• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,414 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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Twilight stretched out on her bed, making herself very comfortable as she waited for Spike. Yesterday’s visit to the Crystal Empire proved to be a good idea and she was glad she could catch up with Shining Armor and Cadance. Since then, she also considered trying to make time for Spike since we was still working for Chrysalis for most of the day. One thing she learned from her time alone was just how much she missed Spike. She supposed that she never realized how much she liked having him around was because they were almost always together.

The dragon came into her room carrying a tray of pancakes, placing it on her bed. “Here you go, Twilight!”

“Thanks, Spike.” She placed it on her lap and began cutting into her stack of pancakes. “So is there anything you want to do before going to work? I thought maybe we could do something fun together to start the day.”

“Oh, that’s an easy one. All I want to do is…” He leaned to the side. “Read your book?”

The princess dropped her silverware, gasping. “Oh, Spike! I always knew this day would come! You have finally realized the joy in reading! And I don’t mean those silly comic books, but actual books!” She magically grabbed a ton of books from the nearby shelf. “Where should we start? Ancient literature? History? The history of literature?”

“No, I meant you need to read your book!”

Twilight turned toward where Spike was pointing and realized her book that connected her with Sunset Shimmer was glowing. She picked up and opened it to her latest message while getting a quill ready.

Twilight, are you there?

I’m here. What’s going on?

You need to come here right away. We’ve got a serious problem on our hands. Or hooves.

Twilight closed the book and hopped off the bed. “Spike, we’re going to see Sunset!”

“What? What’s going on?” he asked as the princess dashed past him.

“I don’t know!” Spike was about to follow her, but he remembered Twilight’s breakfast, so he took it with him as he gave chase.

Twilight and Spike stepped out to the front of Canterlot High, finding Sunset Shimmer standing before them with her arms crossed and looking uneasy. “Sunset! What’s going on? What’s the emergency!?”



The voice sent shock through Twilight and Spike, but before they could react, hungry hands all grabbed the food off the plate Spiked carried in his paws. Twilight was caught off guard by the sirens’ appearance, but she then noticed their current physical state, turning her fear into sorrow. “I think I see why you brought me here.”

“I didn’t know what else to do.” Sunset got on her knees and held out her arms, causing Spike to jump into them. “They found me a little while ago and they begged me to have you take them back with you. I would have thought it would have been a bad idea, but…just look at them.”

Twilight took another look at the sirens devouring her breakfast. “I don’t blame you. What in the world happened to you three?”

Adagio swallowed before shooting a hateful glare toward Twilight. “We lost our magic, which was our only way of making a living. Everything we once had we acquired through song, but because of you and your friends, we lost everything. We had no way of making money to keep the house or get food and it wasn’t long until we were evicted. We’ve been living on the streets ever since.” She leaned to the side. “To think our ticket home was here the whole time. I cannot believe we have never found it until now.”

“Serves you right.” Aria threw what was left of her meal into Spike’s face.

“We’re really, really, really, really, really sorry about that whole take over the world by singing thing,” said Sonata with a mouth full of pancake and syrup. “Please take us to Equestria! I don’t wanna live like this anymore!”

“We’ve been begging for change, sleeping in alleyways, getting constantly sick from the junk we’re forced to eat, have been wearing the same dirty clothes about every day, and bathing is a rare luxury. We cannot survive in this miserable world. Does it make you happy to know this is what you have reduced us to?” questioned Aria.

“No!” Twilight shouted. “I feel so bad for you three, but taking you back to Equestria where you could get your magic back is dangerous! I know exactly what you sirens are going to do the moment we get back.”

“Twilight,” Adagio started calmly, “you cannot imagine what it took for me to give in and come to you and Sunset, the ones responsible for our downfall, to ask for help. Do not make us beg.”

“No, please don’t. It’s just that I have to consider-” All three sirens dropped to their knees. “R-really. There’s no need for that. But you must understand-” They moved closer to her, taking hold of either her skirt or her legs and looking up at her with pleading eyes while Sonata looked ready to let loose the waterworks. Twilight was more focused on the cold, wet grime she could feel being rubbed on her skin, making her visibly shutter.

“Twilight, we have to keep using public restrooms and believe me, they are terrifying!” Adagio cried.

“Every day, I wake up with little bugs crawling all over me!” Sonata immediately broke into tears. “Why would you let me live like this!? I thought you were nice!” She then blew her nose on Twilight’s skirt.

“We don’t have birth records, driver’s licenses, or anything useful to get us a home or a job,” Aria said, spite clear in her tone. “Magic was the only way for us to survive and you took it away. You owe us!”

Their pleas and accusations continued nonstop and Twilight was barely able to handle it. Her heart and mind were having their own war within her body and it was not long until compassion won over logic. “Quiet!” Finally, she had silence and took a moment to compose herself. “As the Princess of Friendship, I have given your situation some thought and have decided to accept your request of returning to Equestria.”

“Oh, thank you!” Sonata bent down and kissed Twilight’s shoes.

“Twilight, are you crazy!?” Spike complained. “This is a really bad idea!”

“What am I supposed to do? I can’t leave them like this. After all,” she turned to Sunset, who looked surprised, “I think we all know the value of second chances by now.” Twilight winked at her and Sunset blushed in return.

“Hey, enough with the sap already!” Twilight frowned in annoyance as she looked at Aria. “You planning on taking us back today or what?”

Huffing, Twilight said, “Spike, would you please escort them back? I’ll catch up in a moment.”

As Sunset set him down, he looked up at her. “If I don’t survive this, tell this world’s Rarity I love her.” The dragon dog stood before the statue, looking as stern as he possibly could at the menacing sirens. “Okay, let’s-” He was suddenly trampled as they excitedly rushed past him to jump into the portal. “I’m going to need a vacation after this,” he muttered as he dragged himself home.

Sunset approached Twilight and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I really appreciate you doing this for them, Twilight. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I think maybe you could help them like you did for me.”

“It’s going to be a lot of work, but I’ll do my best. If Chrysalis could change, then I don’t think they will be too much trouble.”

“Just keep me updated and please be careful.” Twilight nodded before suddenly getting a tight hug from Sunset.

“You know you can always visit them if you wanted to. In Equestria.”

Her words repelled Sunset away and Twilight realized that she might have made a mistake as the former student of Celestia crossed her arms and stared at the ground beneath them. “I know I can. It’s just...I’m not ready.”

“I understand.” Twilight stepped toward the portal and turned back. “Take care of yourself, Sunset.”

“You too, Twilight.” After giving each other one last smile, the alicorn stepped through.

Upon returning to her castle, Twilight’s ears were greeted by the sound of Spike’s cries of terror. She immediately readied her magic and she flew up to the much larger sirens, who had reverted to their gigantic, menacing forms she witnessed some time ago. “Stop what you’re doing, right now!” The sirens paused as they looked at her in surprise with Sonata holding Spike, who kept struggling. “Er…what exactly are you doing?”

“She keeps nuzzling me!” Spike cried.

“But he’s sooooo cute!” said the siren before rubbing her face against her captive. “I just wanted to hold him. He’s all scaly like me!”

Twilight felt great relief as she landed, but repressed any expression of amusement in the face of what was truly a serious situation. “Just put him down before I make you.” Sonata released him and the dragon took cover behind the pony. When they looked back at her, they both gasped. The sirens looked at Sonata and gasped as well. The gem on Sonata’s chest carried visible cracks all over that glowed. Slowly, the cracks became smaller and smaller until it was fully restored and carried a very faint radiance. Adagio and Aria excitedly watched their own gem repair in a matter of seconds. Once the process was complete, Adagio opened her mouth, only for Twilight to summon a giant muzzle over all of them. Each siren struggled to remove them before staring at Twilight with anger once it proved fruitless.

“Great plan, Twilight,” Spike said sarcastically. “What the heck are we supposed to do with them now? Look how big they are! I bet they can’t even fit through the door!” He scratched his head. “Now that I think about it, how did they even fit through the mirror?”

“I know this looks bad, but I can keep things under control. For now, just go send a letter to Celestia and have her come here.” Spike dashed out of the room while Twilight stood guard, wondering if she had made the right call.

Nymph could never recall a time where she felt this anxious. It was past eight o’clock and still no word from Twilight. She worried of the chance that the sirens took control of her or something of the like, but she kept telling herself to be patient. Twilight was one of the smartest ponies she knew and would no doubt be prepared for anything they might try.

Listening to the two changelings talk was hard to do with her mind constantly wandering, but her face told them that she was listening intently. At least Celestia was at full attention so she didn’t need to hear every little detail of their proposal. Even so, it was just some more changelings talking about getting the Canterlot Mines back open to extract more gems and ore, but Celestia was adamant in leaving it closed off for whatever reason.

Right as one of the changelings pulled out a large pie chart, a flash of green appeared before the alicorn as a scroll popped right into existence. Celestia immediately unrolled it and read it as Nymph peeked over her shoulder. The queen could only read a bit of it as Celestia quickly stood up, but saw enough to know what was going on. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I am needed somewhere at once. Queen Nymph, would you kindly take over in my absence?”

