• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,977 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Tau Volantis: Exploring the Fleet

Before Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver left the Admiral's quarters they carefully searched the rest of the area, collecting the bits of ammunition that were around the area, while also listening to a recording that seemed to be between the Admiral and one of her generals. The recording revealed that they were here to look for Markers and that the general was going to be fully briefed on the situation by a Doctor Serrano, someone that the trio agreed was an important character in what had happened to the fleet of ships that were around the Roanoke. When the recording was over, and they found nothing else of use to them, they headed back to the elevator and rode it up to the hallway they had been in before coming down here, though as they did so Buckell called them and revealed some news that would definitely be of some use to them.

"Buckell here," the man said, to which the trio remained silent as they listened to him, as both Isaac and Chrysalis knew that they would likely need to go somewhere so they could get something, as that was what generally happened when they were caught in a situation like this, "We've tracked down a scrapped transport shuttle called the Crozier."

"If we can get it space-worthy again, we can use it to reach the planet's surface." Ellie added, which was the more interesting part of the entire conversation, something that Isaac and Chrysalis were happy with, since this was the reason they had come to this location in the first place, getting to the planet and stopping the Marker.

"No chance." Norton stated, indicating that he wasn't too pleased with his authority being undermined in such a manner, meaning that he thought of this as a rescue mission for Ellie and not their attempt to save the rest of humanity from the Markers, "We'll find that shuttle, and then we're getting the hell out of here."

"Dammit Robert, if we don't stop the Markers there won't be anything for us to go back to." Ellie replied, though Isaac recognized her tone immediately, because when Ellie used someone's first name in an angry manner that meant she was either annoyed with them or pissed off.

"Ellie, we'll look into the shuttle." Isaac said, because right now he didn't want a war to break out between Ellie and Norton, especially since they were in the middle of space without any shuttles or others modes of transportation, so they were all trapped until someone did something, "Where is it located?"

"In the biggest ship in the fleet, the Terra Nova... but that's a long walk." Buckell answered, meaning the largest ship that appeared to be at the end of the line, or at least of the ships that hadn't been blown apart by the mass of mines the Eudora had flown into earlier.

"Well, they must have had a way to travel between the ships." Santos commented, which both Isaac and Chrysalis agreed with, especially since they needed some way to get between the various ships besides trying to use magic to teleport between them all.

"If there's a way, we'll find it." Buckell said, echoing what was going through their minds at the moment, though at the same time Isaac and Chrysalis primed their weapons and Carver followed their motions, as there was no telling if more Necromorphs were waiting outside the door.

The moment the rest of the group was done talking Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver walked out of the elevator and entered the hallway that allowed them to reach where Ellie was located, though at the same time they started to retrace their steps back towards the area the Bench was located in. The trio returned to the theater room and found that an informative message was playing, to which they paused for a moment and discovered that, after finding the Black Marker on Earth, the people at the time tried to harness the energy of the dangerous artifact for themselves. That eventually brought them to this planet, which they called Tau Volantis, with the intent of finding the source of the energy and claiming it for themselves, so they could make a better future for themselves. The moment the informative message was over, and started playing a second time, the trio moved through the door on the opposite side of the room they were in, where they were assaulted by some slashers and leapers as they entered the other hallway.

Chrysalis used short bursts to dismember her targets while she followed Isaac and Carver over to the door they used to enter this hallway, defending their rears as they moved into the waiting area between the hallway and the area the Bench was located in. Fortunately no additional enemies came from behind them, meaning that they were able to walk through the set of doors and return to the area the Bench was in, where they found Ellie working on something and everyone else that had been with her was somewhere else.

"Isaac, Chrysalis, I knew you'd be a few minutes behind us." Ellie said, though the anger that had been in her voice a few minutes ago was gone, for now anyway, and Isaac wanted to make sure he stayed on her good side while they hunted for the shuttle.

"Where are the others?" Chrysalis asked, as she would have figured that all of them would have remained in this area until they were ready to move forward, especially since two of them were wounded, but instead they found that the rest of Norton's group was nowhere to be seen.

"Finding a way off this wreck." Norton commented, indicating that he was currently linked with Ellie's location at the moment, meaning that the two of them had been discussing something while the trio was busy fighting their way to this area, "Santos, tell them what we found."

"Of course!" Santos said, the excitement in her voice revealing that she had found something that would aid them all in getting to the shuttle that was currently resting somewhere inside the Terra Nova, "We found a little maintenance craft, a 'Skip'. It doesn't go very far or very fast, but it will take you to the outermost ships. Here, I'll send you the coordinates."

