podium. “Of course. Right this way.” As they walked across the dining area, many more reactions to her appearance arose, including from outside through the large glass windows. With one glance, Nymph could see that she and Thorax were the only changelings here tonight. Perhaps going out to eat was not the best idea, but her body demanded quality food. Going past the bar, the waiter led them a table tucked away in a corner. He pulled out her seat and she sat down while Thorax seated himself. Once he gave them their menus, Nymph requested their best red wine for the both of them and then they were at last alone.

For once, Nymph wasn’t sure how to initiate a conversation. She was somewhat glad to have Thorax for company, but she did not feel like talking very much. On the other hoof, he looked like he was trying to say something, but couldn’t. It wasn’t until the appetizer was brought to them that he finally got some words out. “Wow! Hot bread!” Thorax immediately began consuming the contents of the basket at Pinkie Pie levels of speed. “I’ve never eaten in a fancy restaurant before! This is one of the greatest days of my life!” His consumption was then brought to a halt by Nymph magically holding his mouth shut.

“Thorax.” From just a single word, Nymph brought about the chill of winter. “Let me be clear about something. When you eat in a place such as this, you are required to have certain levels of etiquette. Understand?”

Thorax struggled to swallow and when he was free to speak, he said, “Sorry.” They each picked up their menus and Nymph browsed for larger meals as she needed to make up for a missed lunch. Given that these were meals for ponies half her size, she thought about getting three or four side dishes along with the main course. “Nymph?”


“What’s etiquette?”

She slammed her menu on the table, rattling the silverware, and stared intensely at her company. Thorax had hidden behind the menu, but the queen slowly brought it down and held her eyes on him. Had she heard him right? If it weren’t for the fact she was fond of him, she would have warped him somewhere several blocks away from here and dined alone. Thorax curled up in his chair, shivering as he whimpered softly.

Suddenly, Nymph looked back up, catching several other patrons watching them. She quickly smiled and retreated back behind her menu. Hopefully everypony would mind their own business and just continue with their meal rather than spread rumors like commoners enjoyed doing. “Etiquette is essentially the behavior you’re expected to have when you are among high society. For starters, you don’t cram food into your mouth like you’re some sort of starved animal. Take smaller bites.”


“And straighten your posture.” Thorax sat up. “Now move your chair in.” He scooted closer. “Take your napkin and put in on your lap.” He complied. “Unfold it first.”

“Oh great. First bathing was complicated, and now eating, too? Equestria is a very strange place.”

“What I am teaching you is one of the most critical pillars in society, whether here or at home. After all, Thorax, don’t you have any interest in dating?”

A loud gasp suddenly erupted from the little changeling, causing many heads to turn in their direction again. Nymph was completely unsure of what was wrong with Thorax as desperately tried to breathe. “Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Your Highness! I, er, um, d-didn’t think you would be so sudden! We still don’t know each other very well! Gah! H-how could I afford going here!?”

A sudden grin cracked on Nymph’s lips and she burst out laughing. Right now, she couldn’t care less of what those around her were thinking. She soon calmed down, but remained in a giggling fit. Thorax looked at her in confusion and every time she tried to speak, Nymph would giggle some more. It took another minute before she could control herself long enough to drink some water, finally putting her laughter to an end. Perhaps this night wasn’t going to be so bad after all. “Oh, Thorax. I’m afraid you completely misunderstood what I said. I didn’t mean the two of us. I simply meant you dating in general.”

“Oh…” Thorax slumped in his seat, ears pinned against his bright green head. He then grabbed another roll of bread and lightly nibbled on it.

Nymph watched him with a mixture of amusement and pity until their waiter returned. “Are you ready to order, Your Highness?”

“Yes. We will both have your manticore steaks cooked medium rare. Twelve ounce for him and your largest serving for me. I will also have a side of green beans, mashed potatoes, salad, and boiled maggots.”

Once the pony left with their menus, Thorax spoke up. “You ordered for me?”

“Trust me. Manticore is simply divine. It will be unlike anything you've ever eaten in your whole life.” Thorax reached for another bread roll, but she pulled away the basket. “Save room for the main course.”

