• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 6,589 Views, 117 Comments

Goodra's Garden - Cosmic Flare

This was not what I planned on doing for the rest of my life after going to the convention for my first time. But not much can be done now, well nothing to do in the sand and heat. Time to walk.

  • ...

Mountain Halls

As the Alpha was in space over Equis. He looked down at multiple portals open showing him the Multiverse of different times, places and people in them. He saw ponys as they were, walking on all four hooves and others where they walked on their back two hooves. And they range from still being ponys with hoof hands or with hands, and have the look of human like parts. And some of those would make him blush at how they ranged from those having too little or not at all wearing clothes, if he really cared. Thinking about it now Goodra may be blushing badly if he were to see this... Hmm teasing aside maybe not. And as those thoughts go away, he looks back and see that besides the anthro ponys, there were human versions of them living in the place of ponys. And that this world is connected to another one that is like this but like Goodra's old world of true humans, with ponys as the humans living with no magic.

And sitting next to him was Faust looking with him at the portals as the images go by with a light blush at some of those of the males showing bits that she kept her eyes from staring at to long and focus on other things. Still, some of the things look like good ideas to try on her ponys as they were still young enough to change if so, but she will think about it and decide later.

Looking in other portals, Arceus saw that the hunt for any Pokémon to come here was not off to a very good start. With a little sigh he looked back up to the world before him and Faust did as he did looking at the different creatures going about their lives and the trouble the little ones are up to. Griffins are getting their feathers all ruffled up with each other and looking at others as easy targets and the dragons are getting worse. Soon Goodra will be dealing with them and he is ready to take on any foes, but an all out war on him from the others will push him to his limits and he will fall with too many numbers at once for now. But war is not something that is needed now, he can only hope it will be a problem easily fixed.

Looking at Goodra now as he was in a mine with a goofy smile and singing as he swings a pickaxe at the wall digging out gems of all kinds and hitting metal vines of ores like gold, sliver, iron and coal. Chuckling at the helmet with a light on it and seeing Eris running around with multiple of herself helping dig and hull out the treasurer for more room to work in as they dig deeper into the mountain. It's really a good thing as it will give the batponies a place to live and something to do with their free time to work on. Touching the portal to listen in what he is singing so both of them can hear, both laugh at his song as Eris is helping in her own way to play music out.

Faust was laughing so hard at seeing Eris put the diamonds to eyes wiggling her ears at her self being silly.

Withdrawing his hoof from the portal and the music stopping, he chuckled softly as he shook his head and watched as he made short work going in deeper with his stamina and strength breaking up the rock and making a very big hord of the metal and gems in 5 years and was put in a large empty cave that Eris was digging out to put it for later to be looked at and worked on. It worried him that if it were to be known, the dragons may come and try to take the hord for them selves as their greed takes over. If it does then Goodra will have to show them he is the bigger stronger dragon and as a dragon-like God, show them that he will not be taken lightly. But for now it is ok. His training is coming along nicely as of now. Taking on one of his brothers he can go at 50% of their power but can only do 39% on a two on one battle. Not much, but still good after a few years ago.

His eyes looked to the ocean as he watched three sirens play and turned to look as it seems that a few of the other 'gods' have taken notice of Goodra and Eris and finally the batponies are moving as well to Goodra by night and well get there on their own time. Blinking a little bit he sees that a small group of them of five are moving faster than the rest and is scouting out the road a head of the others and laying down signs for them to follow. Smiling to himself on this he touches the portal and adds his own help by pointing out a more fast route to the mountain that Goodra is in. To say they didn't freak when he help by adding a magic arrow and words 'This way. You are going the right way.' and disappear would be a lie as they were hiding in the trees and bushes with their eyes looking out giving them away.

With a chuckle on both parties and renewed hope they were on their way with more haste to the end journey. Withdrawing his hoof the portal settled down and moved up in time as the Batpony squid was moving closer to the mountain as it was moving closer as the images of the world around them change. In the few months they were now at the foot of the mountain looking into the deep dark entrance with uneasy at what they would find and their ears were easily picking up the sounds of metal on rock.