"Now, let's get that shuttle so we can go home already." Norton said, though his tone indicated that he would command them to follow him if he needed to, which wouldn't work for him if he tried it, because almost all of them wanted to bring an end to the nightmare.

"Robert, we are not going home!" Ellie stated, her earlier tone resurfacing in full force, though Isaac couldn't fault her for being angry, as he was starting to get annoyed of Norton's lack of faith in their mission and the fact that he continued to press for heading to a home that was either destroyed or about to be taken by the Unitologists.

"Look, we have to get the shuttle before we do anything else." Chrysalis snapped, causing everyone to stall for a moment, because when she got angry Isaac and Ellie knew that it was time to stop a conversation, something that Ellie must have warned the rest of her crew about before their arrival.

"Of course." Ellie said, though as she sighed she disconnected the audio link that was between her and Norton's group, at least for a moment anyway, as she turned and faced the trio that was near her, "Isaac, what do you think we should do with the shuttle?"

"Exactly what you're thinking of doing with it." Isaac replied, which brought a smile to Ellie's face, as she knew that he would have sided with her anyway and wanted to be absolutely sure of that before they left the area, "Chrysalis, Carver, and I are going to check out this 'Skip' and see what we can do with it... and hopefully it'll take us right to the Terra Nova, where the shuttle is supposed to be."

Ellie nodded and got back to whatever she had been doing before their arrival, to which Isaac and Carver approached the Bench and quickly made some modifications to their weapons while Chrysalis stood near the door that would allow them to return to the airlock so they could jump out into space. The moment her companions were ready they joined her and continued through the door that was in front of them, only to pause when they reached a suit kiosk that would allow all of them to upgrade their suits. Since Chrysalis was still wearing her armor from the Titan Station, which she had already upgraded to it's maximum potential, she didn't both approaching the kiosk and waited nearby, though she didn't have to wait long as Isaac and Carver finished up with the kiosk. Apparently upgrading these suits required certain materials that needed to be salvaged, like the gel and scrap metal they had been picking up, but the amounts were more than what Isaac had been expecting... so he called it off and simply joined Chrysalis, as he figured that it was time for them to get serious about finding that shuttle.

As the three of them walked into the hallway that was just beyond the suit kiosk, however, Isaac's RIG beeped and he discovered that someone was already trying to message him, and only him when he found out that neither Chrysalis' or Carver's was doing the same thing... to which he opened the video link and found Norton staring at him.

"Isaac, Norton here." Norton said, as if Isaac was retarded and didn't know who was calling him, but since time was of the essence Isaac said nothing about the captain's lack of faith in him and focused on another matter.

"Why are you contacting me on a private channel?" Isaac asked, though he figured that there was something the captain knew that he didn't want to tell the rest of the crew, meaning that he thought it was fine to share it with Carver and Chrysalis while not wanting to reveal it to Ellie's crew.

"Because I need to know if you, and your friend, are on my side." Norton stated, which instantly sounded stupid to Chrysalis, because as far as she was concerned there was only one 'side' in this entire venture, though that only made her wonder if the captain was focused on something other than the mission.

"There are no 'sides' in this mission." Chrysalis replied, causing Norton to glare at her, but at the same time she was unaffected by whatever he was trying to do, as the many years she had spent learning from her mother and the many years she learned to lead her Hive gave her the tools to ignore the glare entirely, "We're all here for one thing; the end of the Markers."

"Isaac, I know you love Ellie, but so do I." Norton said, choosing to ignore Chrysalis at the moment and focused his attention on the person he wanted to talk to, though at the same time Isaac simply stared at the captain, "I love her too much to let her go through with this... and if you feel the same way, like I think you do, you'll tell her to stand down and use the shuttle to go home."

"I have no doubt that Ellie just found the Marker home world," Isaac stated, as he and the majority of their team understood what was going on at the moment, even if Norton seemed to be clueless about the situation, "which means that this is the only chance we'll get to stop the Markers and prevent the Unitologists from achieving Convergence. Norton, I'm going to say this once; if you threaten this mission, or do anything that might result in us failing to get down to that planet, I won't hesitate to blow your head off and dismember your corpse."