“Are you sure it isn’t the bread? It’s some of the best stuff I’ve ever tasted.”

Nymph could only watch in confusion as he added butter to his meal before quickly consuming it. “Thorax, what in the world did you eat before coming to Equestria?”

“Not a lot. Moss, mushrooms, any bugs we could catch. Everyday at the end of our shift, we would almost always go to this bar and have something grilled. If you caught your own bug, they would grill it for a discount.”

A sudden knot formed in her stomach. “Did everyone live like this? It sounds dreadful beyond words.”

“It was a mining town, so changelings only came there if they had to. The nearest colony was about half a mile up the tunnel, so it was a bit of a flight if we wanted to do shopping. A lot of changelings had to carry the mining loads up there, so they usually just grabbed whatever they wanted before coming back. I liked going up all the time because it was pretty dusty near the mine and smelled better.”

“How could anyone stand to live like this?”

“There weren’t many jobs around, so I didn’t have much of a choice. But it wasn’t that bad. I kinda liked looking at all the crystals and gems. I could never mine as long as the other guys, so they just sat me at a table to inspect all the gems. They enjoyed complaining about this and that, I guess just to keep themselves from getting bored.”

Picturing such living conditions did not sit well with the queen, It wasn’t a surprise why so many lower colonies were now abandoned in favor towns higher up or above ground quickly after they were sure Equestria wouldn’t retaliate against them for the invasion. “And now you have a whole new life under the beautiful sky instead of working yourself to death in those filthy mines.” She gasped happily. “Oh! How is your travel guide coming along?” Thorax halted mid bite on a piece of bread and slowly returned it to the basket. “Is something wrong?”

“I...stopped writing.”

Nymph nearly choked. “You stopped!? But I was looking forward to reading it!”

Her subject sank in his seat. “It was a dumb idea anyway. I’ll just find something else to write about.” He loudly sighed and rested his head on his hoof. “Maybe.”

“Thorax, tell me what is the matter.” He gave no reaction. “Thorax.”

“I gave up because it was pointless.” Thorax looked up with his eyes becoming wet. “Applejack was making a trip to Appleloosa to deliver some farming equipment and I asked to come along so I could write all about the town. She agreed to take me along and I met her at the train station. And then...I saw them.”

“Them? Who?”

He shook his head. “Not who. What. And they were pamphlets.”

The words hung for a moment. “Pamphlets?”

“Travel pamphlets! Brochures! All sitting in the station for free! Ponies have already done what I was going to do but in bite sized pieces! My book is...is...pointless!” He seized another roll of bread, devouring it in a manner similar to when a tub of ice cream was within Rarity’s reach. When he finished, he just stared at the table. “I guess writing isn’t what I’m good at. Maybe I could write about Spike, but I’m sure there are plenty of ponies who wrote all about his adventures.”

Nymph couldn’t bare to look at him anymore, keeping her eyes on anything in the building. She felt so terrible for him, but what could she say? She wanted to encourage him to keep trying, but if it didn’t become a success like he wanted it to be, then he would be even more crushed. Thinking things over, her eyes caught a small painting on the wall to the right. Although it was merely a simple painting of a grassy field with the sunrise in the distance, a sudden jolt of inspiration struck the queen. “Thorax, it is time I teach another valuable lesson of society.”

“Sure,” he mumbled reluctantly.

She magically lifted his head up. “What do you know of art?

“You mean where you draw something?”

“Ah, to the lesser citizen, they would believe that. In truth, art is about interepratation.” With her horn, Nymph conjured a simple green ethereal flower from the table. “What do you think?”

Thorax reached out, his hoof phasing through it. “It’s nice.”

“If I were to making a painting of it as it is now, do you think it would be good quality?”


“But why? You can find flowers anywhere. Why would people pay money for a drawing of something they can already find?” Thorax shrugged. “It’s because someone else has added their own touch to it. With good skill, the drawing can be valuable. Worth millions, even.”

“I don’t understand.”