“Of course.” Celestia disappeared in a flash of light before Nymph turned to the two changelings. “I’m sorry, but I know Celestia still stands firm on her decision to leave the mines closed. You have both made great arguments, truly, but the princess refuses to change her position. I am afraid it is out of my hooves.” The two changelings, disappointed, bowed their heads and left the throne room, complaining to each other. “Excuse me while I go accompany the princess.”

The guards remained stoic as she warped herself to Ponyville, finding Celestia outside of the castle and Spike by the door. “Nymph, what are you doing here? What about the royal court?” Celestia questioned in surprise.

“It’s been taken care of,” Nymph answered as she walked up the steps. “Forgive my intrusion, but I saw what Spike had written to you and could not help but worry about you and Twilight.” She looked at Spike, feigning curiosity. “So is it true? Are there really sirens here?”

“Yeah. Twilight is guarding them, but I don’t like leaving her with some crazy fish monsters.”

“Lead the way, Spike,” said Celestia.

“Okay, but keep your guard up. I don’t trust any of them, especially Sonata. I think she’s the most dangerous of all. She acts all cute and before you know it, she gets ya!” The dragon led them through a few halls and before finding Twilight and her latest guests standing in the same room as the mirror.

Nymph nearly screamed when she saw them for what they truly were.

“My goodness,” spoke Celestia in awe. “So these are the sirens Starswirl encountered.”

“They look frightening,” said Nymph, quivering as she stepped closer to Celestia. “The sight of them makes me a little ill.” The drawings in the book did no justice to seeing them in person. Three massive beasts floated before her, covered almost entirely in hard scales. Their long tails looked large and strong enough to squeeze the life out of Celestia herself accompanied by teeth that could chew through armor effortlessly. She could even see each of them possessing a red gem on their chests, which acted as their source of power. Nymph had never before felt so small and fragile as she looked up at the three monsters, despite having hunted numerous hydras in the past.

“Says you, you big bug!” Adagio spat. The two mares locked intense gazes at each other.

“Knock it off!” Twilight ordered before huffing in frustration. “Spike, keep an eye on them while I talk with Celestia and Nymph in private.” She turned toward the other rulers as her assistant reluctantly approached the Dazzlings. “Meet Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. Long story short: They have been living on the streets ever since we stopped them in the other world and I couldn’t just leave them like that. Sunset and I want to give them a chance to redeem and better themselves, but the problem is I don’t know how to handle them. They most likely have their magic back and could use their singing to control others and with three of them, I’m not sure how to keep an eye on them.”

“Not to mention how the people react to see three big sirens flying around,” Celestia added. “This is a complicated issue indeed.”

Nymph watched both ponies think intensely as a grin crept onto her lips. “Twilight, don’t you worry. Celestia and I will take them off your hooves.”

They both looked at the changeling. “You two?” asked Twilight. “You want to take them in into Canterlot!?”

“It’s not a bad idea, actually,” spoke Celestia, peeking at the scene of Spike unsuccessfully trying to intimidate Sonata. “I trusted you all with Discord because I didn’t really believe him to be dangerous, but these three are a different story. With Luna and I always taking watch, they shouldn’t be able to try anything.”

“And if they do, I will keep them in line, by any means necessary.” The queen proudly tapped her horn. “I’m sure they won’t mind a taste of their own medicine.”

“Nymph, don’t you dare!” Celestia snapped. “You will refrain from using such methods while you are within my kingdom! If we are to teach the values of friendship to them, then it must be of their own free will.”

Celestia’s response caused Nymph to step back. “Fine, no mind control, but I’ll keep them in line regardless. We will need an excuse as to who they are. Perhaps we could somehow disguise them as ponies and say they are new cleaning servants? No pony will notice them and it will be a great excuse to keep them in the palace.” The alicorn considered the idea before nodding. “And after a while, maybe we’ll let them visit Twilight so she and her friends can try winning them over. If Pinkie can turn my sister around, then I strongly believe these sirens will be no different.” She glanced toward the trio, still flinching at the sight of them. “We really need to do something about their appearances. I don’t think my magic alone will be enough to disguise creatures that big.”

“I’m still not sure if keeping them in Canterlot is a great idea,” the young princess protested. “I believe it would be better if we kept them here with me, even more so if they can sing again.”

Nymph shook her head. “Perhaps, but think about it, Twilight. Their defeat was not to long ago at the hooves of you and your other friends, leaving them in a state of misery and struggle. Do you think they could stand living under the same roof as you? And I doubt your friends have any way to keep these three in line, either. Leaving them with us is easily the best choice.”

Celestia and Twilight exchanged uncertain glances. “She makes a good point,” Twilight admitted. “Are you sure you can handle them?”

“We don’t seem to have any other option” Celestia replied. “Nymph and I will make sure they won’t cause any trouble as long as they’re here.”

Twilight’s ears suddenly twitched. “Too late.” They looked over at the sirens and once again Sonata was holding Spike in her hooves as he desperately tried to escape.

“Then it’s decided,” spoke Nymph. “We will take them back with us where Celestia can teach them all about friendship and I will act as their warden.”

Twilight nodded before rescuing Spike by snatching him away with her magic. “Can you please stop bothering him?”

“Aww, but I just want him to lick my face,” Sonata whimpered.

Twilight and Nymph glanced at Celestia, who carried a completely blank if not uncomfortable expression. “Anyway,” Nymph began, “we have come to an agreement that you three will be working for Princess Celestia in Canterlot to pay off your debt to society and until you are considered no longer dangerous.”

“What a shock,” Aria murmured.

“We don’t have a say a in this, do we?” questioned Adagio and Celestia shook her head. “Fine. We’ll do it your way, Princess.” The alicorn flew up and held out her hoof, which Adagio reluctantly took.

“I’m glad you have accepted our generous offer,” spoke Nymph, ignoring their feelings of animosity toward her. “However, we still need to do something about your forms.”

“I got this.” Twilight stepped forward while carrying her magic book. She opened it up to the page where the Dazzlings were drawn in their human forms. “Given their size, a simple disguise spell that changelings use wouldn’t work as they are too large and heavy to make into proper ponies. However, if I try a transmogrify spell and channel in the shape altering power of the mirror-”

“The short version,” requested Spike.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Celestia, Nymph. I will need help with this spell. Could you both provide me with some of your magic to enhance it?”

“Of course,” spoke Celestia.

Twilight focused on the picture as the glow of her horn filled the room. A beam launched from her horn and struck the mirror. Purple ripples went across the glass and Celestia and Nymph each added their own magic to Twilight’s, causing the mirror to glow a multitude of colors. The sirens backed away in fear before a massive beam of magic erupted from the mirror. Nymph, Spike, and Celestia watched as their forms were forcibly changed within the bright light, gradually growing smaller with their tails and fins disappearing all together.

When Twilight was finished, the beam gradually died down and before their eyes, three earth ponies remained. They had manes similar to what they carried in the mirror world, although lacking pigtails and a ponytail, and each of them carried a distinct cutiemark on their flanks. Sonata’s was a jagged eighth note in front of a heart, Aria’s was a forte note behind a purple star, and Adagio’s was a G-clef note behind a yellow jewel. “So what do you think, girls?” Twilight asked as she wiped off some sweat. “I think I did a really good job.”

They turned toward the magic mirror behind them, all gasping. “We look hideous!” Adagio shrieked.

“We’re crummy earth ponies now!” Aria complained.

“Hey, I got hair again!” Sonata noticed the way her companions were glaring at her. “What? I like having hair. And look! I always wanted a tattoo on my butt!”

“The people would panic if they saw your true selves,” spoke Twilight as the blue siren ran around in circles in attempt to look at her own rear. “These forms will help you blend in and the magic should last indefinitely.”

Sonata’s attention was immediately captured. “Wait, if there’s magic here, that means we can sing again!”

“Sonata, you remember our gems fixing themselves, don’t you?” questioned Adagio with some annoyance while Aria rolled her eyes.

As Sonata took in a deep breath, Nymph placed a hoof over her mouth. “You better think really carefully of what comes out of that mouth of yours next if you value your freedom.”

“This would be a good time to test your magic,” said Twilight, surprisingly sounding eager as she magically got a quill and paper ready. “Sonata, sing something harmless.”

Sonata bit her lip as she looked around as Adagio and Aria awaited anxiously. “Uh…I sure wish Spike would bring me a soda because I’m really thirsty.” She and the other sirens gasped when they heard how the song flowed smoothly from her from throat. “I sound beautiful again!

“Coming right up!” Spike was about to leave the room with his eyes slightly glowing, but Celestia stopped him with her hoof.

“There’s no need.” The alicorn walked around the sirens, carefully studying them. “This is indeed a problem. Nymph, we’re going to need to have them constantly under close observation until Twilight can find a solution for their magic.”