Norton stared at Isaac for a few seconds, as if he couldn't believe that Isaac was willing to go through with this, but instead of saying anything he simply cut off the connection and the video link disappeared entirely, allowing the trio to continue moving towards the airlock. Carver remained silent for a few moments, though Chrysalis could tell that it wasn't his normal silence and that he was thinking of the fact that his captain was willing to abandon their mission, especially after all the trouble they went through to find the two of them. Isaac raised his hand and used his Kinesis Module to turn the lock on the door that was in their way, allowing them to enter the chamber that was between them and the space outside the Roanoke, where a few seconds ticked by before the door opened. From there the three of them walked out onto the walkway that was connected to the entrance and started their search for the Skip that Ellie and the others had told them about.

As they flew out into the space around the Roanoke Isaac discovered a looping message of some kind, one that Santos said was coming from the C.M.S. Greely and that it might be important, where Isaac promised that they would look into it if they got a chance. Fortunately it was easy to find the station that the Skip was located at, as it wasn't too far from the entrance they used to get inside the Roanoke and had been off to the side to prevent it from being wrecked by the debris from the Eudora. The only downside they discovered when they found the Skip's location was that it was designed to sit two people at a time, making them all wonder why the hell the soldiers that had come here had bothered with this since it seemed impractical for them to only transport two people at a time. As such Chrysalis stood outside the Skip and let Isaac climb into the front seat as Carver did the same with the back seat, where they discovered that there were three other ships they could head to; the Greely, the Terra Nova, and the Brusilov.

Chrysalis, upon hearing that there were three options for them to pick from, suggested that they take a few seconds to check out the Brusilov, because if they were going to visit two of the other named ships she had to wonder if there was something they could do with the remaining on. Isaac agreed with her statement and clicked one of the buttons on the console in front of them, to which the Skip started to move forward and left the small station that it had been docked at for the last two hundred years. Chrysalis latched onto the top of the Skip and let it carry her over to the ship that Isaac had selected, using her magic to brush off the debris that were around them, before she spotted another station approaching and let go as the Skip docked. A few seconds later the shuttle stopped moving and both Isaac and Carver climbed out of the area they had been sitting in, where they stared at the Brusilov and wondered what sort of information or items they would be able to find while they were here.

She and Isaac drifted around the space around them, finding a nest Necromorph that needed to be taken out so they could actually get into the Brusilov, and they destroyed it while Carver stared at the ship for a few seconds, before reality seemed to snap back into place for him.

"What the hell...?" Carver said, before he focused on the ship that they had come to, as he had received an unusual transmission that had caused him to stall for a moment, "Isaac, Chrysalis, head for that ship."

"That airlock will be our way inside the Brusilov." Chrysalis commented, as she could see the airlock, something that they were all focused on, and they started flying through the space between the Skip's station and the Brusilov, but at the same time she felt a familiar tug that could only spell disaster.

Since the nest seemed to be the only enemy in the area, which was a good thing in the long run, the three of them flew over to the entrance of the Brusilov and entered the airlock, where they waited for a few seconds and let the systems do what they were supposed to do. After a few seconds they unlocked the door in front of them and entered the ship, though as that happened computerized voice declared that they were entering a vacuum, indicating that there wasn't any air on the ship at the moment.

"Hey, we're not getting any air." Carver said, noticing what was going on at the moment, something that could easily be determined by simply listening to the computerized voice, but at the same time the three of them readied their weapons in case any enemies showed up.

"Lift support must be offline." Isaac commented, though at the same time he and Chrysalis glanced over at Carver for a moment, as he seemed to be the one that was the most effected by being here, making him wonder if there was a Marker on this ship, "You sure that you want to go through with this?"

"How long can you hold your breath?" Carver growled, his tone indicating that he was going to go through with this, whether or not his new companions were going to go along with him, especially when he opened the door at the end of the hallway and dismembered the fodder that was on the other side of the door.

"Let's find the life support systems and get the air flowing again," Chrysalis said, because right now she didn't want the two of them to get into a fight over something like this, as she could feel some tension in the air, and they were willing to stop since she could easily overpower the two of them, "in the meantime we can use these air canisters to restock our oxygen supply while we're looking for our target."

As they entered the room that was in front of them the trio discovered that the only way forward was to climb down the ladder that was in front of them, but as Isaac did that Carver and Chrysalis were attacked by some fodders that dropped into the room they were in. As they opened fire on the Necromorphs, however, Chrysalis heard the sound of gunfire below them, indicating that Isaac was under attack as well, before she and Carver finished off their foes, which allowed them to take turns and climb down to the area that Isaac was in, where they discovered that he didn't need their assistance at all. Despite that fact Chrysalis opened fire on the slashers and fodders that were in the area, which Carver did as well, before they were able to help Isaac in taking out the enemies that were coming into this room... while at the same time Chrysalis noticed a pregnant Necromorph that Isaac had dismembered before it could release the contents of it's stomach, saving himself from what was inside it.