She leaned closer. “Simply put, you may not be the first to write about Equestria, but it is your style and wording that will capture an audience. You described Ponyville and the Crystal Empire with such wonder and excitement, putting those feelings you felt in your words. Pamphlets are lifeless and dull while your guide will make every changeling feel as if they have you with them as they read it and explore this kingdom. Pamphlets are free and find themselves in the garbage less than a day after they are taken. Your book will sit on shelves for quite some time.”

Thorax sat straight up in his seat and couldn’t stop smiling. “Wow. I feel...better.” He quickly blushed. “T-thank you for your kind words, Nymph. I should have said something sooner, but I thought you were still in a bad mood.”

“Can you blame me? Everything has gotten worse since the Crystal Empire. Poor Cadance has been busy filling love crystals to help compensate for the sudden decrease in love. I spoke with her recently and she looks so tired trying to keep changelings fed and the Crystal Heart going.” Nymph picked up her glass and helped herself to some wine. “What of Ponyville? How has your life been affected?”

“Ponies look at me funny now and I don’t get as many customers for my gem stand. I hear a lot of ponies and changelings talk about Chrysalis. At least, not in a good way. I know plenty of changelings and they aren’t too happy she showed up in the Crystal Empire and I kinda agree.” Nymph gazed into her wine glass, gently spinning the liquid within without much care for anything. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, Thorax. You’re not the one who did something wrong.” After taking another sip, the queen set her crown onto the table. “Do I even deserve this?”


“Do I deserve to be the queen? Do I have what it takes to rule? My first reign was a joke and now things have gotten worse because of my personal failure. What good am I?”

“Nymph, you’re a wonderful queen! I mean, if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be sitting in a restaurant in Canterlot.”

“You and I both know this is because of Celestia. She was the one who convinced the ponies to accept our kind. If it weren’t for Celestia, we would be starving and miserable. I would be hated by my own people as much as ponies hate my sister because I wouldn’t be able to give them the food they need. I let my people down before and I just did it again.”

The two changelings sat in silence, both looking at the table. The waiter returned with their dinner and set the plates on the table. He could see the sorrow on Nymph’s face and before he could question it, Thorax shook his head at him, causing him to turn tail. Nymph picked up her utensils magically and began eating at a snail’s pace. She didn’t care how uncivilized she looked slouching in her seat. The steak was very good, but it was difficult to fully enjoy.

Thorax kept glancing at her while eating. He took a sip of the wine, visibly flinching as it went down his throat. “Well...Celestia would have never have given us a chance if it weren’t for you being able to convince her.”

“What are you talking about?” Nymph asked as she cut off another piece. “You know how Celestia is all about forgiveness and second chances.”

“Right, but do you think she would want to be merciful to the kingdom who attacked her kingdom and ponynapped her niece during her own wedding? Remember all those laws and security measures she made to weed out any changelings from the population? She would have thrown us out the door or even arrested us if you didn’t convince her to help your subjects get food.”

Nymph lifted her head. “Go on.”

Thorax seemed to be uneasy to suddenly be the center of her attention, but he continued. “You are the sister of someone who struck her down in one blow, so you would the last changeling she would trust other than Chrysalis herself. And yet, you won her over in less than a day. If that isn’t an amazing accomplishment, then I don’t know what is.”


“Maybe you’re not exactly like Chrysalis, but you’re compassionate and braver than you think to march right up to Celestia’s door and ask for her help just only a few days after the invasion. You went right up to her and Luna, two alicorns who could have taken you down with ease, because you loved your people so much and would do anything to help them. You kept going to Canterlot again and again, despite all the ponies protesting you, and you succeeded in ending the love problem forever. Isn’t that what a good queen does?”

A sudden rush of relief came over Nymph as the weight on her shoulders came falling off. Plucking the changeling from his seat, she magically sat him beside him to softly hold him against her. He was rather warm and she could feel his heart pound faster than Rainbow Dash could flap her wings. “Thorax, that was so beautiful. I had no idea you had such a way with words.”

“S-Spike showed me a lot of his heroic speeches. I guess I was kinda inspired.”