With nervous steps they slowly made their way in and down with quite steps with the last sigh for the bigger group to see when they catch up. As Arceus closely watched them with his window with Faust not watching as she was now looking at ones that had her ponys and seeing them divided into three groups of their races and not in harmony and left her watching in sadness.

As the five Batponys continued to slowly walk down the tunnel deeper in the sounds of metal on rock was closer but still far off. With their eyes able to see in the dark they districted them selves by seeing the walls and ceiling as it was cut into. The ceiling was higher than they were and they were happy at seeing as it felt nice being in the dark and have room to move and fly.

"It's very nice in here. Makes one safe." One of ponies said in a whisper.

"Yes. It was a long journey to get here. I just hope it was true what we were told..."

"We will see once we meet this Goodra."

"This mountain cave does look better than what we were living before."

"Yes indeed. A forest was ok but still to open for my liking."

"Wonder how deep this goes and how big? The sound of mining still sounds far off. How far have we come?" Asked one to the side making one to look back and see that entrance was no more than a very small dot. And she answered with a weak chuckle.

"Pretty far surprisingly."

Walking on was in quite as the far off sound of water dripping was coming now and gently breeze was running over their coats as they continue to on with their hooves gently kicked a loose rock and stop to hear it go on down and wait for a bit as the sound would fade and continue walk. The tunnel would go up and down here and there. Not often but a side passage tunnel would come up and they would stop to look down and listen to the sounds of more water dripping and or no sound at all but air coming up. It was at some time they sat down to rest that they heard the sound of metal on rock stop in front of them that set their ears twitching madly to hear what may be happing as the feel of deeper mining was going on below. Before one could speak up in concern about the lack of sound a earth shaking quake hit them and a powerful blast of wind hit making them hold on for life to the tunnel and keep their wings closed. And as soon as it came it was gone and the gently dips of water was back and left them a little out of breath and laying down with shaky hooves as they look at where it came from up a head.

"Should we be concerned about that and stop going to it?"

"We have no where else to go! I only hope we are going in the right way now... I hope that was Goodra and not some scary monster of the deep mountain."

With a shaky breath they got back up and continued to head to it and found out what it was that did that. As more time passed on the tunnel up a head had what looked like lights on the tunnel walls but not normal fire but a dark blue fire that let one to still see in the dark but give light in the right amount. With it now more lit they could see the marks in the whole tunnel and see that the floor here starting to look more smooth and the tunnel was opening more up. It was at this time they stopped again to look around as it was more vastly open and gaint stone pillers were set around going up far and out of sight in the looming darkness of the unseen roof.

It was this moment that they were districted with the sights that another blast of wind hit them sending them rolling into a piller behind as the ground shook more after it as they sit at the base looking forward out of breath again in awe and worry at being blown away by the blasts of air and having to make up the lost time walking back again. Getting back up again and resetting their bags of supplies they set off again in the new open area as their hoof steps were heard more here as more pillers and blue fire came on as they walked by as the quite air was only disturbed by the drip of water with the soft rush of air and their hard hooves on the smooth floor now making sounds as they continue to move on ever deeper into the deep dark mountain halls.

"Wow...." Said one as her voice carried on into the dark and died. In front of them was a great bridge over a chasm and when one went to the side to look over he saw lights far down below as the noises of mining were louder now and it was hard to see what was doing the digging as many shiny lights were dancing off something below and caught him in the eye, with which had him pull back as to not be blinded by it to the darkness around as he rubbed his eyes with a hoof with the others moved to see what he did but waved a hoof back to stop them.

"Not much to see but what has been digging and the metal on rock. And it's bright down there. Save your eyes."

"You ok?"

"Bright light below hit my eyes. Seeing white spots right now." He replied as he sat to blink and rub a little more as he heard a giggle to the side of him. "Yes yes. I took one for the team. Laugh it up"

Chuckles and more giggling followed by that light hearted comment as the group gave him a hug.

"Oh you brave big stallion! Thank you so much for putting your eyes on the line for us to know the dangers of looking down chasms with lights in them!" Said a mare as she nuzzle his cheek.

"Laying it a little thick are we?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about?" She giggled back.

