• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.10 How to Train your Royal Guard

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 10

How to Train your Royal Guard

Being a Royal Guard… was certainly not what one expected when signing in. Instead of a thrilling and important duty to the crown, it was the most boring and safe job in the world. Standing still for hours or patroling the same area over and over, day after day quickly became a repetitive routine for every armored pony in Canterlot.

What skills were most important in this line of work? Was it combat-related? Great senses to see or hear a potential assassin or thief? Good reflexes? Determination to rush into danger to protect the citizens, princesses and their country?

After a few years of work, each guard quickly learned that none of those qualities were worth a thing. As long as you looked like a tall strong stallion, hid every bit of emotion behind a stoic unchanged stare and managed to endure boredom, you were in.

A pegasus Royal Guard held a spear in his wing, staring at a white wall ahead of him while standing next to the royal kitchen. His partner was standing at the door as well on the opposite side, while magical enhancements on their golden armor made them look identical, changing the color of their fur to white while masking their real faces. A red dust-free carpet lay across shining marble floor. Only tall supporting pillars across the hallway kept them company with two stained glass windows filling the hallway with sunlight.

The pegasus sighed, thinking back to his roots. His days in the barracks at academy for the Royal Guards were filled with diligent training, combat practices with fake swords and fake spears. Running and jumping over obstacles, aerial maneuvering while under fire from unicorn spellcasters. Once the training was over, he and others who graduated had muscles, willpower and skills, ready to take down not only a large beast, but also smaller and numerous monsters.

One would expect for a veteran to be more experienced and skilled than a rookie, yet years after years of patrolling safe streets or standing still in one spot turned excellent defenders of Equestria into intimidating figures with no skills in a single bone.

It was his tenth year of service, followed with failure during the changeling’s invasion, vanishing of the princesses, Tirek’s attack and so on. Ironically, a group of recruits and rookies form the academy lasted longer and defeated more changelings than the entirety of the Royal Guard combined.

His nose twitched, catching the smell of a freshly baked cake. Curious, he turned towards the source and approached to investigate, his partner followed his example. After looking at the cream covering the cake, he licked his lip and looked at his partner. “It seems someone left us a present. It would be impolite not to eat such a tasty gift.”

“I absolutely agree.”

Bite after bite, he felt the delicious mass fill his cheeks and stomach. His eyes closed in pure satisfaction. His moment of bliss was interrupted as something poked his shoulder. Turning around, he was greeted by the narrowed oval eyes of a pear-shaped critter. “Whatever you are, can’t you see that we’re busy here. We’re performing our duties and stuff.” His words seemed to only annoy the large critter who now held its paws on its hips.

“Duties, you say?” The critter raised her head proudly and pointed at herself. “For your information, I was hired by the new Captain of the Royal Guard, Iron Hammer, to personally test and train the Royal Guards on active duty.” She pointed at the opened door leading into the kitchen. “Just a moment ago I left this cake here, and while you both were busy eating it, I snuck into the kitchen and sat in there for five minutes, and none of you even bothered to look behind.” She facepawed. “There were two of you. Shouldn’t at least one stay and guard?”

The Royal Guard gulped what left of the cake was still in his mouth and started laughing, so did his partner. “You’re funny.”

“Isn’t it a bit odd that it can speak, looks like a housepet to me.”

Nica frowned before opening her shoulder-bag, picking up a scroll with officer’s stamp.

As both guards read the scroll, their eyes became wide and their faces pale.

“First of all, I’m not a typical housepet. I am a Raichu and my name is Nica. Secondly, it is now my duty to test how competent you are and improve your abilities.” She groaned. “Captain Iron Hammer was right. It’s no wonder Twilight and her friends need to protect their country if incompetent ponies like you are guarding it.”

Drops of sweat formed on guard’s forehead. Great, just great… Not only did I screw up in the worst way possible, now I’m being lectured by a large rat who has authority over me. Such humiliation!

“Lesson number one, don’t look in one direction all the time. You need to look up and around from time to time, make sure no one is sneaking across the hallway or above it,” Nica lectured before sitting on a red carpet with golden marks of the sun.

