• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,856 Views, 292 Comments

Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.12 - Master Gabriella

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 12

Master Gabriella

“Hello sweetheart, have you seen Nica by any chance,” Shining Armor asked as he approached Cadence who was sitting on the throne. In five minutes his wife was going to hold a court and talk with her subjects, just enough time to ask a question or two without interruptions. “She didn’t show up at work today.”

“Oh, about that, she quit her job an hour ago.” Cadence rubbed her foreleg as she looked to the side. “Apparently, a mail-delivering griffon named Gabriella, Gabby for short, gave her a much better job offer, and she took it instead. She’s riding her back to the Griffon Kingdom as we speak.”

“Wait… she did what?” Shining ran over, taking a few steps up the small stairs towards the throne and looked his wife in the eyes. “But the amount of bits you offered her for this job was very generous. How could a griffon delivering mail earn enough bits to offer her more.”

“Actually, she will not pay her in bits.”

“Not in bits?” Shining asked.

Cadence nodded before spreading her left wing as she pointed at it. “Nica asked Gabby if she could be paid with wing-hugs.”

“Wing-hugs?” Shining raised a forehoof and facehooved. “So this crazy critter gave up on a well paying and stable job in a peaceful empire, only to be paid with hugs while working in what’s left of a kingdom filled with greedy mercenaries.” He groaned. “I can’t even fathom what’s going on in that creature’s head.”

“To be fair, Nica doesn’t look like someone interested in profit. I get the impression that she just wants to be as helpful as possible while earning bits is just an excuse.” Cadence glanced at her own wing and rubbed it with a hoof. “She may also really like wing-hugs, and that overly enthusiastic super talkative energetic griffon looked very happy to give them. They seemed to enjoy each other’s company a lot.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. “And you didn’t offer your own wing-hugs to convince her not to quit?”

“Oh, I did offer them, but Nica told me that Gabby’s wings are softer and her hugs are way more genuine and enthusiastic.” Cadence’s ears drooped, “To be honest, it hurt my pride a little bit.”

“Wait… you hugged her with your wing before?”

“Of course I did,” Cadence said with a nod, smiling widely once again. “Who wouldn’t want to hug and cuddle her. For a powerful critter raised for combat… according to what Twilight wrote about her in letters… she’s so sweet and innocent.”

Upon hearing a noise coming from the other side of the door to the throne room, he turned around and walked away, “First Twilight and now you. I don’t get what everyone sees in that furball.”

An old griffon groaned, staring at his dusty house, both showing the passage of time. Just like his feathers fell from his wings with every flap, a few loose planks and thatch were falling from his house.

“Excuse me, good sir, may I have your attention?”

He turned around, now staring at the well known, loud, energetic and obnoxious griffon, Gabby. “What do you want, featherbrain?”

“To help you, Mr. Snubby. Your home is in a terrible shape and only days from crumbling, but we can help with that.”

The griffon waved his cane aggressively, forcing Gabby to flinch. “I got no more bits to spare to pay for renovation. Leave me be.”

“There’s no need for bits. I’ll do it for free,” Gabby said with a wide smile.

The griffon raised an eyebrow. If any other griffon offered something for free, it would be obvious there was a hidden motive, a catch of sort, yet Gabriella was a special case. She was often doing services without demanding any bits in return, out of some garbage called kindness. What was going in that foolish bird’s head was beyond his comprehension. He lowered his head and sighed. There was no way this stupid excuse of a griffon had a cunning bone in her body.

Snubby blinked in confusion, his attention on another creature he just noticed. Orange-white fur, long-tail, stupid-looking ears. Either my old eyes are playing tricks on me, or rats and bunnies started growing quite a lot lately. Why is it holding a giant paint brush?

“I forgot to introduce my assistant. Mr Snubby, meet a Raichu named Nica. Nica, meet Mr. Snubby,” Gilda said while looking between him and her little companion.

“Hello, Mr. Snubby. I’ll be happy to help!” Nica shouted, waving her large brush with her little paws enthusiastically.

A rat’s head emerged from Nica’s shoulder-bag and hissed at him before hiding back in.

Snubby rolled his eyes. “So not only do you offer services without demanding payment. You also hire a large walking meat-bag who has a tiny meat-bag as a pet.” He massaged his forehead. “I swear, you’re an embarrassment to griffons everywhere, Gabby. We’re mercenaries and hunters, and you collaborate with your own food.”

“Mercenaries?” Nica frowned and murmured to herself, “And here I thought mercs had higher standards and did a more professional job.”

“You finally called me by name, thank you,” Gabby said, standing on her rear legs while holding talons under her neck.

“Wait… hunters… tiny meat-bag...” Nica looked between both griffons before raising her tail protectively over her shoulder-bag.

“So, can we help? Pretty pleaseee!”

“Ugh… fine… I would be an even bigger fool than you to refuse a free service.” He walked to the side and crossed his arms, now staring at the ruin of his home. “I’ll stay here and make sure you renovate it properly.”

The pokemon narrowed her eyes, glaring at him in annoyance. “Would it hurt you to show some gratitude? A single thanks means the world to Gabby.”

Snubby looked to the side and huffed.

“Give him a break, Nica, the old Mr. Snubby had his share of bad experiences in his life. We should forgive him a bit of gruffness,” Gabby said before pointing at the damaged house. “Less talking, more helping.” She grabbed hammer with one talon, a bunch of planks with the other while holding two nails in her beak. In a great spread of her wings which created a wind strong enough to push leaves, feathers and rubble aside, Gabby started fixing the house. The noise of hammer strikes, tearing of wood and drilling filled the air.

“Yaaaay!” Nica shouted before putting her large brush into a container of green paint. She leaped forward, paining the renovated wall.

“Need more nails!” Gabby shouted.

Nica dashed away, leaving a cloud of dust behind, only to return with a box of nails wrapped by her tail. With quick movements of her paws, she placed the nails against the wood, letting the griffon hit them with a hammer.

Sending bits of power into her tail, she used the metallic edge like a hammer of her own.

“I had no idea your tail could do that, it’s so cool!” Gabby shouted enthusiastically, trotting on her rear legs.

“Thank you. I can make it harder and stronger with my power whenever I want to,” Nica said with a proud smile. “It proved to be the most useful of my powers.”

“Neat!” Gabby said before spreading her wings, taking hay from the roof.

Nica started running inside and outside, transporting the furniture. Her legs trembled with each step she made the moment she balanced the bed above her head with her tail. The wardrobe provided more resistance as she pressed her forepaws against it, pushing it, as a few drops of sweat fell down her face.

“Let me help!” Gabby shouted before grabbing the wardrobe, placing it outside in mere two seconds. “I will take a bucket of water and mop and start cleaning. Would you be so kind and use duster or wet rubber…”

“Already ahead of you!” Nica shouted as she leaped towards a stack of materials before pulling out duster and rubber, using it to clean the wardrobe.

“Thank you!” Gabby shouted.

After falling asleep for an hour or two, Snubby was shaken, opening his tired eyes while looking around in confusion. “Huh, what, where? You can’t have my tiger fang trophy, you dirty thief!” He blinked in confusion, staring at Gabby and Nica, both looking at him with cheerful smiles, though their fur was anything but clean.

“We’re done!” Gabby shouted before flying to the side and presenting the renovated house.

Snubby’s unimpressed face turned into one of shock, his beak agape. A few tears started sliding down his eyes. Instead of a ruined house, he stared at a solid structure with one extra floor. Green paint on the walls, shining windows without sharp leftovers of glass, a red doormat with yellow thunder inscribed to it lying in front of the wooden door.

A week and thousands of bits worth of reconstruction had been done in a mere two hours for free.

“Oh, you are happy!” Nica shouted, pointing at him while glancing at Gabby.

“It’s… acceptable,” Snubby said while struggling to hide his enthusiasm. His heart was beating quickly for the first time in years.

Nica stood on her rear paws, holding one forepaw on her hip while other pointed at Gabby. “You aren’t fooling anyone, I can sense your excitement and happiness with ease. Just be honest and make Gabby happy with words of praise. Come on.”

Snubby looked at the smug face of the critter, and next at the young griffon who was hovering above the ground, staring back expectantly.

“Gabby… you… did a fine job,” he said, each word pushed from his throat with great struggle. “Thank… you.”

In a wild scream, Gabby flew up and started dancing in mid-air, only to grab Nica, now dancing in mid-air with her confused assistant.

Snubby observed the scene with a growing smile. What was that warm feeling in his chest? Whatever it was, it felt very nice.

“Sorry, I got a bit too excited up there,” Gabby said as she walked side by side with her trusty assistant.

“Don’t apologize, it was fun… I mean, dancing with you without having wings of my own was… weird… but still fun.” Nica massaged her forelegs and murmured quietly. “You sure are strong.”