"Har har."

"Come on gang! We still have to keep going. Goodra is some where and is not going to be found as we sit here resting." Said the group leader and stood up and began to walk over the bridge prompting the others to follow behind him as the blinded one was helped along until his night vision was back and no spots to be seen. It was about halfway over the long bridge that a bright light flashed for a moment and a greater blast of air with a sound wave came up below and the great shaking hit them as they dropped to the floor and manes being pulled by the wind up. Luckily the bridge was a good air brake so they didn't get moved this time, but the sound hit them in the chest winding them good as they lay down for a bit to catch a breath.

"Well I guess we now know where that was coming from." Commented the leader as the others nodded in agreement.

Below Eris was having fun blowing up very hard rocks so she and her clones could keep digging as there was something she could feel of high magical in nature deeper that she wanted to know. Not knowing above her five new beings crossing the bridge to Goodra.

As they were able to move again over the bridge, the end was coming up and more solid rock to move over. By the time they got near more pillers came into sight and the fires here were not blue like before but in many colored ones and under gaint stone images of many animals in groups of three. Some more or less. The first three were of great birds, one was in a normal fire of red and yellow as it looked like it was a bird of flames as the tail, wings and crest looked like flames. The second one was in the light of yellow flames and crackled like lighting. It's wings and tail were very pointy and had lighting bolts coming off it. The third was in white blue flames that felt like ice was coming from it as it looked so beautiful. Normal wings with a long flowing tail feathers and a crest of three together pointing up on the head. All breath taking in their own right. And many others had the same kind of fires and others didn't. Three big dog like ones had the same fires as before. But one had them pause as it was one of a gaint Phoenix and the flames below it was in a rainbow of all colors to really catch the eyes as they stopped to look at it a little more as it was majestic and regal looking then the Phoenix's they seen coming to here from afar. The one next to in was in a sliver light and it looked like it was in a watery background swimming. With it's gaint wings and large powerful feet. As they paired their eyes off them and continue to move on. The next murals stopped them in their tracks as they looked on the next two in angry red and deep blue flames of to powerful beasts in a all out fight as fire and earth was flying and clouds and gaint waves of water coming in to crash. It was a fear awe inspiring take of Titans of fire and earth battle against one of water. In sent shivers up their spine's thinking of being cought up in the middle of it and not making it out alive. With quick steps they moved out.

What made this all breath taking was not only the drawings on the walls had different lights to them but it looked like gems of many kinds were put into the murals to give each animal a color that was supposed to be what it looked like in life. In one had many small animals in one looking like they were all playing with each other and having fun. One was like a pink fow with a long tail flying on bubbles and one looked like it had flowers on it in a bed of flowers hiding and one with green and white with blue antenna and eyes and little wings was spinning around laughing. Three others with yellow, pink and blue colors and had more than one tail had gems on their foreheads taking a nap with each other and berries around them. Another was of one that a head of a star with small blue tassels a gray body and two yellow tails. Moving on again they stopped to see what looked like three gaint beings. One was gray and had a round head and looked like it was supposed to be metal with seven red dots in a circle and the seventh in the middle. The next was blue and sharp edges and ice like crystals on it with seven yellow dots two on each side and three in the middle up and down. The last one was brown and the shoulders were orange and rough like the rocks around them a had seven orange dots too with three on each side going vertical and one in the middle. And a bigger one was next to the three and had six eyes of three different colors and gold crests on the arms shoulders and in the middle of it's face. The middle crest had seven white dots three up and four a circle at the top with green like bushes on the shoulders and legs like it was a king or something to the smaller ones before.