“Maybe you should lighten up and give us a soda like she asked,” Aria sang sarcastically.

Nymph, Twilight, and Spike gasped as a faint glow appeared in Celestia’s eyes. “You’re right. I should...wait.” Celestia shook her head and placed her hoof on it. “I felt it. I could feel her words trying to force their way into my mind.” She immediately glared at Aria, who quickly stepped away. “Do that again and there will be consequences.”

“I think your alicorn magic is protecting you,” said Twilight. “It’s likely that since their gems have just repaired, they are currently at low power. However, if they were at full strength, I don’t think even you could withstand them. Starswirl being forced to banish them altogether should be proof enough of how dangerous they can be.”

“These three are even scarier than I thought,” Spike commented, peering from behind Celestia while clinging to her leg.

“Aw, thanks,” Sonata replied. “We do our best.”

“I will get some equipment set up right away,” said Twilight. “I’ll need at least a day to have everything ready and the experiments thought out so we can figure out a way to control their magic. Are you sure you can handle these three for a day?”

“It will be no trouble.” Twilight didn’t look entirely convinced, so Nymph playfully tussled her mane.

“I will have a room prepared for them at once,” said Celestia, chuckling slightly at the sight. “It would be best if they didn’t take residence with any of the other staff as long as they can use magic.”

“Wow, the royal treatment,” said Adagio, grinning smugly. “This day just gets better and better.”

The princess sighed. “I suppose there’s no point in delaying the inevitable. Twilight, write to me as soon as you have everything ready.” In an instant, she and the others disappeared in a flash of magic.

“We should get started right away. Who knows what they’re up to!” Spike tried hurrying out of the room, but Twilight pulled him back.

“Not so fast. I still need my breakfast.”

Celestia’s spell landed them right inside Nymph’s room. The sirens explored every inch of it, eager to see how much their world had changed while occasionally tripping as they weren’t used to walking on four legs. “It’s going to be some time before I get it ready. Can you watch them until then?” As Adagio dashed past her, Celestia sniffed the air before gagging. “May I suggest keeping them busy with a bath?”

Nymph pinched her own nose. “An excellent idea.” Celestia hurried out of the room as Nymph entered her bathroom. She filled the tub with hot water and prepared a soothing bubble bath. When she returned to her bedroom, the sirens were still in the middle of running around and she prayed their odor didn’t stick. “Ahem!” They paused to look at her. “Now that you have settled in to seeing how your home world has changed, I have prepared a bubble bath-”


The queen was shoved aside as they bolted by her to jump into her tub. She then saw them angrily thrashing at each other as they tried climbing in, splashing water all over the floor. “I get first dibs because I’m the leader!”

“But I wanna go first! Maybe Aria should go second because she smells like a butt!”

“You’re a butt!”

“Would you two stop grabbing mine!?”

Nymph loudly sighed as she stepped out. How in the world were these three so dangerous that Starswirl himself had to deal with them if they bickered like grubs constantly? She went into the kitchen and grabbed some platters of food while some of the other cooks helped her prepare some quick meals. It wasn’t long before she had a cart full of food prepared and made her way back to the bedroom while making a visit to the janitorial closet on the way.

When she returned to her room, she was surprised to hear how quiet it was. She slowly opened the door to the bathroom, finding the sirens relaxing in the bath together and the utter amount of bathwater that covered the floor. “Please, don’t strain yourselves too much from taking advantage of my generosity,” Nymph spoke sarcastically. “At this rate, I might have to take you all to the hospital.”

“Come back later,” Adagio replied lazily. “I’m in heaven.”

“You three have been in there long enough. Why don’t you work on getting your strength back?” She stepped aside to reveal all the food prepared for them. As Nymph expected, they jumped out of the tub. After quickly drying themselves, they dashed for the food, but were blocked by mops and buckets. “Not so fast, my feisty fish. You only get to eat when you clean up the mess you made.”

“Clean up? What do we look like? Maids?” Aria asked uncaringly.

“You will shortly because that’s going to be your jobs.”

“Maids!?” screeched the yellow earth pony. “You must be joking!”

“What? Did you think living here would be free, even after what you did? Maybe while you were stuck in the other world, you should have learned that you have to work for a living. We do need a reason to explain why you three are living in the castle, after all. Perhaps some actual cleaning will help you clean up you own act.” Nymph loudly laughed at her own joke, brushing aside their rising scorn. “And on that subject,” she tossed the cleaning supplies into the room before shutting the door, “you don’t get to eat until that bathroom is dry.”

They banged furiously against the door, but Nymph kept it secure using her magic. “Let us out, you witch!”

“Adagio, that doesn’t sound like cleaning to me. The longer you three are in there, the colder your food gets and since I hate wasting food, I may have to help myself to some. And if I hear a single lyric from any of you, it’s all going out the window.” She sat down on the carpet as the sound of them scrambling around came from behind the door. She helped herself to a bread roll, slightly smiling to herself in amusement. It was about a minute until she heard one of them knock. “It better be completely dry in there.”

“It is! Now let us out!” The changeling released her captives as they launched themselves onto the floor. They didn’t even bother to look at what was being served as they just shoved anything they could grab into their mouths without hesitation. Normally, Nymph would have seen the sight of this as amusing, but she suddenly recalled how they looked back in the other word, giving her an unsettling chill. She didn’t even want to think of what they had endured before she brought them here, thankful that Chrysalis was crafty enough to avoid living a similar life. Now not only were they here under her care, but she had to ensure they did not bring chaos onto Equestria with their powers returned. The image of their true forms still gave her chills.

It never occurred to her until this moment just how truly dangerous this plan of her was, thinking about how Celestia herself was starting to fall under their influence, but she chose to let it go. Queens endured hardships much worse than this and this would all work out fine as long as she was careful. She just needed to keep them in line until Twilight came up with a way to block their magic and once things settled, she would continue her plan. Until then, she would ensure that the sirens would obey her, whether willingly or by force.

Her mind returned to reality and she saw how the sirens were doing. Bread rolls, pastries, ice cream, grapes, none were safe from their deadly appetite. Sonata was gulping down her soda, Aria was in the middle of cramming as much of a jelly donut into her mouth as she possibly could, and Adagio was eating through an entire corn on the cob. “Isn’t there something you girls want to say to me for this wonderful food?” Nymph asked gently.

“Yeah, can you order us a pizza, too?” Adagio requested without looking up. “Just throw everything on top of it.” Right before she took another bite, her corn was magically pulled out of her grip. “Hey, what’s the big idea!?”

“Let me be clear on something,” Nymph spoke sternly. “I am a queen and you will treat me as such. I don’t care how powerful you may think you are. If you want my warm hospitality, you better start singing a different tune.”

“How about this?” Adagio replied while grinning deviously. “If you want us to use our magic that only we have, you start treating us like queens? Do that and maybe we’ll help you. Now get to that pizza, bug!”

“Make it two pizzas!” Sonata demanded, although she did not come close as intimidating as her leader. “And some more ice cream! I really miss ice cream!”

“You poor, delusional girl,” Nymph responded with amusement. “You don’t know anything about changelings, do you?” She stood up as her horn’s light filled the room.

The sirens suddenly became fearful and before they could say anything, Nymph blasted Adagio with a bolt and the mare just stood there, looking dazed as her eyes glowed. “Adagio, are you alright!?” asked Aria, shaking her leader.

“Say something!” pleaded Sonata.


They jumped back as Adagio stood up on her hind legs with her forelegs at her sides, making clucking noises as she walked around. Nymph held up the corn to her and she started pecking at it aggressively. “W-why is Adagio acting like a chicken!?” cried Aria.

“What? Did you think sirens were the only ones capable of controlling minds? We royal changelings can also place others under our control.”

“I don’t get it,” said Sonata. “If you can control minds, then why do you need us?”

Nymph released Adagio from her spell and the mare took a moment to realize what she was doing. “Uh…did I miss something?”

“She zapped you with her mind control powers to turn you into a chicken!” Sonata then giddily clapped her hooves. “It was actually kinda funny!”

“I may be able to control minds, but it comes with limitations. I cannot control nowhere as many people as you can and my effects aren’t long term. My changelings and the ponies here have been studying my magic for some time, but the results have not been as fruitful as I had hoped. That’s what brought me to the other world. So you will sing for me, or I will make you.”

“How?” asked Adagio bitterly. “Those princesses have us under a microscope. There’s no way we can control people without them finding out.”

“It will be some time before we can actually begin. For now, just settle in and do the work you’re assigned to do and leave all the hard stuff to me.” She magically held the corn toward Adagio. “And please, try to be a bit more polite. If we’re going to be working together, then I hope we don’t have to remain as enemies.”

Before Adagio could respond, a knock came to the door and it opened as Celestia stepped inside. “I hope these three aren’t causing you any problems.”

“A little this and that, but nothing serious,” Nymph answered in her friendliest voice. “Do you have a room ready for them?”

