• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 8,389 Views, 327 Comments

Kulaas Ahrk Dovah - SkarinOfAtmora

While studying the Tree of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon and releases an ancient evil hidden deep beneath the tree itself. Luckily, she also releases the only one who can stop it...

  • ...

5 - More noise and other disturbances

The events of yesterday were still fresh in Celestia's mind. How could they not be? They just released an ancient evil from it's prison, that kind of thing stays with your for a while. Luckily for them, they apparently also freed the only one able to stop the ancient dragon Alduin. Said invidial was the last Dragonborn by the name of Skarin, a pretty stubborn individual as far as the Sun Princess was concerned but that's what they got. Not mention the revelation that their entire world spawned from the ashes of Skarin's old one. With a heavy sigh Celestia took a sip of her morning tea, not really fully rested as the revelations weighed heavily on her mind last night.

"Good morning, sister. " raising her gaze upward, Celestia saw her sister Luna just entered the dining room for her dinner. Being the Princess of the Night makes you eat dinner early in the morning.

"Good morning, Luna. How was night court? " Celestia asked with a smile and put down her tea cup.

"Empty as always. " the younger alicorn replied with a frown and sat down in her chair. A maid earth pony immediately began filling her own cup with warm tea "Thank you. " taking a sip of the warm liquid she looked at her sister "With all the commotion going around I'm surprised noone came to inquire as to why that was. "

"It's for the better. " Celestia sighed deeply "Contrary to Skarin's believes, I believe it's best we keep this on the down low for now. "

"I disagree. " Luna said nonchalantly.

"Excuse me? " Celestia said in shock.

"The ponies must be informed on what is transpiring and we should begin preparing- "

"I will not start a mass panic right now, Luna! " Celestia said aghast at her sisters words.

"Then at least prepare our armies! " Luna said a little louder than she intended "Even Discord is scared of Alduin! " she added remembering how Discord tried to dissuade her sister and Twilight from going to that cave.

"And risk war from our neighbors? " Celestia slammed her hands on the table, making the servants in the room flinch. Taking note of said servants who were informed of Skarin's presence but not of anything else Celestia raised their hand to signal it was time for them to leave the room. Just as they made their way to the door, somepony from the other side barged in, a guard in golden armor, panting like he just ran a marathon.

"Princess Celestia! " the Sun Princess feared the worst. Is Alduin already attacking? "You need to come at once! It's about our guest! " Luna raised a curious brow but remained in her seat while Celestia jumped on her hooves.

"What is it, Storm Hammer? " she asked worriedly.

"It's best you come up there yourself! He can't be reasoned with! " the guards tone left no room for discussion and Celestia nodded with a stern look. She glanced at Luna who merely continued her breakfast "You're not coming? "

"I'm sure you can handle it, Tia. " she gave her sister a knowing smile "Off you go! " after her late night visit, Luna was convinced nothing serious was going on as Skarin left the impression of being a reasonable and kind man. Narrowing her eyes suspiciously, Celestia shot Luna one final look before teleporting Storm Hammer and herself to Skarin's room.

"What exactly is going on? " she asked once they appeared in-front of said room and heard a commotion inside.

"The maids were dispatched here per your request and well... Go in and see. " Storm Hammer motioned to the door and Celestia opened it without hesitation. The scene that greeted her brought a smirk to her as she immediately deduced what was going on. There was Skarin surrounded by four maids who were trying to drag him off to the bathroom.

"For the hundredth time, NO! " he shouted at the maids who were putting up quite a fight.

"For the hundredth and first time, YES! " they all shouted in unison while trying to pull his clothes off, his leather trousers and a white sheet he fashioned into a tunic once he woke up.

"This is the problem? " Celestia asked while observing the scene before her.

"He will not bathe your majesty. " Storm Hammer scrunched his nose to make his point clear. There was a certain scent in the air...

"Skarin? " Celestia caught the Dragonborn's attention.

"You! " he pointed an accusing finger "This is your doing! "

"Why yes it is. " she replied with a warm smile "It is customary that guests be bathed thoroughly by our castle's staff. "

"I can very well bathe myself! " he protested and shook off the clinging maids.

"I have no doubt a strong stallion like your self has little trouble with a bath- " Skarin's left eye twitched at Celestia for her sarcasm "-but you would not want to insult the throne, would you? "

"I am not a child! " there was no way he would be scrubbed down by someone like a little milk-drinker.

"Would you like me to bathe you? " Celestia's suggestion received chocked gasps from her staff.

"What? NO! " Skarin growled in anger "How's you bathing me making it better? "

"Watch your tone, monkey! " Storm Hammer said angrily but Celestia merely raised her hand to silence him.