The next one after was of a planet and a dragon of green and a long body with two arms above it circling. Next were of two smaller ones of blue and red. Arms that looked like they fit into place on their body's to going faster. Each had a symbol on their chest and the blue bigger one looked like a male while the smaller red one looked female. Wing like appendages on the back. After them was a big white fox and a black dragon and a deer with big horns with different colored gems in them and stound like it was a X and a red like one in the air with it's wings and tail looking like a Y and all three had claws on them and looking at it made them feel like death was watching. Moving on with a little haste they came to a stop at one that was in darker shadows with six legs and shadow wings with three red claw like points on both, and the face was hidden but two red eyes looking out that felt like it was on them and they could feel the anger coming from it. And above it was it again but with no legs and the claws looked like wings as three individual claws and were more solid and the body was more sleek-looking and was moving in the shadows to not be seen but an amber like gem was around it's neck. The next image was of a smaller creature of black with no seeable legs, claw hands and around it's neck was like a red collar with spikes and long white mane going back. The shoulders had what looked like black tattered cloth flying back in a wind. But what had their gaze was the the one icey blue eye that was not covered looking out. Looking on to the next was of a half Moon as the background and a Swan like with a blue body and a yellow belly stripe going up and yellow beak and a half moon shape crown with a pink dome on it's head. The tail was three colors of pink and shaped like a half moon and so were it's wings a darker pink the back was a white pink the middle a dark pink and a softer pink. Very beautiful it was in the moonlight.

The next one had four in it. In the top right corner and left was of two looking at each other as if ready to fight at any moment. One stound like a dragon on two legs and was of pink and white with purple lines. In the shoulder was a pinkish red peal red eyes. The other one was like a great blue lizard with light blue lines and armor on it's face legs chest and back. The chest had a light blue gem in it's center and eyes of red to. The one in the middle stound proud facing them with kind but regale gaze of red eyes in green. The body was like a pony color of white but a chest and belly of charcoal, the hooves and gold hores shoes and a golden four point ring and it's barrel and for green gem like studs in it. And the forehead had a gold diamond shape there. And laying down at it's hooves was a sleeping pink and purple dragon with three green spots on the tail and a few on the neck and had to four appendages on the head, two smaller one's in front and two large thick ones going back and end in a curl as the tail does too. It was this one that had them looking at the most as a feeling that came up that it was the one they are seeking to find down here.

As one of the mares was about to speak of what was on their minds. A door down the hall opened and out came the same sleeping dragon awake now smiling as it turned away and left with out a look to them going a different direction. Moving up to keep him in their sights the open room he was in came up and with a quick glance from all showed a dark room now as the fires went out but a throne room and a large chair was there. Moving after the supposed 'Goodra' the pillers by now had what looked like a ball that had a line in the middle of it and a button that came out. The walls showed more of murals of events that had happened in time as one showed a great desert and in one corner a lone figure walking to a mountain in the distance and in the other corner was of a figure on top of it looking out over more of the sand before it. And in a bottom corner was what looked like Goodra launching a blue ball of light into the sky. And to the final corner was of it raining on him and in the middle of it all the back of Goodra on the mountain top and water falling everywhere and the land getting greener. The next few were of him walking around in the new green background planting new and different looking fruit ls that had their mouths watering at what they may taste like if they can find them. One had them pause was of him fighting the two blue and pink ones in the last stone image in epic battle and the white pony watching or in one was fighting too. Moving forward to keep up with Goodra as he was now ahead and about to be lost to them and passed by one last mural of what looked like how this great under kingdom of the mountain was made from him and a strange creature of many animals hacked off and put together to make it.

Looking away they saw him go on into another archway disappearing from sight. Catching up to the door less passage they came to a full stop as Goodra was gone and before them was a full forest swamp underground and the sounds of crickets and frogs can be heard as they came to sitting down in shock at this and see rock walls and ceiling but had large crystals shinning in day light and blue sky. There was a fog rolling over some of the swamp as the soft sounds of water running in a river by and dripping like rain as light rubbling of thunder can be heard in the farther in with dark clouds. So shocked at seeing something that they would never have hoped to see at all, they failed to hear wet steps come up from behind but the voice did as they looked up behind them in surprise to see Goodra above as some shadows covered part of his face so they didn't see his happy childish smile but his green eyes glowing looking at them.

"It's sure is beautiful and breath taking at what one can do to fix up a place yea?" Goodra said doing his best to not reach out and hug the cute batponies in front of him for now.

"Uhh...." Was all they could say before he lost and picked up the five ponies in a gooey hug as they gave a surprise 'eep'.


Author's Note:

And here is the true update. Happy New Year's to little nuggets.