• Published 30th Jul 2018
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Off The Mark - Goldfur

Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?

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Chapter 33 - Repercussions

The train arrived in the Canterlot Train Station late in the morning with Crimson, Steady, and my two day guards there to meet me. The guards once again took my bags up to my suite while my valet, bodyguard, and I traveled on hoof. Both of them picked up on my serious mood and chose not to say anything beyond a brief greeting.

All around us, the city was waking up again. Flower arrangements were put out and sandwich board signs were updated with tomorrow’s specials. Friends caught up outside their favorite cafés that wouldn’t be open until the next day. Store owners and employees rushed every which way to get stocks resupplied. In some cases, boards were coming down off of windows and I wondered if this precaution came from paranoia or lessons learned from previous bouts of vandalism during the holiday. I made a mental note to follow up on that thought later.

Once we were in the privacy of my quarters, I decided to get the most uncomfortable but important matter done immediately. I turned to face Crimson. “I want to talk about your decision-making with regards to leaving Fluttershy and myself alone when she was assaulting me.”

I saw the earth pony stiffen. “I take it you believe that was a mistake on my part.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Steady lower his head and his ears droop.

“I do. I understand your desire to prepare me for unexpected threats, but this was not the time to do it. It put my safety at risk and more so to Fluttershy. She could have come out of the situation pregnant or could have been permanently injured by my pegacorn form. It was too great of a risk and this leads me to question your judgment.”

Crimson frowned. “Sir, let me tell you how I see things from my perspective. You are in a position of authority that makes you one of the top targets for the absolute best infiltrators and assassins of Equestria’s enemies. These are beings that have a frighteningly good track record of success at fulfilling their missions. Our job as your bodyguards is to be that much better than all of them and to put ourselves in their way so you have the opportunity to get to safety, best case or have time to react, worst case.”

“I am also your hoof-to-hoof combat instructor. I admit that I did see the situation from the perspective of that responsibility. Your warrior instincts and situational awareness are, frankly, underdeveloped, but you have the potential to get much better. They have to get much better, and I’ve made the commitment to get you there as quickly as possible because Equestria’s enemies won’t wait for you to get ready.”

He sighed. “May I give you a personal example?” I nodded.

“My first deployment was on the Oilseed Peninsula. Our green unit was tasked with cleaning up the den of a pack of Diamond Dogs that had been driven out of the territory. We were given the responsibility to open up the dozen or so storage warrens they left behind before the entire complex was to be collapsed. These bunkers were just rooms with a doorway blocked off with solid stone. Not a problem if you’re a Diamond Dog and you know which ones were booby-trapped.”

“The procedure we used was the same and done by the book each time. Set the charge in place. Attach the detonation wires to the blasting box. Retreat behind our barricade thirty feet away. Announce the blast warning three times. Trigger the blast. If that failed, trigger a second time. If that failed, detach the wires, wait a full minute, then send in the unicorn with the strongest shield and specialized armor to defuse the charge. Each member of our company got to do this under the Lieutenant’s gaze while the rest of us waited behind the barricade.”

“When it got to Private Sorrel Diamond, he had two misfires then raised his head to look when he heard clicking noises. It was a completely instinctual reaction. Unfortunately, before anypony even had the chance to yell at him to get his head down, that’s when the charge went off. A piece of shrapnel went through his eye and lodged in his brain. Despite the medical care given to him during evac and in the best hospitals in Baltimare, he died a week later.”

Crimson paused to let that sink in, then he continued, “Until you learn to put your guard up and act unpredictably, your natural tendencies are exactly what will be used against you. Do you run towards any foal in distress? Do you stop and turn your head when your name is called? And most importantly, can you react effectively and quickly to unexpected circumstances? Until then, you will be a soft target.”

