• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 8,390 Views, 327 Comments

Kulaas Ahrk Dovah - SkarinOfAtmora

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it...

  • ...

9 - Starlight

Their game of fetch lasted well into the night. At around midnight Celestia decided it was time for her to withdraw to her chambers for some much needed rest and inform her assistant to cancel Day Court and any other activities for tomorrow. Luna remained with Skarin while he roamed around the forest in search for a snack. The Princess of the Night was no stranger to carnivores so she had little problem with watching the white beast eat. She was actually surprised by his efficiency as no movement was wasted, the prey fell in seconds and in as little pain as possible.

"Dost thou often eat like this? " she asked as Skarin was busy chewing on a piece of wild boar, the third one tonight.

"No. " through the night both Luna and Celestia discovered his ability to speak was greatly hindered by his transformation. His sentences were short and on point. It wasn't as if the transformation reduced his intelligence, rather it changed his vocal chords and made it difficult for him to speak. It was also the reason why his voice sounded like a guttural growl since his mouth didn't move much while he talked though his black lips moved only a little.

"There is meat in the castle. "

"Like meat fresh." Luna's furred coat stood on edge as Skarin grinned wolfishly, his maw covered in fresh blood.

"Please do not do that. It is most disturbing. " Skarin only grinned wider and continued eating "You have a strange sense of humor, oh ancient one. " the white wolf let out a sharp exhale through his nostrils before sitting back on his haunches "Done? "

"Yes. Water. " Skarin sniffed the air and quickly found what he was looking for. Going into a quick sprint Luna followed after him through the air. They soon reached a small clearing with a little lake in the middle, the body of water no larger than thirty feet in diameter.

"Thirsty? " Luna asked while kneeling at the edge and taking a handful of the cool liquid.

"Dirty. " Skarin merely walked passed her and submerged himself in the water, the surface taking on the red color of blood as it was removed from his fur. Luna made a mental note not to drink anymore water from this source in the future. After about thirty seconds, Skarin reappeared in his human form, the water cascading down his sculpted body while the moon illuminated him from above. It was also noted that somehow his trousers reappeared which Luna thought were destroyed when he transformed. Luna felt her cheeks getting red at the sight before her.

"Feeling better? " she asked just as Skarin blew his nose in a most disgusting manner, making Luna's blush fade instantly, and let himself fall back into the water.

"Much better. " Skarin sighed in content as he floated on the water's surface "I know there's meat in the castle but I feel you ponies are squeamish when it comes to eating meat. "

"Thou art right. " Luna sat down on the green meadow and watched Skarin with a light smile as the Dragonborn floated on the surface like a wooden log "Though we do have griffon ambassadors come to our Court. That is why we have it in stock. " Skarin smirked as he remembered the perfect response.

"I'll remember it the next time I'm feeling hungry. " Luna looked at him quizzically as Skarin chuckled to himself.

"T'was not that funny. "

"Sorry. It's just something my friend once said. " to Luna's disgust, Skarin leaned his head to the side and took a sip from the bloody water and then resumed his floating.

"That can not be sanitary. " Luna's face scrunched up and she stuck out her tongue in disgust.

"Many things I do are not considered sanitary. " Skarin laughed as Luna shook her head "I once ate a giant's toe. " this almost caused the princess to loose her dinner.

"Why would thou do that? " her dark blue coat turned an interesting shade of green.

"It has alchemical properties. " Skarin simply shrugged "Speaking of... " his hand dove below the water and he caught some sort of kelp. To Luna's shock he brought it to his mouth and ate it "Hmmm... Tingly. "

"That's Eel kelp! " Luna yelled at him "Hast thou eaten more it could have electrocuted you! "

"Well I guess it sparked my curiosity. " Skarin said with smirk which only earned him a deadpan look from Luna "Relax, it takes a lot more than vegetables to kill me. "

"So we've heard. " Luna crossed her arms and looked to the side though a small smile was present on her lips. The two remained in silence for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet the night gave them. It was after a good five minutes when Skarin spoke.

"It's a beautiful night... " Luna heard this and it brought a warm smile to her lips. She gazed up at the night sky she had created and felt pride in her work. The Moon shone brightly and the sky was covered in stars that twinkled with a special glint.

"Thank you. " Skarin looked at her with a raised brow "Not many appreciate our night. "

"Your night? " he asked in confusion and with a sly smirk Luna looked up as her horn glowed with magic. To Skarin's surprise the stars began moving and the Moon rotated in place.

"We bring the night while our sister brings the day. " she then raised her dress just enough for Skarin to see the cutie mark on her flank "Tis' our special talent. " Luna looked at the Dragonborn whose mouth was wide open in shock "A cutie mark represents a pony's special talent and each one is unique. " Skarin observed the mark which was a black spot with a crescent moon on it.

"That's a damn impressive talent..." Skarin said in disbelief, making a metal note to ask about these cutie marks.

"Praise our name, oh ancient one! " Luna said with a laugh, making Skarin laugh as well and a devious thought come to his mind.

"All praise Moonbutt! " his joke caused Luna to stop laughing.

"Tis' not funny. " she said with tinted cheeks.

"It is from where I'm floating! " Skarin began laughing until he felt a drop of water on his forehead "Oh crap... " there floating above him was a large volume of water encased in Luna's magic.

"What is our name? " Luna asked with a mischievous smirk. Skarin looked at her with a sheepish smile, not able to help himself.

"Moonbutt? " the magic disappeared and the ball of water splashed down on Skarin, submerging him below the surface. Luna nodded in satisfaction and rose to her hooves, only to feel a sudden chill run up her spine "Hey... " she slowly turned and saw Skarin looking at her with a wolfish grin "FUS! " her eyes widened and ears fell flat on her head as a wave of water charged at her and drenched her from head to hoof. Meanwhile, Skarin was laughing in satisfaction.

"You dare attack us? " Luna said in mock anger and pointed a finger at Skarin "Thou shall pay for this treachery, dragonfoal! " and so in a battle with magic and shouting the two sent water at each other until they managed to dry out the small lake completely. As they ran out of ammunition, both broke out in laughter at their child-like behavior, not having such fun in a long time. Luna dried herself with a simple spell while Skarin refused "Thou will catch a cold. "

"Cold? It's so hot here you're lucky I'm not walking around naked. " Skarin scoffed and sat down on the grass, a light breeze bringing the cold he so desperately wanted.

"Truly? " Luna asked with a raised brow as she sat next to him.

"Yes. " Skarin nodded in confirmation and resumed his observing of the night sky "Skyrim is not know for it's beautiful weather. " Luna merely nodded and noticed a somber smile pass on Skarin's face "Can I ask you something? " Luna quietly nodded "Where is the other moon? " this caught Luna by surprise.

"Other moon? We do not understand. "

"There used to be two moons. "

"Truly? " Luna asked in surprise. For as long as she can remember there has only been one moon. Her Moon.

"Hmm... Guess it's one of the many things that changed over the years. " Skarin said somberly and closed his eyes "Wonder what else changed... " after a moment of silence Skarin spoke again "Will she be alright? " when he did not get an answer he looked at Luna "I mean Celestia. Her wings got broken. "

"In a few days, yes. " Luna smiled at how Skarin showed concern for her sister "Wings need proper time to heal. "

"Good, good... " he nodded before adding "She's a fierce warrior. "

"One could not tell by her appearance, no? " she smiled at Skarin who chuckled.

"Honestly, I thought she was just a pretty face. " Luna smirked slyly at his words "How wrong I was proven... "

"Thou thinks our sister is pretty? " Luna thought she would get a rise from Skarin but his response surprised her.

"Yes. " Skarin answered simply and looked at Luna "I recognize beauty when I see it. Celestia is no exception and neither are you, for that matter. " Luna smiled bashfully at his compliment.

"Flattery can get thou everywhere. " she said teasingly and smacked his shoulder.

"Will it get me out of the Grand Galloping Gala? " he asked with apparent hope in his voice which caused Luna to laugh.

"And pray tell, why? "

"I don't like parties. " as soon as he said it, a pink mare in a small village felt her sense going off "Besides, last time I went to a party with royalty a lot of people died. " Luna placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"We assure you, the Gala will be a peaceful event and thou will have fun. " she then squeezed his shoulder tightly, sending a warning glare towards him "This event means a lot to my sister so watch thine behavior. "

"Yes ma'am. " Skarin nodded and Luna smiled back.

"Excellent! And our sister will be glad you attended. " she pulled her arm back and stretched herself, giving a satisfying moan.

"Why's that? " Skarin asked while looking at the stretching alicorn, wondering if Dibella herself blessed the sisters with their figure.

"Have you not noticed she has taken a liking to you? " Luna asked in wonder as Skarin shrugged.

"Not really, no. " he answered simply and continued looking at the sky "I feel she's like that with everyone, being a benevolent ruler and all that. "

"We have known our sister for a millenia! " Luna said with a laugh and continued "While she is kind and gentle to everypony, Tia is going above and beyond to make thou feel happy and comfortable. "

"Really? " Skarin asked with a raised brow.

"Of course! The relationship thou have with our sister is something stallions have tried for years and could not achieve. " she said with mirth in her tone "And it took you mere days. "

"Guess being a legendary warrior trapped in stone gave me a boost in that department. " Skarin chuckled to himself as Luna shook her head.

