• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,854 Views, 292 Comments

Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.1 - An Apple Picking Minute

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 1

An Apple Picking Minute

One tree and a solid kick with her rear hooves was all it took to fill two baskets with apples. Applejack was about to pick up the baskets, but stopped, massaging her forehead. Darn headaches. She stomped before attaching the baskets to her sides. Ah’ll fall behind schedule, if this keeps up…

“Hey, Applejack! Guess who’s visiting!”

Applejack’s train of thought was interrupted as her eyes rested upon the approaching group, or more specifically, on the passenger on Pinkie’s back. “Well, well, well, if it ain’t the lost hungry Raichu? Ah haven’t seen ya for two weeks or more.” She approached, her eyes fully focused on the waving critter.

Without any warning, Raichu climbed onto Pinkie’s head and leaped forward, tackling and embracing Applejack’s neck. Her hooves dug short trails as she refused to tip over.

“There, there, Ah missed ya too, but it was just two weeks, no need to get so sappy,” Applejack commented.

“I’m so sorry! After all you did for me, I forgot to thank you! I was so focused on my own problems that I forgot about you! I’m really, really sorry!”

Applejack was about to respond, but words ended up stuck in her mouth. She gazed upon Raichu as if seeing a ghost, her mouth agape. “Ya… ya can speak… without repeating yer name. Since when?”

Raichu released the farm mare and took a few steps backward. “Oh, right… about that…”

Pinkie leaped forward, landing with her forehooves on Raichu’s head as she looked at Applejack in excitement. “It’s all thanks to Twilight and Starlight. At first, they made Raichu a collar to restrain electricity as Nica -Raichu’s name is Nica by the way- had no idea how to control her powers. The collar failed spectacularly and she electrocuted a bunch of fillies and colts at school by accident caused by an overwhelming amount of limb-pulling and hugs.” She took a quick breath and continued, “Using stronger magic, Maud’s gems and Rarity’s fashion, they made another collar which was strong enough to keep her electricity from escaping, and it worked. Recently, Twilight improved the collar even more, and now Nica can speak our language as long as she wears it. Isn’t this great? No more writing messages or body-gestures, no more ‘Raichu’ being repeated over and over. I couldn’t contain my excitement when I found out about this. Now it’s your cue to be excited, Applejack.”

Nica opened her eyes and said in annoyance, “What she said,” tilting her head.

Applejack displayed an uneasy smile, feeling heavy by merely looking at the poor critter. According to Dr Fauna, Raichu weighed twenty two kilograms when she brought her for a checkup, and average mares weigh up to a hundred kilograms. Seeing as most of Pinkie’s weight was now pressed against Nica’s head made her wonder how she was still able to stand. “Ummm… Pinkie… would ya kindly step from our little friend?”

“Oops, sorry.” Pinkie jumped backward, withdrawing her forehooves.

“It’s alright,” Nica said, massaging back of her neck before giving the party mare a patient smile. She lowered her head and tapped her forepaws nervously. “Miss Applejack… When I was hungry, hurt and scared, I stole your apples, but you and Apple Bloom forgave me and fed me. You cleaned my fur and took me to the doctor. You introduced me to Starlight, who damaged the seal blocking my memories, and her mentor gave me shelter at her castle.” She took hesitant steps forward and looked up with puppy eyes. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and apologize for being a pest. I was so focused on fitting in–”

Applejack sealed the critter’s mouth with a hoof. “Say no more. Ah just did what was right, and ya behaved yerself better than any rodent Ah’ve ever met.” She lowered her head to the critter’s level. “Yer welcome to visit anytime ya want, and Ah’m glad yer likin’ it here.” She raised herself to her full height and rubbed the top of Nica’s head. “And Ah must say, now when ya can say more than just yer name, ya sound very sincere, Nica. Ah like that.”

She blushed. “You’re too kind. To be honest, I came here to ask if I can repay your kindness in any way.” Nica puffed her chest and poked it with her paw. “If you need a helper or worker, I’ll do my best.”

Applejack eyed the long-tailed creature from top to bottom. Never before had any critter, pest or rodent ever offered to work for her. Rats, bunnies, beavers and fruit-bats… her interactions with animals usually ended in disaster. “Well… Ah think Ah can think of somethin’ ya can help with.” The pokemon looked back at her with glee.

Pinkie poked Nica’s shoulder and spoke up, “I need to go back to the bakery for now. You memorized the way to Sweet Apple Acres, right?”

“I did, thanks for showing the way.”