Both guards nodded.

“Next lesson, if you want to investigate something, one of you needs to stay behind and keep guard.”

They nodded again.

“I’ll now test your combat abilities. I want both of you to attack me with your spears.”

Both pegasi looked at sharp edge of their weapons and smiled nervously. “B-but… we don’t want to… pierce you…”

Nica shook her forepaw in a taunting gesture, “Fight me!”

The pegasus guard lowered his spear and aimed at the critter’s leg as drops of sweat started falling down his forehead. Still, how was he supposed to push his sharp weapon into this cute little rabbit-leg? Pushing the sharp metal into this cute little bronze edge… It was a cruelty towards animals on the highest level.

Nica groaned before grabbing the spear with her tail, pulling it away from the guard’s hold and pushed it into her exposed paw.

“Nooooo!” the pegasus screamed, only to stare in disbelief. There was certainly some serious force used when the spear was pushed into the soft flesh, yet the metal failed to leave a single bruise.

“See, nothing to worry about. Now, hit me with your best shot,” Nica said before returning the spear to the dumbfounded guard.

After a few seconds to gather his thoughts, the guard pricked his foreleg lightly with the spear while biting his lip. It certainly wasn’t a dream.

“Attack me, not yourself,” Nica commanded as she crossed her forearms impatiently. “Hurry up. I have hundreds of other guards to inspect.”

The pegasus guard nodded before wrapping his wing around the wooden part of his spear, pushing it offensively against the smaller creature.

In a split second, the sharp edge of the spear was pushed aside by the metallic part of the critter’s tail, and next spear of his partner was pushed away as well. He took a step back and closed his eyes as the shining tail shot in the direction of his neck. After a few seconds of not feeling his neck being pierced, he opened his eyes, seeing a disapproving shake of critter’s head.

“Pick up your spears and try again. This time expect a counterattack and react accordingly,” Nica suggested as she picked up a spear from the ground with her paws and placed it in the guard’s wings.

The pegasus gulped and pushed his spear towards the critters left leg, only for Nica to leap up, land on both spears with her feet and move her tail towards guard’s muzzle, stopping a centimeter in front of it.

Nica withdrew her tail, lowered her head and sighed. “It is worse than I thought. Plan B it is."

“Listen up you pathetic worms. My name’s Pharynx, Chief of Patrol in the Changeling’s Hive and brother of its new ruler,” spoke a tall dark-green changeling with two red horns and a red armored chest. His eyes narrowed and filled with authority.

Both pegasi trembled in fear, barely holding their spears raised at the suspicious intruder. The name ‘Changeling’ bringing back memories of their failure.

“After finding out how pathetic your bunch is, Warrior Nica suggested your captain to ask your new allies, the Changeling race, for support in getting you weaklings in shape, on which he agreed, and we’re more than willing to assist.”

“You… you can’t be serious! Your race invaded our capital!”

“Yes, we did, and we kicked your flanks into submission in only a few minutes. You expected an attack and prepared for it, only to display how pathetic your defenses were. Six smaller mares put up more resistance than your entire armed force.” Pharynx stomped, causing both guards to flinch. “I chose nine of my best warriors, and we’re going to teach you how to properly defend your capital. We’ll spar with you, ambush you, and fool you with our disguises until you become competent warriors. Am I clear?”

The pegasus nodded and gulped as drops of sweat fell from his head at a rapid pace. For years since graduating from the training grounds in the academy, he was performing the most boring job in the whole Equestria, only to end up lectured by a small critter and two days later be trained by the former invader. Should he be grateful that some excitement was finally introduced into his life, or curse the small critter for…

“You’re both very tall. Let’s make sure there’s some strength and durability behind your size,” Pharynx said before tackling the pegasus to the ground, grabbing his rear leg and pulling it. “Wrestling time!”

He yelped, slamming his forehoof against the carpet before yelling, “Curse you Nica!”

Princess Celestia walked towards the royal kitchen with the sunrise visible from the nearby window. The time to prepare some morning pancakes for herself and Luna was upon her.

