• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 6,589 Views, 117 Comments

Goodra's Garden - Cosmic Flare

This was not what I planned on doing for the rest of my life after going to the convention for my first time. But not much can be done now, well nothing to do in the sand and heat. Time to walk.

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Getting started

Getting started

Chapter 1

When the morning light came and shine on the land before it in a new dawn, the animals that were sleeping awoke and made their way deeper into the new land that will be their home. The birds that were in the swamp awoke and began to explore around and see what food and water there is. It was their happy tweeting that awoke the sleeping dragon in it's plant cave with a big yawn and stretch.

As I sit there with the gently light of morning, I rub my eye of sleep and a happy smile and a sleepy haze in me. Staring at the vine door blankly for a while, I lean forward and walke out passed the vines on all four to the light and close my eyes at the brightness outside hitting me in the eyes forcing me to close them and grimace while tripping and landing face down in the wet grass grumbling as I lay there sighing to myself and thankful for no one around to laugh at me.

Pulling myself up to a sitting position again and wiping the grass off and rub my face to help wake up and sleep from my eyes. With my eyes closed still, I was going to stand up and look around for something to do and what to eat, but the wet grass edge of the pond near me said that it was a good time to bath.


"Grrr....!" Poking my head out of the water, I growled at the embankment for my surprise bath, as bubbles formed around my mouth as water drips off me.

Taking a calm breath, I sit up in the pond and look up at the blue sky for a bit and notice the sound of birds around me singing to their own tune. As I look around, I see that some of them are looking at me for making noise, but say nothing about it and give me a little bow of the head and continue on what they were doing before. Getting a little confused about it, I stand up and shake off a little. I walk out of the 'pool' and decide to look over the growing berry plants and smile as they oddly enough do that little dance in the game, moving side to side gently ever so often. Shaking my head at the funny plants, I turn to look at my home I was sleeping in and look at it in amazement as now I see it.

"Huh... Would you look at that! That's new."

Shaking my head at it and not question it as it being a part of all this new world and what not as my head starts to hurt a little. With no time to deal with the pain, I walk in to look inside more and get my tools, ha that being the scarf and kit.

Seeing more of the inside now, a nice bed of grass made in big 8 foot bed for me to lay in the middle easily and can fit another person too, if done right. Behind it was what I was looking for but looking around at the rest of my new home. To my right and left of the bed was a little river of water coming and going in here. To the left was a cut log as a seat next to a bigger size log made as a table and to the side is a grass woven basket for anything to be in it, but as is empty. Not much else but it's pretty nice to begin with.

Using my antenna to reach over and grab both items in one and walk back out and sit just outside the door. Picking up the blue scarf, I fold it up and open the kit and place it in it's place next to the rest and look for the stamina band as I will be going far out to look around and pick up more apples as I exit for the trip out. Grinning at finding it under the tag, I pull it out and put it on my left arm to the elbow push the other items around to the open box part so other things are not seen, as it will be not a problem as I will be the only one looking in. With empty box set up I close the box and stand up with the kit in paw and sting the shoulder strap on and start with my walk to fill up my kit with more berries and apples for the road trip and plant more berries for the animals that are sure to be popping up like the birds here.

Walking past the tree line and into the forest was relaxing as the smells of nature was fresh. Going along I stop and look back to see the swamp not far, I got an idea to find my way back home and a quicker way out if need be. So I start off the day, I began to drag my tail hard into the ground as I walked back and forth three times to start a little trail, noding to myself at a good beginning, I turn back to the forest in front of the swamp and go back in smiling to myself as I came to the berry bushes and pick some from ever one to add in the box.

After it got to noon by the look of it as the sun is, I come out near my apple trees and come to up the nearest tree and place a paw on the trunk and close my eyes feeling out with my heart like before and felt it touch back. Opening my eyes I look up to the apple filled branches and pick out 15, as that should be fine as there is many seeds in them for what I planned on doing. As I was turning to leave on my way, I stopped in mid step looking at the ground in the apple grove seeing many colorful looking beans popping up like weeds. As a sweat drop falls down my head with my eyes closed at the strangeness of it all. Giving a little shake of my head, I see more Royal Purple beans.

Opening my kit feeling it shake some, I see inside as the full box of fruits slides to the side and one more takes it's place with 6 large sealed jars with a tag saying 'Gummie Jars'.

"Really!?.... Is this the joke of my life now! These are the gummies that will help me get in intelligent boost like the game!?" Sliding my paw down my face at this joke, I grumble to myself as I pull one out with my paws and pop the lid while my antennas go about and picking up brain boost beans and dropping them in as I walk around collecting as I grumble.

With what felt like 20 minutes of picking and noticing that they are dry and not sticky. I was able to fill 2 of the 6 jars. And was helpful but a little creepy was that jars had a bean counter on the lid show the number 60. After the jar was back in place, the kit storage moved again on it's own with the fruit box coming back. I just closed the lid and start walking on my way and not think about the possessed tool kit on my shoulder is doing, and start my wandering to see all of my lands to do some planting. So with a smile on my lips and humming in my throat, I was on my way from my home base, on to a Adventure!

As evening came around for what will be dinner. I looked to the setting sun and behind me and knew that I was going East and West was behind me to home. And thinking about it as I came to smaller woods, ponds, lakes, I would stop and pick a few areas that looked good and planted a few berries here and there and a apple seed or two after I ate one and pull the seeds out. It was nice good work all day. And I was able to find more fruit on my way. There was oranges, bananas, pears, peach's(my Pecha berries were still better as it cures poison), plums, cantaloupe, mangos and blueberries. Taking the seeds from inside and dry them off, I put them in the kit below the other fruits for when I get back to the Energetic Forest, (Yes! The forest around my swamp home is now called that! And I like it as it reminds me of the first Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team Red game.) And add it to my inner garden for me to enjoy. With my walk I was able to see more different birds flying around, and some to land on me and do little bows before flying off again. And in the water I spotted some fish going around and squirrels going about making homes and looking for nuts and playing around with each other. Truly wonderful day has been.

But it seems like a red squirrel has taken to me and is on my head in between my antennas sitting. I believe it be a female at that, as every so often it nuzzles me and kiss my head for attention when I stop petting it with my antenna when we walk. I have come to call her Rose for now, she is napping as of now when I stopped here. Sitting down for a bit, I was left wondering how will I be able to do some of the normal things that I was able to do before coming here. Like where to find that one rock to help make fire with or the other things one takes for granted at have until there gone. With a gentle sigh, I close my eyes for a moment to think.

'Hmm... I don't have that good or great survival skills to begin with and I don't know a lot about myself and what I can do yet. I know I can use Flamethrower, but I don't know if I can use it now. The normal moves I can use will take time to figure out, and I have all the time in the world to figure that out. But I wonder if I could learn some of the ones in game that says I can't, but can really? But as far as I see and know, I'm the only Pokémon here. Where ever here is. I guess trial by error will be the norm for me to learn what I can do and make. .... I wonder how long I will live? Will it be for a short time or am I an immortal now and live here by myself alone....,' sniff rub the teary goo tears away looking down. 'or will other sentient creatures come to be and will we be able to get along?'

Sighing again at all these questions and no answers for them, I stand up and continue on my way East until I can't go anymore and head back home to rest try and make a map of where I been and seen, then stock up on more berries for planting around so there is more of my Pokémon berries around to use at paw then carry them and worry about running out in a pinch. If at all that happens. Best be cautious after all. And plant these ones I got in my inner garden so I have different opinions on what to eat when I stay. Still feeling pretty good and ready to go more from that little rest, I continue on though the night with my little friend on my head as I looked around at the beautiful night life as animals of the day go and get ready to sleep and the animals of the night wake up and go about the same as before the others. And they do the same when some look at me and do little bows before continuing on.

As I walked on though the night, many of the lands beauties could be seen and many night flowers that glowed were a sight to see and I planned on taking some with me back home to have around. And maybe I will find some more flowers in the day to add too. Heheh.

From on top of the mountain when it began the start of life in this new land by a Pokémon, it has again the attention of one who finds it curious that it was so far from it's rightful home he made.

As a golden portal opened a creature of tall height stepped out and stood there on four hooves and looked like a horse at it's full height of 10'06", as the moon shin on it's white body and the gold. It's hooves were small at the end, but had the look of strength to them to kick any with ease from it. The tips were covered in gold, and around it's barrel had two half gold rings on both sides, and the each ends had sharp points and four green gems at the corners of the rings. As it served the land before it with it's red eyes taking all in. It give a gentle smile at beautiful work done here. But was worried at who got here and did this and for what purpose and end. It was not setting well with Arceus the Alpha at what may be happening. Feeling out to the land to find the Pokémon for this, it came to a wooden area that was giving off a strong feeling of power and safety.

With a single leap off the mountain, the Alpha flew over the land to see what has been done here. And as it all look down, it's smile grew at the very beauty of what can be seen in the moon light. As the woods came up quicker than it took walking there, him came to a slow stop at the edge of the woods looking to the right after seeing a fresh slightly slimed trail going in next to many apple trees to the side his is now looking to. Feeling curious at what he is feeling from the trees them selves and walks up to the nearest tree and looks at it and close his eyes and is shocked to feel a joy like no other coming off the tree and the many other as well.

Taking a step back, Arceus was startled to feel this from all around him but smiled at their joy, a little more at ease now, who ever of his children is here, is not up to no good from this level of care and love here. But he now wants to see more of what has been done here and see his little pokémon. With a little grin, the Alpha walks in the forest quietly and take in what feels like a truly wonderful time and learn something about his child.

As the Alpha exits the forest from looking around, he was was happy to see the care put in to planting the berries around in good areas. But what had him smile brighter, was what in front of him now. The swamp land before him was wonderful. And there was a garden of a larger size and with a bit of power, saw that near all of the saplings are berries from the different lands from the planet he made. Looking from them, he looked over and saw the plant made cave home. Stepping up to it as the animals around give the Alpha some looks as it went by.

Seeing the vine like doorway was probably the most likely way in. Moving the vines aside with the power of psychic poke his head in with his neck down to the level of the doorway to look around. Seeing not much but I lovely setting of what a simple home needs for a Pokémon. Taking a moment to inhale the scent of the Pokémon calling it home. Opening his eyes and sighing sadly at the scent of the who he knows now, looking down for a moment to try and understand how a Goodra came to be here.

Pulling out and looking around made the Alpha think about how will little Goodra handle be alone here with no Pokémon or human to be it's friend. As he thought of what to do about what's happening here. The land is now connected to him and it may kill the land and hurt the ones now calling it home. And may be dangerous to bring more of his children here with out knowing what other godlike being that is here to harm them if at all.

As the Alpha closed his eyes to think deep on it, a strong pull of power? Came from the far North of here. And to the East is where the Goodra is moving away.

"Hmm... It seems I have many things that need my attention here, to see who is to the North doing something there... And to check in with my little Goodra and decide on making Pokémon here to live in this land made by him so it is not alone. Hehe and to know if it's a boy or girl." With that in mind, the Alpha opened another portal and stepped on through and disappeared.