"Are you perhaps insecure about your body? " it was time for some low blows "It is a well know fact that stallions have- "

"I don't need to hear that! " Skarin vigorously scratched his head with both hands. The staff on the other hand was shocked at their Princesse's behavior. She only got like this when she really wanted things to go her way "You know what? " Celestia raised a questioning brow "Fine! You-" he pointed at Celestia "-can bathe me! " Skarin then took his clothes off and stood naked in front of them in seconds.

"Size is definitely not the problem... " one maid said with a flushed face.

"We have more important matters to discuss anyway. " so he stood there, naked, arms crossed and an angry frown which quickly turned into a sly grin "What's the matter, Kulaas? Change your mind? " the Sun Princess was stunned. Not only did Skarin call her bluff, he had good coverage. Large coverage...

"No, of course not." Celestia regained her composure, though a slight tint on her cheeks was still present "I am a princess and I stand by my words. " she looked at her guard and maids "You may leave us."

"My Princess!" everyone protested but Celestia merely raised her hand.

"As I've said, I'll stand by my words." then she grumbled to herself "And this hole I've dug myself..." Celestia shook her head and looked at the maids "Have some clean clothes ready for him. I believe there are some minotaur garments available in storage." now her tone left no room for discussion and the staff bowed curtly and left the room, leaving the two alone.

"Now that that's over, you wait here. I'll be back shortly." Skarin turned to the bathroom doors and Celestia followed. Skarin stopped and sighed "Look, if anyone asks I'll say you didn't back down and you won't look bad in front of your staff, alright?"

"No. " Celestia said firmly "Staff or not, I gave my word. " Skarin eyed her curiously. She was stubborn he'll giver her that. Maybe she is a descendant of Nord horses? Still, Celestia stood firmly under his gaze and Skarin let out a deep sigh.

"And they call me stubborn... " with a satisfied smirk Celestia followed Skarin into the bathroom, or as he concluded once he entered, a bathhouse "Shor's bones... " what appeared to be a large yet shallow swimming pool was stretched out before them, steam coming out of the hot water, the tiles made out of the finest marble with intricate details engraved into it. The numerous taps spread around the pool were made out of gold and precious gems were embedded into them and sparkled lightly with dozens of candles providing light.

"You should see mine. " Celestia laughed at Skarin's dumbfounded expression "Come now, let's get you clean so we can talk about those important matters. " finally closing his wide open mouth, Skarin nodded and sat in the hot pool at the nearest entrance. Taking a breath, he submerged himself into the water, rubbed his hands along his hair to get some dirt out and then rose to his feet.

"There, done. " just as he was about to step out, a faint glow surrounded him and he was forcibly sat back into the pool "What are you doing? " he asked with annoyance apparent in his tone.

"I can hardly call that a bath. " Celestia said sternly with a frown on her brows "Your mane is all tangled up, there's still dirt everywhere and don't get me started on that smell! It's like- "

"A wet dog. " Skarin finished for her and crossed his arms, accepting defeat "Try as you might, you won't get that one out. " he noticed a hair brush being enveloped in the same magical glow and it floated gently into Celestia's hand. Taking a deep breath to ready herself for that mess on his head, she began brushing it and untangling every knot she could find.

"You should take better care of yourself. After all, you are a legendary warrior. " she commented in disgust after removing some sort of dead bug from his hair.

"I am sorry if my daily fight for survival is getting in the way of my personal hygiene. " Skarin scoffed and rolled his eyes "Ow." perhaps she pulled out a knot more forcefully than needed.

"Speaking of survival, you don't have many battle scars. " she commented while observing his back. His body really didn't have that many scars on it. Some cuts here and there but overall it appeared as though he only got into a fight or two.

"You don't have healing magic? " he asked in wonder.

"Of course we do but it does leave scarring. " Celestia answered and finally untangled a really messy part of his hair.

"Then you should work on it. " he raised his forearm "Watch. " after seeing what came next Celestia noted that his nails needed trimming. With a swift motion of his thumb he easily cut his skin and blood began trickling out. Then he put the same cutting arm over the wound and a faint yellow glow spread across it. Once he removed the healing hand there was no scar left.

"Incredible... " Celestia took his forearm and inspected it thoroughly. Pony magic only closed the wound but left a scar afterwards, in this case there was no signs of any wound even being there.

"You should know I'm really bad with magic. This is only basic Restoration magic so a more severe wound would most likely kill me. " Celestia was still staring at the wound, tracing her soft fingers along the affected area with her soft fingers. Before Skarin could let himself enjoy her touch more he pulled his arm back.