“No biggie. I’m always happy to help a friend. Good luck at your first job, miss mercenary.” Pinkie giggled and bounced away, vanishing behind the lines of trees and bushes.

“Mercenary?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Long story,” Nica said before standing up on the very tips of her rear paws while holding her forepaws curled in front of her belly. “So, how can I help?” Her tail started swinging back and forth as she stared with eagerness in her eyes.

Applejack chuckled nervously. She's as lively as an excited puppy, she almost looks like Winona. Now… how can a critter like her help me? She pointed at a nearby tree and asked, “How ‘bout ya carry empty baskets while Ah buck some apples… Think ya can do it?”

She nodded eagerly and followed her friend’s instructions.

Big Mac walked at a steady pace while pulling a large empty wooden cart with four wheels, like a train with one wagon heading for another delivery of apples gathered by his sister.

His ears perked up at the noise of steps. Those weren’t hoofsteps however, but rather paws making contact with grass at quick pace. A moment later, he noticed a large critter running with a load of apples. Is that tail rounded around two full baskets? He observed the critter curiously who seemed to spot him and run in his direction on its rear paws. Two little forepaws were wrapped around a third basket. Is she the guest mah sister mentioned?

Nica jumped, not slowed down by the gathered apples which seemed to weigh more than her body. She landed on the stallion’s back and next hopped into the cart, carefully unloading the baskets.

Big Mac glanced into his cart and blinked in confusion. “Ya don’t need to be so gentle. Apples here are tough, ya can just dump them.”

Nica jumped from the cart and ran towards another tree, waiting for more apples to fall. Trotting back, she balanced a massive tower of apples in a basket on her head, which was shaking slightly with each of her steps. She bit her bottom lip and spread her forepaws as her legs were shaking.

With slow steps, Big Mac approached the struggling creature and unbuckled himself from the cart. He grabbed the basket from Raichu’s head and stood on his rear hooves before dumping the cargo into the cart.

“Thank you!” the critter said with a warm smile before jumping a meter upward and made a 180 turn, sliding more apples into the growing pile from two baskets wrapped by her tail. She made a short jump to the side and looked up at the towering stallion. “We haven’t met before. My name is Nica and I’m a pokemon, the Raichu species to be precise. Nice to meet you,” she said with a beaming smile as she grabbed Bic Mac’s massive foreleg and raised it upward, shaking energetically.

“Thank ya,” Bic Mac said. “Nice to–” he failed to finish as the weird creature already ran towards another tree, leaving empty baskets under it while picking up three apple-filled baskets at once. After she returned with more cargo, he continued, “Mah name’s Big Mac.” He helped unload the cargo. With his sister filling at least six baskets with a single kick while not wasting time with their transportation, it became clear that this Raichu didn’t have a single second of break just to keep up. “Ah’m Applejack’s brother.”

After unloading more cargo and wiping sweat from her forehead. Nica raised his massive hoof and shook it once more. “Nice to meet you. I owe a lot to your family, it’s a pleasure being helpful for a change.” Using her tail for support, she raised her entire body up to Big Mac’s level and nuzzled his cheek.

This is one hard workin’ visitor. Ah’m impressed. She may lack the strength of an earth pony, but she’s quite quick on her feet and creative with her tail, Big Mac thought. The moment his new fluffy friend stopped nuzzling him -which he actually found heartwarming- Big Mac turned around and looked at the apples inside his cart, and next at the barn on the horizon. Ah feel mah rounds are goin’ to get much more frequent.

Nica ran on four legs, holding an empty basket between her teeth. After placing it under a tree, she released a stack of empty baskets she held with her tail, placing them in their proper positions. One quick look at Applejack’s satisfied face filled her with joy. There was something fulfilling about helping others, and repaying ponies for their kindness and support seemed especially enjoyable. Enjoyment and fulfillment aside, the way Applejack collected apples caught her interest.

She focused on Applejack’s body movements, studying her technique. The way this mare raised her rear hooves, displaying unshaken balance as she held her rear legs very close to her belly. The following strike caused the tree to shake as a rain of apples half-filled the baskets.

“Can I try?”

“Huh? What do ya mean?” Applejack asked. “Ya want an apple?”

Nica ran towards the closest tree and turned around. With half-closed eyes filled with determination, she placed her forepaws close together and raised her body, holding her rear legs raised as close to her belly as she could.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but at yer size ya won’t get much done.” Applejack raised rear leg and glanced at it. “Ah got hard hooves and years of apple bucking. Ya may be quick, but yer little paws just ain’t gonna do it.”