"Tis' more than that. She sees something that thou, apparently, do not. " Skarin raised a curious brow "A kind and brave soul but also a very pained one. She sees a stallion that tries so hard to carry the world on his shoulders, trying to save everypony yet forgets to save himself. " Skarin looked away as that statement was pretty true "One who desperately tries to act strong but deep down needs his friends to support him. " images of his companions flashed before his eyes "In way, Tia sees part of herself in you. " when Skarin looked at her Luna continued "We were once banished to the Moon, by Tia no less. " Skarin's eyes went wide in surprise but Luna raised her hand from him to stay quiet "Twas' a dark time and we do not blame her for that decision. However, she was left alone to rule Equestria, to rule over night and day. Even after our return we saw she tried to act brave for the sake of us and our ponies. But it was too much to deal with. " Luna's expression turned to one of sadness "She told us she was ready to give up at one point but she found reasons to carry on. Her student Twilight Sparkle was one of them. " Skarin smirked at the mention of the young lavender alicorn "It took time, but we managed to bring our beloved sister back from the abyss she had almost fallen into. Tia fears you might take that final step after Alduin is dealt with. "

"I will not kill myself if that's what she's afraid of. " Skarin scoffed, though comforted by the fact Celestia cared for his well being.

"Mayhaps not. But like thou said, all thou knew is gone. " Luna looked at the night sky "This world is very different from the one you left behind. Peace and harmony rule Equestria, not blood and steel. In thine restlessness, thou may try and find dangers to conquer and monsters to slay that would ease the pain of loss. " Luna looked back at Skarin who was amazed by the wisdom the princess holds "Tia is trying to show you that there is reason to live here, beyond fulfilling thine destiny. " a smile graced her features "New friendships await beyond the horizon. We heard Shining Armor has taken a liking to you. " Skarin smiled at the mention of the Captain, a fine warrior indeed and a good listener "Perhaps the opportunity to start a family? Something that was violently taken from you before? " Skarin looked at the ground, images of Lydia and Lucia flashing before his eyes. He liked to think that at least Lucia lead a long and happy life after his imprisonment "Who knows, perhaps the mare that would win your heart is in the castle right now. " Luna finished with a sly grin.

"You don't mean- " Skarin began skeptically.

"Why, Tia of course! " Luna said as if it was obvious which made Skarin burst out laughing "We do not see anything humorous in that. "

"Please! Celestia and I? What do we possibly have in common? " Skarin continued chuckling as he picked out random strands of grass.

"Truly? " Luna asked incredulously "A legendary warrior and a warrior princess to begin with. " Skarin rolled his eyes "Both stubborn as mules. "

"Oy... "

"Brave, kind, compassionate and experienced more than anypony should in their lifetime. Should I go on? " Skarin raised an un-amused brow "Very well. You challenge each other in many unexpected ways. Actually, thou are the first guest of the castle to be bathed by a Princess. " Luna was well informed of that particular morning apparently.

"I told her I could bathe myself. "

"See? Stubborn. " Skarin gave her a deadpan look "And even after telling her thou will face Alduin alone she followed you into battle. "

"She was pretty badass in that battle. " Skarin had to give credit where credit was due.

"Indeed. " Luna nodded in agreement "It also eases our mind that thou do not hide anything. Like an open book ready to be read by anypony. Many have tried to court our sister while hiding selfish intentions that were hard to discover. All Tia has to do, as thou had said it, is ask. All you have to do is to return the favor. "

"You make some fair points, but still, she's a princess and I'm a warrior. It would never work anyway. " Skarin looked back at the empty hole that was once a lake and threw a rock in it he found lying on the ground next to him.

"Is it not the warrior who saves the princess and they live happily ever after? " Luna asked with a smile and Skarin laughed.

"I was the one who needed saving today. "

"Meh, potato, tomato. " Skarin looked at her with a raised brow but Luna ignored it "The point is, do not let status affect what you feel. "

"Why do you think I feel anything besides friendship towards your sister? Or the other way around? "

"I have a hunch. " Luna answered slyly and Skarin shook his head in disbelief.

"You have a hunch... " he rose to his feet "Well then, Princess of the Hunch, what does your hunch tell you about Alduin? " Luna rose to her hooves with a determined expression.

"He will fall to our united blades. " then it changed to one of happiness "And after that, we shall celebrate the union of a warrior and princess! " Skarin shook his head and chuckled.

"Then how about a wager. " he said and extended his arm "If there is a wedding, I will walk around Canterlot in a dress of your choosing while singing songs of love. "

"And if there is not? " Luna asked with a raised brow.

"I will get to address you as Moonbutt in Court for three days. "

"One. "

"Two. "

"Deal. " Luna shook his hand and both nodded in agreement.

"It's pretty late. I should get some sleep and you should go spy on ponies dreams. " Luna frowned at his explanation.

"It just so happens we guard ponies from nightmares. " she said in mock hurt.

"Then make haste, girl. The night's not getting any younger. " Skarin said with a smirk and Luna chuckled.

"Of course, oh ancient one. Just, one question before we leave... " she placed her hand on his shoulder, her horn beginning to glow in preparation for the spell.

"What would that be? " Skarin asked as a mischievous grin appeared on Luna's lips.

"Can thou lick thine genitals as a werewolf? " Skarin looked at her in disbelief, feeling a laugh coming up and with a flash, they were gone.

Author's Note:

What I had planned for chapter 9 is actually going to be in chapter 10 but I kinda let the flow take me here.
Leave your comments down below and tell me what you think!
See ya' in chapter 10 - "title pending, again"!:moustache: