• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 6,978 Views, 565 Comments

Dead Space: Deep Space Terror - Blackdrag-rose

Chrysalis has made the greatest mistake of her life and must survive the horrors that await her in the darkness of the USG Ishimura.

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Sprawl: Revelation

Isaac and Chrysalis waited for a few seconds before they braced themselves and headed over the walkway that was in front of them, where the base of the Titan Marker was located and knew that Nicole's path had come to an end, though she wasn't the only hallucination that was waiting for them. Queen Crudelis stood beside the light that Nicole was giving off with a smile on her face, meaning that there was something going on that they weren't aware of, something that the duo knew had the potential to be worse than whatever the Marker had planned. As the two of them stepped onto the area in front of the base of the Marker, however, they both noticed that the light coming from Nicole happened to be hiding someone else from their vision, as the moment the two of them reached their destination a javelin shot flew through the air and pierced Isaac's left shoulder, causing him to stagger for a moment as Chrysalis focused on what was happening.

"The research in that Marker is worth every life we just lost!" a familiar voice said, to which Tiedemann appeared in front of them, though the right half of his body appeared to be burned and charred from some sort of fire, though at the same time he reloaded the Javelin Gun that he happened to be carrying, "I won't let either of you throw this all away!"

"You should be prepared to 'throw it away'," Chrysalis replied, to which she switched to her bone blades and let her magic gather around her horn for a few seconds, where she latched onto Tiedemann and stopped him from completely reloading the weapon, "because this is where you meet your end."

Before Tiedemann could say anything Chrysalis yanked him through the air and swung her bone blades at him, where she hacked him apart and let the pieces fall to the ground behind her, as while she disliked Tiedemann, and could have killed him in the same manner as Kendra, they were stressed for time and this was the easiest way to kill him. Once she was sure that the Director was dead, and she was sure of that, she turned towards Isaac and helped him remove the javelin that was in his shoulder, where a large medpack healed the wound and restored his energy. The moment that task was taken care of, however, the duo turned towards the pair of hallucinations that were standing in front of them, as both of them were sure that something was wrong about this picture.

"Isaac... Chrysalis... you made it." Nicole said, to which she spread her arms for a moment, as if she expected one of them to walk up to her and rest their head again her, or something like that, "Thank you..."

Isaac and Chrysalis stared at Nicole as something unexpected happened, Crudelis stepped behind Nicole and her smile turned to the grin as she used her horn to pierce Nicole's back from behind, where all of them stared at what was happening in shock. Nicole, even though she was a hallucination, still had blood gathering around the area that Crudelis had pierced, though as few seconds later she ripped her horn out of Nicole's chest and shoved her into the ground that was on her right. Nicole hit the floor and stayed there for a few seconds, with the Marker still working like it was supposed to, before she glanced back and stared at Crudelis with a look of shock on her face, especially since Isaac had been sure that they had been on the same side the entire time.

"Traitor!" Nicole stated, to which her eyes flashed back to what they had been before Isaac had 'accepted' her and what he had been 'running away from', while at the same time the duo backed up a little, "How dare you betray us, especially with Convergence happening!"

"The Marker only needs one of us to complete it's task," Crudelis replied, to which her magic engaged and Chrysalis watched as her mother's magic wrapped around Nicole's neck like a noose, where she dragged her into the air and attached her to one of the outcrops of the structures around them, "You, my dear Nicole, were only necessary to bring Isaac and Chrysalis here... so I could complete my own task and bring this adventure to an end."

The duo watched as the hallucination that was Nicole actually hung from the area that Crudelis had attached her to and didn't even attempt to appear somewhere else, as if her Marker given abilities had disappeared all of a sudden, while at the same time Nicole struggled against the magical noose that was around her neck. Isaac and Chrysalis stood there as Crudelis enjoyed herself, as they had no idea what to do in this sort of situation, before the old queen pulled back and snapped Nicole's neck at last. Once that was done she released her hold on Nicole and let her body fall to the floor, though as it collided with the ground Isaac ran up to here, where he and Chrysalis watched as the body shattered into a thousand pieces that drifted into the air and disappeared. Isaac was shocked, because he figured that since Nicole was planning on using them he and Chrysalis would have to destroy Nicole and whatever trick she was going to play on them, effectively destroying the Marker as well... and yet now the only plan they had was out the window, as he knew that Chrysalis would have a hard time facing her mother in battle, as she was now the only thing standing between them and the Marker.

Chrysalis, however, braced herself and readied her Pulse Rifle, as she was sure that a battle would break out between them soon enough and she wanted to be sure that she was ready for it, while at the same time being glad that Isaac wasn't going to let her face her mother on her own, since he returned to her side and readied his Plasma Cutter.

"There's no need for silly toys anymore," Crudelis commented, to which her horn glowed for a second and both of their weapons were torn from their hands, where they went flying across the ground and landed right up against the Marker, meaning they would have to go through her to get them back, "Now then, onto the matter at hoof... or, as I guess you say it these days, the matter at hand. Convergence will still happen, even without Nicole here to finish you two off, and all I have to do is kill you, Isaac, and the mission will be a complete success."

"Kill me?" Isaac inquired, as this was starting to make less sense than it had been before he stabbed himself in the eye, though now he was forced to talk with Crudelis and get his answers from the one person he disliked, even if that person or pony was supposed to be dead, "What would killing me accomplish? And what about Chrysalis? Why haven't you said anything about her?"

"Oh my, so many questions for a soon to be dead man," Crudelis said, though she couldn't help but chuckle for a moment as she looked up at the Marker, as if it explained some of what was happening at the moment, before she turned and looked at them again, "Let me put it this way; the makers of the Markers must be absorbed for Convergence to be complete, and you just so happen to be the very last component for this Marker to complete it's mission, the last body it needs so it can be reborn. Nicole was hoping to wear your defenses down to the point where she could invade your mind, when you reached this point, and force you to kill yourself so Convergence could be complete, but I find that the direct method works best in most cases. Chrysalis, on the other hand, isn't necessary for Convergence and the Marker has agreed to spare her life, only so I can take the Black Marker to Equus and burn it to the ground with a new army that not even the most powerful beings can stand against... and then, when all is said and done, we will consume Equus and move onto the next part of the universe, until everything is made whole."

"As if I'd let you do any of this," Chrysalis replied, as she was shocked that her mother even thought that she would willingly allow her and the Markers to destroy Equus, especially since she had seen the error of her ways and wanted to make it up to those she had tried to conquer in the past, "I would rather die, and take you with me, than let a single Marker even reach Equus."

"Oh, but that was my plan from the beginning," Crudelis stated, though before she could say anything else Isaac charged at her and threw his fist at her, to which she simply moved out of the way and kicked him in the rear with her hind legs, knocking him to the floor for a moment, "My plan was to make you remember all the pain and misery you have repressed since my death, and I'm sure I've opened that box wide open at this point, and tear down your defenses so that, when you reached this area, I would be able to shatter your mind and obtain the perfect vessel for my own rebirth."

"Your insane!" Isaac declared, causing Crudelis to turn towards him for a moment, while at the same time he stood up and faced the old changeling queen, the one that had hurt his friend too many times over the course of her long life and had called that pain back to the surface, "She's your daughter! What sort of mother are you, that you would openly declare that your goal was to shatter your daughter's mind, effectively killing her in the process, just so you can claim her body for your own stupid agenda?"

"You act like this weakling could even hope to lay a finger on me," Crudelis commented, to which her horn started to glow again, indicating that she was getting ready to do something and that the duo needed to be prepared for whatever that something was, "As my daughter she should be happy that I'm taking over her pitiful excuse for a life so I can correct some of the mistakes she has made over the last couple of years... and, to be sure that she complies with my demands, I have a few things that I must go through before I let Convergence finish."

Chrysalis growled and ignited her horn, ready to cast a spell and destroy her mother to the best of her ability, but before she could do anything metallic chains surged out of the shadows and wrapped around her arms and legs, where they pulled and prevented her from doing anything more than sit on her knees as she stared at her mother. There was also a shadowy figure that wrapped a sinister iron ring, one with a central core that looked like it was forged from the darkness, around her horn, which shocked her and prevented her magic from being used. She knew what this was, as it was one of the tortures she had endured over the years before her mother's death, though this was the one where her mother sealed her magic away from a magic suppressor ring, resting near the base of her horn, that shocked her whenever she attempted to use magic and prevented her from casting a single spell. Her mother designed this technique to torture unicorns for information, as well as inflict pain onto her body whenever she did something wrong, and she clearly remembered the number of times she had been sentenced to receive this punishment... which must have been a reason why her mother picked this one as the last one she forced her to remember.

"I was right about you, just like I was right when you were younger," Crudelis said, though as she stepped forward she threw a spell at Isaac and knocked him backwards, indicating that this was between her and Chrysalis, before she turned her full attention to her daughter, "Amaryllis was always stronger than you, in body, mind, and will, and yet she failed me in the same manner that you failed me... and, despite all that, she might have been the better choice to lead my empire, as you destroyed everything that I had made."

"Quit talking about Amaryllis like I should know who that is," Chrysalis growled, though at the same time she struggled against the chains that were holding her back, where she discovered that the chains were as touch as she remembered, meaning that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, "I don't know who Amaryllis is!"

"I see that you're still fighting the truth, despite my earlier attempts to free that knowledge," Crudelis replied, to which she stopped in front of Chrysalis and looked straight into her eyes, as if she was searching for something that only she could see, before her earlier smile reappeared, "I see... it appears that, when I sealed these memories all those years ago, I made the seals much stronger than I originally intended and they've been slowly weakening since my arrival. Well, since I know the trigger that will tear all the seals apart, and hit you with a massive surge of mind damage at the same time, I might as well get started."

As Crudelis' horn started to glow Chrysalis could feel her mother's magic penetrating her mental defenses like they were made of clay, before the terrible feeling that was running through her body morphed into pure pain as her mother surged into the depths of her memories, searching for something while not caring about the pain she was inflicting on her at the moment. It wasn't long before Crudelis appeared to find what she was searching for, a cluster of memories that Chrysalis could feel had been sealed away in the depths of her mind, where she would never think to look for them, but then her mother smiled as she twisted some sort of magical key and the cluster exploded. Memories started to rapidly fill the gaps that Chrysalis had seen and remembered, but could never figure out what they were supposed to mean, and a certain changeling continued to show up in what appeared to be every single one of them, appearing in the earliest days that Chrysalis could remember and went all the way to when she was finally turned sour towards the ponies that she had once considered friends.

Amaryllis appeared over and over again as the old memories resurfaced, where the memories Chrysalis had believed to be real shifted to include the new changeling that had been there the entire time, revealing that her mother had tampered with her memories. There were times where she and Amaryllis played together, read books in the hive's library as the guards watched over them, got into trouble and were punished accordingly, and so many other events that they shared that a new thought formed in Chrysalis' ravaged mind. A thought that became more true as the memories flowed back up to the surface and tears started to flow freely at this point, because the truth of what she had discovered was so painful that her weakened mind was already starting to crack, which had to be what her mother was after. When at last the final memory came to the surface, and carefully fit itself back into the position it had been stolen from all those years ago, Chrysalis remained where she had been resting and made no attempt to wipe her tears away.

"Now you know the truth." Crudelis said, to which she ripped her magic out of Chrysalis' mind, wrecking more havoc on her in the process, before she canceled out her magic for the moment, where she stared down at her daughter, "Go ahead and say it... who is Amaryllis?"

"Amaryllis... was... my older sister." Chrysalis replied, though that was when her pain turned to anger as she snapped her head up and looked at her mother with hatred in her eyes, where Crudelis didn't even flinch at the sight, while Isaac, who was watching all of this, was shocked by what he was seeing, "You... you... BITCH! How could you do that to one of your daughters? How could you take my sister away from me?!"