Nica looked behind and up at the towering tree and gulped, the large size difference being a clear reminder of her miniscule size. Despite having significantly bigger feet than the tiny ones she had in her previous evolutions, they were still way smaller when compared to pony legs. Her little bronze edges being no match for big and sturdy hooves. She took a deep breath and grit her teeth, unleashing all of her strength as her legs hit the surface of the tree. Two apples fell on the soft grass while a few branches shook slightly. Her ears drooped at her poor performance.

“Ya actually dropped an apple or two, color me impressed,” Applejack said before rubbing the top of Nica’s head. “Cheer up. Ya tried and did nice for yer size, but it ain’t a job for ya.”

Raichu looked at her own tail before raising it, her eyes now fully focused on the thunder-shaped end. I wonder… Thinking back to her recent memories, she learned how to use ‘Iron Tail’ not long after evolving into Pikachu, which proved nearly as destructive as her electricity. As Raichu however, her tail was longer and much more flexible. Maybe if I don’t aim with the sharp part?

“Ya keep staring at yer tail. Is somethin’ wrong?” Applejack asked.

She bit her lip, focusing a small portion of her power into her tail as the yellow part started to glow in a metallic grey. Looking between her tail and the towering tree, she aimed with the blunt part of her tail and swung lightly. At least nine apples fell onto the grass. That’s odd. I swung very lightly, so why did I hit with so much force?

Applejack lowered herself to take a better look and next poked the tail. “What’s that?”

“I’m using ‘Iron Tail’ for a boost in power. It seems the strength of my tail increases a lot when I do that,” she explained before sending a little more power into her tail, and next hitting the tree with slightly more force. A few apples bounced against Applejack’s hat, and she quickly flinched to the side out of reflex to avoid falling apples.

“Oh nelly, that’s some strong tail ya got there. An’ here Ah though it was just for show.”

Nica smiled in pride, displaying her shining teeth. This was it. By not aiming with the sharp part of her tail, she could use ‘Iron Tail’ for more than destruction. With just bits of her power, she could strengthen her tail several times over. Finally something useful. Wanting to experiment more, she started increasing the power of her tail, swinging it stronger and stronger before replicating the results of Applejack’s technique. “It’s working!” With a wide smile, she quickly delivered the cargo of apples, dumping it in Big Mac’s cart before placing them under another tree. A few light swings of her tail being enough to fill them without damaging the tree.

“Yer a natural at this,” Applejack said before gritting her teeth and massaging her forehead. “Stupid headaches, they’re gettin’ annoyin’,” she murmured to herself, grumbling. “Maybe Ah could use a short nap.”

Feeling a growing excitement, Nica backflipped cheerfully. Since I know how much power I need to use and how hard to hit, I may as well be more creative and have some fun. I hope Applejack doesn’t mind.

Nica stood on her four paws, lowered like a panther preparing to ambush her prey. Her tail slapped against the ground with a loud thump and weak quake. “Apple-tail-bucking time!” She grinned and half-closed her eyes, her ears straightened upward. She dashed forward, scattering the dirt and grass with her steps. With a wild turn, she circled an apple tree, hitting it in multiple spots with her tail continuously, taking ten seconds before the baskets were full and the tree became bare. Some leaves fell onto the ground as a side effect.

“Ya seems to be havin’ fun. If yer so eager to help, Ah won’t stop ya.” Applejack approached the closest tree and supported her back against it, lowering her hat to cover her eyes, and next crossed her rear legs. “Nica, just wake me up once ya get tired, and Ah’ll take mah turn.”

“Alright,” Nica answered while delivering apples into the cart. “Seems it is just you and me left, Big… pony… Let’s do our best.”

“Eeyup… and the name’s Big Mac.”

“Big Mac, got it! Let’s work hard and have fun!”

Applejack relaxed herself. Before she knew it, her nap turned into a deep sleep.

Big Mac was a strong hard-working stallion, this was a fact, yet his extreme strength didn’t mean he had an unlimited stamina. Transporting tons of apples to the barn on long distance for hours without a break was simply impossible.

This time however he wasn’t working with his sister but with a creature from a distant land, who made up for her lack of strength with powerful attacks, speed and stamina.

Breathing heavily, Big Mac sat and lowered his head, allowing his tense muscles to relax. He glanced at Applejack who kept napping. Mah sister sometimes took breaks from work, but they were always short, yet here she still sleeps for the third hour. Those headaches must really tire her out. He massaged his own forehead. Ah can’t show weakness now…

“Are you tired?”