“Yes. Follow me.” Celestia lead them down some hallways and a flight of stairs. “I couldn’t risk you three sharing a room with the other staff with your powers back, so I had to arrange for your own room.”

“No arguments here,” Adagio replied.

“Just behave yourselves. If I catch you causing trouble even once with your singing, you will get another private room in the dungeon.”

“You still have a dungeon?” asked Aria. “Even after a thousand years?”

“I do. It hasn’t be used in ages, so currently it’s just a bit of a tourist attraction.” The princess turned around. “I’ve been wondering, how have you all lived for so long without magic?”

“We didn’t,” answered Adagio. “It’s only been a few years for us since we were banished, but Sunset has told us that a thousand years had passed in this world”

“Is it true?” Sonata asked, looking upset. “Were we gone that long?”

Celestia gently placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, but it’s true. It’s been over a millennium since you were last in this world. It seems Starswirl not only banished you to another world, but into the future as well.”

Cold silence hung in the air. Sonata wiped her eyes as hints of tears came out while Adagio and Aria looked away, trying to hide their overwhelming sorrow. Just from the emotions she could sense, Nymph knew they were using all their strength to keep themselves from breaking down. “You must miss your old lives,” Nymph said sympathetically.

“No,” Adagio quickly answered. “There was nothing important left behind.”

“Even if we did know where home was, we have no reason to go back,” added Aria. “We’re nobodies. No money. No identity. No connections. Nothing. Our ties to the past are gone forever.”

“I see,” Celestia said solemnly. “Then it is my hope that you three can make new, happy lives for yourselves here in Equestria and we will do everything we can to make that happen.” It took some time before they finally reached their new room and the sirens managed to calm down from the news. Perhaps they had long accepted the idea of never returning home back when they were first banished. Celestia opened one of the doors and the Dazzlings jumped in to get a good look. It was a rather small room with white tile floor and a large blue rug covering most of it. Against the left wall were three beds that Celestia had arranged, each with lime green sheets and a little table next to them that held a small lamp. Against the other wall was a smaller wooden dresser with a mirror above it and to the left of it was the bathroom. The walls were decorated with yellow and orange striped wallpaper that had little images of Celestia’s cutie mark in them and a window from across the door.

“I call middle bed!” Adagio shouted as she jumped onto the bed.

“Dibs on the one closest to the door,” Aria said as she simply walked to hers and climbed on.

“That means I get the one by the window!” Sonata chimed as she trotted to hers. “Why do you want that bed, Aria?”

“So I can leave the room as fast as possible when you annoy me too much.”

“I’m not annoying!” shrieked Sonata loud enough for everyone to instinctively cover their ears.

“Both of you settle down!” Celestia stepped into the room, giving each of the two a disappointed look. “For dangerous sirens, you two act like little foals.”

“Welcome to my nightmare,” muttered Adagio.

“I think you all are still suffering from living out on the street, so I shall grant you time to unwind. Hopefully some rest will improve your behavior.”

“Perhaps having them work a little would be a good start?” suggested Nymph. “Give them something simple to do to prepare for their new duties as maids. Maybe if we’re lucky, cleaning the palace will help them clean up their act.”

Celestia chuckled, unaware of the sirens groaning loudly. “Very well. They can help serve dinner tonight. That shouldn’t be too hard. After that, we will discuss their future. You girls should get some rest before tonight. I imagine that it’s been some time since you have slept comfortably.”

“You have no idea,” moaned Adagio as she pulled the covers over herself.

“I’ll come check up on you three in a few hours. Have a good rest.”

Before Celestia could close the door, Nymph pushed it back open. “Dazzlings. Celestia has been very, very giving to three sirens who attempted to take over her kingdom and fought against her favorite pupil. Perhaps there is something you wish to say to express your gratitude for her selflessness?”

Aria and Adagio both looked very unwilling to say what Nymph wanted them to say. Sonata, on the other hoof, looked as if she had to think about what the answer was. At last, a tiny spark in her head became alit. “Oh!” She got off her bed and walked up to the alicorn, giving her a big hug. “I love you, Princess Celestia!”

Aria facehoofed, Adagio laid back down and put a pillow over her head, and Celestia blushed. “That’s not exactly what she meant, but thank you anyway, Sonata.” She patted the siren on the head and Sonata went back to her bed, smiling as if she didn’t realize she gave the wrong answer. “See you girls soon.” Celestia gently closed the door and she and Nymph made their way down the hall. “She seems sweet.”

“Deception is a powerful tool, Celestia. Remember what she has already tried in the past.”

“I am aware, but we can’t always look at the worst of others. I want to believe there’s more to them than their desire to control. For now, we need to be sure they don’t go running off.”

“I’ll keep my crystal ball close so I can watch them.”

“An excellent idea. That way we can catch up on court while keeping them under watch.”

“Catch up? Celestia, we have been gone for only about an hour. With the two of us, we will be spending more time watching the Dazzlings then court.” Upon opening the door, Nymph and Celestia were stunned by the sight of the throne room packed to the brim with ponies, changelings, and even some griffons. All of them turned toward the princess and ran up to her, all loudly shouting at her their needs at once. “I...er...better go get my crystal ball right away! Can’t be too careful!” Nymph dashed out of the room and cantered down the hall, leaving Celestia to her doom.

As the evening sun came down, Nymph and Celestia tiredly dragged themselves to the dining room where Luna and Chrysalis, who was out of her disguise, awaited. The palace staff didn’t seemed too surprised to see her, which was a nice change for once. The queen took her seat beside her sister and asked, “So what’s on the menu tonight, Celestia?”

“See for yourself.” Celestia clapped her hooves and three certain trouble makers wearing maid uniforms and pushing a cart carrying platters entered and the sight caused Nymph to snicker. Adagio and Aria showed their dismay on their faces, although Sonata didn’t seem to mind. She looked as happy as she had usually been since she came to this world, but Nymph noticed that she and Aria had kept their hair down rather than like in their picture. The sirens placed the dinner on the table before stepping back. Celestia took off the platter lids, but she then loudly cleared her throat. “Come here.”

They worriedly approached her. “Is something wrong?” Adagio asked with a hint of fear.

Celestia held up one of the platters. “One of the dishes is not carrying a slice of cheesecake. Would any of you happen to know where it went?”

“No idea,” the leader replied defensively.

“I’m too full from all the other food,” Sonata answered next.

The alicorn glared at Aria, who quickly looked away. “And you?” The mare shrugged in response, so Celestia used her magic to turn her head towards her and opened her mouth, finding bits of cheesecake in her teeth and causing everyone in the room to gasp.

“Unacceptable!” Luna shouted as she slammed her hooves on the table. “You have taken food straight from your princess’s dinner!” She took flight over the table and her eyes glowed white. With Luna’s horn charged, Nymph felt a sudden gust of wind in the room swirling around the alicorn and even a tingle of electricity in the air. “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF FOR THIS OUTRAGEOUS ACT!?”

Aria’s heart pounded wildly as she looked around the room, noticing how the royals and the other servants furiously stared at her. She looked at her companions for help, but they merely stood there and watched with terror. “Uh…it’s my first day?”

Like magic, everypony’s mood changed back into normal and the princess returned to her seat. “Oh. Forgive me for my overreaction,” Luna said calmly. “Please refrain yourself from making further errors in the future.” The royals then began eating as Aria slowly backed away, steadily shaking as she stood by her bandmates. Aria fanned herself as the alicorn said, “By the way, where is the tea?”

“I don’t know.” Adagio roughly nudged Sonata. “Oh wait, that’s my job! My bad!” She picked up the teapot from the cart, although she struggled with it as she was not completely used to having hooves again, and began pouring. When she came to Chrysalis and poured her drink, she looked up and asked, “Oh, aren’t you Nymph’s evil sister that everyone hates?”

All of the other ponies and changelings held their breath as Chrysalis slowly turned to her. “Yes, that is correct. How very keen of you to notice.”

“I notice lots of things! I’m pretty good at that stuff.”

“Like noticing you’ve been pouring too much tea?”

“Huh?” Sonata realized that the teacup was overflowing and quickly pulled away. “Sorry!” Unfortunately, she moved too quickly and some hot tea splashed onto Chrysalis’s lap. The changeling jumped out of her seat, letting out a yell as she quickly wiped herself off with a napkin. Her cry had attracted more servants and guards, all watching in shock as the former queen stared down at Sonata. “I-It’s my first day, too!”

Chrysalis lowered her head to the same level as Sonata, locking eyes. “Servant,” she started calmly, trying to hide the seething rage in her voice, “I will forgive you this one time, but promise me you will be more careful.”

“Y-you got it.” Sonata left the teapot on the table and quickly retreated to her group.

Celestia picked up on the sirens bickering with one another, so she said, “Servants, I feel it would be best if we dined alone, so you are all excused.” The servants bowed to her and made their leave as well as the guards, closing the doors behind them. “Chrysalis, are you okay?”

“I’ll live,” she grunted as she properly poured her tea. “Fire that girl for me, will you?”

“I’m afraid that I can’t,” said Celestia. “Those girls are sirens.”

“Wait, those three?” questioned Luna in surprise. “The clumsy one, the hungry one, and the poofy one?”

“That’s them,” answered Celestia.

“Spike told me everything about what happened.” Chrysalis helped herself to a slice of cheesecake. “I knew something was wrong when he didn’t show up on time with Rarity working today and I came to visit him and Twilight. Poor guy looked scared to death.”

“Correct me if I am wrong,” said Luna, “but I recall they were dangerous as well as clever, Tia.”

Celestia shrugged. “I guess a lot has changed since Starswirl dealt with them long ago.”

“What have they been doing all day?” asked Chrysalis. “Spike and Twilight told me that they had their magic back.”

“Not much other than complain and sleep. I think I will have my hooves full for quite some time,” spoke Nymph after sipping some tea.

“Keep your guard up, sister,” Chrysalis warned before taking a sip. “No matter how clumsy or childish they act, they still have their powers. Are you sure you aren’t in any danger?”

The queen waved her hoof. “Chrysie, you worry too much. I am a very capable changeling, for your information. Besides, once Twilight blocks their magic, they will be mere annoyances as opposed to threats.”

“I used to think the same thing about Discord,” Chrysalis spat. “Please watch yourselves around them.”

“Chrysie, calm down,” spoke Luna, happily eating her chicken salad. “I am confident they have learned their lesson by now and aren’t foolish enough to attempt anything with us always watching. We need to show them love and warmth, not suspicion.”

“Thank you, Luna. The good start to any relationship is trust and I feel that I can trust them to be responsible.” Finally taking her platter of food, Nymph removed the cover, only to toss it behind and slam her hooves on the table. Her steak was notably smaller than what she was normally given to her and examining the edges, it clearly looked like it was cut up by a knife. “ARIA BLAZE, GET YOUR THIEVING FLANK BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!” The queen charged out of the room, sensing a sudden spike of fear nearby, while her friends behind her laughed.

Nymph did not enjoy standing in the kitchen to watch over Aria do dishes, but she was absolutely certain she would use her voice to skip out of her punishment. All the siren did was whine about how her sentence was a lot harder to complete with hooves, but Nymph did not budge. It was not a great way to kick off their partnership, but she needed her to understand who was in charge. Once she finally finished, the queen gave her another stern talk before letting her go. Nymph was on her way back to her room for long needed rest, but she then stumbled upon another familiar face. “Sonata, what are you up to?”

“Eep!” She whirled around. “I wanted to check out this big castle, but…I can’t remember where my room is.” Nymph slowly placed a hoof over her face. “Hey, this isn’t my fault! This place is totally huge and is like a maze or something. How the heck am I supposed to know where I am in less than a day?”

“You make a good point. I will help you get back to your room.” Sonata sighed with relief. “However, I would like a private word with you in my room first.”

The little siren gulped. Unlike Aria, she was a lot easier to intimidate, which would be useful to keep her line. “W-why?”

“Don’t worry. You’re not in trouble. I just want to talk.” Their walk together was quiet, but Nymph’s sense of Sonata’s worry and fear told her everything. From what she had seen so far, now might be the best time to win over one of the Dazzlings. When they entered the queen’s room, Nymph prepared her most gentle voice. “By the way, I like the new look of your hair.”

“I don’t!” Sonata got in front of the mirror and pulled out a hair bonnet from her uniform pocket. She struggled with it in her hooves as she tried to pull her hair through it. “Adagio and Aria won’t help me because they think it’s funny and hooves are hard! I miss fingers!”

The bonnet glowed green as well as her hair while the queen did her mane for her. “Better?”

Sonata squealed with delight as she looked over herself in the mirror. “Oh my gosh, you did it! It was even cooler since you did it with magic!”

“It’s no trouble. I too appreciate the effort of maintaining looks.”

Sonata turned around on the stool. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“First, I’m afraid I may have came off a little strongly when I made my threats yesterday. I know you must be frightened of me, but I don’t want you to worry.” She gently caressed her cheek. “I can tell you three have been so miserable living on those cold, filthy streets and I assure you that those times are over. Celestia and I will take excellent care of you girls.”

“Okay. Is that all you wanted to say?”

Nymph sensed that she was not entirely taking in everything she was saying and seemed to just want to leave. It was time to push a little further. “No. The other thing I wanted to speak about is that I’m concerned about the company you keep.”

“Company? I don’t have a company! Wait! Is it like those movies where someone puts a little money in something and then becomes super rich later!? Was I left something in a will by my dead family!? Am I millionaire!? What does my company even do? Can we call it Sonata Incorporated? Oh! Sing inc! That sounds like singing, which I do all the time!”

Nymph could hardly keep her face from twitching. “Not that kind of company. I mean the other sirens you hang around.”

Sonata cocked her head. “Adagio and Aria? What about them?”

Nymph sat down to get on her eye level. “I’ve picked up that they don’t exactly treat you like a friend, constantly yelling at you and insulting you. Why do you choose to stay with them?”

“That’s not true. Only Aria is the worst.” Sonata crossed her forelegs, huffing. “She’s such a jerk who always makes fun of me and pulls my hair. Adagio is nicer, but only when she isn’t angry. She makes sure Aria doesn’t bully me all the time and she’s a really good leader, but sometimes she and Aria like to team up on me. She was super nasty right after the Battle of the Bands, but then she calmed down and was just sad. I only stay because of Adagio and sirens are supposed to stick together. Besides, wouldn’t it make sense to be with other sirens if you wanted to take over the world? The more of you there are, the more powerful your voices are!”

Shaking her head, Nymph gave her a pat on the top of the head. “Well that’s all in the past now. Believe me when I say you will be a lot happier just to have friends.”

For a second, a tiny bit of intrigue showed, but disappeared. “Pfft. Are you serious? Like, have you seen how Celestia lives? How can we not want this?” Sonata eagerly rubbed her hooves together. “Adagio was so smart to try taking over back then and she made it sound so easy. You just sing a bit, get stronger from all the chaos you cause, and then you own the world! All the other sirens thought Adagio was crazy for trying it, but Aria and I liked the idea.”

“And I know the rest of the story.” Looking her right in the eyes, Nymph placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Sonata,” she said softly, “after all the misery you caused, do you feel even slightly regretful of what you have done? Back then and with Twilight?”

She felt Sonata’s feelings of regret and doubt surface. “Yeah, I do.” Nymph smiled. “I really wish we took down Starswirl or the Rainbooms! Then we’d be ruling at least one world! And then I’d have a ton of servants who would do anything I say and get tons of massages every day! Oh, and all the ice cream I can eat!”

“No!” Nymph backed away from the siren, shocked. “I mean making people angry and fight with each other all for your own gain! Don’t you feel the slightest bit of remorse?”

“Why would I feel bad about that? It was totally fun to watch crowds fight under our spell. Plus with enough negative energy, our voices are sooooooo beautiful!”

Nymph stomped her hoof. “But they’re people! You caused horrible chaos between ponies, driving friends and family apart, and destroyed villages! All just to empower your own voices!”


“But…you…” The queen let out a heavy sigh. “You know what? Forget it. Let’s just get you back to your room.” Sonata happily hopped onto her hooves, trotting out of the room while cheerfully humming to herself with Nymph following. Perhaps Chrysalis was right and she needed to watch herself if Sonata, who Celestia felt was the sweetest of the three, was willing to cause misery and destruction with such joy.

Nymph took Sonata back to her room, occasionally glancing at the happy siren trotting beside her with worry. When they reached her room, Nymph opened the door as Sonata went past her to run to her bed. “Are you all getting comfortable?” asked the queen.

Aria glanced at them, suddenly drawing a smirk. “Sonata, you got lost and had to have her escort you, didn’t you?”


“How pathetic.”

“Says the girl who ate all the food!”

Aria shot up from her bed. “At least I didn’t spill it all over them!”

The two mares charged, but Adagio intercepted by smacking them both with a pillow. “Can you two go for one day without arguing!? I’m sure it’s a long way down from that window and if you two wish to not find out, then stay quiet!”

“Thank you, Adagio.” The Dazzlings returned to their beds. “Now girls, how does it feel to be back in your world?”

“It sucks,” Aria muttered. “I hate working.”

“Sorry, but you have your debts to pay. Twice you have tried to control the world and I want to ensure there is not a third time.”

“And how exactly are you going to do that?” asked Adagio. “By making us scrub floors and dust shelves?”

“Through the magic of friendship!”

Adagio looked to her two backup singers, both looking as confused as she did. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No, she isn’t.” Startled, Nymph turned to see Celestia enter alongside Luna and Chrysalis. “I apologize for leaving earlier. I had a list of duties to complete before properly speaking with you girls.” She held up a hoof to her companions. “You have already met them, but these are Luna, my sister, and Chrysalis, Nymph’s sister.”

