• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 8,390 Views, 327 Comments

Kulaas Ahrk Dovah - SkarinOfAtmora

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it...

  • ...

12 - Brighter than a thousand Suns

Today was the big day. Preparations for the Grand Galloping Gala were in full swing and Canterlot Castle was filled with ponies decorating the ballroom, preparing food and drink, organizing the tables and the musicians were tuning their instruments to be pitch perfect. It was the most prestigious event in all of Equestria and to be invited was considered a great honor.

"Damn you Celestia." Skarin groaned while a tailor was taking his waist measurment. Yeah, he got tricked into attending and from what he knows about Equestria's alcohol, Skarin wouldn't even be able to get properly drunk.

"Sir, I need you to stay still so I can take your measurments." the old pony tailor said with a huff and moved up to Skarin's chest. "I would also ask you to refrain from taking our Princesses name in vain." the stallion almost ran out of measuring tape.

"She tricked me, okay?" Skarin admitted, making the old tailor scoff. The tailor moved to Skarin's bicep which the nord flexed a little to give the old pony a hard time.

"I'm sure she did." the old pony didn't even flinch. "I'll be taking two inches away."

"It's true! She-" Skarin then stopped, thinking that if ponies start gossipping about how Celestia basically offered herself up to him would lead to problems. "You know what, nevermind."

"There is no shame in being bested by the Princess." the tailor said calmly and got to work on measuring Skarin's back. "I realize it must be emasculating for a big stallion such as yourself to be bested by a mare-"

"Hey! I've been beaten by women before!" Skarin proclaimed proudly. "Each and every one of them was a strong warrior and I feel pride in their victory." the old tailor raised a curious brow.

"Truly? Then I apologize for assuming." the tailor said calmly and got his quill and parchment from the table to sketch out a quick design. "It takes a true stallion to admit defeat."

"Nords take pride in their strong women." Skarin stepped down from the slightly raised podium he was on and pulled his simple shirt back on. "Lydia was one such woman."

"Lydia, sir?" the tailor asked without raising his gaze from the parchment.

"My late wife." Skarin answered somberly and the tailor suddenly stopped sketching.

"I am sorry for your loss." Skarin nodded back his response. "And I also apologize for misjudging you. I assumed you were just a big brute who loved drunken brawls and the heat of battle."

"That's because I do." Skarin replied with a chuckle. "But I'm also full of surprises."

"Indeed." the old pony replied. "If you ever wish to talk about your late wife I can lend an ear. I am a widower myself." Skarin nodded and extended his hand which the old pony took.

"You can count on it." they released the handshake and the tailor got back to sketching. After a couple of quiet moments he nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, I have the basic idea sketched out." he then showed Skarin the design. To Skarin's relief it was a simple black tuxedo with a white shirt underneath and not one of those extravagant rainbow barf, frilled attrocities he'd seen Canterlot nobility wearing. "I would only require your help on the boots, as you call them. For obvious reasons." tapping his hoof on the marble floor to emphasize that ponies don't wear boots. Sure, some wore decorations on their hooves but nothing like humans did.

"No problem, ummm..." it just dawned on Skarin that he had no idea how this elderly tailor was called.

"Smooth Operator, sir." Skarin blinked a few times. "And I assure you I was one in my younger days." Smooth said with a knowing smirk and Skarin chuckled.

"Never doubted it old-timer." Skarin teased in good fun. "About the boots, how about making shoes instead?"

In another part of the castle, Celestia was trying to decide what dress to wear for the gala. Celestia was inside her closet, which could double as a small apartment for somepony, and looked at dress after dress. The princess was wearing only a crop top and black lace panties so she made sure to put a Do not distrub sign on her door.

"No." she threw a pink dress over her shoulder and it landed on the growing pile of dresses and gowns in the middle of her room. "Too tacky." a frilly garment went flying through the air. "Ugh, too old." a pricless antique gown landed in a freshly watered flower pot. The solar alicorn groaned in frustration as she looked at the growing pile behind her.

