• Published 25th Jan 2018
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Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Prologue: A Grave Mistake

Chrysalis paced around her small bedroom for a few minutes while she thought about the latest rumor she had heard recently, one of a long stream of rumors she had been listening to ever since her last great venture failed due to the efforts of Starlight Glimmer. These rumors she had been hearing were from the Royal Guards that were stationed in Ponyville, who talked among themselves whenever they were off duty and went to the bars to drinks, as that was where she had decided to work since she was all alone, despite the fact that she disliked working as a barmaid. Sure, working as a tan coated unicorn mare, with a brown colored mane and tail, wasn't the best place for her to gather love, but she was able to feed off of the drunken patrons that tried to flirt with her. Thankfully their tempers were usually reported as effects of being drunk, which meant that she could get enough love to avoid dying from hunger while at the same time not raising any suspicion, as she didn't want her enemies to figure out that she was living inside their small community.

The drunken guards, however, told her rumors about a crystal mirror that several ponies, including the majority of the Elements of Harmony, had walked through within the last few weeks and yet none of them had returned at all, worrying both of the royal Princesses and the family members of the missing ponies. Chrysalis was annoyed that she couldn't use a disguise to take advantage of the situation, as she could easily transform into one of the missing ponies and feed off of the love that their family had for them, but she couldn't risk it, especially since Princess Twilight and the other Princesses were keeping an eye on everyone else. The few guards she had spoken too, when they were substantially drunk and wouldn't remember talking with her, told her that the missing ponies might be receiving training of some kind... from creatures that were unlike anything this world had ever seen before.

They all claimed that the missing ponies were obtaining powers that were unlike anything they had ever seen before, such as mastering a single element or doing things that one would normally never think of in the past... which only made Chrysalis wonder what would happen if she entered the crystal mirror.

After hearing those rumors, and thinking about the power that could be hers if she went through the mirror, she called in sick for her barmaid job, which was rather easy to fake if someone came by to check up on her, and got to work studying the exterior of the castle and the routine of the guards. She needed to understand what everyone did throughout the day, be it the Princess, the dragon that followed her everywhere, or something completely unexpected, before she started forming a plan to infiltrate the castle. She would find the weak point in the routines she was observing and use that small opening to slip into Princess Twilight's home, where she would begin her search for the mirror... and then she would obtain whatever power was waiting on the other side.

At least that was what she would normally do when trying to infiltrate an enemy castle, find an ancient mirror of some kind, and then find the power she was searching for, but this time around her plans were derailed as something completely different, and unexpected, happened. She had stopped pacing around her bedroom a few seconds ago and glanced out the window, as she had saved up enough bits as a normal pony to afford a small house that rested near the castle, where she spotted Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia departing from the castle. A few more seconds passed before the majority of the guards, those that were on duty at the moment, followed after them by both running and flying after them while at the same time leaving the castle completely defenseless.

She couldn't believe that they were leaving the castle in such a position, especially with all of the powerful books and relics that Princess Twilight might have stored away inside the building, though before the chance was wasted Chrysalis departed from her small house and rapidly made her way towards the castle, where she was thankful that it was almost nighttime at the moment.

She found that Princess Twilight had never bothered to learn that the castle doors were supposed to be locked and that all other entrances should be sealed as well, when she and her company were no longer inside the building, but that made it much easier for Chrysalis. She wore a different disguise, that of a mailpony she had seen wandering around the sky and sometimes dropping packages off at the wrong address, as she approached the castle, though when she got close, and determined that there was no one inside the building, she walked up to the main door. She then carefully powered up her horn and opened the door, where she quickly glanced around her for a few seconds before she slipped into the castle and closed the door behind her... though when she started walking she undid her disguise, as she could easily apply a new one should she bump into someone while she was looking for the mirror.