After killing the enemies in the immediate area the three of them quickly looted the lockers that were around them, and the ammunition boxes that were around the room, before they walked into a new hallway that brought the three of them to a new door that allowed them to enter a command room of some kind. Before they moved forward they stopped at the air canister that was in the hallway and restocked on their oxygen, since Isaac and Carver were running low since their suits weren't fully upgraded like Chrysalis' was. Once that was done they entered the new chamber and followed the path that was in front of them, where they dealt with a few fodder enemies that attacked them and made sure they were dismembered, though as they moved towards the next doorway Chrysalis picked up one of the axes that her target had been holding and noticed that it seemed to be finely made. Despite that fact she preferred her bone blades over the axe she was now holding and returned it to where she had found it, because she didn't need a new pair of weapons when her own blades were in pristine condition, before she turned around and headed over to Isaac and Carver, where they used a door that revealed an elevator to them.

They rode the elevator for a few seconds, where Carver stared at the wall to his right during the trip, though when they arrived at their destination the three of them walked out into the small room that the elevator had stopped at, where a lurker was waiting for them. As such the three of them blasted the lurker until it was dead, where they explored the area and found a ladder that would allow them to descend to the level below them, which was where the power terminal happened to be located. Isaac headed down to the lower level, where he pulled off the cover and started to hack into the terminal while Chrysalis stood behind him, so she could fire upon the Necromorphs that were coming their way, while at the same time Carver remained on the upper level and did the same with the enemies that were up there. Fortunately Isaac was able to hack into the terminal without anything happening to him, to which the lights and everything came back online as the life support systems turned back on, allowing them to breath a sigh of relief as they finished off the rest of the enemies in their immediate area.

A few seconds later Carver seemed to stop in his tracks as he listened to something, though from what Isaac and Chrysalis could tell it wasn't Norton and the others, and there wasn't any incoming transmission that was being broadcast by the ship.

"There it is again!" Carver said, snapping out of his trance as he glanced around the area that they were in, as if he was trying to find the source of whatever he was hearing, "It's coming from somewhere inside this ship."

"What are you talking about?" Isaac asked, though at the same time he had the feeling that he knew what was going on, as Chrysalis seemed to be more in tune with what their new companion was talking about.

"The transmission... didn't you hear it?" Carver stated, but that statement told Isaac and Chrysalis exactly what they needed to know, which only made them wonder something else as they glanced at each other, "What?"

"There's a Marker nearby." Chrysalis said, as that was the only explanation for what was going on, which caused Isaac to nod his head in agreement, before she turned her gaze towards Carver and an idea formed in her head, "Can you home in on where this 'transmission' is coming from?"

"Yeah, I'll adjust our waypoints and we can move out." Carver replied, though if he was wondering what Chrysalis was talking about he didn't say anything, as if he forgot what she and Isaac were supposed to be, before he started to move out and the duo followed after him.

The trio returned to the elevator and rode it back up to the hallway they used to get down here, though when they arrived they dismembered the fodders that got in their way and moved towards the door that was on their right, as that was where Carver said they needed to go. The three of them headed through a small hallway and then entered a slightly larger one after passing through a door, though when they did that they had to deal with a pregnant Necromorph that was backed by several fodders. Before heading through the door they were supposed to go through the three of them opened a door on their left and raided a supply room, for all the resources that it contained, before they headed towards the actual door they needed to go through. From there they followed the path that was in front of them and came to a terminal that required two people to hack into it, where Chrysalis guarded the pair while they worked their magic on the device, unlocking the door that was blocking their path... though when they opened the door Isaac and Chrysalis found that the chamber in front of them contained a Marker with sensors attached to it.

Carver, on the other hand, stepped forward and stopped in front of something that only he could see, as he picked up whatever he was seeing and seemed to be focused on what the Marker was doing to him, while at the same time all three of them disengaged their helmets as they entered the chamber. A few moments later Chrysalis pushed Carver, after he said the name 'Dylan', and snapped him back to reality, where the three of them heard enemies surge out of the vents and enter the area they were in. As such the three of them reengaged their helmets and opened fire on the fodders that were marching towards them with their axes raised, though while they gunned them down Chrysalis switched to her blades for a few moments and hacked her way through the Necromorphs that attacked her. There were even a few lurkers that wanted a piece of them, but they fell beneath the combined might of Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver, though when the dust settled it was clear that the trio were the victors of this fight. Isaac said nothing as he spotted an ammunition container, one that Carver helped him open, and they claimed the packs and upgrades that were inside it... though once that was done they headed back towards the door and headed out into the hallway.