Big Mac opened his eyes and looked around before glancing down, being greeted by the worried oval eyes of the large critter. “Ah should ask ya the same question.” He gently wiped a few drops of sweat from Nica’s forehead. A mere look at the wide white belly and her mouth showed her quickened breath rate.

Nica rubbed back of her neck and smiled sheepishly. “Don’t worry about me, I’m not tired at all.”

Big Mac rolled his eyes. Seems Ah’m not the only one tryin’ to act tough. He untied himself from his cart and picked a few apples, presenting them to his little worker. “Eat up. Ya were workin’ for three hours without a break, ya must be hungry.”

She smiled nervously before hiding it behind an insincere smile. “T-thank you… they look… tasty.”

Big Mac ate an apple with two bites, taking another one a moment later. After finishing his fifth, he glanced at the pokemon who still hadn’t started eating. “Don’t be shy and eat, ya earned it.” He could see Nica’s little mouth open, displaying white teeth with four tiny fangs which sank into the juicy apple a moment later, yet the grimace which appeared on her face was hard to ignore. After waiting for his small companion to finish her apple, he asked, “Ya don’t like… apples?”

Nica shook her head, but he could tell she was lying.

“Ah won’t be mad, so please, be honest.”

Nica sighed and nodded. “I’m sorry…” She looked to the side. “I really love sweets, but I dislike sour tastes… I can’t help it.” She glanced at Applejack in distance who was still napping on a higher ground. “Don’t get me wrong, your apples are very juicy. When I was hungry and thirsty, I couldn’t help myself but eat lots of them. But now...” She looked up, staring deeply into his eyes. “Please, don’t tell your sister that I dislike apples.”

Big Mac chuckled cheerfully. “Don’t worry, yer secret is safe with me.” He sat and grabbed Nica between his massive hooves, holding her in front of his muzzle. “How ‘bout a pear pie instead? Pears are sweet.”

“That sounds lovely!” Nica shouted with glee and licked his muzzle before pushing his hooves away with her paws and tail, landing softly on the soil. “But there’s still work to do.”

“Well, Ah need a break. How ‘bout we go home and make a pear pie together while on break?”

“B-b-but… w-work… h-helping…” the pokemon said while tapping her paws, her ears dropped and a sad pout was present on her face. “I can run to the barn with baskets and back and forth while you eat the pie.”

Big Mac closed his eyes and shook his head. “Ah need yer help with makin’ this pie. Ya won’t leave me to do all the work on mah own, will ya?”

Nica shook her head and circled around the stallion. “Of course not, ya can count on me!”

Big Mac chuckled. She’s just too sweet. We’re goin’ to get alon’ just fine.

“Applejack, wake up.”

“Huh, what?” Applejack stretched herself and fixed her hat, now staring at her brother. Not wasting a moment, she pushed herself to a standing position and swung her foreleg enthusiastically. “It sure was a nice nap, Ah feel strong and ready.” She looked around in search for her little assistant. “Where’s Nica?”

“She left. All our chores are done already.”

Applejack laughed before poking Big Mac’s chest. “Good one, big brother. But seriously, where’s Nica?”

“Ah told ya, she left the farm. Ya slept for four... five hours, and she’s done all your chores already.”

“W-what!” Applejack gasped. “Ah slept for five hours?” She stood up on her rear hooves and looked around, her attention focused on the upper part of the trees among the green sea of leaves. Most of the apples in the area were gone. “Yer serious?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said with a nod.

“She did seven hours worth of chores in five?”


“But Ah told her to wake me up once she gets tired,” Applejack pointed out.

“She kept jumping and dancing cheerfully during her work and refused to take a break. Ah convinced her to eat somethin’, but she asked to not wake ya up.”

Applejack could do little but stare at her brother in shock. As a hard-working earth pony, she always had plenty of strength and stamina, but even she needed to take a short break after an hour or two of apple bucking. If somepony told her that a large critter would surpass her in hard work and stamina, she would laugh in his face and call him crazy.

Big Mac chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Applejack asked, now seeing the grin on her brother’s face.

“It seems Nica beat ya at yer own game.”

Applejack groaned as she struggled to push words through her throat. “Seems she did. So… what now? Our chores are done, so we can do whatever we want for today.”


“Ah have an idea. Ah’ll bake some apple pies for Nica to thank her, she’ll love them.”

"Ah'm sure she will." Big Mac chuckled nervously. "Just... don't forget to add lots of sugar."

"Extra sweet cakes for a sugarcube like Nica? Got it," Applejack said with a firm nod, earning a satisfied smile from her brother.