Isaac was shocked, as Chrysalis had never mentioned the fact that she also had a sister, but he then realized that Crudelis must have put an enchantment on her at some point to make her forget that, which fit in perfectly with her plan to crush Chrysalis' mind. He also realized that Amaryllis must have been what Chrysalis discovered the existence of back when they were messing with the Solar Array, back when she had denied his suggestion to talk about what had happened with her mother that time around. He could see that the metal walls that his friend had put up over the years, and no doubt maintained to the best of her ability, were crumbling and that there was nothing he could actually do to help her, not when Crudelis wanted him to stay out of this battle. Chrysalis was fighting a losing battle, Isaac could see that, and he hoped that his presence, in both reality and inside Chrysalis mind, would be enough to save his friend... so he started considering things he could say to help her out.

"Because she was a traitor for falling in love with that light gray coated unicorn," Crudelis stated, where Chrysalis remembered meeting the unicorn in question at one point, who had been an interesting pony to encounter since he wanted to be an explorer at some point, "she even declared that she was going to abandon the Hive and marry the fool at some point, so for the benefit of our kingdom I removed her and focused my efforts on you. Speaking of ponies you and Amaryllis shouldn't have dated, I have a surprise for you..."

As Crudelis let the sentence hang for a few seconds as the air to her left shifted, where Chrysalis' eyes widened as she realized what had happened to Wildfire, as the love of her life appeared next to her mother, bound in chains to prevent her from moving and laying on the floor. It appeared that she had tried to attack Crudelis several times since her capture, as there were more chains than what Chrysalis recalled her mother would use in this situation, though as Wildfire came into focus a weapon made out of energy appeared from Crudelis' magic... one that looked like an executioner's axe.

"Wildfire Comet," Crudelis said, to which Isaac watched as a headsman's block rose from the floor, no doubt crafted from the changeling's magic, and Wildfire was positioned so that her neck was exposed, where he immediately knew what was coming, though as he took a step forward chains wrapped around his feet as well, to ensure he didn't interfere, "for your crimes against the Hive, both as a living pony and as a spirit, I hereby sentence you to death. Have you anything to say before I end your life?"

"You mean besides 'go fuck yourself'?" Wildfire asked, using some of the words that she had picked up while she was helping Chrysalis avoid using the machine that Isaac had used earlier, before she turned away from the queen and faced Chrysalis, who instantly realized what was happening, "Chryssi... I love you."

"I know." Chrysalis said, where she let the tears flow without even trying to stop them, as she knew what was coming and the ring around her horn was preventing her from doing anything to save the one pony that had turned her life around and made it mean something, "Wildfire... I love you too."

As Wildfire smiled, and accepted her fate, Chrysalis watched as her mother raised the weapon she had summoned for a few seconds, before swinging it downwards in a motion that severed Wildfire's head from her body with a sickening sound that shattered what was left of Chrysalis' defenses. All she could do was watch as Wildifre's severed head rolled over to her and stopped near her, before both her head and body shattered into a thousand pieces and her spirit departed from the area, just like with Nicole. Isaac, on the other hand, watched as Chrysalis' weakened mind shattered and she fell to her knees, as the life that had been inside her eyes had been extinguished and he was sure that her acing heart had been broken into too many pieces for her to pick up, not after having seen the love of her life die in such a manner. His friend was gone, seemingly shattered beyond repair at this point, just as Crudelis had planned, but just thinking about that made him truly realize how horrible Chrysalis' life must have been with that as a parent... and realized that Chrysalis hadn't been brave for not thinking of killing herself to free her from the torment, but had been strong because a certain someone stepped in and stopped her.

He was sure that the real reason behind Chrysalis meeting Wildfire was because she had run away in an attempt to kill herself, which Wildfire stopped and managed to get her back on the path of living through the torment, but the pain of losing her again had shattered whatever had been left of Chrysalis' will... to which he growled as he turned towards the queen, who was staring at Chrysalis' still body.

"You heartless BITCH!" Isaac shouted, causing the queen to turn towards him, though at this point he cared less about himself and more about trying to fix Chrysalis, if such a thing was even possible at this point, "How could you do such a thing to your own daughter? I thought you changelings thrived on love, and yet all I've heard about you makes me think that you had a problem with your daughters actually thinking about the betterment of the Hive."