He finished talking and I considered his words before replying. “I understand what you are saying and appreciate your efforts to make me competent at defending myself. However, in my mind, that does not justify your actions two weeks ago. If I find myself in a situation where I feel the need to call for help, I expect to get that help, not a lesson in self-defense. If it turns out to be a situation where I should have been able to cope on my own, I'll suffer the lecture gladly later. But this wasn't one of those times. Your lack of action had real consequences and you're lucky that both Fluttershy and I came out of it relatively well, although Princess Twilight believes I will be compelled to endure going into heat every Season from now on. I'm not looking forward to that at all. Crimson Boulder, I am terminating your position as my personal bodyguard. I would like to keep you as my hoof-to-hoof combat instructor, but that is up to you.”

The silence stretched out between us. We looked at each other for several seconds. Finally, he saluted and said, “I’ll see you on the practice field tomorrow, sir.”

I nodded. “I’ll be there. Dismissed.”

He turned with perfect military precision and left the room. I let out a breath.

Steady came up and nuzzled me in the barrel, which he had never done before. “I’m so sorry, Mark. I should have…” He lapsed into silence.

I nuzzled him back. I supposed this must be a very heartfelt gesture between equines. “It’s alright, Steady. Your job is to be my valet, not my bodyguard. It wasn’t your responsibility.”

“I’m still sorry. I think we both lost him as a friend. I’m going to start taking those self-defense classes with you. I want to be more than useless next time.”

I smiled. “You can if you want. I won’t stop you. Just don’t forget your first obligation is to attend to my personal needs and appearance. I don’t want you thinking you are supposed to fill his horseshoes.”

Steady ran a hoof through his mane. “Yeah. OK… got it.” He looked me in the eyes. “Thanks, Mark.”

“You’re welcome. Now I think lunch with Trixie is next on my agenda?”

He got up, moved to the wardrobe, and opened it. He put on a forced smile. “Can I recommend something with extra padding and maybe a hint of armor underneath? Her Royal Highness looked particularly displeased all day yesterday.”

I grinned. “Out of one fire and into the next. Sure. Show me what you’ve got for me.”

When I walked into the dining room to have lunch, I found Trixie there already. She was wearing her prosthetic wings as usual, although they were mostly hidden by her cape which was reminiscent of the one she wore as a travelling performer. This one was a fancier version with gold braiding along the edges, what she liked to call “Princess Casual”. I got the impression that she was trying to be both serious and informal, but it came off as being awkward. Although she was seated at the table with a plate of food and a glass of wine in front of her, both were untouched and I got the impression that they were going to remain that way. The attending maidservant was standing by in uncomfortable silence and I wondered just how long the Princess had kept her waiting like that. Trixie fixed me with a gaze that quietly rebuked me as I took my place at the table. Steady read the mood like I did and kept his mouth shut as he stood awaiting his orders.

“Lace Doily, please inform the chef that the Grand Vizier has arrived and wishes his luncheon,” Trixie said without taking her eyes off me.

As the maidservant nodded and moved promptly to comply, I said, “Go assist her, Steady.”

The pegasus hastened to follow the mare, only too willing to leave the tense atmosphere.

When both ponies were gone and we were alone, Trixie said, “Welcome back to Canterlot, Park Dwells.” At least, those were her words. What it felt like was more of the nature of ‘Let the accused step forward’.

“Good to be back, Beatrix.” If she was going to play that game, I intended to get my licks in too.

“Two weeks with your stallion friends not good enough for you?”

“I was forced to change into Marklestia for reasons that don’t concern you. Once I realized that I was stuck as a mare, I had to leave. I had Spike inform you that I was in Ponyville.”

“Why Ponyville and not Canterlot?”

“I didn’t know for sure if I was trapped in mare form yet, so I wanted to check with Twilight Sparkle to see if she had a solution.”

“Obviously, she did not. Did you not then think to consult the mages here in Canterlot?”

“No, I didn’t, but I also didn’t dispute Twilight’s findings after she had tested me thoroughly.”

“So you spent two weeks learning what it was like to be a mare in heat?”

I nodded. “Yes, and because it was my first Season, it was very strong.”

“But you were shown all the ways to cope, I presume?”

“Yes, I was.”

“How many?”

“How many ways?” I asked.

“How many mares?”

Her eyes bore into me, seeking the answers she craved. “Two.”



Trixie leaned forward and narrowed her eyes. “So, you were happy to dally with two commoner mares, but Trixie wasn’t good enough for you?”

There it was. She didn’t want just her stallion, she wanted me. Even as a mare, she had hungered for me. She had been forced to send me away as a male, but as a female, I could have assuaged her needs and desires. But that hardly was my fault. “You never said anything, Trixie – not to me as a stallion, nor after I sent word from Ponyville.”

Trixie slammed her forehooves on the table and stood up. “Does Trixie mean so little to you that you did not think to ask her? Have we not worked together, ate together, learned together, socialized together for these past months? If you had but inquired, I would have gladly welcomed you into my bedroom and taught you what it was like to make love to a princess!”

“And yet you were too proud to ask me to come!” I retorted hotly as I stood up too. “If there’s one thing that I learned early, it’s that this is a matriarchal society – the mares take the initiative!”

“You were a mare for two weeks – you could’ve asked then!” she growled back.

I knew that it was time to settle this once and for all. I walked closer, stopping only when I was practically nose to nose with her. “You’re a mare now. What are you going to do about it?”

Trixie stared at me for a long, tense moment. Then she surged forward, throwing her foreleg around my neck to pull me to her, and she kissed me on the lips. I was momentarily surprised, but then I felt her trembling in fear of rejection.

I closed my eyes and willingly returned the kiss. I had spent most of the train trip to Canterlot considering what I had learned in the recent months, what Trixie might truly feel about me, and how I felt about that. The past two weeks had forced me to confront a lot about myself and what path I intended my life to take. Rarity had educated me on the passions of mares and opened my eyes to how the proud princess might feel about me but was afraid to speak up because she did not wish to appear weak. We both knew that Trixie had assumed the throne due to extraordinary circumstances and retained it only by the constant political maneuvers that we danced. Winning the Alicorn Challenge and sharing power with Twilight had added legitimacy, but the nobles were forever testing us. I had stood by Trixie’s side throughout it all; helping her beat them at their own games, and bringing my otherworldly experience to bear on unusual problems. We were a team, but starting a relationship would inevitably affect that. Fear and pride had held her back until now, but a new worry had turned that around – she had competition for my heart and she was afraid of losing me to another mare.

Trixie drew back from the kiss, her anger gone but replaced with doubt and hope. “Does that answer your question, Dowser?”

The pet name for me only turned up when she felt emotional and vulnerable. It only added to my convictions. “Yes, it did, Trixie.”

“Then where does Trixie stand now?”

“First, let me tell you a little of what happened while I was in Ponyville. Rarity Belle already was very interested in me, both as a male and as a female. It was she who taught me how to love a mare. She is sophisticated, witty, and skillful. I could never have had a better teacher. I look forward to spending more nights with her.”

I saw Trixie sag a little, but I continued before she could stew too much on what I had just said.

“My other lover was Rainbow Dash. She was the epitome of passion and lust for life. I’m pretty sure that she will seek me out again someday, and I won’t say no.”

Trixie was really looking downcast now. I reached up and cupped her cheek to draw her gaze back to mine. Her eyes widened in surprise.

“But neither of them are my soulmates. Rarity has a firm place in my heart, and Rainbow too, but I need someone to challenge me, to push me, to make me greater. Trixie, in the nearly a year that we’ve been together, I have achieved so much more than in my entire previous life because of you. You gave me a place to grow into my full potential and that has brought me happiness that I never dreamed of having before. You intrigue and frustrate me, you dazzle and delight me, and you amuse and infuriate me. But you never bore me. I need someone who is not afraid to kick me in the ass occasionally if I deserve it but who will listen even when they think I’m wrong. I need a partner in life, not an unattainable ideal. I need a reason to not regret my decision to not return to my world if the opportunity ever arises. As they put it in this world, I need a Special Somepony.”

Trixie’s lip quivered as she took this little speech of mine in. “Can Trixie… can I be that Special Somepony?”

I smiled and kissed her briefly before pulling back to look her sincerely in the eyes. “I have been waiting all this time for you to ask. Yes, Trixie Lulamoon – you can be my Special Somepony, and I will be yours.”

She gave a squeal of glee and launched herself into another passionate kiss, throwing us both to the floor. We embraced and kissed until we had to come up for air. Blushing, Trixie got up on her hooves and adjusted her wings which had been knocked askew. I pushed my unruly mane back into place and noted that Steady was going to have to replace a button on my vest. Then my stomach growled, making me chuckle and Trixie giggle.

“Perhaps we can wait until after lunch to begin our new relationship?” I suggested.

My love’s eyes twinkled and she grinned back at me. “Trixie has waited this long – she supposes she can wait a little longer. Besides, Trixie ordered a special treat to welcome her stallion back.”

“Aw! I could have gotten the bribe first!” I complained.

Trixie stuck her tongue out at me. “Now you’ll just have to share.”

I nuzzled her. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, dear.”

Let it be known that I love Trixie’s laugh of joy.

I raised my voice and called, “It’s safe to come out now, Steady!”

My clever wing-stallion had kept the curious staff at bay while Trixie and I had had our heart-to-heart talk. His happy smile told me that he had heard the result while preventing others from overhearing. I had already forgiven him for abandoning me to Flutterbat, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t get some revenge in later. Maybe that thestral mare weightlifter who owed me a favor for getting Princess Trixie’s signature…

I had one foreleg tucked behind my head on the pillow and the other around Trixie’s barrel as she laid her head on my chest, a soft sigh of contentment coming from her. Her gaze lifted to meet my eyes and she giggled.

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s so amusing?”

“Trixie thinks she will have to thank Ms. Rarity for teaching you how to pleasure a mare so well.”

I chuckled. “You have a point, but you’re a fast learner. Am I really your first stallion?”

“Mm-hmm. Trixie never felt the need for one before, not counting the unreasonable urges of the Season.”

I shuddered as I recalled my experience with smelling Steady’s scent on my saddlebags. “I understand that part all too well.”

My lover was quiet for a short while before continuing our pillow talk. “Trixie is prepared to share her stallion with Rarity if that is what it takes to keep you.”

I lifted my hoof off her barrel and tousled her mane. “Silly mare – there’s no need to worry about that. I meant what I said when I wanted you as my Special Somepony. Yes, I foresee some pleasant times with her in the future, and one day maybe even something more within the customs of this world. But Rarity is a career pony with so much ambition and commitment to her work that she doesn’t have the time for a full-time relationship right now, and maybe not for years to come. In fact, she’s about to open a new boutique in Canterlot and she’ll be busier than ever. Rainbow Dash is committed too. She’s a Wonderbolt Reservist now and intends to be a full-fledged member in the future, so she’s focused on that and a relationship doesn’t factor in.”

Trixie playfully pouted. “So – Trixie only won her stallion because she was available?

I stuck my tongue out at her before replying, “That, and you’re a great kisser.”

“The Beautiful and Sexy Trixie is great at more than just that,” she replied smugly.

I grinned. “No argument from me, darling.”

We shared a laugh and a hug before we relaxed again.

“Were you serious when you said you would not be going back to your world?”

I nodded. “There are some things that I’ll miss such as my friend Phil. Oh, and fingers.”

“What are fingers?”

“The digits on the end of hands, like the minotaurs have on their upper limbs.”

“Oh, those. What good are they?”

I leered at her and said, “If I had them now, I’d show you what I could do to you with them.”

“Trixie is both amused and worried about the implications.”

“You’re unlikely to ever need to be concerned. Anyway, as I was saying, there are some things that I’ll miss, but now I have much more to live for here in Equestria. Besides, in a discussion that I had with Discord, it seems that I am pretty much destined to be here. I’m some sort of cosmic balance for Harmony.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“I do, actually. Not that it was necessarily the deciding factor.”

“What was that?”

“I’m holding her right now.”

As I watched, I saw tears welling in her eyes. “You truly gave up your world for me?”

“What can I say? I love you, Trixie Lulamoon. You stole my heart and hid it here in this beautiful world, so I must stay so it doesn’t get broken.” I tilted my head forward and kissed her, and she returned it with renewed passion.

When we finally parted, panting a little for breath, I said, “Whatever the future brings, for better or for worse, you’re stuck with me.”

“Trixie can live with that,” she replied, tears of happiness making her cheek fur sodden.

We cuddled for a while, just enjoying being together.

Eventually, Trixie broke the silence. “Tell me about your two weeks away.”

“What would you like to know?”


Everything? Including the juicy bits?”

She giggled. “Especially the juicy bits.”

So I told her, leaving nothing out, and then she told me how she spent her fortnight. So much of it was spent pining for me and her regrets for not speaking up sooner. Having bared our souls and cleared the air, we made love once more.

I sat on the balcony of Trixie’s room, strumming my guitar. I had Steady fetch it while Trixie finished freshening up. Now I played songs for my mare as we watched the sun set over the land that I had come to love.

Just as Trixie leaned in for another kiss, a scroll materialized out of smoke in between us. I jerked away from the dragonfire but apparently not fast enough as I smelled the distinctive scent of burned hair. I growled, “Your timing is just impeccable, Spike.”

I heard my Special Somepony chuckling as she unrolled the offending item. “Indeed it is, Oligarch Cartels. Fortunately, you have an eyebrow to spare.”

I sighed. Some things never change.

Trixie paraphrased as she read through the contents. “It is from the other princess of Equestria. The book of Star Swirl's spells has gone missing. Twilight is concerned because of the powerful nature of the spells.”

“So it was stolen?”

“No. It was checked out from the castle library.”

I paused and may have put some sarcasm in my response. “Seriously?

“It seems the book was in a restricted section, but of course Twilight had put every book she owned through the entire cataloging process so she could cross-reference them. That included adding a checkout card and sleeve.” Trixie looked up. “Also, the process adds three different methods to track down late or misplaced volumes. All three have been disabled.”

I looked down in thought. “What was the name signed on the checkout card?”

“'Sunny Skies', but no one living in Ponyville has that name. The guards and patrons remember a slight unicorn mare that was there today. Dull yellow coat and light brown mane. A white sunburst pattern for her cutie mark. Nothing remarkable about her appearance.”

The more I thought about it, the more I shared Twilight's sense of disquiet. I looked up at Trixie. “I recommend we give the mare's description to the Royal Guard and to the police forces at the major cities around Equestria. Also, we'll put a word in at antiquarian bookstores to keep their eyes out for the book.”

Trixie nodded. “I'll get that done and send Twilight our response.” She trotted back into the room.

A few minutes later, she returned, a couple of cool drinks carried in the glow of her magic. She placed one on the table at my side and invited me to continue my playing with just a look. I liked to steal glances at Trixie’s face as I sang. Her public mask was gone and I could see how much she was enjoying it, and I could foresee more times like these in the days to come. Tomorrow, we would be back at work as the Princess and her Grand Vizier deciding matters of great importance, but for the moment, we were just two ponies in love, and that was all that mattered.

# # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

End of Book One

Don't go away! Book Two – "Further Off The Mark" – begins in Chapter 34.

One stage in Mark's life has ended and a new one has just begun. He knows now that Harmony has a purpose for him, and that probably means his life isn't going to be easy. Then again, being attached to Trixie makes that pretty much a given.

Art by Silfoe

Tips to help pay for more art can be given via my Ko-fi account.

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