“And your words inspired me.” After a minute of close contact, she returned Thorax to his seat and picked up her wine glass. “A toast.”

“I think that’s a glass.”

Nymph withheld her snicker. “No, a toast is a gesture to celebrate something special where you bring glasses together.”

“Oh! I know what you mean. Back near the mines, the guys would all bang their beer steins together to celebrate a hard day of work. I had no idea royals did that, too.” He picked up his glass. “A toast.”

“A toast to the two of us for bringing comfort to each other’s woes.” Thorax happily nodded and then rammed his glass against hers. The explosive shatter scared the daylights out of everyone present in the restaurant and it wasn’t long until all eyes were set on them. Both changelings stared at the mess of glass and wine before looking up at each other. The queen at last turned her attention to their massive audience, all sitting in dead silence.

“Could we get some napkins, please?”

The rest of their dining experience was spent mostly in silence as both were unable to speak due to sheer embarrassment. If it weren’t for the fact Nymph was royalty, they might have been kicked out for destroying property. She was glad for the fact that magic made it so easy to clean their dinner of any glass shards as she hated to let good food go to waste. Tomorrow, she would send word to Rarity to find Thorax and teach him everything he needed to know about fancy dining to prevent further catastrophes. If she weren’t so busy with her royal duties, Nymph would have made Thorax into a side project, where she would turn a changeling from the lowest of colonies into the epitome of society.

Then again, perhaps Twilight would have to take priority.

After paying their bill, they stepped outside and Thorax begged her to let him explore Canterlot for a while as this was his first time seeing the city. Nymph agreed and she followed him as he ran around, looking through every window, admiring the dazzling lights, and inspecting every fancy thing he came across. To see him filled with such childlike wonder made Nymph feel warm and she always kept close, watching for anypony giving Thorax the wrong look. Many changelings were pleased to see their queen out in town and she made time for them whenever Thorax was busy checking something. Each of them had the same concern about love and ponies and all she could offer them were words of comfort for the time being.

Soon Thorax began to slow down and Nymph decided that they should call it a night. She warped them to outside Thorax’s small apartment in Ponyville and bid him goodnight. Once he stepped inside, she thought about returning to her room, but since she was already out here, she had a new destination in mind and sent herself there. Outside Cupid’s Arrow, Nymph happily knocked on the door. She peered through the glass to watch for Chrysalis, but there was not a sign. Rolling her eyes, she made her way inside using teleportation. “Guess who!”

A door creaked upstairs as Chrysalis in her matchmaker form stepped out and peeked down the balcony. “Nymph! I wasn’t expecting a visit!” She stepped back from the balcony before charging forward and leaping into the air. She dropped her disguise and used her wings to land softly on the floor. With all of the windows covered, she embraced her sister. “What are you doing here?”

“I dropped Thorax off and thought that a visit wouldn’t hurt.”

“Well you need to do it more. The girls miss you and are getting worried sick. You really need to let them know how you’re doing.”

“I’ll be sure to get around to it.”

“Please. Pinkie has been a wreck and every time she asks about you, she acts as if you died or something.”

“Just let her know I visited and that everything is fine. I feel very happy tonight.” Nymph held out the half empty wine bottle. “I have a little gift for you.”

Looking at the label, Chrysalis licked her fangs. “Mmm. Now this is the good stuff. It will certainly stick out in my booze cabinet.”

“How about we enjoy some now?”

Chrysalis eyed the clock hanging on the wall. “I don’t know. It’s a little late and I have work in the morning. Beside, haven’t you had enough by now?”

“I’m a big girl, Chrysalis. I can handle a few more. And it’s been opened recently.” Smiling, Nymph held the bottle to her face, lightly shaking it in a taunting way. “Are you sure you don’t want some?”