Why was this so hard? Usually she would go into her closet and just picked the first dress that caught her eye and be done with it. Apply some accompanying make-up and she was ready for the Gala. It was frustrating really, she'd been at this all morning and the Gala is drawing closer.

"What is wrong with me?" Celestia asked aloud and threw another expensive dress like it was yesterday's garbage. "I mean, look at this one!" she raised a perfectly good light pink colored dress with her cutie mark acting as a pattern on a darker section and a golden buckle in the same shape. "It's beautiful! I even wear it for other occasions and yet..." yep, this one also landed on the discard pile. "I'm running out of options." she sat down in defeat and rubbed her temples in frustration.

"Then you're in luck, Tia."

"EEP!" Luna's sudden appearance made Celestia jump. "Luna! Don't scare me like that!" Celestia put a hand over her rapidly beating heart. IN contrast to Celestia's half-naked form, Luna was more covered and wore a set of gray sweatpants and matching hoodie.

"I can see you're nervous, sister dear." Luna sat down beside her sister. "Tell me what ails you." she asked with a kind smile.

"The gala is mere hours away and I have yet to pick a dress." Celestia sighed in defeat and violently snatched a designer light blue gown that cost more than a house from it's hanger. "What do you think of this one?" she presented it to Luna like it was a plain old shirt.

"Well, I think it's-"

"Wrong!" Luna barely dodged the silk ball as it went flying through the room. "None of these are any good! Why is that Luna?" Celestia looked desperately at her sister for answers.

"Hmm, could be because you wore all of them already?" Luna hummed in thought but Celestia shook her head.

"That's not the problem." Celestia pulled down a beautiful deep V-cut red coctail dress. "See this? Wore it a thousand times." Luna once again dodged a projectile. "That's not the problem. I wore every single one of these a thousand times and I never once had trouble picking one for the gala."

"I see." Luna tapped her chin in thought when she suddenly smirked knowingly. Her hunch just kicked in. "Tell me, oh my dear sister, do you think this gala is somehow different than the others?"

"What do you mean?" Celestia blinked a couple of times.

"Oh I don't know." Luna acted all coy. "Mayhaps because it's the first gala that young Twilight attends as an alicorn and you want to look your best for your precious student?"

"Please. I love Twilight like she was my own daughter, but we both know she would try and color coordinate with me two months in advance." Celestia chuckled at the thought of her student going haywire about matching dresses.

"Indeed." Luna nodded in response, her smile growing bigger. "But what about you color coordinating with somepony?"

"What?" Celestia guffawed at the thought. "Who could I possibly coordinate with? Need I remind you I'm painfully single? And that reminded me I don't have a date for the gala, yet again, and now I want cake." Celestia pouted and Luna couldn't help but giggle at her sister.

"Then let me rephrase." Celestia looked at Luna with a raised brow. "What if you are trying to coordinate with someone?"

"Someone?" Celestia tilted her head in confusion. "Don't you mean somepony?"

"Come thee on, Tia." Luna rolled her eyes and waved her arms in exasperation. "Somepony is a pony, someone is a..." she urged Celestia with her hands to think and it paid off.

"Oh." Luna swore she saw a lit-up candle appear above Celestia's head. "Oh, you mean..." Celestia's cheeks tinted a little.

"Yes, we do mean." Luna nodded.

"But... Why?" Celestia suddenly stood up and looked at her sister. "I don't... I mean... What?" she walked past Luna who rolled her eyes but was still smiling triumphantly. "Skarin? Why would I try to coordinate with Skarin?"

"Well, this is his first gala." Come now Tia, you can do it.

"So? I didn't coordinate with you after you returned from the Moon." Celestia pointed out but Luna wasn't the least bit fazed.

"Beacause thee were not trying to impress us." Luna wiggled her eyebrows. Celestia looked at her with a mix of confusion and uncertainty. Luna facepalmed at her sister's dumbfounded expression. "Motherbucker why is this so difficult?"

"Excuse me?" Celestia was taken aback by Luna's choice of words.

"Thou art trying to impress Skarin!" Luna suddenly yelled which made Celestia take a step back.