“Oh, than I’m happy you had fun,” Gabby said with closed eyes and a cheerful smile.

“And I’m happy that you’re happy,” Nica responded, returning the smile with one of her own. The white rat walked out from the shoulder-bag and sat on her shoulder.

“Oh, and who’s that cute little tasty-looking critter you have there?” Gabby asked.

Nica stopped, took a step back and wrapped her paws around the rat protectively. “Miss Gabby, please, don’t try to eat my little friend.”

Gabby gasped. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry I made you think that, I was just joking.” She giggled. “I wouldn’t dare to eat a friend of a friend.”

Nica lowered her guard and looked at the griffon with puppy eyes. “You… you promise?”

Gabby raised a talon up to her chest and answered, “I promise.”

Nica approached the griffon and raised her rat up to her. “Mr. Patrick, say hello to Miss Gabby and nuzzle her. She’s very nice and promised she won’t eat you, so there’s nothing to fear.”

Sweat started to fall down Gabby’s forehead as she resisted the urge to hug. “A large critter holding a tiny one like that… you both look so adorable.”

The white rat examined the griffon from top to bottom before looking at Nica with a ‘You can’t be serious’ expression.

“Come on, don’t be shy.”

Mr. Patrick hissed at Nica before jumping onto Griffon’s chest, climbing up to her shoulder and next nuzzled her cheek. He jumped back onto Nica’s paws and squeaked at her angrily.

Gabby giggled and lowered her beak to the white rat. “You’re just a precious little cutie. I hope we can become great friend, and I swear, I won’t let any griffon lay a talon on you.”

The rat rolled his eyes before diving into Nica’s bag.

“You sure make interesting friends. You totally need to tell me how you befriended the C.M.Cs. Did they help you find your special talent as well?” Gabby asked as she resumed her walk, passing by numerous ruined houses and arguing griffons. One griffon in the background however nuzzled another one while standing next to some sort of large baking device.

Nica shook her head and next lowered it. “They tried to befriend me, and even brought to their school so I could play with other innocent fillies, and… and…” She gulped. “And I hurt them by accident.”

“You hurt them?” She chuckled nervously. “Don’t even joke like that… it’s not funny.”

Nica untied her collar for a moment, sending a little bolt of electricity towards nearby rock before putting it on again. The rock now in small fragments lay on a scorched ground. “I can use electricity to attack and defend myself, but with my memories sealed, I didn’t remember I could do that. When they started to play with me, pull my ears and limbs, and hug me, I had no idea… no idea that my body would shock them with electricity. It reacted on its own.” She looked to the side, not daring to look into Gabby’s judging eyes. “Princess Twilight and her student Starlight, with Rarity’s help, they made me this collar.” She touched collar on her neck as if searching for comfort in it. “It not only translates my words, but also absorbs my electricity, preventing any similar accidents from happening.”

“You poor little thing! You deserve a cheer-up hug.”

Nica yelped as she was snatched into a wing-hug, once again experiencing the softness and warmth of the griffon. “B-but… you’re not angry at me?”

“Why would I be? You did it by accident and must’ve been extremely sad about it. If anything, I feel sorry for you!”

Nica sighed. “Why is everyone I meet is so extremely forgiving? I feel like I’m the only one still angry at myself for what I did.” The moment she was released, she looked up at the griffon with a pout and spoke up, “When I was in trouble and lost, ponies helped and took care of me, and I caused a lot trouble in return. After getting a grip on my powers, I tried to be useful, to help, to repay their kindness.” She turned around and tapped her forepaws, her tail shook left and right nervously. “I believe that the more power one has, the more one should do to be worth it. With each dream that reminds me of my past, with each day, I discover how powerful and durable I am. Whenever I don’t use my abilities to help… I feel worthless…”

“And when you help others the best you can, you feel pleasant warmth and self-fulfilment, ready to explode from happiness and excitement, right?”

Nica turned around and nodded. “Y-yes… how did you know.”

“Because that’s what I felt so many times. The Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to help me find my special talent, so they made me help ponies in plenty of tasks, and I was very happy doing them.” She pointed at herself and raised her beak proudly. “It turned out that helping is my special talent.”

Nica approached the griffon, stood up on the tips of her rear paws, placed her forepaws on Gabby’s chest and looked at her with sparkling eyes. “Sensei… teach me your ways.”