Sighing, Chrysalis trotted into her kitchen. While Nymph waited, she looked at the various magazines scattered across the top and most had a cover image of Chrysalis’s visit to the Crystal Empire. Shuddering, Nymph either stored them somewhere else or kept rearranging them to hide any reminders. Soon the only magazine visible was one with an ad for socks with the extremely popular larva mascot Snuggy Bug. They were a real changeling grub happily wearing a sock over their body with the slogan “Keep your hooves snug as a grub!” The sock industry was on the rise with changelings now in Equestria and sold special socks while labeling them as grub warmers. Chrysalis then returned with a pair of wine glasses. “You seem to be a lot more cheerful from when we last spoke,” Chrysalis commented as she poured herself a drink. “I guess a night out really did the trick.”

“It was a lot of fun with Thorax.” Nymph made herself comfortable on the couch while Chrysalis magically filled her glass. “For a changeling like him, he certainly knows how to cheer a lady up.”

“Dinner with Thorax? I guess that includes desert,” the matchmaker commented dirtily.

“No, that did not happen. We just talked, that’s all.” Nymph casually sipped the wine. “He’s a very sweet changeling. Certainly our type, I think. Well, give or take a few traits.”

“Shy and easily enticed by our beauty?” Chrysalis guessed mischievously.

“And easily turned into a true stallion overnight.” The two broke out laughing and toasted their glasses together. “It’s been some time since I enjoyed myself to some intense loving. My precious concubines must be dying to see me again.”

“I think they all are. Have you considered going back?”

Nymph quickly shook her head. “You’re more important. There’s not much for me there without you.”

“Well just don’t stay away too long. The kingdom needs its queen.”

“My subjects need me here right now and here is where I’m going to stay.” She clapped her hooves together. “Let’s not talk about any of that right now. Those issues can wait until tomorrow. Tonight, it’s time for some sisterly bonding!”

“Heart Throb.”



“That’s a cute one, but I think that would only work if she was born during the holidays.” Nymph took another sip of wine. “Love Shield.”

“I hate that one. Hugs and Kisses.”

“I like it, but I think having the word ‘And’ in a name would kind of stick out.”

“What if Cadance has twins?”

“That would be perfect then! Eternal Love.”

“Heart Attack.”

“Chrysie, that’s not a romantic name!”

“Maybe not, but it should perfectly describe Shining Armor after he found out his wife is pregnant.” The two mares burst into giggling.

“Come on, get serious. This is important. Cadance is with child and we need to find the perfect name for their little miracle!” Nymph laid on the couch, picking her brain for anything love related. “Love Struck.”

“Third Base.”


“Fine. Date Night.”


“Pizza Pie. Wait, no. I confused Cadance with Pinkie for a second. I think I might be getting a tiny bit drunk.” Shrugging, Chrysalis helped herself to more wine. “Wedding Bell.”


After a pause, Chrysalis asked, “Princess what?”

“I don’t know. Just Princess. Changelings name their pets that sometimes.”

“Nymph, do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Princess Princess? Imagine a guard approaching her and says, ‘Excuse me, Princess,’ and then she turns around to yell, ‘You shall address me as Princess Princess’!”

“Perhaps the wine is finally getting to me,” Nymph said as she set her glass down onto the table. “I can only think of so many names that have to do with love.”

“I still can’t figure out how ponies name their children. Do parents just instinctively know what their baby’s special talent is?”

“What if their talent comes from their name?”

“Does it? If I named a foal ‘Super Successful’, does that mean they will grow up to be rich?” Nymph shrugged. “Maybe I should ask Twilight about pony names.”

“Good idea, but in the meantime, let’s come up with names for when you and Luna have a grub of your own!”

Chrysalis choked on some wine. “Nymph, please don’t! I like to mess around with Luna and all that, but I’m not ready for that sort of discussion! We have may rolled in the hay, but that sort of conversation is way too intimate!”

“Come on! We both know that you and her are meant to be! It’s only a matter of time after you...made her night.” The queen let a very girly laugh for a changeling of her authority. “I got one! What if we named her Moon Buggy?” Chrysalis gave her answer in the form of a pillow launching into the queen’s face.

“Okay, okay. How about this one?” Nymph, wobbling slightly, waved her hoof around. “If you had to marry one of the Elements of Harmony, who would you pick?”

“Seriously?” Nymph eagerly nodded. “Okay. It would be Pinkie.”

The answer was nearly enough to make the queen sober. “What!? You would choose Pinkie!?

Chrysalis lightly shoved her sister. “You have no right to judge me as I seem to recall you lusting after Shining Armor.”

“Shiny’s a dreamy, sexy pony,” Nymph argued as she sat back up. “There’s a reason Cadance chose him over all other stallions.”

“Not because they knew each other for several years and formed a strong connection?”

“There’s that, but having a nice body always helps! I guess Pinkie was an obvious choice, but who would you pick second?”

“Oh Celestia, that’s a tough one.” Chrysalis leaned her head over the back of the couch, mumbling to herself. “Okay. This may sound a bit weird, but I would pick Applejack.”

“Applejack!?” Clearly Chrysalis was smashed beyond all sense of reason to have this as an answer. Why else would a changeling princess consider marrying a farmer? “You would want to live on a farm?”

“That’s not the point. She’s a hard working pony, she’s reliable, she’s a joy to be around, and she’s all about family. All of Ponyville practically loves her.” She then said quietly, “She’s also got a nice, muscular butt.” The older changeling lifted her head up. “Your turn. Who would you choose?” Nymph was all too eager to answer, but Chrysalis spoke first. “Is it Rarity?”

“How did you know!?”

“Nymph, I happen to be a professional matchmaker as well as your sister, so I know your tastes more than anyone.” Chrysalis poked her in the chest. “However, since I provided a second pony, I want to hear yours. That’s what I’m actually curious about.”

Leaning back in her seat, the queen’s mind bounced between only two ponies. Both had their good qualities, but in truth, they were plenty of negatives to them. Going over the cons, she dropped Fluttershy and had her answer. “I suppose if I really had to choose, it would be Twilight.”

Chrysalis smirked. “Because she’s Shining Armor’s sister?”

“No, it’s because she’s sweet, reliable, and very smart. Sure she’s awkward and has a small tendency...a big tendency to overreact, but I’ve put up with worse. I think it’s a shame a nice little pony like her won’t open up to romance.” She could stop herself from smiling. “Maybe a good romance novel will set her straight. She eats up anything found in a book.”

Chrysalis chuckled and looked toward the clock. “Goodness, it’s late. I think I need to lay off the wine.” Chrysalis groaned, finding difficulty in standing and keeping balance. “Luna is beckoning me and I must answer her call.”

“How the time flies. And we were having so much fun, too.”

“It was a fun night, Nymph.” Chrysalis slowly ascended the stairs one step at a time. “You can crash down here if you want. I can’t have you cast a teleportation spell while you are drunk off your flank. You could end up anywhere.”

“I’m not that drunk.” Only now did Nymph realize her crown had fallen onto the carpet below. When she bent down to pick it up, she sudden felt the world turn and flopped on her side. “I just need a moment to sober up.”

All Chrysalis could do was grin. “If you say so. Good night, Nymph.”

“Good night, Chrysalis.” Chrysalis entered her bedroom and closed the door. Nymph waited a minute before finally making an effort to stand. Since Canterlot palace already had a wine cellar, she left the bottle on the kitchen table. Perhaps it could make Chrysalis feel better about her less than perfect days, but Pinkie might be a healthier alternative.

Nymph gently lied down on the couch, sometimes giggling as she recalled some of their conversation. She couldn’t remember feeling so good, but perhaps that was only because of the alcohol in her system. It wasn’t like her to get drunk as she always had to preserve her image of a changeling with self control, but even she liked to let loose once in awhile. Laying in silence, Nymph pondered over what she could to pass the time before she was ready to send herself home. There was nothing of interest out here, but she did think of somewhere she could peek around.

Queen Nymph entered the office and sat in Chrysalis’s chair. It was rather comfortable and she couldn’t help but put her hind legs on the desk. She could see how Chrysalis could sit still for so long for hours for days on end. She eyed the drawers on the sides and decided a look would be harmless. They were sisters, so poking around Chrysalis’s belongings was okay according to the unwritten rules about siblings. She opened a small drawer on the top right, finding office supplies like quills and paper. Closing it, she opened the larger drawer under it, which contained a large amount of files regarding current clients and some dating stuff. In the bottom drawer was only her stun gun, which made Nymph chuckle.