"Am not!" the alabaster alicorn defended.

"Truly?" Luna then picked up a random gown from the pile that was now between her and Celestia. "What would Skarin think of this one?" the gown was perfectly fine to be honest.

"He'd think it's way too frilly and the color doesn't match my-" Celestia suddenly slapped her palms over her mouth.

"Got thee." Luna smirked triumphantly and tossed the gown through an open window. "I am not the Princess of the Hunch for nothing."

"The what now?" Celestia asked after uncovering her mouth.

"Not important." Luna waved her off and got closer so she can put one arm around Celestia. "What is important is that you make Skarin's jaw drop."

"But, why?" Celestia looked at her giddy sister.

"Trust us, you want to impress him. You want him to notice thee." Luna booped Celestia on the nose. "Why else would thee wear nothing but a night robe for your visit to the kitchen?" Celestia's cheeks flushed red from embarrasement. "And don't even bother telling us that's what you normally wear to sleep."

"I was in the middle of changing and I heard something in the hallway-"

"Please. One can smell Skarin from a mile away." Luna rolled her eyes. "But back to topic, I believe I have the solution to your problem."

"You do?" Celestia asked hopefully and Luna nodded.

"Indeed. I just so happened to run into Smooth Operator who was on his way to make Skarin's suit." Luna then pulled out a parchment from her pocket and showed it to Celestia. "He was kind enough to make me copy." Celestia stared at the sketch and the gears were slowly turning in her head. Was Luna right? Was she really subconsciously trying to get Skarin to notice her? Well, she did enjoy his company and she had to admit to herself they did share some tender moments recently.

"Are you suggesting I have a-a-a crush on Skarin? I am not a little filly!" Celestia defended herself but Luna chuckled victoriously.

"Oh my dear, deeeear sister. Trust me on this." Luna then got a mischevious twinkle in her eye. "I will make sure his eyes never leave you."

The Grand Galloping Gala was in full swing. Song and dance filled the ballroom while the waiters expertly weaved through the crowd to serve food and drink. Equestria's greatest musical ensable was giving their best performance on this very night.

All of these festivities were lost on Skarin. True, he was not as miserable as he thought he would be but his mind was someplace else. With every fiber of his being Skarin was preventing himself from jumping off the balcony and transforming into a werewolf to rush towards Ponyville and intercept the squad that was transporting his trapped friends. This felt like an unnecesary distraction but there it was. Skarin tried to enjoy himself, if even a little.

He had to admit the food was good but the drinks left something to be desired. Nothing beats good old nord mead. Skarin also vaguely remembered meeting Twilight's friends before Fancy Pants came to collect on his promise of hearing stories about Skarin's adventures. The stallion was kind enough and Skarin had no problems with answering his questions. Skarin was in the middle of telling Fancy Pants about the time he trapped Odahviing when Shining Armor announced his arrival with a light cough.

"Captain! You made it!" Skarin firmly shook Shining's hand and the stallion smiled in return.

"Glad to be here."

"Just in time too! I was just telling Fancy how I captured Odahviing!" Skarin put an arm around the white stallion who chuckled.

"It is quite the story Captain."

"I'm sure it is." Shining replied. "But there is somepony I would like you to meet." Shining then extended his arm and Cadance emerged from the crowd and took her husbands hand. "Skarin, I would like you to meet my wife, Mi Amore Cadenza." both Fancy and Skarin bowed curtly.

"A pleasure to meet you." Skarin held out his hand in what appeared to be a handshake. Fancy looked a little irked at the display but Cadance didn't mind.

"Likewise. And please, call me Cadance." Cadance was pleasantly surprised when she offered her hand to Skarin who slowly raised it and gently kissed it. "Oooh, a gentlestallion!" Cadance giggled and withdrew her hand. "Shiny! You told me Skarin was lacking in the manners department!"

"Really now?" Skarin raised a curious brow.

"Hey, you started a brawl at a bar." Shining raised his arms in defense.

"Fair enough." Skarin nodded and took a sip from the glass he forgot he was holding.