“A pleasure,” Luna greeted. “I hope you find your stay here comfortable.”

Chrysalis stood in front of the sirens. “I heard about your experience on the streets. I am sorry you had to endure such hardship. I am familiar with adapting to living in a difficult world after a powerful defeat.”

“Oh yeah?” questioned Adagio, giving off snark in her voice. “You, being royalty, know what it’s like?”

Sighing, Chrysalis answered, “The truth is I was queen a year ago and invaded Canterlot during a royal wedding. I even defeated Celestia before I was cast out and then banished from my own home. I was an evil, cruel queen and thanks to friendship, I now have found true happiness.” She chuckled. “I can sense your confusion and even disbelief, but you will all understand in time.”

“And I succumbed to darkness and tried to bring about eternal night,” added Luna. “Now I am back to serving my kingdom alongside my wonderful sister.”

“What does friendship have to do with any of this?” asked Aria. “This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of! How does being dumb, girly, BFF’s do any of this? Evil queen? Dark princess? Am I missing something or are you just screwing with us?”

“Well, I did have to be purified by ancient magical artifacts, but they were powered by friendship,” spoke Luna. “I thought you three would have realized by now how powerful friendship is. Was it not the magic of friendship that stripped you three of your voices?” Perhaps she didn’t use the best choice of words given Aria and Adagio’s powerful fury building. “Sorry.”

“At least Sonata feels interested,” spoke Chrysalis.

Adagio and Aria looked at Sonata, who gulped. “What? That’s crazy! I am totally not!”

“You may not know this,” said Celestia, “but changelings can sense the emotions of other creatures. Sort of how you sirens can sense the negative emotions that you can absorb.”

Nymph and Chrysalis suddenly shivered when the cold fear came out from the Dazzlings. “R...read our emotions?” Adagio curled up and rocked back and forth, hooves on her head and eyes becoming wide.

Aria jumped off her bed, boldly pointing a hoof in Nymph’s face. “That would have been nice to know a few hours ago! Don’t we have a right to privacy or something!?”

“Sorry, but it’s just a natural sense for us changelings.”

“However, there are spells and enchantments to keep your feelings hidden,” addressed Celestia.

Nymph whirled around, utterly stunned. “And why would you share something like this with them!?Reading their emotions would be perfect to ensure they don’t try anything.”

“True, but would it not be suspicious if other changelings felt their hate and frustration toward us or Twilight? Their emotions can very easily give away that something is off about them and if their secret were to get out, I dread to think of what would happen. Besides, I think Luna is good at reading ponies, wouldn’t you agree?” Celestia gave her a wink, bringing Nymph a sense of relief. “And tomorrow, I shall personally take them to Twilight so we can study their magic and block it. Without their singing voices, they will be no threat to anypony.”

“NO!” Adagio’s explosive outburst took everyone by surprise as she stared daggers at the princess. “You are not taking our voices away!”

“I’m afraid you don’t have a say in this matter,” said Luna. “Is it of utmost-”

In an instant, Adagio grabbed Luna’s head and shook her with unimaginable fury. “Our voices are everything! It’s what makes us sirens! WIthout them, we are nothing! Losing the ability to sing was the most horrible thing I ever had to experience and so help me, if you dare make me go through that all over again, I will end you!

All was still in the bedroom save for the hyperventilating siren locking eyes with Luna. Timidly, Nymph said, “Perhaps we can compromise? Maybe there is a way to block their magic without hurting their voices? Like allow them to sing without little to no mind control?”

“I can make no promises,” Celestia said as she magically pried Adagio off her sister, “but if it is possible, I will allow it.” She set the siren down on the floor. “Right now, I strongly suggest you work on your behavior. So far, you two in particular have been largely disrespectful towards me and Nymph, something others will notice. If they were to find out what you really are, then I will be forced to keep you imprisoned elsewhere to keep the people calm.”

“So how long do we have to work for you?” questioned Adagio. “We were born to sing, not serve.”

“That entirely depends on you. Since you have no home to go back to, your new home shall be in Equestria. However, given your history, I cannot let you go entirely free. First, Twilight will need to research you magic so that we may keep it under control. After that, I will help you understand that there are better ways to make people love you than by force. If you three cooperate, it should not be long until I feel it is safe to allow you freedom.”

“From one prison to another.” Aria crossed her forelegs and harrumphed. “What a great life I’m living.”

“You may not like your current situation, but it certainly beats living on the street, right?” asked Chrysalis.

“I’m still undecided.”

“You’ll come around,” assured the former queen. “Trust me. You just need to give it time.”

“We’ll let you girls retire for the night,” said Celestia. “Tomorrow, we will see Twilight and I suggest you act in line. Right now, you are not permitted to see the city, so do not leave the castle.” She looked down at Adagio. “And remember, if you girls do any singing, you will stay in the dungeon until we can block your magic.”

“But what if we just sing to ourselves?” asked Sonata. “We haven’t sang in forever and I miss how amazing we sound!” She clapped her hooves together. “Please let us sing a little bit? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with seaweed on top?”

Celestia studied them, each looking desperate as the princess contemplated her answer. “You may only sing in your room. That is all I will allow for now.”

“Yay!” Sonata immediately began singing aloud and it felt soothing to Nymph’s ears. Soon Aria and Adagio joined her, all of them content and singing in harmony. Their voices were nice, but nowhere as amazing as Nymph imagine three creatures of legend would sound. Perhaps it was because they needed more magic to enhance it further, which she would have to take into account later.

“Have a good night, Dazzlings.” The four royals stepped out of the room and could hear them sing from further down the hall. “What do you think?” asked Celestia.

“I don’t trust them,” Chrysalis replied. “Adagio and Aria have quite the temper and hold no love toward us. I don’t know about Sonata, however.”

“She’s just as bad,” Nymph sighed. “Her only regret about their previous attempts was that they didn’t win. As sweet as she seems, she really doesn’t care about other people at all. She is enthralled with causing mayhem and getting what she wants by any means.”

“That is troubling,” said Celestia before glancing at Chrysalis. “However, I am more than certain we can help them. Just because they hate us now doesn’t mean they can’t like us in the future. It will take time, so we must be very patient with them.”

“In my defense,” spoke Chrysalis, “my goals were, despite evil, selfless in a way as I wanted to keep my people fed. These three are a different story. You can’t let your guard down for even a second.”

“Not to worry,” said Nymph. “I will keep a constant eye on them with my crystal ball. While they think they are safe and hidden away in their room, I will be there listening in to anything they will try. Speaking of which, I should start spying on them right away. No doubt they are already scheming something.”

“Normally we wouldn’t approve of such an invasion of privacy, but there’s too much at risk. Hopefully Twilight will be able to handle their magic quickly,” said Luna.

“I better go now to keep an eye on them. I wish you all a good night.”

The hallway came to a split and Nymph headed in the other direction before hearing hoofsteps from behind. “Mind if I join you?” Chrysalis requested. “I want to learn more about these sirens. It’s important to know your enemies, after all.”

“Er...sure.” Nymph gulped as Chrysalis walked alongside her while the alicorns went down the other direction of the hall. The queen hoped the Dazzlings wouldn’t bring up their deal with her while talking amongst themselves. Perhaps she should consider making up some explanations in case something slipped. In Nymph’s room, she went to her desk to grab the crystal ball and joined Chrysalis on the bed. With a little magic, it glowed and showed them an image of the sirens in their room.

Had Nymph or Chrysalis had been drinking anything when the image appeared, they would have spat it out.

Aria was lying on her bed, turned away from the other two as Sonata was happily jumping on her bed. What stuck out, however, was Adagio jumping on the bed along with Sonata. Nymph watched for some time as the two sirens giggled and sang, still unsure if that was the same Adagio she was seeing or if she was somehow already replaced by a changeling. Eventually, Aria turned to them. “Would you two please knock it off? It’s annoying and embarrassing for you. Especially you, Adagio.”

“Lighten up, Aria,” Adagio replied cheerfully. “We can sing again! You should be happy!”

“Happy? We’re still working for ponies and those bug things who are supposed to be worshipping us!” Aria sat up in her bed. “Tell me you thought of a plan.”

Adagio ceased her bouncing as she hopped off the bed while Sonata continued. “I’m working on it. We just got here and I need time to scope out the place and see what we’re up against. I must think out things carefully or else it will go badly.”

“Again.” Aria got down from her bed, getting right in the face of an angry Adagio. “You know, I think we need a change in leadership. We need someone who can do things right the first time.”

“I’m still in charge because I’m the smartest and the most powerful singer,” Adagio sneered while jabbing a hoof into Aria’s chest.

Aria smacked her hoof away. “And you have failed twice. Some leader you are.”

“That was not my fault! Maybe if one of us did exactly what I told them, we would have had the other world to ourselves!”