"You said you kill dragons. " she didn't know where this question came from. Sakrin nodded in confirmation "H-how many have you killed? " Celestia really didn't know why she asked that. It probably had something to do with the soul eating part of being Dragonborn.

"Don't know. I stopped counting after 40. " he answered nonchalantly and Celestia gasped in shock "It's not like I want to do this. " he spoke before Celestia could go on a monologue of how barbaric that was "I was given this gift and burden to carry and do what needs to be done. "

"We have dragons here as well. " this piqued Skarin's interest "They look nothing like your dragons, if Alduin is to go by, and keep mostly to themselves, collect treasure and sleep. "

"Lir. " he muttered shaking his head.

"If you come across a dragon here, will you kill him? " this was the question that would determine how the rest of their cooperation would proceed.

"I have dragon friends. " he answered simply "If they don't attack me, I won't attack them. " this answer satisfied Celestia.

"Good. " she nodded in approval "Because if something were to happen to my little Spike I will send you to the moon. " Skarin turned around with a raised brow "He's the cutest baby dragon I have ever seen. "

"You can't be serious. " he was more baffled at the baby dragon part than being sent to the moon.

"The moon is not that far away. " she replied with a sly smirk and doused him with hot water from above which she stealthily floated over.

Entering the dining room Celestia, with a dressed and very clean Skarin in tow, found Luna waiting for them. Seeing as introductions are in order she walked over to Luna who rose from her seat.

"Skarin, I would like you to meet my sister- "

"Luna." Skarin said simply and crossed his arms over his broad chest "Nice to meet you awake and in person." Luna curtly bowed though a small smirk was visible "Forgive me if I don't return the favor, girl."

"Tis' quite alright, oh ancient one." Luna replied sarcastically. It didn't take long for Celestia to put two and two together.

"You went into his dream. " Celestia said accusingly to her sister.

"Twas' an honest mistake as lord Skarin can attest to." Skarin raised a curious brow but said nothing "And We thought you bathed? What is that... That..."

"Wet dog smell?" Skarin asked in a deadpan voice.

"Exactly!" Luna snapped her fingers in realization "Could it have something to do with-"

"Don't." Skarin shot her a look which told her everything, leaving Celestia quite confused at the whole situation.

"Can somepony tell me what is going on?" she asked rather annoyed at being left out.

"Tis' not our place to tell and we are off to bed, as it were." Luna curtly bowed once again. This time Skarin nodded in return "As the youngsters say, see you later crocodile!" and with a light bounce to her step the Princess of the Night went to her chambers for a good days rest.

"That can't possibly be what they say." Skarin said while taking a seat.

"It's not..." Celestia felt a migraine coming on "I told her not to bother you but apparently my words mean nothing."

"It really was an honest mistake." Skarin leaned back in his chair and observed the luxurious dining room "I was having nightmares and she wanted to help."

"Then I assume you haven't slept very well." Celestia poured herself a cup of tea and offered Skarin the same. He eyed the liquid with suspicious eyes.

"Oh I slept fine. Like a baby." he raised a cup for Celestia to fill, the staff feeling rather useless after the bathing debacle so they remained still.

"You were not distressed?" Celestia levitated two sugar cubes with her magic and sent them in front of Skarin.

"My nightmares are my memories. I don't fear what I survived." he took a sip of tea "Could use a bit of honey."

"That's what the sugar is for." her dimple statement caused Skarin to stiffen.

"Sugar?" he quickly took one cube and inspected it thourougly. His behavior confused Celestia.

"Is everything-"

"Clear the room." Skarin said with an angered expression.

"Why would-"

"Now!" he said more forcefully, hoping Celestia got the message. Apparently she did and with a wave of her arm she sent the staff away "Do you know what this is?" Skarin asked while holding the sugar cube in front of her.

"Sugar?" Celestia looked at him quizically, not really sure where he was going with that.

"Not just any sugar, it's Moon Sugar." Skarin said grimly but Celestia still didn't understand "What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room, understand?" Celestia could tell he was not messing around. Just what was up with sugar that got him so riled up? Deciding to humor him she nodded and waited for his explanation "Moon Sugar is used to create Skooma, the most potent drug in existance. It's highly addictive and once you try it you're hooked for life." then he finished grimly "And a very short life it will be." this revelation made Celestia's already pale complexion even paler. She could tell Skarin was deathly serious about this and he had no reason to lie anyway. Besides, after everything she witnessed in the time of his awakening, she was sort of inclined to believe him.

"We-we use it on a daily basis and in large quantities..." she was horrified at the thought of feeding her little ponies drugs every day! Well who wouldn't be?