"So, Skarin." Cadance eyed the nord with a look. The three males didn't notice the music slowly getting quieter. But Cadance did. She was counting on it.

"Uh-oh." Shiny knew what the look meant.

"Are you here by yourself or do you have a date?" Cadance asked and Skarin shook his head.

"Just me." Skarin's reply gave Cadance a beaming smile just as the music completely died out.

"That is great news!" Cadance said giddily which left Skarin a little dumbfounded. "Because your date just arrived!"

"My what?" Skarin had no idea what Cadance was talking about but didn't get to ask more since the announcer decided to inform everypony of their latest guest.

"M-m-mares and g-gentlestallions!" the pony stuttered as if he were in shock and Skarin slowly raised his gaze towards the staircase that lead down to the ballroom. "I-I present to you, Princess Celestia!" everpony gasped when they saw the princess slowly descending the stairs. All but Skarin who was left breathless.

Celestia slowly descended the stairs, making sure to put an extra sway to her hips. Instead of wearing a wide gown like everpony else, Celestia's curves were hugged by a strapless and slim black dress with a deep V cut that had a golden edge which accented her cleavage even more. The dress went down all the way to her hooves with the left side having a long slit that showed the cutie mark on her thigh. Gone was the usual royal necklace and the crown she always wore, replaced by a black shawl that went over the shoulders and behind her neck, hanging low between her wings and exposed back while at the front it curved around her breasts. But the attire was not the main reason the crowd was left speechless. For the first time in a thousand years, Celestia appeared in public without her enchanted mane and magenta eyes. Neatly combed red mane bounced lightly with every step and her tail swished in rhythm to her walk. Celestia's red eyes briefly looked over the gathered ponies before settling on one particular individual.

Celestia slowly walked towards Skarin as the crowd parted to let their princess pass. Some mares had to slap their husbands upside the head for staring at Celestia's swaying hips. Once she reached her destination, Skarin finally released that breath he was holding.

"Good evening." Celestia smiled at the nord, acting like she didn't just take his breath away.

"Hi." Skarin said in a high-pitched voice. He quickly cleared his throat and spoke again. "I mean, good evening." Celestia chuckled at his little slip-up and Skarin felt his heart skip a beat.

"You look beautiful auntie!" Cadance hugged her aunt who returned the gesture.

"Thank you Cadance. You look beautiful as well." Celestia then whispered to Cadance quietly. "This was Luna's idea."

"Best idea ever." Cadance whispered back and released the hug. "Well?" Cadance nudged Skarin. "Compliment your date."

"You look..." Skarin couldn't find the words. If not before, Skarin was now sure Dibella somehow blessed Celestia with divine beauty. "Umm..."

"Why thank you." Celestia giggled.

"Ask her for a dance." Cadance once again elbowed Skarin.

"Princess-" he didn't get to finish as Celestia raised her arm.

"Please, it's just Celestia tonight." the crowd gasped in shock. This was outrageous! There is a certain etiquette that needs to be folowed! You can't just-

"Oh get over it you prudes!" all eyes turned towards the musical ensamble to see Pinkie Pie standing on a chair in their midst. "It's time to dance! Guys, music!" the group hastily picked up their instruments and began playing for a slow waltz. "Eh, it'll do." soon all eyes were back on Celestia and Skarin.

"Well then, Skarin." Celestia got closer to Skarin and offered her hand. "Shall we?" Skarin took her hand and kissed it just like he did with Cadance.

"Lead the way, Celestia." Skarin let Celestia lead him to the dance floor. As they embraced and began the slow dance Cadance nudged her husband.

"Oh, umm, would you like to dance, Cady?" Shining asked nervously, as if Cadance would refuse him for some reason.

"I would love to, Shiny." and so two more joined in. Starting to feel pretty dumb at this point for staring for so long, other atendees decided to dance as well and leave their snide remarks for later. As everpony finally joined in on the floor, a certain dark blue alicorn was collecting her bet from a certain Daedric prince of madness.

"Told thee. Princess of the Hunch."

Author's Note:

It's been a while. I'll try not to repeat that...
See ya' next time!