“Oh, now it’s suddenly my fault!?” Sonata had stopped playing on the bed, instead retreating under the covers and placing a pillow over her head. “Tell me, oh great leader, what did I do so wrong? I followed your orders exactly and those Rainbooms still beat us! Where did I, not you, make a mistake?”

“Well you…you…gah!” Adagio turned away and sat on her own bed. “Tell me, Aria, if you’re sooo smart, what do you suggest we do?”

Suddenly, the other siren looked surprised. “R-right now?”

“Yes! Come on! What’s the plan? You keeping questioning my authority, I assume you have something ready in that thick skull of yours.” Aria did not respond and instead glared at her. Adagio smirked in response, but then she looked behind her, seeing Sonata shaking in her bed. The siren’s smile dropped as she slowly turned toward Aria. “Look, we should just drop it for now. We’re back home with our magic back and we’re living in a castle instead of out in the cold. I think we can call that a big victory for us. Let’s stop arguing and just enjoy ourselves for now. Once they trust us enough, we can begin planning. So how about we stop fighting and focus on getting comfortable here?”

“Fine, but you better come up with something good. I think this is our last chance.” She returned to her bed, once again facing away from them as Adagio went back to Sonata. She tapped on the blue mare, who poked her head out and rested it on Adagio’s lap as the leader stroked her mane. Nymph couldn’t figure out how these three have stayed together after all this time when they were constantly at each other’s throats. Perhaps it was their goal of domination that kept them glued together and as much as Nymph would like to see them split up, she needed to stay together until her plan was completed.

Eventually, Adagio got up. “I’ll be back in a moment.” She then exited the room, leaving behind a frustrated Aria and a worried Sonata.

“I know they’re supposed to be evil, but watching them fight like that was painful,” spoke Chrysalis. “DId you see how Sonata just hid like that when they started going at it? Friendship may really be what they need more than anything right now if this is supposed to be normal for them.”

Sonata made herself comfortable on her bed while the other mare still remained turned away as minutes passed by in silence. Adagio then returned with a pail in her mouth, which she placed on the floor. “Look what I got.”

Aria slowly turned to her, but then quickly sat up. “Is that what I think it is?”

Pulling out two bottles from the ice bucket, the siren happily said, “Beer!”

“Ha ha! Now you’re talking!” Aria took the bottle opener from the pail and tore the cap off her bottle, chugging down several gulps before giving out a satisfied gasp. She then noticed Adagio sitting on the edge of the bed with her, staring at her with a little grin. “What?”

“What do you say?”

Aria blushed. “Thanks, Adagio.” Adagio placed a hoof around her and pulled her in for a side hug, ignoring how embarrassed her follower looked.

The siren then patted the bed on the other side, bringing over Sonata who was much more eager. “Girls. I know it’s been rough and we’ve haven’t been real friendly with each other lately, but that’s all behind us. Today marks a new chapter in our lives and this time, we will come out on top! We will be the most adored people in this world and all will bow to us! There will be no mistakes this time! As long as we stick together, we can make our dream come true!” She held her bottle. “Dazzlings forever!”

“Dazzlings forever!” the other two sirens repeated as they clanged their bottles together and started drinking.

Nymph turned off her crystal ball and placed it back in her desk. “Shocking. They want revenge.”

“Of course. When you hit rock bottom, vengeance becomes oh so enticing. Given this is their third attempt, they might be a lot more crafty.”

The queen couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “You call Sonata crafty?”

Chrysalis shivered as she recalled the dinner incident. “Fine. Aria and Adagio will be more careful this time. I think having them live with Pinkie would be a fantastic idea. She did wonders for me.”

“I don’t know. The other Pinkie was one of the ponies who put them in this mess in the first place. They certainly didn’t seem thrilled with Twilight.”

“I suppose you have a point. Are you sure you and Celestia can handle them?”

“Chrysalis, I can see anything they may try from a mile away,” Nymph answered with a reassuring pat on the back. “They have no chance. Let Celestia worry about reforming them and I will watch them closely. It will only be a matter of time before they join me. I mean us.”

“Okay. But if you ever need anything, please talk to Pinkie. There’s no pony better at bringing out the good in evil, rotten villains. Heck, she likes to sing songs out of nowhere, so she might be able to relate with them.”

Nymph nuzzled her. “You make a good point. I’ll be sure to think it over.” Perhaps Pinkie could be useful in providing good songs she could make the Dazzlings sing to further her cause. “But enough about them. Let’s talk about you and Luna!”

Like magic, Chrysalis’s expression turned from happy to confused. “Again? Nymph, don’t get me wrong, I love to talk about her, but you have been really prying into our relationship for a while.”

“What? I’m just making conversation. Nothing wrong with that.” She moved closer, suddenly eager. “So what’s new? Cute pet names? Oh! Perhaps talks of a family?”

The elder sister was too afraid to break eye contact and steadily distanced herself from Nymph. “Okay, I’m starting to become a little uncomfortable. Why in the world are you suddenly so interested…” Chrysalis’s jaw dropped. “Oh no.”


“There’s only one explanation for your sudden interest. All those questions about us. Needing to know every little detail.”

Gulping, Nymph’s eyes quickly averted. “A-and what would that be?”

“Sister, tell me the truth.” A tight grip on her hoof forced Nymph to look at her. Chrysalis’s gaze was inescapable and Nymph was sure she was going find out about what she found in Cupid’s Arrow. “You are writing another novel, aren’t you?”

The question nearly left her speechless. “Excuse me?”

“Well, what other explanation can there be? You are clearly taking inspiration from my love life to make another story to satisfy your hobby.” Chrysalis loudly sighed. “Nymphie, I know you want to write an amazing love story, but you just don’t have the knack for it. It’s all schlock and no plot in your books.”

Nymph jumped up from the bed as she blushed furiously. “H-h-how dare you! I am most certainly not writing another book! I just want to keep up to date with you and Luna and that is all there is to it!”

Chrysalis laughed tauntingly and it made Nymph feel even worse. “If you say so. As for us, there’s nothing new since the last time you asked, which was last night. And the night before. Oh! Can’t forget about the night before that!”

“I’ve been asking quite often, haven’t I?” Nymph asked, feeling sheepish.

“Understatement of the week, Nymphie.” Chrysalis glanced at the desk where folders and stacks of documents littered the top. “But what about you? Luna is constantly telling me about how you are exhausting yourself with your duties and even I am starting to become concerned. I’m even more concerned now that you have to foalsit those three beasts.”

Laying back down on the bed, Nymph answered, “I admit it will be a bit of work, but I am confident I can handle it. Besides, Celestia will be helping me and hopefully soon, they will learn their lesson and we can all become good friends.”

“How I hope it will be that simple.” Chrysalis growled, exposed the daggers in her maw. “I suggest keeping them away from that disgusting traitor. He is a bad influence and so help me, if either he or those Dazzlings try anything, I will crush, burn, and destroy everything they ever loved.”

“You realize that Discord cherishes Fluttershy?”

Chrysalis snorted. “I will make a few exceptions.”

Watching her sister fume, Nymph hugged her not just to reassure Chrysalis, but to reassure herself. “It’s going to be fine, Chrysalis. We’ll have their magic under control soon there will be nothing to worry about. They won’t be able to do anything to Equestria.”

Sighing, Chrysalis hugged back tightly. “I just can’t help but worry about Luna and most of all you. Promise me you will be careful.”

“Of course. It’s going to be fine, Chrysie. Things are only going to get better.” Chrysalis laid her head down on Nymph’s leg and Nymph rested her head on top of hers. “Just let me take care of everything for you, my precious sister.”

The last four days proved to be difficult for the sirens as their home world felt lacking. They constantly complained about not having things that Nymph and Celestia couldn’t understand such as phones, television, fingers, or internet, the last causing the Dazzlings to fly into a fit of uncontrollable rage and panic. They were also struggling to keep up with their expected duties, mainly because they had to get used to being in pony bodies. On the subject of their bodies, they had gained a bit of weight since their return as they kept stuffing themselves with any delicacies they could get their hooves on and looked much healthier than when they first met. Nymph kept a constant eye on the trio, stepping in if they even attempted to sing and threatened punishments such as cutting pay or withholding meals, despite not having the authority to do either.

Although they were defiant against her, she could sense that they were intimidated by her, which kept them obedient. Celestia, on the other hoof, attempted a friendlier approach by offering praise of their work or talk about the glory of friendship, but the sirens did not seem to care. At the end of the day, Nymph watched them through the crystal ball, always complaining about work or the two rulers. Was this what dealing with Chrysalis like for Pinkie?

The sirens were given late shifts so they could spend the mornings being tested by Twilight. Two times Nymph went to keep supervision of them, mostly to ensure they kept their mouths shut regarding their deal, and Celestia went twice to spend quality time with Twilight and Spike. The troublesome trio were not entirely reluctant to go through with the experiments as they were promised freedom to sing if Twilight proved successful with her research. Nymph considered a possible obstacle of Twilight completely eliminating the controlling aspect of their magic, but she would stick to the plan nonetheless. Music on its own did have a way to swing the hearts and minds. Twilight’s friends had become extremely curious of Equestria’s newest visitors and were allowed to look at the Dazzlings in secret as Twilight was sure merely seeing any of them would heavily provoke the sirens.

During breakfast, Celestia received a letter from Twilight informing them that she was finished with her research and had something ready to keep the Dazzlings from unleashing havoc. The princess and queen hastily finished their meal and rounded up Adagio, Aria, and Sonata to take them to Twilight’s castle. When they arrived, the alicorn knocked on the door and the Princess of Friendship answered, giving them all a fright. “Twilight, you look horrible,” Celestia said gently.

“Four days of important research days does that to you.” Twilight Sparkle had large bags under her eyes, which made it hard for Nymph to look at her directly. Her beautiful wings were in clear need of preening as loose feathers coated them. Twilight took a sip out of her coffee mug, which somehow also as worn and tired as she did. “Thankfully, it has been worth it.” She led her guests into the basement of the castle, where all sorts of machines and recording devices were set up. From one of the tables, she opened a drawer and pulled up three purple amulets.

“Those look just like our necklaces!” Sonata shouted in delight as she and the other sirens stared in awe.

“I based the design off them. After so many tests, I think these will do just fine. I could have been done two days ago if you hadn’t screamed at me to make them so they can allow you to sing well,” the princess said bitterly.

“Singing is what we were born to do,” Aria replied. “I’d like to see you go through life without magic, unicorn.”

“That’s alicorn to you.” Twilight magically placed the necklaces over the mares. “Okay, let’s hear it. Sing something.”

“Why don’t you drop on the floor and rest your eyes?” Adagio sang. “We promise it won’t result in your demise.”

The princess sipped on her mug. “I am not sleeping until you three are out my hair.”

“Well done, Twilight,” praised Celestia. “Now we shouldn’t have to worry about them causing problems, but what’s to stop them from taking them off?”

“I’d like to see them try.” Adagio attempted to remove hers, but the necklace would not budge. The other two sirens then encountered the same problem. “They’re attached magically and only powerful magic like mine or Celestia’s will be enough to remove them. Heck, they won’t be able to break them. I made plenty of precautions. Now they can sing without putting anypony under their control.”

“It took you almost a week to make these?” questioned Aria. “Aren’t you supposed to be smart?”

“I had to go through a ton of designs. A lot of the earlier models got damaged because you were using powerful magic to sing and they can’t stand the strain. I had to account for you three trying to empower yourselves like before, so I had to reinforce the later ones with more enchantments, otherwise your voices would break them and you’d no doubt run wild across Equestria. They can store magic like your old pendants as well, but they’re currently full with all the enchantments I placed. In short, you’re not going to be controlling anypony anytime soon.”

“You are indeed a miracle worker, Twilight,” Celestia complimented. “You should go and get some sleep. We can take it from here.”

“Allow me to escort you to your bed,” offered Nymph. “Can’t have a princess sleeping on the floor.” She picked up the pony with her magic, laid her gently on her back, and made her way up the stairs. “So out of curiosity, can recordings of their voices be used to control people?”

“No, the machines don’t store magic from their singing. However, I did encounter a problem. Their magic actually carries over on radio waves when they sing live, so they could easily brainwash so many if they had the chance. Thankfully, I don’t think even they know it, so we better keep it a secret.” The alicorn let out a yawn. “But that’s not a problem anymore. I can sleep easy and tomorrow, I will make emergency backups with the previous pendants.”

“Good idea.” Nymph made absolutely sure they were alone as Twilight’s eyes glowed green along with the changeling’s horn. “By the way, would any of those older pendants allow them to sing with a tiny bit of magic? Just enough to control commoners?”

“Those were the ones I made before these ones. They’re in the drawer under the ones I gave them.”

“How well do they work?”

“I had to use Spike as my test subject and with those ones, they don’t directly control you, but they implant a thought of doing what they ask you to do. While it’s not technically mind control, their words will be stuck in your mind and it’s almost impossible to ignore.”

Nymph felt a surge of joy and hopped before quickly catching Twilight as she flew off her back for a second. “Now these pendants, they are perfectly safe, correct? I wouldn’t want any of the Dazzlings breaking free.”

“Don’t worry. I had them enchanted so only somepony like you or me can remove them. The chances of them breaking free are minimal.”

“Perfect.” She gave a sly smile to the alicorn. “And you won’t mention as of this to Celestia or any of your friends. As for the pendants, don’t worry if any are missing. You probably threw them out by mistake since you have been so tired.”

“Yes, my queen.” The magical light then faded from Twilight’s eyes.

They stepped inside Twilight’s bedroom and when Nymph pulled back the covers, she discovered Spike already sleeping there. “Hope you like company, Twilight.” The princess did not reply as she had fallen asleep also. Nymph gently laid Twilight into her bed and the pony instinctively pulled Spike against her. Nymph tucked them in and then exited the bedroom, quietly closing the door.

When she returned to the lab, Nymph went straight to the drawer Twilight spoke about. Inside were three more pendants that looked exactly identical to the ones the Dazzlings wore. “What are those?” asked Celestia.

“Spares Twilight almost forgot to mention. She made additional ones just in case any of them ‘accidently’ lose theirs.”

“She plans these things very well.” Once Nymph collected them, Celestia warped them back to the Dazzlings’ bedroom. “Now that your magic has been taken care of, feel free to sing as much as you want. I wouldn’t mind hearing your beautiful voices now and then.”

“What about professionally singing?” asked Adagio sternly. “I would rather die than continue living in servitude. We three are gifts to the world and you would be a fool to deny us the right to allow your subjects the honor of hearing our songs. If we can’t have the world by force, then we will make them love us through our unmatched talent.”

Celestia and Nymph looked at each other. “Well…Twilight said they weren’t dangerous anymore and they still have to make a living here,” Nymph said. “They don’t have a home to go back to. They need to make a fresh start here in Equestria and singing is their only real talent. I think we should let them.”

Princess Celestia contemplated her suggestion and looked to the Dazzlings. “If you three can stay out of trouble, I suppose there is no harm in it.” The three sirens squealed. “But until then, you still work here and your shift starts in an hour. Have a nice day.” The princess departed from the room.

When the door was closed, Nymph held up the other pendants. “These will allow you to use a small amount of magic so that my plan will go through, but I will be holding onto them until the time comes.”

“Remind me why we should help you when we have our voices back?” questioned Adagio. “Celestia really trusts us.”

“Because she trusts me more and I can easily convince her to send you back into the other world and no amount of begging will be bringing you back.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be a good guy?” asked Sonata, slightly upset. “You don’t seem very nice.”

“Sometimes leadership requires less than friendly methods to get what you want. What matters is that I am doing all this for a good cause.” Nymph approached the window to look down the mountain where some other pony settlements were visible. “If the people cannot accept Chrysalis, then I will make them.” She slammed her hoof against the wall, causing the sirens the jump. Realizing this, Nymph cleared her throat, straightened her posture, and smiled. “In any case, I am so very thankful to have met you three. I’m sure in time, we will get along and just laugh about this in the future.”

“Don’t count on it,” snapped Adagio.

Nymph gave her a friendly mane tussle. “I promise that-”

The siren swatted powerfully at Nymph’s hoof, forcing her to recoil. “Don’t touch my hair! For that matter, do not ever touch me!”

As Adagio kept huffing furiously, Aria said, “Look, we kinda have to get ready for work, so if you don’t mind,” she pointed to the door, “see yourself out.”

Nymph was appalled by the tone of voice she was using towards her. “Are you telling me, Queen Nymph, what to do?”

“Yeah. I am.” Aria pointed to the door again. “Beat it.”

It took all her restraint to keep herself from screaming at Aria for showing absolute disrespect to her. However, she knew that friendship was still a vital part of her plan and would have to let it go. Witholding a scowl, Nymph said, “Very well. Enjoy your day.”

Exiting the bedroom, she heard the door slam behind her. Perhaps with some singing and fans, those three would finally calm down, but that was not entirely certain. The Dazzlings only sought domination and hopefully Celestia would be able to turn them around soon. Nymph thought that a few gifts would help them settle down. They did seem mostly bored during the evening while complaining of no “internet” or “television” and Nymph considered getting them a radio or maybe gamecolts.

She left the palace and flew into the city of Canterlot. As she expected, ponies became uneasy upon seeing her while her changelings seemed to be delighted. As always, she greeted any changeling she came across and did everything in her power to keep herself from showing any negativity towards any ponies, the ones who forced her hoof into this dangerous plan. Recent reports sent to her told her that love was still at less than optimum levels and her making a scene would only make things worse for her people. The thought of her changelings having trouble with food was enough to fuel her resolve about her plot. She was doing this not just as a caring sister, but as a caring queen.

This was going to work and no force in this world was going to stop her.