• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 6,589 Views, 117 Comments

Goodra's Garden - Cosmic Flare

This was not what I planned on doing for the rest of my life after going to the convention for my first time. But not much can be done now, well nothing to do in the sand and heat. Time to walk.

  • ...


Eris was done having her fun below and stopped digging to come out and rest in the lake above that Goodra made by himself. It was sure one hack of a surprise when she came in on him to see what he was up to. But it's very beautiful down here and up above. Frankly she doesn't understand why he did it. His answer was it was by accident by finding the open area and tried to light it up to see. She feels like that is not the full answer behind it but didn't push it.

With her copy's of her putting the gems and other things in storage for later looking at she was floating to the area where Goodra is but sees the throne room he was going to be in is empty. So to then float over to the other place he would be. Looking in the forest area she sees Goodra but something that she never expected. Five batponies are stuck to him. One that is passed out on his head belly down, one on his back to back and his legs moving like a bug another holding his tail as it's wrapped around the poor thing as it's wagging happily and one stuck to his belly trapped unable to move and one that looks like a female in his arms held like a cat on it's back being nuzzled and she bushing in embarrassment and looking like he will hurt her if she tries to stop him.

"Dear?... Why are you traumatizing the poor dears?" Eris asked coming in.

At the hearing of her voice all five stopped moving expect the passed out one and the one in the tail wrapped up. As all looked to her she looked back smiling at how funny the ponies are being.

"Sweetie! Look! I found ponies and the cute bat ones! Look at their cute little fangs!" Goodra said lifting up the one in his arms making her eep.

"I can see. Put them down."

"But I want to keep them!"

Backing up some Goodra pulled the pony in his arms closer to his neck where the large glob of goo fell on her face and to her surprise it got in her mouth and the taste of sweet lime. Pulling her mouth away from it cause it to come off his chin and fall on her belly covering her in goo. Poking his neck to get his attention got Goodra to look at her and now closer to his face and looking into his eyes she wanted to know something.

"Um.. S-Sir? We came here looking for someone." She said with a little stutter. The others would have asked but the remaining woke had goo or a tail over there mouths keeping them from talking.

"Oh?" Was his only response as she sees the glow of excitement in his eyes fades as the smile he had. The hug she was in has loosen up and he was going to let go.

Realizing that he was only happy and see them and now on what she will say next may make him let them go and sadden him.

"There... Isn't many people around here. Only two. Me and Eris. As far as I know. You are the only new ones that has shown up." Goodra said in a low sad voice.

Eris scrunched up her eyebrows in worry at how fast his mood changed. Pulling out a PokéDex that was even to her out of a space pocket and looked at the Goodra data quietly then throwing it back in before anyone saw it.

"Well are you Goodra?" She asked as the goo on her chest covered up her lower body in a goo bubble.

Then it came off her falling on the poor guy stuck to his belly covering him up as it drapes to the floor dirty. To her surprise her coat is mush cleaner now confusing her as she looked back to the one holding her looking back shocked.

"How? .... How do you know my name before I could give it?" Goodra said in a low voice but the the four batponies heard him loud and clear as the rest stopped struggling and looked as best they could at him.

"We know because a great white pony who was taller than you told use. And that we all could be safe under your care and love. His lights lead us the scouting group to find you." She told him as she felt his breathing stop and they both looked into each other's eyes. Searching.

"My farther sent you to me?"

She nodded.

"All batponies coming here?"

Another nod as a smile came.


Her smile grow with a happy nod. Goodra leaned in hugging her close nuzzling her head doing the best Perry the platypus growl and pulling loose the two on his back and belly off and hugging them to but leave the one in his tail and the one on his head be. Walking over to a near by body of water Goodra dropped the three in and sat down near as they looked back all wet and goo free.

"W-Why you do that?" The male to the left asked.

"Because you all are dirty and covered in my goo. We all need a bath." Came his response.

"It's c-cold!?" The female pony said shivering.

"Oh! Sorry let me fix that," Goodra said dropping in going under the water and coming back up with a large rock with a symbol on it. "It doesn't feel cold to me? But living on a mountain top in snow could be the reason why."

His answer left them speechless as the two that were stuck and napping were awake and together with the others filling him in on what has happened. Goodra was busy with his stone as he open his large maw catching the others attention and Eris was on a inflatable mattress floating by with shades and a mirror catching sun as he let loose a powerful Flamethrower on it as the air around them heated up fast and made all five dive to escape the inferno going on. The lights of the flames gone told them it was safe to come up. When they came up they saw the stone ball was now glowing like the sun itself and Goodra was holding it with a big smile. Then it changed as he began juggling it between hands in a comical way getting all to laugh at his silliness.

"OWOWOWOWOWOW!?!? Hot potato hot potato! Bad rock!" Dropping it in the water the glow of it can be seen still as it sinks deeper. But the water temperature of the water is going up now and gently bubbling over to the pleasure of the ponies as they relaxe help each other wash. Goodra and Eris float next to each other with her hand on his head scratching it. Goodra put his head on her bed near her shoulder nuzzling her as he sighed contently.

The ponies were done washing and lazily floated around in blis. Eris looked down at her love and see take a good look at how much bigger he is now. He is not that chubby now and more slimmer but still has that lovable belly. At her full height of nine and half feet. He is now eight and half. How much more bigger will he get? It won't matter really she will just make herself just as big to stay on his level.

"Dear why do you train so much over these many years? Couldn't you just stop and be ok at where you are now?" She asked playing with the atena on his head.

Sighing a little with a smile looking up to her.

"Because unlike the game of Pokémon. I'm really and like a really being I could lose what I gain from training. And as such I will get stronger. I don't know what is in this world that could be dangerous to me. I know now for a fact that I am on and in the world of Equss and in the coming years Equestria. I know only what's going to happen in it and a little outside it. But the rest is unknown to me. And like your magic and the rest of world it could be bad for me if I'm a target for some bad guy. So I train to so I can not be easy pickings. I can't always hope you be around to save me if the muffin hits the fan and I can't stop them or it." Said Goodra.

Eris thought that over as she bit her lip in thought. It's true that she doesn't know who else is out there and what they would do.

"And now that I think about it more. I believe that when we have a child it may be the problem for the ponies in the future. Because his name is Discord. Or it may be you that will be it causing trouble." He said licking her face causing a blush to darken her face at the mention of a child.

"O-oh!? A child you say?" She said looking at him. "Are you sure you want to?"

"We have been together for a long time dear. I'm older now but I still want to be a dad. If you still don't feel ready I'm ok. We still have time. Besides If I hear right more cute batponies are coming. And they will be like children for us to take care of. Our home here is big enough. Can we keep them?" He said turning his head cutely giving her big sad eyes.

Eris had a look of mach horror looking away from the looks she was getting with a hand feebly trying to cover her eyes. Her voice was in fake horror.

"Oh no!? Not your cute face! It's too powerful! Your ultimate move! Nooo!!!"


"Ahhh...." Eris began to melt on her bed and wrapped around Goodra reforming back to normal pulling him under the water with locked lips as the five batponies watched in wonder at what they were talking about and the end result as the lone mare 'awee' at the love in the air while some chuckled and one rolled his eyes going back to sleep floating.

"It's like I never lefted my parents behind to come up here."

"Your parents act like that?" The mare asked.

"Yup! Goofy bats they are." The one who was out the longest said.

"Awww! That's sweet!"


"You know I'm curious about that gold necklace he wears? Why does he wear it for." The leader of the group thought out loud back stroking with his wings gently around them doing laps.

"I was wondering too? It's very beautiful."

Goodra came back up floating around blowing bubbles with a green blush. Eris came back up on the floating bed smiling and giggling reading a book that none could read the title was and it was upside down and glasses on with red and blue lenses.

Getting up from the water, Goodra made his way over to the edge of the pool and sat down. Remembering where his box was after putting it down when the ponies came and slapped the ground with his tail hard surprising the group and heard something the distance being hit and saw a yellow bur going up fast and aching to them. With closed eyes and the yellow bur coming fast, Goodra just put his hand in front open waiting for it to come. The ponies not knowing what was coming hide behind Eris making her smile as this little bit of chaos not looking up from reading. The bur stopped when it was catched and Goodra not seeing how the ponies took what he did. Opening it with him taking out what looked fruit catching their attention as Eris's head found five pony heads popping up around her own getting her to look at each one for moment in surprise.

Many different types of unknown but looked familiar and many they did know came out of the box as a blanket came out for the fruit to lay on. Goodra began to eat some thinking to himself not the first time in many years on if meat was ok. Distracted he was that he didn't see the five batponies in front of him looking up with big cute begging eyes. Feeling like he was being watched pulled him out of his thoughts and looked down to see five wet ponies with big eyes confusing him. As his face showed his confusion one lefted a timed hoof to point at the pile of food as their stomaches all growled.

Understanding now what was wrong, Goodra smiled at them warmly and nod his head as he shared his meal with the ponies. Getting a hug from each of them and picking some fruit they dug in. A snap was heard and five white towel fall on the ponies covering them with there heads poking out as they eat. Having a question on his head, Goodra wanted to know somethings from his guests.

"So... As batponies. What do you eat? What is your diet?" Asked Goodra.

The leader of the group spoke for them.

"Well the only meat we eat is fish. Like the pegasus. Only thing we like more of is fruit! But otherwise we are like normal poines. But they never saw it that way. Because we like to stay wake at night more then during the day. They saw us as monsters. We guess it's our looks." He finished looking down sad with the others sighing down hearted.

Nodding in understanding. "I don't see you as monsters. You all look so cute. And I have almost everything you need down here. Out of fish and hay. But I believe I can fix that or Eris could."

Looking at her they saw her with a coconut drink with a little umbrella. Taking a long drink the coconut disappeared as it was being drunk instead and what was lefted was the liquid. Throwing it behind her the liquid exploded hitting the water with a big splash scaring the ponies and getting a chuckle from Goodra.

"Don't worry. She is just having fun." He assured them.

He laughed more as they looked at him with big saucer eyes.

"That's normal!?"

"Yes my little ponies. That and more will come. You will get used to it soon enough."

They moved getting comfortable near Goodra for safety got a chuckle out of him at their antics. With apple in paw Goodra ate quietly watching Eris and thinking over the future again. Ponies are here. But what is not is music. He really missed it and reading. Maybe with the coming of the batponies here. They will make music for this quite place and fill the empty library. It be nice to relax like that again.

Looking to the back wall left him thinking about how to fix a problem for his ponies. They need fish. A lake of water won't be able to do it for the community. It will be a big project to do but maybe a ocean under ground could work. But how far down is the place and if going to far digging out would hit into the real ocean and would it fill this place with water. So in thought on theses problems that he didn't see that he had some gems with his food that he wanted to look at them later. Picking up a large uncut diamond and bit half of it and loud crunching of a rock got everyone to look at Goodra as he was holding a white rock and mumbling to himself that it the marshmallow was very crunchy then normal as he wasn't paying attention to anything. They watch as he picked up a green rock and bit into it humming about sour apple and then ate both humming more with a smile as they heard more crunching rocks.

Eris was more than surprised to see him capital of eating gems then what she has seen him do since. But guessing by the far off look in his eyes he didn't know what he was eating. Getting an idea she snapped her fingers and some sapphires in a bowl was in his hands and not paying attention heard Eris call out have some blueberries and dug in. Goodra was unfazed at all and was happily eating them humming about good berries.

"Dear! How are the gems?" Eris called out out has another gem was about to go in.

Coming out of his thoughts about to eat another one looked at Eris with a blank look. Thinking over what was said look to his hand at the fruit. Instead of a fruit he saw a sapphire chunk. Feeling uneasy a little bit about to put it in his mouth. He was about to tell Eris this was a poor joke to play on him mixing up his food with gems. But stop when feeling little chunks of rocks in his mouth already. Sticking out his tongue for all to see blue shinny rocks. Feeling sick he was about to spit it out but stopped when the taste of blueberries came back. Risking it, Goodra muched on the gem pebbles and was surprised to taste the flavor of blueberry came back stronger. Looking at the pile of sapphire in the bowl he picked up one more and throw it in and bit on to it surprised even more at how easy it was and the explosion of fruity taste. With the thought in his head now that he is like Spike or any other dragon that can eat gems. And boy are they tasty. Going back to eating gems with a smile he gave Eris a thumbs up and a hum of delight. Eris began giggling to herself at the new meal ideas to make with gems in his diet. The ponies just looked up at him with worry as he ate rocks not knowing that the rocks were gems. But still rocks nonetheless.

Back out in the open air of the land up above the batponies came ever closer to the mountain that would be come their home. And to the one that was said to be their new protector.

Comments ( 17 )

yes! yes! yes! yes!yes! yes!!!!

i am so glad this is back!!!

I am one happy Batpone, for the Bats are forever.

Great work can’t wait for the next chapter

Great to see this alive, but i must ask... was this proofread? There's oddly a lot of errors in the chapter. Sorry for not pointing them out in this comment, but i'm on my phone and it would take hours to point out all the errors. Would make this comment way too long as well...

Men why it's take so long.
I love it :heart:

Great work can’t wait for the next chapter bat pones too cute

Goodra is one of my favorite Pokémons

Great story I love it

Are you still going to update this story.

yay more plz

Is this story still alive?

im sad i want to see this story continue

*screams out in suffering as I reach the end of the latest chapter.*

Wonderful story so far by the way. Love the ending, very cleaver, really enjoyed it. I can hardly wait for more fun chapters to come.

Hop it not dead I love this story to continue

Do you intend to continue?

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