"You can rest easy, Kulaas. In this state it's harmless." Skarin crumbled about half of one cube into his tea "Only after being refined a certain way will it become Skooma." taking a new sip he found the taste satisfactory "And seeing as you don't know about it I assume the Khajiit are long gone and the recipe as well." taking a slice of bread and a bowl of butter he began preparing his breakfast "Khajiits used it in religious ceremonies and are less affected by the substance as they also consume it on a daily basis in their sweets and what not. " Skarin then smeared some jam on his butter/bread combination and took a bite "Snowberry... My favorite. " he said quietly to himself, delighted his favorite treat survived this long. Celestia's ear twitched and made a mental note to have more cranberry jam brought to the pantry as well as freshly picked ones.

After breakfast was done Celestia lead Skarin through the castle to get him accuainted with it. One could easily get lost in the halls.

"This castle is huge. You could put two Blue Palace's in here and still have room for Jorrvaskr." Skarin commented in awe of the huge castle. A sudden pop to his right made him jump in fright and reach for his sword that wasn't there.

"Princess Celestia." a mare wearing a nurse outfit bowed to the princess "Miss Twilight Sparkle is awake." chuckling a little at Skarin's expense, Celestia thanked the nurse and with another pop she was gone.

"Let me guess, took you by surprise?" she asked with a sly smirk to which Skarin only grumbled in response "It eases my heart knowing she is alright."

"Did she get hurt?" Skarin asked, wondering what kind of a name was Twilight Sparkle.

"Fainted after knocking you out with your shield." this got Skarin's interest.

"I'd have words with her." he said calmly.

"I do not believe it would be wise." Celestia wasn't about to risk Skarin yelling at her precious student or Faust forbid hurt her in any way.

"Relax, Kulaas. I won't hurt her." he raised two fingers in a gesture "Dragon's honor." Celestia mulled it over a little before sighing in defeat.

"Should a hair fall from her head, there will be no place for you to hide." she said with a voice so cold it could freeze the Sun itself. Skarin got the message and nodded "Come." she suddenly grabbed his hand and teleported them to the medical wing. Upon arrival Skarin's head was spinning so fast he felt like puking "It takes some getting used to." Celestia told Skarin as the latter was covering his mouth, trying not to loose what little breakfast he had.

"You don't say..." he took a ew deep braths and looked around "Where is she?"

"In here." Celestia pointed to a door on their right "I will go with you as a precaution and so you don't say something unnecessary." the scowl on Skarin's brows told her he wasn't happy at being quiet but let it go for now. Upon entering the room Skarin saw the young purplu alicorn laying in bed and a white unicorn stallion sitting beside the bed on a chair.

"She looks young." Skarin commented to Celestia and got the attention of the two ponies in the room.

"She will be 18 soon." Celestia shot him a look hoping he got the message. The rolling of his eyes told the princess he understood "Twilight, how are you feeling?" she asked her student and sat on the edge of the bed. The white stallion jumped on his hooves and saluted "At ease, Shining Armor." the stallion nodded before looking at Skarin who simply nodded in return.

"Umm, much better now, Princess Celestia." she leaned her body to the side and spotted Skarin standing there, arms crossed and a slight frown oh his brow "Is that..." her ears fell flat on her head, frightened that he was here to chew her out for bashing him with his own shield.

"The name's Skarin. " he walked up to the foot of the bed, him imposing size making Twilight feel even more tiny. Celestia felt he wasn't going to do anything to hurt her precious student but was stll on her guard "So, I heard you knocked me out with my own shield." Twilight gulped loudly under his glare "Is that true?" looking at her mentor for help, Celestia nodded with a smile and squeezed her hand reasurringly.

"Y-yes..." she replied meekly and closed her eyes, waiting for some sort of vengeance.

"Well that's embarrasing." Skarin's features softened somewhat and he scratched the back of his head "Taken out by a young girl with my own shield no less."

"It is pretty embarrasing." Celestia chuckled lightly "The mighty Dragonborn, taken down by a little filly."

"You're enjoying this too much, Kulaas." Skarin said with a frown.

"You saved my sister." The white unicorn stallion spoke and got Skarin's attention. Skarin simply nodded in confirmation and Shining Armor extended his hand to him "If there is anything I can do, anything and all, you can count on me." Skarin eyed his extended hand before taking it in a strong handshake.

"Firm grip." commented Skarin.

"Captain of the Royal Guard." he said proudly "You?"

"Warrior of legends." Skarin replied smugly which got a confused look from the stallion. Shining looked over to Celestia who nodded in return.

"I'm looking forward to hearing about some of your adventures." Shining had a good feeling that the two of them would get along just fine.

"So, you're not mad?" Twilight asked meekly, gaining a little more confident after the exchange between Skarin and her brother.

"You, no." he looked at the young alicorn "I was pretty pissed and Shor knows what I could have done to you all if you hadn't knocked me out."

"That's... Good to know, I guess." feeling a little relieved Twilight asked her next question. Well, questions "Where is that black dragon? And who are you really? Why were you turned to stone? And-" a white hand over her muzzle, courtesy of Celestia, got the purple Alicorn to stop with the questioning.

"My dear Twilight, now is the time for rest. I promise I will tell you what is going on once you rest up." Celestia said in her warm motherly voice.

"Bfft I'mpf fffne." Skarin's brow rose in amusement. Apparently there was no stopping this motormouth.

"You need rest, Twily." Shining said firmly before looking at his princess "Your majesty, if it's alright with you, I would like to show our guest more of the castle. I think he would feel right at home in the guard barracks." Skarin actually liked that idea and after giving Celestia a hopeful smile, the princess nodded in approval.

"Have him back by dinner and do not leave the castle grounds." Celestia replied with a faint tease in her tone.

"You worry too much, Kulaas." she noticed Skarin called her that more often and the word had some strange power to it. She was beginning to like it.

Arriving at the barracks Skarin did feel right at home. Blood, sweat and steel were his area of expertise and it was showing right now, in the middle of his spar with Shining Armor. Once introductions were made, some of the guards wanted to see if he really was a warrior of legend like he and Shining claimed. And as all men do, a spar was arranged between Shining Armor and Skarin, after a lot of teasing, to find out the truth. As things were right now, Skarin was clearly the superrior fighter.

"Your footwork could go a long way." Skarin said with a smirk, deflecting a blow from Shining's dull practice sword. For someone of his size and build, Skarin was surprisingly quick and nimble, giving the shorter unicorn captain a rough time. Add the fact that Skarin had two to three times more experience, Shining felt like he was back in boot camp on his first day.

"There is one advantage I have over you." with a glow of his horn, Skarin's own sword got enveloped in the magical aura and torn out of his hand. Skarin looked at the unicorn captain in surprise "Unicorns fight using magic. You never said anything against using magic." Shining put the tip of his sword beneath Skarin's chin "And you gave away your lack of magical knowledge so I decided to use it to my advantage. I guess this means I win." he said confidently and Skarin smirked.

"I still have to adjust to you ponies using magic so easily." he pushed himeself onto Shining's sword "And you should know better than to trust your opponent. FUS! "as Shining was hit with some invisible, unrelenting force, he was sent tumbling back a good few feet before Skarin's foot was on his chest, somehow both swords in his hands, one at the unicorns throat and the other at the base of his horn "Yield." Skarin pushed the sword a little harder into Shining's throat.

"I-I yield." Shining croacked out and Skarin removed the swords and offered the captain a helping hand which the latter accepted.

"What in Tartarus was that?" Shining asked, his body still shaking from the imapct.

"That was a Thu'um, the language of dragons." he explained while leading Shining over to a bench to rest.

"I never heard dragons talk like that." the captain replied, wiping sweat of his forhead.

"Your's don't, mine do." he gave the two swords to a guard that came to collect them.

"Care to tell me more over a drink?" this caused Skarin to grin widely.

"Now you're speaking my language."

The day was nearing it's end and Celestia was thourougly exhausted. The nobles were their usual snobbish selves and with the lack of sleep last night, Celestia was ready to pass out from exhaustion. But fate would not have it as Storm Hammer, once again, slammed open the door that lead to her office. Celestia's face scrunched up in frustration, a migraine already in full swing. Rubbing her eyes she sighed in exhaustion, speaking before Storm Hammer even got the chance.

"What did he do now?" taken a little aback that Celestia already knew why he was here he cleared his throat, a smirk on his muzzle, as he informed his princess of the latest chaos their guest had caused.

"He started a drunken brawl in a tavern called The Bucking Bronco." Celestia's eyes widened in shock and then her expression quickly turned to anger. Wasting no time she teleported from her office right into the tavern where a free for all was happening. Her anger boiled over and she yelled using her Royal Canterlot voice.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE SUN IS GOING ON HERE?" everyone froze in place upon hearing their princess, the temperature in the room rising as heat radiated from the angry alicorn. Luckily for them, her fiery gaze found Skarin who had two earth ponies in a head-lock, one under each arm.

"I can -hic- explain." he said with a slurr to his voice. The last Dragonborn was drunk as a skeever.

Author's Note:

I have no excuse.

See ya' in chapter 6 - Drunken lullabies! :moustache: