• Published 30th Jul 2018
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Off The Mark - Goldfur

Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?

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Chapter 69 - A New Dawn

I woke with a start. My vision was filled with blue which, when I lifted my head, turned out to be my wife’s fur coat. A darker patch showed where I had been drooling on her in my sleep.

“Did you enjoy your nap, Birthmark Clamshells?” Trixie asked with a smirk.

I smiled with chagrin. “I guess I was tired.”

“Trixie has reason to believe that was true.”

After we had set up a command post in one of the unoccupied tents, I had grabbed some snacks from an abandoned food cart. Of course, I left a generous payment! After expending so much energy during my battle with the Storm King, my body had been demanding nourishment to make up for the loss. Twilight explained that a portion of the biomatter used during the regeneration process came from my body’s reserves. Given all that, when I relaxed with food in my belly, torpor had quickly set in. Thankfully, my wife hadn’t objected to being my pillow.

“Sorry I left all the work to you, Twilight, and Thorax, Lulu.”

“Trixie thinks you’ve done enough today. Let your co-rulers do some of the work.”

I shakily got to my hooves and took in the current situation in the tent. Starlight Glimmer was discussing the return of Canterlot’s citizens with Trixie. Spike was making a report on the casualties to Twilight. Trixie told me soldiers occasionally brought word from General Crushing Blow who was dealing with the aftermath and the surrendered storm troopers. Around the perimeter, Royal Guards awaited commands from their triarchs.

Looking out of the tent, I no longer saw smoke billowing from multiple fires across the city. Instead, I glanced up to see a smoke representation of Discord floating high overhead. The figure was at least as tall as Mount Canterhorn. I gaped as it billowed and churned across the sky, maneuvering through one dance move after another. Only when it seemed to wink in my direction did I break out of my stupor.

I interrupted my wife. “Ummm… did Discord—”

Trixie waved her hoof. “Yes, yes. Put out all the fires. Many buildings and homes repaired but interiors upside down or inside out. Every foal in Canterlot happily distracted by trying to follow along as he line-dances. If you’ll excuse me, Pockmark Barbells.” She then went back to discussing food stores with Starlight.

There was also a line of drones in front of Thorax ready to act as couriers for our instructions. Many of them were unevolved but one thing was noticeable about all of those – the voids in their limbs were noticeably diminished. Some of them had virtually unblemished carapaces. The time spent mingling with the citizens of Ponyville and being of service to them had not only normalized the presence of changelings in the community, but it had brought out the ponies’ natural goodwill and appreciation. Just as “Kevin” had done in the past, the drones had been lapping up all the freely given positive emotions and were very much healthier for it.

The next changeling came to the head of the queue. Not only was her carapace fully intact, but her wings also sparkled. Thorax looked at the drone keenly. Rather than giving her a task, he said, “You’re ready.”

The changeling gasped. “Are you sure, Your Majesty?”

“Yes. You are ready for the next stage. Come around here, Papilla.” Thorax indicated a spot beside him.

Papilla moved to the indicated position and Thorax faced her. The Changeling King lowered his head until his antler touched her horn. I watched in fascination as he closed his eyes and both of his antlers glowed. The light was echoed in the drone’s eyes and then they closed too. The glow spread through Papilla’s body until it was surrounded by an intense aura. Then, when it faded, what remained was a cocoon. This was the first time that I had witnessed the metamorphosis of a drone to the evolved stage. I had wondered how that worked.

“Take Papilla to the incubation nest,” Thorax instructed the next changeling.

As the cocoon was picked up and taken away, I recalled when Thorax had been in a similar situation. “How long until she emerges?” I asked.

Thorax replied, “Much faster than my transformation because the changes aren’t as drastic. She’ll be out and enjoying her new self in about three days.”

“Cool. Do you have to trigger the change?”

“Yes. I mind-link with them to imprint the upgrade on their body, so to speak. Otherwise, they just remain in the sparkly wing stage. Very healthy but they can’t reach their full potential.”

I considered. “I saw Pharynx earlier. Why hasn’t he taken the lead and evolved?”

Thorax guffawed. “My brother will be the very last changeling to do so. I offered it to him soon after I took the throne and he laughed in my face. He was the only changeling to out-stubborn the queen during her reign – even going so far as to tell her off…” I raised an eyebrow. That didn’t sound like the Chrysalis I knew. “… in private.” I nodded. That was believable.

“You realize that your unique elevation to royal status might alter changelings forever? How many of your hive have evolved so far?”

“About forty percent, I’d say. There would be more, but I can only spare so many to do duties in Ponyville where they can get the necessary emotional sustenance to bring them to the point where they can evolve.”

“Maybe more can be deployed in Canterlot?” I suggested. “Carpacia’s changelings are already accepted by most of the citizens here.”

“Because of the part they played in rescuing the Elements of Harmony and defeating Chrysalis. I can only hope that the same will happen for the drones of my hive. Someday.”

“Considering how they fought in our defense, I reckon they must have earned a lot of goodwill.”

“Maybe,” Thorax replied. “Remember, most of the ordinary citizens were evacuating while my drones were staying back to fight.”

We stood in comfortable silence until a thought occurred to me. “Have you offered to elevate one of the Red Hive changelings?”

Thorax didn’t say anything, but his ears flattened onto his head.

I continued. “Are you worried about Carpacia’s reaction? Having one or more members of her hive elevated and no longer requiring a love supply—”

“I know what you meant, Prince Mark… it’s just…” He pawed the ground with a hoof. “I can’t imagine she would take the suggestion well.”

I shrugged. “Just one more perversion of the static traditions that she has already kicked to the curb. I’m not saying she will agree, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s waiting for you to offer.”

The changeling king shuffled on his hooves. His head slowly lowered until it was below my chest. “If… if you want to mention the idea to her—”

“Nope.” I shook my head. “This is one responsibility you need to take upon yourself as leader of your hive. I can’t make the offer for you, and it isn’t fair to Carpacia to not even have the option.” At his continued silence, I said, “Just tell her, in private, that you are willing to try if she determines it is worth the attempt. That way you aren’t presuming anything and the decision is entirely hers.”

Thorax lifted his head and set his mouth in a tight line. “Yes. You’re right. Thank you for reminding me, Mark. As the Ambassador to Changelings, I have a duty to all of them. I won’t shirk that responsibility.”

Shining Armor arrived just then. One of the things that I had managed to do before succumbing to sleep was unpetrifying him, Derpy, and Pharynx. Thorax’s brother had led the changeling attack on the invading forces. Of course, that had made him a prime target for one of Tempest’s petrifying balls. We hadn’t found any others who had been turned into statues, so either Tempest had a limited supply of them or else she didn’t get the opportunity to effectively use more.

Shining grinned at me. “I see that Sleeping Beauty has woken.”

“Unlike you, I didn’t get to take a rest during the battle,” I snarked back.

“You really should try it sometime – all sorts of weird things happen if you don’t get enough rest,” he replied, looking at my new horn.

That addition to my forehead had caused quite a stir among everybody, but my close friends were ribbing me mercilessly. “Maybe that’s why you haven’t gotten wings yet – Cadance is letting you slack off too much.”

“If being a parent of three foals will be as much work as I hear it is, I’ll probably get two pairs!” he said with a laugh.

I chuckled but it brought back to mind my own impending fatherhood. Things were going to change forever when our foal was born. But this wasn’t the time to dwell on that. “So – what brings you here?”

“I’ve been checking on the status of our visiting celebrities. They want to go on with their performances.”

“What?! You’re kidding?”

“Nope. All three agreed that putting on a concert would be good for the morale of the returning citizens. They want to start as soon as possible.”

I nodded thoughtfully. They had a good point. I had learned that it had taken Canterlot months to recover from the changeling invasion when Shining and Cadance had gotten married. Anything that could ameliorate that same situation happening now would definitely be beneficial.

“Trixie – want to help organize that?” I asked.

“The Great and Talented Trixie will make this concert even better than what was originally promised!” she declared, getting up on her hooves. She gave me a kiss and headed out of the tent.

“Anything else?” I asked the white stallion.

“Some relatively good news. I’ve gotten an initial military casualty list. Due to armor modifications to address deficiencies found in war games, plus the revamped training and tactics, deaths were remarkably low among the Royal Guard and E.U.P. forces. Casualties among the civilians consisted mainly of those who ignored the evacuation order and stayed to fight. Even then, there were hardly any deaths because the Storm troops were trying to capture rather than kill.”

“Yeah, they were big on taking slaves, I hear.”

Twilight trotted over. “My reports back that up. The hospitals and medics have not been as busy as we feared. We can thank Mark’s paranoia and Shining’s restructuring of the military for that.”

“It’s not paranoia if it’s true,” I pointed out. “I wish that I had been wrong though. Hopefully, there won’t be another opportunity to put those preparations to the test. This battle was still too costly” It was hard to think of all the ponies and other creatures I had saved by my insistence on improving the military when I had to look at the stark reality of those who had not been saved. The bodies of the weather team I sent out had been found. The Storm King’s troops had killed all members of Morning Glory’s squad – apparently in too much of a hurry to bother capturing them.

Shining Armor must have noticed my change of mood. He came over to me, put a forehoof on my shoulder, and gave me a sympathetic look. “My friend, you did your best but you had to learn the hard way that there would be times like these. When I started my military career, I accepted this possibility whereas you have had it thrust upon you. From what I have been told about your fight with the Storm King, you responded magnificently but now that the fight is over, you have time to think about what has happened. If you let it, you could sink into a depression that will serve nopony, let alone yourself. Focus on what you have achieved and know that your subjects are grateful. Celestia knows I had to face the same situation after Chrysalis used me.”

I gave him a half-smile. “What do you prescribe, Doctor Armor?”

He chuckled. “Continue your counseling sessions with Cadance, but that’s something for tomorrow. Come to the concert at least. There we will celebrate life and friendship. That’s the pony way.”

I’d had hooves for about three years, but sometimes I still needed to be reminded that I was a pony. It was sensible to take the advice of a friend who knew what was best for me. I turned to Twilight and Thorax. “Come on, you two. I think Canterlot needs to see all its leaders right now.”

Thorax said, “I’m not a Triarch though.”

“Don’t give me technicalities. You’re Twilight’s husband, prince consort of Equestria, and the new face of changelings everywhere. You have as much right to stand beside us as anypony.”

“What about the command post?” Twilight asked.

“It’s wherever we set ourselves down. Thorax’s drones and our Royal Guards can direct anyone to go there.” I looked around to Spike, Starlight, and Penny. “Let’s go everybody – let’s show Equestria that we stand strong together!”

It was a great concert. Although not exactly what had been planned due to the mess made by the invasion, I believed it was better for the spirits that were lifted and I could feel the magic of Harmony flowing through the crowd. We even had fireworks which hadn’t been part of the original plans. What was most surprising was their source. Tempest Shadow was standing by my wife, firing off bursts of raw magic from her broken horn which exploded high in the air above us. She gave me an almost shy smile when she noticed me watching.

“I told you I’d show you what I was truly capable of doing, didn’t I?” she said.

I nodded in approval. I knew that many would be baying for Tempest’s head but I had learned that it was better to make allies than corpses. While I wasn’t about to blindly accept her change of heart, I had confidence that she had the potential to be quite an asset for Equestria in the future.

The show ended with an impromptu performance of all three divas on stage. They alternately traded off and blended their voices in magnificent… well… harmony. That last performance brought the house down!

I said to Twilight, “Congratulations on the success of your festival.”

She looked at me as if I was insane. “How could you say that, Mark?”

I waved a hoof at the madly cheering crowd. “Just look at them. Ponies, griffons, dragons, changelings, hippogriffs, and others all bonding. The invasion was awful, but they all banded together to defend the city, and now they’re reveling in their victory also together. I think we’ve achieved a lot towards spreading friendship between different races today.”

Twilight looked at the happy pandemonium around herself for a moment and then smiled. “You may be right. That makes it a doubly good reason to celebrate.”

Trixie came over to give me a nuzzle, then she pulled back to look at me keenly. “Are you trying to grow some kind of weird moustache, Dowser?”

I gave her a puzzled look. “What are you talking about?”

She reached up a hoof to touch my cheek where I had been injured. It felt curiously padded. I brought up my right foreleg to feel the spot and felt thick hair there. I also noticed huge tufts of my green coat hanging off my raised leg. “What the buck?!”

Every spot that had been treated by Twilight’s experimental miracle cure experienced rapid hair growth for five days! I had to shave my face with shears. The next morning, I tripped over a tangle of hair flowing down my leg. I had four-foot feathers sticking awkwardly out of my right wing. I might have accepted Twilight’s apologies for the unanticipated side-effect of her treatment if only she could have stopped giggling and wiped that grin off of her face!

During his trial, the Storm King ignored the Triarchs, his defense attorney, the prosecutor, and anypony else present. All five days, he chose to fall asleep in his cage while Moon Dancer did her best to represent his interests. Time was allotted for those who suffered the loss of loved ones to address the court, though the yeti paid them no more attention. The senior remaining dragon representative recalled the life accomplishments of Wing Shredder, emphasizing his valor and success against the Storm King’s troops before he was brought down. After completing the eulogy, the dragon leaned toward the prisoner’s cage and uttered an oath in the draconian tongue. That drew the one and only reaction from the Storm King over the course of the week – a brief smile. I turned to ask Spike what it meant, but he had covered his mouth and ran out of the throne room. I glanced at Twilight to see if she could help, but her wide eyes and pale face made me reconsider. Perhaps it was better not to know.

Once the trial was finished, I volunteered to deliver the verdict to the Storm King after he awoke. I walked into the top level of the Canterlot Castle dungeons. Twenty Royal Guards and a half-dozen mages surrounded the cage where my former opponent lounged, examining his claws with a frown. He was wearing black shorts sewn for him by Rarity and sported an eye patch over his right eye socket. His eyebrows rose as his remaining eye looked me up and down.

I stopped a few feet away from the cell – well within arm’s length if he chose to reach through the bars.

He spoke for the first time since his defeat. “You don’t really believe you can prevent me from taking my revenge, do you, cute little pony?” He yawned, showing all his fangs. “I’m just that good!”

“Since you couldn’t be bothered to stay awake earlier, I thought I’d tell you the verdict now that you’re well-rested.” Ignoring his eye-roll, I said, “You’ve been found guilty of all charges and sentenced to banishment to Tartarus, where you will spend the rest of your days. The nature of the place prevents you from feeling hunger or thirst. Instead, you will have plenty of time to reflect on your crimes.”

The yeti waggled a finger. “MistAAAAaaaaake. You know I’m not going to be reformed during the few sleepless nights you can hold me. Better to go with what you recommended to your co-rulers and give me a one-way train ticket to the afterlife – no exchanges, no returns.” He gave me a knowing smile. “But you couldn’t convince the softies, could you?”

My turn for a knowing smile. “But what would be the purpose of that? You would have to be a threat, which you are not. In the unlikely event that you eventually escape, all of your conquered lands will be used to their freedom and will have Equestria’s help to keep it that way.”

He laughed. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about that. My empire comes later.” The yeti showed me all of his fangs. “First, I have another matter to attend to. You see, I always keep my word, and I made you a promise regarding your friends.”

It was my turn to show him all of my teeth. “I look forward to that day. Then I won’t have to hold back.”

The Storm King fell onto his back, clutching his stomach as he convulsed with laughter. After a minute or so, he rolled back to a crouch and placed his hands on the bars. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see guards take a step forward. I also saw a mage’s horn start to glow.

“I take personal offense at your threat to my life, cute little pony. I can’t be satisfied until—”

I cut him off. “Oh, I wasn’t threatening your life. Not one bit. No, I’d rather take your other eye. Just use my telekinetic magic to rip it right out of its socket. I just can’t be satisfied until I have a matching set, you see.” Unicorn magic didn’t work that way, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. Instead, it was my turn to give a carnivorous smile.

The Storm King smirked and tapped his chin. “Well, well, well. We will just have to wait and see which of us is a liar, won’t we?”

I turned around and trotted away, calling over my shoulder. “Wait and see? Only one of us will.”

Two days later, Trixie and I heard a knock on the door to our suite.

My beloved said, “It isn’t quite the season yet, Mismark Clienteles. Trixie doesn’t mind you calling up a paramour, but your timing could use some work.”

I chuckled and gave my smiling wife a kiss. Though I didn’t know who it could be at this hour, they had to have a valid reason to interrupt our private time, otherwise our guards would have intervened.

Opening the door, I recognized the pony immediately. Mystic Confluence was one of the senior members of the Guild of Mages and could only be here for one reason. She said, “Your Highness, the temporal distortion preventing access to the bottom level of the dungeons has dissipated at last. All beings are accounted for. You wished to be informed.”

I did. The last-ditch safeguard was triggered during the Storm King’s attack. Apparently, the senior guardspony Ebon Blade determined that the risk to his charges had been great enough to energize the artifact that displaced the entire level of the dungeon in time. While an hour would pass for the guards and prisoners, approximately a week would elapse for the rest of us. “Approximately” turned out to be a little over nine days. Not even Discord could penetrate the boundary layer of temporal interference.

I turned to Trixie while I reached for my circlet crown. “Might as well get this over with.”

She came up and nuzzled me. “Would you like me to come with you for moral support, Dowser? After all, it is unlikely she has any.”

I snorted. “Our prize prisoner certainly has morals. You just have to understand where she’s coming from.” I gave Trixie a kiss then a gentle pat on her distended barrel. “I’ll be back soon.”

At the entrance to the dungeons, I personally thanked Ebon Blade for his quick judgment and the rest of the team for their service. They had been relieved of duty after their re-emergence into our time stream. I ordered them to take three days’ paid leave to catch up on events. That got me a round of cheers. Then I recommended they celebrate their good fortune of receiving nine days of overtime pay by Royal Decree. That got a much louder reaction and I got a sore barrel from all the back-slaps I received.

A few minutes later, after exchanging pleasantries with Flim and Flam, I was standing outside the familiar cell of our captive changeling queen. She decided to ignore me while continuing the endless scarf that draped around the entire chamber.

Chrysalis blinked a few times and frowned. After finishing a row she looked up. Her eyes widened and she glanced just above my eyes, then she scowled. “If you mean to upset me by wearing—”

I said, “The Changeling Stone which was instrumental in my defeating the Storm King.”

She continued, “… my favorite piece of jewelry. Ever.” Chrysalis got up and walked to stand in front of the doorway, her chains clinking along the ground behind her. The changeling queen stood quietly, an expectant look on her face.

She hadn’t commented on my new appendage. Chrysalis only cared about her revenge. I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything different. “The Storm King has been sentenced to imprisonment in Tartarus.” I waited but got no reaction. “If you wish, you can be sent there as well. I’ll even authorize you two sharing the same cell.”

Chrysalis showed me all of her fangs, reminding me more than a bit of the condemned yeti. Weren’t they a great match for each other?

I said, “I had the area of the prison scouted by changelings. They confirmed that the magic that sustains ponies, centaurs, yetis, and other creatures there does not do so for changelings. You would be responsible for procuring your own nourishment.” The queen’s smile fell. I continued. “Perhaps you could coax love from the Storm King, Tirek, or the various creatures that are likewise imprisoned there.”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, then retreated to the center of her cell. She once again picked up her knitting and ignored me.

I turned around and trotted up the hallway.

Once I had reached the next level, Penumbra glided up beside me. “In the mood to twist the knife a bit, are we?”

I shrugged. “She wanted the chance. I gave it to her. I let Chrysalis decide if it was worth the price. Obviously, it wasn’t. Her choice, not mine.”

“Hmmm. Yeah. I noticed how she didn’t complain.” The next minute or so was spent in silence.

Penny looked at me with a smirk. “Still, it would have been entertaining to see those two in the same cage, or in the same room for that matter.”

“Maybe,” I said. “Like you, I can’t imagine any such reunion would last very long.”

I think it was the sliver of moonlight falling on my eyes that woke me. Glancing at the clock with its softly glowing dial, I saw that it was a little before dawn, yet I felt not even a tiny bit sleepy anymore. I was wide awake and knew I wasn’t going back to sleep again, so I decided to get out of bed. Carefully extricating myself from my wife’s limbs, I managed to slip out of the covers without waking her.

With just the tiny amount of lunar illumination peeking through the curtains to guide me, I made my way to the balcony door. I brushed aside the hangings and stepped out, closing the door behind me. The moon was almost full and I could see well enough now, so I made my way over to the railing without tripping over any furniture. Rearing up, I placed my forelegs over the railing and looked at the scenery.

To my left, I could see the main square where the Storm King’s invasion had started weeks ago. Repairs had been completed and the entire area looked as it always had, at least under the moonlight. By day, it was more obvious what was replaced if you knew where to look.

Ahead of me and to the south, the valley that Mount Canterhorn overlooked was partially lit although the lowering moon’s light was starting to be blocked by the high mountain ranges to the west. In the shadows, I could see points of light – isolated farmhouses whose occupants were already preparing for the day’s work. Further south, a cluster of lights in the distance showed the location of Ponyville. I thought I could see moonbeams glistening off Twilight’s castle too. It was all very serene and beautiful.

“Hello, Equestria,” I said softly. “Thank you for welcoming me into your world. I never knew what I was missing before Harmony decided I was needed here. Oh, I know I was pissed off at first, but I didn’t realize how much I needed more friends and to get out of the comfortable rut that I had made for myself. I only thought that I was happy back then, but you showed me I could be so much more. And I’ve grown too. I never would have believed that I could be a leader but here I am, co-ruler of the greatest country on Equus. In that time, I’ve changed from a bumbling pegasus to a competent pegacorn – how much more do you have planned for me?”

I chuckled a bit. “I suppose I’ll find out in good time. I think I’m up to the challenge though. I just wanted to say… thanks. Thank you for my new life. Thank you for my beautiful wife and wonderful friends. And thank you for the child that will soon make my life complete.”

“Talking to the world again, Dowser?”

I turned to see Trixie in the balcony doorway. I smiled at how gorgeous she looked in the moonlight. “You know how I get philosophical at times like these, Lulu. Anyway, shouldn’t you be asleep still? You need your rest.”

“The bed felt empty without you. It woke me up.”

I walked over to the broad bench seat and jumped up onto the cushions. Patting a spot beside me, I said, “Care to join me here instead?”

She nodded and climbed up, somewhat less agile due to her gravid belly. She had to lie on her side to be comfortable but she leaned on me for support. I put a wing over her barrel to help keep her warm. As a pegasus, even one with a horn, I didn’t even notice the coolness of the pre-dawn air but I knew she would quickly feel it.

“This is nice,” she said, snuggling up closer to me.

“Mmm, yes, I agree.” I kissed her.

We stayed like that for a while before Trixie spoke up again.

“Which do you think will happen first – the birth of our foal or the dedication ceremony marking the completion of the throne room remodeling?”

I snorted. “Knowing our luck, you’ll probably go into labor the moment of the big event.”

Trixie giggled. “Cadance has done that already, remember? Besides, at the rate the contractors are going, Trixie suspects she won’t get the chance to preside in it for months.”

“I think they’re trying to come up with something to match the awesomeness of Discord’s gravity-defying fountain on the ceiling.”

“Thanks for keeping that. Trixie finds it amusing.”

“It’ll probably make a certain draconequus happy too.”

We lapsed into silence for a little while before Trixie spoke up again.

“Twilight Sparkle asked if I would be interested in playing a role in her new School of Friendship.”

“She did? In what capacity?”

“That hasn’t been decided yet, although Trixie suggested that she would need a headmare.”

“And when would you have time to do a second full-time job? Or do you plan to give up princessing?”

“Don’t be silly, Dowser. It can’t be that hard after running a nation.”

Somehow I doubted it would be that simple, but Twilight’s pet project was months away from fruition and much would change between now and then. It would be interesting to see how a special school where part of the curriculum specifically dealt with learning about friendship would fare. However, I agreed with the alicorn that the current goodwill among the various races needed to be capitalized upon. Nevertheless, there was still a lot that could be done beforehand, especially in light of all the new species we had to deal with as a result of temporarily annexing all of the Storm King’s former conquered territories.

“Don’t forget how busy we’ll be for the foreseeable future. We’re going to have to spend years propping up some of the countries and cities that suffered most under the Storm King’s domination. I think you should devote your spare time to our family for a while.”

My wife sighed. “Trixie supposes you’re right.”

I nuzzled her and said, “Don’t worry, Lulu – I’ll always be there by your side. I really am looking forward to being a father.”

“Are you nervous, darling?”

“Terrified. Utterly out of my depth,” I admitted.

“Trixie too. Just a little.”

“Good thing we’re doing this together and have so many friends to help us.”

The moon suddenly accelerated toward the western horizon, setting with the haste that was typical of this magical world. We looked over to the east which rapidly brightened with the approach of the sun. Silhouetted against the dawn light was Twilight who was standing on another balcony attached to her suite. Her horn was glowing as she used her alicorn power to raise the solar orb. Perhaps she wasn’t the smoothest yet, but she was getting better every day. I think she actually found it harder to get out of bed at this early hour than taking over responsibility for raising and setting the sun and the moon from the Guild of Mages.

Twilight had really grown into her role. With all the changes that had happened to me, I wondered if I would have to face something similar someday. That was a problem for future me though. Right now, I concentrated on snuggling and loving the mare beside me.

After several minutes of intimate silence, Trixie said, “Dowser?”

“Yes, darling?”

“I think my water just broke.”

Hoo boy!

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Author's Note:


But fear not – Book Three begins next chapter. :twilightsmile:

Sorry that it took so long to get this chapter up. However, we were waiting for the final piece of art by Pinefool to close out Book Two.
Mark's bad hair day picture is by Foxenawolf.

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