"Wildfire poisoned Chrysalis once before and I removed her to prevent disaster," Crudelis replied, though the only reason she was bothering to answer was because there was nothing Isaac could do to stop her, not when the only person capable of beating her was broken, "A thousand years ago I saw what was happening to my daughters and realized I had to take action, which was why I was forced to kill Amaryllis before she could carrying out her plan and I made sure to kill Wildfire in such a way that it pushed the blame onto the ponies that lived nearby. It's actually rather fitting that I be the one to kill Wildfire again, especially since I was the one that personally tortured, beat, and eventually killed her... and Chrysalis will never know, not with how broken her mind is."

"You truly are heartless." Isaac said, not believing what he was hearing, because this meant that Crudelis not only caused the death of Chrysalis' lover, but had also manipulated events to make her think the ponies she had been friends with had killed Wildfire, and that wasn't even counting her locking away all her memories of her own sister, "No mother would go so far as to inflict all this pain onto their children..."

"I did what I did for the future of the Hive," Crudelis stated, to which she turned away from her prize and started walking over to where Isaac was standing, while at the same time she frowned at the man, "Wildfire died once to fuel the fire for Chrysalis' hatred for ponies and to see them as a food source, and now that I'll killed her again there's no reason for my broken daughter to remain. My new Hive will conquer Equus, and the planets near it, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me."

Isaac was about to retort that someone would stop her, who he had no idea, but before he could say anything the area around them vibrated for a few seconds, though as he determined that it wasn't from the Marker, as Crudelis was surprised as well, he noticed that Chrysalis was starting to stand up again. As he stared at what was happening behind Crudelis, however, he watched as the chains vibrated and the ring around Chrysalis' horn cracked, meaning that something had changed in the last few minutes. Isaac wondered, for a few seconds, if there had been some part of Chrysalis' mind that had been listening to them as she slipped into the darkness and left reality behind, which meant that her mother mentioning that she was the one that killed Wildfire, a thousand years ago, was bringing all that anger and hatred back to the surface... and this time it would have a new target, one that was far more deserving of all the pain that had been inflicted on her over the years.

A few seconds later a wave of energy rushed out from where Chrysalis was standing and the chains, both the ones wrapped around her and those that had been wrapped around Isaac, shattered into a thousand pieces, before the ring flew apart in a number of directions as it fell apart as well... though that was followed by Chrysalis letting out a sorrowful scream as her body was consumed by a sphere of red energy that shook the area around them.

Crudelis and Isaac watched as the energy died down after a few seconds and the sphere broke apart, though as that happened, and they got to see Chrysalis again, Isaac's eyes widened for a moment as he laid eyes on his friend, as she was different than what she had been moments ago. As the energy cleared Isaac noticed that Chrysalis' skin color had shifted from the dark gray color it had been and had become nearly bone white, while her dark cerulean blue hair had become dark red colored. A few moments later the Advanced Suit came off, revealing the patient attire she had been wearing back when they first busted out of the hospital, and it was thrown off to the side, where it landed near Isaac, who noticed that, despite what was going on, the Necromorphs seemed to have been silenced, which couldn't be a good thing. He also noticed that Chrysalis' eyes had changed color as well, as her sclera had blackened and her irises had taken on a golden yellow color, making her look more akin to a monster than the person he had gotten to know.

"Well what do we have here?" Crudelis asked, though at the same time she moved away from Isaac and walked back to the front of the Marker, where she had been when all of this madness started, and smiled as she felt the energy in the air for a few seconds, "It seems that you finally unlocked whatever power you were given when you crossed through that mirror earlier... but not soon enough to save anyone you cared about."

Chrysalis remained standing there for a few seconds, not even bothering to make a reply, before she lifted her right hand and brought it close to her face, as if she was studying something and was more interested in it than who happened to be in front of her. A few seconds later, after some bits of what Isaac guessed was pure magic gathered around her hand, both of them watched as Chrysalis barely turned and waved her arm towards the wall on her far right, where the structure of the area cracked and buckled the moment her energy came into contact with it, even shattering in some places. Crudelis, however, smiled at the thought of commanding the power that Chrysalis was now using, though as she took a step forward Chrysalis turned towards her and roared, her power causing the entire area to shake for a few seconds.

"I see that you have lost the ability to comprehend what I am saying," Crudelis said, to which she sighed as she started to gather her magic in her horn once more, where Isaac watched as a sphere of dark green energy formed above the tip of her crooked horn, "Oh well, that hardly matters that this point."

What Crudelis wasn't expecting, and caught Isaac off guard as well, was the fact that Chrysalis held her right hand out and pointed her pointer finger at her mother, where both Isaac and Crudelis watched as strands of energy came into existence and started gathering into a sphere of red energy that rested above her finger. Not a few moments later Isaac was forced to move backwards as the two magic users released the spells they had been preparing, both beam style attacks apparently, which collided with each other in the middle of the area between them, causing an explosion that rocked the area they had been standing in and kicked up a large amount of smoke in the process. He could immediately tell that Chrysalis' attack had been stronger, as it had forced Crudelis' attack back and devoured it whole, while at the same time the old queen had been forced into the air above where he was standing, though he was shocked by the crater that rested where the attacks had collided, and that included the missing portion of the Marker that had been in the area.

Impossible! Crudelis thought, staring at the pillar of fire and smoke that was resting where her attack had collided with her daughter's, though even as she stared she refused to accept what had happened, Her attack was exactly the same as the one I used, only her's was somehow more powerful than my own. I knew that going through the mirror would have increased her magical power, to a point where the princesses would fear her, but I was not expecting her to gain the power to overcome me at the same time!

While Crudelis was thinking about what had happened she failed to account for where her daughter was, though when Chrysalis flashed into an area, one that gave her a direct line of sight with her mother, she immediately began charging another sphere in front of her pointer finger... to which Crudelis growled in annoyance as her magic started to gather around her again.

"Don't you dare underestimate me!" Crudelis shouted, to which her horn glowed as she faced her daughter, allowing another sphere to form at the tip of her horn, indicating that she was going to do the same thing that Chrysalis was planning on doing.

A few seconds later their attacks collided in the air between them and Crudelis watched as her attack was, once again, overpowered by the sheer power that her daughter was bringing to bare against her, though as she appeared above the new cloud of smoke, however, something unexpected happened. Chrysalis appeared behind her and caused her to rapidly turn around, causing Crudelis to swing her left foreleg towards her daughter, who caught the outstretched hoof that was coming her way, only for one of her bone blades to come to her a few seconds later. Before Crudelis could react her daughter caught the blade with her right hand and brought it downwards, severing Crudelis' leg before and causing a look of shock to appear on her face. That was followed by her being knocked out of the air, struck by her own severed limb no less, and collided with one of the rooms that was around them, though as that happened Chrysalis roared once more, her voice sounding more like a monster's than a person feeling pain... causing Isaac to be concerned for his friend, while also silently cheering for her to finish off her mother.

Crudelis, on the other hand, moaned as she accessed her own Marker given abilities and regenerated her missing limb, though once the leg was back where it belonged, and she was sure that it was working properly, she stared up at the creature her daughter had become and decided that it was time for her to stop playing around.

"Now that I have the ability to regenerate, a blessing from the Marker, you'll never be able to defeat me," Crudelis said, where she noticed that Chrysalis seemed to be standing still and was looking down at her, to which she sighed as she drew in her magic once more, this time in a different fashion, "but, since you want to fight me, then I guess it's time I showed you how strong I really am."

Crudelis followed that up by allowing her arcane energy to form a dark green javelin, one of the weapons she had her guards carry into battle when she was in command of the Hive, and let the energy roll off the weapon, as she had only used this attack against three of the most stubborn queens she had to kill to command all of her kind. This attack was dangerous, it was deadly, and it could potentially ruin a good chunk of the area if she wasn't careful, but at the moment the Marker was still working and she could afford to damage it a little more. She spun the weapon, nicknamed the Javelin of Thunder by those who had witnessed it in action, around for a moment before hurling it towards Chrysalis, knowing that the explosive charge that it contained would be enough to take her daughter out. What she wasn't expecting, however, was for Chrysalis to remain where she was standing as the javelin actually missed it's intended target, where it sailed into the wall and detonated it's payload, tearing a good hole into the structure that was supporting the entire building... but Crudelis knew that a few more attacks like that would bring the whole building down, which she wasn't concerned about.