“It seems I found a familiar spirit in you.” Gabby giggled before placing her wing under Raichu’s feet, pushing onto her back. “I can already tell today will be tons of fun for the both of us. Helping duo away!” She flew up, searching for next target in need of help.

“I can’t believe it…” said one griffon from the gathered group, staring at the scene before them.

“You tell me. I thought no one in existence could keep up with Gabby’s excitement, but here we’re proven wrong.”

“Speaking of which, you owe me twenty bits. A bet is a bet.”

Snubby groaned before handing over his bits. “Fine. I should’ve known that there’s a first time for everything.” With the sun descending on the horizon, two specific figures walked between homes. A few of them already renovated by them. For several hours the enthusiastic duo has been working restlessly while helping everyone they could, from small tasks like the delivery of goods, to big renovations. The creature called Nica was running in excitement around Gabby, who seemed out of breath after her helping spree.

Snubby smiled lightly. He could tell that Gabby did most of the heavy lifting, yet the fact that Nica somehow managed to keep up with her and still have energy to spare was a true miracle. Maybe losing twenty bits was worth seeing Gabby being beaten at her own game.

Gabby sat and rubbed her stomach, hearing growling coming from it.

“You’re hungry? Wait here, I’ll go buy some food and water,” Nica said before running away, searching for the closest food-store.


Gabby looked around, searching for the source of noise.

“May I bother you for a moment.”

Standing on all of her legs, Gabby approached the free space between four homes, spotting an old unicorn. Its legs thin as if devoid of muscles, barely supporting his weight. “Oh dear. Do you want something to eat? You’re skin and bones.”

“Offering food to an old stranger, truly, you’re an exception of your kind,” the unicorn spoke in a tired tone. “However, food will not do for me. If you’re willing to help me, young lady, there’s another way.”

“Whatever it is, you can count on me,” Gabby said with a cheerful smile. Despite feeling tired, her spirit still burned strong. She approached, only for the old pony to walk backward.

“I would appreciate respect for my personal space, please.”

Gabby nodded and sat.

The stallion raised his foreleg, pointing at his horn. “You see, young lady. You may not know this, but this world is filled with wonderful magic. It may be strong, it may be weak, but it is present in many living beings. Those with magic in themselves are tougher, stronger or posses outstanding abilities. For unicorns it mostly allows spell-casting, yet it still strengthens our bodies.”

Gabby nodded, listening with full attention. “I always love listening to wise words of the elderly, but please don’t make me wait with helping you.”

He chuckled. “I will get to the point. You see, I have been traveling in search for being with such powerful magic and ask them to share a tiny bit of it with me. Earth ponies with immense strength, unicorns with unimaginable rawpower, pegasi capable of amazing feats. With help of their magic I can research a cure for my illness.” He coughed, his legs trembling as if ready to break. After a moment of breathing heavily, he continued, “I sensed incredibly powerful magic in you. Even at your age, your strength surpass that of the average griffon. You have massive amounts of durability and stamina, and posses talents to help, no matter how challenging the task. Your magic may one day rival the one of a princess.”

Gabby blushed. “You really think so?” The moment she saw a nod of agreement, she spoke, “If my magic can help you heal your illness, than take as much as you want.”

The old unicorn bowed lightly. “Thank you, young lady.”

“Who are you talking to?”

Gabby glanced at Nica who approached from behind the house with a bag of snacks in her paws. “Oh, I was just talking to this kind old gentle-pony.”

Nica approached the stallion who stepped backward the closer she got, examining him with a suspicious stare. “Why I can’t sense your aura? I can’t sense a single bit of life in you.”

“What? What are you talking about,” Gabby asked, now blinking in confusion.

Nica looked at her and pointed at the unicorn. “I possess the ability to sense auras of living creatures. Until now, everyone had one, even a little mouse. Everyone except this one.”

Gabby looked at the old pony, talon raised up to her beak. “Ummm… what does this mean. Would you please explain?”

The stallion’s eyes closed before he tripped to the side. Nica’s tail stopped his fall, only for his body to turn into dust.

Both Nica and Gabby gasped and gazed in shock, poking the dust in confusion before deciding to leave and clear their heads.

What a pity… and here I was looking forward to making it easy for her. It seems I’ll need to do it the hard way, thought a dark figure, its large blue eye staring from the shadow of a damaged house before vanishing into the darkness.

Author's Note:

Just a quick note to all readers. This is the last chapter of this side-story. All there's left is an epilogue and the main story will continue after that.