As she walked through the castle, however, she felt some of the crystal walls vibrate for a few seconds, as if someone was using a high level of magic on something, but since she had seen two of the Princesses leave the castle that meant that the person doing this had to be Discord... which made her immediately worry about her chances. If the darconequus discovered that she was here, looking for the power to overthrow Princess Celestia for good, he could easily snap his talons, find the Princesses, and bring them back to the castle, thus foiling her plans once more. Fortunately she discovered that the crystal mirror that she was searching for was resting in the castle's library, where the crystal seemed to shimmer for a few seconds. The downside to that, however, was that Discord was standing near the mirror and was staring at a board of some kind, which had a number of notes attached to it... though she discovered that all of the names on the board belonged to the missing Elements and the other ponies she had heard about.

Chrysalis wondered, for a brief moment anyway, if the mirror was one of Discord's experiments or his method of disposing of ponies that hindered his progress to conquering the entirety of Equestria, but at the same time she silently made her way towards the mirror while the creature was distracted.

"I wouldn't approach the mirror if I were you." a voice said, one that immediately stopped Chrysalis in her tracks, where she was halfway between the library entrance and her true destination.

Chrysalis turned her head slowly and noticed that Discord was still working on the board that he was staring at, making her wonder if he had been the one talking, but she was sure that it was him since she recognized the creature's annoyingly unique voice... though that was before she turned her head back towards the mirror and found a large book, with Discord's face, staring at her as it floated in front of her face.

"Why hello Chrysalis," the book said, using Discord's voice no less, though that made Chrysalis take a step back as she stared at the tome for a few seconds, "You should have come by a few days ago and made an appointment to see me, because we could be somewhere else right now, partaking in whatever food dishes and drinks that our hearts desired... for a couple of minutes anyway."

"I did not come to talk or hang out with you, Discord," Chrysalis stated, though at the same time she eyed the mirror for a few more seconds, because if she was fast enough she could get passed the chimera creature, and his possessed book, and enter a new world before he had the chance to stop her, "I came for an entirely different reason... revenge on Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends."

The book stared at her for a few seconds before returning to the shelf that it had been pulled from and the magic surrounding it seemed to fade, though that was followed by Discord's magic pulling her over to where the creature was standing, much to her surprise. She was basically lifted into the air against her will and was deposited right beside Discord, though as she started to growl at the creature she realized that she had the chance to read the board, something that she had ignored since she entered the library. The board definitely contained the names of the ponies, and a griffin, that had gone missing recently, and Chrysalis knew that they had gone missing since she personally spent some time searching for them before determining they had simply vanished without a trace. She wondered what Discord was doing with a list of names, along with what she assumed was a description of some kind, but she quickly turned her focus back to the mirror and why she had come here.

"Chrysalis, I know that you desire the power to pretty much take over the world and defeat everyone that defeated you in the past," Discord said, though at the same time he waved a hand over the board in front of him, where he stared at the names that were on it with a mix of interest and regret, while pulling Chrysalis' attention back to him, "but if you go through that mirror... well, you won't find what you are looking for on the other side."

"Do not assume that you know what I am searching for," Chrysalis growled, as she disliked the powerful being talking to her in such a manner, though at the same time she wanted to leave him and run into the mirror, as that was the whole reason she had entered the lair of her enemy in such a manner.

"Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered the mirror in search of Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer," Discord continued, almost as if he hadn't heard what Chrysalis had said, which might be reasonable considering that he could destroy his ears for a few seconds before they grew back, "Derpy Hooves entered the mirror because she thought that the package she was supposed to deliver was on the other side, while Gilda went through because curiosity bested her while she was visiting Ponyville. Pinkie Pie crossed the mirror because she was looking for an adventure, the Sirens passed through the portal on their plane because they were curious as to what happened to Sunset, and the soul of Sombra used the mirror to avoid permanently dying.

My point is that each of them aren't searching for revenge and I can tell that the worlds they were taken to, or the worlds I think they were taken to, will allow them to grow over time... while you are more likely to be punished in some manner, if your lucky. If you happen to be unlucky... well, let's not think about what might happen if you were sent to a world that's the opposite of what I just said."