As Crudelis found it amusing that the javelin missed, as she never did that while she was alive, she started to form a second one, as she could actually use three of these when she was alive and was sure she could use more now that the Marker was on her side, but as that happened Chrysalis vanished. Not even a second later she reappeared behind Crudelis, who carefully turned around in shock the moment she realized where her daughter went, before even thinking about how fast she could have become. That was followed by Chrysalis swinging her right arm, as well as the bone blade, and used the force to knock Crudelis backwards, though as she regained herself Crudelis noticed that her daughter had moved towards the ceiling and was standing in the middle of the Marker's peak, where the tips of the two spires were close to each other, and she flared her wings as she flew towards her target. Along the way, however, Chrysalis vanished and appeared alongside her mother, where she grabbed onto Crudelis' head and slammed it against the side of the Marker, breaking a small part of the Marker while damaging her mother in the process... before swinging her bone blade down on top of her and shattered a small portion of the massive construct.

The pair moved through the air, where Chrysalis slammed her mother into the Marker when Crudelis tried to charge another sphere up, causing the discharge to blast more pieces of the Marker off, before Crudelis appeared on the floor nearby and Chrysalis remained high in the air. That was followed by Chrysalis lifting a chunk of the Marker, broken free thanks to her mother's shattered attack, before hurling it down to where Crudelis was standing, who used the second javelin she had created to shatter the fragment that was thrown at her. It quickly became apparent that Chrysalis wanted her mother to do that, as it distracted her long enough for Chrysalis to slip through the smoke and pieces so she could attack Crudelis from below, who dodged the incoming attack, that nearly hit her, and jumped back. Crudelis then planned on using the javelin to wound her daughter, though as she went through the motions Chrysalis flashed in front of her and grabbed onto the tip with her bare hand... shattering the entire weapon before cutting a long gash into her body, causing Crudelis to cough as she fell back onto the floor behind her.

Isaac was amazed by what he was seeing, because he had never seen Chrysalis work such power before, which had allowed her to defeat her mother, though he remained silent as he waited for the conclusion of the fight, even though he had a feeling he knew who was going to win.

"So, you've 'won' this fight," Crudelis mocked, revealing that she still had a trick that was waiting to be used, something that Isaac didn't like the sound of, though while all this happened Crudelis' horn started to glow, "tell me, Chrysalis, what are you going to do..."

Crudelis didn't get to finish her statement as Chrysalis lowered her left hand and gripped her horn, where Isaac watched as Chrysalis snapped it in half and canceled out whatever spell Crudelis had been preparing, before she drove the tip of the crooked horn into her mother's heart. Crudelis gasped in pain as her own horn pierced her heart, and coughed up blood in the process, before Chrysalis started pouring her hate, her pain, and all of the emotions that she felt whenever she was being tormented by her mother into the horn. Isaac watched as cracks started to appear on Crudelis' body, spreading out from where her horn had been driven into her body, and he could tell that she was in pain the instant she started screaming, indicating that Chrysalis might have transferred her own pain to her mother. Chrysalis stayed that way for a few moments, letting her mother feel what she had been through and watched the cracks spread out, before picking her mother off of the floor and hurled her into the air... where Crudelis screamed one last time before her body detonated under the force of Chrysalis' new power, consuming her in an explosion that rocked the entire chamber.

A few seconds ticked by before Isaac realized that Chrysalis had, in her rage filled mind, destroyed her mother is a violent display of power, hopefully making it so that Crudelis never came back, before he heard Chrysalis growl again, making him worry that something terrible had happened to her... though his focus changed the moment the Convergence stopped and the Marker lost all of it's power, revealing that Crudelis had been right about her being linked to the massive Marker, causing him to smile as the area started to fall apart at last. That smile then faded when he heard an announcement that the reactor containment had destabilized and that a breach was imminent, meaning that this entire place was going to blow... and with the only ship that could have gotten them out of here was long gone by now.

"You complete bastard." a voice said, to which Isaac looked up and found that his video link was open, and that Ellie, of all people, was now staring at him with an angry look in her eye, "Was this your grand plan? Dump me off at the first available ship and then 'sacrifice' yourselves?"

"I said we were full of bad ideas, remember?" Isaac replied, though at the same time the creature his friend had become moved over to where her Advanced Suit was resting and seemed to put it back on before sheathing her bone blade, and then somehow found both of their weapons, "Though the reality of the situation was more than any terrible plan I could have come up with."

"Yeah, well, you two must have rubbed off on me," Ellie stated, where Isaac could see her inputting some commands on the terminal that she was sitting near, to which he wondered what Ellie could be doing at the moment, "because I'm going to crash through the roof to get you two. Now move your asses."

Isaac and Chrysalis looked up at the roof of the building they were in and watched as part of it collapsed, where the gunship they sent Ellie off in flew through the hole that had been created and circled around the area that they happened to be standing in. The consequence of the roof being wrecked in such a manner was that the entire chamber depressurized and the gravity had been knocked offline, to which both of them were thrown into the air, causing Isaac to turn on his thrusters as he flew at the gunship. Chrysalis, on the other hand, flew behind him and made sure that he didn't get hurt by the pieces of the Marker or the chamber itself that happened to be flying in the air between them and the gunship. When the two of them reached the side of the ship, after circling the Marker twice, the duo found Ellie standing by the side door and was holding her hand out for one of them to take, where Chrysalis made sure that Isaac was the one that helped Isaac onto the gunship... though as Ellie pulled Isaac into the ship, and touched the wall opposite the door, Chrysalis landed in the doorway and stared down at the Government Sector.

Isaac and Ellie watched as Chrysalis held her right hand out towards the building they had left behind and gathered her energy for a few seconds, before she growled and released a beam of energy that had to have struck the Marker... though as the door closed, and Ellie returned to the cockpit, Isaac got a front row seat to the destruction of the Government Sector and the massive Marker that had been contained inside it.

A few seconds later Chrysalis huffed and walked over to one of the benches that was long enough to classify as a bed for one person, where Isaac noticed that she put her bone blades and Pulse Rifle in the weapon holder, before laying on the bench and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds. He then noticed that whatever spell had been placed on his friend seemed to shatter, as her skin and hair colors reverted back to what they had been before her extreme transformation, though as he took that in he spotted that her eyes had returned to normal as well. Chrysalis then rolled to the side and stared at the wall, instead of facing him, and he could have sworn that he heard the sounds of his friend crying, but this time around there was nothing he could do to comfort her. Chrysalis had just learned so many horrible things today, and witnessed what was possibly the permanent death of Wildfire, and he knew that she needed time to come to terms with what she had discovered... to which he sighed and headed to the spare pilot seat that was next to Ellie.

"How is she?" Ellie asked, revealing that she must have known more about Chrysalis' situation than Isaac originally knew, but right now Isaac didn't care how she knew about his friend's terrible past, not after everything they had just gone through on the Sprawl.

"Honestly, I don't know." Isaac replied, as emotional magic creatures, that could become monsters in such a manner when their hearts and minds were fractured, was something he had no experience in, "Chrysalis needs time to come to terms with what she's discovered... and it's possible that she'll never fully recover from the torment she has endured. Our best course of action is to find someplace where we can lay low until EarthGov and the Unitologists forget about us, and then we can build a real future without being hunted all the time."

He wasn't sure what the future held at the moment, not after what he and Chrysalis had suffered through when they finished with the Red Marker of Aegis VII, but with the Titan Marker destroyed he was sure that the three of them could find someplace to lay low until their lives returned to normal... and yet he knew that he and Chrysalis would never have their old lives back, and that it was only a matter of time until they were forced to take action again.

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