As they walked out into the hallway the life support systems turned off again, either from the stress of being online after two hundred years or from the Necromorphs damaging the systems, though the group focused on what they were doing and blasted their way through the enemies that now stood in their way... before they exited the Brusilov and floated off into the space around the ship.

"What was it Carver?" Isaac asked, though at the same time the three of them flew over to where the Skip was resting, so they could see what was up with the Greely and whatever message they had picked up earlier, before focusing on the Terra Nova and the shuttle that the others had found, "What did it show you?"

"What do you mean?" Carver replied, as if he had no idea what Isaac was talking about, though at the moment both Isaac and Chrysalis weren't going to play this game, not when they were above the Marker home world and whatever else was waiting for them.

"The Marker." Chrysalis said, though at the same time they stopped by the Skip and she waited for them to climb inside it, as she was going to ride all the way to the third station while they sat inside the vehicle, "They show you visions, either of your loved ones or moments that really hurt you in some manner, and they often come with the spirit of a loved one that will follow you around and help you in some way."

"I don't want to talk about it." Carver stated, though his tone told them that he didn't want to talk anymore, to which Isaac and Chrysalis sighed as they readied themselves, as the moment he and Isaac were ready the Skip moved out of the station and headed towards the one near the Greely, while Chrysalis rode on top and protected them from the debris that were still in the way.

It didn't take them long to reach the Greely, especially with Chrysalis moving the debris out of the way, though when the Skip came in for a stop she jumped off the top of the shuttle and floated down onto the platform that Isaac and Carver stepped out onto it. From there the three of them floated into the air and flew over to the Greely, aiming for the airlock that would allow them to enter the vessel, though as they approached it they fired at the lurker that came out from it's hiding place and tried to attack them, dismembering the Necromorph before it could hurt them. After that they landed on the small walkway and headed inside the research ship, though after they actually entered the ship the three of them stopped as they looked around the hallway that they were in while Isaac reached out to one of their new friends.

"Hey Santos, we've made it inside the Greely." Isaac said, though he was hopeful that Santos was able to make some progress with the message they had heard when they exited the Roanoke some time ago, especially since they spent some time investigating the Brusilov, "Any luck with that encrypted message?"

"Unfortunately not," Santos replied, her tone telling them that she was slightly annoyed by that prospect, though at the same time the trio knew there was more she wanted to tell them before they got started on this quest, "but if you guys can find the source of the message I might be able to decrypt it."

"Roger that, we'll keep our eyes out for something that'll help you out." Isaac stated, though he followed that up by disconnecting the audio link and opening the door that was in front of them, allowing them to access a ladder that brought them to a level below them.

As they reached the level below them, and spread out a little, the three of them were under attack by a group of lurkers, pukers, exploders, and a few slashers before the coast was clear, though even as that happened the three of them remained on their guard, because they were sure that the Necromorphs were going to bid their time before striking out at them again... and at the same time Chrysalis noticed something that was going to change the course of this investigation.

"Hey Santos, it looks like parts of the ship are sealed off." Chrysalis said, opening the audio link once more, though at the same time since she was talking it gave Isaac and Carver some time to get the supplies that were in the chamber that they had climbed down into.

"Sealed? On purpose?" Santos commented, her tone indicating that she was thinking about what she had been told, though at the same time Chrysalis was willing to bet that this was intentional, especially after what they had seen while they were inside the Roanoke, "Do you think that you and the others can get them open?"

"It all depends on whether or not we can turn on the power." Isaac stated, indicating that he was listening to the conversation, though Chrysalis never bothered to make it so only Santos could hear her, as she knew that Isaac had the key to all the machines on all of these ships, "If we do that we might be able to lift the lockdown."

Since Santos had nothing to say to that, as she was trusting Isaac's abilities as an engineer, the audio link was disconnected once more and the trio headed down the stairs that were off in the corner, where they found some lockers and ammunition boxes before they advanced through the door at the end of the line. That door brought them to a second door, which in turn allowed them to enter a chamber that looked like the one they found the oxygen controls in on the Brusilov, which meant they had to descend to the level below them. Sure enough Isaac found the generator on the level below them, though while he powered it up Chrysalis stood near him and Carver stood on the level above them, the two of them being ready for any Necromorphs that wanted a piece of them... though what surprised them was the fact that no Necromorphs came to interrupt what they were doing, causing them to wonder what was going on before they decided not to lower their guard just yet.