On the left were only a drawer and a cabinet beneath it. In the drawer was more office supplies as well as gum and mints. She already knew what was inside the cabinet, but she decided to look anyway. It was locked, but that was nothing a little magic couldn’t solve. Inside was the crystal ball placed neatly on its pillow, shining slightly as it reflected some light from her horn. She was about to close the door, but Nymph then thought about how she herself kept something hidden in her own desk and wondered if Chrysalis was doing the same. It was extremely unlikely, but she checked under the pillow for the heck of it.

Unexpectedly, there was something hidden beneath.

What she found was a messy pile of flashcards, some looking thrashed as time wore them down. She didn’t bother to read any of them as her eyes were locked on the other item kept underneath: a little box. “Oh my Celestia,” Nymph whispered as she picked up the box with her magic. She stared at it for a moment before opening it, gasping and covering her mouth with her hooves.

It was a beautiful golden ring with a marvelous diamond on top shaped as a crescent moon. The quality and care put into it made it very clear that it was top of the line quality. She couldn’t fathom how Chrysalis managed to get this with her income and without anyone leaking Cherub purchasing such a thing. Nymph closed the box and gently placed it back in its spot before turning her attention to the flashcards, taking some to read.

Luna, under this full moon light, I wish to ask you something important.

Luna, you are the stars that guide me through the darkest nights and I want you to be the light of my life.

Luna, when I first came here, it was all for a wedding. I was wondering if I could get a redo on that.

Luna, I believe it was when the stars aligned that we first met.

Luna, a long time ago, I chased a shooting star for days on end in pursuit in what I believed what was the most beautiful thing in all of existence.

Tears fell from Nymph’s eyes as she kept reading them and her heart sank as she couldn’t imagine how much Chrysalis had been struggling to find the words. Looking back on the more worn out cards, she realized that these have been here for some time, maybe months. Changeling queens often received proposals from many changelings, but for them to do the proposing themselves meant this was the mate they desired over all others as changeling queens could only marry once due to bloodlines and infighting. It was obvious that marriage would come up between the two, but to actually see it still surprised her.

Nymph then suddenly set her mind on the future that would be brought by this union. At home in Bugartha, she would be ruling her grand kingdom with the company of her sister. In time, her castle would be constantly filled with the sound of their children, laughing and playing. She would be sure to play with her nieces, making their time a learning experience for when she would have children of her own. Nymph realized that there was a possibility Luna could give birth to a nephew, which would be a unique experience for a queen. Thinking about such an outcome filled her with glee. Nephew or not, she would love each of them with all of her heart. If she was lucky, Nymph would soon have her king and her own children would find great company with their cousins.

Her family would once again feel complete, if not even greater.

The queen stood up and slammed her hooves on the desk, giving out a low growl. The glow of her eyes illuminated the room as she slowly raised her head, hate seething as she bore her fangs. There was no more doubt. There was no more holding back. Celestia was a mere princess, but she was queen. This queen would no longer be held back by the feeble ponies who could not let the past die. Chrysalis was coming back and if anypony didn’t like it, she would make them like it. She would show the princesses the true way to rule their kingdom and subjects. By her hoof, Chrysalis would at long last find true happiness and no force in this world, not even Tirek, was going to stop Queen Nymph of the Changeling Kingdom.

Her rage subsided as sleepiness began to take over. Nymph would move forward with her planning tomorrow. It would take time to come up with something, but her goal was clear to her. She carefully set everything back into place before quietly closing the little door and warping herself back to her room in Canterlot. No doubt Celestia and Luna were eagerly awaiting her return, but she did not feel like speaking with them tonight. She brushed her fangs, stripped, and climbed into bed, staring at the wall in the dark. All she could think about was how she was going to beat some sense into the ponies of Equestria until she drifted into slumber.