"Right..." Chrysalis said, though she deliberately stretched out the one word, as she really didn't buy what the chimera creature was telling her about the selection being 'lucky' and 'unlucky', though that was before something interesting about the board caught her attention, "Two more names have appeared on your magical board... which must mean someone else was taken off Equus."

"Really?" Discord asked, though that was followed by what appeared to be his full attention being turned towards the board, as Chrysalis felt the magic around her fade for a few moments, which made the changeling smile for a few short moments, "Lyra Heartstrings and Trixie Lulamoon. How, in the name of the gods, did the two of them get displaced by the mirror when they haven't been anywhere... near... oh, I see how it is now. I should have listened to Twilight's lecture about magical backlash, because the original spell I put on the mirror had several aspects that I decided to erase, which I just finished doing a few minutes ago. It appears that the backlash from erasing those parts of the spell has knocked two other ponies to an entirely new part of our universe... ugh, I'm glad that I never told Twilight or Celestia about this whole mess."

Chrysalis wasn't surprised to hear that the Spirit of Disharmony wasn't saying anything about this to either of the Princesses that she had seen earlier, otherwise there would have been no hope of her even accessing the mirror, but with Discord's full attention on the board she saw her opportunity. She carefully stepped backwards, making sure that her hooves didn't trip anything that might make a noise, before she stood some distance behind the chimera creature, to which she turned towards the mirror and started walking towards it. When she reached her target, however, she glanced back to be sure that Discord was paying full attention to that stupid board of his and found that the chimera creature had forgotten that she had even been there.

Chrysalis grinned for a few seconds as she charged into the crystal mirror, allowing its magic to grab onto her before she disappeared from Equus completely... though a few seconds later Discord turned towards the mirror and watched as the shimmering surface died down once more.

"That stubborn changeling has no idea what she's gotten herself into," Discord commented, though he frowned as Chrysalis' name appeared on his board as well, only this time the description under her name was blood red colored, which worried him more than he had been a few minutes ago, "Oh no... that's definitely not good at all."

The descriptions of his came in a variety of colors, ones that he had created some time after creating the original displacement spell, but he had reserved the color of blood red for the more terrifying worlds or parts of the universe that someone could be sent to. Chrysalis, in her eagerness for the power to have her revenge on those that had beaten her in the past, had been sent to one of those locations, but the number of those places meant it would take some time for him to locate where she went. He only prayed that Chrysalis survived for a sufficient amount of time so he could try and bring her back... once he figured out where, in the vastness of their universe, she had been sent to.

Systems Engineer Isaac Clarke remained seated in his chair while he waited for the ship he was in, the USG Kellion, to depart from the Titan Station, as they had not yet been given the okay to fly and that meant that they had to wait until the order was given. The pilot and co-pilot of the Kellion, Corporals Chen and Johnston respectively, were currently making sure that they met all of the maintenance procedures and double checked the other items on the checklist they had to go over every time they departed from the station. The rest of his unit, Kendra Daniels and Zach Hammond, were busy packing away the items and belongings that they had brought with them for the week long trip to reach where the USG Ishimura was located, which was Aegis VII according to what Hammond told him. According to what he had been told there was something wrong with the communications systems aboard the Ishimura and they were being sent there to fix whatever the problem was.

Isaac, on the other hand, had packed some nice clothing so he could take his girlfriend Nicole out for a nice dinner in one of the Ishimura's many restaurants once he and the others were done with their tasks... while at the same time hoping that nothing bad had happened to Nicole since the last time they had seen each other, though he had to resist the urge to watch her last message for the thousandth time since he got it.

No one in his unit had any idea what the Ishimura was doing in the part of space that Aegis VII was located in, as it was practically on the edge of unexplored space and Isaac was pretty sure people weren't supposed to be in that area, but without all of the information they could only speculate what was going on. They knew that they could figure out what was happening once they reached the Ishimura, that much was a reality, so no one bothered asking questions as they prepared to depart. Fortunately Isaac didn't had to listen to his thoughts for too much longer, as a few minutes after he started thinking about the Ishimura again he noticed that Chen and Johnston had returned to the Kellion... where they gave him and the others a thumbs up before closing the door behind them.

Once the pilot and co-pilot returned to their seats they powered up the ship, which gave Kendra and Hammond time to take their seats as well, before they finally released the Kellion from the docking clamps and departed from the Titan Station. Another minute or two passed before Shen announced that they were powering up the Shockpoint Drive, which caused the very fabric of space-time to open before them, to which the Kellion entered the wormhole and disappeared from where it had been seconds ago.

"And we're through," Chen said, though at the same time he kept his eyes on what he was doing at the moment, while at the same time Johnston checked the systems one last time, just to be sure that everything was okay, "In one week's time we'll arrive at Aegis VII and the Ishimura."

"That's good to hear," Hammond stated, to which he turned towards Kendra and Isaac, who happened to be sitting in the pair of seats behind where he had been sitting, though at the same time they turned their heads towards him, "Let's unpack our belongings and get settled in... this is going to be a long ride."

"Right." Isaac and Kendra replied, though once they realized that they had talked at the same time they stared at each other for a few seconds before they shook their heads and gathered their packs, before they followed Hammond towards the part of the ship where their cots were waiting for them.

When they reached the area that the cots were located in, however, their moods changed as something happened, as the moment Kendra opened the door to the area where she would be sleeping in, alone considering that she was the only lady aboard this ship, she noticed something odd. There was lady resting in what was her cot, who had to be between twenty to thirty years old at first glance and appeared to be sleeping, though at the same time Kendra noticed that the newcomer was wearing a shirt and some shorts that looked like they belonged to a poor person. The stranger's skin color was unlike anything she had ever seen before, as it was a dark gray color that almost looked black, and her hair was a dark cerulean blue color that was also unlike anything she had ever seen.

What was really weird about the lady, besides her strange hair and skin color, was that the lady had a pair of what she assumed were pony ears sticking out of her head, had a jagged horn of some kind growing out of her forehead, and her feet had been replaced by hooves... and she had a pony tail that matched the color of her hair. Kendra realized, at that moment, that the person in front of her was a cross between a human and some sort of pony creature, making her a pony girl of some kind, but this complicated things more than they already were.

"Oh my aching head," the lady said, her voice confirming that she was an adult, though at the same time Kendra still found it hard to determine her age at the moment, but she silently watched as the lady moved a tiny bit and turned towards the door as she opened her eyes, where she spotted Kendra standing in the doorway, "Um... hello?"

Kendra stared at the strange pony girl that was resting on her cot, trying to understand where she had come from since she hadn't been in this room when they were departing from the Titan Station, but all she could come up with was that she must have come aboard when they used the Shockpoint Drive. That alone still didn't make sense, considering that warping aboard a ship when it uses their Shockpoint Drive was virtually impossible, but since the lady was in front of her she needed to reconsider her definition of impossible. While this went through her mind she noticed that the mysterious lady was moving her body again, to which she fell out of the bed and collided with the floor, though that caused Kendra to let out a sigh as she stuck her head outside the room she was standing in.

"Isaac? Hammond?" Kendra said, though at the same time she noticed that the two men had stopped in their tracks, as they actually were surprised to hear her call for them, "Can I talk with you for a few seconds?"

"Sure." Isaac replied, though as he answered her question he and Hammond turned around and walked back to the doorway that Kendra was standing in, "Is something wrong?"

"I may have found a... complication..." Kendra said, though her voice trailed off as she moved out of the way, letting Isaac and Hammond stare at the strange girl that had appeared out of nowhere.

She had no idea what Isaac and Hammond were going to say about the mysterious lady that was now laying on the floor, moaning about the pain that she was feeling in her body, but she hoped that this didn't derail their mission... or cause any other consequences in the near future.

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