Once the power was back on Santos revealed that the lockdown was coming from the radio room and that she had set their waypoints for the location of the room in question, to which the trio got back together and approached the elevator at the end of the room, though to reach it they had to take out a pair of slashers. After that they rode up to the hallway the elevator connected to and found themselves in yet another identical hallway to one of the ones in the Brusilov, though Chrysalis figured that all of the research ships were identical in how they were built at this point. The moment the elevator stopped they opened the door in front of them and entered a room with consoles, where they found a small electrical terminal that required them exchange the power between two pieces of machinery so they could move further into the Greely. Carver and Chrysalis stood guard as Isaac tested the various controls for a few seconds, making sure he knew the voltage of each part, before smiling as he figured out the combination that would allow them to move into the next part of the ship.

As they moved towards the door they heard a recording of someone asking one of the crew members about who was sending a message planetside, until they came to a point where the soldiers determined that the proper course of action was to cut off the ship's power and kill everyone, as well as cripple the transmission. As they headed through the door that Isaac had unlocked they heard the sound of gunfire, indicating that the soldiers that were following the order dealt with the crew member that they had been talking to. The path the door revealed brought them back to the room that the ladder was in, along with some more of the various Necromorphs that they had fought the first time they were in this room, where they gunned down the undead creatures as they made their way towards the actual door they needed to head into to find the source of the transmission. On the other side of that door, which was down a second set of stairs that the trio had ignored, they discovered a room that definitely looked like it belonged to a research vessel, though as they looked for a way to continue they all kept their eyes open for any enemies.

Sure enough some lurkers and slashers attacked them while they headed towards a lift, but they were easy to take out and soon the trio was heading down to the level below them, where they fired at a slasher and blew it apart before walking over to the door that it happened to be guarding. The door brought them to a small area that a slasher tried to ambush them in, though Chrysalis smashed it with her magic since they were too close to actually fire their weapons at the moment, before they moved through the door that was in front of them. That allowed them to enter a new room that brought them to a manual crank they had to turn with their Kinesis Modules, so while Isaac did that Chrysalis stood guard in case enemies attacked from behind. A few seconds later the three of them headed through the now open door that was in front of them, as that was what the crank was linked to, before they entered a power room of some kind, one that had electricity sparking off the central machine and hitting the area around it.

Fortunately they found a panel on the machine that they could tear off and remove a piece of the machinery, cutting off the electricity that was coming from the device, though that resulted in some of the plating around them breaking as the gravity wells broke and created the unstable gravity walls that would tear them to pieces if they stepped on them. Since there weren't any gravity walls in front of them they were able to cross to the other side of the room and activated the terminal that was in front of them, which also allowed them to listen to another recording that was during the time of the 'cleanse' order. After letting the message cycle Chrysalis found a key that had to be to the office mentioned in the recording, to which the three of them headed back towards the door that allowed them to enter this chamber, where Chrysalis decided to use her magic and hurled any Necromorphs that dared to show themselves into the gravity walls that were all around them... allowing Isaac and Carver to conserve their ammunition for whatever was on the Terra Nova as they made their way back towards the room with the ladder they had gone through multiple times so far.

Chrysalis found it satisfying when she used the gravity walls to dismember and kill the various Necromorphs that were in the area around them, as it allowed them to move through the Greely all that much faster, though at the same time she could tell that Carver was interested in what she was doing with her magic, since he wasn't used to magic being a thing that existed in his world. When they reached the room with the ladder Chrysalis handed the key she had found to Isaac, who headed towards the door it went to, before she and Carver opened fire on the Necromorphs that started to come towards them, taking them out before they could be hurt in the process. Fortunately the decryption key was in plain sight and Isaac sent it to Santos the moment he had it, where they discovered that the message was 'hide Rosetta', which they all assumed was a scientist whose research was the key to everything, though that information meant they knew what to look for when they headed down to Tau Volantis.

With the deed done, and the message decrypted, Isaac, Chrysalis, and Carver stopped at a Bench to manage their supplies for a few seconds before they headed towards the airlock that would allow them to exit the Greely, so they could finally access the Terra Nova and find the shuttle... and then the task of heading down to the planet would begin, once they made sure the shuttle was ready to fly.

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