“P-Princess Celestia…” said a pegasus guard with a salute.

“Good morning Princess,” the other pegasus said as he opened the door into the kitchen with his wing.

Celestia eyed her guards curiously, who looked back at her as if she was going to attack them at any second. Their always stoic faces being suspiciously expressive. She stopped in her tracks upon noticing a few bruises on her loyal guard from the corner of her eye. She lowered her long neck to take a closer look.

“Is something wrong, Your Highness?”

“That is what I wish to know.” She raised her clad hoof and pointed it at the bruises on the guard’s legs and chest, her eyes filled with worry.

“Not at all, Your Highness. Our Captain hired a critter who use its tail like a sword to train us in combat, and next asked our Changeling allies to further improve our skills.” He raised his head proudly and added with confidence in his voice, “It is only a matter of time before our skills improve and we will become somewhat competent at our job.”

Celestia blinked in confusion before turning towards the kitchen, slowly stepping inside and closing the door behind her. On second thought, she wasn't sure she wanted to know the details.

Shining Armor walked through the hallway for a morning stroll, clearing his thoughts between his duties and taking care of his daughter. While Cadence held most of the power over the Crystal Empire, she still valued his advice and support.

He bypassed two saluting Crystal Guards. Their spears sharp and presentable, their blue armor shining almost as much as their bruised bodies…

He stopped in his tracks and turned to the crystal guards, examining their features. “Your injuries. Report, now!” he commanded, pointing his hoof at his bruised guards.

“The Crystal Empress Cadence hired a Raichu to improve our combat skills, Sir.”

“Raichu? I need more details, officer. Speak,” Shining commanded.

“Her name’s Nica. She’s pear-shaped and slightly smaller than Spike the Great and Glorious, she has a wide belly and use her very long tail either like a sword or shield. Sir.”

“Cadence hired who now?” Shining Armor frowned before turning away from his guards. “I understand that officially she’s in charge, but I was once Captain of the Royal Guard. She should at least discuss security related decisions with me.”

“If you wish to talk with the Crystal Empress, Sir, she took young miss Flurry Heart outside the Empire to play in the snow. She asked us to tell you in case you overslept.”

Shining rolled his eyes. Taking care of Flurry was unpredictable and tiring, especially whenever she woke up late at night while crying loudly. A few extra hours of sleep were necessary to recover.

Shining Armor walked through the white scenery, his hooves sinking into the snow. With favorable snow-less weather and a weaker wind than usual, it didn’t take long to find his wife. A small red puffy hat and yellow scarf were present on Cadence instead of her usual golden regalia.

“Cadence, I finally found you!” He ran over to his wife and nuzzled her cheek as she returned the gesture.

“You’re finally awake, Shiny, took you long enough,” Cadence said with a smug face.

“Well, excuuuseee meeee… It was my turn to attend to Flurry late at night, I needed more time to recharge my batteries,” Shining said before looking around. “Where’s Flurry Heart?”

“She’s over there, playing with Nica,” Cadence said, pointing at the field ahead.

Shining Armor looked at the pointed direction. “Playing with who? Wait, is she the one you hired to train our guards?” He bit his lip and flinched, his tail shot upward. “What are they doing?!”

“Having a snow fight. I must say, it’s adorable.”

“Adorable? That’s certainly not a word I would use,” Shining said as he observed the scene before him. Some kind of orange critter with a long tail was playfully throwing very tiny snowballs towards his flying daughter, who in return was sending a beam of destructive magic at them. With his overprotective nature taking control, he ran towards the playing duo. I need to rescue… but who should I rescue? he thought. As a father, it was his duty to protect his daughter from dangers, and an animal capable of overpowering his guards and using tail like a sword was certainly a threat. On the other hoof, the worst the critter did was lightly throw tiny balls of snow, probably even missing on purpose, while his daughter tried to hit it with beams strong enough to leave holes in walls.

“Now now, Flurry, I think you have had enough playing for today,” he said, trying to get attention from his daughter by waving at her.

The little alicorn turned around and flew into his embrace, hugging his neck.

“Now that’s a good daughter.” While holding Flurry with a single hoof in a gentle embrace, his attention focused on the critter herself.

“You’re overreacting, Shining,” Cadence said as she approached him and levitated Flurry from his embrace onto her own back. “Twilight told me about her in her letters. She has been harboring this Raichu for more than two weeks and praised her quite a lot. How caring, tough, hardworking and innocent she is.”

Shining glanced at Cadence with a stare filled with confusion.

“You didn’t read her letters, did you?” Cadence asked.

Shining blushed, which was visible on his white fur. “I might…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Fine, I forgot.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “I swear, Shining, you and letters are like fire and water. You always forget to write them and almost never read them.” She turned around and added, “I’ll take Flurry to the other side of the barrier and warm her up. Feel free to talk with Nica about her training duties.” She chuckled before walking away, her long legs leaving visible hoofsteps in the snow. “She’s a real sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll get along just fine.”

Shining groaned, feeling as if his wife had started to tease him with her authority.

“Excuse me. Are you Shining Armor by any chance?”

Shining looked down at the critter whose hind legs and half of its belly were now hidden in snow. Her smile cheerful and genuine. How could a being like this be capable of defeating his guards, more or less train them in self-defense?

“So you’re that incompetent and former Captain of the Guards that Iron Hammer told me about.”

“Incompetent? Excuse me?” Shining narrowed his eyes and stomped, his hoof splashing the snow.

Nica nodded. “He told me that you got your promotions thanks to your massive raw power and ability to protect the entire city with your shielding spell. According to him, your leadership skills are greatly lacking and your training methods for the Royal Guard were nearly non-existent. When he took over, he wasn’t even sure if the veterans were even salvageable.”

“Oh, that arrogant snob!” Shining Armor said, his face becoming red while snow started to melt around his legs.

“He also asked me to tell you –in case you called him a snob– that unlike a unicorn like you born with incredible power in a city dominated by unicorn nobles, he had to earn his rank,” Nica said before crossing her arms. “I’m not sure how things work in Equestria, but if earth ponies are being looked down upon by unicorns in Canterlot, he must have it harder than you.”

“Well… it’s not really a dispute between races, and more of how some of the nobility interact with those from the lower class. It just happened that Canterlot is mostly populated by unicorns. When Iron Hammer moved to Canterlot from Vanhoover, he was looked down upon for not being a noble himself.” Shining Armor lowered his head and sighed. Being an earth pony in guard that mostly recruited tall unicorns and pegasi wasn’t easy, more or less advance in the ranks to a lieutenant. As disrespectful and bitter as Iron Hammer was towards him, he couldn’t deny that he often made valid points in his arguments.

“There’s nothing I can do to help you become a competent leader, but I can train you in terms of combat,” Nica said with a proudly raised head. “It seems I’m really good at training others, so I’m trying to do it as often as possible.”

“Training? I don’t need any training,” Shining said, his brow furrowed.

Nica rubbed her chin. “Well, Iron Hammer did call you a one-pony army. Still, even the most powerful can’t accomplish much if they don’t have the skills to match their powers. I need to test your reflexes.”

“Wait, what?” Shining asked before raising a barrier, stopping the critter’s shining tail from hitting his chest. He lowered his shield and took a fighting stance, his horn now aimed at the hostile animal.

“Congratulations, your reflexes are quite good,” Nica said while clapping with her forepaws. “Your sister could learn a thing or two from you. I’m still working on her reflexes, reaction time to danger and evading abilities.”

“W-wait… you’re training my sister as well?”

“Of course I do, why shouldn’t I?” Nica asked before giving him an angered glare. “The better question is, why didn’t you train her in self-defense?”

“Huh, and why should I. I needed to learn how to fight to fulfil my duties. Twilight was more of a scholar, and now she’s a Princess of Friendship. There’s was no need to teach her how to defend herself.”

Nica crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Right… because why should your sister know self-defense. It’s not like she need to know how to evade dangers and traps, how to protect those she cares about when facing Nightmare Moon, beasts of the Everfree Forest, the evil Queen, army of changelings or some sort of beast called Tirek.” She took a few calming breaths before continuing, “Listen, I understand that you most likely didn’t predict that your sister would get involved in so many dangers when she was younger, but after she became the Element Bearer, didn’t it raise any red flags for you? Didn’t you think that she and her friends being able to wield powerful artifacts would make them targets for those who wish Equestria harm? Even being a student of the princess capable to levitate extreme amount of weight alone brought a risk that she would sooner or later be given a dangerous task.”

“Okay… I see your point,” Shining Armor said.

Nica turned her back to the stallion and continued, “Now that I think about it. Where were you when Twilight and her friends were facing Nightmare Moon and Spirit of Chaos? From the stories I heard, unless you’re teaming up with Cadence, you’re not exactly the most useful at protecting others.”

“Okay, now you trying to anger me on purpose,” Shining asked, stomping with both of his hooves.

“No. I’m just trying to find out why I’m the one teaching your sister how to defend herself and those she cares about. Why am I the only one who fears that the the evil Queen may hurt her or her student out of vengeance?” She turned around and pointed at him accusingly. “I heard that you have powerful magic, and alongside Cadence, you saved Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. So why weren’t you supporting your sister whenever she and her friends were facing great dangers? Why didn’t you consider her feelings when she was warning you about fake Cadence?”

“How do you know that?” Shining asked, now staring back in shock.

Nica crossed her arms. “Thorax’s brother was very detailed when describing the events that took place during the invasion of Canterlot.”

“If he did, he should also mention that I was exposed to a lot of mind manipulations and brainwashing. If anything, Twilight’s friends and the princess herself had less excuses to ignore her warnings.” Shining Armor approached the critter and looked at her with suspicious glare. “Why are you so interested in training my guards, me and my sister?” He kept staring at Nica, thinking. What was the catch? What was this creature’s hidden agenda? For the sake of his family, he had to know.

“Because I believe that those possessing great powers should use it to protect those weaker than them. If they don’t use their powers correctly, they don’t deserve it.” Nica sat and lowered her head, her nose nearly touching the rich snow. “According to the stories I heard, every time a danger arise, the princesses, Royal Guard and others who possess great power failed, pushing all the burden onto a smaller and weaker group.” She whimpered. “I just want to make sure that this won’t happen again.”

Shining Armor looked to the side, now staring at the mountains on the horizon. Damn… this creature does have a point. My sister and her friends had to put themselves in danger so many times for us. When Twilight and Celestia went to Ponyville, I should have been there as well to ensure their safety, not leaving this duty to three royal guards. When Discord escaped from his prison, I should have at least tried to distract him so Twilight and her friends could search for the Elements. He massaged his forehead. I was so confident in my power that I didn’t put much effort in training my own guards. It’s no wonder the Changelings overan us so quickly.

“This is the only thing I can do anyway.”

Shining looked back at the critter, whose head was still lowered while her ears were dropped. There also seemed to be a hint of sadness in this critter’s voice.

“Hundreds, no, thousands of battles toughened me up, and I still don’t remember all of them. I have the skills to fight, lots of stamina and durability. I can use my tail to cut or shield, and I can use electricity. Fighting and training others how to fight is what I seem to be good at.” She stood up and looked Shining Armor in the eyes. “You, your wife, your sister, her student and their friends, they accomplished so much, they saved so many lives. I’m worthless when compared to them. I just want to be useful…” She wiped her watering eyes, preventing herself from crying before forcing a smile. “S-sorry. I’m talking nonsense. I’ll return to my duties.” She saluted before running away.

Shining Armor kept watching the critter dashing through the snow, creating a tiny path while pushing snow aside, as if fish swimming through water. As annoying as this Raichu creature was from the start, he could tell that she meant well. Feeling worthless, desire to be useful. It’s kind of sad. He turned towards his Empire and walked. Suddenly, he stopped and gritted his teeth. “Not again…” He sat and massaged his forehead. “Stupid headaches, they just won’t let go.” He took several breaths of cold air, waiting for the headache to end before standing up and resuming his walk.